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44 IIlRCH 45 '
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OO.l GE;:... .... .
3 Ir... cl e:
319.1 (Aa-o) 3rd lDd.
Hq Twelfth Army Group, APO 655,13 October 1944.
3 Inels: n/e

. .; .
AG 319.1 OpnIST 4th Ind. REL/RGR/pl':
Hq European 'rhee.ter of Operations, A1'Q 887, 19 October 1944.
1'0: The ",ctjutant General, 25, D. C.
For your informa.tion.
For the COTilr1andinr-

/2 Inch:
Irecl 1 - (3
Incl 2 (3
w/o. )

'II i thd r,\,','" :
Incl '3 1

'-I .
75'1'J.h i.I:.ih'i' ......

AP: 2.3U, Id1'Y ( \
SUBJECT: Actlon Against Enemy, Report Mter/lJ'ter l\ctlon Reports.
. .
TO Adjutant Genero;.l, Viast ington 25 D.C.
r.., ('lhru: C.G. First U.S. hr'my)
1. In cornpli<J.nce v;itr. Par lU (c-3), AH. 3.+5-1U5, the follo\,llnc; report aftel'
action aeainst enemy is suhrutted together linth Bsltt"'llon .5-3 Jo::"rna1 ent::"le;: for
the period 1 July 44 throl1gh 31 July 1':144.
a. Period 1 July l'i44 to 21;. July 44, Battalion not in contact with enemy.
Durlng this per:.od the 13attallon was statloned In the C.herbure Fennisulo;. with the
mission of patroiling the eaEtern half of tLe pennl;:;ula to !!lc..intain ordeI'; locat3
and report ..11 Ur:iteJ. Stated and Enemy equipment. ver.icular loss
during the perlod. Cii.Suoatles, 1 EM, Kli.j 2 E:i, (::il'les). . :
b. Unit attacLed to Armd Cp limcl 'l Ciorps, 2l.. July 44. kttcached : .
V Corps to2d Inf D1V, in support of 30th Reft, 27 Jt....1y 44. .
(1) IIlI." CO, thlS 3n, in support of 3rd En, 38th R':;wt, in att< \ I
posltlOns ('1'501623-'l'587t24) ..nd lIe" Co, t;,is in support of
2d .on, .3Ktr.;t In attack posH-lons (T58161 ,::/-1575621) at 280SUU:O
July 44. c...t lUUU hI'S. l
(a) "..... 11 Co, vl1th in close re... ched the 01)
jectlve i.t 1230 hr5 (h1eh ground cO!D.!nrndlnc; des
Baisa.'1ts. ) '1!1.e 'Ic.,nK Co Hen released from' snpport of the
3rd Bn and put ln support of the 1st En, Regt. Tanks
were used. by the 1st B"'. to c11mim..te enemy automatl.c fITe near
.... Sb162':1 .
(b) "e" Co, '111th mf[,ntrJ In close rSE>.ched fust
objectlve at 1500 hrs, (Li.sl1 [round of st. des Baisants).
Second objectlve tbe nose 1:)-.. of town. i\t 2100 hrs, the
Infantry udg ln 40J yis short of objectlve and released Tank Co.
Cc) Recap of & Personnel losses (2H July 44').
Casualties - triL" Go, 2 .bU., 2 ,i;1r, LVJI..; 1 IIA; 1 Bl'., Slh.
"C" Co, 1 Offlcer, niA; .3 a:, LWA. Total evacuated, I Off'lcer,
11 EM.
Vehlcular Losses
"A:' 0, 2 Tc:i.llks knocKed out (mille s) lost to Jl1.
1 Tal"Je overturned- repa1!'ed flt in 24 hrs.
"Gil Co, 1 Tank hlt b:r rlf1e grenade - rep.ured & flt in 24 hrs.
1. Tank stUCk in dltch - recovered fit l.n 24
(2) (a) At 2ljlOJuB July 44, thud PIt, liB" Go 'and 1 'TanK of 2d Plt vnth
Co IIE", Rezt, asslgmd combat recon. JI1.1SS:LOn wlth three
tanks and 2 Inf PIt's in each of two forces, 1/4 ml.le apart,
left IP (St Jean des Balsants) at 1200 hrs. Both forces pro
ceeded apprOXlJIlil.tely 4 miles from IP W1 thout meet'; any raS1S
tance. At 1700 hrs, both forces came unCier fflavy enemy
to be tSbmm:) also mortars. In:'antry Co Comdr i'e- :
leased tanks at 22PO hrs - No casualtles, ne ..
(b) Two tanKs recel.ved from - :an ndQ.r\a\t&tll
strer'6th "
(3) ( .. ) "C" Co, this Bn, in support of the Ijt!1. Inf t from ;;U)'1JUB
JUJ.y 44 (mcc, I . J
_ 1 _ 1
Beglnnll'lg at "3114455 July 44, Co was 1n of 2d
Bn, 3trtth Inf advance. At 1';100 hrs, "h
Co, carry:ln.g In! on
top of t-.nks, tOOK tull u. t 6U:s51U - cont south from h1.U.
liB" Co on "A" Co's left flank from It;JU, '" up .)orted the advance
of tbe ls tEn, 30th Inf.
rc" Co advanced .nth 'ith Inf to 615515. ht and 2d Plt of
lie" Co were attached to Jrd En of the ':Jth to br'-.:aK up enemy
counter-attacK at "Symphor:len les Buttes Groucy" - missJ.on
c.ccompl:lshed. ,
NO'IE 1 - TankS of 'i,ere In'the advance at 2200 hrs, .
v'lhen th1s report was closed.
NOTE 2 - No casualtles; One tam" IIC" Co,knocKed out (1f1ne)
For the Offlcer:

Capt, 75'tth .. TanK: En,
S -.3/

rJ5v< .
_......... ..... .
l\" " .
i..PO U.S. AIDa
20 sept 1944
SUBJEC1's Action Against Enemy, Report Action Report.
TO I Adjutant General. Washine:;toll. 25, DoC 0
(Thru: CG, Hq VIr Corps. APO 307)
1. In compliance with Par 10 (c-3), AR 345-105, the following Report After
Action Against Enemy is submitt&dtogether with Battalion 3-3 Journal Entries for '
the period 1 Auguat 1944 through :51 August 1944.
a. Original Unit: No chan&e e'
b. in Organization:
1 to 6 Aug: Attached to 2d Inf. Div., V Corps.
GAug: Lataohed from Y Corps to First U.S. Arrrrj P.eserve.
7 AUg to 14 Aug: AttachaG. Provisional R.anger Group. \.
14 to 20 Aug: Attached VII Corps_ further to 4th Div.
20 Aug to close of periods Attaehed 4th Cavalry Reconnaissance Group.
c. Strength,
Beginni!1 of Close of
Period Peried "'

31 0
3 NO
EM -5GO Ek -491

Increase During Decrease During
;; I:')

El.:- C
Ek -29
d. Stations: (See Appendix I)
e. ra. tiva I \.:)ee Appendix I)
f: Campaigns:
(1) l;&me: if'estern Europe
(2) Luration: 6 June b tto te annc,:,-nceoj
battle.:;: 5ee I.

COmn:Allding Cfficer3 in lmpcrtant i.ngageJ:lnts:
(1) 1 Aug -to C Aug curin:; continuous fighting fren, l'oric;r::"
to Yicillit.y of. 'Jire
:r. ce, te.jor LQylil ;:>. Fairall
"A" Co Co!!'..;r, lfl t Lt JaJl):" t.;; ell
".)" Co CO!D.l:r I Lt .iilli' J.-,6.c'.U:e Jr
II;';" COffi<X, CtI.[ot l\.oberf. L-. Spri Ill!;
- .I..
r ... '
, ..
(2) 26-27 AUg during fighting in the Griay-Suianee.
Bn CO. Major Loyal S. Fairall
"A" Co Comdr. '1st Lt Ja.mes L. Emerson
"C" Co Comdr, Capt Robert B.
Comdr. 1st Lt Paul'!. LaRue
i; Losses (See Appendix II)
1; Fonaer a.Dd Pre.elit Members who DistiDguiahed thaJ!l.SelV88 ill aotion:
k. Photographs s NODe
1. Inolusuress Appendix I. Appendix: II, S-3 Journal, 1-31 Aug 1$44.
date. illol.
, .
. -4....".'.';"
/ 'y
\.\ './
,,)' / :J /1 /,

" t -,
;,:: ;.rajor _ 1'f59th Light T.a.llk Bn.
.". ,-,.. "
319.1 bt Ind
HEJJ);(UARms VII CORPS, .LP.O. ?/)7, u.s. Army, ,28 S[P 1944
,TO., The Adjutant General, v'lashington, -(THRU,
Connnnnding General. First
Army. A.P.O. 230, U.S. Army).

c. A. A.
3 Inels, .
Inol 1 -. Appendix I (in quad).
Inol 2 - Appendix II (in quad).
Ino;!. 3 B-3 Journal t. After Aotion
Report, fr 1 Aug 44 to 31
Aug 44 inclusive.

