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The Reality of Taqwa

The word Taqwa is derived from the root waqayawhich means to safeguard or to abstain. In the Islamic terminology it is defined as the action of restraining oneself from disobeying the commands of Allah (S.w.T.). When Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked to elaborate on the meaning of the word, Taqwa he replied, Submit to the command {of Allah (S.w.T.)} and do not go near the prohibited. It means that one should endeavor to fulfill all the commands of Allah and abstain from the prohibited things. The Holy Prophet (S) said: On the Day of Judgement there would be people whose good deeds will be as heavy as the mountains of Tahama. Inspite of this it would be ordered that they be tossed into the fire of Hell. Upon this someone said, O! the Prophet of Allah (S), were these people performing Salt (prayers)?, Yes, they used to pray, and fast, and also spend a part of the night in worship. But, whenever they chanced upon something which gave them pleasure, they used to rush to it without thinking whether it was right or wrong. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said, Allah revealed to Hazrat Musa (a.s.), Verily, My slave cannot achieve nearness to Me without the Three things which I like. Musa (a.s.) asked with reverance, My Lord what are those Three things? Allah replied, O! Musa those Three things are: To practice piety in this world, to abstain from sins and to weep due to fear. Musa (a.s.) asked, Does one who fulfills the Three things gets compensation and reward? Allah replied, One who practices piety in this world will get Paradise. One who weeps due to My fear will be accorded such a high position that no else would be able to reach it. The deeds of all the creatures shall be accounted. But one who abstains from that which I have forbidden, then accounting of his deeds will not be carried out; he would be admitted to Heaven directly. As the Holy Prophet (S) says in one of his traditions: My intercession has been kept for the sinful among my followers. (Bihr al-Anwr vol.3).

Suicide in the Hope of Salvation To sin and not to repent in the hope of intercession is akin to consuming poison or putting ones hand in the snakes mouth with the hope that a doctor would arrive and cure you. It is against logic, because after consuming poison it cannot be taken for granted that medical assistance would be available. Even if a doctor and medicines arrive on time it is still difficult to say that life would be saved. Before the medicine could have any effect the poison may spread to the whole body and death may occur. In the same way, one who performs lewd actions in the hope that he would be interceded after death; cannot be sure that intercession will come to the rescue immediately.

Death is of Three Types Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) has related from his forefathers that Amir ulMuminn Ali (a.s.) was queried by someone about death. He replied, You have come to the knowledgeable (personality). Death occurs to a person in one of the Three ways: He is given the good news of everlasting bounties, or informed of the never-ending retribution or he remains in a perpetual state of terror and fear. His affair remains undecided and unpredictable, and it is not known about the kind of future that awaits him. Then (you must know) that our devotee who is obedient of our command and does not sin, is given the good news of everlasting bounties. But our opponent shall forever be involved in Divine punishment. And the person who has been unjust to his soul and who has abused it will be found in an unsure condition. Unaware of what the future will hold. Such a person is a sinner whose death will be accompanied with terror and fear. But Allah will not consider him on the same level as our enemy. Rather he would be removed from Hell because of our intercession. Then, act (rightly) and obey the commandments of Allah. Do not consider the Divine punishment to be trifle, and certainly there are such people who would not be able to receive our intercession till after 3,00,000 years. (Bihr al-Anwr vol.3 quoted from Maaniul Akhbr)

I am Concerned About You Regarding Barzakh Umar Ibn Yazid says that, I asked Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.), I have heard you saying that all our Shias will enter Heaven however sinful they may be? Imam replied, By Allah I had truly said, they shall all belong to Heaven. Then I asked, May my life be sacrificed upon you, even if their sins are great and in large number? Imam said, All of you (Shias) shall enter Paradise by the intercession of the Holy Prophet (S) or his successors on the Day of Judgement. But, by Allah I fear for you the Barzakh.

I asked,What is Barzakh? He replied, Barzakh is the grave. Its duration commences from the time of death until the Day of Judgement. (al-Kfi)

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