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House Corporation Update

Issue 9 September 2012

Special points of interest:

Feasibility Study Update St. Pats 2012

Feasibility Study Recommends Capital Campaign for Chapter House

Pennington & Co. presented the results of the Feasibility Study to members of the House Corporation in July. The 40 page report (with appendixes and charts) recommended that ADZ implement a minimum fundraising goal of $2.0 million. Regarding ADZ alumni the report concluded: The ADZ House Corp and the undergraduate chapter owe a debt of gratitude to those alumni and undergraduate members who pledged $24,000 at Homecoming 2011 to cover the expenses of the Feasibility Study. ADZ House Corporation Voted to Proceed . ADZ House Corporation voted to engage Pennington & Co for $126,000 plus about $21,000 in expenses to conduct a Capital Campaign and other services to raise $2.8 million within 5 years. In addition, ADZ House Corp. will most likely need to secure new debt financing later in the campaign. All debt can be retired by raising chapter house bills starting no later than Fall Semester 2017, and still maintain house bills lower than the cost of the least expensive dorm at MS&T and less than the three fraternities that already have made costly house improvements.) Fraternal Law Partners of Cincinnati has been engaged to create a 501 (c) (3) tax deductible foundation to receive the funds from the campaign. `

Chapter House 1917

Inside this issue: Feasibility Study House Photos St. Pats 2012 1946 Transit RollaMO 2007 1 2 3-5 6 7

90% were interested in the


The campaign will consist of several major phases including: I. Preparation of promotional materials; solicit board members for gifts 2 months II. Quiet Phase Solicitation of major gift prospects -14 months III. Solicitation of undergraduate chapter IV. Solicit mid-level donor prospects; finalize class and era campaigns 2 months V. Direct mail solicitation phase late 2013 to late 2015 I am sure all loyal brothers will get involved and support the Capital Campaign as we secure the future of Lambda Chi Alpha on the Rolla campus. In ZAX, Len Kirberg President ADZ House Corp

ADZ alumni leadership is


Attitude toward the project is

Favorable by keeping the current location of the house,

89% rated the chapter house

improvement as Important or Very Important, Maybe to supporting the project, $3.5 million was a realistic amount for the project,

86% of alumni said Yes or

52% said Yes or Maybe that

74% favored proceeding with

fundraising 22% said maybe, only 4% said no,

80% of alumni were interested

in the Capital Campaign,

83% said they would make a

pledge to the campaign 7% said maybe, only 10% said no.

Page 2

House Corporation Update

Alpha Delta Chapter House Through the Years

Muckers House 1917

Chapter House 1937

Chapter House 1952

Chapter House 1962

Adding the wings in 1964

Chapter House 1968

Chapter House 1997 with roof and new windows

Page 3

House Corporation Update

Homecoming 2012, 11-13 October

Pack your bags and load the car. It's time for a road trip to Missouri S&T Oct. 11-13 to celebrate Homecoming 2012: Destination Rolla Hundreds of alumni, families and friends will return to Rolla for Homecoming 2012, the social hotspot where alumni can do just about anything they want: stroll across campus, intermingle with old friends, and cheer on the Miners as they battle the Cardinals from William Jewell College.

Alpha Delta Zeta will host the annual Homecoming Housing Corporation Meeting at 9:00am on Sat. Oct. 13, 2012. Stop by early for breakfast!!

St. Pats 2012 Alumni Attendance

A 580 Gene Faenger A 608 Chuck Toedtman A 609 Al Faenger A 610 Len Kirberg A 681 Curt Hertel A 1131 Kevin Schwalje A 1135 Scott Preston A 1139 Jason George A 1158 Rob Sutton A 1171 James Nelson A 1176 Scott Green A 1177 Troy Williams A 1212 Todd Monroe A 1314 Joe Hoff A 1357 Mark Puzach
If your name was omitted from the list or you see other errors please advise the Alumni Chairman.

* Brother Sutton held a Fraternity Education session on academics last fall. Emphasis on grades resulted on a noted improvement in chapters overall academic performance. * Brother Kirberg gave an interim report on the Feasibility Study on the future of a new ADZ Chapter House. Members reviewed preliminary rendering and floor plans and made suggestions and recommendations.

The Housing Corporation held its annual St. Pats Meeting this year in Rolla. Highlights from this years meeting included: * The members formed a collection committee to assist in collecting debts from current an alumni members. Outstanding debt is over $10k. * The chapter is currently seeking a new Academic Advisor. Brother Scott Grasman is no longer working at MS&T.
Brother AD1002 Tom Green serving as the 2012 Honorary St. Pat

Page 4

St. Pats 2012

House Corporation Update

Brothers AD1131 Kevin Schwalje and AD1135 Scott Preston trying some green beer

Brother Jim Buckley, Alpha Deltas 2012 Student Knight

Brothers AD609 Al Faenger and AD580 Gene Faenger

Housing Corporation President AD610 Len Kirberg discusses the feasibility study at the St. Pats Meeting

Brothers AD1139 Jason George, AD1158 Robby Sutton AD1131 Kevin Schwalje at the MS&T Alumni Lunch

Page 5

St. Pats 2012

House Corporation Update

Actives, Associates and Alumni during the St. Pats Housing Corporation Meeting 2012
Brother AD1201 Dozzle Randazzo serving as the St. Pats Court Photographer

Brothers AD1139 Jason George, AD1177 Troy Williams, AD1212 Todd Monroe, AD1158 Robby Sutton, AD1176 Scott Green AD1131 Kevin Schwalje, AD1135 Scott Preston at the MS&T Alumni Lunch

Get your GREEN!!!

