Profit Management Strategy

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National University of Malaysia


Stra tegi c man age men t Pla n @2 5%

ZCZB6523 : Commence Date Deadline Date : Lead Lecturer : Written assignment : Presentation : Group : Contact Number: E-mail :

Strategic Management 8th Aug 2012 8th Sept 2012 (Hard & Soft Copy) Dr Steven Liew 3,000 words 8th & 15th Sept 2012 2 students 012-9752555

Learning Outcome (LO) Mapping Task LO1 Develop the ability to integrate the various functional disciplines in analyzing corporate policy and strategic issues or Develop the ability to critically examine business issues of corporations Stimulate students to take an integrated perspective in examining corporate level issues Ap Realize the skill to formulate and processes short & long term strategy well #1 Cognitive domain: Evaluation [High Order of Thinking Skills] Affective domain: Characterisati on Blooms Taxonomy


#2 #3



ZCZB6523 Strategic Management


National University of Malaysia


Your Task: Applying Profit Management Strategy (Strategic Tools

include Balance score card (use BSC designer pro) , Mind Mapping , Scenario Analysis, Investment Technique) For Sony & LG.

Applying practical knowledge and strategic tools to take the most appropriate action to improve profit margins in Sony organization business.

Task :
1 Strategy Formulation (Sony) Identifying the burning issues Sony organization face today Examine their External Environment: Competitor Analysis (LG)

Examine their internal Environment: Resources, Capabilities & Competencies Review their respective financial statements ( P&L, BS, Cash Flow)


Strategy Implementation ( Sony)

Establish a methodology for evaluating the relative profitability of each product and/or customer within their business ( eg, segmental analysis & economic value added reporting) Determine a strategy for each of the 4 product/customer segments of the profit/volume matrix identified above ( Applying target costing & budget target setting to managing process improvement) Understand the process for making changes to each of the profit drivers to ensure improvement to the profitability which can lead to sustained volume

ZCZB6523 Strategic Management


National University of Malaysia

growth. (Management by objective, management by exception , ratio analysis, cost reduction strategy ) 3. Strategy Evaluation ( Sony)


Develop an action plan for Sony & LG business based on your evaluation ( burning issues on KPI, monitoring , championing & bottleneck processes) 4. Learning Outcome ( Your organization)

Analyse critically your learning outcome from Sony & LG above (point 1, 2 & 3) and how it could relate and apply to your own organization

E XPECTED O UTCOME The objective of this assignment is to appraise pair students capabilities of analysing the issues faced in todays volatile strategic business environment pagewanted=all

ZCZB6523 Strategic Management

ZCZB 6523 Strategic Management Grading Scheme (to be attached and placed behind assignment cover paper) DISCUSSION AREA MARKIN G WEIGHT AGE (%) Task 20 3 Strategy Formulation: Not at all 4-6 7-13 14-17 18-20 F <40 D 40- 54 C 55- 69 B 70-79 A 80-100 A w a r d

Strategy Formulation:

Identifying the burning issues Sony & LG organization face today Examine their External Environment: Competitor Analysis Examine their internal Environment: Resources, Capabilities & Competencies Review their respective financial statements ( P&L, BS, Cash Flow)

Strategy Formulati on: Poor

Strateg y Formul ation:Av


Strategy Formulation :

Strategy Formula tion:


10 2. Strategy Implementation Establish a methodology for evaluating the relative profitability of each product and/or customer within their business ( eg, segmental analysis & economic value added reporting) Determine a strategy for each of the 4 product/customer segments of the profit/volume matrix identified above ( Applying target costing & budget target setting to managing process improvement) Understand the process for making changes to each of the profit drivers to ensure improvement to the profitability which can lead to sustained volume growth. (Management by objective, management by exception , ratio analysis, cost reduction strategy ) 60 Strategy Implementation Not at all

11-20 Strategy Implement ation Poor

21-30 Strategy Implementat ion Average

31-40 Strategy Implement ation Good

41-60 Strategy Implemen tation Excellent

3) Strategy Evaluation Develop an action plan for Sony & LG business based on your evaluation ( burning issues on KPI,


2-4 Strategy Evaluation Poor

5-7 Strategy Evaluation Average

8-9 Strategy Evaluation Good

10 Strategy Evaluatio n Excellent

Strategy Evaluation
Not at all

monitoring , championing & bottleneck processes) 4) Learning Outcome Analyse critically your learning outcome from Sony & LG above (point 1, 2 & 3) and how it could relate and apply to your own organization
Total 15


1 Learning Outcome Not at all

2-4 Learning Outcome Poor

5-7 Learning Outcome Average

8-9 Learning Outcome Good

10 Learning Outcome Excellent

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