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Mayan Madness
Welcome everyone, With the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival scheduled for the end of this month, and the longawaited end of the Mayan calendar fast approaching, the energies are gathering for exciting times ahead. While August was a time for rebalancing, for taking a breather for gathering our energy, September will see the buds of poten tial begin to appear. There will be glimpses of what is to come, as we prepare for change, for advancement and for excitement. However, things are not quite ready to move forward just yet. In many ways, 21/12/12 (the end of the Mayan calendar) will be just another day, but the energy surrounding this date is ex tremely potent. It has long been predicted as the end of the world by some, and this carries a tremendous amount of en ergy. Deep within the consciousness of humanity is the seed memory of the fall of Atlantis (where many of us were present). This can create feelings of uneasiness and anxiety as we ap proach the coming shift. We may hear stories of drama and chaos, and we may see fear arise in those still living in mass consciousness as the media stirs up a little Mayan Madness which is what happened with the (nonexistent) Y2K bug. So these coming months are a time to be very centred and bal anced, to share your light with others not through words, but through your smile and your inner calm. Others will feel this and it will reassure them. The ancient Mayans knew that this point in time would not only signal the end of a planetary cycle, but a huge shift beyond anything they could imagine, and that it would be best left to the peoples of this time to continue the calendars in the most appropriate way. And so we will. So, continue to breathe deeply, remain in your safe space (which is created through conscious breathing), and know that all is well in all of creation. Love and blessings, Keryn Lee

See me this month at the

for some amazing

Book Launch Healing sessions New Workshop ALL DISCOUNTED Conscious Breathing CD Launch
Get your copy this long weekend

Dont miss this opportunity to come and chat with me. Also get some great offers at fantastic prices. Adelaide Showgrounds Sept 29 Oct 1 Stall B09

Half-Price Entry vouchers available from my website

Whats New?

This is one of the most intensive workshops Ive ever offered. It has elements of the one day Con scious Living workshop I used to teach and some elements of the brand new Master Class all sewn in to two amazing days. It will be an opportunity to release everything that no longer serves you (old habit patterns, past lives, old programming and belief systems, and so on) and really connect with your soul in a very pro found way. This is important as we move forward in this era of new consciousness because we cant take our baggage with us. We must let go of the past if we are to fully merge with our soul and become Divine Human Beings. Deep transformation is possible without the strug

gles and drama of the past because New Con sciousness is about ease and grace. Its about allowing changes, not forcing them. Its about re leasing stuck energy and breathing in new poten tials for your future. Discovering You encourages you to become more selfaware which is the first step towards making choices about what you want and dont want in your life, then you can begin to create consciously using the New Consciousness tools offered. This workshop also helps you connect to your own inner wisdom and knowingness which allows a greater level of selfempowerment and confidence in your own abilities. Discovering You covers a lot of ground in just two days and will provide many tools that will help make significant shifts in your life, and can be used long after the weekend is over.

An empowering and transformational workshop that will change your life

Release stuck energy, past lives, old belief systems,

habit patterns and past programming

Learn to create consciously and effectively without

using affirmations and other old tools

Learn a variety of New Consciousness tools Develop selfawareness and trust in your own wisdom Connect with your Divine Self Discover what holds you back from creating the life

October27th&28th 10am4.30pm atETERNALSPIRIT 100GoodwoodRoad,Goodwood

you desire Learn how to access new potentials

Normally$395 Earlybirdspecialonly$370 orbookduringtheMBSFestivaland receiveamassive15%discount!


Whats New?
The New Consciousness Book of Ascension
normally $14.95 only $12.95 when purchased at the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival This book cuts through the hype and offers a New Consciousness approach to ascen sion, because the path taken by past Ascended Masters has changed and we need new teachings to take us beyond the old paradigms. You will learn simple tools that can bring about profound transformation, and you will discover the simplicity of ascension and what holds people back throughout their jour ney. (Book will also be available via website shortly after the festival.)

