Moraga Rotary Newsletter - Sept 4 2012

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A question period followed the very interesting presentation. It was an impressive program by our new County Supervisor.

The meeting was opened by Al Sperske with an appropriate thought for the day. Several announcements were made: 1. Rich Render reminded that: E-Waste Collection is th scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 8 at Moraga Shopping Center. Do-nuts as usual!! Help is needed for this fundraiser. 2.Rotary Day at Golden Gates Fields, Sat. Nov. 17 is a fun event. Dining in the Turf Club. Cost is $35 for a day of racing and lunch! th 3. Ellen Beans made an announcement about the 150 Anniversary of St. Marys College which will be held throughout the coming year, beginning on September th 15 . An Attractive calendar was distributed which outlined a variety of events to take place, including a gala celebration in November and a year-long lecture series. It will be a GAELEBRATION! 4. President Frank also read a kind note from our most recent Employee of the Month Carol Tomlinson of McCaulous. 5. A sign-up sheet for the Patio Party at Sue McCaffreys was distributed. If you were not at the meeting, and plan to attend the event, please sign up next week or call Debbie Roessler. September 23 at 5:30 and $10 per.

Next Meeting: September 11 David Hatfield Living Stone Foundation: A Pre-School Project in Nakura, Kenya Evening Meeting at 6:00 in Faculty Dining Room Invocation & Greeter: Herb Wehmeyer
~~ COMING UP ~~ Sept. 8 E-Waste Collection Day Moraga Center *Sept.18 The Moraga Road Initiative Sept. 18 Board of Directors Meeting at 5:00 Trinity Hall Sept. 25 program to be announced *Regular weekly luncheon in Soda Center **Monthly evening meeting at Soda Center

Ellen Beans Editor of Moraga Network Candace Andersen Supervisor, District 2 Jill Ray Supervisor Field Representative Bill Eames Member of Lafayette Rotary Roger Poynts Moraga Civil Engineer Linda May guest of President Frank Sal Captain guest of President Frank


Gary Irwin was greeted back after a birthday and vacation trip to Washington. He pleaded that he had immunity for any contribution because he had the August fine free hat! Ron Mucovich sprung for a happy buck for attending the Cal game in the newly renovated stadium. Although Cal lost to Nevada, Ron had a mixed feeling, since his son is a graduate assistant for Univ. of Nevada team! Angelo Costanza was also at the Cal game, but changed his colors to sit with his brother (a former Nevada footballer) on the Nevada side of the stadium. st Kevin Reneau & Pam celebrated their 21 Anniversary with a movie and dinner this past week. Kevin had a $21 check ready for Lad to pick up! Al Simonsen had another happy dollar to tell about his granddaughter playing on the super Pepperdine volleyball team. To top it off, Al and Marilyn could watch the game on their computer! Modern technology is amazing.


Today we were pleased to have Candace Andersen, Contra Costa County Supervisor as our guest speaker. The newly elected Supervisor described the role of the County Supervisors, which include land use concerns of unincorporated areas of the County; County Health and Social Services, including courts and jails; and the County budget and finances. She then described a number of major issues facing our County: --Home foreclosures and problems of unoccupied home properties. --Pension and pension reform which is necessary to meet some problems caused by extreme pensions. --Reassignment of prisoners from State prisons and housing and rehabilitation in local jails. -- Public safety for County populations and retaining trained law enforcement officers. --Fire service levels in segments of Contra Costa County. --Helping small business and supporting new business.


District Governor Laura Day reports that she has received 4 more contributions from Moraga Rotarians for the back-packs of dental care products which will be

sent to Kenya. These gifts have brought the Moraga contributions to $1,100, which will be tripled in the Rotary Foundation matching scheme. Once again Moraga Rotary steps out in front! (Still time to make a $10 contribution.)

CALENDAR OF FUTURE EVENTS Sept. 8 E Waste Collection Day Sept. 23 September Patio Party at Sue McCaffreys Home - 557 Augusta Nov. 2-4 Rotary District 5160 Conference in Napa Nov. 17 Rotary Day at Golden Gate Fields Dec. 4 Official Visit of District Governor Laura Day Dec. 11 Moraga Rotary Christmas Party


This year the day is Sunday, September 23 for the Patio Party at Sue McCaffreys home. This enjoyable event, which used to be called our Progressive Dinner, has become the social event of the season for Moraga Rotarians. Be sure to sign-up. Cost of $10 per person to help cover expense of the food and drinks
MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-13 President....Frank May President-elect ..Nora Avelar Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer..Louise Schopke Community Service Chair.Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service ChairTony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Director at LargeDebbie Roessler Director at Large..Mary Elena Dochterman Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary InternationalSakuji Tanaka District Governor, 5160..Laura Day Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar
Newsletter Editor Filling In Cliff Dochterman Newsletter Editor for September Nora Avelar


It is that time of the year to start thinking about collecting those little bars of soap, shampoos and hand lotion when you visit hotels or motels. We will need them for our Christmas Stocking project in a couple months.

A thought while having breakfast: Today, I will remember someone I really should have called or visited. Today, I will give a hand to someone in need that I might help. Today, I am not going to let evening come until I have done something, somehow, somewhere, for someone. That is what Rotary service is all about. And, Rotary just doesnt happen on Tuesday noon! Rotary should be every day.

Rotary International Theme for 2012-13 PEACE THROUGH SERVICE

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