. At the openiug of the period the 759tl} Light lame Bn wu attached to the 2d Iar
antry Division, V Corps. First U.S. U1IIy, in Fruoe.
The .Ba.tta1ion, less Co "C", WILe S\lpport of the 39th 1m' Regt. do 0" .... ill .
su.pport of'the 9th In!' Regt,hl.ViDg been detached trom En control by VOCG, 24 lJat Div.
This operation was a part of ths drive on Vire France. Duri12 .the period, 1 A\II
thru 3 Aug, the an, with the Bupport..ed Infantry, I.dTa.noed frOil TorigD1. Sur- Vire, PraDOe
to wi thin one mile of Vire, where the 2d Division W'l.S pinohed out &nd. held. Dur1a& ..thia
operI.tion the light TaDks, having previously' been equipped wit4, "HedgereM' buster.-, OJ'
"Rhinos", fought ill 0108e support of tho a.dn.noing Infantry. Each Tule had I.
or telephone fastshed on ths outside and oormeote9- to the .interpho_ .ys.m tor ._,D1.
oation with frie!ldly Infantry on the ground
. We found that the best .uooess was obtaimd byatt&ohing not lea8 thUl a OOlllpur .r
light TaW _to an Infantry Bll and then e.ploying the Tallks in seottGM, -tth u:w..atr,r
te..., made up of a taJtk direotor and a squad or two of JIIIIll, who aotuAlly guiud't_ 1;.... ;
by .fil3d1ng targets, routes. of etc., for them and then the >
tla.cksand rear of the tanks with small a nu tire &8 they toolt the -adva.DOe to .Dep.-ot1'
buookas .and . grenade JlllSn. The TaDk (lompalliY ,Co.u.Dder operated tn olo.e Ua1.oa
with the Infantry. ltn COlIIl!Ialldillg 'Otficer.l and the Tauk Bn OOllUondinc ot1'iC!er ,
in olose liai.son wi th supported Ai8,6t .CODl'IIlImding Offioer. The use of prearr.,.4
check points, a num.bered on JlaPS, simple brevity c odes and the voi,. radio
Yided excellent oontrol flexibility throughout the Ohain 01' oq..aDd.
Where these principleswere not t'ollClW'ed a . in the. case 01' C" G-P&D rita ta. .
9th IDf Regt, losses in Tanks wer.e excessive. a1tl1ouh ..a were a .,1IIb.0l.
light. they were out .of, prcportion in "e" CoDlpaD '&S compared W'lth the rest ot the Bn.
During the day. just ,_ntioud, B.n lost 2 Officers wotuuad in actioa ("0" Co).
three Enlisted '{6'Il killed, twenty iien wounded and tiTe lId.slDg. tn . A
tota.l 01' twelve Tanks were l:nockscl. out, tive of which 'Were reoQ'9'8red alld put baole t&
aotion wi thin .twenty-four hours, the remainder not being recover,able, haY1D& 'bw-u4 UpOB
hit by bazookas. .
At 1000 hrs, 5 Aug 1944,. the Bn .as relieved from attached to 2d Int'antryJ)iYHlol1
by VOCG, V Corp. and assembled during the 'ut"ght in the. vicinity of HI0402 Mar La,a-q:,
France. The .B!i 'prepared for f'urther .operationa by perfora1.q t1r!lt echeloa
aainteDance ,of and personnel. . .'.,. '
, On 6 Aug 1944., tll-e 159th Light Ta.nk Bn was detadhed rom V Oorp-s and placed tll
First ;U.!. Army reserw, attached to the Provia1oDal RUger Group aa a put of & .,.01al
Task torce. The BnOO imudia.tely reported to First U.S. Jrrq' a:eao.qu..rtera ud "Prcn'iaio- '
nal Ra.nger Group Headquarters tor orders, the Bn moved t.o .. biTduae a.t 441556.
near La HerIl'e.n, Fra.nqe, .the asaembly point for the Task ... '
The 'rask force oonsisted dt the 2dllanger Bn, 5th ianger Bn and the t9th:.Separate. >
In!' Bn. Nqne ofwhoaha.dworked with Tanks previously, ther the 7th, 8th,. 9th a.nd, of Aug were sp-entin 8rnallunit .tactics with the Tank Bn tea.ching th. lianger 'Sn'. '
and the Separate Inf' Bn -the lessons ,learnen July>aDd Aug :wi tb the .2d Div.
At OlOO hrs,l 11 1944; the Bn marcheqto,the :vicinity of :9auis, Fra.nct, ..long
with .the units of the Provisional Ranger '.Group. The mlsion .of this force was -to lecure
the road nat in .the 'vioinity of Ba'Ui ... The Tan1:Battalion was uS,ltd alS & mobil.
to meet & threat troM Jl.DY <tinotion. Offioers .and s made detailed '
of all availab19 routes ina.l1directions trom their unitpositiolJ8 and .eLected and 'ark- .
ed cross oountr,y routes for day or -aight use in the event rsgular routes of approach to
threatened areas were rlitndered u8e13ss. . ' '-. . ) _ ., 4
1944, .tlteBn was relieved.from a.ssignment to the Provisi.Qual Group
and reassigned to Y.l.:I Corps. and the 40th ':ni' Division where upon tll-SBn CO reported
to- the Conunandillg f}eneral, 4th In' Div for orders.
in. patrolling in front of the
The In. was employed on th) 15th, Aug
' .'>
- 1 - 10
ot.t1 and 111 F.c(;t I., to int(:;["capt tAnyattehlpt (:lllen:w pa.trols to braak out of the<'a1&.:'se poclc'et, V/hi Ie tbe Ir.i'antry fLOC rested. D.uring i:.l1is period
t,.e En CP WI5 as tablished in the vicinity of Dessertines, FrlAnce, at Y-645903. "A" CO
captureG one t?/'i durint; the period. .
en 17 ;"ug 19-1:4, 't,b" Ex. muved. tlJ 122958 in tile v lcinity of Tigmerss La Doucelle,
J?rance, and- was th", .mis'3ion ,) providiag AT ap.d perimeter defen.e of tl'le Div
CI' area. ltcad nets ..nd avenues of approach were and a
:"OlO'f:. patrol W1!l.S maintl;i.jned on all lIel! Co one German
7i'.t 17.)0 hrs. 20 llug the 'Nas n;liev9G. from at:ached,to 4't9- Inf ])i"t and
attaul.ed to the 4th Cavalry Rec.onmussance Group (1iecz), Wl t.", oraers to report by day
libh ':, to the 4th Cay Group. This ndcessitated a night !J'ova./ on a very night, with
fog and rain to further tho move. 'tl:le move hout's to
acco!'1plish Ii. total of 46 m.iles, with (I. loss of one half-trackJawd one tank turneci over
one man kill;;cd O!1e lost through injury. ";:he ::;aroe move in could b.a\Te been
made it. hOul-s, with no and the .Sn woulG have been rea::";,- for f.4,cticn.., instead of
Vlorn out and cripuled as was the case. The;B'attalion was l'!ot employed that day. The
lesson from this exptlrience should ba \llll ts sh.ou1d not make long .road
ma.rches under extremely night condi tions uule'Ss all. emergency exists.
The Battalion joineu tho 4th Cav Rcn Group at 712189, near Mortagne, flofAIlCe, at
about )800 hrs,l 21 1944, pl8,csd in <troup reserve
orders were reoeivod J.;o proceed to the vicinit,- of lionancourt; Fr.,nce.. anC
:;0 the Ene, Drcux, St"J),e.L-ture .;anville, all ,:\; 1933.5.
at 1400 firs, anu teams wen on main routes. In.the meantime,
tha 4tl-, Cav liroup re-Geived a. cha.nge of mission the bn. at 1535 llotlI1$ reassenibled
Ciml moved to 300 a in the vicinity of Cl_,l.!"tere, France. and again becru:J1 Group reserve.
21 AU.'; 1944, orders wc:-o rae\3i ved detacl'_ing one Cf)mp'lllY to VII CorplS liq ts as"
aG,,-ancG guarli for Corps j,1q t S during Tlle rapid lr.')Ysment acro;,s:.Franc and3elgium. Co
, Ul'lder tho Command of 1st Lt 'ililliam J. Rao.dtke, was giVGXl this a.ssignment.
The balance of the iin Was ordered to move to the East over a. design4ted route and
tav:e up E. rosi ti on in t;t,3 vicinity of' Arpjon, France, ready to ths4th,or
Cay L.,l,c111 E The anerc.y situation very i'luid .at this time. 'fhe 3n (less Co
"Oil) marchedto U05154, near ArpjO'l, ?rance, 24 Aug 4.4, and contim.'.'lQ on 25th Aug t'O
074014, in the vicillitJ' of Franca, 1130 hours .
At 2030 hours, 25 aug 1944. the Bu' (less Co "3") waa the mission of crossing
the Seine River at fir3t Ught- ahead ('If the Cav Group 8ni pushing Ea'3t. The <lrpaping
was accomplished yia Slltineer bridge between and. Cobiel, without er.ilD4Y inter
Bn rroceedec in the 0f .CaSson at whioh point ith Cav Gp Hq's
joined ths T'\nk :an iq t S allq marched ill our column. The route of advance proceed
ed via Vert-st Denr:is, Rean, Limoges FOHcheras. Coubert. The Bnmarohed in advance
gU&.... r
i'orma-:'ion. "C" Co furnishine; the .dvance .;uard and !tA" Co the rear gu.ard. At.
1130 hours, the ?oi!lt n:.ade enemy.c ontact ncar a toad block but reduced same with
37:!m1 fire and 30 cal MG fire in a few mirutes. Thereafter, the advanoe 1I'P. slower With
interndtT,ant contacts to a point in the vicinity of 295297 and the CR at where
the .adv::mce guard bocaTlle engaged with dismcunteC: enemy and The Bn CP allQ'
4th Ca...- Gp CP we!'" 3et up at 295297 and the araa and roads thereabout securad by "A"
and "e" CO' of the fS9th Light Tank .En. A.ll Tan-'s "R'are well natural' CIiLIU
Cluflage an": fit) 1 r:'s of fire wCr'e carefully 3e1ect\9d. Seven vehicles ran into O'll"
ambush ..t.nd were destroyed during the balance of the day a ud the evening. 'Dismounted
enemy wera in the illl:::od18.te vicinity in strength 9.nd their pRtro1s ra.n into C'JX petitions
mEUlY times during the night.and in- ea<.:i. Cf}.se Vl-3repinned dovn wi th ::lachine Guuar.'i
Gun fire by our orews.
The lllorniX'b ;:;-f 27 1944. at nrs-:' li;ht. ovr b.nk crews took tha ini.tiative
and brought in SG pill's within a few r.tinutes. The fire oJ; ou.r automatic weliFons con- 1\
c'3!1trated on a 7/0c)(:3 for a fel" r.1inutes dio the trick. .
hooo,t 1100 :lrs, 'G7 :-'-.J.\;, C9.V Gp Hq's received informat 011 of 8, drawn &.rtillery

- 2
oolumn going west from Gris:>, ::;"isnes. A platoon of "e" 759th l.ight Tank Bn,
swung wide across their path interceptea them near Srie-ColLte-Robert.
Eleven wagons, were destrayed per30nnel killed or sCRttered.
en$my strength still remained in the vicinity of Grisy and on
morningcf 23 Aug 1914. the Cav 3qdnma.:lecontact, oaptnring ar:d killing; a C::ln
siderable number of the ene1'!l.Y. However, al)OClt 20u escapsd. to a woous in the lmmec.
pate vicini'VJ of our CP and hllrrassed our Hq's by small arms and mortE'.r fire.
Light Tank Bn immedi3.tely emplcyed. to surro"l'::ld the Ivo'Jds and our ?lmm mor'tar pla
toon searched area with eXCCllf'!nt resuJts, follo'Ned by a platoon of tank::; and cne
company of Infantry who Jlop:oed up the remainder by ern::>loying Infa.nt;ry"'TanJ.:: team
Following this action. the Br: moved again in Grou!"l reserve via ier, to
the vicinity of 399345.
At: 0600 hrs, 28 Aug 44, a German solMer attempted to pass an "A" Co outp'1st and
was lIolA.ndad and captured. At 0530 hrs, the 3n movvc' o'J.t and ma.rcher! to the vicinity
of Rocourt st
At 0800 hrs, 29 44, the Bn movsd out and marched to 845690, vicinity of
Viel !rey, France.
At 0600 hrs, 30 Aug 44, Hq Co outpost. captured 17 P s and at 133C hrs. t:1E: :On
moved out and to loc!:ttion at 342117, vicinity of Lor, !i'rs.nce. UpOla
into the area, "e" Co captured 4 P Iff's who were hiding in the wO'Jds. At 13
J{) hrs, 31
Aug 44. the En moved out anJ marched to new bivoua::; in the vicinity of
France. During the pericc frore. 26 Aug; to 31 Aug, the Bn (less Co "B") outposted the
Group CP in aU bivouacs,' and from 24 Aug to 31, ".13" Co and c
VII Corps Headquarter5.
Durine the from 26 Aug to 31 Aug, Co and the non-combat
of Hq Co /o11owed the Bn by bounds. mo.;ing, successively into bivam!lcs as the Forward
elements moved out and advanced.
On 28 AUg, Co captured 7 P/V'!' s who attempted to pass a.n Ol','t?03t.
In conclusion. it is apparent that a. Li;;ht Tau,l( Bn, armed with only 37mm '::;UllS.
unless very skillfully employed with Infantry. will suffer Levsre casu11ties in men
and material. The Light Tank still has to depend on speed., ma.neuver. and se19ction
0f suitable targets if it is to be of very much use. In spite of the fact that the
training ofini8 Battalioll was not pointed t ..... ard reconnaissancfi lines, we been
able to accQlllpli sh our missions with a Cavalry Reconnaissance GrolA.p wi til a mucn gre?ter
degree of succes s th8.ll. in auy other assigDl:l9ut to date 0
, .A.PPF;DU II . ..
1st Lt J. Kenneth Fe.nnillg
S;Sgt tim. Bottorff
T Raymond E.
Sgt otto L. Short
pvt BruJlO Schultz
Pvt Robert E. Harris
Cpl lAwrence
T/4 Edward E. liloore
Pvt lierman liarrison
Pvt Russell Bean
Pic Elis80 Coatreras
T/5 Donald Dr axel
pvt Maurice Olivier
T/5 Jerry Schaffer
Sgt Garver ight
Pfe Joseph Gammaro
Pfc John Ranto
Sgt Lawrence Lang
Pvt Herbert Clark
Pvt Herman Hickey
T/4 Adam C. Garcia
Cpl Virgil Krager
Sgt Elliot Meyer
T74 Peter DeJoDg
Pfc Jack Pflager
Pic Ri to Lope z
Pvt A,!fold VinSOll
r/5 Chester Nelson
pro Joseph Busceni
2 Aug
2 Aug
2 Aue;
2 Aug
2 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 ... \ug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
:5 Aug
3 Aug
3 Aug
4 Aug
4 Aug
4 Aug
4 Aug
4 Aug
20 Aug
31 Aug
UtA "C"
iliA "C"
KU "C"
Battle Shock "C"
lilA "C"
W "C"
U'lA. "C"
IlIA "C"
1& "B"
UA "C"
lW. "B"
Lost to Hosp. "A"
I, ...,J,J- _.1
319.1 (AG/TSC) 2nd Ind.
TO: The AdjutAnt General.
(TERU: Twelfth Army GrOUD, APe 655).
2 Incls.
319.1 (10-0) 3d Ind
Headquarters TweUth Army GroUPI !PO 6S51 2 Navember 1944.
TO: The .1djutaDt General
D. C.
('1'hru: COlllD&JX1ing General, European 'Ibeater of Operationa, US
2 Inc1s: nice

\ 't) :. :- ."
I <!./ II" '1/L-
J-I' " .
.. ''.. .. '
, ,
. J
-- --

APO 230. U.S.

