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WWIIVC5-31-12inA_a 5/30/12 3:27 PM Page 1

Greatest Japanese advance, 1942



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Col. James P. Muri

B.26 Pilot, Battle of Midway Distinguished Service Cross Recipient

Toth Anniversary of the Battle of Midway

Dear Mr Rayas,

I hope you enjoy this Pacific Battles of World War II map.

Committee to commemorate the TOth Anniyersary of the Battle of Mdway.

I am honored to present this gift to you, IvIr Rayas, on behalf of the World lVar II Veterans

When I look at that map, and find the tiny dot of "Midway," it's still hard to believe that I was part of one of the greatest navhl battles in history.

It happened seventy long years ago, but bullets nppmg tlrough mY plane.

I can still smell the burning oil, and feel the Japanese

We lost a lot of good men that day, but we knew what had to be done in order to save the rilorld from tyranny during World War IL You can see a picture of me and mv flieht crew on the other side of the matr I sent you. I'll tell you aboirt the remalkable experiEnce I had at the Battle of Midway iir a second, but first, Mr Ra,yas,I must askyou to do two important things:

1) .

When you are done with vour Pacific Battles of World War II map, please share ii with vour child oi grandchild, or some other young persoir. 'Or perhaps you can donate it t6 a high school.

I've found thal..when young people can see on a map where these important battles took place, they are.much more likely to.be exiiteil about learning about Wortd War II.'Along with shanng your map, I also hope that you wlll...


Make the patriotic decision to support the efforts of the WWII Veterans Committee.

The World War II Veterans Committee is doing more than anv other oryanization to teach our Ioyth pbout the service and sacifice of America's vetErans. Believe ine when I'say that the work they are doing is needed now more than ever. The sad truth is... young people know shockingly little about the Greatest Generation.

teach about

This ignorance is because in this "polifically correct" time manv of our nation's schools don't WWil heroism and the sacrifices madb for our freedom.

American soldiers during WWII as war

If you don't believe me, Mr Rayas, go to your local middle or high school and ask to see their history textbook. You'll be surprisedtry w6at you find
Even the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, DC created a display that portrayed America as the aggressor and Japan as a small nation valiantly fiying to preserve its culture.

But you and I know that's not the true story. backs to the wall, American forces fought back with strength and pride.

I want our children to know about the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and how, with our

I saw with my own eyes ordinary Americans who did extraordinary things, and gave their lives to fight back against the tyranny of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.
Seventy years ago my crew and I took Midway. I will never forget that day...

offin my 9-26 bomber


Q" tojoin the Battle of

This battle was crucial. If the Japanese were successful in taking Midway, then Hawaii or even California may have been next. The outcome of the War rested largely on this one battle.

My crew and I were tasked with completing the first ever torpedo bombing run against the advancing Japanese fleet.
deadly Japan-ese fleet came into view.

I was iust a kid from a small town in Montana. Nothing could have prepared me for when that

Before I knew it. thirty Japanese zeros had launched offof their aircraft carriers and had engaged us in a brutal fight. As-the battl-e began, my nerves melted away and my only focus was bombing those enemy ships and keeping my crew alive. As I went in for my bombing run, anti-aircraft fire started to tear my plane apart.

After I launched my torpedoes, there were enemy planes all around me. There was only one clear path for me to take - and ihat meant flying right over the-flight deck of the enemy carrier.
So. I broueht mv plane down and came within feet of the Japanese aircraft carrier. As I buzzed the flight deck, niy gurin^ers strafed the enemy ship with machine gun fire. I saw Japanese sailors run an-d dive as my [lane buzzed through.

