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EXAMINEES DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONNAIRE1.Sex :1. Male2. Female2.Civil Status :1. Sin gle2. Married3. Widow/widower4. Separated/Divorce3.

Age bracket where you belong :1. 18-24 years old2. 25-31 years old3. 32-28 years old2. 39-45 years old5. Mor e than 45 years old4. Highest educational attainment:1. College graduate2. Diplo ma/Certificate3. With Masters Units4. Masters Degree5. With Ph.D. Units/Degree5. Y ear of last attendance in school :1. Before 19852. 1986-19903. 1991-19954. 199620005. After 20006. What honours did you receive when you graduated from college ?1. Summa Cum laude2. Magna Cum laude3. Cum laude4. Other academic award5. None/ not applicable7. Present employment:1. Government2. Private3. Self-employed8. Ty pe of present job:1.Professional/Technical/Scientific2.General Clerical3.Trades and crafts (jobs requiring manual dexterity of application of manual/mechanical/ artistic skills)1 The 20 times that follow are information about you. Please sup ply the information asHONESTLY and ACCURATELY as you can.The data that will be o btained from these items shall be held strictly confidential.Each item is follow ed by several possible answer. On your sheet, shade completely the boxthat corre sponds to the number of the answer that specifically pertains to you. http://phi applicable9. Length of experience i n present job:1.Less than one year 2.One to two years3.Three to four years4.More than four years5.Unemployed10. Do you have any of the following first level eli gibilities:Second Grade, Municipal/Provincial Clerk, General Clerical, Career Se rvice Sub-Professional(Local Government), Career Service Sub-professional1. Yes2 . No11. For what reason are you taking this examination?1.Entrance to government service2.Change of appointment status3.Promotion4.Others12. How many times have you taken the Career Service Professional? Examination excludingthis one?1. Onc e2. Twice3. Thrice4. More than thrice5. Never 13. Which of the following activit ies did you undertake in preparing for this examination?1.Enrolled in review cen ters2.Studied career service examination reviewers sold at bookstore3.Engage in other activities4.Used a combination of 1 and 2.5.No preparation done at all14. Category of government office where employed:1.National government2.Local govern ment (province/city/municipal)3.Government-owned or controlled corporation4.Cons titutional office5.State college or university15. Status of present appointment in government service:1. Permanent2. Temporary3. Casual/Emergency4. Contractual5 . Substitute2 Items 14 to 16 (For Government Employees Only): http://philcivilse Years of experience in government service:1. Less tha n 5 years2. 5-9 years3. 10-14 years4. 15-19 years5. More than 19 yearsItems 17 t o 20In which of the following types of work do you consider yourself best qualif ied? Choose only twofrom among the options listed in items 17-20. Shade the boxe s that corresponds to your choices.For example, if you think you are best qualif ied in budget management, and project planning/management, shade box no. 2 of it em 17 and box no. 3 of item . Leave items 18 and 20 blank. If you think you are best qualified in research/report including statistical analysis, shade boxex no . and no. 2 of item 20 on your Answer sheet, and leave items and 19 blank.17. 1. Accounting2. Budget Management3. Buying/Purchasing4. Co-ordination6.Computer Op erations18.1. EDP Computer Programming2. EDP System Analysis and Design3. Human Resource Development5.Management and Audit Analysis19. 1. News/Feature Writing2. Personal Recruitment/Selection3. Project Planning/Management4. Public Relation Work 6.Records Management20. 1. Research / Report Writing2. Statistical Analysis 3. Stenography4. Supplies Management6.None of the Above* TEST BEGINS HERE *DIREC TIONS:Choose from among the suggested answers the word that means most nearly th esame as the word in capital letters. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box thatcorresponds to your answer.21.Ang PAGAL na guro ay sandaling tumigil ba go muling nagpatuloy sa pagsasalita.1. pagod2. galit3. pihikan4. mabagal5. mahin ahon22.A special group in the police force is believe to be engage in FURTIVE ac tivities.1. illegal2. suspicious3. unusual4. worthy5. secret23.The Defense prese nted its case to the jury in a TRENCHANT manner.3 Legalistic2. dignified3. vague4. Emphatic5. Cautious24.Ang mga mag bubukid ay NABIHASA sa paggamit ng kalabaw bilang katulong nila sa pagsasaka.1. nagsawa2. nagtiwala3. nasanay4. natuto5. nahirapan25.Pilos insensitivity has crea ted ANIMOSITY to the workers demands.1. distrust2. hostility3. fear 4. distance5. dependence26.The baffled owner ACQUIESCED to the workers demands.1. opposed2. re

