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Page 1 Chapter 1 It all began (Of course it did otherwise there would be no story to tell, only blank pages

to stare at.) with a simple wish. To be true one of the most unusual wishes ever, as it was the wish of a dark elf. Dark elves do not as a rule wish for things as they had discovered long ago, that taking things is much easier and a lot more fun, especially if in the taking it leads to pain and misery for others. It was not only this simple wish that separated Delf from the other dark elves but also the fact that he was to be the new sovereign, of the underworld city of Malice, a hateful place, decorated in pain and sorrow. A lot of time and effort had gone into the decorating, every lick of blood, every broken bone and rotting corpse was meticulously placed so that the overall impression would make Hell itself appear like a pleasant theme park. The city of Malice had survived long in the deep chasms of the Underworld far removed from the prying eyes of the inhabitants of the Overworld. It was not that the dark elves were secretive, just overly cruel; very few people escape the clutches of the dark elves. To be frank, very little, period, escaped the dark elves. A human child may pull the legs of a spider; a dark elf would never do such a thing, well not at first, first it would pull the hairs out of its legs, blind the spider and leave it glued to the side of an ants nest for several days. Many things are considered to be closely linked to evil. Black cats, bats and spiders are wrongly thought of as evil but dark elves, solicitors, politicians and the devil are evil. Quite possibly in that order. Humankind had almost forgotten the Mifffical

Page 2 dark elves, sure there were the odd attacks but since few ever escaped an attack, empty villages and farms were thought to be the work of the devil or one of the many solicitors and debt collectors that were known to prowl the surrounding areas. There had been an old legend, almost forgotten by man and the creatures of the Overworld, that spoke of the great protector who would rise from the bowels of the earth to help mankind in their hour of need (whether they wanted it or not!). So old was the legend that people had long since given up hope of it ever coming to pass. They had heard of such legends before, like the legend of Science, Physics and Mathematics. In a land ruled by magic such things were impossible and thought of as mad! Magic had diminished over the last five thousand years, many believed that the magic that now existed was all there ever was and that the old books, treasured by wizards, that spoke of the greatness of magic were just old mens dreams. Delf looked upon the city hardly noticing the screams of pain from the inhabitants within. From his window in the royal palace he could see the roofs of the torture houses scattered throughout the city, easily distinguishable by the blood covered roofs and the bones piled up around them, in the middle of the city stood the temple of skulls. A magnificent building, its grounds covering many acres in the enormous cavern in which Malice was built. Many people had helped to build the temple, unwillingly sacrificing their heads for the construction. Skulls were the main building blocks in the city of Malice, the eye holes made them far easier to pick up then bricks and they were much lighter, plus they grinned a lot! Every wall was a happy wall in the city of Malice. It was the Temple that attracted Delfs attention but not because of its architecture or that it was the most prominent Mifffical

Page 3 building in the city; it was the knowledge that soon he would be crowned as Leader of all the elves. Technically he should have been crowned centuries ago, by tradition the leadership was handed from father to son, usually as soon as the son could walk and carry a knife but Delf was different, he hadnt killed his parents as he toddled over to them as a child nor even to this day did he carry a knife or a weapon of any sort. He was different in many ways he never visited the torture houses or had lesser dark elves disembowelled or had them fed, slowly to themselves, finger by finger. Delf was a conundrum. He was polite, gentle and never had a bad word to say about anyone. This scared the hell out of all the other dark elves and they understood why he was to be their Leader, as nothing other than Delf could scare a dark elf. Delf knew his father was dying, his father had poisoned himself rather than face the cruellest death of all to a dark elf: old age. His father would never let such an embarrassment be linked to the family line. It wasnt his fathers impending death that concerned Delf it was the fact he didnt want to be the Leader. He had told this to the priests and they had told him to prey in the Temple of Skulls and his destiny would answer. Delf didnt want hear his destiny. He didnt want to be the Leader. He didnt want to visit the Temple. He didnt want to prey but he did need an answer. An answer to what he should do. He didnt want to be evil he secretly wanted to be good. Delf took a deep breath, the time had come for a major decision in his life; he casually flicked a coin in the air. Skulls, I dont go to the Temple. He said. The coin span lazily in the air eventually landing Skulls up Delf stared at it for several moments before reaching down and picking it up but not before turning it over Oh dear Skulls down he said, he was a dark elf after all.


