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Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Ideal Gas Processes

Unit 4 - Lecture 4 Charles W Fay IV

August 22, 2011

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

First Law of Thermodynamics

Q = U + WG
The heat transfered to a system is equal to the change in internal energy plus the work done. A system is a denite quantity of material surrounded by a boundary (real or imagined) The state of a system is dened by its state variables state variables are the macroscopic variables that express physical quantities of a system, (P,V,N,T). A particular set of state variables dene a denite state. the equation of state is, (1)

PV = N kB T
Charles W Fay IV U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

The study of the transfer of energy. Heat: the transfer of energy due to a temperature difference.

Q = U + WG
3 Temperature: measure of thermal energy U = 2 N kB T .

Heat is measured in Joules. If there is not transfer of heat energy the objects are in thermal equilibrium.

Ta = Tb = Tc


Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Heat is a method of transferring energy into or out of a system. Heat is energy transferred through a thermal interaction.

ET H transferred from fast (hot) atoms to slow (cold) atoms.

Transfer continues until the system reaches thermal equilibrium.

T1f = T2f = Tf
The heat gained by one object is the heat lost by the other object.

Q2 = Q1

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Mechanical equivalence of heat

Benjamin Thompson: ex-patriot American: Notices that in the boring of cannons, that water was evaporated even when the drill was dull, too dull in fact to cut the metal. This lead him to believe that the heat produced was proportional to the work done (friction). James Joule (1818-1889) proved this conclusively.

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Example: Mechanical equivalence of heat


m1 = m2 = 50kg T = 1 C

mw = 1kg

Vw = 1L

How far do the weights fall?

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Example: Mechanical equivalence of heat


m1 = m2 = 50kg T = 1 C

mw = 1kg

Vw = 1L

How far do the weights fall?

Q = 4186J Q = mT gh = 2m1 gh Q h = = 4.27m 2m1 g

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

First Law of Thermodynamics

For system where only the thermal energy of a system changes, we can write the conservation of energy as,

ET H = U = Q + W
The thermal energy is sometimes called the internal energy and given the symbol U.

W > 0 work done on the system E W < 0 work done by the system E

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

A process is the method of changing from one state to another, the processes can be, 1. irreversible - A process for which intermediate steps are not equilibrium states. As such the path cannot be retraced. 2. reversible - The change of state is so slow that each intermediate step is an equilibrium state (U = 0?)

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Ideal-Gas Processes
Quantity of a gas is xed (N=constant) Well dened initial state P1 , V1 , and T1 . Well dened nal state P2 , V2 , and T2 . in a sealed container (N=Constant)

PV T P1 V1 T1

= nR = constant = P2 V2 T2

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

PV Diagrams
It is useful to represent ideal-gas processes on a graph, PV diagram. Each point on a graph represents a single, unique state of the gas. each point represents (P, V, T) specifying the state. The path from one ideal-gas state to another ideal-gas state is called a trajectory.

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Work done on a Gas

suppose a gas expands x = xf xi The work is then related to,

W = F x = PAx = PV
Work done on a gas is the area under the PV curve


Figure: Work done on a gas

Charles W Fay IV U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Work done on a Gas

In order for the gas to do work, the volume must change. The work WG = PV is positive V > 0. The work WG = PV is negative V < 0. The pressure in Pa, volume in m3 gives work in Joules.

WG is not the work that appears in the 1st law of


W is the word done on the system. WG is the work done by the system. W U = WG = Q WG
(6) (5)

Q = U + WG
Charles W Fay IV U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

First Law of Thermodynamics PV Diagrams Work done on a Gas

Work done on a Gas

Work done on a gas is the area under the PV curve Work is dependent upon the path taken. Heat also depends upon the path taken. The change in internal energy U is only dependent upon the end point temperatures, so it is independent of the path. In order for the gas to do work, the volume must change. The work W = PV is positive V > 0. The work W = PV is negative V < 0.

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Isometric process
An isometric process is dened by the volume being constant. Since V2 = V1 , WG = 0.

Q = U + WG Q = U

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Example: isometric process

An ideal gas inside a can is heated the volume remains constant. What is its new pressure? Given:

P = 1atm = 1.01 105 kP a T1 = 20 C = 293K

T2 = 200 C = 473K

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Example: isometric process

An ideal gas inside a can is heated the volume remains constant. What is its new pressure? Given:

P = 1atm = 1.01 105 kP a T1 = 20 C = 293K P2 V2 T2 P2

T2 = 200 C = 473K

Beginning with the idea gas law,

P1 V1 T1 V1 T2 T2 = P1 = P1 V2 T1 T1 5 = 1.61atm = 1.63 10 kP a =

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Isobaric Process
An isobaric process is dened by the pressure being constant.


