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All Grampians Region Staff

Finance & Administration Manager 2012.13 Budget 15th August 2012 File No: D12/39622

As you are aware there are significant pressures in Victorian Government finances resulting in reduced funding for CFA for this year, and indeed for future years. The CFA Board has implemented sizeable reductions across all Directorates and Regions to achieve a balanced budget; however it is recognised that this is not sustainable into the future. Further work to address this challenge is underway. At its meeting held on 7 August, Grampians RLT considered the impact of our reduced budget allocation for the 2012.13 financial year. Grampians funding has been cut by $213k and we have also been directed to absorb cost increases which are estimated to be in the vicinity of $75k, bringing the real impact of the budget cuts close to $300k. This reduction comes on top of the budget cuts in 2010/11 ($430k) and our overspend due to increased costs in 2011/12 ($254k). Whilst RLT has tried to minimise the impact of the reduced funding on staff, unfortunately there will be a number of casual and part time staff impacted. Additionally, RLT has identified a number of other austerity measures that are required in order for us to meet our budget allocation. In summary this will mean:Casual ASO / Training role in D17 reduced from .8 to .4 FTE (4 days to 2 days per week) Casual ASO role D16 reduced from 1 FTE to .6 FTE (core hours over 5 days) Temporarily shift 1.6 FTEs from Grampians staffing establishment to project funded roles Overtime will be analysed, monitored and more strictly managed Non-essential staff vacancies will not be filled immediately, and consideration will be given to the necessity to replace the person Staff are encouraged to purchase additional leave where no relief is required There will be no relief provided for non-essential positions Operational Catering the current practice of issuing ration packs is being reviewed PPC Where possible new recruits will be issued with 2nd hand gear which is deemed fit for purpose (i.e. has been cleaned and is in reasonable condition) Non-essential building maintenance programs have been deferred Printing & Stationery Software will be installed to prompt users to print in mono rather than colour and duplex rather than single sided Contractors DSE to be approached to negotiate capping the costs associated with fire spotting towers

2Training 1st Aid courses will only be conducted when there is a full enrolment False Alarm Charges We will apply less tolerance in approving waiver requests whilst still complying with S20B requirements Fuel Costs Overspends for 2011.12 to be analysed and strategies implemented to reduce costs where possible Incurring of expenses including travel, accommodation and meals require pre-approval from your manager. Video conferencing is to be used to minimise these costs.

Our 2012.13 budget will only be achieved through the co-operation and goodwill of all members (staff & volunteers) throughout the region. Clearly, a number of the above cost saving strategies are not sustainable and as such there is significant work to be done both corporately and regionally in adapting to our economic environment, whilst at the same time maintaining our service delivery to the community.

RLT will continue to keep members informed as to how we are tracking against budget and the identification / development of further efficiency measures as they come to hand.

C:\DOCUME~1\WATTJ6T\LOCALS~1\TEMP\wzfbcf\2012.13 Budget Memo 14 08 2012.DOC

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