Page 4 Turning around Delf slowly surveyed his reflection in the mirror that accounted for a large portion of one wall in his quarters. He was wearing; black boots, black trousers, a black shirt, a black jacket, black gloves and a black cape that almost covered his entire ebony body, on top of his head a black hat covered most of his long black hair. Yes he looked like every other dark elf apart from his eyes, they were glowing red letting all dark elves know that in his veins ran the royal blood and that if they wished to keep their blood running through their veins they bloody better not forget it! At the same time that Delf was admiring his glowing red eyes further down in the city, in the Temple of Skulls, the high Priest, Drayfu was furious, his imp, the one that had cost him the lives of twenty senior priests to capture, had escaped. Normally this would have been problem enough but for it to happen today, when he Drayfu, the High Priest was expecting their new Leader, the heir of Malice, to at last visit the Temple of Skulls, was outrageous. Drayfu intended to get the Imp back and build a new wall out of those responsible for guarding it. I want everyone looking for that bloody Imp he screamed at the captain of the guards in front of his men. But I cant send every. He started to say before a knife penetrated his right kidney. Yes Sir! shouted the newly self promoted captain, wiping his knife on the dying ex-captain. Promotion can be really quick in dark elf society and demotion, always permanent. This helped not only in building discipline but also in building walls. Out you go then Sir. said the new Captain.


Page 5 What? asked a stunned Drayfu. Its orders Sir said the captain Everyone has to look for the bloody Imp, Sir, and I always follow orders! beamed the new Captain nudging Drayfu with the tip of his badly cleaned knife. Within minutes the Temple of Skulls was empty. Empty of life that is, there are always those who are too slow to catch on or need to be told twice. This was considered suicide by dark elves that prayed in the Temple. Delf casually strolled through the endless corridors, avoiding the dead falls, making sure not to stand on certain tiles that would send poisoned darts flying through the corridor or cause parts of the ceiling to collapse. Security in dark elf homes was an essential way of life. In the Royal Palace generation after generation of dark elves had made the palace so secure that most were afraid to leave their rooms, and finding squads of guards lying dead with quarrels of darts sticking out of their bodies as they took a wrong turn was a usual occurrence. As Delf left the main corridors and entered the main hall, he shouted out his name to the Captain who sat behind an enormous desk. The captain who was called Darious was the wizened head of the Royal Guard. The Royal Guard were revered in the Underworld; they were loyal to the Royal Family. The Royal Family did change from time to time but only if a new child was born with red eyes. The Royal Guard ensured that any child born with red eyes became the Leader and his family were then known as the Royal Family and lived in the Royal Palace. Not that they ever lived long, the palaces security systems soon cut them down in droves but as long as the child survived the Royal Guard didnt really care. It was the one with red eyes that they were sworn to protect. Mifffical

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Darious called for an escort but Delf ordered him to send them away. I am going to the Temple of Skulls. said Delf as Darious dutifully ordered the troops to leave. I dont expect to be followed! he demanded. Darious gave a secret hand sign and several other dark elves were also sent away. Delf liked Darious. He was loyal, too loyal. If Delf asked him to fall on his sword Darious would obey without question. All the guards were the same when it came to that. Delf knew the secret they had, and the reason why they were so unquestionable loyal. He was born with the knowledge otherwise he too would have been unaware of the reason. When the Royal Guard kept a secret, it was kept a secret, even from those of the royal blood. Delf strolled towards the huge stone doors that slowly rose silently up into the roof of the hall as if by magic. Delf knew it wasnt magic, thirty dark elves in a room to the side turned huge wheels thats gears slowly turned the pulleys and ropes that were attached to the doors. Nevertheless, it was impressive and no one outside of the palace knew. There was no courtyard at the palace; courtyards were considered too risky for security reasons as they would allow troops to gather. The Royal Palace was cut straight into the sides of the cavern. The polished walls sloped outwards to prevent assassins from being able to climb up. Walking out of the main gates Delf entered a tunnel its sides and roof full of razor sharp blades set into the rock. Delf knew that those blades went deep through the rock and were able to be pushed through individually or all at once. If the Royal Guard didnt want you to enter the tunnel, one man or a thousand men would make no difference. No means no, to the Royal Guards! Mifffical

