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Letters Support the U-Pass have a U-Pass.

Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008
It seems to me that OC Transpo are a
fraud. I saw groups of Yes support- Now, as a member of the Yes cam-
Re: “Standing up to City Hall” Ted Horton bunch of lazy jackasses who are more ers standing outside polling stations paign, I am overjoyed at these results,
(Editorial, Nov. 21) Board of Administration faculty content to hand out parking tickets harassing students. These supporters and at the realization of a dream that
I WOULD LIKE to thank the Ful- director, social sciences every day than increase the size of would descend on a student, explain for many has involved years of long
crum for its editorial last week on the the parking lot to accommodate their their argument, and then guide the hours and hard work to have this
U-Pass—it is important to have stu- Barrhaven solidarity increasingly disgruntled riders. Even bewildered student to the polling sta- choice even brought to the students.
dents aware of the progress and de- Re: “Heckles” (Opinion, Nov. 21) Barrhaven Councillor Jan Harder was tion. When I voted, I even found a Yes As a woman especially, I am thrilled
lays of the initiative. Having been in- A FEW YEARS ago, the only issue I quoted in the article as saying that it’s pamphlet inside the polling station! to be a part of an organization that
volved with the project for two years, had when I used Fallowfield park and ridiculous for OC Transpo to be tick- This is unequivocally the very defi- has fought so hard to make me feel
it is exciting to see it so close to com- ride was how close a parking spot I eting people when there is nowhere nition of electoral intimidation. The safe and empowered on campus. But
ing to fruition. I would encourage all could get. Now, the only issue is I have for them to park and they are not Referendum Oversight Committee now the results are in, the campaign is
students who care to see a universal is whether I’ll get a parking spot at all, blocking in other cars. ought to have enforced the rules and over and we have collectively chosen
student bus pass become a reality in and how much my ticket will cost if I couldn’t agree more with Jaclyn regulations of the SFUO constitution to join the CFS. It’s time to move on.
Ottawa, as it is in dozens of cities in I don’t. Lytle’s article in the Fulcrum last week; on referendums. If the CFS wants fair This shouldn’t be made into a win or
North America, to email the coun- About a month ago I did get a $65 unfortunately, it’s one of a handful of education fees, perhaps they should lose situation. As a friend of mine stat-
cillors of the City of Ottawa (email ticket when I parked at Fallowfield like-minded articles I’ve read in the start with a fair referendum. ed, “We can change more as members
addresses can be found at on my way to campus. Despite the past few months. As much as I like to Matt Fairbanks than as isolated critics”. This means
and express their support for the proj- fact that I wasn’t blocking any other bitch and moan, I think I would pre- Third-year political science that we can now use our voice to help
ect. Supporters can stay up-to-date on cars from leaving, I was one of several fer if OC Transpo just fixed the mess and history student the CFS grow as an organization, be-
the U-Pass on the “The University of dozen cars ticketed that day. Had the that is Fallowfield park and ride be- come more bilingual, etc., and to bring
Ottawa needs a Universal Bus Pass!” transit officer been ticketing my car fore I get another ticket. Diversity and solidarity the concerns of the No side to the table
Facebook group. when I got back I likely would have Steve Dunne as well. It’s a matter of respect for the
The U-Pass will save money, lower punched him in the face or let loose Third-year English student 51.8 PER CENT and 48.2 per cent 21 per cent of students who got in-
emissions, and make a more livable an expletive-laced rant. Instead, I are the numbers everyone is throw- volved by voting or campaigning that
campus and city for students—but crumpled my ticket into a little ball Let’s blame the Irish ing around but I’d like to highlight an we work together to unite our campus,
only if we can convey our support and, in lieu of voicing my displea- even better statistic: 21 per cent. to reach out and understand the posi-
to city councillors to indicate its ne- sure, handed my crumpled ticket to ETHICALLY SPEAKING, NOT eth- That is the percentage of the stu- tion where everyone was coming from
cessity. This project has risen and the City Hall employee when I even- nically, I blame the Irish for the Yes dent population who voted in the and move forward to a solution. This
fallen over the last 15 years without tually paid my ticket last week. But I victory in the Canadian Federation of CFS full-membership referendum. is a time to unite as a diverse student
succeeding, but we are now closer digress. Students (CFS) referendum. Why is For those who don’t know, the larg- body with a wide range of opinions,
than ever. Let’s not wait another 15 I read an article a few weeks ago this, you ask? In the 19th century, Irish est recorded voter turnout in this his- but a common interest in students and
years for something so crucial. This in one of the local Barrhaven news- workers were brought over to England tory of the SFUO was 18.9 per cent, their rights. Solidarity!
time, let’s have a Student Federation papers that, just like the Fulcrum ar- to intimidate voters to vote for a par- which means that more students were Becky Dier-McComb
of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) ticle, slammed OC Transpo for their ticular party. In the same way, the Yes involved in this decision than ever Third-year women’s studies and
initiative with concrete results. Let’s handling of the Fallowfield situation. campaign engaged in blatant electoral before. political science student poll
Contents Which companion of the Order
of Canada has had the greatest
impact on the country?
Last week’s results
Do you think the Maclean’s
News U of O raises rankings of Canadian
tuition fees universities accurately
BOG votes to raise tuition by an average of Terry Fox
4.2% for 2009–10. p. 4 portray the country’s
Amanda Shendruk investigates the prob- Margaret Atwood
p. 4 lems that riddled the recent CFS membership
referendum. p. 5 Tommy Douglas
Pierre Elliot Trudeau Yes
Arts Good date, Bad Flirt David Suzuki 29% No
Hisham Kelati gets down with Bad Flirt.
p. 9 71%
Peter Henderson lists the top 5 Ottawa
Go to to vote!
p. 9 celebrities. p. 10

Sports On top of their game Business Department Advertising Department Got something to say?
Send your letters to
Men’s basketball vies for first place with a The Fulcrum, the University of Ottawa’s Deidre Butters,
pair of wins. p. 16 independent English-language student Advertising Representative
newpaper, is published by the Fulcrum phone: (613) 880-6494 Letters deadline: Sunday, 1 p.m.
Letters must be under 400 words unless
Publishing Society (FPS) Inc., a not-for- fax: (613) 562-5259
Women’s volleyball shut out by Lions. p. 17 profit corporation whose members consist e-mail:
discussed with the editor-in-chief.

p. 16 of all Univeristy of Ottawa students. The

Board of Directors (BOD) of the FPS gov- Check out our rate card online.
Drop off letters at 631 King Edward Ave. or
erns all administrative and business ac- Go to and
tions of the Fulcrum and consists of the follow the link for “Advertisers”.

Feature Five great Canadians following individuals: Ross Prusakowski

(President), Andrea Khanjin (Vice-Pres-
Multi-market advertisers:
Campus Plus: (800)265-5372
Letters must include your name, telephone
number, year, and program of study. Pseud-
onyms may be used after consultation with the
Megan O’Meara highlights Canada’s cream ident), Tyler Meredith (Chair), Peter Campus Plus offers one-stop shopping for editor-in-chief. We correct spelling and gram-
of the crop. p. 12–13 Raaymakers, Nick Taylor-Vaisey, Toby over 90 Canadian student mar to some extent. The Fulcrum will exercise
Climie, Scott Bedard, and Andrew Wing. newspapers. discretion in printing letters that are deemed
racist, homophobic, or sexist.
Di gets pissed. p. 22 To contact the Fulcrum’s BOD, The Fulcrum is a proud
member of Canadian University We will not even consider hate literature or
contact Ross Prusakowski at (613) 562-
p. 12 5261.
Press: libellous material. The editor-in-chief reserves
the authority on everything printed herein.
Emma Godmere

News Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008

News Editor

by Emma Godmere
Tuition fees rise for 2009–10
“The administration has created
Fulcrum Staff these presentations and special meet-
ings as theatre meant for one sole pur-
THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa’s pose: to attempt not to have a protest
Board of Governors (BOG) has suc- like two years ago and to increase tu-
cessfully adopted the administration’s ition fees anyway,” said Wolfe in his
recommendations to raise tuition fees presentation to the BOG. “This has not
by an average of 4.2 per cent for the been an honest debate or an actual con-
2009–10 academic year. versation. The entire time, the admin-
According to the university, this istration planned on pushing through
means the majority of students can tuition fee increases regardless of what
expect to see an average increase of was said. This has been an attempt to
$200 each. Currently, the average un- co-opt students so that they wouldn’t
dergraduate Arts full-time student shut down this very meeting.”
pays $5,345.71; the same student will U of O President Allan Rock ar- photo by Martha Pearce
pay nearly $5,550 for the next aca- gued during the meeting that the pro- A CFS sign displays the combined debt of all Canadian post-secondary students.
demic year. cess did value the perspectives of the representative on the BOG, said that nery, the undergraduate representative extra funds it needs for next year.
The Nov. 24 BOG meeting, which student representatives. those five votes that did not support on the BOG. Carvajal claimed that “The surplus is not cash sitting on
saw dozens of students with Drop “I think it means that we’re show- the increase indicated that the student students don’t in fact have any power the shelf ready to be picked up and
Fees campaign signs in attendance, ing respect. It’s certainly intended to presentations did have an impact. or influence in the administration. used for discretionary purposes,”
was the last in a series of presenta- show respect,” he said. “And Seamus, “I think it had an effect; I really “I know that students have no real said Rock. “It is money that is already
tions by the administration and both if you’re in any doubt about whether think that it’s a good process to have,” power on this board,” he said. “I know committed to a legitimate and impor-
the Student Federation of the Univer- this was just theatre, listen to the she said. “At least we’re consulting despite how hard our colleagues Ryan tant shared purpose, which is creating
sity of Ottawa (SFUO) and the Grad- questions being asked by members of one another in a professional atmo- [Kennery] and Julia [Morris] might new and more space on campus.”
uate Students’ Association (GSAÉD). the board who are much influenced sphere, we’re hearing each other out, fight, they’re only two votes on this During the meeting, Rock reiter-
Despite the university’s attempt at in- by your presentations. So process we’re [giving] coherent presenta- board.” ated that the university plans to invest
cluding students in the tuition nego- matters. It’s a matter of respect, and it tions, we see the numbers, we hear Debate between BOG members fol- the revenue from the tuition hike back
tiation process, SFUO VP University did make a difference.” both sides of the story, and I really lowing Wolfe and Carvajal’s last presen- into financial aid and scholarships.
Affairs Seamus Wolfe criticized the While nine board members, in- feel that it had an impact on the de- tation included desires to see a draft U “I don’t think at this point what
administration, claiming they were cluding Rock, supported the in- cision of those who voted against or of O budget that would look at poten- we’re looking for is students subsidiz-
not actually considering what he and creases, three board members voted abstained.” tially freezing fees and instead using the ing students,” said Carvajal. “What
GSAÉD external commissioner Fed- against the hikes, and two abstained. Two of the votes against the increas- university’s $50 million budget surplus we’re looking for is society in general
erico Carvajal had to say. Julia Morris, the graduate students’ es were from Morris and Ryan Ken- from last year to give the university the investing in education.”

Laboratory lockout,
CAUT review for Rancourt
the university for almost a year—and “This is a kind of occupation to en-
Independent university representatives in order to sure that the agreement gets signed,”
“get a full and fair understanding of said Rancourt. “You’re dealing with
Committee of Inquiry the facts”. a very ... [uncooperative] institution
to examine professor’s This announcement follows an in- that just does things and doesn’t feel it
cident on Nov. 22 when Rancourt was needs to justify it to anyone. It just de-
situation at the U of O barred from entering his Macdonald cides to do things and does it, doesn’t
by Emma Godmere Hall laboratory after Dean of Science explain in any way, doesn’t even re-
Fulcrum Staff André Lalonde allegedly changed the spond to you when you ask—that’s
locks earlier that morning. what we’re looking at.”
RELATIONS BETWEEN PHYS- Rancourt—who had all teaching The embattled professor indicated
ICS professor Denis Rancourt and assignments for the academic year that the university cited safety prob-
the University of Ottawa will be the revoked—discovered his key did not lems with the laboratory as the reason
subject of a Canadian Association of work on the afternoon of Nov. 22 for the lock-changing on Nov. 22, and
University Teachers (CAUT) Inde- and succeeded to jam his foot in the subsequently explained that neither
pendent Committee of Inquiry, ac- door once Protection officers inside Lalonde nor any other representative
cording to two Nov. 24 letters sent to the lab opened the door slightly af- from the university ever previously
Rancourt and U of O President Allan ter Rancourt knocked. He remained informed him of any issues, safety or
Rock. there for three hours with until law- otherwise, with the laboratory.
The committee, composed of three yers representing the Association While Lalonde was not available
independent professors from York of Professors of the University of for comment, U of O communica-
University, Wilfrid Laurier University, Ottawa (APUO) and the university tions director Andrée Dumulon ex-
and Rider University in New Jersey, administration came to an agree- plained the university’s reasons be-
has no set timeline for its inquiry and ment allowing Rancourt’s students hind barring people from entering
intends “to investigate the ongoing to retrieve personal and work items the laboratory.
series of disputes between [Rancourt] from the lab. “Access was prohibited because we
and the University of Ottawa; to de- According to Rancourt, the agree- found that there were some unauthor-
termine whether there were breaches ment explained that the U of O ad- ized individuals in the lab,” she said.
of or threats to academic freedom and ministration admitted it was barring After the agreement between APUO
other faculty rights; [and] to make him from his lab, pledged to negotiate and U of O lawyers was struck, Ran-
any appropriate recommendations”. further on how students and employ- court—who had also been relieved of
The committee will also be speaking ees would be able to access lab equip- his responsibilities associated with the
photo by Frank Appleyard to both Rancourt—who indicated ment and facilities, and indicated that lab—was allowed to retrieve his pos-
Protection officers negotiated with Physics professor Denis Rancourt to that the CAUT has been aware of the he would be able to retrieve his per- sessions from the lab upon agreeing to
leave Macdonald Hall after the university denied any access to his lab. difficulties he has experienced with sonal items then and there. leave the premises.
Referendum in review Neither committee was given spending Giroux-Bougard confirmed that students
Top five actual
Associated Press
The Fulcrum examines the limits. After all costs were tallied, the No
committee spent $2,648.48 on the cam-
from outside Ottawa who campaigned
for the CFS were not reimbursed by the headlines
SFUO’s CFS membership referendum paign. In order to cover expenses above CFS for expenses incurred during the trip. (with commentary)
the reimbursement amount of $2,000, a Volunteers were expected to shoulder the
by Amanda Shendruk [and] it wasn’t on a mass scale,” according donation option was installed on their expenses themselves. 5. “Wisconsin man ac-
Fulcrum Staff to Lehn, the ROC did not penalize the Yes website at The referendum not only created con- cused of urinating on
committee. “We did get enough money to cover troversy at home, but at York University roommate’s dog after
ON SUNDAY, NOV. 23, at approximately [the extra expenses],” said Ryan Ken- as well. An article published Nov. 24 in the woman refuses his sexual
4 a.m., the Referendum Oversight Com- Rules and regulations nery, chairperson of the No committee. University of Toronto student newspaper advances”
mittee (ROC) revealed that undergraduate “There is [about a $100–150] surplus The Varsity reveals that York University
students at the University of Ottawa would Over the course of the campaign, many which we will be donating to the SFUO students were angry at the York Federa- Okay… That’s totally ap-
be joining approximately 500,000 students complaints from both sides surfaced over food bank.” tion of Students (YFS) executive for leav- propriate, right? Jennie
across the country as members of the Ca- the ROC’s referendum rules and regula- Complications with the ROC in ap- ing campus unannounced in order to rebuffed my suggestive
nadian Federation of Students (CFS). tions being taken lightly or altogether proving a disclaimer for the donation op- campaign for the Yes committee during glances, so I’m off to the
The announcement concluded a 13- ignored. tion led to the link being posted later than the SFUO’s CFS membership referen- dog bed to turn Rover into
day referendum that, from the start, had On the first day of campaigning, the expected. dum. CUPE 3903, the union represent- a urinal pug. That will show
its fair share of controversy. A review of Yes committee was ordered to remove “As the CFS adage goes: education ing a large portion of part-time teaching her!
the Nov. 7–20 campaign reveals that mis- their posters, as they were both an inch shouldn’t be a debt sentence. But cam- staff at York, is currently on strike, leav-
givings about the referendum timing, too tall and too wide, technically making paigning shouldn’t be a debt sentence ei- ing thousands of students without classes. 4. “Prosthetic eye gives
concerns surrounding the ballot ques- them banners. In the rules and regulations ther,” said Kennery. Students say the YFS, who has shut down horse a shot at show ca-
tion, and confusion about voting proce- a poster is defined to be no larger than 11 The Yes committee would not reveal its their offices in solidarity with those on reer”
dures were not the only problems with inches by 17 inches, and a banner can be a budget. strike, is shirking its responsibilities to
this referendum. maximum of three feet by 10 feet. Giroux-Bougard explained that, using students. When contacted by the Ful- As opposed to its previous
Polls closed at 8 p.m. on Nov. 20, after “As soon as we were made aware, we its referenda budget line, the CFS funded crum, YFS President Hamid Osman de- options, which were a) to
three days of voting. After 36 hours of replaced the posters once again,” said CFS all costs for the Yes committee above the clined to comment. become a legendary crea-
counting ballots—24 of those consecu- national chairperson and Yes committee $2,000 reimbursement limit. Interaction between Yes and No cam- ture of myth, the cylorse,
tive—the ROC, accompanied by Yes and spokesperson Katherine Giroux-Bougard. The CFS budget, part of which is al- paigners at the U of O was both positive b) to don an eye patch,

