Love Is A Battlefield! A Publication of The Institute of Temporal Illusions

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dr. bantam says theres only one way to be perfect!

In all of human history, what has caused more misery than the illusion that time is limited?The Dream & Reality of Time Travel

nobody else can save you. trust the InstItute of temporal IllusIons today!
1. Visit your local Institute chapter. 2. Submit to a personality test to allow us to catalog and build an archive of your personal shame and ruin. 3. Purchase at least four study copies of Dr. Bantams the dream & reality of time travel, as well as all of his other books and products. 4. Dissolve all personal relationships that distract from your study of Dr. Bantams philosophical ideas. 5. Cease to concern yourself with anything but your own solipsistic search for perfection. 6. Under no circumstances read the work of critics of the Institute, especially Jeanne Thorntons novel the dream of doctor bantam, available from O/R Books in October 2012.

Ignore the dubious accolades of these notable fiction authors/sorcerors: Thorntons Dr. Bantam is pure Americana, cinematic and idly mean. Its lush and trashy. I guess its the most graphic-novelly feeling book about loss I can think of. Its all punk heart, messily thudding. Eileen Myles Brooding, beautifully grungy, auslnder protagonist Julie Thatch is destined to become a literary icon . . . [as she searches] for meaning in a nation where the American Dream has become notably elusive.Christopher R. Howard Under no condition purchase the book from Also, be certain not to visit the authors heterodox web-site for more information:

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