2009 - 09 - 11 - Column

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KANATA NORTH NEWS Marianne Wilkinson Councillor, Kanata North CARP LANDFILL

Construction on the Ottawa landfill site has been ongoing for the past few weeks. This involves placement of topsoil and seed on the first phase of the beanie cap which consists of a horizontal methane gas collection, a membrane, compacted clay and top soil to seal that part of the site, which is finished. The methane plant to produce electricity will soon be in production. I continue to monitor the Carp Landfill and to support its closure.

The Lansdowne Partnership Plan is an extensive document and I have not yet been able to absorb all of it. Basically it includes two phases the first to be completed by 2013 is refurbishment of the stadium and arena, construction of an underground parkade, and development of more than 300,000 sq. ft of retail shops and services. It shows 40% green space, but a large part of that is a 360 space parking area for major events consisting of blocks with grass growing through the blocks. There is enhanced green space along the canal and storm water ponds. The entire plan is quite impressive and financially it is better than the initial proposal. The second phase adds residential, office and hotel space, increasing commercial development to over 400,000 sq. ft (equal to a large shopping centre.) I still have some concerns there is not enough parking and to get people to and from major events Bank Street and Queen Elizabeth Drive will be closed for several hours to all traffic except buses, impacting on local businesses and residences. The amount of retail development, according to a marketing study by the Bank Street Businesses would be very detrimental to existing businesses. The cost of the initial phase is about $125 million from the City while the developers will pay for the construction of retail space and parking for the retail space. To pay for the loan to build the stadium the City will need to use 75% of the property taxes from the retail development, leaving only 25% to cover all other City services. I have arranged to meet with the proponents and the City Manager to go over the financial aspects and discuss my concerns. I supported going to the public for consultation as well as supporting a number of motions, including having an independent confirmation of the financial model. Information will soon be on the City website and 7 Open Houses will be held across the City. You will be able to

provide comments online as well as at the meetings. Lansdowne is a major City property and the views of residents from across the City are needed to come up with the right final decision.

With all of the major cycling accidents weve heard about lately it is important for cars and cyclists to share the road and for drivers to respect each other. Ensure you leave a good space between your car and cyclists and dont open your door until youve checked for cyclists. Cyclists - the sidewalks are for pedestrians, many of which are elderly. Except for young children, please use the road bicycles are vehicles and follow the rules of the road.


The City has been reviewing charges for drinking water and sanitary and storm drainage. This includes considering a base charge for service costs not related to the amount of water used, including the fire service charge for maintaining hydrants. A public meeting will be held at the Kanata Recreation Complex (off Terry Fox at Walter Baker Place) Sept. 22 from 5-8 pm to discuss the options and receive public opinion. For more information, go to Ottawa.ca/ratestudy.


Councillor Alex Cullen and I will participate in a debate with two members of the Ottawa Taxpayer Advocacy Group (OTAG) on Sept. 15 at 7 pm in the Champlain Room at City Hall. The OTAG made a number of allegations regarding City finances in its June media release Legal extortion by City Hall? You decide Each speaker will speak for 5 minutes followed by a 2 minute rebuttal per side. Then we will take questions from those in attendance. I expect a lively exchange of opinions!

Sept 15, 7 pm, City Hall, Debate on property taxes Sept 21, 7-9 pm, Ward Council, Program Room, Kanata Seniors Centre, 2500 Campeau Dr. Sept 22, 5-8 pm, Review of Water Rates, Kanata Rec Centre, Walter Baker Place Sept 25, 1-3 pm, Expo 55+ at the Mlacak Centre, 2500 Campeau Dr.

Serving the residents and businesses in Kanata North

To receive the Kanata North Newsletter, to deal with a concern or make a suggestion contact me at 613-580-2474, email Marianne.Wilkinson@ottawa.ca or through www.mariannewilkinson.com.

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