No scrutineers, emerged with a tally of The posters were replaced within hours. located to “membership drives and refer- and negative, say committee members. grow a beard, and sail the
51.8 per cent or 3328 votes in favour of On Nov. 17, the No committee filed a enda”, is voted on by members at national “I found [the interaction] overall very high seas in search of hors-
membership and 48.2 per cent or 3068 complaint about the Yes committee post- general meetings held twice a year. negative,” said Students’ Association for ey treasure, or c) be shot
votes against. A record 21 per cent of ing a video on YouTube. According to the The CFS budget states that by May of the Faculty of Arts President and No by a farmer.
undergraduate students voted in the ref- rules and regulations, no online commu- the 2007–08 academic year, $37,335.77 committee volunteer Liz Doneathy.
erendum, significantly more than in the nities other than Facebook may be used out of a budgeted $75,000 had been spent No committee chairperson Michèle 3. “Man charged after al-
Student Federation of the University of for campaigning. The No committee on referenda. In 2008–09, the CFS has Lamarche echoed Doneathy’s statements. legedly passing gas toward
Ottawa (SFUO) executive and BOA elec- claimed to receive no response from the again allocated $75,000 to referenda. “Relations between both committees cop”
tions in February, when fewer than 4,000 ROC, despite the rule that the superviso- Although the previously agreed-upon was tense, but mostly between the No
undergraduate students cast a ballot. ry body must respond to all formal com- referendum rules state that each commit- [volunteers] and the off-campus, or non- This man is my hero, and
Sixty-seven ballots were recorded as plaints within 48 hours. No action was tee will be reimbursed up to $2,000, the SFUO campaigners, for the Yes [commit- he should be yours, too.
spoiled, three of which were from stu- taken against the Yes committee. SFUO may consider covering a greater tee],” she said. He had the gall to fight
dents who reportedly attempted to vote “We have complaints that we’re still go- amount of the committees’ costs. Yes committee spokesperson and the man in the most juve-
more than once. ing through,” explained Lehn. “There’s the idea to discuss [it], now SFUO VP Finance Roxanne Dubois said nile and silly way possible
SFUO President Dean Haldenby said The No committee was charged with that we’ve gotten the final budgets from that although situations were sometimes = fart-wafting. We salute
the SFUO is considering penalties for the pre-campaigning on Nov. 5, the CFS-led most people,” said Lehn. “Obviously the heated, overall interactions were positive. you!
three students. provincial day of action against tuition goal [is] to limit the amounts students “Obviously things got very tense … It
fees. As thousands of U of O students actually have to spend out of their own was a very charged campaign,” Dubois 2. “Teacher OK after crash-
Referendum Oversight Committee protested the high cost of post-secondary money to express their views.” said. “Although some individuals may ing into bear on a bicycle”
education on Morisset terrace and around have felt personally insulted, and that’s on
The ROC was responsible for overseeing the city, members of the No commit- Campaigners our side as well, I think that it was a hard This, like our number one
the general administration of the ref- tee made classroom presentations in at- campaign, it was an engaging campaign, headline, has a grammati-
erendum, and was composed of SFUO tempts to recruit volunteers for their own Issues surrounding campaigners and and relations kept well.” cal variable in it that makes
President Dean Haldenby, and Political, cause. Lehn said that on Nov. 4, the ROC campaigner relations were perhaps the it all the more hilarious.
International, and Development Stud- sent an email to both campaigns remind- most contentious during the entire refer- Moving on Can you spot it? Yes you
ies Student Association President Faris ing them that pre-campaigning either at endum. can. It seems as though
Lehn, along with CFS Northern Ontario the rally or in classrooms would not be The No committee had difficulty ob- Despite contentious issues surrounding a teacher smashed into
organizer Christine Bourque and CFS acceptable. As a penalty, the No commit- taining permission for off-campus volun- the referendum method and campaign- a bear who was riding a
national director for organizing Lucy tee was not able to present in classrooms teers. A number of students from Carle- ing process, both the Yes and No com- bicycle. Awesome. Just…
Watson. for most of the first day of campaigning ton University who wished to campaign mittees have agreed that it is time to leave just awesome.
On occasion, the ROC’s consistency on Nov. 7. for the No side were refused permission the experience in the past.
of response to complaints was called into The No committee lodged a complaint from the Carleton University Students “I think it is important to move on and 1. “Woman riding a don-
question by the No committee, most sig- with the ROC following this penalty, stat- Association (CUSA), who is a member of it is not our intention to point fingers at key fights off lion with ma-
nificantly on the matter of the defacing or ing that the Yes committee was using the the CFS. people on the No side,” said Yes com- chete”
destroying of campaign materials. slogan “Join the Movement” on campaign “The process to have off-campus vol- mittee chairperson François Picard via
Each committee was responsible for posters, a slogan that was also used on unteers approved was inconsistent and email. There are superheroes,
any acts of vandalism against the other publicity materials for Nov. 5. They ar- arbitrary,” Kennery said, in an e-mail. Dubois agreed. and they ride donkeys. I
campaign’s posters and banners. The gued that this constituted pre-campaign- “The ROC delegated all of its authority on “It was a hard campaign and not nec- don’t care where the lion
No committee received six penalties for ing as well. the matter to member locals of the CFS, essarily fun or necessarily enjoyable as came from, I don’t care
missing and vandalized materials, while Lehn explained the ROC’s decision not which made it extremely difficult to have a campaign, but it went through, so let’s how he got that machete,
the Yes committee received none. to penalize the Yes committee. our student volunteers approved.” move on together and try to do what we and I don’t even care why
“We decided if there was clearly a mas- “[The use of the slogan] was not done Late in the campaign, however, the do for students on a daily basis,” she said. this woman was riding a
sive poster strategy or massive poster out of the same bad taste [as the No com- committee was able to get permission for On Sunday, Nov. 23, once the results donkey. All I care about is
take-down, the side that benefited from mittee’s actions],” he said. two CUSA councillors to come to cam- were known, chairpersons for both com- that on this planet, some-
the take-down ... would [be penalized],” pus in their support. mittees talked briefly. thing this awesome has oc-
said Lehn. “The Yes side, at one point, had Financing The Yes committee had students from “We [have] discussed and agreed that curred.
100 posters taken down in a day.”
The No committee’s most significant Both committees will be reimbursed
Carleton University, Concordia University,
York University, and Laurentian Universi-
both sides were essentially fighting for
what they believed was best for [U of O] THE LIST—Dave Atkin

poster-loss complaint involved 46 posters $2,000 of their total campaign expenses. ty campaigning on their behalf at the U of students,” said Lamarche. “Rather than
reported missing on Nov. 12, but because
“[it] could just be the usual wear and tear
The funding for reimbursements will be
split between the SFUO and the CFS.
O. Both CFS-Ontario chairperson and Yes
committee member Shelley Melanson and
let the issues divide us, we should let that
common goal bring us together.”
ISSUE Nov. 27, 2008 NEWS 5
Top five U of O controversies U of O campaigns to
5. The introduction of the Code of Conduct and
its subsequent demise:
end violence against women
When former U of O president Gilles Patry intro-
duced a draft version of a student Code of Con- Campaign and Montreal
duct for students this past spring, undergraduates Massacre memorial extends to
and graduates alike immediately rallied at Tabaret
Hall at the end of April to demand the draft code all corners of campus
be dropped and an ombudsperson office and stu-
dent bill of rights be created in its place. The new
by Laura Clementson
administration under President Allan Rock has
Fulcrum Contributor
dropped the draft code and has promised to pur-
sue the other two demands.
THIS DECEMBER WILL mark the 19th anni-
versary of the École Polytechnique massacre in
4. Cinema Politica shuts down, re-opens as Cin-
Montreal, where 14 young women were mur-
ema Academica:
dered in their engineering class by 25-year-old
Marc Lépine in 1989.
Physics professor Denis Rancourt’s weekly film-
On Dec. 6, U of O students will join fellow
viewing community group was denied further use
Canadians in remembering women who have
of campus facilities by the university in Septem-
lost their lives to violence. The annual can-
ber, after the U of O claimed the group violated
dlelight vigil and rally organized by the Stu-
the Ontario Human Rights Code in not providing
dent Federation of the University of Ottawa
interpretation services to its members. A commu-
(SFUO) to mark the National Day of Remem-
nity member had filed a human rights complaint
brance and Action to End Violence Against
against the U of O in January when the university
Women will take place on Morisset Terrace at
did not continue deaf interpretation services for
5 p.m. and will unite with the city-wide vigil
the film screenings, and the administration stated
at Minto Park on Elgin Street (at Gilmour
they could no longer allow the film screenings to
Street) at 6 p.m.
continue on campus due to the complaint. Ran-
The SFUO’s Women’s Resource Centre is
court renamed the group “uOttawa Cinema Aca-
leading a 14-day campaign—14 to commemo-
demica” and, with the help of a colleague, was
rate the number of victims at Montreal’s École
able to continue the event on campus.
Polytechnique—that leads up to the Dec. 6 vig-
il. The Engineering Students’ Society (ESS) is
3. Student Appeals Centre calls U of O adminis- photo by Martha Pearce
also taking part, particularly in their organiza-
tration racist:
tion of the white-ribbon campaign on campus. According to WRC coordinator Jordan Le- with several SFUO services, including the Bi-
The white-ribbon campaign is the world’s ichnitz, violence against women is still a major lingualism Centre.
The SFUO’s Student Appeal Centre released a re-
largest male-led effort to end violence against issue that occurs even within our campus. As part of the campaign that began Nov. 18
port in November that examined the university’s
women. Since 1991, the campaign has aimed “In Canada, one in two women over the age and lasts until Dec. 6, the WRC has organized
handling of student appeals and alleged the ex-
to educate young men and boys about violence of 16 will experience sexual or physical assault several events, including a self-defence work-
istence of “unfair practices and systemic racism”
against women and how to prevent it, accord- [over their lifetime],” said Leichnitz. shop for women, bilingual discussion groups,
within the appeals process, specifically claiming
ing to ESS white-ribbon campaign organizer The campaign to end violence against wom- and bake sales to raise funds to end violence
that 71 per cent of reported academic fraud cases
Adam Welcher. en not only involved the WRC and the ESS, but against women. For more details about these
over the last year were filed by students from vis-
“We feel we can do our part and there are a also includes the participation of various fed- events and the white-ribbon campaign, visit
ible minorities. The U of O released an official re-
lot of men in engineering,” he said. erated bodies and student associations along
sponse to the report on Nov. 25.

2. The Marc Kelly debacle:

Sixth-year physics student Marc Kelly was deregis-

tered by the Faculty of Science in October after his
research work and methods were rejected by the
Department of Physics. The university administra-
tion has also denied his request to fill a student
SFUO opens up the floor explained that the SFUO felt motivated to open Michael Cheevers. “This method can generate
seat on the Senate Appeals Committee as he is in- the meetings to allow students greater input more dialogue and debate.”
volved in an academic appeal himself. Earlier this into the campaigns. The new format can also help students to
month, he proceeded to email a large portion of Students invited to “If the SFUO is going to be the voice for stu- present their campaign ideas to the SFUO and
the student population on campus about his case
and his dealings with U of O President Allan Rock.
submit motions to dents, every student should have the right to
voice their opinion and put forth their issues,”
make the campaigns more reflective of student
Over 300 annoyed students commented on his campaigns committee said Wolfe. “It will be a lot easier to reach out to students
blog in response to receiving the email. In the past, students have criticized the com- on issues that they think are important,” said
mittee for not being representative of their inter- Mike Fancie, campaign organizer. “Before, we
1. CFS referendum: by Len Smirnov ests, as many encountered complications in com- had an elected body looking at the students’ in-
Fulcrum Contributor municating and implementing their campaign terests and proposing relevant campaigns. This
The 13-day November referendum that asked un- ideas. With the new format, students will be able is a great avenue to explore other issues that are
dergraduate students if the SFUO should join the ALL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS will to attend meetings with committee members central to students.”
Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) was riddled soon have their first opportunity to experi- who include Wolfe, VP Student Affairs Danika Several students have already brought mo-
with complaints and confusion from both the Yes ence the monthly meetings of the Campaigns Brisson, SFUO campaign organizers, two BOA tions to the SFUO, and Wolfe hopes that these
and No committees and students in general. An Committee of the Student Federation of the members, four members from the University trends will continue.
absence of spending limits, the requirement of University of Ottawa (SFUO). The committee Affairs Roundtable (which is made up of vps “I hope that we will have a more engaged
students to identify themselves on the outside will hold its first open meeting on Dec. 2 where university affairs from various federated bod- student body as the students gain a greater po-
envelope of their ballots, and a ballot-counting all students will be able to submit motions and ies), one coordinator from the Roger-Guindon litical voice at the SFUO,” said Wolfe.
period that lasted over 48 hours were all concerns vote alongside elected committee members. campus, and three undergraduate students. The Students can become involved in SFUO cam-
of referendum volunteers and voters. The SFUO is The Campaigns Committee supports the or- SFUO expects that these changes will increase paigns by speaking to a campaign organizer
now a full member of the CFS after the Yes side ganization and implementation of campaigns student participation in campaigns. at the SFUO office, presenting motions to the
won with 51.8 per cent of the vote. at the SFUO and had previously restricted its “The changes give students ownership of the campaigns committee, or attending committee
—Emma Godmere meetings to elected committee members. campaigns and will help to get more students meetings, including the inaugural open meeting
THE LIST ISSUE SFUO VP University Affairs Seamus Wolfe involved,” said SFUO campaigns organizer on Dec. 2 at 5:30 p.m. in the UCU Agora.

