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Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

Chapter I INTRODUCTION Think of the days when there were no computers and no modern means of transportation. Think of the days when there were no online messengers, no emails and no cell phones. Human life was highly restricted due to the unavailability of technological applications. Daily life involved a lot of physical activity. But now technology is evolving at a very fast rate, and what most people did not even think could be real a few years ago is now becoming a reality. A lot of advantages using technology today are specified in some aspects. In Globalization, information technology has not only brought the world closer together, but it has allowed the world's economy to become a single interdependent system. This means that we can not only share information quickly and efficiently, but we can also bring down barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries. The world has developed into a global village due to the help of information technology allowing countries who are not only separated by distance but also by language to share ideas and information with each other. Communication has also become cheaper, quicker, and more


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

efficient. The internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from different parts of the world through the use of video conferencing. Information technology also helped in computerizing businesses routines thus making it more effective which ultimately gives rise to profits that means better pay and less tiring working conditions. The advances in information technology have heavily influenced different organizations in several ways. The most important role of information technology in different organizations is to provide a great advantage. Advances such as computer aided design, relational database technologies, spreadsheets, and word processing software all provide a benefit to the organization, as does automation of manufacturing processes. It is interesting to note however that as different businesses and organizations compete with each other, the advantage one can have over another may depend primarily on its use of information technologies. According to Olson and Lucas Jr.(1982) the term "office automation" is generally considered to refer to the use of integrated computer and communications systems to support administrative procedures in an office environment. Automated


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

office systems represent structured methods of handling business text processing and communications through an integrated network that may include word processing for generating correspondence, electronic message systems for person-to-person communication, teleconferencing services, facsimile transmission, electronic fling systems, on-line calendar systems, and links to corporate files and outside services. There are two major factors motivate different organizations to consider automated office systems. The first is a critical need to improve the productivity of both clerical and managerial office employees. The second reason for interest in office automation is the increasing complexity of organizational decision-making and information needs. The more traditional forms of communication such as telephone, mail, and person-toperson meetings may be ineffective for processing large volumes of information rapidly. In the future, this technology may be the only feasible way to deal with information processing in increasingly complex and rapidly changing organizational environments. Olson, M.H & Lucas, H.C. Jr.(1982).The Impact of Office Organization: Some Implications for Research and Practice. Retrieved from


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

Automated systems can replace the cost and time consuming processes that were once completed by hand while providing companies with more accurate data. One automated system that is This

becoming more popular is the automated inventory system.

system is used to track the merchandise and goods of retail stores, and supplies for different offices. Automated inventory systems play a large role in todays different organizations, this is because different organizations want the ability to access and organize data in a quick and efficient manner. With an automated inventory system, different organizations can rely on computers to do tasks that were once performed manually, such as inventory checks and product sales, the fact that these tasks can be very overwhelming. With automated inventory systems these processes can be handled in a timelier manner and also be more accurate and reliable than ever before. Hartman, L.(2009, November 3).Automated Inventory System. Retrieved from tm In todays technological environment, it is almost vital that organizations switch to an automated system for inventory


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

management because manual inventory can lead to a number of errors, which will hurt the company in the future and supply office of Kalinga-Apayao State College is not excused for that dilemma. The Kalinga-Apayao State Colleges Supply Office did a lot of inventories for their supplies and stocks and since its a big school the tasks is very tiring and the result is sometimes inaccurate. Therefore, using an automated inventory system will be essential in the institutions progress and development thats why the researches come up to develop the said system to help the personnel in-charge lessen the burden in doing all the tasks manually.


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

Purpose and Description The Kalinga-Apayao State College Supply office aims to elevate the manual processes of their inventory routines. This mission has driven the college to look for innovative yet inexpensive approaches to deliver quality services. Thus, the need for Inventory System has been felt more deeply. This study is not only bridging the gap between the needs of user and the technology but it would be beneficial to the following: 1. To the Personnel In-Charge The proposed system will be a great help to the inventory personnel in-charge since it guarantees an accurate, efficient and fast result. Being accurate, efficient and fast will also help the KASC faculty and staff in processing every request with no glitches. 2. To the Administration Since the proposed system will be very beneficial to the school, the administration is also entitled for this benefit because good accomplishment of any offices or departments of the school is also a credit to the administration. The success of the proposed system can also enlighten the administration to further employ other automated systems that will also be of great help to its other offices or departments.


