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KANATA NORTH NEWS Marianne Wilkinson Councillor, Kanata North KANATA RECREATION CENTRE

On Apr. 10 residents will have their say on what will be included in the Kanata North Recreation Complex both within a building and on the grounds. Come to the Mlacak Centre at 7 pm to help set the priorities for the scope of the complex. This is the final opportunity for input on what will be included. Following the meeting, a report will go to Council to approve the project contents and to authorize moving forward on a design. Im looking for interested individuals to form an advisory committee on the complex. If you are interested, please submit your resume and a brief description of your interest in the project to my office.


Companies in Ottawa rarely have an opportunity for dialogue with City Hall so Im taking City Hall to them. On Apr. 10 at 3 pm at the Brookstreet Hotel, Ill be holding a Town Hall Meeting for them. Information on city services, taxes, business library facilities, access to city business and more will be discussed and questions and concerns addressed. If Ive missed sending you an invitation, please contact my office so you can be added.


City Council finalized the 2008 operating and capital budgets last week. Statements in the press have been incorrect on several key decisions that were made. The City will be using the $14.6 million dollars received from the province for roads and bridges for guess what? roads and bridges! Staff had indicated that they forecast a need for an additional $23 million for snow costs incurred after the end of March. Council approved transferring $10 million from the existing budget to be placed in the snow reserve fund. We turned down a motion to use the anticipated $12 million from the sale of Telecom Ottawa for snow activities and instead decided to place those funds in the Citys Tax Stabilization Reserve, which is standard procedure for unanticipated funds received. This means that there will likely be a shortfall in the snow budget by year-end. At that time, the funds in the snow reserve can be used. In addition we will have to be particularly careful with expenses so that funds will be freed up for snow services and increased fuel costs. The 2009 operating budget is $2.1 billion and the capital budget (excluding Police) is $784 million. This is made up of renewal of assets of $363 million,

growth of $307 million and new initiatives of $114 million. Most of the growth costs are paid for from development charges levied on new construction and special grants. The amount for road and bridge renewal is $70 million, an increase from past years. The total property tax rate increase for 2008 is 4.9%, made up of 1.44% for police, 1.46% for city operations and 2% for maintaining our aging infrastructure. As well as maintaining current City services the budget funds 38 additional paramedics, five new rural ambulances, increased resources for rural libraries, funds for museum sustainability, central area transit improvements, increased graffiti removal, the Kanata North Recreation complex, 97 buses, 40 of which are to handle growth, intersection improvements at Carling and Herzberg, the final design of Terry Fox drive, repaving Leacock Drive, further work on the transitway at Bayshore and more. During our preliminary review of administrative departments only $825,000 in savings were found. More detailed reviews are planned, starting with OC Transpo this year that should improve efficiencies for the future. The budget also includes the first part of the $100 million in efficiencies put forward by the City Manager.


Council has supported me in seeking a position on the Executive of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). If successful, it will enable me to work towards a better financial position for cities and to benefit from the ideas and practises of other municipalities.

To students of A Y Jackson Secondary School who are holding a Kindness for Kenya event on Apr. 10 starting at 5:30 pm in support of the Lwuk Girls School.

Work is proceeding on the installation of a major watermain along Campeau Drive. Roads from Village Green will be closed individually for a few days while the pipe is installed. Please follow the detours. Although it was hoped that there would not be a need to do blasting for this project, the hardness of the rock now requires blasting.

Coming Events

Apr. 10 3-5 pm, Town Hall Meeting, Brookstreet Hotel, for technology companies in Kanata North Apr. 10 7 pm, Priority setting for the Recreation Complex, Mlacak Hall C

Serving the residents and businesses in Kanata North

To receive the Kanata North Newsletter, to deal with a concern or make a suggestion contact me at 613-580-2474, email or through

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