, a
23 October 1944 t;O
SGBJECT a Action Against Enerey :leport AfterIAfter A.ction Report.
'1'0 a Adjuta.nt GeIL!lra1 Ifashil1bton 25 D.C.
(Thrul CG. VII Corps. APO 307)
1. In with Par 10 (c-3). AR 345-105, the Report
After /Art8r Action Against the Enemy is 'sub"mrtted together with Battalion
S-3 Jounnal entries for the period 1 Septein!J-er 1944 through 30 Sertelooer
a. change
bo Attached to 4th Cavalry Group throughout tile per i od
c. Strength, 0 WO EM
AS of 1 Sept 44 3:r 3" 400
of 30 Sept 44 34 3 488
Het decrease
d. Sae &ppendix I
e. Sos appendix I
f. 1iestern Europe
g. 8:t:nendix I
h. 1 Sept to 30 44:
Battalion Commanding Officer; Lt Col Loya.l S. Faira.ll
Co "A" Commander; Capt J&..!,16S L. Emerson
Co "B" Commander; Cl=I.fJt 17illiam Radtke Jr.
1 Sept tc 13 44:
Co "C" Commander; Capt Robert B. Spring
13 Sept to 30 Sept 44:
Co "C" CC;"lIl1/;l.nder; 1st Lt J. Kelmeth Fallning
Losses in Action:
Engagement 1ame Killed Missing. CUlltured
Anti-TaIlk nea.r Blli lIonville
8 September 1944 Pvt Raymond E. Brown X
8 Soptember 1944 Frc Raul E. jilbert X
8 September 1944: , Pvt Frll:lcis ;{.
Near Ligneuvi11e
12 September ROJert B .:ipring X
12 1st Lt iJhitt P. McSween X
12 September Pfe ;:illiam c. Droke X

12 September 1841 ?vt liillia.n:. G. ;'ii ll:arson X
hear ButgenbaclL

14 ,:)0 Ptel:"'.Jer 1244 Cpl rrilliam p. parrell X
14 Se 1944 Sgt Eino J. Alto X
26 .:ieptemher lS44 lee 4 ,{ A
- ..... ?--
0" '-
" .
J. in ae,;.ditlon to the eisht' 0 t., 31i, sse above. follcr'ii1lb were
also awardea the .c'urple lieart for ,wo'Ands but r6:nain(;ld to duty:
Tec E :krman rlrooks
j?fc I..
Baillonville ;
8 1944

15 3eFt
C<ipt Jarrs!"; l.. I'ar.::C''I1
pvt .Jernhard Jr.
Pvt .iilliam J. Bolt
;1'60 <1 'tie Iuor>..s (oal: leaf cluster)
I,:. ::cne
, "i
" ,
li i
', .. :
,,' ,
, -
.' " .... t-'!
, \ I (. \...
i (/'./ ,'/
. I
. Y.
Lt Tank: no,
1s t lnd
1'J: 'l''ne 'ijanhbGton 25 D.C. (THHU: Com'an ding; General,
}' i1';o;t Lini. states A!"my, : P.O. 230, U.J.
, ..
/ v. A. A.
A- :r.::,,;:,\ ::i for roo ':'0d ')1 ;3ep .
.:.;-,; fr ;::., ....''..L J.. :i'!:.nk Im. ?'..-U. t/.-1 'I{ -; q >../). d ct
'/I I '1..
- 2

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a<;;::::' 1";':" cw:")anie:-: uSI.o.al1y .:.r; roads,
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_ '- '-'.J, t,r." " ..;-r '.... 'h:flll::' cau;;ht -r;L:':;e .. in a cress firu '.lIJ.L;.::ither
,.: 1
-J':". C1 '
vI.. ',' yt::rt i;:... ; T i'var at ;2150 l'u
, at
-. -. C .dol, -; '.; .> ..... r t: cr "it'.=.. 'J! ':':l.i.e f)& lance oi> ':1.4p
r"J C 'JL . :l...!.i.C'';
..?- I'or 1\fCC
.J":. 8L to t:..e preS! 0!: +,1..3 rear a,;d 1i'uer
....... ..... .... u.i... - __ aL.C: tClv
!:;; 1:n the
(11.;.1 ,!t;jre reach0d 0.110
at.':J... 'J:':' a:.):;;-...t f :)ur-i1UiKl1"' ..d ... ntc;u. ::nc,iV heJJ thl3 towr.o 00, "e" Go,
3..;-:'0 ;;iuppcrtec. "::J t."o :.t.s::;al1lT. ben p1atoo;.. , attacked allC,; took t:1e town on 12 sept 44,
af'tera f'i:::;ht l:l.l'!tinc; a'l)c ....t f-:>ur hours wit" 8l11ountine; to one officer,
(1rj one' :m1iste::: man ,nunda";' and one t':ink T<:;;rl'2orarily ::,ut or'.t of action 'l-Jy e. bazooka.
::1(;) i)!l. did' not have 'il"'iantry w ::. th th-:n at thi:: timi01 but on t:-a town
fror,c tw'.") .- irer;tior,s an::. v:i.:,;orol:'::: 1y. :i::,e ware eVidentl:,' surprised
iCl)i;!:t \,mJ.y 10110 6110USh t,:; C O"6!' a. Wieldra".-ral. thu nj,:-;ht the ":own
.... she' by the clle':1J'. Ou.r outPO::;t3 y.rere hit ami "e" Co lost t-.heir (;omp&ny
.3ever'31y wounded awi on6 enlist';H.l m'3.n ,pounded.
vI:' tl:e Btl". Sept lii4tl, 1/,: tN' .. ''i.-+:-ll two enlistee men, 19i't +'be Bn C?
to:; ..... ':: ,C':'r....:a.r-1 to tt.;;, linE; ccrnpani:::s, tr3.vellint; fr01'Yl of to
;l. ciistar.ce -:>l' about fo,',r 1;il::Hl..:.'he vehicle al1d !.lor were never seen agai:t;l.
::fter IG' ..
ilh G.i.
3.i,;:;. 110 trace 0: cOt<ld 1:.'e found. .'\.:3 a of this ..
c;riJers werG js"ueJ no would travcl<:in.;ly but alwajTs at_loast.2 tO
the ,V:lr1od fran Ie .;)e1,)'"v 44 tc 30 44, the 1tr" Cay Gp WflI'! gben a .
1J1i3Sio11 '4':,,- tile Ell outposteo. and held RX:t:E.'U.TH, kept company in mo1Hie
rC':;drV3 1:1 Q!' .0ld.:i-'::;1:-3ACli and operated d.aily pa.trols i'z:-OT.l north
and return. .
liurint; this period po:::itioJ.'i 3.t she lleclby tht;l
3Ylj,:j of was to a as it Was f :und that tLis drew'
i 11..:i'7 ire.
"E" LiGht hi,ilk: bn, on service at V.i':: Corps .rroi" 1 .jort
to 24 ";c:;.t ':':L-.->ost (;01'1-1s
(.1 :', ,.j<;;::t 44, .l'. ..::l.,t, '?- ;')d flt Go ,[ere 3Cl't m;t i1'1'l.,"Ja[we tu
,.,-:: de'l!' t:,o;: 'lor0'). in til,) \ic.i.:,;itYJ':" ..;!.... Bele;iUl,1 vlhicll hau
ttdec:':'-l... ".3 t:-.,; Cor::-);::; 'It "" lC.JQ :'l:::"2, ::5 36?t '14.,
!- ':").. .. .. i.... .... arH.i \!t;re 11e1.u. :--:/"t'"\., l."irG,
""ieh S],':.:lJt 1-,,'- i':;;.l.L.j .. al.::o ... ,::: :lcavy 'lrtl.1hry :r'ire
....:e v.:.:\:..:lG,/ .,1I.r ..... ..."'-,. + Pi 'ht --" ,ir 1_-
/,'" ..... ,-, li1..;.:1
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t-'l'; .. 1 \Vitl1 lLJ..<.;bllJ.(J i"i,L'b, it i;.A.-: it :l.--: :f ... ,
it .. :il i.:.... vr0r1t:..L:d .:\.1.,' -:9..:.:1;:s bo.:':;, ..;;G. '3..1'<8.J. it !'; -,'d'",
434 p/.; ';-ere 1 ir.e 01 G1;...:-.1. ...
ctLrricr "."-8',: .-_':" :v.rtller - -. '- ::::: -+: ..)..i.J.(;.... .1..'. +-. _ ... ;'.:;:":'_ _.. ' - '".
C":L... ::::;n .;r... tc ji :irO,l
...... t.!' ...: ... "tj t..; :r.....i.-... i:!.-t.r'o.t:; -:11.) VVAac .
ell O?;;J.L1.0..:. iJ..I.,I ... t.-)!.)' +1- ....... t.r:i.+ ':'C!J.. ... +........ r: 12 .. H ..
liD" Cc ;\A:.tai.J.'-1.... rL'J b.i',... 4!: ..... r:.. '-;r ...
th:) s (-;"jbac: erne 6"J. t5

3core;:=: for t>,""
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1hi? 9.. .t;c ..
c[" -t:le fb..r-:-. I)f' .. ......,
USd vi" rec0.1'';.is.:.a.j,.ce +;0 .j ::;";O\,.,;l' "'::.u ::I. :.,,
hO!'!<:i (..,,1;;;: an .,,'1'
Cj,.i. 24 dept 1-''-3.1, "ri" C..) 1'c1';'0\"; .. "uJ "A" (;Q '!rl.: tool:: -;-''J' ).
Ol Ccrl-'s .t..(;!-I.dll.<a.,rt.ers tl').u Llal"",li,C<: :::i p-:.ric-:i ti..r.,. 30 ,14:.
".u" ':;0 to iln cC:l-+:ro1 t!) _.J'.;, i'r-:>TI 24- .5d?t.
ttru. 30 je,tlt 44.
J.PO 2&>. U.S.' AIUtY
20 lloTember 1944
SUBJlCTa ActioD Agaiut Enemy. Report Atter/Atter Action Report.
'1'0 a .ldjut-.nt GeD8ra1. Washilliton 25. D.C.

(Thrua C.G VII Corps. APO 307)
1. In oa.plianoe with Par 10 (C-3). AR 345-105, the following Report.
Uter/UtAr Aotion the is lublllitted together With Battalion S-I
Jouru.1 entries tor the period 1 October 1944 through 31 Ootober 1944.
a. Original Units Bo change
b. ChaDges 11:1 organizatiolu Attaohed to' the' 4th Cavalry Group (*01)
throughout the period.
o. Strengths
of Period
Close of Period
48 EkJ 7 orficers 487 EM; 38 Officers
Increase During Period Deorease During Period
1 Officer 1 En.listed )Lan
d. Stational See Annex 1
e. Narrative Report I See Annex 1 \
f. OsqlaignS.
(1) Name - Western Europe
(2) Duration; 6 JUDe to date
g. Battles i See narrative A.mlex 1
h. CODmancUiag Officers' in important eneagements, 1 Ootober 1944 to
31 October 194., ' .
Battalion COJllllanding' Offioer, Lt Col Loyal S. "Fairall
,Comma.llding Officer, Co "A". Capt James L. Emerson
Commanding Offioer. Co "B", Capt J. Radtke Jr.
Commanding Offioer, Co "C", Capt J. !renneth Fanning
COl'lllNDdlng Officer, Hq Co., Capt El11er L. )(iller
S8M ,Co, capt Howard G. HohnsteiJ'l
i. tolses in Action.
XU .;. A 39085122,
- Coor.s, 121701'53. ffo
, Tingue. George, '39085189, Sgt
SWA - Youngbear, Atth1.u" , 39603669, pro
--- Morgan, Bastin, 35281431, Pvt
twA - Light, JOlephW., 39229942, sgt
--- Pivor&!, Theodore, J 32756729. PTt
Hughes, Harold F., 39016134, Sgt

- 1

.. < .'.' .
lassman, Richard A 39073631. Sgt
Roberts, William H
Branigan. ThomaS L.. 01016936. 1st Lt.
Cox. '16044828. a/Sgt ,.
James T PVt.
pyte. James P 31261931. Prc '
Campbell. JODath&n. 33634216. Pto
Ramsey. Reginald D 37132216. Teo.5
Earl. 39170982; PTt. _'
Former and present members who haTe diltiDguished theaaelves in
aotioDI -
J. XelU1eth FamUDi. 01013487.
SpriDg. 0456133. capt. .
fred B. Fisher, 1st Lt.
EdWard A. Jr 01017262. 1st Lt
\tldrew J. Kubis. 01017260. 1st Lt.
Whitt P. MOs.-en. 01011010. 1st Lt.
Otto L. Short. 6863308, Sgt.
FraDk J. Hon. 3674:7066. Sgt.
Peter J. DeJoDl. 37112143. Tee 4
!homaaH. 35141531. Tee 4
Ja.. A. Matthewr;. M809073. Pto
, None
1. Ino1osures: Almax IJ S-S JO\a"l2&l 1-:5.1 Oct 1944.
2 Incla I
Ino] 1/:1 - AlU1eX 1
Incll2 - S-S JourD&l. 1-31 Oot 1944
.. .
,. .
\trE...u ....TJ.. 3TE2.S 759TH UGH!' Tai:):
APO 230, U.S. aRillY
L9-J 1
3TJI3 u"""EC l' a Action AGainst Arter/After Action Report.
Aajl:tant 1'{asnin,;ton 25, DDe.
(Thru CG. VII Corps A.PO 307)
1. In compliance with par 10 (C-3). AR 345-105. the following Report
Aftfjr/After Action t-he Enemy is suomitted together with the Battalion
:3-3 Journal entriss for the perio9- 1 Ilovember 1944 30 NoveIl'ber 1944.
a. Or ie;i na1 Unit: No
b. Changes in organizati?lla Attached tl) 4th Cevalry (lIJecz)
throU6hout period. Company, 297th Engineer Battalion.
attached to this ilattalior. for the period 1 November 1944 to
11 November
c. dtrength: Officers Enlisted Iilen
As of 1 Nov 1941- 38 484
As of 30. Nov 1844 . 40 489
Net gain of - 5
d. See 1
e. Narrative report: 3ee Appendix 1
f. CaI'lpaigns :
Name - N9r!J1.6.ndy
- 6 1944 to 24 July 1944
name - li'?rthern Fr ance
Duration - 28 July 1944 to 14 1944
Name. - Germany
Duration - 15 September 1944 to date
. ,
Battles: 3ee narrative Appendix 1.
Cormllanding Officers in important enga[ements:
B'1. CO, 1 hover.lber to 30 1944; Lt C01 Loval S .....Fairall
.,. . "
CO, Co "Ar!. 1 t:ovember to 30 November; Capt James L. Emerson
CO, Co "....J", 1 to 30 November; Capt .villiam J. Jr
CO, Co "e" ,-1 November to YJ Capt J. Yenneth Fanning
CO, Hq Co., 1 November to 30 Eovember; Capt Elmer L. Lil! 9r
CO, S-y- Co 1 november to 30 hovember; Capt Howard G.
i. Losses in action:
2 November
Ivan K.
2 lloveml:ler Tec 4 t:ichael ba, os
2 l\jnverrilier Tec 4 J. :dsta

2 rovember
Tec 5 ;:;rnest .r. :!'iers.mosca.