acted3. agreed4. resisted5. listened27.The recommendation of the wage council is REPUGNANT to the employers.1. acceptable2. objectionable3. beneficial4. degradi ng5. embarrassing28.Sanctuaries for wildlife have DWINDLED alarmingly in the las t decade.1. disappeared2. changed3. decreased4. multiplied5. deteriorated29.Reck lessness always entails JEOPARDY.1. danger2. crisis3. apprehension4. control5. a ggression30.Business, like life, is much too extensive and LEQUESCENT to be whol ly contained by any checklist, formula or theory.1. structured2. changeable3. Co mplicated4. shapeless5. confusingDirections:In each of the following sentences i s a blank space indicating that a word or group of words has been omitted. From among the suggested answers choose the word or groups of wordsthat best conveys the concept or meaning of the sentence as a whole. On your Answer Sheet, shadeco mpletely the box that corresponds to your answer.31.Realizing that we were deter mined to go, our experienced friends __________ thatthere might be more difficul ties along the way than we expect.1. dismissed2. intimated3. insisted4. projecte d5. concluded32.Ang patuloy na pag-angkat ng mga produktong banyaga, na siya nam ing tinatangkilik ng mgamamamayan, ang dahilan ng __________ ng mga industriyang local.1. paghinto2. pagbabago3. pagtitipid4. pagkawala5. pagkalugi4 http://phil strong government is needed to promote ______ ____, not dependency, and toencourage free enterprise.1. self-alienation2. selfevaluation3. self reliance4. self-awaremenss5. self-determination34.Mass media d evelop in us level of consciousness that keeps us __________, currentevents.1. i nterested in2. adjusting to3. excited over 4. fearful of5. abreast of 35.Failure is the most tiring experience a person can ever have; there is nothing more ___ _______ than not succeeding being blocked, not moving ahead.1. Invigorating2. Di scouraging3. Exhilarating4. Enervating5. depressingDIRECTIONS:Some of the senten ces in this section contain an error in grammar or correctusage. On your Answer sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds to that section of thesentence that contains the error. If there is no error in the sentence, shade completely box number 5.36. A three-act play or a novel are to be read;a total of two hundr ed pages12of poetrylyric, dramatic, or narrativeisalso required of everyone.34NO E RROR 537. Accuracy of movement,like accuracy of words,are essential to1 23the su ccess of magical rites.NO ERROR 4 538. If anybody objects, let them think of a b etter schemerather than make fun12 3of the proposed plan.NO ERROR 4 539. In this modern age of today, most people are too highly educated12 3to believe in super stitions.NO ERROR 4 540. College teaches usto form opinionsby the resultof caref ul thought12 3 4NO ERROR.541. Learners set goalsas motivation for learning, and their successes or failures in1 25 eving these goals determine how he sets his future goals.NO ERROR 3 4 542. The L abor Secretary will met representativesof the entertainment industry tomorrow12t o discuss problems affecting the working conditions of Filipino workers abroad.3 4NO ERROR 543. Some people aresimply too opportunities to take a stand1 23on con troversial issues.NO ERROR 4 544. We were discussing about political issuesso he r remarks12about clothes and fashionwere completely beside the point.NO ERROR 34 545. The best consultants are those who can suggest1or apply an array of method s aim at helping their clients2understand a situation, diagnose it, and3act acco rdingly under a given situation.4NO ERROR 546. We were touch by his generositywh en he obviously could ill afford123to be so generous.NO ERROR 4547. This is just one approachto a selection systemand there are many1 2 3from whom to chooseNO E RROR 4548. Maaaring umabot sa sandaang taonang buhay ng isang tao1 2kung gugustu hin at susundan lamangang mga positibong saloobin.NO ERROR 3 4 549. I use to tak e a short siesta every afternoonafter lunch.NO ERROR 1 2 3 4 550. The success of a leader lays not only on the leaders ability to influence people,1 26 http://ph also in the sincerity of the purposethat he desires to achieve.NO ERROR 3 4 5DIRECTIONS:Read each of the following sentences carefully, then choose which among theseveral choices in each group is expresse d most satisfactorily in terms of grammar and correctusage. On your sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds to your answer.51. 1.Plumbers who work effi ciently from the point of view of a homemaker are worthy of their wages.2. Plumb ers are worthy of their wages who work efficiently from the point of view off ah omemaker.3. Plumbers, from the point of view of a homemaker, who work efficientl

y, are worthy of their wages.4. From the point of view of a homemaker, plumbers who work efficiently are worthy of their wages.5. Worthy of their wages are plum bers who work efficiently from the point of view of ahomemaker.52. 1. The time f or most people has come to change their attitudes and lifestyles.2. The time has come when people must change their attitudes and lifestyles.3. The time when th e attitudes and lifestyles of the people has come to change.4. The people must c hange their attitudes and lifestyles and the time had come to change.5. People m ust change their attitudes and lifestyles, and it is because the time has come t ochange.53. 1. Her brother, whom I met in the party, is more richer than you thi nk.2. Her brother, I met him in the party, is very much richer than you think.3. Her brother, whom I had met in the party, is richer than you think.4. Her broth er, whom I met in the party, is much richer than you think.5. I met her brother in the party and he is richer than you think.54. 1. The fisher folks decided to go to the nearby hut finally drenched with rain.2. The fisher folks finally deci ded to go to the nearby hut drenched with rain.3. Drenched with rain, the fisher folks finally decided to go the nearby hut.4. Finally drenched with rain, the f isher folks decided to go the nearby hut.5. Finally deciding to go to the nearby hut, the fisher folks were drenched with rain.55. 1. The Filipino people have r egained their respect and trust in their government.2. The Filipino people have regained their respect and trust for their government.3. The Filipino people hav e regained their respect for their government and even their trust init.4. The F ilipino people have regained their respect for and trust in their government.5. The Filipino people have regained, for their government their respect and trust in it.56. 