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Un|vers|dad Uc|nf

Lngllsh edagogy
oqllsb lbooetlcs ooJ lboooloqy. 5opto-seqmeotols, 5ecooJ 1etm 2012

Breaking Speech into Units (2): Breath Groups Identification
Have a look at the following portion of speech. Where are the breath groups located?
Text One
I can remember as children we were rather
naughty once we stuck a picture of an
elephant on the back of our teachers jacket
before he went out of the class of course he
couldnt see it so he didnt know why
everyone was laughing at him until he got
home and took it off
Text Two
Thats the main thing and then if youve got
any questions afterwards hopefully well still
have time to go through a few of them is that
Text Three
Shed left when she had a baby and then
decided not to go back although the job had
been kept open for her
Text Four
Gonzalo dear wheres the advert for this
calculator because I dont know the address
and I dont know who Ive got to make the
check payable to

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