0pl Claude I!tee
2 November Toe 5 Gil?in i, Henry - SV'iA
2 November
Tee 5 NilliaJl) J. Keenan
2 November
Tee 5 leonard E. Luee
2 November
Tee 5 Victor iV. Zaleski
' - Pfe Amos A. Geary
2 November -
pvt James G. Steward
. . .
2 J.lTovember
- Pvt
Paul 1-:. Tarkosky
2 -
pvt Leon N. Zechiel
2 ,- Pfe Robert E. 1rertz
11 Fovember - Pvt H. Smith
Former and present members who have, distinguished themselves in I
Sgt 1.. Short; Silver star per GO 2d :r:nf Div dtd ll'Nov 44
capt Elmer L. Miller; SOldiers Medal per GO #80,Hq VIr Corps dtd
28 Nov 44. '
T/Sgt -Ivan K. Briscoe; Soldiers Medal per GO 7/=80, Rq VII Corps
d'td 28 Nov 44.
T/Se;t 11. Turk; Soldiers Medal per GO #80. Hq VII Corps
dtd 28 Nov 44.
S/Sgt lIarry E. Aaron; Soldiers Medal per GO ;j80. Hq VII Corps
dtd 28 NoV 44.
Tee 5 Ernest J. Fieramosca,; Soldiers Medal per GO l30. Hq VII Corps
dtd 28 NoV 44.
pfo Alex A. Ramocki; Soldiers Medal per GO #eO. Hq VII Corps
dtd 28 Nov 44.
Pvt John F. Soldiers Medal per 00 #80. Hq VII Corps
dtd 28 Nov 44.
1st Lt Arthur H. stern; star per #76, Hq VII Corps
dtd 16 Nov 44.
S/Sgt Leon E. Kesterson; Bronae Star per GO j7o, Hq VII Corps
dw 10 Nov 4:4.
Russell O. Horning; Bronze star per GO =#76, Hq VII Corps
dtd 16 Nov 44. .
Tee 5 Reginald G. Ramsey; Bronze star per VII Corps GO "4, Hq
dtd 12 Nov 44.
S/Pgt Donald C. Bronze Star per GO #70, Hq VII Corps
dtd 16 Nov 44.
Tee 4 Donald E. Olson; Bronze Star per GO #17, Hq VII Co.r:ps
dtd 1.7 Nov 440
k. Photographs: None
1. Inclosuress 1-60 Hov 1.944; Appendix 1; Appendix G.
j) ,
/ .J "
Lt Col/ '759th Light Tank Bn,
- 2

HO. 1
[curing -che period 1 Nov to 11 Nov 1944 the 759th Light Tank Battalion
(plus "13" Co, 2S'7-ch Engr Bn, attached). attached to 4th' Cavalry Group (r.:ecz),
was in position holding a defensi Vf3 sector of the front shmil: en overlay,
Annex No.2, and also operating mounted patrols over routes indioatod. lJUring
this time many patrols attempted to penetrate our lines but all were
unsuccessful and usually left killed or capturec personnel behind.
TheAssault Gun ?latoon was particularly active ourinc this period, firint;
harassing and interdictory !!!.ission$ day and night U.P(l placir:.g observed ... "ira on
targets of opportunity. On one occasion, obecrvint; an er:.Amy OP Be"t-up,
three rrunds of HE were fired. killine; one man, ,J.cot-'ably killing trIO ethers
and destroyinr a 13C scope. 'rhe OF was useo
Another time a CP was observed
cwnouflage d as a hays tack. This was fire d on ana tii -C Ca1..lSiIlg an undet'3rmined
number of casual ties as ambulances were observed makinr; trips to and
from the tar get.
The 1110rtar Platoon was also active c.uring this time firiDf; ha.rassins anc
defensive missions and other concentrations on call from ths forward elements.
For period from 4: to 11 Nov 1!?44 the platoon was attachod to the 4th
Cay Squadron.
On 02l630A Nov the Battalj 011 CP was di ve-bombeo by one P-38, wi th AA'3rican
markings, wni eh dropped several bombs, one of which, a 50U 10 bomb, hi t in the C?
area killinG 2 enlisted man and w::> 12 enlistee'! men. The nOE';; fuze of the
bomb was later found and identified as American.
On 11 Nov 1944, the Pattalion was relieved in its defensive sector by ele
ments of the Cavalry Group (ll"lt<ca) ano ordereQ to asserr:::'le in so"c;thern
erige of AACHEN, Germany. 7.!-1e Battalion marcheci to AACFBI; ana on J"1.o"\;in: into the
bivouac area one "13" Company tan, hit a mine in Ii street posted 'is clear. T!-3
tank wa:; a total loss and one man W';l.S seriously wounded. l'he street
was then Ewep-c by the Group and six more mines found and n9utralized.
For the neriod 12 Nov to 30 Fov 1944, the '3attalion was bivO'_laeee. in A!l..Ch2":I:,
in Corps reserve. L'uring this time t'1e was C1SY performing maintencl.llce
on vehicles and equipJr.ent i:'1 order to get everythin[' in first class chape for t;he
next operati on. In addition, ;SOu series rarlios were in8-Ca1 Led in all command
down to platoor:. sergeants for infantry-TanL: communica-cion wher v'lorking -,-.i th
The time was also employee'. by thA officers of the Eatt'J.lion, from the ;3n
CO to platoon leaders, in ma.kint; reconnaissance 01" routes forward s.nci the forwarci
areaS thi:l.t seemed probable. sectors of employroont of the Battalion ancl in the e',cen
in;s the officers ,,!or:.,.'hl map proble:r:u: basec on a.nd missions most lLely to
be given the 8att;lilion in the near fu-cure.
At the close 01' the nerioe the Battalion was still in Me::.::::!,;, alerted ane
waitinr: for orders 1;;0 move.
the period 1 i;ov to U) Nov 1944 "A" Company was on DS to VII Cor?s
enrployed to out';)OS-C and guard Corps iieadquarters at
On 18 Nov 1944, "e" Company relieved "A" Company on this outy and for -C:lE! bala:lCe
01' the perio d "e" Company' Corps [eadquarters.
::r' VII d.tCJ ,Jr>'l subj: "Le:trr r): 'frri'.R'itt"l" ne'1r)rt
,,:' t,le F_;t"'. Tk 3;). for 0: .
1 cy rryt w/drAwn.
AfO 307, U.S. Army
23 January 1945
,(). ;; -/
.. I '.

SU.8JEC'l': Letter Of 'l'ransmittal.
'1'0 :
: Commanding General, VII Corps, APO 307, U.S. Army,
(Attention: G-3 Section).
1. Transmitted herewith, Action Against Enemy, Heport
After/After Action deport, for 759th (L) Tank Battalion.
Including the following listed items:
Letter of Report, dated 12 January 1945.
(with Annex #1).
Map Overlays - No. 1 and 2.
Battalion S-3 Journal, for period 01 Dec to 31 Dec 44.
. 2. This report received in this office at 1800A 22 Jan 1945.
For the Commanding Officer:
" .
,., . \:
:"j .,,; ""'"

, ..
' '
1 _'"'.
/', Maj (Inf) Armd Comd
, ".
, . Armored Section.
. : .
319.1 1st Ind
TO: The Adjutqnt General, Washinrton"D.C. (TERU: Commandinr General, First
United States Army IRead, A.P.O. 230, U.S. Army).
"", ..
{j AlA--
, ,I,..
3 Inols: n/c. i." .
- A; _______."
C 2:50,J. 3. .t'.J:EY
12 JR.nuary. 1 945
7C .b.0..;uta:1t' (}olr.eral, inbt.:m
\.i.'hru :;'!, il::C 307, li.;.) V'!".:;)
1. Jr. ccmpliA.nce w; tL ,iJa.r ((;-3), AR 345-105, the followint; R.e!'ort
.Ao:::tion il.sainfl1:; the Ener:r:'! is subm.i. tted torether\'j th
<H'tri'38 1'01'" -+:-1'0 rerior:l 1 v'Jcember 1)4_-1: 3J. Lecen:ber 1944.
b. in ort;anizatio:1: to 4th Cavalry Group (liecz)
t:u-oll"hol1t +1:e period,. liB" C-:>r.!-:HI,ny, i.p'.:!'troyer 3n,
attaci:e0 t,G Battelioli froT"' 10,1.;o3C 1944 tn 21 Dec !S44. "i)"
i'roap, 8btl"1 Rsco!).!';e Dn.att9.ched t,., the i3attalion from 10
:).3<' 1944 to 21 1544. "A" Tr0('p, CR.\" .;)q, 9,ttachec.
to the .ua.ttalion_frol.! 10 Ljoe 1944 to 21 uec 194(. ('1e PIt, CC
"C", %97th ;;P, tc' +'hc:'?tto.lio!l from 10 1..,ec
1844 t:) (;1.. i)(,O 194". :'.r:'connaissance 'It, 63hth 'iU 1:>',
tc tlv, ,;j?tt9.lion. fro't. 13 011v +-0 21 iJ3C 1944. One PIt of
"';" 00, f):5bth 1'r1 _.0'\''], tre from 17 Det} 1944
?l :Uec IG44.
c. .3trenzth: lJft'=-cel's .:C I;n1istec. J.:er
AS 01 1 Ilec.1 9;; 4 489
.\s of' :n 1944 36 2 4.75
a 14
f. C:?!;l'P'1.i -':':":
},:arr..e -
r)':.nl1:irm - Jue 19l1:
to 24 Jul:- 191'1
- {ranee
i)l,;.rq,/';i('ln - '.944 to 14
-::ar:-,A -
L:n!"'3:tion - 15 to
'''' 0
h. c.; Cf-''"\i ccr f, 1.1'1 crt-ant 3 -" -J :
"':n l,\.', . ' ;... ;,0 - 31 dec Lt CC'l. :"oye.l
e(" Cc "A" j 1. .. I,:' - 6 IJa',J tJ:0 10 ')ec
I ......
;;c "All, 6 ,'de - '.0 LeC 1A; lsi: Lt .... u ....:"is
. ,
:' '.
Gl ,
1 >3C
.; C!',--\t

[( t !r:S
t7!"' .
\. , So "e" 1 '31 .1..' ., ..... C:l:jt .
:\ e 1'':' c
i :'..:1g
Gf) '-'f'
J1 .'
.1 1
CO. ,

1 Lee - '. ; v"
l Sv Co. , 1 l)OG
; {
:: -t:c:_ 1'l

i. L'J:'; l!"". i>,.ct.i:.::r::
..JeCe;3;Jl}..c - I,:. 4 v' <: B. F?";"::,:- -
- 3. - !
j. - 4 Carr1ic to -
:1 GeccE100r - .. - :';;.A.
1 .. 1::3+, Lf:: Jc> F ...... ... '.j..j:;r - I..iA
10 De ::;el"'(':;::-- '.st. Lt Sc.i "':3.r.::'. "... O';.;;Y' -
10 - i'i'c alfred,.' l:;cpinc:'l - ..
Ie i;3ce:r:Lcr - J:t t::. t13r.r:1" _ ..) ..r...
10 DeclOl::;:-O:::!' - J. H' - Ll.'\
10 lJccel!.;;er Fvt Ox.r (;. il.e - hi";'
1.0 - .3,:,t ciollb.'1c C. 1..::illl'.'!,;};.J:;.", -
11. - Cr 1 :.ic3 - Lia
11 IJectl?:1aer - 7ec 4, .:i l' ip..!" .:.. ::;cc1::.' - :i\IA
11 L:ectlniber iCj;'{ a .w-a. - 3.iA (21 uec, Do.V)
11 Decemo;;r - 5 her"':',;r+; <.'. Y?-l:es - L';iI,
12 - P. iHUr!'is - r..JA
12 uoc3I1bor f'rt i.c-':;:;al' OWE;!lS - L..'A lI.
12 -,;:sc II - LIA
17.:l:'Jcen!ocr pj,'c la:/lor .jiz..-;!J1or - L.fA
20 Uo':;Giuc.:::r - pf'c J. illt+re 11. - LfA
2G J :G. n+::, -
.20 ;:;ec.?:aoer - 5 ")o<...;1.::-..s .:. '.1
20 IJdc.:mcor - p" t Louis 1\,. Eac
.m - LHA
2:::; I.e cerr.ber Cp 1 1 Lira:::;omir - li'lA
26 uooember i:i.;t ilolc;, J. Propar - LV.
j. Fcrrrer an(l pr63 (;Dt. '.'i!10 >' ir.
actio:, ;
Lt Col Loyal S. /aire.1.l - Sih"<3!" utc;r H.? ;-;.: CCl"'?3,
dte. 2 1544.
1. ':'r.c'osures: 3-3 J';'::--l"a' 1 - :)1. ;jeCE);r;1'(.r Ap")f;nc1:"x 1;
.;. ')Glidi x ?.