Little did I know at the time that this Japanese ship was the Akagi- the flagship of the Japanese Admiral in charge of the fleet! Our brazen attack on the aircraft carrier bought us enough time to escape enemy fire and head back to our base on Midway.
"Suzie Q" hadreceived over 500 bullet holes, and there was blood all over the cockpit my wounted crew. The controls were shaking so hard that my arms became numb. from

When I finally landed Ty $qmaged plane on Midway, the control panel popped right out onto my lap! It's a miracle that we made it back.

the JapaSres_e were tgught that Americans were cowards...that we would run from a fight. But this early attack showed that we would do whatever it took to defend this great country.
After our bombing run, the Japanese fleet struggled to regroup and made some crucial stratesic mistakes. This allowed American foices to strike, andllaim a tiemeindous victorv. The Battle of Midway crippled the Japanese Navy, and gave us.the advantage in the Pacific War.
FuJ, Mr !.aya;, as we park the 70th Anniversary of this American victory I'm afraid that our nation is forgetting the sacrifice so many made to keepfreedom alive.

It is crucial that we pass this legacy on to crur nation's youth

we had to offen

so that they

will understand...

.'.this nation is not fnee by accident! We paid the price of fneedom with the best blood

All across tl.ris country,.yolng b_o;p-left their families, picked up a gun, and shipped off to faraway islands in the Pacific and lonely batilefields in Europe.
Many neYer came back.

I fuq_"j ]apanese bullets and bombs foronsreason: to make sure that my kids and grandkids could grow up with the God-given gift of freedom.
But as I reach the sunset years-of my


that legacy is being lost.

I thought I'd never see the shameful day when our own schools would portrav me and mv fellow \!1VII vets as '\*'ar criminals. " lVe owe it to ihose boys who never made it home to tell the frue story of their sacrifice, instead of this 'lolitically correctt'-nonsense. Mr Rayas, that's why I hope you will use the TOth Anniversary of the Battle of Midwav to make patriotic gift to the WorldWar I-I Veterans Committee o.f.928, $42, $70, $150, $807, or morrJ today. I f know those are odd amounts, but I will explain their significance on the enclosed reply forrn.
Yoy s9e, the World War II Veterans Committee is doing more than any other organization to preserve the legacy of the Greatest Generation.
Take a look at some of the remarkable things they are doing:

As part of their Oral History Proiect, the World War II Veterans Committee has comoiled the largest collection of WWII oial history recordinss in the world. With nearlv 1.00b WWII vets passing ?yay eyery single day, they've Seen working even harder fo rbcord these storieS befoie it's too lat6.
The World War II Veterans Committee publishes accurate and engaging school curriculum used in hundreds of middle and high schools in order to combat tle""p"oliticallyCooeii;__ revisionist history currently being taught.

Thev sDonsor the only National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC. The WWII Vetrirafis Commiuee 6rought this parade back-to our nation's capital after a 69 yeat hiatus.

This is iust a small sample of what the World War II Veterans Committee is doing to bring the legacy of the Greatest Generation to the latest generation. Thev are able to accomplish alt of this without any govemment money. Their only financial support cofoes from patriotic Americans like you, i\'[r Rayas. Without vour tax-deductibte gift of $28, $42, $70, $150, or $307, there would be no World War Veterans Committee to preserve this proud chapter of American history.


Veterans Committee will thank you bv nlacin"e _vour rulme in*their Book of Honor. This listing of patriots will be on permanent display at the Arnericari-Veterans Center in Arlington, VA.

If you are able to give at teast $28, IUr B4y*rth" Wbrld



And if vou can send a taxdeductible eift of $'42 or more, you will also receive a free subscription to American Valor Qu.arterly, an award-winning compendium of ilersonal accounts of battles from \\orld War II veterans.
Your immediate support is crucial, Mr Rayas. Our World War Every day, nearly 1,000 of my fellow veterans pass away.

II generation is slipping


We are running out of time. If you and I don't do all that we can to preserve the legacy of our World War II iets right no\f,, tlien soon it will be too late. N{r Ravas, my service during Wbrld War II taught me that freedom isn't free. We have to eam it. If vou unO idon't piss the legacy df our WWII generltion on to our nation's youth, then I am afraid that " thii lerson will smn be lost. So. please...don't put this off. Use the enclosed envelope to rush your gift of $28, $42, $70, $150, or ariy amount to tlie World War II Veterans Committee today. 5307,

Thank you very much for your support.