1. The education of his children is most paramount in his plans.2. The education of his children is more paramount in his plans.3. The education of hi s children is paramount in his plans.4. The most paramount of all his plans is h ow to educate his children.7 Paramou nt in his plans more than any other things is the education of his children.57. 1. As soon as the tabulation of the figures have been completed, someone should check theaccuracy.2. As soon as tabulated, someone should check on the accuracy of those figures.3. As soon as the tabulation is finished, someone was to check its accuracy.4. Once the tabulation was completed, the accuracy of the figures s hould be checked.5. Someone had ought to check the accuracy of those figures whe n they have been tabulated. 58. 1. Sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan ay natutunghayan muli ang makukulay na lumipas ngmagigiting na tao.2. Sa pamamagitan ng kasaysay an, ang lumipas na makukulay ng magigiting na tao aymuling natutunghayan.3. Ang makukulay na lumipas ay natutunghayan muli ng magigiting na tao sa pamamagitanng kasaysayan.4. Muli ang makukulay na lumipas ng mga taong magigiting ay natutung hayan sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan.5. Natutunhayan muli ang lumipas ng magigitin g na tao na makukulay sa pamamagitan ngkasaysayan.59. 1. One has to be either 65 or blind to claim an extra personal exemption.2. One has either to be 65 or bli nd to claim an extra personal exemption.3. One either has to be 65 or blind to c laim an extra personal exemption.4. Either one has to be 65 or blind to claim an extra personal exemption.5. To claim an extra personal exemption, one either ha s to be 65 or blind.60. 1. I will never, unless he apologizes first, work with h im again.2. I will never, unless he apologized first, work with him again.3. I w ill never work with him again, unless he asks for an apology.4. I will never wor k with him again, unless he apologizes first.5. Unless he asks for an apology, I will never work with him again.67. For a society to develop, its attitude towar ds life must not be a fatalistic one; rather, it musthave strong faith in its ca pacity to improve.The sentence best supports the statement that _________.1.the attitude of a society towards life is indicative of its socio-economic developme nt2.success in life starts from ones dissatisfaction with the existing state of a ffairs3.a society cannot progress unless it is actively committed to the pursuit of a better life4.a person develops a healthy attitude towards life through con stant efforts to improvedoneself.5.a person with an optimistic outlook in life i s confident of his capacity for advancement68. Freedom and human rights without food are like freeing a prisoner and then not giving the prisoner the key to get out of the cell. The 450 million people who today live in the shadowof hunger a nd death from malnutrition can never be free men and women, however entrenched t

heir freedom may be. These freedoms are only prospects held out and not realized .The paragraph best supports the statement that times people hav e to work as one nation to address the problem of malnutrition8 http://philcivil of the poor countries in the world today still d epend on super rich countries for support3.the satisfaction of ones basic needs is a prerequisite to the enjoyment of freedom4.a country which cannot feed its peop le with its own resources could never be free5.a country could not be free unles s it could prove to the world that it could stand on its ownfeet69. The Einstein revolution has produced a paradox; while vastly extending humankinds reach,it ha s also exposed the essentially finite nature of the human scale. The sentence be st supports the statement that Einsteins discovery _________.1.proclaims only the glory of the universe2.devalues humanity and science3.involves a real but not o bvious contradiction4.reveals a contradiction between God and his people5.reveal s peoples limitations70. A little ignorance when launching economic development p rojects may be a fruitful stimulusto ingenious new approaches. The sentence best supports the statement that techniques insure success of devel opment approaches bring about change and success3.ignorance sometimes gives birth to new knowledge4.from ingenuity comes successful projects5.lack of knowledge in economic ventures may lead to better and improved results71. If le gislation is to change social attitudes and values, it must come with adequateen forcement and machinery, which should include efforts to educate people on these laws.Otherwise, legal provision not only remain dead letters, but actually prom ote lack of respectfor the law.The paragraph best supports the statement that __ ________.1.people should respect laws because laws protect them2.the effectivene ss of laws lies in adequate education of the people about them and their proper enforcement.3.laws lose their effectiveness if people do not respect them4.ignor ance of the law does not excuse anyone5.laws could change the social attitudes a nd values of people if properly enforced72. Two person look out through the same bars; one sees mud and the other, the stars.The sentence best supports the stat ement that __________.1.some people are more blind than others2.people see thing s differently depending on their own perspective3.people have varied ways of loo king at different