, .
\'. /.}4Iv
1 Deoember +-he 759tn :i,)lt ..... r. ('-c.;;:;[""Y.'y "e") .V!2..G still
a ttaci1ed to 4th cavalry Group (lit:lcZ )ar..J ,-aF ,by on a O;lf; hour no t..ictl
in Group reserve ,f'or emp1oyi.l,;:n-t in imrtLe_l l'0re::t ser::tor ()f the; drive [cr
uTJREN, L! <:;u::)'r)ort oi' tha 4th or 24th C" ,:alry O;lS, ':lliO -:[<:;re dlsmo1J,r.ted
aLQ actinb L.tfalltr;. i'!-i.ti was bi V 0'..:').c8e' :Lx: -the of'
,Jermany, in a posit:i.Oll to move in any one ;);: severlll J::'rections over. boed. ro&..d
n'3ts. Officers Eud ECC'[, trips to variou05 sectors
ci fr ent. &tudyirL6 pOGsi" 1(; ro\.,tes of ap,)..oach, as:;:emb1i :'.r e a!." ,
the en.9my s i tuatiop.. :::1. til: If,eantime, :ainte.12, te[.;.1.s fro_:l 3ervjce GC:Tlfany
and the IJine COlTffarq maintenE'.nce ",ections ,';0r:';inl" OVf;;i,' each piece of
equipment, v;J:-d. is llO'!{ 3ettinb 010. c,nti ':curn. "i';' th view of
j;.utting it t:,,;,OO':'+; possible 1,J.eC:lfWic.... l <...:mo.iti:n: to the next ope!"at1cn.
Cn :3 Decem';)er 1S44. the 4th Cavalry Grou.p was attaci:ll::J(; t8 the 5th armored
:iJi visio:l. for The 76:Jth Libht Tank Bn. oeiL;; the ollly unit imrnedi
ate1y fbvailable, v..-as-i'U.rt:le.r attac:leo. to eOA, 5th L'ivision and "E" OOLl
pany moved on a one hour notice to t:.0 vicinit7 of iiICnT J 'Jerma.llY, they
remained for 24 hours preparEld to eX0CI.4te iii. mission upon call.
tiowever. this operation was c&.nce_lleu and"::J.." Conpany rdjoined +;he 3attalion
on 5 December. in In t,i1e the -lth hadJ<..{,n at
t.o the c3d lJi It.s.s the 4th a:1:': 24th Jcut::.<lrc:"::3. late Of.
U.e e-.-enint; of 6 December, tho rlattaJi0nCC, of 759t1l :itJit 'la:ak bn, was noti
fied to report to the Commanding General, 83u Iillar try Di -crision, for
wI-lien he did near U;Jo>: al':rive.J. Clot th,.:J I;ivlsior. C?, ;'16 ",iD.g
infor:rood that ,".0" CompanY, 759th Li5ht I",nk M--'r.., "'!as t.J th:::: 331st Inf'8:f.i.-:
try was -the.ll mGving; up. to a pos::' tiClll r.::rt'r-east :;f
mA,'rv and tha+- ,,",II wo'ul;-; JOl'-l - +'''r "'''rlvl--',.,' le,-i- ;"'.,..
6- oJ ,D V ""'.- "_ ........,1..;. A.... O .; " ". ';"v .I. mI.....i. ..... .i..i.t;:)_
The oala'nce of the Jattalio'l (less "e" Co, Nho was detaG:-e:: t.o iII Corps
as Corps, CP SecLrity)w3.z attached to the 33,Oth Inffl.l'ltry and was to
be prepara<l to support the Regiment ill 9Il tl. .. ua:r -co t>J.Kf'1 and hulJ
the ground , 0-:: KIdIluit1:C, Ger:il<..ny. lhc: 'lliGht of S December, '.:.118
Bat+'elion CO and his S-3, raconnoitered for an as;;al',:':'ly iil.r6a ,2(Jr t::-.c Bat-talion,
. one kilometer sou'\;\'I"!est of GerrJ.!UTY, contacted th:=J 3'<Cth Infantry
Regix:ent, the I.1ans a ..1G. returned to A.\Cymr .. ae +L::::n britd:;ld t'.1e
pan;; a.n1 Platoon o.::',f'ice:::s fl.nd in 'w':>rnin::; of 7 December mcv(;d Ull<ler
cover of darkness, rain 9.X mud and d.J ::lU::.t, roau.;. into
liurtgsn Forest. To adrl to the dii'ficulties, the r 'J8_C:S W9!,E; int.err.Uttani:
long range an"'ffij o.rti11er;>r firz'. iJespitc SEl':eral neDI the
sufferec no in persollJ.:el or. v6hicles and upon arrivfll in the
area, all els;r:ents dug in, )rovidir.g over:lt:'l'l.d covor. L.,,)[S wero_Gu-:
and place c. around. t:,e fr cint 'anus of wheo led '1"0 hie IdS I)all.:::eu with ew-th t,o
save -tire3 iro:r, s11611 fr:?.;:;ments. "BnCo, 759th Light Tanl: on, h<!.d, ti:lis
time, i'" its dssignntec area, d"..l.;; inane a'I'Tait6c::. tho c;' tLe
3:31st Infantry Res::.nont. In the :ncantirne, it !-,o..'::' rec:)[jtoitered t.h0 f:r::l1"t <..:.nd
contacteC: frier.d"!.:,r, l...lLits in tilvir proba01e LU"0a of' eIn::,10yrr.ent.
l'hR hie;r. tl--le of' F07C;-)7S, ncr+.hen2t of
lay '.)n t;le ex+:.eme ric:lit of tl)e Corps and L-ivisi.m 38C+'0:' it I',a:o 6s.::;;ntial
- , .. +. ,-, 1,;1" + te t t f1 'r 0' -' 1--, '--L:"

-' ... f.l.1S :rculJ.(. tJ C.fJ.C nu '-4 l.r. _0 ""iro C _oLf: t:iTlh...L >,d,it; :)'-.1.1.
ArmoreQ I . \ i;:;.io(l CtIL 83c:.. :'i vlsior., Vill" ":dre dri vir.t;; .:: ,;:
.::_iV3X', S017ti-l :Jf of hil] had 1"een
.--!, V!\.lcl.:, Ch.8..l:"bir.:...; se,r,Jl"(:..l ..
1,Jri ....;,o:, +:;-,e day, 7 UdCe,nJ-;!' a pls_L ','lac A. c(\ordir...aT3c.
attack b'l 3,:-,lst ane.. 33.:Jt}l t,-
" ' . c l' (,,',-: ........ +-Y-t:
'-';'3!'ta5_'" +,l,fJ .deeJ;;en .i.- ,':" l.nt' "'1 '-' A,

f :::;:' drive., as we 1_1 as to t'-1:' lli2:'l:;r'y n'l at r,i'?0378. GCJ.'J:J.ny
".-1.". 7t:;.'tn ::i.;:;;,t 19.n'c ,m, wc.p ';:;c-; in c"\rJvnction with 3d ::'n. 33Ct:r :'xf
9,1; f::,r::;-r 'i;ht 011 '':'ie 7')1:(.' As::ault :;'un!}. of"' the
'i'2!"u in ;.'"yitiul"), <::tIle: tied if"" ,' +:iw :::cav.f', cf
.. J for ?he L-lmrn l._ortars vrere in 9.t F054367
r ;i,ct3r::l fir:; cnpnort l,ndcr th6 :;:' Battalion CO's control. o
=iO'.'!ev<:;ir, dur;,nc; tha latc afte.rlloon of 7 ]je\..eri":.0sr, 194'1, A. pa'c,rcl from the 1st
'3n, 330th Inf on in infiltrating to,..th6 WElst
,d.;:,; of thEO hill at FG7J;37:3 and durinG the. nig:ht over a Compary of Infantry
fo110'W0(' it. Plans 'Ner3 q1...ickly altered fen:.' one ph.toon of Light Tanks from
"A" Co, 759th Light Tank r:loved forward 3.t nig:l>t "thru. GIWSS!iA.tJ-KLBINHA,U to
r-::inforG:J tntl Id":l.ntr:t c_ +;;.5 hill. at dawn the G:.;nnn outposts Were surprised
and Col.]? Gt;ri3d or kiEv" :'J!' the most parte jjurinz; tne next fa"" hours morQ In
f,wtry, ':..lld tho ba::';;"l.l00 of "All Company. were moved on to the hill and the i'oot
i,'JJUi{i""j 8.:d plans, ';:cr tl:e Inajor were baing
1,' . t'le __,ttemptbcl "steal" }lac] hecome a.pparent tc Germans who replied
'.v.L th artillery. larGO ::i.1Q Gn:aTL. that fell at an unprecedinateJ. rate) and seri
1y r8.)UtDC the 2 ,'c t:le ':';he m::m secured all around
c1cf;mse G.:d stu.jG." :'nsid.\j t:l3ir a.r;,!;)r. and", despite m8.ny direct hits.J
IJGt only tVi;) tanks, t3m.porarily put, out cf action. These the 'Xews continued
to man as tt.c GU:1S still i.n o:perating condition.
''B" C0:11r',n]. 759tl: LiGht Tank- 3tl.,had Lot COIn.!nitted on the Inf
6..:1d was rel'3aseo to thJ .du. it rejoined during the night of B Decem
ber 1344, at 2406 hrs. i'."3::'1' KUI:m.A,U, iIi a pouring rain. Tl'L') Bn 00
.)Y':afac( the ".3" (;0 officers on situat:on at that tiE: and outlined the follow
b;:; plan.. :
')'1 ::'( i})ll'Jar 194"i:. "A" Occ:}J.ny, ir,- .:mpnort Df tha 1st ,3n.. '
In:' 1est, t0war&s BC:}EEU". Grmuny, fron its rrl3scEt,,!
t ,\u':' to cor:r;,:Jlete Via occu!-,ation of, th3 bJ.'ovlnc1 to the nose at'
the aci\-8.::.ce of thE: 5tl'l .t,rmored =.h:.'oion on tae left. niH' Co was to follow
attack na to he:!.f' occur;' and :loL', t:l.C t:;rov.nd.
i.i3 i?ro.;rJsceo. as scheduleu 1.'/1 tl: '";',<3 11"lfantry moving off al?no to
. ,"""r,'" ., 'fl)le "'cuks '''orA + 'w + ""or ,-+. th opp rt .,.,,.,,
....L ..... l--_,J d(J .... J,.V __ J."" ':"(,4 JQ UV v U'JJ.. Cl.'J' e 0 U..!..LO
'l'he jnf'iltratior. was easy - too CllSJ - the Germans waite:i until the Infan
try were Vie 11 "rit:lin'),l:';'''' (J:he Ger:l:ans) lines t"GL 1'riped ....'lem out with the ex-.
c3ption of a.',)out J 00 r.\;J.l wl:o were badly cis organi::.ed. 'I'hf::1 "A" md "B"
+':18 Li,;bt Tfnlcs, attac::30 and fOl:6ht :l pitched. battle fer sev6!'f:l.l :'l,9urs
",'i t,)..l]c:.-man :'::"Jfaatr:' Ll t:le sen;:.) ..,}(jVr+.'l; t:l,3:r ,lown, them up wJth
(;1\.ll:>ister anct '1JD.'Jhicc gun 'ire anc Cl\0"'.tually c9.eJ.::inL: }leavy cas1.Aalties that
" "" >: t;l": <i,irdcU::m of and 03E"0'l,:A.UBACH ..
'J.n:i un a defensive l,:eanwh:ns, the effective
'::.';[_:.try '>1.Apr.u"+' ':,-1; <.;(n3ol:i,';lte" rlositions b.Dj l?rotecteJ the
rJ ... b-;' c.: "!""",;.ll:V!',:, uLder +;:--.. 3
L.tter :t.u rile"",.!. atte:;te<..i. to r::tuk(; +Le hill witl. ono hea'lly
,.,:. /)c.. . i .. ::: "u1t ,0' ..J.: \(;3':: IJ0:T!.') :'.2.: C. ,,"..311 :>In 3.lC( G1.Acceeded in i,JGne
:)()u:L.t.i_':,H. ii'ola 100 yerjs ht.. out t-NO Light :a.nks. nowe'Jer.
')f ",.," :"'J., "',i.;' I;; ,;':tllks GjnCeLt:rRteci f uh.wl" fire on :li.m and held their
,,_! ':1.-:.3 :L1er'\,,-; urJ,:J ratirec fronl the ::611t,
;,,,,}i "lr i.e il0 lOl't. 37rI:'1 orl the Li,)lt ciid no


