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The issue of illegal immigration continues to be a major problem in the United S tates.

In 2008, I proposed ten ways to deal with illegal immigration. Since th en, the problem has become worse and little has been done by the federal governm ent. Therefore, Ive come up with ten new ways to deal with illegal immigration. If you didnt like my last set of proposals, you probably wont like these any bett er. Run the GauntletLets give the illegals from Mexico a sporting chance to get here a nd gain citizenship. Well make it like American Gladiators. Lets build a twenty foot high concrete wall surrounded by barbed wire and a moat filled with alligat ors or water moccasins. On top of the wall well have armed guards. If you can m ake over the wall alive and both feet touch the American soil, youre in. If not, thanks for playing. Mass DeportationLets start checking IDs ever chance we get. Suspicious Americans c ould begin witch hunts to turn in people suspected of being illegal based solely on ethnicity. If you dont belong here, you get sent back to where you came from . Militarize the BorderWe have over 28,000 troops guarding the border between North and South Korea. Lets bring them home and all the troops we have stationed ever ywhere else and militarize our border with Mexico. Good luck getting through th at. Auction off citizenshipsWe can establish a quota of the number of citizenships we want to auction off each year for each country. Mexico may get 20,000. The hi ghest bidders get the citizenship so long as they pass a background check. Drastically Cut Student VisasStudents who attend school in the United States then dont leave contribute to the growing illegal population. We dont need to be educ ating these people at the expense of our own taxpayers and citizens. Annex MexicoLets annex Mexico as a territory and open it up for massive real estat e development, tourism, and industry once weve sent in the military to crush the drug cartels. Well then have access to about 12 billion barrels of proven oil re serves and opportunity to wean ourselves from foreign oil. Well make the territo ry exempt from EPA regulations, etc., and it is easier to guard the border betwe en Mexico and Guatemala and Belize than the U.S./Mexico border. Indentured ServitudeWe should offer citizenship to those who wish to immigrate he re in exchange for seven years of service to the military or individuals or busi nesses. Upon discharge from their indentured servitude, they are granted citize nship. Prohibit Illegals from Accessing Public ServicesLets see, if they cant get a drivers license or identification card, they cant get a job, rent an apartment, get util ities, etc. Make sure they cant put their kids in our schools and use taxpayer f unded services. No use to stay if they cant survive here. Expand Worldwide Investment in MexicoLets promote investment in Mexico. If other countries and businesses invest there, the Mexicans wont want to come here. Ther e will be plenty of jobs there for them to support their families. Employers ca n build factories there and pay substandard wages to be able to compete with Chi na. They wont need to come here seeking work and many of them that are here will return home. Open the GatesIf we arent going to get serious about illegal immigration, lets just open the gates and tell them to come on in; the more the merrier. Just make su re they pay their taxes

There is no one solution to this problem. Any solution must address many aspect s of the complex challenges posed by illegal immigration. If were not going to g et serious about addressing the problem, lets move on to solving other problems.

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