6 NEWS Nov. 27, 2008

Vote of confidence

Where we go from here

lieved was right for the campus that it Board of Administration candidates to U of O students—represented by the
Top five Fulcrum news
quotes since September
pushed them to vote. It may seem like choose from in February. SFUO and the Graduate Students’ As-
a small percentage, seeing as though Could you imagine? More than one sociation (GSAÉD)—go to the CFS 5. “Tomorrow we will fight harder
the 59.1 per cent voter turnout for candidate running for an SFUO ex- National General Meeting (NGM) than we fought today!”
the recent federal election was an all- ecutive position, and more than 6000 Nov. 26–29 in Gatineau as member —Brittany Smyth, Carleton
time low, but when you compare it to students casting ballots? locals 94 and 41, respectively. Will we University Student Association
the 3.7 per cent turnout for last year’s This is a chance for change, and experience major change there? Prob- president, at the November 5 Drop
SFUO presidential by-elections, this we’re already seeing it on our campus. ably not. Is the entire campus going tuition fees rally.
referendum was a huge victory for The number of students volunteer- to be united behind any CFS-related
political awareness on campus. ing on both sides of the referendum actions? I seriously doubt it. 4. “We have made people cry with
Regardless of how anyone wishes compounded with the record num- Regardless, CFS membership fright and we are proud of it.”
Emma Godmere to define or claim “student move- ber who came out to vote effectively will still continue to affect us for the —Antonio Carito, Students’ Associa-
tion of the Faculty of Arts haunted
News Editor ment”, the true student movement demonstrated that apathy might just months ahead. Right now there’s no
house coordinator.
that emerged from this referendum be nearing its end at the U of O. way to know if an issue as polarizing
COMPLAINTS AND CONCERNS was exemplified in the 6,481 under- And not only does this signify the as the CFS will appear in the spring
from both the Yes and No sides re- graduate students who realized the beginning of change on our campus, SFUO and GSAÉD elections to push 3. “[I’ve been] up for most of the
garding the Student Federation of the gravity of this vote and felt passion- but perhaps within the CFS, too. students to the polls, but it’s crucial night drinking beer and yakking
University of Ottawa (SFUO)’s ref- ate and motivated enough about their Since the referendum has ended— that voters find the same motivation with friends. Can anyone here relate
erendum to join the Canadian Fed- beliefs to head to the polls. and in a few cases, before it even be- they experienced this month to get to that?”
eration of Students (CFS) may still be Both sides of this referendum recruit- gan—many students have indicated out themselves to the polls and vote —Bob Rae, Liberal member of
rolling in, but it’s time to realize—no ed an immense number of volunteers, their desire to see the SFUO use their next February. Parliament, talking to students at
matter which result you wanted to a large portion of whom were never shiny new membership and look into Or, you could even consider run- the University of Western Ontario.
see—what this campus has actually involved or even interested in student making the national lobbying group ning. The SFUO is expected to release
achieved, beyond full membership in politics before, and the campaign has a more efficient and more acceptable more information about its elections 2. “We’re not dead yet.”
the CFS. likely inspired them to remain involved organization for all 500,000 mem- next month... —Student Federation of the Uni-
Twenty-one per cent of undergrad- and informed about what happens on bers, including the recently acquired versity of Ottawa President Dean
uate students on this campus felt pas- campus. Who knows, we may have 30,000 from the U of O. Haldenby, regarding the U-Pass’s
sionate enough about what they be- more potential SFUO executive and So where do we go from here? First, 613-562-5260 reconsideration at city council.

1. “It’s very present in my mind as

Staff meetings Thursdays at 1 p.m.
I sit in this office and in this build-

Drop by 631 King Edward Ave. and pick up a story.
ing, how it sometimes felt that the
distance between the student gov-
ernment and the administration
was farther than just across Laurier
Some post-secondary education issues
Avenue. It seemed like it was across
on new Parliament’s agenda
the universe. Now that I’m sitting
on this side of Laurier Avenue, I try
to keep that in my mind, and I try
not have been the focus of the opening of the 40th
to say to myself, ‘How can I address
Parliament on Nov. 18, however the re-elected Con-
that feeling? How can I make people
servative government did offer some promises for
feel as though Laurier Avenue is not
that wide after all?’”
While concern for the global and national eco-
—U of O President Allan Rock in an
nomic situations made up the bulk of the speech
interview with Fulcrum
from the Throne, the government pledged to con-
news editor Emma Godmere.
tinue its support of financial assistance for students,
institute additional measures to promote enrolment
— Amanda Shendruk
in apprenticeships and skilled trades, and work to
attract top international students to Canada.
In the debate that followed the speech, Gary
Goodyear, minister of state for science and tech- Top five campaigns that
nology, highlighted the Vanier Canada Graduate won’t get past the SFUO
Scholarship Program that is now accepting appli-
cations. Designed to support Canada’s capacity for
campaigns committee
excellence in research and education, the new pro-
5. Support the U of O administration.
gram will provide 500 three-year graduate scholar-
Let’s just trust their judgement.
ships worth up to $50,000 per year to top Canadian
and incoming international students in the social
4. Trilingualism test for SFUO ex-
sciences and humanities, science and technology,
ecutive. The narrower the pool of
and health.
candidates, the better candidates
Looking ahead to business in coming weeks, sev-
we’ll have!
eral private members’ motions have been tabled on
the topics of students and post-secondary educa-
3. Join up! There’s no job like the
tion. Private members’ motions are draft resolutions
Canadian Forces.
submitted by any member of Parliament who is not
a cabinet minister, a parliamentary secretary, the
2. Raise quorum for elections to 25
speaker of the house, or the deputy speaker. If they
per cent of students. Also, make sure
pass, the motion is adopted as an official message
someone runs for SFUO president
endorsed by the House of Commons, normally ac-
this year.
companied by a course of action the government is
expected to take. In the first few days of parliamen-
1. Hug it out. Complaining never
tary proceedings, Liberal member of Parliament
accomplished anything anyway.
Keith Martin moved to discuss the Canada Student
—Ben Myers
Loan Program, and NDP MP Peter Julian moved to
discuss post-secondary education.
—Kenny Dodd
THE LIST ISSUE Nov. 27, 2008 NEWS 7
homecoming itself may not be the left school to travel came back within reach an agreement.

News in brief direct cause of the “Aberdeen Street

gathering”, moving the timing and
changing the event is “an essential
part of the solution”.
two years, and 47 per cent who listed
changing their school or program as
their reason came back.
However, only 28 per cent who
York administration has suggested
that both sides agree to binding arbi-
tration, which would bring in a third
party to impose a compromise. CUPE
Several students have voiced their left to work, and 29 per cent who left 3903 has refused binding arbitration,
preference for a stricter ban on the because their grades were too low re- saying it would take power out of
Aberdeen Street parties, while others turned to school. The survey did not their hands.
want to see the proposed changes in specify whether the students returned Students also criticized the York
order to move away from the out-of- to their original studies or entered Federation of Students (YFS) for sup-
control party that many believe hurts new programs. porting striking graduate students.
the school’s reputation. Despite the study’s findings, Can- Protesters said the YFS is supposed
—Joe Howell, ada boasts the highest rate of post- to represent undergraduate students,
Ontario Bureau Chief secondary attainment in the world. not CUPE 3903.
Even with the 15 per cent dropout The strike started on Nov. 6 after
Post-secondary world plagued with rate, there has been a steady increase several months of failed negotiations
high drop-out rate in Canadian college and university surrounding wage increases.
enrolment in recent years. —Andrew Fletcher, Excalibur
HAMILTON (CUP) – A RECENT —Lily Panamsky, The Silhouette
STUDY by Statistics Canada and the
Department of Human Resources and Students rally against York strike
Social Development shows many Ca-
nadian students are dropping out of TORONTO (CUP) – WHAT START-
post-secondary institutions, and only ED AS a Facebook group expressing
a few are coming back. The six-year student frustration with a part-time
photo by Jaimmie Riley (CUP)
study began in 1999 and the results faculty strike turned into a large rally
show that 15 per cent of students who with over 200 students in attendance
Queen’s cancels homecoming to inextricably linked with homecom- attended a post-secondary institution on Nov. 17 at Toronto’s York Univer-
combat massive street party ing. dropped out before completion. The sity.
In 2005, the celebrations turned most frequent reasons cited for leav- The ongoing labour dispute be-
TORONTO (CUP) – AT A PRESS into a riot when partiers flipped a car ing school were to travel, change in- tween CUPE 3903—the union rep-
conference on Nov. 18, Queen’s Uni- and set it on fire, and hurled bottles at stitutions or programs, take a break, resenting York’s teaching assistants,
versity Principal Tom Williams an- police. Last year, one sergeant called or work. Only 10 per cent of the stu- graduate assistants, and contract
nounced that in 2009 and 2010, his the event a “success”, with only 54 dents who dropped out cited financial faculty—and the York administration
school would change its annual fall people arrested. strain as the cause. has locked students out of classes for
homecoming tradition to a “home- This year, a 35-year-old was hospi- The rate of students returning to two weeks.
coming-styled” reunion in May. talized with life-threatening injuries post-secondary studies after drop- Many York students at the rally said
It’s the latest step Queen’s has taken after being assaulted by a 19-year-old ping out is still quite high, depend- they felt like hostages of CUPE 3903,
to battle the massive, infamous Ab- from Ottawa in town for the party. ing on their reason for leaving. For and criticized both the York admin-
erdeen Street party that has become Williams indicated that while example, 68 per cent of students who istration and the union for failing to

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8 NEWS Nov. 27, 2008

Peter Henderson

Arts & Culture Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008

Arts & Culture Editor

Bad Flirt is actually quite charming

photo courtesy Bad Flirt

on keyboards and vocals, Laura Lloyd on gui- childhood, growing up, music, and family. And arrangements to songs that are multi-layered
tar, Nick Knowles on guitar and bass, and Raf a lot of sitcoms then had those [themes], so and complex.
Mary Kate and De La Durantaye on drums. White-Gluz found we based our songs around that. And if you’re “In 2005, in terms of performance and mu-
Ashley’s favourite band it a relief to have other people take over the sneaky, you’ll figure out which songs go with
backing instruments. which sitcoms.”
sic, we’ve also gotten a whole lot better,” White-
Gluz says. “We were a little sloppier [back
is coming to town “I started off as an acoustic guitar [player] While explaining that the band’s inception then], very lo-fi, but now we have sequences
for most of the time, and electric towards the and initial fame started off in the deep roots and pre-programmed bits.”
by Hisham Kelati end,” she says. “I’d have drum samples and of Montreal’s music scene, White-Gluz credits Bad Flirt’s popularity isn’t limited to those
Fulcrum Staff loops playing as well. It’s just kind of boring to another source as the reason for the band’s suc- north of the border. The band has played gigs
have just one person up there on stage.” cess. all over America, and found fans in surprising
FOR A BAND whose name suggests that the When asked to define Bad Flirt’s music, “Montreal has a great music scene, and a lot places.
group would be a bad night out, Bad Flirt does White-Gluz hesitantly refers to it as indie pop. of great bands come from it, but it had abso- “We went to York, Pennsylvania, a place that
their best to make every show a good time. “I think live, we’re lutely nothing to do before this tour I’d never heard of,” White-Gluz
Currently touring in support of its third al- much louder than with our success,” she explains. “There was an official Bad Flirt fan
bum, Virgin Talk, Bad Flirt began as the solo people expect,” she ex- explains. “The real club in a place we’ve never been to.”
project of Jasamine White-Gluz, a singer and plains. “Me and Laura reason is all the tour- The band was even the winner of the first
songwriter from Montreal. In 2003, she released are kind of loud, and “I didn’t really like playing ing—every tour that ever battle of the bands on Mary-Kate and
her debut EP, The August Issue, under the name people are shocked solo. It’s sort of lonely to go we do, we get better Ashley Olsen’s website, which gave them a
Bad Flirt. After taking a break from touring in we’re not as poppy. and better. The only showcase spot on the site and a huge amount
2004, she began working on a second EP. This But I guess we’re at the on tour by yourself.” way that our influenc- of free publicity.
was when she decided to expand Bad Flirt and root of it, poppy, and Jasamine White-Gluz es—the 80s hard-rock After finishing a few gigs in Texas, Bad Flirt
bring in a few other musicians, turning it into a we are an indie-rock bands—made it was is coming back to Canada. They play Zaphod’s
full band affair. band, so I guess we’re by getting in the van on Dec. 3, and the band is looking forward to
“I didn’t really like playing solo. It’s sort of indie pop. and playing as many returning to their home country.
lonely to go on tour by yourself,” she explains. “Our influences shows as possible. We “In Canada, we have a big-ass country,
“Musically, that’s not what I wanted to do. I’m are the bands that sound nothing like us—80s were really influenced by playing in other cities and it’s hard to get across, but of the stops we
not really a huge fan of a singer-songwriter hardcore and 90s rock. It doesn’t filter through and other countries.” make, Ottawa and Montreal are definitely al-
type and those kinds of shows. I always wanted into our songwriting, but it influences us per- The heavy touring across both Canada and ways two of them. We’re not forgetting about
to have a band—it was just a question of find- sonally tremendously.” the United States has allowed for Bad Flirt to home.”
ing the right people.” As for Virgin Talk, the themes on the album continually mature as a group, and the band
Bad Flirt put out their first album with the hit close to home—the group’s favourite 1990s has come a long way since its birth as a one- Bad Flirt plays Zaphod Beeblebrox on Dec. 3
new lineup, 6 Ways to Break Your Heart, in TV shows. woman show in 2002. The band’s development with Receivers and Micarza Camaro. Tickets
2005. The band’s lineup now consists of White- “The album is a themed record, based on can be heard over their two albums, as they are $8 in advance from Doors open
Gluz on lead vocals and guitar, Evan Dubinsky sitcoms of the 90s that we’re fans of. It’s about have moved from simple, minimalist lyrics and at 8 p.m. 19+.
Top five most successful
Listening to the Library Voices
Ottawa celebrities
5. Tom Green

He may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Green’s

definitely one of Ottawa’s best exports. Green got his
start on the U of O’s CHUO 89.1FM, even though he
wasn’t registered at the university, and he eventu-
ally became one of Canada’s most popular comedi-
ans. The utter disaster that was Freddy Got Fingered
killed his movie career, but Green is experiencing
something of a career renaissance now, thanks to his
Internet talk-show hit Tom Green’s House Tonight.
He’s doing pretty well for a kid who once filmed a
video with his hip-hop group Organized Rhyme on
Elgin Street.

4. Dan Aykroyd

He may have fallen off the celebrity radar lately, but

there was a time when Ottawa-born Dan Aykroyd
could do no wrong. In the late 1970s, Aykroyd was
one of the performers in the legendary original cast
of Saturday Night Live. In the 1980s, he wrote and
starred in a series of hit movies, including The Blues
Brothers and Ghostbusters. He has the unique dis-
tinction of being the only Ottawa native to be nomi-
nated for an Academy Award (Best Actor in a Sup-
porting Role for 1982’s Driving Miss Daisy).