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As soon as he left the tunnel Delf moved into a portcullis and waited. He waited to ensure that no one who had seen the doors open was still in the street. Without a guard detail accompanying him Delf knew he would be vulnerable. After several seconds of scanning the surroundings Delf felt confident enough to venture out. Delf walked down the street wearing his traditional clothes but had opted for dark glasses so that his ancestry could be hidden. Down here on the streets the screams of the torture houses could be heard even above the clatter of running guards. Delf leapt into the shadows, running guards? Running guards should never be tangled with, nor so, were the priests, that strangely where being herded in front of them. Delf was almost certain he saw the High Priest Drayfu amongst them. Delf secretly despised the priests and the Temple Guards, he thought that taking heads and torture should not be the way of the world, that it should be better not for just those at the bottom but those above in the lesser caverns. Delf waited until the guards had passed, then he walked casually down the street towards the huge archway of the temple. Delf marvelled at the temple, whereas the palace was buried deep into the rock wall; the palace rose up out of the ground with the rest of the city sprawled around it. The Royal Guards would be horrified at the security risk of defending such a structure open to all sides. When Delf finally arrived at the Temple he was surprised to find how tranquil the place really was. He had been told that it was a noisy place full of screams and wailing and yet he couldnt hear a single scream or wail anywhere, not even a moan or groan. The place seamed deserted. Okay there were Mifffical

Page 8 the odd fresh corpses here and there but you expect that anywhere in a city like Malice. Feeling more at ease Delf entered the open gates and moved through the courtyard towards the main Temple itself, his stride more confident than before as they fell silently upon the flagstones that formed a path towards the door. The front of the temple was carved in the shape of a skull with a raised stone path that led into the temple through its grinning mouth. The huge skulls eyeless sockets looked down upon the path menacingly. Hiding on the alter, in a closet reserved for the High Priests sacred torture tools, the Imp sat miserably contemplating the days events. It had started out normally enough three dark elves had had their hearts cut out so the Priests could foretell the weather. They all reported that it would begin dark, stay dark and end dark, with no snow, wind or rain. Considering that dark elves live miles underground in caverns that would never see the light of day this was hardly news at all but walls needed to be repaired and everyone most do their bit. The Imp hadnt escaped; he was in fact having a game of hide and seek but had forgotten to tell anyone before hiding and wasnt going to give up such a good hiding place so easily. He had also found a mirror and was deftly trying to write Imp on his forehead to stop being asked the same bloody question Are you an Imp? he asked himself, how thick were these dark elves? Im two foot tall and look like Satans bloody monkey he continued of course Im a bleeding Imp. But every dark elf always asked the same bloody question. The Imp hated living with the dark elves they had shown him that they were the true masters of evil and he was but an amateur compared to their lowest child. Cute! cursed the imp, the sadistic buggers had called him cute! He an imp, a denizen of the astral planes, they, they, they had called him cute! So Mifffical

Page 9 wrapped up was the imp with its task of writing, no small task for an imp, that it did not hear the main doors open and close. Delf closed the door quietly and slowly levitated down the isle of the Temple, marvelling in its grotesque decoration. Skulls stared down at him from every direction, there where skulls made up of hundreds of real skulls. Delf stopped to kneel just before the Alter. Delf opened his heart and prayed I want to be good! he proclaimed. After several minutes without any signs of a reply he repeated it again but louder I want to be good, please answer me what should I do! Get lost! called a muffled reply from the Alter. What! said Delf confused and uncertain? I said get lost! said the voice again. You want me to get lost? asked Delf incredulously. From inside the closet the Imp considered the question carefully. Yes he answered That would be good Thank you Lord praised Delf I shall leave at once! Good, Good. called the voice from the Alter again. Delf narrowed his eyes, a pointless expression since he was wearing dark glasses and in an empty room. Behind the dark glasses Delfs eyes scrutinised the temple. Delf could see no one! He was alone, or was he? He just wasnt sure anymore. Whos that? he asked Is someone hiding behind the Alter? It is a sentence of death for any but the High Priest to stand on the Alter. answered a strange voice. Delf was already moving and had the closet door opened as the last words were spoken. He expected to find someone inside but there was only a cute little monkey with PMI written on its Mifffical

Page 10 forehead. Looking furiously around for the owner of the voice Delf almost missed the patter of feet approaching the Temple doors. With no time to get off the Alter, Delf quickly jumped into the closet closing the door behind him. Delfs heart was racing, he was sure that it had been someone messing him about, but no it must have been the Lord who had spoken to him and he a dirty evil dark elf had defiled the Alter, having heard the word of god only moments before. I need help. he wailed softly. Ill help you said the cute little monkey with PMI on its head, which knew a Leader when saw one and also knew when to back a winning side. But Id be quiet if I was you, those priests will have your heart out if you get caught in here. Delf and the Imp waited until eventually the Temple was quiet and empty again. You will help me to be good? asked Delf. If you want to be good? replied the Imp. but I dont know how to make a dark elf, good. Thats alright. said Delf God has already told me how. I need to get lost! I always knew I was different. Im not like the other dark elves, I have different tastes. I think its time for me to come out of the closet! Not an easy thing to do for anyone! said the Imp sarcastically. Once out of the closet Delf looked at the Imp closely. Are you a the Imp waited for the obvious question PMI? asked Delf. A PMI? asked the Imp totally confused. Sorry. said Delf Silly question, of course youre a PMI its written across your face. The Imp beamed. Im a PMI. It sang A PMI, Im a PMI!