ADZs float entry????

Housing Corporation President AD610 Len Kirberg discusses floor plans with active members

St. Pats Court in the manure spreader!!

Page 6

House Corporation Update

Excerpts from the 1946 Transit

NEW INTIATES Charles Velvin Turner of St. Louis, Mo., is now Alpha Delta 313. Vel started out to become a Chemical Engineer but Don .Meyer soon convinced him he should be a physics major. He has already shown a keen mind, both academic and otherwise. At the present time he is in the armed services and we are looking forward to the day when he will be with us again. Alpha Delta 314 is Stan Hrach, who hails from Richmond Heights, Mo. Stan is a freshman mechanical and was out for varsity football his first semester here. Stan was quite popular from the moment he arrived here and his 1917 model convertible did spartan duty until it went the way of all good cars. Alpha Delta 315 is also from Affton, Mo. He is Gene Tyrer and is a Chemical Engineer. Gene is a good bridge player and has shown good journalistic ability on the Miner staff. At the present time he is the sports editor of the Miner. NEW PLEDGES From the cold January elements, seven new pledges were welcomed into the fraternal atmosphere of Alpha Delta. We are glad to have these men with us we wish them the best of luck. Back with us this semester is Don Griesedick. After spending a year in a prison camp, he has decided that M. S. M. isnt so bad after all. Don, originally pledged in 42, was reinstated with this new class. He is majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Seen bouncing between almost any two actives is Don Gokenbach. "Gooke" comes from Affton, Missouri and is very much interested in golf, tennis, and playing bridge with a certain young lady as his partner. He is a bundle of "vim, vigor and vitality" and is cheerful while doing any tasks assigned. The athlete of Alpha Delta is Russ Sublette who hails from Kansas City. Weight lifting and dancing are his specialties, and he may be seen at most of the dances throwing some girl around, One look at his muscular physique and you can easily see why the girls swoon. We have one married man in the pledge class, Jack OBrien of Mexico, Missouri. He has taken a lot of stiff ribbing from the fellows but he has survived the strain. All we ask is, "When do we get cigars?". From the Canadian part of the Hemisphere, comes Lionel Villemaire to study Mining and Geology. He is the only freshman active in the A. I. M. E. and were proud of him. Commonly known as "Frenchie," it is rumored he is teaching some of the co-eds their French lessons. Another pledge hailing from Affton is Ronald Knueppel. Hes been a hard worker and a great asset to the pledge class. Although he hasnt made up his mind definitely he expresses a preference for Mechanical Engineering. The last pledge is George Klaber. If you see a little black Ford flashing along, then youll know George is around. He lives outside the house, but can easily be recognized by the bandaged finger on his right hand. Thats what you get for pointing. George intends to become a Chemical Engineer.

First row: AD295 Niewoehner, AD217 Mitchell, AD310 LeBrell, AD293 Daniels, AD290 Meyer Second row: OBrien, AD313 Turner, AD292 Schuster, AD299 Masterson, AD305 Ryan, AD301 Miller, AD309 Dameris, Gillham, AD297 Allbaugh. Third row: AD307 Kehner, AD300 Downey, AD311 Poppitz, AD312 Walter, Lavat, AD308 Teel, AD315 Tyrer, Villemaire Back row: AD314 Hrach, AD304 Burterbaugh, AD317 Sublette, AD341 Heineck, AD288 Meenen, AD283 Gebhardt, AD316 Gokenbach

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House Corporation Update

ROLLAMO Flashback: 2007-2008

Jeremiah Landers and Gavin Ackerman

Group Photo 2007 Jesse Luckett, Andrew Jordan, and Shawn Borgerding during Alumni Active work weekend.

AD 1317 Steve Puzach during Alumni Active work weekend.

Chapter Photo 2008

Alpha Delta Zeta Lambda Chi Alpha 1705 N. Pine St. Rolla, MO 65401 Tel: 573-364-9901


Alpha Delta Zeta Alumni Update

We Want to Hear From You
Your news is important to us, and we would like to hear from you before we publish the next issue of the UPDATE. Please send the following information to the House Corporation Secretary, Brother Preston at Name E-mail Address Years at Alpha Delta Zeta and number Occupation Family information Information you would like to share with fellow alumni If you have any old photos of your time at Alpha Delta, please scan them and email them to Brother Preston. We will use them in upcoming issues.

September 2012
Potential Members In this Issue House Feasibility Update St. Pats 2012 Homecoming 2012 ROLLAMO Flashbacks Old Transits Revived

Issue 9

Alpha Delta is always looking for quality new members. If you know of any young men who are attending (or will attend) M S&T please contact the Rush Chair Duncan Baker cell 815-409-9668

Like the Old Photos?

Do you like the old photos in the UPDATE? Brother Schwalje, House Corporation Treasurer, worked with the M S&T Alumni Office to scan some of the old photo albums from the chapter. We will continue to use these old photos in upcoming editions. If you are interested in obtaining copies of the photos, please contact House Corporation Secretary, Brother Preston at

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