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KANATA NORTH NEWS Marianne Wilkinson Councillor, Kanata North MORE ON THE TRANSIT PLAN

The Mayors statement, that those of us who prefer an East-West transit plan (Scenario 4) over an East-South plan (Scenario 3) are looking to start a war in which there would be casualties, is a slap in the face to every citizen who prefers an alternative to that which he is presently supporting. Yet in his blog he writes, I cannot stress enough how important it is for you as taxpayers, riders and citizens to provide your feedback. You need to tell him what you prefer. None of the plans will bring rail to Kanata during the next 10 years. There will be some minimal transitway construction, but that wont solve the transit problems that I hear about on a daily basis. Widening the Queensway will only worsen the traffic jam going into Ottawa in the morning, though it will help getting from Ottawa to Kanata, and yet that is touted as the solution to our traffic woes. My view is that we should select the plan that provides the most service to the greatest number of people with the lowest tax impact. Only one of the scenarios does that and it is the East-West scenario. Ive been told we cant do that because we dont yet have an approved route for the Parkway area. I met with City staff about this last week and they confirmed that the necessary studies, including looking at alternatives and getting an approved location, will take 3-4 years. Since the tunnel will not be completed by that time, and the western link needs the tunnel, there is plenty of time to design and construct a line within the 10-year timetable (even in the 7 year timeline of the present Build Canada Fund). The Evaluation Summary on the Citys website shows that the E-W route will have a capital cost per passenger km of $.30 compared to $.46 for the E-S route, operating cost of $.27 compared to $.29, total operating savings of $637 million compared to $548 million, a reliability increase of 32% compared to 23%, an emission reduction of 40 tonnes compared to 29 tonnes and more. The evaluation shows that the E-W scenario will produce a 10% improvement to meeting the 50/50 split between fare and property tax revenues compared to 5% on the E-S route, 86% will be within the Greenbelt compared to 48% in the E-S plan and the E-W route will remove 90% of the buses from downtown compared to 45% from the East-South line. More people will travel above the tunnel than through it if the E-S plan is adopted! Im very concerned that we do not have any information about the impact of each of the scenarios on property taxes. I will be pressing for that information to be provided prior to the report recommending a scenario going to Council and will put it in a future column in this paper.

You can submit your views to the City until Sept. 30 by filling in the feedback form at or by fax to 613-580-2578 or email Id appreciate a copy of your submission. You can view the information on the Citys website by clicking on Phase 3. Click on the Evaluation Summary of Phase 1 Transit Infrastructure to see the comparative data. Each of the alternatives, named scenarios, can also be viewed there.

When the plans were being developed for the lands between Kanata Ave. and the Richardson Side Road, a tree preservation plan was prepared. I have now received an update to the plan that indicates that the only trees that can be saved are those in the city park! The main reason is the grading changes that make it impossible to save trees. Ive had it reviewed by the Citys forestry staff and they have agreed that the trees cannot be saved. This shows the need for a different approach to approvals in the shield lands in Kanata as the engineering decisions are detrimental to good urban development. I am working on a plan to have additional plantings added because of the loss of these trees but it will take many years for them to reach the stature of some of the trees we will be losing.

Sept 29 7 pm All Candidates Meeting on Municipal Issues, City Hall Council Chambers Oct 1 7:30 pm Speaking at Beaverbrook Community Assn Meeting, west end of Calian Mall Oct 2 1 pm All Candidates Meeting, Mlacak Centre Oct 2 7 pm Kanata Chambers All Candidates Meeting

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