things4.people have different tastes and interests5.people ten d to influence one anothers views of things73. An education really suited to the rural environment can become both acceptable and genuinelyfunctional only when t he environment begins to offer real opportunities and to require skills and9 htt p:// on a large scale. As long as opp ortunities lie only in the urban economy, education willremain in servitude to t hat small section of society.The paragraph best supports the statement that ____ ______.1.migration to the cities result from the lack of real opportunities in t he rural areas2.the rural environment has opportunities that need to be develop3 .we have a concentration of educational opportunities in the urban areas4.rural occupational opportunities give meaning to rural education5.our educational syst em caters mainly to the needs of the urban sector 74. No matter how strong and d edicated leaders may be, they must find root and strength amongthe people. Alone , they cannot save a nation. They may guide, they may set the tone, they maydedi cate themselves and risk their lives, but ultimately national survival lies in t he people.The paragraph best supports the statement that __________.1.dedication and the right sense of direction enable a leader to guide the people2.good lead ership is essential to effective public is the leader who det ermines the fate of a nation4.the people of a nation shape their own destiny wit h the guidance of a leader 5.the strength of the people comes from a dynamic and forceful leader 75. Ang pagbaba ng halaga ng piso lumikha ng krisis sa maraming industriya ng bansa. Kasunodnito ang pagtitipid at problema sa kawalan ng mapas ukang trabaho. Lumikha rin ito ng pagtataasng presyo ng mga bilihin na labis nak aapekto sa kita ng mga manggagawa.Ayon sa talata __________.1.ang kasalukuyang k risis ay bunga ng mga mahal na bilihin at kawalan ng mapasukangtrabaho2.ang kris is ay nakaapekto sa hangarin ng maraming industriya na makapagbigay ngkaragdagan g sahod sa kanilang mga manggagawa3.dumarami ang mga walang hanapbuhay at tumata as ang halaga ng mga bilihin dahil sakrisis4.maraming industriya ang nalulugi da hil sa krisis kaya itinataas din nila ang presyo ngkanilang mga produkto.5.dahil

sa krisis, maraming industriya ang napilitang magsara76. The gregariousness of people is mostly due to a fear of remaining alone. It feels safer to bewith a gr oup, talk like a group, act like a group. The ramparts of group solidarity give the memberssecurity.The paragraph best supports the statement that __________.1. people who belong to a group react to situations in the same manner 2.some peopl e are more gregarious than others3.people who are gregarious are afraid to be al one4.people find safety in numbers5.gregarious people have many fears77. Most re searchers in needy countries are based on the thinking and approach of the highl ydeveloped Western world, and seldom have they been directed toward meeting the countries; owndevelopment needs.10 sentence best supports the statement that _________.1.highly developed countries offer the best guide for the development of needy countries2.most researchers d one in needy countries are missing their objectives3.most researchers have unive rsal application4.needy countries need researchers to help them reach the status of the western world5.needy countries spend so much time for conducting researc hers78. In a modern economy, the results of long-range planning frequently depen d upon the futurevalue of money. The ability then to predict the value of money is a key to economic progress.The paragraph best supports the statement that ___ ______.1.the value of money is unpredictable at times2.the unpredictability of m oney is an obstacle to a nations prosperity3.economic progress is facilitated by properly controlling budgetary expenses4.long-range planning is unheard of in tr aditional planning is indispensable in modern economy79. Si xty years ago I know everything ; now I know nothing ; education is a progressiv e discoveryof our own ignorance.The sentence best supports the statement that __ ________.1.the older we get, the more we forget what we have learned2.the older we get, the more knowledgeable we become3.the more we learn, the more we realize that theres more we need to know4.we learn more as we grow old5.ignorance is a l ifelong experience80. Nagawang mabago ng mga kasalukuyang awitin ang kamalayan n g Pilipino upang kantahinang sarili niyang mga awit sa tanging wikang nakapagsas atinig sa kanyang kaluluwa.Isinasaad ng pangungusap na __________.1.madamdamin a t makabuluhan ang mga awiting isinulat sa wikang Pilipino2.tagumpay ang mga awit ing Pilipino na mabago ang kaugalian ng mga tao Pilipino3.madaling matutuhan ang mga awiting Pilipino dahil ang mga ito ay nasusulat sakatutubong wika4.natututu han nang tangkilikin ng mga Pilipino ang kanilang mga sariling awitin5.nagkakaro on na ng kamalayan ang mga Pilipino tungkol sa lahat ng mga awitin ngayonDIRECTI ON:Determine the relationship of the first word to the second word in capital le tters.From among the suggested answers, choose the word or group of words that b est expresses asimilar relationship to the third word in capital letters. On you r Answer Sheet, shade completelythe box that corresponds to your answer.81. KAIN GIN is to SOIL EROSION as CONTOUR FARMING is to __________.1. water distribution 2. wind erosion3. crop growing4. over pasturing5. soil preservation82. IRREFUTAB LE is to DISPROVED as IRREPARABLE is to __________.11 http://philcivilserviceexa restored2. irremediable3. possible4. inevitable5. insoluble83. FORE