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Frederick Douglass Academy V Mr. John Diehl th 8 Grade Science Website: www.fdavscience.blogspot.

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students: Welcome to 8th Grade Science! With the new school year finally upon us, it is important that YOU, both parents and students, are aware of the rules and expectations in Science Class. This will allow for a productive, exciting year ahead. Intermediate Science Exam: In June, all 8th grade students will take the New York State Intermediate Science Exam. This exam is the culmination of the topics covered in Grades 6, 7, and 8. In order to meet criteria for Middle School promotion students must pass this exam (65% or higher) and pass this course.

Required Materials
1 Three Ring binder solely for science
Lined Loose Leaf Paper with 3 holes 1 Science folder Pens/Pencils Highlighters

Classroom Contribution
I am kindly requesting that each student bring 1 of any of the items requested below for our classroom community. This way, students will always be prepared to work productively on a daily basis in a clean classroom: 1 box of tissues 1 pack of baby wipes 1 roll of paper towels 1 bottle of all purpose cleaner 1 bottle of antibacterial hand cleaner 1 pack of pens (12 in a pack, blue or black) 1 pack of pencils (12 in a pack, #2) Packages of Loose Leaf Paper

Course Description
This year we will be reviewing major topics in Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science. The topics we will spend time learning more about are listed below: Scientific Inquiry The Scientific Method and utilizing Scientific Tools to conduct investigations Earth Science Seasons and Cycles, The Solar System Physical Science - Newtons Laws, Motion, Forces Life Science Genetics, Reproduction, Heredity, Evolution, and Human Impact on the Environment

Rules and Expectations

In addition to the 12 Non-Negotiable FDA V rules, the five basic rules of Science class need to be followed. These rules are also posted in my classroom as a constant reminder of how you are expected to act throughout the year: ALL school rules and regulations (12 Non-Negotiables) will be strictly enforced in this class! Additionally, the five science class rules need to be followed. The 5 rules are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Follow directions the first time they are given. Raise your hand and wait until called on before responding to questions. Stay in your assigned seat unless you have permission to do otherwise. Do not speak while the teacher or one of your peers is speaking. Be Prepared-Arrive to class on time with all your materials (homework, binder, loose-leaf paper, pen or pencil).

Class Conduct
Everyone in Science class walks in each day with a 100% in Class Participation. In order to maintain a Class Participation grade of 100% in my class every day you must act appropriately in the classroom and do what is expected of you. Consequences for not following the 5 rules of the Science Classroom Are: Strike Strike Strike Strike 1 1st warning no penalty 2 Class Participation grade for the day goes to 65%. 3 Class Participation grade for the day goes to 0%. 4 Lunch Detention or After School Detention at my discretion.

Each day is a new day in my class. Learn from your mistakes before returning to class the next day!! Mr. Diehl loves to recognize students who have positive academy behavior and those who do excellent academy work! Individual students can earn HW passes for excellent student work!!

Homework assignments will be posted in class and online at the website Copies of homework handouts will be posted on the website along with a description of the assignment. Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit the website to stay informed of your childs homework assignments and monitor our progress. The following grading scale is used for homework: Each homework will be graded out of 100 possible points. Inc = Incomplete (50 out of 100). N/A = Not Acceptable (0 out of 100). Homework is to be submitted in blue or black ink, or in pencil, with a full Academy Heading. Homework will be returned if not done correctly and the expectation will be to redo it. Homework will be collected for grading at the BEGINNING of the period. Each day that homework is late 10 points will be deducted out of 100. (The highest score a student can receive on a homework that is one day late is 90 out of 100). The maximum grade earned on a homework that is more than 3 days late is a 65.

If you do not have homework, you will receive a grade of ZERO. 10 points will be added to a students homework average each marking period
if only 2 homework assignments are missing or have been late. Students can make up missing homework assignments for partial credit! If an assignment is missing, or marked as INCOMPLETE or REDO, it can be made up and placed in the Late Homework Basket.

Tests and Quizzes

Tests will be announced at least a week in advance. Quizzes are given almost every Friday. Pop quizzes are unannounced (this includes DoNow quizzes.) If you are absent from an exam or quiz, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to arrange for a make up exam. If you do not make up an exam within two days after you return from an absence, you receive a zero.

Students show their understanding of a topic in more ways than one. Therefore, projects are often assigned throughout the year. Rubrics and due dates are given well in advance. Plan accordingly and ask for help whenever needed!

Labs will be done periodically throughout each marking period and kept in a Lab Folder in
the classroom. Labs require students to follow SPECIAL rules of behavior due to the use of special materials and/or equipment. Students who do not follow instructions will receive a zero for the lab and/or other appropriate consequences.

Grading Policy
Your science average will be on a scale between 0% and 100%. It is calculated through a program called EZ Grade Pro 4.0. The following percentages show how the final grade is made. At times, due to the varying workload of each marking period, the weights of the categories of the grading policy change in order to demonstrate, with as much accuracy as possible, how the students grade reflects their performance during that marking period. Tests and Quizzes: 20% Homework: 15% Labs: 15% Projects: 20% Classwork: 15% Class Participation: 15% Progress reports are given periodically to assist parents in tracking their childs grades in science class. To assure that parents are aware of their students progress, progress reports MUST be signed and returned they count as a homework grade.

Throughout the year, students will be developing their Science Portfolios. It will be a collection of student work (tests, homework, class work, quizzes, progress reports, projects) The goal of the portfolio is to demonstrate student progress in science class, show growth and celebrate academic successes.

Contact Me!
I am available via email. Mr. Diehl may be reached at

Student Contract
I __________________________ (students name) have read and understood Mr. Diehls course outline and will follow all policies and procedures that were discussed. I also understand that if I fail to follow Mr. Diehls policies and procedures I will take full responsibility for my actions. Students Signature: ________________________________________ Parent/Guardians Signature: _____________________________________ Parent/Guardians cell number: _______________________________ Parent/Guardians home number: ______________________________ Parent/Guardians work number: _______________________________ Student email address: _____________________________________ Parent/Guardians email address: _______________________________

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