__ ,-' ..... .L .'
.. Iv c.... ....

G. ""J..i.
'0"'''''''' over 100 rir
I..) '.J
1 1'-''1'
-.; )";' f"
...... '"' ... v \,A
.."''3; .. f.r-o:,l 75 tc 5CO The fortilud? ...
'i 1 ',0 t:c'3 d,ll.. t ,', ='c:.:'1lcs :::nv:lc' t,1,) )C'. +;l;.8.t occaLiJllo "Jp to
.!... ... ..; ta.1L '\_1.>':':.:;.; .!. .. "!' ".d"H hF.... U ,,-,.jell. u11e mir:es, ur.d fr-CM a I.
JJ..i, .;.: _J; ... .....
... fi.rE. Ul'r 10s39:; '.;ere tl.') be
.:l ..i. "l', ...,E:',c:..l C'j;;1:]';.nder.::: ;.er3
... : . ' ;;, d ..511 0-3_".1": on CO r 'rac;0d witt t::"8
. tl.i.' , tr.<..:> a.:: ;j,'I..l.'li.ti i.JYl J-3 j,14un+
- 2 .'
. .' .....{.
j' ,.
GOL1g Utj '':-:, liLl y,;.t:J co:nl)at Cv:c.f<l!lib3 tv i.,v-: first hL'1d inf()r:u'iti.?41
-\:.118 .... COIIlJ"'i...:-:ic!Jt::'on, -l::.:'jL
)1 tr:llity codes, was F\;;Ir
_-",-:c. a.... ,v .i,;v"':'1'2'_ lle'\It,;r '3'"<:;.1.:. {J.'';'''''U;;. (;.u- l.:-... experi
8.. C,,.1 l[,._,';ll oii'fi (.;\)1wwi t:-, G0lfJ",o.A.'lico.-tio;-: Clue to ...rti -: l.}!'./ c1.ittir" tilt:;
...... .. ;:; ... ,- ,,:,J, ... lro,lp (lIec.. ) .V'ras relit;ved f!'or.J.
t:L3 _0-'; 111i'd.,try L':'vi:,;ic.:.. ...C. WiiI,.f in t l.rn att 3.ehEic. -:) th6 el ... .'1.r"id
u,vi:::i.:..lll. mlB .l.1,..rt.: . .,;r att:"'(l'0u St.h .;.l"lIlU Jivir:ion, 8,:lJ a'3sl. .rJ1.CO tho
of holcir..t> +[1'3 at extendinG out t oVlard _')Ci};-iB..l1", :J.nd
0,: to t:.. <- ... ',:ar d::: t:,0 I-.\.<.tliance contl.:ClH.H'.
cc.;;;ht l3.rL:C L..:.. , was L:' CO, :iroup. ,:,r:
:;1: +}-.( '::6ctor lrOL: .;. .. :JSr:;:jlu t.) 3.llU t:1l9 fc'..low';'ng, elem'3!lts
n:".L!> avu.iL.blecc! bUC-w,'3 ,-,,-He. t:i',,+; Fc,sition tl...e ,fl9.nk: "3" Co, 035th Tank
Jestroycr (Tc;e":";"r1s); "J" Tr;J0p, 0[itL nn; "A"
Ca1JJ."_I";;' 3cp...a.ciron 8.J.10 ono platoun, "e" Cu, 297th bC"..
:".10 f'irst ,p-Cl01\!;1." 'i.'E." to relieve the elewt:.:.:ts of l:::t i3n, 330t!. Inf Rebt, QrJ.
:... iP, 1)rovio.8 :;:l.l.fd.[.. sup:,ort for;l t-.', 0 GOlr",?8J.1ies.. 0:' Light 'lank::;;
holuir.::; the positions. 'L-.l 1:J.::>celLmeous .n-;its liste.d were ano.
c;-'':;2,i.. iz 3( 'uu.s-t::'ly .as Ll,antry p.nd ttec:. af. as possibla to effect tlle ,
::-elie:' of tHO::: 330tL ir"': r:'Jt,;t. ;ib1'38 :-TCliJle1Ii3 pre;; mt6 11
C>il"st, GOTi,:null::'catiollS; :-01.i]/,-l;: C>.cl''';' .;vaeuatiolJ.; ami. thirc'., the intense 'artil
l<1ry r:'re. accur'3.tely ,,-n2 continuo",,::. 1)" c..:.r Lill positiom:. j!he problems were
I' so'vecl as ,follows: The E6ctor was divic.eo. into .tvrc- <ll"ae.s, each occupied by one
Tank with t.:-... '3 dismo...,nted t.roo?s in b.round al1(.uu<ier the armor for
protection. The 0:' t:1e troops in each
se'}tor kept liai:.orl " th-:; Ts....'1k Co Comdr at his te,nk or ran a short telephone
lind 4:;0 him. sol,vin;; tLo cOf:1:lur::.ic:;;.tioa jJrool'-3m. AI] casualtids L,1 each
30ctor ...../ere evac,iA,t(;j to Co Comdr 's _in t:- J.t sector., f'irst ...e,.id
:::1'; G:": tl"e maj'ltenl',[lce o;'the c(\:;;par.y. The roE..ds WOO-Ii sQIlon-e::cistant
'0::,: u,i'-cl mud G,::, deep,tl";t u.l! hc;:n'.(:mt Lad to O.e made oJ' a' t'-.1.M or
dlf.."T..J\..11-1teci. sent J..;'l. .':.1,/ tr!f3 S'-\i2.') ar::" distributed the_
vich1i.t.'l 0';" thpl' in aach sector. It -"e.s to diG everything in,
ratiOi.lS and water. Que tJ the b<:J!1VJT shell fira tha+; continued to fall.
Casualties ':'ere he::-.YJ' alld i.1i.01..,nted tc ,over 50,; in seve!"al units a.ilUr:'';
tr" '.'op;:.; clur i:q:;;, +;'le :e.ext f,;;v[ c.a
-;-;, .::,'act ,:"t t:ll.3:t lITere well del!;'; ill. 1,;or_
.!"C}T fire r aU2;6c. .from to 120mm alld artillery trom 88nr.; to 150lmT. and on -Oro con
sec' tive days, a OJ, 200 ruunc.s l'er hOli!'. Ta.nk: eraToS reIlliir.eo. in their
tanl(s alno:::t const,alltl::,. da:; .me] ,).no troo=,s iulS deeper .Further
rcint'orce;'l,e.qtf VJ3re oroc'ght ,< to maintain thE: stl-ength of the ?osition. in that
ur... 17 IJ6eerr.ber 1044, Or-L6 plate,on ')1' "e" 63Gth 'I'D Bn, moved it,s guns inco
SLOJ'H;. on oV6rl&j. 'A. LiGlct ':o>x11: gJ.l.s into Fosition. "A."
ol'. t!ie 24tr. Sj" llac losses we,.s pull-:;d eJ.ton 12
0 reorc6" .ize c..nJ, rest '.:cntil IE D3c,c.i,-oer 1944. ",;,,11 went Corps
"'- C.orpr; in ;:h'1-ce of "G" GOlflPUr:y., OJ. 19 Jicc;:;3;nber. the Recon!
s).t.ce:,' -::.torn 0:;: n 3th LiGht :':'8.n1: br" GOO; Ut:' fosi tioll':, to oolstGr tht:)
in S5t!1 soc-:cr J }1a.:..: muc11 __
til:leS c' Y' :_1<: the .... _: ' ',,{I'. J G-urm9.p- at'-:em?ted to penetrate o;).r lL:.e:
.. ,-' -_-..,. . r+ +---r,...,4, .. ... "'-'a --t >'"AQ" "rr'- 0'..... .... ............ ..:: ::. -0' . n infl- .........
'-'Ll _ .... -, .....;" '-' -'. '.'".", '" ...... ..... . J_,,"1. __J.0Y C1U 1 ".'
U,) v.. 0'. r ..;,'1.t,',.t 1'0'/037<.: di!:;:),rcb i::j 8. of :{ow",wr,
hJ.,.r \".'J...
...., ' v
r '-"n ?" .,. ." ...
' .,.

___ .......

.. ' t

.... Hit .... ...... ...... .J Jecl... J.
, a
')'.I... t oOJec rifL.L.,
1 a-w'ec' '-''''- "" .... ,'- C"'!"\... <:up.... o .. ted '1-.., "'1"''''-3 "1'"
. :- LU..:.. .' ""J...L\".o.. v ... ... 'V. .L. '....' If.,,;:,. ..J vu.. :.!:,:.)..iJ..J, ,)I"...L.i..J .;:.... 'J7)' ....
";,,, Co. 7f:.;:;-..,:... Li)lt ...<Jr:; to to tl:3 S outh0ast wftfi nrission of
-:o"l'r t,. ejg:.3 01 .,. .... .CRV +i16 i'll""
7;: '1"t: _ Li,_: .. t i ..... r 1- alJ. .... ":") .. _:, .. ...(or... ':',;[1:- :)j- '!.9.:l1:s or "en Go,
:i J.. - .. ' __1. 4 , "'i;-i_"'.;. L0 to to t.1-... : 8:'
01' !! .,It CQ. 11.; :;)r".,
s 1 L".::G +>.!" :)'.:
+,1-,,: . ;",';1," in their pnc;jti or,s about
i 5 or 1.00 W'Jr' tLeL tyi.deG.
- 3
... "" .1.- .";.- ' .. J...6. "..,'._ "'"''t..;"':.'L', ,J;" ...:.
nO_J.!,.-':f.:r c.l' ..=" "'!;8re t\.r_,l -:... E,1re
tr.:; c." +:;:-;c t'te 75S-I:::r. : ....1::1: dll loen PIt; "A" l'r')'),:?, 24t:l
Oa,\T ,,0113q 8.-'11 t 25tr :.:In, also r89.ched t:l"ir ol):;aetived, aic
so by the
Tanks of "e" Go, ,591;h Li;:,,:.t IHnk iiI'. The :r'lt $,)stair.'3Q tv'v casualties
small arms fire "e" Co loc:t ":'J: . ': 'uO .... dil.-' . .''-.>v_.'::.';.: :-;r:)
... a-:'+.alion reac'1l3J. its objectivE::; and establis"l.3(! a line in +'11<1 edGe of the
WOOd3 from it cC'uld observatL6 d;':t,l.'Y in tile valleyteloVi "and (:aliver ;;lung
in;:;: f' re on him. All tl,is tilll3 the ph.tvon f:1ort.!J.r -,l'-I.tco.u
day ar:!.i. n::.:;ht hs.rac!3int.: anJ in G'1Tljunction ....,1. th +,1.03 n.r,;:
c!' thl':> 4:10t1. AF-'1., who Welre in _t.Gc:;;J:.,'-". j.ll reducing, ""ft"r. +.1-:J first
fev: J.::.t:rs, t(LC 3..-.. :J!l--;:"1:1 t>.. COSO!"'V3,J. cf
asse..u).t anc. .u:o"".!. r 0r:\;; 0 .. :"ucl
UlL.1:iJ tarL"< Z.i) b1A.ll t.url.1eU,
CI; do[;t!'" ..
At l[;d':; hOurs J 21 LeG8,r:u':::r" 19*4, -t:'.s v0d i.';
{runl ;:u.ssior. .;t-.l1
',ie:'e ordered pull o;;,t ant: aSLen01e ::'1. trli; :,..::"t';"l Y'es'G of t :r"parl,;,i to