is to AFT as BOW is to ____________.1. paddle2. deck3. boat4. arrow5. ster n84.PHOTOGRAPHER is to PICTURE as CARTOGRAPHER is to __________.1. plan2. design 3. graph4. cartoon5. map85.TIRADE is to ABUSIVE as EULOGY is to __________.1. la udatory2. flowery3. necrology4. belittling5. censure86.PERJURY is to LIE as LARC ENY is to __________.1. conspire2. kill3. steal4. injure5. trespass87.OPTICS is to PHYSICS as DIALECTICS is to __________.1. dialogue2. mathematics3. diction4. grammar5. logic88.RUMMAGE is to DISORDER as TENDERFOOT is to __________.1. rooki e2. expert3. student4. veteran5. old-timer 89.COMPASS is to DIRECTION as CALIPER is to __________.1. speed2. pitch3. diameter 4. altitude5. volume90.BREWING is to BEER as TANNING is to _________.1. rubber2. cotton3. tea4. glass5. leather DI RECTION:For each sentence, complete the analogy by choosing a pair of words from thesuggested answers. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that corre sponds to your answers.91.__________ is to METAMORPHOSIS as CATHARSIS is to ____ _______.1. condition-chapter2. comparison-effect3. state-cause4. process-stage5. change-purification92.__________ is to SWORD as HOLSTER is to __________.1. bla de-spin2. scabbard-pistol3. duel-bolo4. sheath-shot5. hilt-rifle93.__________ is to SCHOOL as STAR is to _________.12

. student-rock2. principal-dancer3. fish-constellation4. bird-tree5. thesis-play er 94._________ is to LATE as AUTHENTIC is to _________.1. punctual-counterfeit2 . prompt-genuine3. diligent-original4. absent-false5. early-real95. __________ i s to PAPER as WORM is to __________.1. wrap-wriggle2. tree-silk3. print-bait4. s ap-tick5. ink-soilDIRECTION:Analyze carefully the statements in each of the foll owing items. Choose the correctanswer from the given choices. On your Answer She et, shade completely the box that correspondsto your answer.96. A to H are perso ns compared according to their age and the speed at which they finish a certain job. A is older than B and faster than C. D is younger than E, older than H, and slower than F. G isolder than H, younger than C, slower than H, and faster than F. H is older than A and Slower thanC. Based on the preceding statements, which of the following is true?1.A is the second oldest and the third fastest.2.G is older than E and Slower than A.3.C is younger than D and fastest than H.4.D is t he eldest and slowest5.H is the older than B and slower than D97. Point E, F, G, I are arranged in a line in such a way that F is between G and I, and E is betw eenF and I. If E proceeds G, in what order are they arranged?1. E F G I2. E I G F 3. F I G E4. I E F G 5. I G F E98. In a certain examination, 300 competitors p assed the first part and 500 passed the second part.The number of competitors wh o passed both parts of the examination will most likely be __________.1. 8002. b etween 500 and 6003. between 400and 5004. between 300 and 400 5. not more than 3 0099. Anna, Karen and Nina take turns in getting the midnight shift at Ward 143 such that no one isassigned two nights in a row. Anna was assigned two nights ag o and is assigned again tomorrowevening. If Karen is assigned the night immediat ely following Anna \s duty, who can taketonights midnight shift?1. Only Anna2. Onl y Karen 3. Only Nina4. Either Anna or Karen5. Either Anna or Nina100. Mina, Bing , Amy, and Cel have surnames Folres, Mendez, Presez and Reyex but notrespectivel y. Mina is taller than Amy and Cel. Ms. Mendez is tallest of the four. Ms. Flore s is taller 13 Ms. Reyes but short er than Ms. Perez. Also, Cel is taller than Amy and Bing. What is the fullname o f the second tallest person?1. Amy Mendez2. Cel Perez3. Cel Flores4. Bing Reyes5 . Mina PerezDIRECTIONS:Each item in this section consists of a statement or a pa ssage followed by severalassumptions. Determine the best assumption that can be logically made from the given statementor passage. On your Answer Sheet, shade c ompletely the box that corresponds to your answer.101. Gigi is probably a pianis t. She can really stretch her hands and fingers.ASSUMPTION:1.Only people with bi g hands and long fingers can be pianists.2.Playing the piano helps Gigi stretch her hands and fingers.3.Stretching helps pianist perform better 4.A long stretch enables pianists to reach more keys on the piano5.Pianists can really stretch t heir hands and fingers102. Arlene should not be part of the basketball team beca use she does not trust her teammates.ASSUMPTION:1.The Basketball team needs Arle ne even if she can has no faith in them2.Team mates should have faith in each ot her 3.Arlenes team mates are not trustworthy4.Arlenes team mates do not have faith in the teams5.Arlene is better than her team mates103. If you are so smart, the n why arent you rich?ASSUMPTION:1.To become rich is difficult2.Only the rich are smart3.Only the smart are rich4.All rich people are smart5.All smart people are rich104. In order to improve our admission process and get better students, we h ave decided to includean interview of the applicants as a criterion.ASSUMPTION:1 .Current admission procedures are greatly inadequate2.current admission criteria need to be updated3.An interview of the applicants will help draw better studen ts4.An interview of the applicants will be too time consuming5.An interview of t he applicants will ensure the students success in school14 http://philcivilservi The present administration helps poor people acquire ba sic necessities for living that is why ithelps quarter dwellers like Aling Rosie ASSUMPTION:1.The present administration hates rich people2.Aling Rosie asked the present administration to help her 3.Squatter dwellers pretended to be poor 4.S quatter dwellers compete with poor people for the present administrations attenti on5.Squatter dwellers are considered poor peopleDIRECTION:Each item in this sect ion consists of statements followed by several possibleconclusions. Assume that all statements are true, then determine the best conclusion that can belogically made from the given statements. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box