3. Peter Jennings

Peter Jennings was one of the most respected jour-

nalists in America during his decades as an anchor,
and his work helped shape modern network news.
He ascended to the job in 1965 at the age of 26, his
good looks and intelligent reporting having earned
him the top spot at ABC. Although his first stint was
short-lived, he returned as a co-anchor of ABC’s photo courtesy Sarah Wyse
World News Tonight in 1978 and was promoted to
We all just kind of got together with some structure,” says Dawson. “Someone will just
sole anchor in 1983. Sixteen Emmys, two Peabody
friends, and those friends grew into more come up with an idea, and you’ll just see
awards, and an Order of Canada later, this Carleton From the Prairies and friends. Really quickly, it just sort of took off. everyone’s eyes light up and you know that
University dropout became one of the most trusted
men in news for decades until his death in 2005. ‘pop as fuck’ Within the first couple weeks of practicing,
we played our first show, and we were in the
that’s going to be the dominant instrument
or where we’re going to go with that part.
by Peter Henderson studio shortly after that.” “A lot of us cut our teeth in punk rock,”
2. Alex Trebek
Fulcrum Staff The 10 members of Library Voices are Dawson adds. “As you get older, you realize
Dawson, Johnson, Darcy McIntyre, Eoin how much more you can do with music. In
Trebek grew up in Ottawa and graduated from the U
REGINA-BASED DECTET Library Voices Hickey-Cameron, Karla Miller, Brett Dolt- our case, it really sincerely is a collaborative
of O in 1961 with a degree in philosophy and political
are a Canadian pop collective that use far er, Amanda Scandrett, Mike Thievin, Paul effort. For us it’s about keeping it clear and
science. He still credits the university with instilling
more than the traditional arsenal of instru- Gutheil, and Brennan Ross. Touring is a keeping it interesting.”
in him a lifelong love of education, something he’s
ments. Organs, accordions, glockenspiels, challenge for the group, but Dawson thinks Hunting Ghosts was recorded in a short pe-
put to good use during his 24 years as the host of the
cellos, and even the theremin populate their that the large amount of members actually riod of time, as the band had already honed
game show Jeopardy!. Trebek got his start hosting on
music, and they’re bringing their travelling makes it easier on the band. their sound performing live. Library Voices
the Canadian high-school game-show Reach for the
carnival of sound to Zaphod Beeblebrox on “There’s moments [on tour] when we’re are currently working on a follow-up, and
Top, and eventually wound up as the ringmaster of
Nov. 28. close, and moments when we want to kill each they’re taking the lessons they learned from
one of television’s most popular and longest-running
Library Voices is touring in support of other,” he says. “It’s like that even in smaller recording Hunting Ghosts to heart.
game shows. Trebek also has the honour of having
their debut EP, Hunting Ghosts (& Other Col- bands, though. There’s a major advantage to “When we did our first EP, we just went in
stars on both the Canadian and American Walks of
lected Shorts), which was released in Septem- [having] 10 people, in that you can branch and hammered it out as quickly as we could,”
ber by Young Soul Records. Their sound is off and sort of have your own little clique for says Dawson. “We showed up and played the
halfway between ska music and Arcade Fire, that day. It gets a little crowded in the van as songs exactly how we’d been practicing them.
1. Alanis Morissette
with upbeat songs that are both deeply com- well, but that’s something we put up with— We’re back in the studio right now, finishing
plex and perfectly danceable. Their website it’s a trade-off.” up a full-length, and on that one we have
Everyone’s favourite angry chick is a hometown gal,
claims that they are unashamedly “pop as The band has already garnered attention taken the opposite approach. Instead of just
and her massive success in the 1990s made her an
fuck”. from local promoters in Regina. They played going in and recording our songs, we’re actu-
international celebrity. Morissette’s first two albums
Michael Dawson, lead lyricist for Library at and were featured in a TV commercial for ally trying to make an album—experiment-
were reasonably successful dance-pop concoctions,
Voices, does a little bit of everything with the the Regina Folk Festival, where they shared ing, trying out all sorts of different amps and
but she hit it big with Jagged Little Pill in 1995—the
band. the stage with Broken Social Scene, The combinations.”
album went platinum in dozens of countries, and
“I play a bunch of miscellaneous things,” Weakerthans, and Final Fantasy. The next step for Library Voices is finish-
ended up selling over 30 million copies worldwide.
he says. “Keyboards, noises, theremin, a little “It’s great,” says Dawson. “The opportuni- ing up their full-length debut, projected for
Morissette continued her success with Supposed
bit of guitar, a little bit of bass, [and] I write ties just keep snowballing. It’s nice when it’s release early next year. After that, they plan
Former Infatuation Junkie and Under Rug Swept. Al-
the lyrics.” a band you actually listen to. Getting to share to return to the road and tour in Canada and
though her latest albums haven’t repeated the suc-
Library Voices evolved over a very short the stage with them is flattering, if nothing the United States.
cess of Jagged Little Pill, Alanis is still Ottawa’s big-
period of time in the spring of 2008, with all else.” “We just have a handful of overdubs to do,”
gest star.
10 members joining within the first few days All the members of the band shared the explains Dawson. “We’ll get that all wrapped
—Peter Henderson
of its existence. songwriting duties on Hunting Ghosts, which up by the end of December, then take Janu-

THE LIST ISSUE “It literally sort of fell together overnight,”

explains Dawson. “Carl [Johnson] and I had
been writing songs off and on for forever.
is something rare among collectives as one
or two people usually act as bandleader.
“In most cases, you’ll have the basic song
ary to get that ready and get that released,
and then in February we’re back out [on the
road], headed west.”

10 ARTS Nov. 27, 2008

Winnipeg’s man THE LIST ISSUE
Top five greatest

behind the music

5. Khan Noonien Singh: The closest
thing Star Trek’s Captain Kirk ever
had to a real nemesis. Paraphrasing
Moby Dick while firing photon torpe-
does—that’s badass.

4. Stewie Griffin: Plotting world-

domination while still in the womb.
Tell me he isn’t on his way to becom-
ing emperor of the Earth.

3. Hannibal Lecter: “A census-taker

once tried to test me. I ate his liver
with some fava beans and a nice chi-

2. The Joker: A deranged psychotic

madman who likes to wear clown
makeup and a bright purple, three-
piece suit. The Joker was Batman’s
arch-rival, and the only one who ever
struck true fear into his heart.

1. The ghosts from Pac-Man: Blinky,

Pinky, Inky, and Clyde are always eat-
ing. They will never stop. They will
get you.
—Hisham Kelati

Top five movies you didn’t

know were based on
5. Casino Royale: The 2006 film,
starring Daniel Craig as the striking,
photo by Mark Reimer (CUP)
Producer John Paul Peters hopes to put Winnipeg on the Canadian music map with his studio, Private Ear. blond 007, is based on Ian Fleming’s
1953 novel of the same name, which
isn’t a very valid way to learn, but I’ve always [be-
is a hidden oasis. The heavy steel doors and con- marked the debut of Bond, James
lieved that] you decide what you need to learn and crete floors give way to newly built walls, decorative Bond.
then you make a way to learn it.” throw rugs, hardwood floors, comfortable light-
John Paul Peters talks about Peters has been moving quickly. He began his ing, and a control room that would make any band 4. Schindler’s List: Thomas Keneally’s
how he got into audio career working as a freelance engineer out of vari- swoon. novel Schindler’s Ark was this mov-
ous studios in Manitoba. In 2003, he worked on his With a brand-new studio, Peters seems to have
engineering and his first internationally successful record, Comeback the perfect environment to complement his ap-
ie’s inspiration. Keneally’s book was
based on the life of Oskar Schindler,
philosophy as a producer Kid’s Turn It Around. When compared with cities proach when it comes to recording. an opportunistic and altruistic busi-
like Toronto or Vancouver, Winnipeg seems to be a “My philosophy is to help the artist realize their nessman who saved over 1,000 Jew-
small market for an audio engineer, with only a few goal, not my goal for the project,” says Peters. ish workers from persecution during
by Curran Faris big name bands like the Weakerthans and Propa- His role often varies in the studio—in some cases the Holocaust by employing them in
The Uniter gandhi making their homes there. However, Peters he gets involved with the writing, arranging, and his factories.
says Winnipeg is “a busy music place,” and he has performing of a song, while in other situations he
WINNIPEG (CUP) – WHAT DO HARDCORE no intentions of leaving. remains behind the control board. 3. Forrest Gump: Based on the 1986
heavyweights Comeback Kid, pop-magicians “I actually like being more creatively in- work of the same name by Winston
the Waking Eyes, and Canadian Idol con- volved than being less creatively involved,” Groom, the film starring Tom Hanks
testant Katelyn Dawn have in common? All
three acts have had their albums recorded by “I just like being in the he says. “I prefer to have [more] responsi-
came out in 1994, making “run For-
rest run” the most popular out-of-
renowned audio engineer John Paul Peters.
Originally from Steinbach, Manitoba, Pe- studio. I loved recording, In either case, the final decisions are al-
ways left to the artist.
context phrase of the 90s.

ters has played guitar in both the punk band

The Undecided and the seminal hardcore playing the instruments, and Neil Cameron, co-owner of Private Ear
and an accomplished recording engineer,
2. Troy: The 2004 film, starring Brad
Pitt ’s greased, rippling muscles, was
band Officer Down. Peters says he got his first
taste of audio engineering by recording rough being under the gun.” says Peters’ versatility and ability to fill nu-
merous roles in the studio is what makes
taken from Homer’s epic The Iliad,
though it also incorporates parts
demos in his basement. John Paul Peters him such a unique engineer. of his other poem about the Trojan
“I just like being in the studio. I loved re- “He’s really, really good [in] a lot of dif- War, The Odyssey.
cording, playing the instruments, and being ferent areas; he’s an excellent musician, he’s
under the gun—I love that part of it,” the 31-year- After the 2003 Comeback Kid record, Peters got great ideas, he works with people really well and 1. Blade Runner: The dystopian film,
old says from the control room of his new Winni- worked independently out of his basement. With he’s an absolute wizard on [music recording/editing released in 1982, was very loosely
peg studio, Private Ear. bands like Figure Four, The Ripperz, and Evil Sur- software] Pro Tools,” Cameron says. “He impresses based on the 1968 novel Do Androids
When it comes to engineering, Peters is essen- vives knocking on his door, he made the decision to me every day.” Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K.
tially self-taught. Instead of attending an engineer- jump to a bigger workspace. For Peters, it’s all in a day’s work. Dick.
ing program at a college, he learned through heavy Peters is now part owner of the newly relocated “I try to bring everything I am capable of to ev- —Jaclyn Lytle
reading, trial and error in the studio, and working and renovated Private Ear Recording Studio. Lo- ery project, and to take everybody a step above of
as a studio apprentice.
“That’s the fastest way to learn. Not that school
cated in an old chemical warehouse, Private Ear where they thought they’d be, and if I can do that,
is unassuming from the outside. Inside, the studio then my job is worthwhile.” THE LIST ISSUE Nov. 27, 2008 ARTS 11
Five diverse companions of the Order of Canada

Fulcrum Staff
Celebrated Cana
by Megan O’Meara this honour is awarded to an individual
based on “the highest degree of merit
to Canada and humanity, an outstand-
the contributions made by members
and officers are equally diverse, be-
ing named a companion recognizes
Five of the most notable and recog-
nizable companions include humani-
tarian Terry Fox, novelist Margaret
THE ORDER OF Canada is among the ing level of talent and service to Cana- an enormous positive impact on Ca- Atwood, NDP party leader Tommy
highest awards given in Canada, and its dians, or an exceptional contribution to nadian society as well as on an inter- Douglas, former prime minister Pierre
members have made a notable contri- Canada or Canadians.” national scale. It is the highest civilian Elliot Trudeau, and environmentalist
bution to the nation’s culture and com- There are three levels found within honour in Canada. David Suzuki. Each of these recipi-
munity. This award was created in 1967 the Order: members, officers, and The number of companions ap- ents are recognized for very different
by the Government of Canada.Winners companions. Members are rewarded pointed each year is limited to 15, accomplishments and contributions.
are determined by an advisory board for their impact at a local level and but the total number of living com- They are notable for both their diver-
led by the Governor General. Accord- officers for their remarkable involve- panions cannot exceed 165, exempli- sity of ideas and notoriety in Canadian
ing to the Order of Canada website, ment at the national level. Although fying the exclusivity of this honour. society.

Terry Fox
Though he lived only to be 22 later after contracting pneumo-
years old, Terrance Fox had an nia. His funeral was broadcast
incredible impact in Canada. Fox nationally.
grew up in Port Coquitlam, B.C., Although Fox was unable to
and was known for his athleticism complete his run, the Terry Fox
in high school, being named ath- Foundation has kept his legacy
lete of the year in his senior year. alive by hosting the Terry Fox Run
He was only 18 when diagnosed annually in schools and commu-
with osteogenic sarcoma (bone nities across Canada and in coun-
cancer) and, after undergoing tries including Japan, Australia,
both chemotherapy and radiation Cuba, Poland, Kenya, Saudi Ara-
treatment, had his right leg ampu- bia.
tated. Over $400 million has been

Margaret Atwood
Fox was unsatisfied with the raised in Fox’s name for cancer
insufficient level of cancer research research, and the event continues
going on in Canada and decided to to flourish with the help of thou-
put his athletic skills to use. His de- sands of volunteers who organize Margaret Atwood is most celebrat- vard’s Radcliffe College. Atwood policies, and arts. Over the years,
fining moment was his decision to the run each year. ed for her literary contributions has written novels, poems, short Atwood has been present for ral-
run a marathon across Canada in Fox was named a compan- to Canada, as her Canadian heri- stories, non-fiction, and even lies and protests and can often be
order to raise funds for research. ion of the Order of Canada in tage often influenced her writing; children’s books throughout her found in various community pro-
He named his run the Marathon 1980. Governor General Edward in setting, plot, and theme. Her career. She is still actively writing moting her beliefs. In the 2008
of Hope and began in St. John’s, Schreyer travelled to Port Co- work is internationally renowned at age 69, and her 13th novel is ex- federal election, she promoted the
Newfoundland, on April 12, quitlam to present him with the and has helped Canada cement pected to be released next year. Green party, emphasizing her sup-
1980. Fox ran for 143 days, cover- award, two weeks after he was itself in the literary world. Some While many know Atwood as port for Elizabeth May. Atwood
page 12 | the fulcrum

ing 5,373 kilometres between St. forced to stop running. At the of her most critically acclaimed an extraordinary author, few are also attended a rally for the Bloc
John’s and Thunder Bay. official ceremony, Schreyer ap- novels include The Blind Assassin, aware of the many other contribu- Québécois to show her support for
Fox was forced to stop in plauded Fox for his determina- Surfacing, The Handmaid’s Tale, tions she has made to Canada over their arts platform, despite the fact
Thunder Bay on Sept. 1, 1980 tion and patriotism: and Cat’s Eye. the past four decades. In the late that she is not a Quebec resident.
when, after numerous tests, he “By his disregard for his own Born in Ottawa, Atwood at- 1960s and 70s, she was a professor Atwood was named a compan-
was told by his doctors that the pain, and by his devotion to a tended Victoria College at the at several universities, including ion of the Order in 1981, in recog-
cancer had spread to both of his great cause, Terry embodies the University of Toronto. In 1961, she the University of British Colum- nition of not only her outstanding
lungs. Canadians who had fol- motto of the Order of Canada: obtained her Bachelor of Arts in bia and York University. She has contribution to Canadian culture,
lowed his progress over the four- They desire a better country.” English with minors in philoso- always been active in the political but also the influential role she has
month marathon were shocked. Fox remains the youngest per- phy and French. She went on to sphere, advocating passionately played in the environmental and
He passed away less than a year son ever to receive the honour. earn an honours degree from Har- for woman’s rights, environmental feminist communities.
David Suzuki
David Suzuki is one of the most recent re-
cipients of the Order, receiving this honour
in 2005. He was named to the Order for his
dedication to the preservation of the earth
and his promotion of a sustainable society.
At age 72, he is still active in promoting en-
vironmentally friendly practices to the world,
speaking at universities and conferences, and
starring in Canadian commercials that pro-
mote an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
Suzuki was born in Vancouver in 1936. He
received a Bachelor of Arts from Amherst
College in Massachusetts in 1958 and earned
his PhD in zoology at the University of Chi-
cago in 1961. Moving back to Canada, Suzuki
became a professor and researcher of genetics
at the University of British Columbia in 1963,
where he stayed until 2001.
While maintaining his position at UBC,
Suzuki began his broadcasting career in 1970
hosting a weekly children’s show called Su-

photos courtesy Governor General Archives, Wikipedia, Terry Fox Foundsation, Archives of Ontario
zuki on Science. Since then, he has worked for

