Week 19 - Is Jesus The Only Way of Salvation

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Is Jesus the Only Way of Salvation? John 3:14-15; 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5; 1 John 5:12-13 September 10-14, 2012

Monday Read Numbers 21:4-9 & John 3:14-15 As Israel travels through the wilderness they become impatient and begin to grumble against God so He sends fiery serpents among them and many die from the snake bites. God judges their sin with a severe penalty but also provides a means of salvation. What was the only way to survive the venom of the serpents? How does Jesus compare Himself to the serpent Moses lifted up? To whom are you looking for life? Tuesday Read John 14:1-7 In this text Jesus makes a promise to his followers regarding His preparation of a place for them with the Father. Thomas makes an assertion indicating that they dont know where he is going and therefore dont know how to get there. Based on the immediate context, Thomas is asking how to get to the Father. How does Jesus respond to Thomas question about getting to the Father? How does Jesus claim of exclusivity play in our culture? Are you willing to affirm the Exclusivity of Christ in the face of a religiously tolerant culture? Wednesday Read Acts 4:1-12 In Acts 4 Peter and John find themselves before the proverbial Jewish Supreme Court because they had been proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus from death. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly asserts that Jesus is the only way of salvation. Consider today what boldness would look like for you in our culture regarding the unique role of Jesus as the only means of salvation. What inhibits you from being bold? Take a moment to pray for grace to move beyond your inhibitions. Thursday Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7 One way to think of the role of a mediator is as an individual who brings about reconciliation between two estranged parties. How many mediators does Paul say exist between God and man? How has Jesus brought reconciliation between you and God? Take a moment to thank God for the gracious gift of the reconciling work of His Son. Friday Read 1 John 5:12-13 In this text John indicates that the purpose for which he has written this letter is to give assurance of eternal life to his readers. What does John say is the key to being assured of eternal life? Upon what do you base any assurance you have that you possess eternal life? Take a moment and thank God for the simplicity of knowing we have eternal life.

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