thatcorresponds to your answer.106. Artists are never ham-handed. All artists ar e inquisitive. Peter is not ham-handed.Florence is not inquisitive.CONCLUSION:1. Peter is an artist2.Peter is not an artist3.Florence is not an artists4.Florence is not an artists5.Inquisitive people are not ham-handed107. Subscribing to Cab le T.V. is a luxury. All luxuries are needles expenditures. Having a cellular ph one is not a luxury. Dining in a Five-Star hotel is a needless expenditureCONCLU SION:1.Having a cellular phone is not a needless expenditure2.Subscribing to Cab le TV is a needless expenditure3.Subscribing to cable TV is not a needless expen diture4.Dining in a Five-Star hotel is not a luxury5.Dining in a Five-Star hotel is a luxury108. Some managers are not analytical. All managers are ruthless. Vi cente is Ruthless.CONCLUSION:1.Vicente is a manager but is not analytical2.Vicen te is analytical but is not a manager 3.Some ruthless managers are not analytica l4.Not all analytical managers are ruthless5.All ruthless people are analytical1 09. All of my friends believe in marriage. Geraldine is a new friend. She lives with an officematein an apartment downtown.CONCLUSION:1.Her housemate is most li kely a good friend15 is living-in with her boyfriend3.She needs a companion in the city4.Geraldine believes in ma rriage5.Geraldine is not married yet110. There are fewer juvenile delinquents in communities where the youth participate actively indifferent socio-civic and re ligious clubs. Barangay X has a number of youth clubs.CONCLUSION:1.Barangay X ha s fewer juvenile delinquents than other barangays2.Parents in Barangay X exert g reat efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency3.Municipal officials encourage the organization of youth clubs4.Community development workers in Baranggay X give t raining in organizing youthclubs5.All young people in Baranggay X are member of at least two youth clubs.DIRECTION:For each item in this section, determine the relationship between the first and thesecond numbers or the first and third numb er. From among the suggested answer, choose thenumber that will complete the ana logy.111. 32is to 9 as 92is to __________ 1. 182. 273. 724. 815. 90112. 30% is t o 3/5 as 60% is to __________ 1. 1 1/52. 1 3. 3 4. 2 1/35. 2 113. 0.25 is to 0.125 as 1.25 is to __________ 1. 6.2502. 2.1253. 1.6254. 1.1255. 0.625114. 12.5 is to 1/8 as 20 is to __________ 1. 1/62. 1/53. 4. 1/35. 115. 6 is to 15 as 36 is to __ _________ 1. 902. 823. 754. 725. 60DIRECTION:Each item section contains a series of numbers arranged according to a certain ruleor order. Study the series and d etermine which number is next. You may use the margin of the page for your compu tations. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds toyour answer.116. 9.1218.1316.1513.189.22__________ 16 http://philcivilserviceexam.blo 3.252 . 4.273. 5.234. 6.295. 5.26117. 141340121364__________ 1. 623 2. 7193. 8654. 9975. 1093118.5171961416710128 _________ 1. 172. 153. 114. 95. 51 19. 795261168427225732833__________ 1. 5432. 4843. 4624. 4465. 426120.-630-150750 __________ 1. 37502. 22503. 15004. 22505. 3750121.1/33/95/157/219/27__________ 1. 1 1/352. 11/333. 9/294. 8/255. 4/13122.4168402012060420__________ 1. 4802. 3603. 2 404. 2105. 140123.258104175266 __________ 1. 402. 383. 374. 355. 33124..02.06.12 .20.30__________ 1. 0.362. .403. .424. .465. .48125.2512.531.25__________ 1. 33. 752. 43.253. 50.754. 78.1255. 82.12517 DIRECTION:Answer the following questions by observation or computation. You may use themargins of the page for your computations. On your Answer Sheet, shade co mpletely the box thatcorresponds to your answer.126. If the following quantities were arrange from the least to the greatest, which one would havethe second gre atest value?1. 6/122. 5/123. 4/104. 5. 2/6127. The ratio of males to females in a n organization isMis toF.How many males are there if there areTfemales?1. (M x T ) + F2. (F x T) + M3. T + (F + M)4. (M x T) / F5. [M / (M+F)] x T128. Suppose th at the time now is 9:30 a.m. What will be the time 16 hours from now?1. 12:30 a. m.2. 1:30 am3. 2:30 am4. 11:30 pm5. 12:30 pm129. What number when increased by 9 0% of itself equals 133?1. 302. 433. 704. 1195. 120130. If y- -3. Which of the f ollowing has the greatest value?1. y22. y3 3. 1/y24. 1 + y5. 1-y131. Which of th e following has the least numerical value?1. 6+3x42. 4+3x63. 4x6+34. 3x6+45. 3+6 x4132. A trader bought a watch and sold it at 30% more than its original cost. H ow much did thetrader earn if the original cost of the watch was P?1. P + 30%2. P 30%3. 30% x P4. 30% / P5. P + (P x 30%)133. What is the standard numerical val ue for 3.54 x 105?1. 0.0003542. 0.003543. 3, 35404. 35, 4005. 354, 000134. Of se

