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409 Chorasical ScriptSingapuraDilanggarTodak *Entry* |When I was a young boy, My father told me about a story| Ladies and gentlemen,

Boys and girls! We, from class 409 Proudly present to you Singapuradilanngartodak OOH!(2x) That sound very interesting! Yeah, I cant wait to hear it! No, WE cant wait to hear it! |Telll me (2x), something we dont know Something we dont know. We cant wait (2x) So tell us all about it..| *Story* A long, long time ago, a merchant cum missionary from Pasai came to Singapore. His name was Tun Jana Khatib. *Group1* Who ? *Group 2* Tun jana Khatib! *Group 1* Who is he?

*Group 2* Oh! Tun Jana Khatib! He is a very pious and charitable man. We all love him! One day, Tun Jana Khatib was walking past Paduka Sri Maharajas palace. He saw a betel palm tree. *Tun Jana Khatib* What tree is that? Ive never seen anything like it! Curious, he touched the trunk *gasping sound* What? What? What happened !? When he touched it, the tree split into two and tumble to the ground. Whoaaaaa!! Then, he walked away. Unknown to him, the queen saw everything.. *Queen* My dear! It was so bizarre! The betel palm tree split into two when Tun Jana Khatib touched it! *King* Is he trying to show off?! I will not let that happen. GUARDS!! Off with his head! The guards dragged the holy man to HujungPasar. Before he was killed, he cursed the land. *King* You will die against all odd! *Tun Jana Khatib* Maybe, but forget my words you will not. Youll pay for your cruelty. Upon this land, a calamity

Do you know what happened next? Of course we do! |Say, we do, we do, we do, we do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do!| What happened next was almost unbelievable. *Line 1* His body vanished *Line 2* But his blood remained OOOOhhhhhh Argh! Erkk! Ahh! Im scared! Shhhh! The sky became very dark.. *Line 2* Very dark.. *Line 3* Very dark Oh my god! A storm! Run everybody, run! *Boys* Run baby run, dont ever look back *Girls* We better run, run, run, run, run The swordfishes are coming Shoals of swordfish began to attack the shores of Singapore. *Fisherman 1* Oh no! Swordfish! Ahh!

More and more swordfish attacked and more people got killed. Ahh!Ahh!Ahh! The news of the attack reached the king. He rode his elephant to the shore. *Group 1-King* What is this !? You, you, you, you and you! Go and form a shield with your thighs! *Group 2-soldiers* But your highness! Well die! *Group 2-King* Do as I say! More men died from his order. Those who ran away.. *Line 1* were caught *Line 2* branded as traitors *Line 3* cursed to death In the middle of the mayhem, a little boy of seven came. His name was Hang Nadim. *Hang Nadim* Our land is full with banana trees *People* Yes, thats true *Hand Nadim* Why no cut the stems and use them as shields instead? *People* Thats brilliant! *Hand Nadim* That way, the snouts of the swordfish will be trapped by the stems and nobody needs to die anymore

*People* Lets tell the king The king likes Hang Nadims idea. He ordered his men to cut down all the banana trees. |We work all day, We work all night, To chop the trees, we have to chop.. Hurry up! Swordfish, swordfish, swordfish, Really coming, To our land.. Danger, danger, danger.. We have to fight till the end..| The stems were used to line the shores of Singapore. The swordfishes snouts were trapped by the barricade of the banana trees. *Line 1* YAYY!! *Line 2* Yay !! *Line 3* Yay! We win! |We are the champions, my friend. And we beat the swordfish till the end| Everyone was happy except for the kings advisor. He was worried. *Advisor* Your majesty, Hang Nadim is brilliant

*King* Yes, I know *Advisor* But what will happen one day when he grew up? *King* What do you mean ? *Advisor* He will surely usurp Your Majestys throne *King* Youre right! Have Hang Nadim executed at once! The poor little boy was lured to the palace and was killed. His body was tossed at sea. |Youll be in my heart Yes, youll be in my heart From this day on, now and forever more..| Today, this place was called Tanjung Pagar or Cape off stakes *Ending* The moral value of the story is, One should be -brave -smart -and a wise ruler..unlike the king.. That is all from us. Thank you.

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