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H63PNW & H54PNP UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering POWER NETWORKS - MODULE H63PNW &


Course Aims and Objectives This module aims at providing students with a fundamental knowledge of power system analysis allowing them to: Understand the concepts of load flow Analysis of unbalanced systems using symmetrical components Fault analysis Economic optimisation of power system Understand the principles of power system control and stability Understand the principles of power system protection Understand the principles of power quality

Outline Course Syllabus The basics such as three phase voltage and currents and phasors will not be taught in this module but a handout is available on WebCT called Power Networks Basic Concepts. This covers topics which should be familiar to you, and has a set of example questions which you should already be able to complete yourselves. 1. Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution 2. Power Transfer 3. Per Unit Quantities 4. Operation of a Generator on an Infinite Bus 5. Solution of the Load Flow Problem 6. Symmetrical Components 7. Sequence Impedance 8. Unsymmetrical Faults 9. Power System Control and Stability 10. Power System Protection 11. Power Quality

Brief Description of the Module This module provides students with an understanding of power system apparatus and their behaviour under normal and fault conditions. For the 15 credit H54PNP module it also provides an opportunity to apply CAD techniques to power system problems.

DWPT: September 2011


Recommended Texts B M Weedy (and B J Cory), "Electric Power Systems", 3rd Edition (4th Edition). Published by Wiley. T Wildi "Electric Machines, Drives, and Power Systems", 2nd Edition, published by Prentice-Hall Int. G W Stagg and A H El Abiad, "Computer Methods in Power Systems Analysis.", published by McGraw-Hill. J J Grainger and W D Stevenson Jr., "Power System Analysis". Published by McGrawHill. Also good but tedious:A E Guile and W Paterson, "Electrical Power Systems Vols. 1 & 2", 2nd Edition. published by Pergamon.

Assessment The 10 credit module (H63PNW) is assessed 100% by 2 hour examination. The 15 credit module (H54PNP) is assessed 66% by 2 hour examination and 33% by course work

DWPT: September 2011

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