= Pi

= N kB T T P = N kB V V = constant T

internal energy increases as the gas expands.

Wisobaric = PV Q = U + PV = U + N kB T


Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Isothermal process
Temperature is constant.

T = 0 U = 0.
The graph of P vs V for a specic T is known as an isotherm.


= N kB T = constant 1 P V

Figure: Isotherms


= N kB T ln

V2 V1


Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Example: Compare isothermal and isobaric

2 moles of an ideal gas initially at 0 C and 1atm is expanded to
twice its original volume. Is more work done if it is expand isothermally or isobaricly. Given:

P = 1atm = 1.01 105 P a n = 2.00mol

T1 = 0 C = 273K V2 = 2V1

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Example: Compare isothermal and isobaric

2 moles of an ideal gas initially at 0 C and 1atm is expanded to
twice its original volume. Is more work done if it is expand isothermally or isobaricly. Given:

P = 1atm = 1.01 105 P a n = 2.00mol WIT = nRT ln V2 V1

T1 = 0 C = 273K V2 = 2V1

= (2mol)(8.31J/molK)(273K) ln = 3.14 103 J

2V1 V1

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Example: Compare isothermal and isobaric

2 moles of an ideal gas initially at 0 C and 1atm is expanded to
twice its original volume. Is more work done if it is expand isothermally or isobaricly. Given:

P = 1atm = 1.01 105 P a n = 2.00mol nRT P = P = P(nRT P) =

T1 = 0 C = 273K V2 = 2V1


= P(V2 V1 ) = P(2V1 V1 ) = PV1 nRT1 = P = nRT1 P = (2.00mol)(8.31J/molK)(273K) = 4.53 103 J

More work is done if the gas is expanded isobarically.
Charles W Fay IV U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Adiabatic Process
An adiabatic process is dened by the heat Q being constant.

Q = U + W = 0 U = Wadiabatic

Adiabatic compression raises T . Adiabatic expansion lowers T . The pressure and volume are related by,

P2 V2

= P1 V1

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Isometric Process Isobaric Process Isothermal Process Adiabatic Process

Adiabatic Process
This leads to the work for an adiabatic process being,

WA =

P1 V1 P2 V2 1 = cP cV

cP is the specic heat of a gas at constant pressure, cV is the

specic heat of a gas at constant volume.

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Specic Heat of Gases

What is the specic heat of a gas. When heat is applied to a gas at constant volume, no work is done. The heat added goes entirely into the increase in internal energy.

Q = cV T = U + W = U U cV = cV T U = T

recall that U = 3 N kB T for a monatomic gas and 2 U = 5 N kB T . This means that the specic heat at constant 2 volume for a monatomic gas is,

3 cV = N kB 2
Charles W Fay IV U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Specic Heat of Gases

Now lets calculate cP ,

QP QP cP T cP cP

= cP T = U + W = U + PV = cV T + PV V = cV + P T = cV + N kB


Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Specic Heats of Gases

Thus for a monatomic gas,

cV cP

3 N kB 2


5 = 32N kB + N kB = N kB 2
5 N kB cP 5 = 2 = 3 cV 3 2 N kB

m =
For diatomic gases,


5 7 7 cV = N kB , cP = N kB , d = 2 2 5


Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Example: Adiabatic process

a monatomic gas initially at 20 C expands adiabatically from P = 1atm to 3 times its original volume. How much work is done? Given:

n = 2.00mol m = 5/3

V2 = 3V1

P1 = 1atm = 101.3 103 P a T = 20 C = 293K

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Example: Adiabatic process

a monatomic gas initially at 20 C expands adiabatically from P = 1atm to 3 times its original volume. How much work is done? Given:

n = 2.00mol m = 5/3 P2 V2 P2 V1 V2 Wadiabatic

V2 = 3V1

P1 = 1atm = 101.3 103 P a T = 20 C = 293K

= P1 V1 V1 1 = P1 = P1 = 1.62 104 N/m2 V2 3 nRT = 4.82 102 m3 = P1 = 3V1 = 1.45 101 m3 P1 V1 P2 V2 = = 3.76 103 J 1
Charles W Fay IV U4-04: Gas Processes

Heat and Work Ideal-Gas Processes Specic Heat of Gases

Charles W Fay IV

U4-04: Gas Processes

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