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Nuclear Physics: Assignment 1:

Question 1:
The nucleus 40 20 is bombarded by photons with the wavelength = 100 fm 20 A. Prove that the photon energy is sufficient for the photodisintegration of the nucleus

and find the energy of the photo-nucleon. 6.626 1036 3 108 = = = 1.9878 1012 = 1.2424 107 = 12.4 100 1015 The Binding energy of 40 20 is 8.55, 20 > Therefore energy is sufficient for photodisintegration to take place.

The energy of the photo-nucleon is the difference = 3.85 B. Prove that the photodisintegration can be described as the electric-dipole transition (E1 process). Condition that has to be required is that >> 2, where R is the radius of the nucleus 2 = 1.2 3 = 2 4.104 = 8.208 = 100 >> 8.208 The photodisintegration can be described as an E1 process. C. Calculating dipole moment Non-Neutral system, need to use centre of mass as a reference point. At large radius the proton sees the nucleus as a point charge, thus we can model as a 2 particle system. = + +

We assume = 0, due to the large difference in radii. Next we calculate the centre of charge, which has an expression similar to that of the centre of mass, = + +

Remembering = 0, and the form of the dipole moment, = we get, = Realising that = and, + = and, + = and total charge = = = = 1 + + ( ) = [ ]

D. As above for neutron ejected from nucleus As = 0, = = + + +

E. Prove photoemission of a neutron is possible With significant energy and a non-zero dipole moment, photoemission will occur. The dipole moment is non zero for all > 0 F. It is more probable that a neutron is emitted as it does not have to overcome the coulomb potential barrier...

Question 2:
(, ) = 1 + 2
2 3

+ 3

1 3

+ 4

( )2 3 5 4

1 = 15.6, 2 = 16.8, 3 = 0.72, 4 = 23.3, 5 = 34 A. Brief physical meaning of each term. 1 : This is the 'volume term', the nuclei volume is proportional to A, basis of this term is the strong nuclear force +2 3 : This is known as the 'surface term', also based on the strong nuclear force, it is a correction to the volume term. +3
2 3
1 2

: This is known as the 'Coulomb term' or 'electrostatic term', basis is the electrostatic

repulsion between protons. +4


: This is the 'asymmetry term', It's justification is more complex, a consequence of the

Pauli exclusion principal. 5 4 : This is known as the 'pairing term' capturing the effect of spin-coupling in the nucleus. B. Binding energy of a nucleon Proton: = 1, = 1 = (1,1) = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 25.22, , = 25.22 Neutron: = 0, = 1 = (1,1) = 1 + 2 + 4 = 24.5, , = 24.5 Neutron has a smaller binding energy.

C. Binding energy for isotopes of = 21, Source code of my program massExcess.c

#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define #define #define #define #define A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 15.6 16.8 0.72 23.3 34

int main(void){ int element; int massNumMin; int massNumMax; int neutronNum; double massExcess; int massNum; printf("Please enter the Atomic Number:"); scanf("%d", &element); printf("Please enter the minimum Mass Number: "); scanf("%d", &massNumMin); printf("Please enter the maximum Mass Number: "); scanf("%d", &massNumMax); for(massNum = massNumMin; massNum <= massNumMax; massNum++){ neutronNum = massNum - element;

massExcess = -(A1*massNum) + A2*(pow(massNum,0.66666)) + A3 * (pow(element, 2)/(pow(massNum,(0.33333)))) + A4 * (pow((element-neutronNum), 2)/massNum); if((neutronNum % 2) massExcess } else if((neutronNum massExcess } && (element % 2)){ = massExcess + (A5 * pow(massNum,(-0.75))); % 2 == 0) && (element % 2 == 0)){ = massExcess + (A5 * pow(massNum,(-0.75)));

printf("The mass excess for Z = %d and A = %d is %lf MeV\n", element, massNum, massExcess); } return 0; }

$ ./massExcess Please enter the Atomic Number:21 Please enter the minimum Mass Number: Please enter the maximum Mass Number: The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 36 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 37 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 38 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 39 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 40 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 41 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 42 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 43 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 44 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 45 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 46 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 47 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 48 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 49 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 50 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 51 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 52 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 53 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 54 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 55 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 56 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 57 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 58 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 59 The mass excess for Z = 21 and A = 60

36 60 is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is

-256.662043 -279.630126 -296.438624 -316.191102 -330.198651 -347.197751 -358.807027 -373.430360 -382.971229 -395.530316 -403.275525 -414.029668 -420.206655 -429.373445 -434.173334 -441.936725 -445.521268 -452.037837 -454.544826 -459.948690 -461.496210 -465.902919 -466.592733 -470.102377 -470.022639


Binding Energy of Z=21 isotopes

500 450 Binding Energy MeV 400 350 300 250 200 36 41 46 Mass Number 51 56

Question 3:
A. Quark Mass
2 2 + 0 = (+ ) 2 + = ( + ) 2 0 = ( + )


(2) (3) 100

+ = 139.57, Firstly finding k, Add (2) to (3)

+ = 493.67,

0 = 497.65,

2 2 2 + + 0 = + + + = + + 2 = + + 2

= From (2)

2 2 2 + + 0 + = 2359.43 2

2 + = 1 = 0.03292

= 3.292

From (3)
2 0 = 1 = 0.04964

= 4.964

B. Proton Mass 4 2 = 4 2 ~ 1, 2 2 (1)


= 184

We know k from part (A), = 2359.43 , substitute values into (2)

2 = 19970215.52 4

Literature claims this value is approx -12167000eV^3 Subbing into (1) to find proton mass, = 788.39 2 Accepted value of proton mass is 938.272, error is significant but order of magnitude is correct. 4 2

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