r"ove ),t; c1:ce.';::,;: cr0e:"(J"; i;: ....
try '"'0..;.;1 :;,;uiCie t.ilom ::'ntc .. ';>0 ... tl.ey Wel"ti to r;.;lil:lv9
: i
Sc;,. .(.ll.';r.; was succe:sfully :..a.pcuE:;li3hed u:rl:U".);:,; aui
t:li ': ors. J, 1 .fu!.lc:.'.' Lr.. ;.;
i::,t., 3 10 1JI-:"\., 2 .. ; ''i.L:\.i, ,'" 'J'. (,rl.l.. 1
r :;:r t'hJ3 c!'-' liwi{'G t:',,!!;..: .. r.:Lt::w
ea.!:c::. by Bat+:alio'1 1i'!1e ;'")C';;
-': Vi
On 22 Ddcedoer t:.O .)a-;'+:J.'.:., . .l. 0.,+ i,; ::;.;:1jUhCti()G \,,.t;L
' of :i-roup. 7:,;.:; u.1+.t3..1::or: ",ir'J,.":' t.o .. ..t ints l...("8], '.';' +'l-.:.'
breakthroLth i!'_ t;18 :,S.,). "h" COI:ipa .lY :;,C,t;Q cut 2.::: adv[tr'Jc
121,) :,l.-:c tl.o J5att(;.lion at ?3OC :l1''-;, _.. : ...'\;;=..
(?20290?'), n_ ...: ilL ",,11 ?;,.n" c.efer..,:c: of +\1') :;.r':9.. If; re:r..J.i>,;('
iY'l :;rOI.i.o rj:';3cv8 3.:::t' ;;;a:,f; o.'+: ill :.L'.!:.r-G an.a.
At 0(,,00 .. , c a J S, .;\ L [" 1.J I S h 1) ... J.
+r') ':;-3 "0" ":.;" -t:f.3 .... 't ;'
.. t?,1 to :;"I" .il... ... 8..-t .:ll-.!' I.." !rjlL J_i,;. ....'V "d._
tl, .1.{J, at . at: a.l...':l,Lce (;P ;:T'J.S. Sf-)+ '\.op. .t\t Y'_"I
Iv\,.: 7.'.)1l;Ju vt,t "'v __ ... , ;:JdU_' c.... t ?4t:l Gu\ t:.: f]\;St. t}.Lis
fore] .. ::: a
.':;::; .-,L, l..iier ,'13r-.:. t:1J t:7.\rn.
TfH... C\.. 24t:t C&v.el(.,'tn-)Lts ... ,-: ...
rei,G,f'...r'''<.. a!"rivtJl... c\:;r.. '),; (:0 ttu", ;:;St: .. _-.. (:..edl_:..
- .. , .- . .
.l.'!vs), ':l1e tlllto');, 01 l,l:) ... Olla :',;L... toon of
'0]1.3":" ... L':'!" ,1' t:.:;l 2d Ar,;;pruG. l.;iv.
ri.-t l':J .. ! . ..: ..,J-:., tlL(; ,..;.!"!\\ J.,\.I'S ;U-.i.J. "'Ii'"
C lcj'.lcl:..e,: ...: "e
Co, . I L"i. "1i+ l)J.j" ...... J ", i .t.t;.-)
.. '.J". . 0'" :(.-t:-,. )c.;rL .:;,:: rid.2..!:L .. 'l:ti,) .fer';',; ....;(.
'. (,
.; ",Y"J ........ .. :.... .:. "'" ... {re.:,. ...}.t..,j .C.... ... ..... at ..... ., '.'.-j '"" J
.. .. -+-:-;;" .....'d''': +-,''\'J C:), .. )._t ..... l':e
.. 1 +". ,.1.",_"\.1. j,l;. ...
;',:r :'.4,. j.
:1-:; ...... , .:: :..... r: .f.:l tl_..... ..... .;.... 'r .. A,... ;
. "'" - , ,....::. _) -l'" ) - ..... J
;,J.,S'::':"t .. '.1 cl,:'J. ,:.. ...
- .. _ ......J ... I." _, ......... t.J..:} 4, '-""'"_'--. .... :::: .... ""' .... -.:; .. ::..n
+ .. l,t- ::.. ... : ..... ._'-+,:' " .... ai'tl..j'" in. 1 ......
. ".'
7he IL.o:ctar fl..+.'"I(_l :l. uf leo l'v.... l:.:s ,ti'
6mm;,r iY! :..L;...... t:..i.J.Q. starttl': '."'Ige fire::. 7i,..;) ..J:' Co,
from its ?o::i t i.e.l, I.H.:ver('C t::'" rU8,r3 fro!:.. tc unci firtlj .n.
tc '... ;;;:; t .. r;)sf, h.llockL b ..i:.+ 4. 2
al1C wul.u.de0.. <.a.Il UU:ilul;)r n;' l.i.ismot,nte-.i -.,hila
onlJ two casualties
. uilr':'ne:; tiTilti t"c iJatt8.lion was in tllis t:1E: aS38,ult :).11l1.
nortars r)].d.1,;(;0 int.;;;rc.ictor,i fire on &.t..d +J.a h9.c'ino
Cl.:t of it,
7he Ba:t+:alic!l remaina:,A in reserve i:1. oxcept for t!.e "il" Cc ;.1a.
toC'l:. ooverin& tho left l'LJ.lly., until 23 Decemuer 181'1.
At hours, 26 December th''} batta.lion r..ove(: 01'.t and to
Belgium, wLsra the Battalion outfJosted -t!-to a::c. prepareC. an a::.J
defense. The Battalion rell'..c..::'l"6(i in Group reserve, O..Ltpostin5 "::C"'Il
unti 1 30 :Ce oemb3r:. when it rr.aroi13G. t 0 Je 16iUl...
AS the p.;;riod elosed. the Battali(la still there outposti!lr-:: the Group C?

. APO 230, U.S. ARMY
6 Februal'1 1946
SUBJECT. Action Against En8lll1', Report Af'ter/Af'ter Aotion aeport.
TO The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D.C.
(Thrul CG, VII Corps, APO 307, U.S. ArllllY)
1. In compliance With Par 10 (C-3), .AR 345-105, the tollcnriD aeport
Attar/After Action Against the Enemy is submitted together with the Battalion
S-3 Journa.l entries tor the period 1 Janu8.l7 1945 through 31 Januar,y 1945.
a. Origina.l Um t No change.
b. Changes in organization. Attached to 4th Cava11'1 Group (lleoz)
throughout the period.
c. Strength. Oftioers WO Wisted )(en
As or 1 Jan 1945 36 2 4172
As ot 31 Jan 1945 37 2 476
Bet gain ot .. 1 0 4
d. Stations. See na.rrati ve appendix 1.
e. Narrative report. See appendix 1.
t. Campa.1gns
,.. - liormandy
Duration - 6 June 1944 to 24 July 1944
Name .. Northern France
Duration" 28 July 1944 to 14 Sept_ber 1944
Name .. GermaIIiY
Duration .. 15 September 1944 to date
g. Battles. See narrative appendix 1.
h. CammandiDg Otficers in important engagements,
, ,
.\ Bn CO, 1 Jan - 31 Jan 45; Lt Col Loyal S. Fairall
CO, Co nAn, 1 Jan .. 31 Jan 46; Capt,Jaaas L. -..raon
CO, Co "B", 1 Jan - 31 Jan 45; Capt Wil1i.- J. Radtke Jr.
CO Co "C", 1 Jan - 31 Jan 45; Capt J. Xezmetb
, .
CO, Hq' Co., 1 Jan .. 31 Jan 45; Capt Ei.r L. )(111er
CO, SVCo., 1 Jan - 31 Jan 45; capt Howard.G.
i. Losses in action. None.
j. Former and present members who have distinguisheq the_elves in
J4ajor Warren B. Van Hook Jr; S11ver Star per GO :/J:3, VII Corps,
dtd 20 Jan 1945

.. - ...

capt William J. Radtke Jr; Bronze Star' per GO #3. VII Corps,
4td 20 Jan 1945. .
1st Lt X-ster W. Zillllllllrma.J1J Bronze Star per GO 1/=3, VII Corps.
dtd 20 Ja.n 1945. .
f Sgt Joseph A. Pedrazsi; Bronze star per GO 1/=3, VII Corps.
dtd 20 Jan 1945. . .
Sgt Ployd J. Proper; Bronse star per GO #3. VII Oorps, dtd
20 Jan , . '

Teo , Bill PartinJ Broue Star per,' GO 1/=3. VII Corps. dtd 20
Jan 1945. . .
Ptc Ja..s Pana.cci,-Broue Star per GO /J=3. VII Corps. dtd 20


, ,
k. Photographs j BODe
1. Inclosureu 8-3 Jourual 1-31 Jan 1945, Appendix 1; Appendix

Lt Light Tank Bn.
- CODll&l1ding
, i
: .
, .,

. ..i'.;
APPBlIlIX 1'0. 1
At the begimdng of the period the Battalion was concerned with the re
duction of the '-RDBNNES bulge aDd was bivouac.d in J.AlDmE. B.lgium. The Bn
....... in Group res.rve outposting Group Headquarters. Karch orders were re
oeived and on 2 Jan 1945 the Bn JIIOved out and bivouaced the night ot 2-3 Jan
at LABARTE. Belgium (191145) ; arrived at PETIT HAlf (363955) at noon Oll- 3 Jan
and reained bivouac.d in PETIT HAl until 8 Jan 1945.
The Bn remained in Group res.r'18 for this p.riod ot tive (5) da:ys, .m
ployiDg the ti_ in maintenance, that i8. cl.aning lubricating 'fthicles,
aJl!MlJnj tion and spare parts, turning tank tracks. washing clothing
and etfecting a:a:! needed repairs to both .....hicles and individual equipment.
In the Manti.. the otficers were making daily reconnaissance up to the front
line. in order to be thoroughly familiar with both areas of probable uploy
Mnt and routes th.reto.
On 8 Jan 1946 the Bn was a.gain on the move towards the tront. this time
oooupyiDg and. outpos:ting the town ot TRlNAL (4l5869), on a ridge overlooldng
the LtOURTHE riTer. The Groups miSsion at this time was to wover the right
tlank or the VII- Corps which had beoome .xpos.d as the Corps advanoed south
at a .... rapid rate than the British troops on oUr right. In this situation
the Bn was .ap10yed by the 4th Cav Gp ()(eoz) as a aobi1. reserve and kept wel]
up, olos. behind the tront. ready for aqy emergenoy.
The Bn r.mained in TaINAL until 11 Jan 1945 when it moved south along the
same ridge to BIFFlE (422813) where all around defensive positions were again
tak.n up with no ohange in mission.
The Bn continued to outpost BElI'FEE until 11 Jan 1945 with otti'oers ale
iDg daily r.oounaissanoe as betore. The day 16 Jan 1945. the Bn had
been al.rted tor movemeDt. Lt Col Fairall. the Bn CO. with his H.adquarters
COllll8.ndant. and the 4th Cay Group C<D1Dsnder. reported to the COlbaDding Gen
.ral. VII Corps. tor instructions and made a personal reconnaissance of the
new area in which th. Group was to be employed.
The Bn -.rched to PETIT TAILIBS. (595834) 17 Jan 194:5. Co "C" was
attached to the 4th Cav RCIl Sq and proceeded to the area of SOJIIIERAlNEwVAUI.
where :they took up datenaive tront line positions in conjunction With the 4th
Cav Ron Sq. On JIOVing into positioD. Co "C" was Shelled by medium long range
artillery but no casualti&8 were sustained.
The Bn (les8 ftBft & ftC" Cota) remained at PETIT TAtLLES as Group reserve
uutil 23 Jan 1945. During this tt. Co "C" remained attached to 4th Cav
Ron and occupied forward def.nsive positions in SOJOOmAIlIE (629752) and
VA.'UX (665!768). Sporadic medium artillery tire fell OD their positions but
the Coupany suftered no casualties. During succeeding days they advanced to
outpost and hold RE'rrIGNY (674759), BRISY (655750) and the high ground in
vicinit,y of 662756.
On 23 Jan 1-945. orders were received that the Group would pullout of
thl3 liDe and gc to the rear tor a period ct rest and rehabil1tation. Co "C"
reverted t.o Bn ccntrol and ass.mbled with Co "A" near the Bn OP. The tollow
ing morning the Bn again took to the road and marched to vicinit,y of ANDENNE.
/-" 0- ,...
, ..
The cr was established in GROYJNI (114115),; 00 "A" wu, ilt
ST BEGGI (130101) and 09 "0" in C()JTISSE (140105). while ,Service eo wu
s.t up in AJi)EDB (126137). Bere the Bn enjoyed its first actual re.t .
in a rear, area sinoe landing ill Boraandy' on D plus 10

The first 72 h(N%'s devoted. to bathing aad ol,etJaj.'ltC" aacl
equipment. First and aeeoad
hio1es ol.....;up ad brought back .to, th. beat possible
ing their age and mi1.age. .. " '
, '" I ,
Reoreational faciliti." arr,anged in AID!DI. ino1udiDg aan. aDd.
nightly dano.s for th. men. pass aystea was s.t 'up a11CJring 25% at the
unit to go tot... O,D pus daily. .,
, '
Att.r the tirat72' ho\U". atraiDiDg schedulen.aorpld.&ed 1Ibioh t,a-'
oludeclOlle hour,4ai17 ot eoapetitift _porta; iDatru,t1PIl .''DS,tr.101ou
with the Light Te.U; refresher e1....s in .p readiDgJ tirat-aicl
and gas aask drill. '
This program was still in, ettect 'at the' 010 , ot the period; 31 J ..
1945. '
. . '
thetirst ba1tot -the ,:1, Jan t.o 18J8I1,lM5.: Co: .".
was on DS te VII Corp. as s ecurity detachlwmt and was e.,leJWd to eutpt
and guard Corps"tera. OIl 18 Jan 184:5. 00 "B re1ievea Co It.. etI/
this duty,;. wok OTer duties &t Oarps Headquarters ad a.
1: rej oiud the an, aM th:it, for the 1:>alanceot. .ath. .'
, .
, )

JII8Q1Wl!D8 169m LI(IIT TAIl ..ftALlOW l
DO 210_ 11.1. DIY
...... IH6
IUD_'. .l.t1.. Aca1aat ..... lleporl UWr/Uter _t1e .pwt. -1'
. J
to !he Ac1jutaat Wa.hl.ton 28. D.C. .
(1'Janll 86. TII Corpa. APO 10'1. V.I. AnIJ)
1. III .,11aoe wi. parap-aph 10 (CI). a 166-106e tollcnrbc
a.,art UMrIAfter AetieD. .&cu.1o the 18 nRd.","cl tocRh.. Wi. 11M
Battalio. 8-3 Jearll&l .1Itri.. t. tIM perlod 1 h\ru17 1'" tbroup a.
hbruuT 18".
&. cr1CiMl. UBit. lo_up.
It. Chug.. ia ar,an1.satloDa' AttulLecl to ,tb ca...a1rJ' Group
(....) taroapout 'tb.e periHe
orti 1fG Wi.-...
A.a of 1 reb IM1 IT
". ot 28 reb 19" 16
a 'II 0
-1 'ID

4. .tat1_ a.. MlTatlft appeIUiU 1.
e. lfarratt.... report. a.. appeDdix 1.

t. O'..,.tc-.