Tommy Douglas
many different television and radio shows,
including CBC’s Quirks and Quarks from

Pierre Elliot Trudeau

1975–79 and The Nature of Things which he
Tommy Douglas is best known as the father of Canada’s publicly has hosted since 1979.
funded health-insurance system. Douglas was passionate about He continues to spread awareness through
healthcare in Canada because of his own experiences with med- Pierre Elliot Trudeau is one of ment during his tenure as prime the David Suzuki Foundation, which he co-
ical issues. As a child, he had several unsuccessful surgeries for the most popular individuals in minister was the institution of founded in 1991. Through this organization,
a bone infection in his knee. His parents were unable to pay Canadian history, known for his the Canadian Charter of Rights he promotes his Nature Challenge, urging
for specialists to treat him and doctors advised that his leg be charismatic leadership through- and Freedoms in 1982, entrench- Canadians and the rest of the developed
amputated. A visiting surgeon saved his leg by performing an out the late 1960s to early 80s. As ing a bill of rights into Canada’s world to reduce home energy, buy local pro-
operation for free. leader of the Liberal party, Trudeau constitution. In front of a crowd duce, and use public transportation, amongst
Douglas became leader of the Cooperative Commonwealth was Canada’s 15th prime minister, of thousands, including Queen other things. The foundation provides infor-
Foundation (CCF) in 1944, which was the first socialist govern- serving from 1968 to 1979. After Elizabeth II, Trudeau spoke of the mation on how to lead a sustainable lifestyle
ment in North America. While serving as the premier of Saskatch- an interim of less than a year, he achievement. and encourages society to get involved on a
ewan, Douglas created the concept for the program, and in 1962, returned to office to serve from “It is in that spirit of faith, and larger scale.
his successor, Woodrow Lloyd, implemented it. This spawned a 1980 to 1984. of confidence, that I join with Ca- As a result of his hard work and dedication,
health-care revolution within Canadian politics as the federal gov- Trudeau’s performance as prime nadians everywhere in sharing Suzuki has been presented with 22 honoura-
ernment became more involved in issues of health. minister was a source of contro- this day of national achievement. ry degrees from universities in Canada, the
In 1961, he was elected the first federal leader of the New versy due to his unconventional It is in their name, Your Majesty, United States, and Australia. He is the author
Democratic Party (NDP), which gave him the opportunity to behaviour. In an official visit from that I now invite you, the Queen of 43 books and has made a monumental im-
advocate for social issues on a larger scale throughout the 10 Queen Elizabeth II, he broke royal of Canada, to give solemn procla- pact on Canada’s environmental conscience.
years he held the position. During his term, Douglas notably etiquette by doing a pirouette be- mation to our new constitution.” The official citation for his nomination stated,
spoke out against the War Measures Act that was introduced hind her back, much to the delight Trudeau was honoured as a “Always forthright and thought provoking,
during the October Crisis in 1970. of the media looking on. He was companion of the Order in 1985, [Suzuki] continues to reflect on the impact
Douglas stepped down as NDP leader in 1971 but decided also known for using obsceni- shortly after his term as prime of our behaviour on the natural world that
to stay in the House of Commons to become the party’s energy ties in the House of Commons. minister ended. As Rex Murphy sustains us.”
critic. He retired from politics in 1978 and died of cancer in His conduct usually brought wrote in The Globe and Mail,
1986 at age 81. him to the forefront of Canadian shortly after Trudeau’s death in
Douglas was also active outside political circles. In 1971, a media. 2000: “Pierre Trudeau among us
foundation was founded in honour of both Douglas and former As prime minister, Trudeau was his greatest contribution. He
leader of the CCF, M. J. Coldwell. The Douglas-Coldwell Foun- strongly supported the recently was a presence of such ease and
the fulcrum | page 13

dation was created in dedication to the study of social democ- implemented universal health grace, of so many—apparently—
racy, and Douglas served as its first president. care system, and refused to be casually acquired accomplish-
Douglas was named a companion of the Order in 1981 to persuaded by those who opposed ments, intellectual and social, in
recognize his contributions to Canadian society through his it. Trudeau also implemented two languages more fluent and
political career. During a 2005 visit to Canada, Queen Elizabeth French as an official language of ready than the rest of us in one,
II paid tribute to Douglas’s hard work during the Centennial Canada, integrating it into every the man on the flying trapeze in
Gala in Regina, Sask. aspect of the federal government. one guise, the legal scholiast in
“In a lifetime of most remarkable service, first to province Despite his best efforts, he was un- another … patriot and cosmopol-
and later to country, Premier Douglas brought social conscious- able to extend his law on language itan, parent and politician—what
ness to life in the policies that directly affected the lives of Cana- to provincial governments. Francis Bacon called in a different
dians,” Her Highness said. Trudeau’s greatest accomplish- context ‘a full man’.”
Good Disappointing
Twilight Film
EVERYONE HAS BEEN there—that brief mo-
ment when your eyes meet those of a beautiful
reotype of Hollywood teen movies.
The onscreen chemistry between Stewart
Quantum of Solace C-
IT’S ONLY BEEN two movies, but already the based on physical qualities rather their thes-
new Bond has lost his sheen. Daniel Craig re- pian talents. Kurylenko’s rather wooden perfor-
stranger across the room and you forget to breathe. and Pattinson is palpable in the sexually tense turns as British superspy James Bond in Quan- mance as Camille Montes, Bond’s main ally, is
Unfortunately for Isabella Swan (Kristen Stewart), looks and halting breaths as they convey the tum of Solace, the underwhelming follow-up to acceptable given the laughable script she had to
the look in the eyes of that beautiful stranger isn’t burden of teenage angst in this Romeo and the excellent series reboot Casino Royale. The work with. Craig’s second turn as Bond proves
desire for her body—it’s desire for her blood. Julie-inspired tale. Pattinson, best known for intrigue, gadgetry, and action that made the last that he might be nothing more than a one-shot
Twilight, based on Stephenie Meyer’s best- his role as Cedric Diggory in the Harry Pot- Bond film an instant classic are missing here, wonder in the role. His inscrutable demeanour
selling 2005 teenage romance novel of the same ter movies, has mastered the art of the smoul- replaced with nausea-inducing camerawork, and blank face worked in Casino Royale to show
name and adapted for the screen by screenwrit- dering gaze, which even caused several young pointless character development, and a plot with Bond’s aloofness and chameleon-like ability to
er Melanie Rosenberg, is a love story between women in the theatre to moan out loud. How- more holes than O. J. Simpson’s alibi. Quantum blend in anywhere, but in Quantum of Solace
Isabella and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). ever, his restrained approach to the role leaves of Solace is, quite simply, a dis- these same attributes make his
Unfortunately, Edward is a vampire, and is torn
between his love for Isabella and his deep urge
the audience wanting more—when the time
comes for real emotion, Pattinson just doesn’t
Quantum of Solace picks up
It’s only been supposed emotional develop-
ment completely unbelievable.
to sink his teeth into her flesh. have the acting range. Stewart (The Messengers, where Casino Royale ended, two movies, but Given the quality of Casino
Director Catherine Hardwicke’s film adap- Zathura) is evocative as a young woman in love with Bond determined to de- Royale, Quantum of Solace is a
tation of Twilight perfectly captures the subtle with a vampire, although she sometimes lacks stroy the organization that already the new huge disappointment. It’s not a
complexities of Bella and her difficult and often the passion expected of a hormonally-charged blackmailed his girlfriend and Bond has lost his terrible movie, and it has some
dangerous relationship with Edward. Hardwicke teenager. forced her into comitting sui- of the classic Bond entertain-
(Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown) is no newcomer For those who never read the book, there may cide. The insane camerawork sheen. ment—booze, broads, and bul-
to adolescent cinematography. Her choice to be moments in Twilight that come across as over- begins in the initial scene, a car lets—that we’ve come to expect.
film with a blue-grey palette gives this teenage ly long and drawn out, but the movie is an earnest chase that’s more disorienting But ultimately Quantum of Sol-
romance a darker edge, pushing Twilight away portrayal of desire in the face of adversity. than a nuclear-powered merry-go-round. There ace falls frustratingly short of the bar set by its
from the zealously happy and overly bright ste- —Jessica Sukstorf is never an establishing shot of the cars involved, predecessor. At the end of the film, your brain
so it’s never clear who is chasing whom, and the feels shaken up like a snow globe that’s spent
camera is zoomed in so tightly that it’s nearly weeks in the hands of a class of clumsy and curi-
impossible to decipher what the hell is going on. ous second-graders. Watch Casino Royale while
It only gets worse as the movie goes on, as this falling down a flight of stairs, and you’ll get pret-
opening reveals the ADD-fuelled camerawork ty much the same experience.
that ruins every other action scene in the film. —Peter Henderson
This is director Marc Forster’s (Monster’s Ball,
Stranger Than Fiction) first action movie, and
if there’s any justice for eyeball abuse, it will be
his last.
The visual incoherence is mirrored in the
plot, which soon develops into a sprawl-
ing, nonsensical story of oil, water, and global Judd Apatow movies
warming. Apparently Bond is searching for the
group that caused his girlfriend’s death, but it’s 3. Stepbrothers
never actually clear who that group is. He cap-
tures the person most immediately responsible What do you get when you mix equal parts Will
at the beginning of the film, but then promptly Ferrell, John C. Reilly, and the freedom to act like
forgets about him. Bond also begins to disobey spoiled, belligerent 10-year-olds? The funniest
his orders from his bosses at MI6, but it’s not comedy Ferrell has starred in since Anchorman.
entirely clear why or, once he’s been suspended, “You have the voice of an angel. I mean, it’s like
how he keeps moving from place to place. That’s Fergie meets Jesus.” Fucking hilarious.
another problem with the film—there seems to
be dozens of locations explored in less than two 2. Superbad
hours, and the film moves at such a frenetic,
chaotic pace that an intermission feels neces- When it comes to showcasing the angst faced
sary. Although Paul Haggis and Neil Purvis re- by the teenager of the 21st century, Superbad
turn as screenwriters after their success with Ca- does it best. The film succeeds in being a bril-
sino Royale, this film seems like it was written by liant teen-comedy and could even be consid-
someone with the attention span of Tom Green. ered a sociological documentary.
The acting of the two leads in Quantum
of Solace, Craig and Olga Kurylenko, is bad 1. The 40-Year-Old Virgin
enough to take away from the audience’s enjoy-
ment of the movie. That’s saying something for a No one can portray a sexually-frustrated man
film series that usually chooses its lead actresses like Steve Carell. Virgin was Apatow’s biggest
hit and this movie paved the way for one of the
If you’re reading this, you have the attention to best comedy-institutions to take over and bring
detail we need in our proofreaders. life back to Hollywood comedies.
—Hisham Kelati
Come to 631 King Edward Ave.
on Tuesday evenings to keep
the Fulcrum error-free. THE LIST ISSUE
earlier work like “Welcome to the ACCORDING TO BEYONCÉ, her third album I Am… Sasha
Jungle” and “Sweet Child O’ Mine”. Fierce is divided into two discs to represent both her real person-
The guitar solos in “There Was a ality and her onstage persona. In an interview with Billboard, Be-
Time” are phenomenal, one soft and yoncé explained that Sasha Fierce is the aggressive performer that
evocative like a woman’s sorrowful she becomes under the spotlight, as opposed to her normal, more
voice and the other a triumphant, reserved self. On the first disc, I Am…, Beyoncé reveals her true
raw-edged shred. Rose shows his tal- self, who seems to be a whiny annoyance. The songs are a reinter-
ent for mixing rock with soul, as nei- pretation of the forgettable pop Beyoncé is known for, with sparse
ther of these disparate pieces seems instrumentation and slower tempos that result in relentless medioc-
out of place in the song. In fact, most rity. The second disc, Sasha Fierce, is packed with the catchy, upbeat
of the guitar solos on the album are fluff that she’s produced countless times before. If these two albums
Album reviews
excellent—it’s a testament to guitarist Beyoncé
I Am… Sasha Fierce D were on random, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell which one
Guns N’ Roses
Buckethead’s talent that he makes the was supposed to be the “experimental” one. I Am… Sasha Fierce
Chinese Democracy listener forget the absence of Slash, is the awkward execution of a gimmick idea that wasn’t remotely
GNR’s original guitarist who is widely interesting to begin with.
IT’S BEEN 14 years since work be- regarded as one of the best riff-mak- —Danyal Khoral
gan on Chinese Democracy, the ers of all time.
long-awaited sixth studio album The album is better than it should
from Guns N’ Roses that was finally be after years in development hell, NICKELBACK HAS HIT rock bottom with Dark Horse. While
released on Nov. 23. It’s overblown, but there are still a few missteps. “Bet- previous Nickelback releases have mixed alternative rock and
overproduced, and overwrought, but ter” just sounds like a shitty pastiche sappy radio ballads with some success, their sixth album removes
this is to be expected from the front- of every other Guns N’ Roses bal- any semblance of that balance. On Dark Horse, the ballads are
man who personified arena rock. Axl lad, overlaid with some of the most wimpy and over-produced, and the riff-based rock-outs are shal-
Rose, lead singer, main songwriter, poundingly pedestrian guitar parts low and repetitive. Exhibit A: “S.E.X.” espouses the wonders of
and the only original member of ever recorded. “Street of Dreams” is intercourse in curing all of life’s ills. “Next Go Round” is about
Guns N’ Roses still in the band, com- a piano-driven ballad that would’ve sex too. And “Something In Your Mouth”—well, you figure it out.
bines GnR’s classic anthemic style seemed dated even in 1992, and in Cougars looking for sexual celebration and sympathetic ballads
with industrial-music influences to 2008 it’s positively archaic. These will be satisfied, but everyone else will want to take this horse to
create a multi-textual, complex album sour notes aside, Chinese Democracy the glue factory.
that’s somewhere between Van Halen
and Nine Inch Nails.
is an impressive album that marries
old-school arena rock with modern
Dark Horse D- —Ben Myers

