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Un|vers|dad Uc|nf

Lngllsh edagogy
oqllsb lbooetlcs ooJ lboooloqy. 5opto-seqmeotols, 5ecooJ 1etm 2012

Dialogues for Practicing Fluency and Intonation (1)

A: Can you recommend somewhere for a holiday?
B: What an odd coincidence! I was just going to tell you about our holiday!
A: Really? Where did you go? The south of France?
B: No, this time we went to the South of Chile.
A: Oh, you went to Chile, did you? You were thinking about it the last time we met.
B: Oh yes, I mentioned it to you, didnt I?
A: You were thinking of Valdivia, werent you?
B: Frutillar. But we didnt go there in the end.
A: Didnt you? Where did you go?
B: Where? To Aysen.
A: Thats on the coast, isnt it? Was the weather good?
B: Reasonably good.
A: Tell me about the prices there, would you?
B: They werent too bad. You should go there and try it. But you ought to go soon. But thank
you very much for your advice.
A: Good luck. Have a good time.
B: Thank you. Goodbye.

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