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

3. To the School (KASC) The KASC will also benefit to this proposed system, because this development signifies that KASC is capable of going with the advancement of technologies. 4. To the Students For the students, the proposed system will serve as an introduction of information technology innovations. It is true that information technology is very fast changing and it is also true that many are still left and unaware with this kind of innovation. 5. To the Researcher The development of the proposed system is very important to the researcher because the success of the proposed system will be a very great learning as they push through their career as a system analyst. 6. To the Future Researcher The proposed system can be used as a guide of the future researchers. 7. To the Faculty and Staff Since majority of the routine is already automated, faculty and staff who are used to be the borrower and requester of all items will also benefit because processing of their request will be even faster. Statement of the problem


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

The aim of this study is to design and develop a record inventory system of the Kalinga-Apayao State College. Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions: 1. What are the methods used in the existing Kalinga-Apayao State College record inventory system? 2. What are the problems encountered in the existing Kalinga-Apayao State College record inventory system? 3. What are the features to be integrated in the proposed automated record inventory system? Objectives of the study The main goal of the study is to design and develop a Record Inventory System of the KASC with the following specific objectives: 1. To list down the methods used in the existing record inventory system of Kalinga-Apayao State College; 2. To identify the problems encountered in the existing record inventory system of Kalinga-Apayao State College; and


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

3. To enumerate the features that needs to be incorporated to the proposed study to come-up with more reliable record inventory system of Kalinga-Apayao State College.

Scope and Limitation This study is highly concentrated on the design and development of the record inventory system of Kalinga-Apayao State College. Especially it focuses on monitoring the availability of equipment, materials and other resources on-hand and coming in and out of items. The software that would be used in designing and developing the automated record system of Kalinga-Apayao State College is the VB 6.0 as the front-end and Microsoft Access for the backend. The proposed system will limit its study, it will then focuses on the basic operations of recording and managing all the records and items. The traditional way of managing the items used by the Supply Office is the so-called PPMP(Project Procurement Managemet Plan) is focused on managing, recording, and monitoring of items.


Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

Definition of Terms System. A set of detailed methods, procedures, and routines established or formulated to carry out an inventory activity.

Inventory System. Inventory System is method of managing, recording, and monitoring of KASC properties. Automated Inventory system is one of the recent innovations that uses computer in substitute for the manual inventory system.

Inventory management. Inventory management is the efficient direction and control al activities done by KASC supply officer. This is envisioned to obtain the right inventory of all KASC properties in the right place at the right time in the right quantity in the right form at the right cost.

Physical inventory. This refers to the process of manual recording and counting all of the KASC properties. Purchase order (PO). A commercial document issued by a buyer to
a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller will provide to the buyer.



Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

Order profile. Order profile are data describing the characteristics of inbound, outbound, or internal orders.

Purchase History. It is a list of KASC properties that has been purchased. It contains the following information: Item Description; Units costs; and Date of purchase.

Supplier. A party that supplies goods and services. It is sometimes called as vendor.

Quantity. The extent, size, or sum of countable or

measurable KASC properties expressed as a numerical value

Item Profile. It describes the characteristics of any KASC properties. This may include physical characteristics such as size and weight, transactional characteristics such as times sold/consumed and units sold/consumed, or group characteristics such as sales channel, commodity, hazardous classification, etc.



Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

Item. Any tangible or intangible, visible or invisible KASC properties.

Stock out. It is the unavailability of KASC properties. It is sometimes called as out-of-stock.

Transaction. Event or process such as an input of KASC properties information initiated or invoked by the office supply officer. This requires record modification that is being saved to any database that the office adopts.

Receive goods (external). Any KASC properties that are received by a receiver in the supply office.



Bulanao, Tabuk, Kalinga Province Institute of Engineering, Information and Applied Technology

End Notes
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