Portuguese-America Socratic Seminar Notes

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Little Book Burns Packet Keen and Haynes (outside reading) MOST: Mercantilism (mother country dictates colonys

ys economy for the benefit of mother country at the expense of the colony) -3 (Shivani, Jane, Liz) Rigid Social Class Hierarchy -1(Lauren) Political Unrest -1(Guarav) Lack of Religious Autonomy LEAST: Mercantilism (mother country dictates colonys economy for the benefit of mother country at the expense of the colony) Rigid Social Class Hierarchy Political Unrest Lack of Religious Autonomy -5 (all) Debate: G: Merchantilism only contributed 18% to Portugal in 1450 L: 30% of product to Portugal in late 1700s. Limited trade and forced Brazilians to trade with Portugal. G: 1808 Don Pedro I got in a fight with his son and his son moved to Portugal and took over. So political unrest was a result of power being consolidated in higher parts of government. S: Problem wasnt in the religious because of how the main religion was Christianity (Little Book 54) all accepted the religion unquestionably J: (Packet 127) social hierarchy had the white plantation owners at the top and had the slaves at the bottom, ties to mercantalism because the slaves were mistreated because of the trade opportunities that came from the mercantalism Liz: mercantalism because it drove the idea of Brazil and allowed to export the resources (Little Book 62) Portugual was in direct compotetion with Spain, the only way to stay in the competition was to compete in the way that it did Lauren: Rigid Social Hierarchy the whites although they were at the top of the social ladder, they didnt have total control, and the populous under the slaves and such, they were mistreated because of trade, the main reason for the mistreatment was trade that didnt necessarily connect with the home country J/Liz: Both connect (mercantalism and hierarchy) J: Less power in the 1500s (Packet) slave hunters, pushing tribes out of country because they didnt want to be captured L: (Packet 120) transition from the indigenous population to the slave labor, this slave labor was necessary because of the social class and this trade was necessary to continue the hierarachy S: connection to Lauren (trade connects to social hierarchy) mercanalism dictated the imperial trade policies (Little Book 62) connects to Jane

Guarav: the church didnt influence the economy, no lack of religious atonomy, either christian or not Liz: (Little Book 35) the Jesuits spoke to protect the Indian slaves, reminded the crown of its obligations to the populous Lauren: agree with Guarav the church mainly inteceeded when there were disagreements between the Spanish and the Portuguese Treaty of Tordillas, the main missionaries were only one religion J: Marquis de Pompom supported the natives, tried to integrate them into society to create a merchant class S: many other issues to revolt, this wasnt a main one about religion Most Important: centered around trade which created the treatment of the indigenous population and the slaves that was terrible which also connected to the social hierarchy which caused these conditions in addition to causing unfair conditions for the different people across the board Least Important: mainly one religion and the only exception was the Jesuits which was such a small population that they only spoke out against the treatment of the enslaved population

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