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Un|vers|dad Uc|nf

Lngllsh edagogy
oqllsb lbooetlcs ooJ lboooloqy. 5opto-seqmeotols, 5ecooJ 1etm 2012

Sentences for Identifying Content from Function Words
Do they hate each other?
I saw somebody at the window.
There was a ring from her boyfriend.
There should be some more in the fridge.
We were going to visit her friends.
She doesn't look as old as me.
When do you get the results of your tests?
I was at home from eight o'clock.
This class gets completely boring sometimes.
Its rather natural for children to love nature.
Certain types of plants are typically grown indoors.
Her hair was a real mess.
Do you know what the word ward means?
The dress she wore wasnt worth much.
Those sandwiches looked and smelled pretty delicious.
They cut fiscal expenditures for physical education.
The mystery had been resolved pretty mysteriously.
Eber doesnt eber eberly.
Big black dogs chase small white cats.
Shed love to look at the moon and stars at nights.
You shouldve talked to her.
If I had known you were coming to the party, I wouldve met you at the bus
stop. always argue about everything Im trying to say.
One boy got into trouble about smoking.
You shouldve expressed your ideas in other words.
He removed his clothes from the washing machine and put them away.
Speech is a process that involves several stages.
Speech is not only mental activity but also a muscular activity.
When learning a sport such as tennis, you need to learn how to make your
muscles do what you want them to do and you need to practice to get those
muscles to perform regularly.
The rhythm of the English language in speech involves the alternation of
strong or stressed syllables and weak or unstressed ones, in which the
strong ones are uttered longer, clearer and sometimes in higher pitch.

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