Col. James Muri (USAF Ret.)

p.S. When vou are finished with your Pacific Battles of World War II map, I hope yo-u will pass it on to. vour child dr srand-child. It is my hope that this map will inspire a young person to become tnterestecl tn learning aboulthe proud legacy ltift to them by our WWII vets'

you and I have a lot of work to do in order to pass the legacy of our World War II heroes down to the next g*ruti*. your iupport now will help determine whCther or not we will have an America who Femembers her heroes.

Thank you for letting me know about the work the World War II Veterans Committee is doing_t9 F9"p the spirit of the Greatest Generation alive! I want to join in this important work, which is why I am sending my tax-deductible gift to the World War II Veterans Committee for:

$150 $307 -

$70 -

$42** -

$28* -

For the 28 American Naval ships involved in the Battle of Midway For 1942, the year of the Baffle of Midway For the 70th Anniversary of this historic battle For the 150 American aircraft that were tragicalty shot down during the fight To honor the 307 brave Americans who gave their lives during the -Battle of


Colonel Muri, I can afford to give even more: [ | Other: $ Please make your check payable to the World War II Veterans Committee or see reverse to contribute via credit card.
Please provide your email address so that we may update you (for intemal use only). Email address:

Il$s00 il$r,000

gtft of S2S or more qualifies your name and hometown to be entered in the World War Committee's Book of Honor This wilt be on permanent display in the American Veterans


Veterans Center.


Stft of Sa2 or more also entitles you lo afree year-long subscription to American Valor euarterly, magazinefull of personal accounis ftom Wortd Wai II vets. your support mikes -award-w-inning collecting these stories possible. Thank you for your kind support.

Mr Alejandro Rayas 3O2O Cork Dr El Paso TX 79925-4307

MP0017 32100299181
P.O. Box 96543, Washington, D.C. 20090-6543

Please charge my

gift of


to my: f,l

fl Discover


MasterCard U Amencan ExPress

Name on Card Card Number Exp.



organization, gifts to a World War II Veterans Committee is a project of the American Studies Center is $501(c)(3) our Financial Report is of which are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. A copy VA from World War II Veterans Committee at 1100 N. Glebe Road, Suite 900, Arlington, available upon request 2220lor by contacting any of the following state government agencies.

MAY BE OBTAINED A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION WITHIN THE STAIE FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE, OR RECOMMENDATION 1.800-435-7352. REGISTRAIION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENI APPROVAL charitable organizations laws can By THE STATE. Maryland: Documents and information filed under the Maryland Mississippi: The offrcial registration and be obtained from the Secretary of State for the cost of postage and copies. the Mississippi Secretary of State's financial information of World War II Veterans Committee may be obtained from imply endorsement by the Secretary office by calling l-ggg-236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of state does not CONCERNING THIS of State. New Jersey: INFORMATION FILED WITII THE ATTORNEY GENERAL GENERAL OF THE STATE OF CHARITABLE SOLICITATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY AT NEW JERSEY BY CALLING 973.504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET GENERAL DOES NOT IMPLY WWW.NJCONSUMERAFFAIRS.GOV. REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNEY from the organization or from ENDORSEMENT. New york: A copy of the latest annual report may be obtained Officer, 120 Broadway, New York' NY the New york State attor*y c"rr"iut" charities Bureauo Attn: FOIL a copy of its license are available 10271. North carolina: Financial information about this organization and an endorsement by the state' from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-888-830-4989. The license is not War II Veterans Committee may be obtained pennsylvania: The official registration and f,rnancial information of World 1-800-732-0999. Registration from the pennsylvania Departtent of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, are available from the State Office of does not imply endorsement. Virginia: Upon requesi, financial statements Washington: The registration statement Consumer Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services' the Secretary of State. Additional information can be obtained required by the chantable Solicitation Act is on file with the registration and financial documents by calling l-g00-332-44g3. west virginia residents may obtain a summary of 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement' from the Secretary of State, State Capitot, Charleston, WV

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