There are a few songs on Chinese industrial sensibilities. It’s worth a

Democracy that are amazing, and look, even if its development did take
make up for the excessively long wait. longer than the entire career of the
“Shackler’s Revenge” and “I.R.S.” are Beatles. You’ll never eat brunch in this town again
incredible, standing up to the band’s —Peter Henderson
Taste, criticism,
and Napoleon Dynamite the plotless, meandering independent film
about teenage alienation in Idaho that became
a huge hit thanks to its bizarre, offbeat humour.
Supposedly, if you can figure out why people like
that movie, you’ll be very close to winning that
$1-million prize. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s
possible—some movies are too unique and too
individual to be compared to others. Some films
are impossible to deconstruct, and how a person
feels toward them is a matter of personal taste—
that is, no matter what, no one can ever predict
Peter Henderson how you feel about Napoleon Dynamite.
Arts & Culture Editor So what’s the point of criticism? I think it lies
in the balance of the subjective and the objec-
THERE’S NO ACCOUNTING for taste. As tive, stating an opinion about a film but always
English novelist Henry Fielding once wrote, backing it up with reason and proof. There isn’t
“one man’s meat is another man’s poison.” As an a black and white disparity between subjectivity
arts critic, it’s my job to review and rate the lat- and objectivity—there’s a continuum between
est albums, movies, and games, but I can never those two points, and the job of a critic is to
be sure how someone else is going to feel about end up somewhere in the middle. Professional
the things I cover. Some movies that I hate, most critics like Roger Ebert keep their jobs because,
people love, and some movies that I love, most although they have their own personal tastes,
people hate. I always try and detail my reasons they are able to quantify and honestly discuss
for rating a film the way I do, because sometimes the strong and weak points of a film, book, or
the reason I hate a movie is the reason someone song—they explain their reviews, and ultimate-
else will like it. The hate mail I’ve received from ly let the reader decide for themselves. I’m no
artists and fans of things I’ve reviewed is proof professional, but this is the model I follow for all
that, in the end, everybody’s tastes are different. of my reviews.
Netflix, the American online DVD-rental I thought Transformers was terrible because it
service, cares about taste so much that on Oct. 2, was big, dumb, and loud, but some other people
2006, it began offering US$1 million to whoever might enjoy movies that are short on plot and
can improve the effectiveness of its movie rec- believability and long on giant robots blowing
ommendation algorithm—which uses statistical each other up. One of the films I trash this week,
analysis of movie ratings by Netflix members Quantum of Solace, is a movie that most of my
to find similar movies—by 10 per cent. Many friends enjoyed. They were able to see past the
of the nerdiest minds in America have devoted terrible camerawork and meandering plot, and
themselves to the problem, but they’ve hit a enjoy the film for its other merits. Personal taste
wall around 9.6 per cent. It seems that, no mat- may be inscrutable sometimes, but I’ll always
ter how smart the math, there are some movies try my best to explain just what makes good
that cause utterly unpredictable reactions in the films good and bad films bad.
people who watch them.
According to the eggheads working on the
problem, one such film is Napoleon Dynamite, 613-252-2311 Nov. 27, 2008 ARTS 15

David McClelland

Sports Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008

Sports Editor

Different styles,
same result
DeAveiro after the game. DeAveiro also
mentioned that the best way to play against
Men’s basketball a team like Guelph is to match their physi-
racks up two cal play.
Ward agreed with his coach’s assess-
more wins ment.
“I don’t think anyone can counter
by David McClelland Guelph’s physical play. They’re basi-
Fulcrum Staff cally a football team with basketball jer-
seys on,” said Ward following the game.
THE GEE-GEES MEN’S basketball team “You’ve just got to [play] with them.
proved that they could play two kinds of When they hit, you just try to hit back
basketball on Nov. 21–22 as they defeated twice as hard.”
the Brock Badgers 81-61 and the Guelph Baletic—who had six points against
Gryphons 67-60. Guelph—said that the Gees had trouble
While the Badgers are the defending adjusting to a different style of play be-
Canadian Interuniversity Sports cham- tween the two nights.
pions, most of their championship team “I think we got used to [Guelph]’s level
has moved on and their roster currently of physicality [in the second half]. At the
includes nine first-year beginning [of the
players. The Gees took game], they kind of
advantage of Brock’s “I don’t think anyone can surprised us but later
inexperience on Nov. we got going with the
21, shutting down the counter Guelph’s physical flow,” said Baletic.
Badger’s attack in the play. They’re basically a The Gee-Gees
key and using a diverse football team with certainly looked as
offensive effort to se- though they were hav-
cure their lead. Four basketball jerseys on.” ing difficulty chang-
Gee-Gees each scored Warren Ward ing their game plan
more than 10 points Gee-Gees guard in the first half of the
in the game, including game against Guelph,
16 from third-year for- as they struggled to
ward Nemanja Baletic and 14 from first- get points on the board. DeAveiro noted
year guard Warren Ward. that Ward played a crucial role in breaking
The next night, the Gee-Gees were through the Gryphon defence and find-
forced to play a very different style of bas- ing the basket. The Gee-Gees were able to
ketball. The Gryphons played a physical build upon Ward’s efforts to beat Guelph’s
game against the Gee-Gees, using their defence and hold on to the victory.
intimidating defence to keep Ottawa from For his part, Ward noted that attitude
running up the score. was an important factor in winning both
“[Guelph] is a very physical team. It’s games.
good for us since we don’t see a lot of that “When we play with urgency [and] des-
in our other opponents. So if we can play peration in every single game, no team can
two styles of basketball—the physical kind beat us.”
and then our athletic, carefree style—then
it’s to our advantage down the road in the The Gee-Gees play next on Nov. 28 when
playoffs,” said Ottawa head coach Dave they visit the Waterloo Warriors.

OUA East standings

Team Games played Wins Losses
Ottawa 6 5 1
Carleton 6 5 1
Toronto 7 4 3
Ryerson 7 3 4
Queen’s 6 2 4

Laurentian 7 1 6
York 7 2 5
photo by Alex Smyth
RMC 6 0 6 First-year guard Warren Ward gets airborne against the Brock Badgers.
Losses as stepping-stones ISSUE
She went on to explain that the Gees
The most successful
Women’s basket- need to work on not comitting so
many fouls and communicating bet- sport franchises
ball winning streak ter on the court.
snapped by pair Morasse praised her teammates 5. Real Madrid F.C.
for their perseverance throughout
of losses the weekend games. This Spanish football team
by Hilary Caton “The team is great, which is why has won a record 31 Liga
Fulcrum Staff we have a different top scorer each de Fútbol Profesional titles
game—each player shines in [her] and 17 Copa Del Rey tro-
THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa own way,” she said. phies. The club has also
women’s basketball team may have However, the Gee-Gees will need won a record nine UEFA
added a pair of losses to their record to improve their defence if they want Champions League titles,
this weekend, but they’ve gained to return to their winning ways. and two UEFA cups.
valuable perspective in return. Against both Brock and Guelph, the
After losing to the Brock Badgers Garnet and Grey had difficulty con- 4. Montreal Canadiens
73-67 on Nov. 21, the Gee-Gees taining their opposition’s explosive
were defeated a second time on Nov. offences. The disorganization on de- Since 1917, no National
22 against the dominating Guelph fence spread to the offence, with the Hockey League team has
Gryphons, who silenced the Gees Gees often experiencing long scor- had more success than the
62-53. ing droughts in both games. Canadiens. Montreal has
Before the game against Brock, “They basically physically domi- won 23 Stanley Cups, eight
the Gee-Gees were on a four-game nated us,” said Sparks after the game conference championships,
winning streak, thanks to the reor- against the Gryphons. “We lost these and 22 division champion-
ganizing efforts of head coach Andy games this weekend because we lost ships.
Sparks. Although the Gees were un- the inside battles. Until we start to
able to extend their streak, the losses win some of those individual battles 3. A tie between the
seemed to help the team understand we’ll see if they’ll learn from it and Boston Celtics and the
what it takes to become a true con- grow as players and teammates in Los Angeles Lakers
tender. the games ahead.”
“We still have some improve- The Boston Celtics have
ments to make. Our offence couldn’t The Gee-Gees now have a 4-3 record, won 17 National Basketball
come out, because of our weak de- and are tied for third in the Ontario Association (NBA) Cham-
fence,” said second-year guard Emi- University Athletics East division. pionship titles—ten of
photo by Alex Smyth lie Morasse—who racked up a total They next play Nov. 29 when they which were won between
Fifth-year guard Kaitlin Long attempts a long shot against the Brock Badgers. of 24 points against the Gryphons. visit the Waterloo Warriors. 1959 and 1969—20 East-

A new role
ern Conference titles, and
26 Atlantic Division titles.
The Lakers have won 14
NBA Championship titles,
29 Western Conference ti-
tles, and 28 Pacific Division
Former Gee-Gee titles. These two teams
finds her place as an make up one of the NBA’s
greatest rivalries, having
assistant coach faced each other 11 times
by David McClelland in the NBA finals (Boston
Fulcrum Staff won in nine of those meet-
circle. Twice named to the Ontario Uni- 2. The New York Yankees
versity Athletics (OUA) first-team all-
stars when she played for the Gee-Gees, The Yanks have won a re-
Trowell has been an assistant coach with cord 26 World Series titles,
the women’s basketball team since the 39 American League Pen-
beginning of the season. nants, and 15 AL East Divi-
Trowell first played with the Gee-Gees sion titles since 1901.
during the 2003–04 season and was part
of a resurgence of the women’s basket- 1. Ferrari
ball program. Along with fellow all-star
Julie Rodrigue, Trowell led the team to This team holds most of
photo by Martha Pearce
its first winning record since 1993, and Formula One racing’s re-
Former OUA all-star Moriah Trowell is now an assistant coach with the Gee-Gees.
to Ottawa’s first-ever OUA champion- cords, including most
ship title in 2004. feel badly for my teammates, obviously— Trowell has found coaching to be a far Gees, she tries to play whenever she can. World Driver’s Champion-
Trowell stopped playing after the but I think it was something I needed to different experience than being a player. “I’m not [playing] at the moment, I’m ships (15), most wins of all
2005–06 season so she could take time to do at the time.” “I have so much more sympathy for all a little bit injured,” said Trowell, pointing time (209), and most podi-
travel, but in the summer of 2007 she un- When Brown was replaced as head of the coaches I’ve played for now,” Trow- at the crutches next to her on the floor. ums all-time (622). They’ve
derwent shin surgery so she could play in coach by Sparks this July, Trowell be- ell laughed. “It seems a lot easier from the “I got injured playing basketball during won the most times in a
the upcoming season. However, Trowell came interested in returning to the team sideline than it does on the floor. It’s easy the summer. I don’t think I’d ever really single season (29), and are
was a part of the group of veteran play- in some way, even though she had al- for me to sit here and say ‘do this, do this, give it up, to tell you the truth.” also tied for most wins in
ers who left the team before the regular ready graduated with a degree in com- do that,’ but I know as a player it wasn’t Trowell is returning to school at the one season (15).
season, the culmination of a conflict with munication. that simple on the floor. So I have a new U of O as a part-time student in Janu- —Joseph Delfino
then-head coach Carlos Brown. “I knew I wanted to be involved in some appreciation for both sides.” ary and is hoping to take the nursing
“It [was] a little bit frustrating, but ul- way [this year],” she said. “I’ve known Trowell acts as something of a bridge second entry program beginning in the
timately it was up to me,” said Trowell.
“I could have stayed if I wanted to. I just
[Sparks] for years. I played against his
team [with the Gloucester Wolverines], so
between the players and the rest of the
coaching staff, since she is still very close to
2009–10 academic year. Provided she is
still at the U of O, she plans to remain a
didn’t feel like it was a situation I needed he was interested in me helping out … and her days as a university athlete. And even part of the women’s basketball team for
to stay in. I don’t really have any regrets—I I ended up being an assistant coach.” though she no longer competes for the Gee- as long as she can. ISSUE Nov. 27, 2008 SPORTS 17
Sloppy play hurts Gee-Gees
Top five ugliest
professional jerseys
5. San Diego Padres (1973)

An entirely bright-yellow uniform with

a single black stripe running up each Women’s
side. The Padres’ 1973 knits could
only have been more embarrassing
volleyball can’t top
if the team had been renamed the first-place York
Bumblebees to match the look. by David McClelland
Fulcrum Staff
4. Denver Broncos (1960–1961)
Early in their professional history, the women’s volleyball team a victory on
cash-strapped Broncos actually used Nov. 22 when they lost in straight sets
recycled NCAA uniforms, which re- to the first-place York Lions at Mont-
sulted in vertically striped socks and petit Hall.
a brown-on-yellow colour scheme. Despite the fact that Ottawa held
Yes, you did not misread, brown-on- leads during each of the three sets,
yellow. the Lions proved to be the tougher
and more composed team, chipping
3. Houston Astros (1975–1993) away at the Gees’ leads and winning
by scores of 25-21, 25-19, and 25-23.
The 80s-rooted typeface and baffling “We played well process-wise, atti-
orange and yellow stripes around the tude-wise [and] demeanour-wise, but
waist were terrifying. bottom line, [the] same thing is hurt-
ing us [as in past games this season]: photo by Martha Pearce
2. Denver Nuggets (1982–1993) unforced errors in play that we can’t Kaely Whillans blocks a York spike during the Gee-Gees 3-0 loss on Nov. 22.
have from veteran players,” said Gee- regrouping and coordinating attacks, cant lead in the beginning of the second together. That’s the thing we found
Just in case you needed empirical Gees head coach Lionel Woods after and ultimately ended up playing far set, mistakes soon began to catch up today. There were definitely less un-
evidence that incorporating a rain- the game. “I think we played harder, too reactively. with them and the Lions ran away with forced errors, [and] we feel like we
bow-coloured Denver skyline into a we definitely played tougher, but part Fifth-year setter Véronique Yeon, the frame. In the third and final set, the can actually work on those now,” said
uniform was a bad idea, the Nuggets of toughness is [knowing] when you who finished the game with two kills Gee-Gees finally started to get the job Yeon. “You take care of the things you
spent 11 years proving it. have to execute. I’m okay with a great and 10 digs, agreed with her coach— done, Yeon worked well with left-side can take care of—like serves, simple
dig on the other side and a great hit the team needs to stop making poorly hitter Karine Gagnon to generate points stuff—and then just push yourself and
1. Vancouver Canucks (1978–1985) on the other side, [but] I’m not okay timed mistakes. for Ottawa, but they couldn’t top York. push your teammates to just go for it,
with losing games by three or four “I think it was a step up from what The Lions, however, weren’t rattled by be aggressive, and don’t back off.”
If nothing else, the Canucks could points by missing three serves and we’ve been playing; we’ve definitely the Gee-Gees’ suddenly improved play
have hoped their opponents would three unforced errors.” reached certain goals. [But] there’s and held on to win the final set. The Gee-Gees now have a 6-3 record,
be too busy laughing at their “Flying The Gee-Gees opened the match still unforced errors that we have to While unforced errors have been a good for second place in the Ontario
V” uniforms (replete with giant letter strongly, collecting an early lead in the eliminate,” said Yeon following the problem this season, Yeon feels that University Athletics East Division.
V’s and an orange, yellow, and black first set and playing tough defensive game. “We don’t know exactly what the Gees are finally getting a grip on They next play on Nov. 28 when they
colour scheme) to play proper hockey volleyball, but were unable to maintain [the problem] is, but it’s just [about] their problems, and should be able to host the Queen’s Golden Gaels at 7
against them. the lead against an undefeated Lions getting the job [done].” work them out soon. p.m. at Montpetit Hall. Tickets are $4
—David McClelland squad. The Gee-Gees had difficulty While the Gees again built a signifi- “I think it’s getting team rhythm for students.

