2006 - 12 - 01 - Column

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Kanata North Council Notes Marianne Wilkinson, Councillor Elect A big thank you to voters in Kanata North who

have selected me as their representative on City Council for the next four years. A special thank you to those who supported me during the campaign by taking signs, distributing literature, planning strategy and much more and to the other candidates and their supporters for their interest and contribution to the democratic process. There is much to be done in our communities and I look forward to working with you to meet the challenges. More than 60% of eligible voters turned out in Kanata North, showing a high level of interest in the future of our City. The new Council will be sworn in on Friday, December 1st at 4:30 p.m. Admittance is by invitation but you can watch the proceedings on Rogers Cable 22. Together with three other newly elected Councillors I have been preparing by attending briefing meetings on everything from the budget, council procedures and light rail. Four huge binders, three on light rail and the fourth an Orientation Manual were provided together with many other documents and I'm working my way through them. As on Dec. 1st I will have an office and phone number at City Hall where you will be able to contact me. Campeau Drive Meeting One of my commitments to residents is to host a consultation on any planning matter in your community. As the zoning of two parcels of land in the lands located between Campeau Drive and the Queensway will be dealt with at the Planning and Development Committee Meeting on November 28th the first consultation was held on November 21st with about 75 residents attending. There was considerable discussion on changes that had been made to the plan of subdivision, which lays out streets and development blocks, from that shown at the public meeting in June. This plan, approved on November 8th, had an additional street connecting to Campeau Drove opposite Conacher Terrace. I have been in touch with staff to ensure that traffic will not be permitted to cross Campeau onto this private roadway. A presentation was made on the proposed senior citizen residence proposed for the block just west of Knudson Drive along Campeau Avenue. It is a four story building with a drop off at the front and underground parking accessed from the street at the back of the building. A low rise hotel is planned for an interior site close to Kanata Avenue. Residents generally supported the zoning for these two blocks. Once the detailed site plan is received for each block a further meeting will be held on each proposal. Kanata Research Park Building Meeting I will be holding a consultation on the site plan for a proposed building at 1001 Farrar Road at the corner of Legget (Farrar is an approved road that has not yet been built - it runs off Legget south of the Solandt crossing). The meeting will be held on Tuesday December 5th

at 7:30 p.m. in Suite 132, 555 Legget Drive. This will be of particular interest to residents of the Marshes as the Kizell Drain, which passes through the Marshes, is adjacent to this site. The project engineers will be present to answer any questions. All are welcome to this consultation. Flu Clinics I will be getting my flu shot at one of the clinics being held in Kanata. These clinics are open from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at All Saints High School, 5115 Kanata Avenue on December 6th and 10th and Hold Trinity High School, 180 Katimavik Road on Dec. 12th. Bus Routes During the campaign I recommended that a north-south bus route run along from the north end of Morgan's Grant along March Road, Teron Road to Eagleson Road at the south end of Bridlewood connecting with buses at the Park and Ride and Hazeldean Mall. Congratulations to the Kourier-Standard Staff in timing this route by bicyle, foot and bus and showing clearly the need for a more efficient system. They didn't time it by car but I know from experience that it would take about 15 minutes. I will be meeting with OC Transpo this week on transit issues in Kanata. Early in the new year I will be holding consultations with bus riders to ensure that all possible options are considered in ensuring that we have an efficient transit system. Ward Council I will be putting a Ward Council in place in December. This is an advisory group that will help me keep informed and current on issues in Kanata North and provide feedback on City initiatives. I am asking for a representative from each Community association, the Kanata Chamber of Commerce, other interested community organizations and interested residents. The Ward Council will meet monthly starting in January.

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