.... - IoraJId;r
, i
DlLratioa - 6 .ru. liM-to 26 Ju17 1*
Ia.e - Jfort.b.... Pranoe
Duratloa II Jaq Ii'" to l' S.,taHr 1"'
.... - Ser...,.
Daratio. - 16 8.pteUer Ii," to date
I. Battl... ... urrat1...o appelldix 1.
h. Oo..Ddi. ottl .g. .1iI.".,
BIl CO, 1 ftb - 28 :hb IM&,Lt Col LIT&! 8. Ja1rall
GO. 00 -,.-. 1 - 28 Jeb IM6, Oept .,.... I.e ....._
eo, Co 1 !Pelt - 28 '-b INS. o.,t ftlU... I ........ Jr
CO. 00 !lC!'. 1 reb - 28- reb 1.a. 0.,10 ,. h.ma111C
CO, Bq Co., 1 reb - 28 reb IH1. Gapt IbN" L. 811.r
" . 00...... 00 1 hb - I Jeb IM61 Oapt .-.r4 CJ. 1I__'M1a
00..... 00 !... - &8 feb IMI, t DeUL I. !11tea
Jr T -eSIFICP":' " . ",'. ..
1, .... ..' '. -' . .. te.... ill &ott__
r /l ( . J;' l' (" .-..
:rr he... ...............'ia'ft 41.ti .." __.i.....
10M ... . ,'. 'T C
: It .. '4 .A ...... ' J. .
. .. - /_..
1, . '-L/'/- .
I Gn ..G cq' . . "......t.!... . ....
The following
image( s) may be of
poor quality due to
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.A1; 1;_ of tile perl04 u.. H:ttalio..... 'blwu..d ill GROfDI.
'.1,-. {lllS111} tor a perlM .r 1'10 u4 rellUUli:tat!.GD. DurbIC thi. ,.rlod
'tralllbc .. GUTied oa iJl-.p r at firat aid, ruettatl_ &ad &180'tiou and 1DavlIIOtloa OIl 'toile an JIM Upt ! .., in antlolpatioa that
_1;t&11.. JIl&}lt aooll eqldpped With
OIl .. r.br1W7 lMi tll. 'batt&1:f.oa, 11\ oODj\DlotloD With iih...tho 0aTa1&7
..... "'1'_' to 'u'CR.D. --. tIM .. ." ucl ar

2M r-.1_d 1a \l1..._ao 1. jlCBD at;l.l 17 Vebruar,- 1161. Mi
14 ill ,reap re .,.. tlaroupwt tllia ,.rio4. !il18 tl._ was utilised to. Goa
tl tIt.. 1Id:tlated 1D Gaonn. B.1g1--. Ia a4d.ltica, .. --.11 ar.
1'........ ..t 1IP Mar 1:Iw battali VM aDd. t1r1ag ... ooaduoteci 4&1q witJa
laUu'ul ...... _ohl_ pM. buooku ud earbt. ahow
_d... UolMd lIIprcw....-t ia tIut1r arbMMhl, _ .... of the perl", ,v
1;1__lJ' 1a aMp .hootiltg ud. tirillg tr. th. kip w1th the !SIIG.
aa aI PebruarJ' 184.6 _0 _"ali_1IU a10rt.. tor .,.,...nt and on 27
hbna17 10_ battalioa ar"-d to (1088611) .. oro1zII
'tho .... 1'1,.01' 1.1; OMIlIr
!Ita'ttal:f.oa ......old ia croup r._"4 at tho ol... fill tho porl04
.... nl11 'blftUOOl. 1a BUCIIIY-8'r.UIISL, on a ODe hour alert ata'tus.
/ .....
fiT .,
. '.
...... \

-APO 230_ U.S. ARMY

4 )lay 1945
SUBJEC'r: Pst - Report After/Atter Action Report.
TO The Adjutant General,dashington 25, p.C,.
(Thru: CG, VIr Corps,APO 307_ u.s.
1. In compliance with paragraph 10 (c3), AR 345-105, the followiag
Report After/After Action Abainst the is submitted together with the
Battalion S-3 Journal entries for the period 1 March 1945 throuc;h 31 March
1945. .----
a. Original Unit: No chance.
. .
b. ChanGes in organizations a Attached to 4th cavalry Group
(Mecz) throughout period.
Strength a _
Officers WO ' Enlisted MeD.
As of 1 March 19:45 35
,. 493
As of 31 hlarch.1945 37 3 492
+2 () -1
d. Stations: See narrative appendix 1.
e. Narrative See appendix 1.
f. CampaiGns a
- normandy
Duration - 6 June 1944 to 24 July 1944
Name - Northern France

Duration - 25 July 1944 to 14 September
Name - Geraa.ny Ho. 2
Duration - 15 September 1944 to date
g. Battles a See narrative appendix 1.
h. Commanding Offj.cers in important engagements:
Bn CO, 1 1;ar :- 31 liar 1945;),J:ajor C. H. Carl
CO# Co "A" # 1 Mar - 31 Mar 1945; 1st Lt Andrew J. Kubis,
CO, Go "B" # 1. Mar - 31 llar 1945; Capt William J. Radtke Jr.
CO, Co "C",. 1 Mar - 31 M&.r 1945; Capt J. Kelllleth Fanning
CO, Hq Co., I.Mar - 31 Mar 1945; Capt Elmer L. Miller
CO, Sv Co., 1 - 31 Mar 1945; Capt Dean E. Tilton
i. Losses in action:
. ,I
j. Former and present members who have distiIli;uished themselves
in action.
Lt R. Baker; Bronze star per GO 1I=a, Hq VII Corps.
dated 8 )larch .
Lewis DeSimone; Bronze star per QO 16, Hq VII Corps,
dated 8 1945. .
PtQ Morris 14azelis; Bronze star per GO #6, Hq VII Corps,
dated 8 March 1945. .. .
Pto John Rush; Bronze star per GO iJ:8, Hq VII Corps, dated
8 Karch 1946.
Cp1 Claude Rice; Silver Star GO =/IS, Hq VII Corps,
dated 10 Karch 1945.
. S Sgt Phillip Inglish; Bronze star per GO :/IS, Hq VII Corps,
dated 10 Maroh 1945.
Teo 6 ru. chard M:Uier; Bronze Star per GO =#9. Hq VI I Corps,
dated 10 Maroh ""1946.
1st lit Donald D. Sohneeweis,; Bronze star per GO 110, Hq VII
Corps, dated 14 )laroh 1945.
Lt Col Loyal 8. Fairall,; Bronze Star per GO 11=16, Hq VII Corps,
dated 26 March 1945.
Jlajor C. H.Car1; BroJUe per GO 11=16, Hq VII Corps. dated
28.-oh 1945. .
. Capt Dean I. Tilton; Bronze stl" per GO #16, Hq VII Corps,
dated 26 Karoh 1945.
1st Lt Paul E. LaRue; Bronze Star per GO #16, Hq VII Corps,
dated 26 lfAl,roh 194:5.
- '\.'
1st Lt SherDian E. Ziegenbein; Bronze Star per GO #16, Hq VII
Corps, dated 26 )(arch 1945.

lat Sgt William C. Hall; Bronze star per GO' #16, Hq VII Corps,
dated 26 )(arch 1945.
k. Photographs. NODI.
. .
1. IJlolosuresl S-3 JourJl&1, '1 - 31 )larch 1945; Appendix 1; Appendix 2.

Major, 759th Light Tank: Bn,
, CODlllaDdi:ag
,r" , (
" !
I.... "
.', ,/
.At the begilU1iJag of the period the Battalion, less OOllp8lW' "B, in
biTouac at HUCHIK-S!AJOQIlB, GerDUUl, in Group reserve. On 2 )(arab. lK5 the
Battalion aoved to BSOH, Germaxv, where it remained until 5 March 1945. Dur
iztg this time first echelon mainten&noe 1f8.S oarried out and all persoJmel
were, imttruoted in the use of the J-Feder time delay fuze
.The Battalion moved to GERTRUDENHOF, Germa.tiY, at 0600 hours, 5 Karch
1945, .'With the mission of outpostillb the towna of STRABURG, DEIHOVEN. HACEEN
BROICH aDd lIAOKBNHAUSBN. The assault guDB and mortars went illto position and
'tired _ oall. OIl the morniDg ot 6 lfaroh 1945 the 1st and 3d platoo. or Oom
PalV' -.A
attacbd the tOWDB of ZONS and STURYELBERG in oonjunction with the
2tth oaTalr;y Reoo-.aiasQOe Squadron. These objecti'V88 were taken and the
platoon retur_d to the coD1p8lJ\y area. This operation t'ook us to the .... st bank
of the Ib.i.e. At this time the tOWDB of DBRINGIN a1!ld RAGGEIIDORF wre out
posted by 0 until the Battalion 'Was relieved in that sector.
t ":;'! .' '.\. . DuriIl8 this period tbe ....ault gun and mortar platoons delivered observed
. " , tire o.,the east bank ot the Bh1ne with exoe11ent results.' Dle Battalion was
in this aectei', 8 Karch' 194:5, aDd moved to NIEVBNHEDl, GerllllL1lY, and
j there .utpolti. the area until 10 Karch 1945. The Battalio. then
_w4 1;0 Clenlalll', and illitiated and oarried out a progressive
trabrlDC progr.. to inolude iutruotion in 1124: tank, oamouflage disoipline.
!,;, interior guard, Boldier's savings, indirect tire ana. map reading. Showers
.'X, ':::" .tl 1m;:;:" :0d=:U;h01r
... ..ftldol... o;Lothing and. equipmelit. 'An anti-airborne defense' plan for the area
"', ... prepared and approved by Group.
, " 011. 18 Karch. 1945 the Battalion moved to WNGBRIOH" GerlllllDN', and relieved
.leme.ta ,or' the 'Id Armored Division in a, detensive position OD the west bank

ot 'tile Ibi '!he 1Ii10. 'of'tile. Battalion ....s to: prevent the enemy from
Oro.aimg the riwr. By _aDS of extreme' alertness on the part of our outposts,
'11 "
.. ,-1
aggressive patroling,and accurate detensive fires laid down by the assault gun
and mortar platoons, Dot a single enemy patrol wa1:J allowed to cross the river.

MAiDtaiB1ag wire and ob.ervatioa posts were the big problems of
the to sporadio' observed artillery fire whioh knocked out two )
observation poiats by direot hits and kept the "..ire crews continually on the
job. It W&8 touild neoessary to run two wires to each position in order to
maintain ooJllJDU.D1oation.
On 20 Karch 1945 the Battalion relieved by the 3d Battalion of the.
121st and moved to v:i,.c1n1ty of BONN, Germany, to reliew the 1st Bat
talion of the l21st Infantry. This position controlled the part of the Rhine'
where an attaok by 'Water against the VII Corps bridgehead most likely to be
launched. A defenSive plan conSisting of machine gun outposts on the river
bank, visiting patrols between the outposts and series of booby traps immedi
ately i.p front of the outposts was set up. The assault guns an.d mortal's sup
ported tho IU.R by delivering fire OD call. Very good results were obtained and
tiring was observed'. This position was 'hel:iuntil 'the Ba.tta110n was relieved
- 1
" . , '.','
, ;
by the 4th Company ,,-6th Belgian Fusileer Battalion" on 25 }{ar,ch 1945.
this period the Batt.alioll received thirteen M:4A3 tanks" three M4A3E8 tanks
mounti:o.g l05mm howitzers and one T2 tank recovery vehiole; for whioh thirteea
M5A!' tanks and threeM8 assault guns were tur:usd in. This chuge, was made to
gi va the- Battalion added fire power. TrainiIlg of drivers. gUlU28r. ,ud ore.
meil on the new vBhioles were oarried out during this period,_
On '27 March 1945 the Battalion moved to' bivouao area at :wrraA17" OM
mile east of ENDEi.'ffiACH, remaining there over night and the Jl8xt'clq,JaO"Mdto
,BIRlf.BACK, Germany" to oocupy a. forward assembly provide security tor
the and a. telephone exchange ,building iaIBYERBUSCH, and to be prepared
to 'support the 24th and 4th Squadrons on ' !,'
.On 30 March 1945 the Ba.ttalion moved to, one-half' mile of" wG42649q. On the, wq a msdiUll. tuk of' "A" bro)a; through: a
bridge and six'sted l!811. were lightly injured. The
bivouac there that night and the Il8xt dq the Battal.ioa moved toward DOOBlIB
HAUSEN, GermaIl" but were held up bylulell\'f resist&l'lCe ill vio.ilrity ot, ..
GerIlllmY. "B", plus 3d platooB Company "C", plus ,ODe oODlpUiY otiJlte.
try r:'.ding on the tanks, moved out to olear a route for the BattaIi'oa., trh"Y
resistaXlce was met in the vici:aity of'DETZUR" Germany, aad 1.;th. euuiJlg' , !
aotion six pws were taken and several casualties inflioted on the ene..At
the close of the period COlDpUI\Y "Bit held the high groUDd over loold.l\g DETZLA,R'
and ''Were preparing for an early morning at-tack on the tOW'll.
. ,
. " \
, )"-''''!'' "I' .
.."'. . .. '.,


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