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CTV BellMedia Library Work Plan

INF 2173 Practicum Summer 2012 Dr. Vicki Whitmell Supervisor: Tatiana Buraya Student: Farah Chung

eTalk Library

INF 2173 | Summer 2012

Tatiana Buraya CTV BellMedia eTalk Librarian

Farah Chung
Aenean diam velit, rutrum vitae, tempor ut, sodales eget, mauris. Sed nec lacus.


Project Description for eTalk Library Assistant position

This practicum will not focus on one specific project, but allow the student to participate in the daily activities of the eTalk Library and experience the routine work involved in maintaining a media library. The main duty is responding to producer requests in a timely manner. This includes constant monitoring of email for new requests followed by efficient and accurate retrieval of the required materials. While acquiring materials from the tape libraries, the student should remember to first review and record the return of tapes into the Excel system. Following this, the student should physically shelve materials into the libraries. Student should multitask to reduce number of trips between tape libraries. Shelving requires absolute accuracy since any misshelved tapes will likely not be recovered. Student will also perform shotlisting to facilitate database searching. Transcription duties will be assigned if time permits. Student will also help the Librarian with any special requests or projects that may arise.

eTalk Library
Minimum Requirements for Project
The minimum required for this project is for student to answer all producer requests by the end of the day and perform shotlisting duties. By performing the minimum, the student ensures that producer needs are met and maintain updated searchable database through shotlisting. Student should also never misplace or misfile library tapes.

INF 2173 | Summer 2012

Personal Goals:
Never misplace library materials Make sure to re-file any tapes that have been misfiled in the library if I happen to notice displaced tapes to prevent the loss of materials through improper filing Always check email to keep abreast of producer requests Prioritize efficiently and retrieve all required materials promptly to facilitate producers time sensitive work Successfully multitask by checking for returned tapes and recording their information before going to libraries to obtain new requests to reduce unnecessary trips Perform spelling checks and reread all materials shotlisted to ensure future retrieval is possible Before asking Tatiana, I will always try to solve problems myself (such as not being able to find tapes in libraries or not knowing who someone in footage is while shotlisting)

Maximum Requirements for Project

The maximum for this project is for student to complete all producer requests in a prompt manner, allowing more time for shotlisting completion. Student can then perform additional transcription duties.

Main goal: Contribute to smooth and efficient

running of eTalk library by accurate retrieval of materials to meet producer requests, correct descriptions in shotlisting, accurate filing and transcribing. No tapes, no visuals, no show! The work of the library is of utmost importance to ensure the daily eTalk show can be completed and air promptly everyday!

Why is this project significant?

Without the successful completion of eTalk library work (producer requests, shotlisting, transcription), the show could not air. As Tatiana explained, this is a visual show and the tapes provide the footage that supply eTalk with the images.

What other areas rely on this project?

The work of the eTalk library affects all those who cooperate to finish the show everyday. This includes all production staff, but especially producers, directors, and editors of the program.

eTalk Library

INF 2173 | Summer 2012

Professional Decisions
As in all reference work, I must use effective judgment to conscientiously prioritize multiple requests from different producers. To maximize efficiency, I should seek to multitask by searching for materials from multiple requests. As discussed in my cataloging course, strict adherence to the classification system is needed to ensure future accurate and timely retrieval of materials from the tape libraries. I must employ my ability to find and precisely identify then select and obtain the requested materials. Upmost care and attention to detail is necessary in filing and returning materials to the libraries, since misfiled tapes will likely not be located again. The resources used on a daily basis to complete this project include the eTalk library tapes in SD and HD formats with screeners for both tapes and DVDs, the internal eTalk database Vault and storage system Gateway, Excel for recording materials given to and returned by producers, email, and Tatianas expertise and experience.

To successfully complete my daily tasks, I report to my supervisor Tatiana and I will seek her help with any questions. As we will be working in close proximity, Tatiana has informed me that there is no need for weekly meetings. If she has any concerns, Tatiana will make them known to me directly in person. We will discuss all matters with each other in person in a forthright manner to ensure clarity and timely solutions to any issues. Should questions arise while I am in one of the tape libraries, I can contact Tatiana on her phone, which she will have with her at all times. I must read producer requests carefully to ensure no mistakes in retrieval of materials. In case of error, clarification may be necessary from the producer as to what footage they are in fact looking for.

As the eTalk program airs everyday, the deadline for completion of tasks is daily. It is best to retrieve materials for producers within one hour of their request. With timely completion of producer requests, I will be able to catch up with shotlisting and complete as many episodes as possible with accuracy, attention to detail, and speed. Transcription will be performed as producer and shotlisting needs are met.

eTalk Library

INF 2173 | Summer 2012

Potential Difficulties and Solutions

colour coded by chance of occurrence

Permanently missing tapes (misfiled or unreturned)

Maintain lookout for misplaced tapes while in tape library Ensure I never misfile anything, triple-check all work Talk to producers if there are permanently missing tapes that they are looking for and ensure they do not still have them If tape really is missing, make sure producers understand the necessity of returning tapes in a timely fashion so that the materials are retrievable in future (educate them as to the importance of following request & return procedures!)


Large quantities of requests, some potentially spanning multiple pages

Effectively prioritize requests and multitask by retrieving tapes for multiple requests from each library location, minimizing need to return continuously to libraries for tapes Keep calm and work diligently to complete all requests as fast as possible


Producers who do not return tapes within agreed time period

Locate producers using Excel log and ask them to return tapes to me (immediately if possible) Make note in Excel if producer requests an extension on tape loan, but remind them of deleterious effects if tapes are lost/never returned

No work done on shotlisting / Mistakes in shotlisting

Shotlisting is essential in maintaining a searchable database. By ensuring all producer requests are completed quickly, I can move on to this task. I will ensure that no mistakes are made by editing to ensure content is correct and names are accurate (otherwise future search will be impairedeg. to correctly identify celebrities within the footage, make sure to use the authoritative name [the one they will most likely be searched with], and ensure all spelling is correct)


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