t S 4/5, 41/50, 17/20, 75% the element with the largest value is __________.1. 7 5% 2. 4/53. 41/504. 17/205. None, they are all equal18 http://philcivilserviceex What is the smallest positive number that will give a remai nder of 3 when it is divided by 4,5, or 10 ?1. 632. 533. 434. 335. 23DIRECTION:F or each of the problems below, choose the correct answer from the choices given. You may use the space at the right portion of the page for your computations. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds to your answer.136 .There are 36 reams of bond paper in a drawer. If 1 dozens of reams of paper wer e to beused in printing, how many reams should be left in the drawer?1. 152. 203 . 214. 225. 23137.If a poster, which is 3 inches wide and 5 inches long, is enla rged such that the ratio of thewidth to the length is maintained, how many inche s long will it be if the new width is 9inches?1. 112. 133. 154. 255. 27138.If a worker can wash all the glass windows of a building in 9 days, what part of the job cansaid workers finish in 6 days?1. 2. 1/33. 2/34. 3/55. 139.Ms. Cortez bought 20 blouses for P2, 400 and marked them to sell at P145 each. After selling16 pi eces at this rate, She decided to sell the remaining blouses at a lower price. A t what price may she sell each remaining blouse and still realize a profit of P4 80 on the 20 blouses?1. P1432. P1403. P1384. P1355. P133140.In a room of ten peo ple, how many handshakes will there be if every person shakes handswith everyone else exactly once?1. 102. 453. 544. 605. 81141.The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than its denominator. If 3 added to both the numerator and the denominator the resulting number is . What is the original fraction?1. 8.142. 9/123. 10/124. 9/135. 10/1319 Gustin can cli mb a coconut tree at the rate of 10 ft. per minute and return at 20 ft. per minu te. If it took him 3 minutes to climb and return, what is the height of the coco nut tree?1.20 ft. 2. 18 ft.3. 15 ft.4. 13 ft.5. 10 ft.143.A fence is to be on po sts 8 meters apart around a rectangular lot that measures 40 meters longand 16 m eters wide. How many posts are needed, including the ones placed at each corner, tofence the entire lot?1. 202. 183. 164. 145. 12144.How many degrees are there in the angle made by the hands of a clock at 4 oclock?1.150o2. 120o3. 95o4. 80o5. 20o145.The co-operative trust fund is P500,000. Part of the fund is invested at an annual interest rateof 6% and the rest is invested at an annual interest rat e of 8%. If the income from bothinvestments is P39,000, how much is invested at each rate?1.P100,000 at 6% ; P400,000 at 8%2.P80,000 at 6% ; P420,000 at 8%3.P75 ,000 at 6% ; P425,000 at 8%4.P50,000 at 6% ; P450,000 at 8%5.P25,000 at 6% ; P47 5,000 at 8%146.The entrance fee in a carnival is P50 for an adult and P25 for a child. Ferdie pays P225 for the entrance fee of his family. If his family has eq ual number of adults and children, howmany are they in the family?1. 122. 103. 8 4. 65. 4147.The area of a rectangular field is 9,000 square meters. If the ratio of the width to the length is5 is to 8, what is the length of the rectangular f ield in meters?1. 1122. 1203. 1504. 2255. 346148.If a patient weighs 105 kg. And is 12.5% underweight, how many more kilograms should the patient weigh?1. 52. 1 03. 124. 135. 15149.A tenant gets 4 sacks of palay for every 7 sacks harvested. Following this ratio, how manysacks of palay would the tenant get if 560 sacks w ere harvested?20 1402. 2803. 3004. 3 205. 350150.A dealer sold a certain number of portable TV sets at P6,400 each. T he dealer would havetaken in as much money had 3 fewer sets been sold at P7,680. How many sets were sold atP6,4001. 92. 123. 144. 165. 18DIRECTION:The following items pertain to the Philippine Constitution, peace and human rightsconcepts R. Z. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employee s),values, and environmental protection and conservation. Read each question car efully and choosethe best answer from the given options. On your Answer Sheet, s hade completely the box thatcorresponds to your answer.151.Elective or appointiv e public officials or employees cannot accept any present,compensation, office o r title of any kind from any foreign government without the consent of 1. The Pr esident2. The Ombudsman3. The Chief Justice4. The Agency Head5. Congress152.Whic h of the following rights ensure the well-being of the individual and foster pre servation,enrichment and dynamic evolution of national culture based on the prin ciple of unity indiversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual expres sion?1. Political rights2. Civil rights3. Inherent rights4. Cultural rights5. Ec

onomic and Social rights153.Right that guarantees similar treatment to all perso ns similarly situated and precludesarbitrary or unjust discrimination to secure and safeguard such right is called the _________.1.right against double jeopardy 2.right to just compensation3.right to equal protection of the law4.right to due process of law5.right to profess ones faith or religion154.The right to privacy of a person is defined as ones right to __________.1.go where one pleases2.believ e whatever one a home wherever one a member of any gr free from unwarranted publicity155.A voter is disqualified from exercisi ng the right to suffrage if said voter poor a naturalized Filipino citizen4.turned 20 years old just before the election21 h ttp:// been a resident of the Philippine for less than six months156.Who may be appointed as member of the Cabinet withou t needing confirmation from theCommission on Appointments?1.Senate President2.An y Senator 3.Vice-President4.Speaker of the House5.Any Congress Representative157 .The right of private individuals to secure for themselves the enjoyment of thei r means of happiness such as the right to a name, the right to form a family, an d the right to security of personal papers and effects are