Top three sports games for

U of O hosts Atlantic guests

during the game.
the Nintendo The next day, the Gee-Gees took on
Entertainment System the fifth-place Huskies, and were shut
out 3-0 despite hitting the net with 34
3. Ice Hockey shots.
“I am going to give credit to St.
This 1988 Nintendo-made game truly Women’s hockey wins Mary’s—their players worked excep-
captured the game of hockey. Even one and loses two in tionally hard and that team beat us
though it was far from a precise trans- and deserved the win,” said Coolidge.
lation, the four-on-four hockey action exhibition games “They were first to the puck, they won
was fast-paced and exciting, making it by Anna Rocoski the battles on the boards, and they
one of the best sports games released Fulcrum Staff played consistent, [while] we were in-
for the system. consistent in terms of our effort.”
THE GEE-GEES WOMEN’S hockey The Gees rounded off the weekend
2. RBI Baseball team played host to some Atlantic with a 3-0 loss to the X-Women, who
guests Nov. 21–23, as the Dalhousie are second in the AUS. Despite hav-
Okay, so maybe it doesn’t make sense Tigers, St. Mary’s Huskies, and St. ing a number of excellent chances
to see catcher Pat Borders legging Francis Xavier X-Women came to Ot- on the power play—including a two-
out an inside-the-park home run off tawa for a series of exhibition games player advantage during the second
a ground ball to left-centre field, but against the Gee-Gees. period—Ottawa was unable to find
Tengen’s RBI Baseball 3 was still a lot The exhibition series against At- the net. Though Jessica Audet posted
of fun. They nailed the pitcher-batter lantic University Sports (AUS) teams a good effort in net for Ottawa, she
interface, and the wacky results be- has been held annually for the past six photo by Alex Smyth was powerless to stop the X-Women’s
come part of the game’s charm. years during a break in the teams’ reg- Cass Breukelmen had the winning goal in overtime for the Gee-Gees power-play.
ular schedules. Normally, teams from against the Dalhousie Tigers. “As a team, we bounced back. We
1. Tecmo Super Bowl the AUS and Quebec Student Sports al rankings of Canadian teams. “We played an outstanding game played a much better game overall
Federation—the Gee-Gees’ confer- On Nov. 21, the Gee-Gees played against Dalhousie and their goal- against StFX, [but] penalties cost us.
Proving that you only really need eight ence—do not cross paths outside of their first exhibition game against the tender played really well,” explained The first two goals were when we
plays to win a football game, Tecmo Su- the year-ending championships. Dalhousie Tigers, who are third in the Coolidge. “We had 50 shots on the were on penalty kill,” said Coolidge.
per Bowl is a classic. It’s a bit wonky at “The [games] don’t count for CIS AUS, starting the weekend off with a young lady and really competed hard “We got a number of chances to finish
times (80-yard rushes against pass de- points. However, with respect to the 6-5 victory thanks to an overtime goal and got pucks in the net.” things off and it just didn’t go out the
fences are all too common), but con- standings of how teams are ranked … from fifth-year forward Cass Breukel- “We played really well. We came way we expected it to.”
sidering the era in which it was made, it does affect our rankings in terms of men. out hard and we were all over them


the game is a brilliant translation of
ootball into digital format.
—David McClelland
where we sit in [the CIS] top ten,” ex-
plained Gee-Gees head coach Shelley
Coolidge, referring to the CIS’s nation-
Coolidge was pleased with her
team’s performance against the Ti-
on the forecheck,” said first-year cen-
tre Samantha Delenardo, who scored
her first goal against CIS competition
The Gee-Gees resume their regular
season on Nov. 29 when they visit the
McGill Martlets in Montreal.

18 SPORTS Nov. 27, 2008

Lighting the lamp

The sports video gamer’s lament THE LIST ISSUE

Top three athletes turned
sports games released lately often seem like little more more than a facelift. This is all-too frequent in many criminals
than clones of those classic games; the graphics may of their popular franchises, such as its Madden,
be more realistic than ever, but the gameplay has yet NHL, and FIFA titles. 3. Michael Vick
to catch up, and the feel of the game merely grazes the And for every new version, the problems with
surface of how sports are actually played. the simulation of the sport itself remain. In nearly The first-overall pick in the 2001
I will grant that it would be nearly impossible to every sports game I’ve played, the medium level National Football League draft and
turn a sport into a video game and make it feel real, of difficulty should provide a reasonable facsim- three-time Pro Bowler was a multi-
but why, given today’s technology, should we have ile of reality, with no bonuses given to either the talented quarterback who was given
to settle for putting a fresh coat of paint on last year’s player or the computer. Yet no game ever seems a 10-year, US$130-million contract
model? Gameplay in sports games can often be car- to quite break through the barrier and become in 2004 by the Atlanta Falcons. This
toonish and feature incongruities that pull you out truly convincing, even though games in other contract made him the richest player
David McClelland of the game—I’ve never understood, for instance, genres manage to be extremely convincing mod- in the NFL at the time. In December
Sports Editor why it seems to be so hard to come close to reality els of reality (flight simulators and war games 2007, a federal investigation into
when simulating pitcher fatigue in baseball games. come to mind). a dog-fighting ring known as “Bad
MOST SPORTS FANS can’t help but wish they were I’m tired of having to constantly replace my starting While accurate simulation should never supplant Newz Kennels” led to the convic-
professional athletes—or at the very least, coaches pitchers in just the fifth or sixth inning. fun when it comes to sports video games, I do wish tion of Vick, the leader of the ring.
and general managers. Since most of us will nev- Every year, it seems like I hear the same prom- that developers would pay a little more attention to He pled guilty to felony charges and
er get those opportunities, we often turn to video ises: this year the developers got it right so buy realism. It’s all about getting the details right, and is currently serving a 23-month jail
games to get a taste of the fame and glory of being this game and you will have an exact simulation now that technology has finally reached the point sentence.
an athlete. Unfortunately, video games of late are of [insert sport here]. But once you get the game where it’s possible to do that, I await the day that
rarely what I’m looking for. home and start playing, you begin to realize that sports video games can finally make me feel like I 2. Mike Tyson
Okay, so some of the classic games—such as the what you’re playing is basically last year’s game with am, to paraphrase a certain developer’s slogan, “in
ones on my top three Nintendo Entertainment System freshly updated rosters and slightly better graphics. the game”. Nicknamed the “Baddest Man on the
(NES) sports games list on page 18 of this issue, which EA Sports is particularly bad for doing this, as in- Planet” for his escapades inside and
inspired this column—are pretty fun, if almost laugh- novations seem to come along only once every four outside of the boxing ring, Tyson was
ably primitive by today’s standards. Unfortunately, the or five years, with each intervening year seeing little 613-562-0829 the youngest boxer to ever win the
heavyweight title at age 20. In 1992,
he was convicted of raping Miss

Scoreboard Black Rhode Island Desiree Washing-

ton, and served three years in jail. In
2007, he was convicted of possession
of narcotics and driving under the
influence, and was sentenced to 24
hours in jail, 360 hours community
Team Record Standing Last game Next game service, and three years probation.

1st in OUA 1. O.J. Simpson

Men’s 5-1 67-60 win
East (tie) Nov. 28 at Waterloo
basketball vs. Guelph A former star running back, Simpson
won the Heisman Trophy in 1968 with
the University of Southern California
Women’s 3rd in OUA 63-52 loss
4-3 Nov. 28 at Waterloo Trojans and was a six-time Pro Bowl-
basketball East (tie) vs. Guelph er. He was famously acquitted of the
murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown
4th in OUA 4-3 OT loss Simpson and her friend Ronald Gold-
Men’s hockey 5-4-2 Dec. 2 at Carleton man in 1995, but was convicted on
Far East at McGill all charges in October 2008 in a Las
Vegas robbery case. He is currently
Women’s 2nd in 3-0 win awaiting sentencing and could face
4-2-0 Nov. 29 at McGill more than 60 years behind bars.
hockey QSSF vs. Carleton
—Steve Verschoote

Women’s 2nd in 3-0 loss Nov. 28 vs. Queen’s. 7 p.m.

volleyball OUA East vs. York Montpetit Hall.
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Michael Olender

Opinion Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008

Executive Editor

Five rules for a generic epic party

by Hisham Kelati splinter the overall party. This an-
Fulcrum Staff chor keeps the invitees from wander-
ing and getting restless. The activity
I HAVE BEEN to some terrible par- should take the form of a party game
ties, the worst of which was in Grade a large number of people can get in-
10, when the highlight consisted of volved in. Examples include poker
party-goers reading excerpts from or Twister (with added bonuses such
J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. as drinking or stripping every time
But I’ve also been to some epic blow- you fall). The new party anchors
outs that would melt your mind. The these days are Guitar Hero and Rock
greatest celebration ever dreamt up Band. Some people might find these
by humankind, which also stands as games annoying, as they distract
my all-time favourite memory, con- from candid social interaction, but
sisted of a 12-hour spectacle held in really they’re the best game for get-
a wedding tent, where there were five ting different people together in a
kiddie-pools filled with beer, dozens non-stressful activity to have fun.
of go-go dancers, a volcano made
of nachos that spewed salsa, and a 3. Food and drink
hired house band that played until 7 It’s easiest to make the party BYOB,
a.m. the next morning. but you must always have ample
But parties like that are few and far amounts of snacks and non-alcohol-
between, and there is a frighteningly ic beverages present. You could be an
high number of mediocre-to-crappy epic host and have a bit of free booze,
parties occurring every weekend. but to really keep the party going you
Unfortunately, there aren’t any com- should cook something. Anything.
prehensive lists or rules to give guid- Bust out the hot dogs, pancakes, la-
ance to those poor hosts and host- sagna, or tiny little sandwiches with
esses who wonder what went wrong olives, and people will remember
when people didn’t come. So I’m of- your party for years to come. And
fering you a list of suggestions that, if make sure to have a lot of food and
strictly followed, will serve as a tem- drinks; it’s better to overstock than
plate for a blockbuster party. understock. Oh, and one more im-
portant point: always have ice!
1. Music
The music must be good; that is a 4. A big surprise
given. The playlist (yes, the songs This should be the party’s main attrac-
must be pre-arranged, and you can’t tion. Its existence can be announced
just play the radio) should consist when sending out the invites or it
of the hottest singles on the charts can be announced at the appropri-
at the time of the party. You want a ate time during the party’s climax
bumpin’ party, so songs should have (preferred). This surprise needs to
strong bass lines and a catchy cho- be wicked, as it will undoubtedly be
rus. No heavy metal. You can throw talked about by attendees the next
in a couple of slow-jams, but be sure day. It must be able to be enjoyed by
to place them sparingly and towards everyone. Examples include a piñata
the end of the party, so that every- (fill with candy, condoms, and toys),
one has had a chance to find some- a communal fondue set (meant for a
one to get in a bit of a sappy slow- smaller crowd—fewer than 10), and photo courtesy Hisham Kelati
dance moment and take off in pairs. an actual band performing (will as- You want everyone co-mingling in a more girls can mean that any guys highly effective security force.
Throw in a couple of eclectic songs sure your party is one for the books). friendly and safe environment, with lurking about are de facto creeps. While your party is roaring, don’t
that people have never heard, which If you decide on the champagne everyone feeling comfortable around Couples count as a single entity, so forget to be a courteous host. Make
could inspire some chatter. Include a fountain, be careful—it will add a bit everyone else. One of the beautiful don’t factor them into the ratio—but sure to work the room, and try to say
few old-school classics (The Rolling of sophistication to the evening, but things about Facebook is that you are be forewarned, the couples are more goodbye to as many people as you
Stones, The Clash, The Sex Pistols) a lot of bubbly may influence people able to invite specific people to your likely to make use of your bedroom can before they leave. This will give
into the mix to score points with se- to do things they’ll regret the morn- party, and make it unknown to any- for a little horizontal monster-mash, people the impression that they are
rious music fans. ing after. one not invited. You can do a ‘+1 rule’ so lock all bedroom doors. Also, to important, and will give you a great
with a condition that the +1 must be ward off the inevitable gate-crashers networking advantage, as well as an
2. Anchor 5. Invitees: approved by the host. Most impor- that will come, no matter how secret increase in numbers of invites to
You need to have a central activity in Invite the right people. That is to say, tantly, the ratio of women to men the party, make sure to have a couple other parties.
place to help anchor the party and its don’t invite anyone that may end up must be as close to 1:1 as possible. of the bigger guys work the door. You’re welcome. If this works for
attendees. Keep it to a single thing, as ruining the party—like the drama More guys means a sausage fest with Promise them free beer for the night, you, send me a Facebook invite to
having multiple distractions might queen who cries after two beers. frightened female party-goers, and and you’ll have a highly ruthless, your next bash as a thank you.
HECKLES: Most frequent Dear Di queries from
readers since 2003

5. Worried that your boyfriend might

be gay: Girlfriends panicked that
their boyfriends might be gay when
they found out that he owned a dil-

A ballot with my name on

do, tasted his own come, had sugges-
tive porn but still fucked cooch with
enthusiasm, dressed metrosexually,

it in a democratic process
listened to emo music and dressed
like a scenester, and were turned on
by cocks during POV porn. No, I told
you he’s not gay!

is fucking unacceptable 4. Disliked the taste of come: You

wanted to know how to persuade
your partner to swallow, desired big-
ger loads, complained about the taste
of come, got come in your ‘do, had
your “stanky” semen, and so many of
you just wanted better tasting come.
I told you to eat citrus fruits and be
by Dave Atkinson ing to the Pivik. My vote was in an enve- stations. You can do this with Google Docs sweet to your partner.
Fulcrum Contributor lope that was in another envelope with my and an Excel spreadsheet for fuck’s sake.
name on it. I did not put my vote into a big I know that my vote was probably not 3. Curious about ass: Students have
I GOT TO the front of the line, thrilled as box full of votes where it instantly became mistreated and that it was indeed secret been intrigued by anal sex, trying
always to go behind the little cardboard one among many, impossible to trace to and I have no problems saying that I voted to find the ‘p-spot’ (the prostate),
booth thing and put an X in a box. It’s ex- me. Two strips of saliva-moistened adhe- No. This is beside the point. This system enjoying prostate orgasms, getting
citing to vote. This time, I was voting in sive were between my name and my vote. did not let me see the moment my vote anal requests from your boyfriends,
the Student Federation of the University of After calming down chemically and became secret. I don’t know when my getting unexpected rim jobs, getting
Ottawa’s referendum on full membership putting the empty bottles in the yard for vote lost all ties with me anymore, or if it pegged, licking ass, having rough
in the Canadian Federation of Students. I a friendly homeless person to pick up, I did. I don’t trust two strips of glue and a anal sex, taking precautions, won-
was given an envelope to put my vote in, looked into the issue. This voting system, scrutineer I probably don’t know to ensure dering about the best positions for
which was a bit odd, but okay with me. I do similar to the absentee voting system used my vote stays secret. Like in all the other anal, and wondering if ass play was
hate trees, so why not add a redundant step federally in Canada, had been set up to pre- democratic elections I’ve taken part in, I clean. I said wash thoroughly and use
that’ll eat up one of the smug bark-covered vent people from voting at multiple polling wanted to put my naked ballot into a box a condom.
bastards? stations. This way, only one vote per per- of other naked ballots so that a ballot orgy
I folded the bilingual novel that was the son is counted. The outer envelopes were of freedom and democracy can go on in 2. Oral options: You kids wondered
referendum ballot in half and sealed it in checked at the end of each day to ensure there before counting. about the risks of blowing air into
an envelope, which I also folded in half as that every person voted only once. Then the It’s about confidence. I gain confidence vaginas, had wet faces after going
instructed, and then was handed yet an- envelopes inside were thrown into a pile, from seeing my ballot go into a box with down on girls, had pubes stuck in
other envelope with my name and student becoming secret. They were opened and no identifying markers on it at all. I know your teeth, couldn’t find the clit, got
number on it. “What the fuck is this?” I in- counted and scrutineers from the Yes and right away there will be no shenanigans annoyed with mounds of pubic hair,
quired jovially. “Put your vote into the sec- No sides got to watch the whole shebang. based on my identity. I still worry about hated using condoms and piss-tasting
ond envelope and seal it,” the polling sta- All this because the computer system shenanigans like ballot-stuffing or false poon, wondered how to tell her to go
tion clerk answered. After shitting a brick, used in the past let people vote twice. My spoils and stuff like that, and I always will. deeper, felt blow jobs took too long,
I did as I was told, because no matter what, answer to this is clear: “FIX THE SYSTEM, But why add another thing to be worried complained that the boyfriend was
my vote wouldn’t be counted if I flipped ASSHOLES!” It should not be difficult to about? Why take away my confidence bad at giving head, and wondered
the table and kicked someone in the neck, have a working document with a list of stu- while slaughtering a whole lot of those how to suck cocks better. You kids
as was my want. dents open at each polling station linked jackass trees? Get the computers fixed, or could just never get the hang of it…
“Secret ballot my ass!” I screamed as I by… let’s say the god-damned Internet, come up with something better. My name
walked out of the Unicentre, frightening so when one polling station checks off a and my ballot hanging out for any length 1. Creativity: Over five years, stu-
a group of birds and two professors walk- name, it is checked off at all other polling of time is bullshit. dents worried about the legal reper-
cussions of sex in exotic locations,
liked to be ridiculed during sex, want-
ed to report your brother’s weird
porn to your parents, asked how far