A Kiss from your Soul

Audio CD only $12.95 Conscious Breathing is a gift that you give yourself every time you take that slow, deep breath into your belly and connect with who you really are. This recording invites you deeper into you through the energies of the voice and music, and it will give you the opportunity to reunite with your soul in a very sacred way. Available from Sept 29th at the MBS Festival and afterwards via the website. (This recording will also be available as an MP3 download.)

Healing Sessions Bring your mind, body and spirit back into balance and harmony
All healing sessions booked during the MBS Festival will receive a 15% discount. This is a great opportunity to experience a healing session. Normally a 90 minutes is required for a first visit, however, for the festival I am offering two specials. (See offer below.)
(A $20 nonrefundable deposit is required when making your booking at the festival. Sessions will be scheduled for the weeks that follow and you have up to three months from that date in which to attend should you need to reschedule.)

Healing Session Special Offer

Basic Healing, Rebalancing and Energy Clearing
A very profound energy healing session that helps to release the old stuck energies that cause dis-ease, while allowing a gentle healing and rebalancing to take place on all levels.

Full Healing Session

Includes the same healing and rebalancing as the 60 minute offer, plus techniques that allow us to go deeper into core issues and resolve specific problems whether physical, mental or emotional.

90 mins was $120

60 mins was $95

now only $80

now only $100

*Offers must be booked during MBS Festival only*

Master Class

If you have a question you would like to ask me, feel free to send it in and I will answer one ques tion each month. To kick off this new section of the newsletter I will answer a question that was asked recently as I shared information about the upcoming work shops I will be presenting. Question: What is the difference between the Master Class and the Discovering You workshop in regard to content? Thats a good question, and at their core, both workshops are very similar. They both deal with releasing the past, consciously creating more ful filling lives and connecting with our inner wisdom. The Master Class, however, offers an opportunity to go much deeper, to really integrate each step and utilise it in your everyday life before moving on to the next. This helps you gain a very strong level of selfawareness which is critical for personal transformation. The Master Class also has the added elements of working with aspects, or what many call soul frag ments, which we dont have time for in the shorter workshop. We also spend time clearing Atlantean overlays which allows the release of a lot of very old energy that still affects people today and keeps them stuck in the mind. (To truly integrate your soul, you must go beyond the mind.) So thats just to name a few things but theres plenty more. The idea in creating these workshops was to offer an amazing experience for those who really want a journey where they are supported and guided for a significant amount of time. And another for those who want the essence of the Master Class without the lengthy commitment. The two workshops also allow for the many differ ent preferred styles of learning and financial con siderations as well. So the core learnings are simi lar, the level of expansion and depth is different and the energies and cocreations brought by each participant will also add to an experience that un folds in the moment. Many blessings, Keryn Lee

Learn to release the past and let go of

anything that no longer serves you Integrate wounded soul fragments and connect with your soul self Expand your intuition and listen to your own inner voice learn to use new consciousness tools for transformation develop a deep sense of love, trust and acceptance for yourself and much more $495 payable in monthly instalments of $45 or $470 full payment (Save $25)
($90 nonrefundable deposit)

Starts November 17th

Surrey Downs Community Centre Monthly Saturdays 13.30pm


0408 857 620

To Helena S. who is the lucky winner of our raffle this month. Helena receives

two free tickets to the MBS festival

Whats On?
Weekly Conscious Breathing Class
Join in this beautiful sacred space in which participants are supported throughout their path of awakening. The group environment supports the shifting of energy through the breath and offers simple tools that will enhance your experience of life. A very empowering selfawareness group suitable for begin ners or advanced.

Wednesday Evenings 7 8 pm and Friday Mornings 10.30 11.30 am

Surrey Downs Community Centre Phone or email me to book your place

0408 857 620

See website for more information, free articles, audio and video, books, services and more
or phone Keryn on

0408 857 620

Invite You into every part of your life

no matter how small, no matter how large, no matter how fearful. Dont invite it in to solve the problems, invite it in to be a part of your existence, and watch how the illusion of problems and limitations is transformed back into grace.

-Kuthumi Lal Singh

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