called ___________.1. Economic and Social rights2.Cultural Rights3.Civil Rights4.Inherent rights5.Poli tical rights158.At least how many years after the Constitution has been ratified may the people proposeamendments through initiative?1. Ten2. Seven3. six4. Five 5. Three159.Which of the following sectors is NOT represented in the House of Re presentatives throughthe party-list system.1. Religious2. Youth3. Women4. Peasan t5. Labor 160.Which of the following government agencies exercises original and exclusive jurisdictionover all contests relating to the election returns and the qualifications of the President and theVice President1.Supreme Court2.Senate El ectoral Tribunal3.Judicial Bar Council4.Commission on Elections5.Commission on A ppointments161.Who among the following is responsible for determining the existe nce of probable cause for the issuance of a warrant of arrest or search warrant? 1. Lawyer2. Prosecutor3. Plaintiff 4. Judge5. Police Investigator 162.Which of t he following statements BEST describes the relationship between global warmingoz one depletion?1.Global warming contributes to ozone depletion.2.Global warming a nd ozone depletion have nothing to do with each other 22 http://philcivilservice build-up of carbon dioxide causes both global warm ing and ozone depletion4.Ozone depletion contributes to global warming5.Ozone de pletion and global warming are synonyms163.Monoculture cropping or planting a si ngle crop in a large area is not advisable because it1.requires more water 2.req uires less fertilizers3.causes drought4.lowers the water table5.promotes pest in festation164.Which of the following is the major cause of coral reef destruction ?1.Dynamite fishing2.Muro-Ami3.Oil Spill4.Sewage pollution5.Siltation165.The las ting environmental impact of a large-scale mining operation comes from1.air poll ution2.noise pollution3.deforestation4.mine railings5.unrestored mined out areas 166.Jaywalking, throwing garbage anywhere vandalism, not waiting in line, and ta rdiness aremanifestations of __________.1.disorderliness2.lack of ck of sense of property4.lack of punctuality5.disregard for other peoples propert y167.Fishery resource in marine and coastal waters may be considered as open acce ss resources because of the nature of fish and water 2.diffic ulty in marking sea boundaries3.proliferation of fish pens4.overfishing in munic ipal waters5.increasing demand for fish, which is rich in protein168.Every gover nment agency is required to develop, update regularly, and make available to the transacting public __________.1.the names of action officers23 http://philcivils performance targets3.the rates of service fees4.a service guide5.a directory of officials169.Within the provided periods of time, public officials and employees are required to file their statement of assets an d liabilities and financial disclosure in the following instances EXCEPT _______ ___.1.compulsory retirement2.voluntary resignation3.acceptance of foreign schola rship4.assumption to office5.expiration of the term of office170.For expenditure s processing of documents, except otherwise provided by law or regulation,how ma ny initials or signature must any written action or decision contain?1. 62. 53. 44. 35. 2***********************************END********************************* 24 SearchSearch History: Searching...Result 00 of 0000 results for result for p.

Part I Philippines Civil Service Professional Reviewer follow me at http://phi lcivilservic....... You ll see all these reviewer there. Easy download and print . This document contains a reviewer of the Philippines Civil ... (More) follow me at http://philcivilservic....... You ll see all these reviewer there. Easy do wnload and print. This document contains a reviewer of the Philippines Civil Se rvice Professional where only 9% of the takers passes the exam. I got a 85.79 ra ting of the July 2008 Civil Service exam by just answering this series of review ers. I don t know where my sister got this, but I m sharing this to help someone out there who are taking future Civil Service Examinations. Download is free. A dvice for taking the exam, first, master/practice the math part, mostly algebra and word problems. During the exam, be sure of your answer, solve fast, time is limited. 2nd, practice the English part, especially the paragraph/sentence const ructions. Don t bother much about anagrams, most examinees find them difficult. Focus on the simple problems. If you are sure of your answers for those simple p roblems, then 100% guaranteed you will pass. Treat difficult problems as bonus. If you don t know the answer, don t leave it blank, choose the answer that comes to your head first. Pray. It helps before the exam. After the exam, don t think about it much, Civil Service doesn t guarantee you ll find a job. In my case, I didn t need it, it was useless. Experience is what matters for most company. Go d bless and have fun!! See Part II and III and the Answer keys on my page. (Less ) Download or PrintAdd To Collection463.8K Reads3.7K Readcasts137.4K Embed Views This is a private document. Published by jedited FollowFollowing SearchTIP Press Ctrl-F F to search anywhere in the document. Info and Rating Category: How-To Gui des/Manuals Rating: (2 Ratings) Upload Date: 03/28/2010 Copyright: Public Domain Tags: CSphilippinesreviewercivil serviceCSphilippinesreviewercivil service(fewe r). Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Word Doc (.doc), text file (.txt) or read online for free. Flag document for inapproriate content.

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