It’s the final countdown! a penis has to go in before it’s con-

sidered sex, asked how to bring up
your vomiting fetish with your part-
ner, asked “What’s up with snotty
bitches?”, tried to hide your boner
in church, freaked out about finding

The last Fulcrum staff your parents’ fetish gear, wondered

if you could swallow come if you’re
lactose intolerant, how to keep your
meeting of the semester is Sudoku answers
sex tapes off the net, about doing it
‘wheelbarrow style’, whether to en-
gage in competitive fucking with an-
Thursday, Nov. 27 at 1 p.m. from p. 22 other couple in the same room, and
whether it’s okay to lick the pole on
If you’re reading this, you have the a stripper stage. You all have never
attention to detail we need in our ceased to amaze me.

Bring your favourite Come to 631 King Edward Ave.

Thanks to everyone who has written
in. Keep the questions coming!
—Di Daniels

synth-based 80s ballad.

on Tuesday evenings to keep
the Fulcrum error-free. THE LIST ISSUE Nov. 27, 2008 OPINION 21
Sarah Leavitt

Distractions Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008

Features Editor

Dear Di Thryllabus
Thursday, Nov. 27 Concert: Sounds of Christmas.
2 p.m. St. Bonaventure Church.
If you have a question for Di, Palestinian film: Peace, Propaganda 1359 Chatelain Ave. Free.
e-mail and the Promised Land. 7 p.m.
Fauteux Hall. Room 137. Free. Monday, Dec. 1
Dear Di, them standing, sitting, friend prob- World Aids Day
I’ve been hesitant about tak- or walking. Another ably doesn’t only swing one Unicorn Theatre presents:
ing guys home from bars for the option is to find sex way. If he didn’t like guys to some Dido & Aeneas. 8 p.m. Tabaret Hall. Health Promotion presents the film:
last two weeks because earlier positions that won’t extent, there is no way he would Room 112. $5 for students. Grandmother’s Tribe. 4 p.m.
this month I ended up peeing all put as much pres- be doling out blow jobs. The only Alumni Auditorium. Free.
over my partner while having an sure directly on way to know how far he swings is Friday, Nov. 28
orgasm. I don’t know what caused your bladder; wom- to ask him. It sounds like you and Coffee House: Live music and slam
it, and I’m nervous that it could an-on-top or doggy-style are best. Cakes have a pretty open relation- Engineers Without Borders presents: poetry. 8 p.m. Café Alternatif. Free.
happen again. Is it my fault? Is But the simplest solution is to visit ship, so just be honest with him Buy Nothing Day workshop. 5:30 p.m.
this something I can stop? the bathroom before you get down about your concerns. My guess is
—Did You Just Piss On Me?! to serious business. That way you’ll that it will be up to you to set some
Fauteux Hall. Room 235. Free. Tuesday, Dec. 2
be comfortable and you can enjoy limits, depending on your comfort The University of Ottawa Orchestra. Lecture: “Guantanamo North” by
Dear DYJPOM, all the lapsnorkling and synchro- level. After the initial shock, can 8 p.m. Saint Brigid’s Centre for the Arts Prof. Robert Diab. 6 p.m. Fauteux Hall.
Are you sure it was in fact urine nized squirming you want. you see yourself being turned on and Humanities. 310 St. Patrick St. Room 147. Free.
and not your natural lube? Some- Love, by Cakes pleasuring another guy? Voluntary contribution.
times women can get quite wet Di If so, maybe that is something you
Play: Three Wishes. 7:30 p.m.
when sexually excited. If it was pee, should explore further. If not, tell
Saturday, Nov. 29 Gladstone Theatre.
the first thing you should do is see Dear Di, him that, and take it from there.
910 Gladstone Ave. $25.
your doctor because you might have I read your column all the time, But remember: no matter how
a urinary tract, kidney or bladder and never thought I’d be writing many people are involved, no one Women’s volleyball:
infection. Or maybe you have uri- in with an inquiry like this, but I should ever feel excluded during Ottawa vs. RMC. 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 3
nary incontinence (read: overactive need some advice. My boyfriend, sex. Be sure to make it clear that Montpetit Hall. $4 for students.
bladder). Luckily, these problems let’s just call him “Cakes,” really you felt left out during your last Last day of classes.
are treatable. If you’re cleared of any likes threesomes, especially with threesome, and be honest about La Comédie des Deux Rives
medical problems but your pipes other guys. Don’t get me wrong, whatever insecurities you may have presents: Turcaret (Le Financier). Concert: Guitar ensemble.
are still a bit leaky, you might need I’m a pretty liberal girl and I will when you are setting limits. The 8 p.m. Academic Hall. 8 p.m. Pérez Hall.
to exercise your poon. Most people admit I enjoy having two penises more open you are, the less likely $8 for students. Freiman Auditorium. Free.
don’t urinate during sex because inside me at once, but the last that future experimentation will
the urinal sphincter keeps the blad- time we had a threesome with lead to confusion or worry. Finally, Sunday, Nov. 30
der muscles tight to prevent leak- another guy, Cakes proceeded to keep in mind that there are plenty Email with
age. You could just be experiencing suck him off. I was shocked since of other intriguing, kinky, and sexy suggestions for events for the month
Women’s hockey: of December.
a weakening of those muscles. To I’ve never seen anything like this things to do in bed. Threesomes, Ottawa vs. Syracuse (exhibition
take care of those weepy muscles, before. He got really into it, and foursomes, or moresomes can get game). 2 p.m. Sports Complex. Free.
make sure to do your Kegel exer- cut me out almost entirely. I was very complicated very quickly. You
cises. Basically, you clench the mus- just wondering if this was inno- and Cakes may want to spend some
cles that control when you urinate, cent experimentation, or does it time concentrating on just the two Itch by Daniel Kaell
and then relax them. Forget using mean something more? of you. Focusing on what you can
the women’s only time at the gym, —Confused Cock Confrontations do to please each other—watching
because nobody can study your porn or using a dildo for that two-
moves while you’re doing these ex- Dear CCC, penis feel are just a couple of sug-
ercises. Do them during your Inter- Since the idea that Cakes enjoys gestions—might remind you that
national Relations seminar, while threesomes “especially with other two can be enough.
you’re watching Twilight, or when guys” didn’t give you the hint, I will Love,
you’re on You can do give it to you straight: Your boy- Di

Last Ditch Effort by John Kroes

sudoku answers on p. 21
Frank Appleyard

Editorial Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008


Part of a complete
breakfast since 1942.
Volume 69 - Issue 15
Top five most ridiculous
aspects of the CFS referendum
Nov. 27–Dec. 3, 2008
phone: (613) 562-5261
fax: (613) 562-5259
631 King Edward Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

Recycle this paper or kids will

eat fruit in the morning.

Frank ‘cap’n crunch’ Appleyard

Ben ‘cheerios’ Myers

Production Manager

Michael ‘count chocula’ Olender

Executive Editor

Martha ‘lucky charms’ Pearce

Art Director

Emma ‘froot loops’ Godmere

News Editor

Peter ‘cruncheroos’ Henderson illustration by Devin A. Beauregard

Arts & Culture Editor
IT HAS BEEN almost a week since 4. The Referendum Oversight Com- VP Finance Roxanne Dubois and called to intervene in disputes between
David ‘cocoa puffs’ McClelland the results of the Student Federation mittee (ROC) VP Student Affairs Danika Brisson opposing campaign volunteers, we
Sports Editor of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) From the moment the ROC was both worked on the Yes committee, knew that the campaign had descend-
referendum on full membership in formed to run the referendum, there while VP University Affairs Seamus ed into madness.
Sarah ‘cookie crisp’ Leavitt the Canadian Federation of Students were concerns over the committee’s Wolfe and VP Communications Ju- At least the two sides were passion-
Features Editor (CFS) were released. Regardless of impartiality. Given that two members lie Séguin openly campaigned for the ate. That’s about all that can be said pos- the result, the referendum contained were pro-CFS and two proclaimed same. Though they may not have iden- itively about much of the campaigning
Danielle ‘crispix’ Blab enough eyebrow-raising moments to themselves to be neutral, the scales of tified themselves by their SFUO titles during the 13-day referendum.
Laurel ‘crunch berries’ Hogan make students wonder exactly what the ROC were never fairly balanced. while campaigning, all four are easily
Copy Editors they signed up for when the SFUO The ROC’s supposed impartiality recognizable faces on campus, and it 1. ‘Uniting’ the student movement
accepted prospective membership was called into question on more than is difficult to separate the individuals The successful Yes campaign referred
Amanda ‘frosted flakes’ Shendruk
Associate News Editor in the CFS on July 27. Here are the one occasion during the campaign, from their roles as student leaders. The heavily to the importance of unit- Fulcrum’s lowlights of the three-ring most notably for penalizing the No SFUO may have been neutral, but most ing the Canadian student movement
circus that rolled into town Nov. committee for a poll distributed by the of its executive certainly was not. through joining the CFS. However,
James ‘trix’ Edwards
7–20. Students’ Association of the Faculty of The provision barring SFUO em- this referendum did nothing to unite Arts that was deemed to disadvantage ployees from campaigning during stu- U of O students. The 51.8 per cent ra-
5. The never-ending ballot count the Yes side. dent-paid time was entirely toothless, zor-thin majority revealed a very clear
Jessica ‘french toast crunch’ Sukstorf Over 50 hours passed between polls The ROC claimed that this was one as several executive and staff members divide on campus regarding the CFS.
Volunteer & Visibility
Coordinator closing on Nov. 20 and the results of the most tightly regulated referen- were seen handing out Yes campaign This referendum was based upon finally being announced on Nov. 23, dums in CFS history, but failed to cap literature and talking to students during ensuring the ability of students to
during which time a record number campaign spending and permitted a paid time. ‘Good faith’ was apparently speak to various levels of government
Megan ‘golden grahams’ O’Meara of voters and dozens of campaign vol- one-sided referendum question to ap- misplaced during the referendum. with a single voice. However, it is clear
Staff Writer
unteers held their breath and waited pear on the ballots. Such moves simply that students at the U of O do not share
Alex ‘honey bunches of oats’ Martin for an announcement, or even a hint never looked kosher. 2. Campaign insanity a single voice. In accepting full mem-
Staff Illustrator at when the announcement would When allegations of campaign impro- bership, the SFUO may be united with
Inari ‘kix’ Vaissi Nagy
come. 3. SFUO ‘neutrality’ prieties began flooding the ROC soon other CFS member unions, but U of
Jiselle ‘jurassic park crunch’ Bakker Considering that the SFUO elec- The SFUO officially took a neutral after the referendum kicked off—and O undergrads themselves are far from
Ombudsgirls tion results are made public in only stance in the referendum. The Board didn’t stop until polls closed—we unified. A referendum on uniting stu- a handful of hours, the delay in an- of Administration passed a motion wrung our hands. dents seemingly had the opposite ef-
Travis ‘optiva’ Boisvenue
nouncing the referendum results was decreeing that “any campaigning by When both sides openly cam- fect, and there is clearly a lot of work
Ombudsboy entirely unexpected. It was important the executive and employees of the paigned mere steps away from the that needs to be done by U of O stu- to all students that the votes be tabu- SFUO be done outside of paid time, in polling stations, blatantly flouting the dents to unite this campus—and not
lated properly, but the painfully long good faith”. While this all looked great referendum rules forbidding such worry about our peers across Canada.
Nicole ‘diamond shreddies’ Gall
Staff Proofreader process bordered on the unbeliev- in theory, both stances turned out to practices, we cringed.
able. be papier-mâché promises. When Protection started getting
Robert ‘rice krispies’ Olender
On-campus Distributor
Deidre ‘special k’ Butters Dave ‘apple jacks’ Atkinson Daniel ‘smacks’ Kaell Émilie ‘banania’ Sartoretto
Advertising Representative Devin A. ‘toasties’ Beauregard Danyal ‘life’ Khoral Len ‘oreo o’s’ Smirnov Hilary ‘total’ Caton Hisham ‘grape nuts’ Kelati Alex ‘fruit brute’ Smyth
Laura ‘waffle crisp’ Clementson John ‘raisin bran’ Kroes Nick ‘choco crunch’ Taylor-Vaisey Cover illustration
Ross ‘bran flakes’ Prusakowski by Alex Martin
Joseph ‘chex’ Delfino Jaclyn ‘corn pops’ Lytle Kristy ‘corn flakes’ Welbourn
Business Manager Kenny ‘vector’ Dodd Carl ‘corn chex’ Meyer
Kristyn ‘weetabix’ Filip Anna ‘frosted flakes’ Rocoski
Our Federation! Our Voice!
Become an SFUO Executive or Board Member
Get elected as an SFUO executive! Run in the next General Elections!

The following positions are available:

* President
* VP University Affairs
Fédération étudiante de l’Université d’Ottawa
* VP Finance
* VP Social Affairs
* VP Student Affairs Student Federation of the University of Ottawa
*VP Communications

These positions are full-time from May 2009 to April 2010. Make $30,000 and gain a
unique and rich experience leading to great career opportunities in politics, management,
public relations, communications and in many other fields. Levels of bilingualism
are required for all executive positions.

Run for the SFUO Board of Administration!

Get elected as a board member of the SFUO Board of Administration!

Gain a valuable experience of representing all student interests at the BOA this year and
making valuable decisions that benefit students!

Pick up your nomination form at the SFUO office (UCU-07) or at

For more information, please contact the elections office at

Nominations Open. Nominations close January 19.08


Fédération étudiante
Student Federation


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