Page 11 Delf and the PMI left the city of Malice that very day or night, its hard to tell when youre so far below ground. They climbed slowly for days up through endless passageways until soon they were near to the Overworld. As they were resting in a small recess, in a tunnel still miles below the surface, they heard the sounds of digging coming from down a side tunnel. Delf who was fed up with the PMI and its strange ways was bored so decided to go and investigate. Delf silently walked down side tunnel after side tunnel until he saw a dwarf digging away furiously at the stony floor, his shovel scooping load after load of earth and stone on the ground behind him. Delf looked at the little form digging away and thought it might be nice to talk to him, to see what was happening up above, on the surface. Delf didnt consider the dwarf a threat, nor did he consider that he might be considered a threat either. Delf and the PMI casually walked up behind the busy dwarf. Hurump was a dwarf, worse than that he was an outcast expelled from his clan due to his short temper and questionable sanity. Hurump was not evil or bad, he just kept hearing voices: nasty voices. The voices called him names and ridiculed him and demeaned him day and night. His life was now without meaning but he had a plan! He was going to find gold, enough gold to show his clan his true worth. If he found gold, what clan could ever disown him? Finding gold and being crazy was acceptable to other dwarfs but just being crazy got you nowhere. That was probably why he was digging close to where the dark elves lived. Hurump wasnt really crazy; he knew the dangers of digging near dark elves. Every dwarf had heard of the walls, some had even seen them and still whimpered at the memory. The problem with dwarfs is not there size or their love of gold, it is Mifffical

Page 12 their single-mindedness when armed with a shovel and Hurump was no exception. This is probably why he failed to hear Delf and the PMI approaching. Not that Delf could be heard at all as he soundlessly walked up to the dwarf. Whats your name? asked Delf. Hurump turned around and screamed, there was a dark elf with a cute little monkey only inches away from him. No! No! he screamed running for his life. So scared was Hurump that he broke a sacred rule, he abandoned his shovel. Hurump would have run on forever, as would anyone with even the least bit of sanity after coming into contact with a dark elf, especially one with glowing red eyes. Hurump though, did not run on forever, this was not because he got tired, or that he felt safe, or that his insanity, stopped him. Hurump stopped running because he started falling. In his blind panic he had fallen down a very deep well. That went well! said the Imp. Did it? said Delf without noticing the sarcasm. I thought he would have asked me my name before rushing off! He must have been in a hurry said the Imp Maybe thats why he left his shovel. Nodding to the abandoned shovel laying on the floor next to a small mound of earth. Delf considered this for a moment. Right then! he said at last, My first good deed will be to give NoNo his shovel back! he said bending down and picking up the tiny shovel and marching down the tunnel in the direction the dwarf had gone. Yes. said the Imp Having a dark elf following you with a shovel, is bound to brighten up your day! Exactly! agreed Delf happily marching down the tunnel. Mifffical

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Hurump sat down on the sandy bottom of a deep well. Things were definitely going from bad to worse at a surprising speed. Not only was he an outcast but now he was shovel-less, stuck at the bottom of a deep well with a dark elf and a monkey on his trail. Even the bloody floor was uncomfortable. Hurump felt under his rear and extracted a stone, it was smooth and round and for some reason it felt comforting. Not that being armed with a stone made him feel any safer with dark elves about. Looking at the smooth rock walls, of the deep well, Hurump started to try to climb out. Youll never be able to climb out, youll be stuck down here forever said a voice. It was totally wrong. Nothing can get you out of an empty dark hole quicker than a voice in the dark saying youre stuck. Hurump cleared the walls in a microsecond and was a good quarter of a mile further down the passage panting for breath before he noticed he still held the stone in one hand. Well I never exclaimed the voice again Up thirty foot of smooth granite with out even a handhold. Are you a Super dwarf? Hurump looked around him, he was too tired to run but the tunnel was clear. No one was anywhere near him and yet he distinctly remembered the words coming from directly next to him. Who said that? demanded Hurump. Who said what? asked the voice. Hurump looked suspiciously at the stone, Hurump had always heard voices, he knew he was mad, but this voice seemed


Page 14 different, it seemed real and it wasnt the normal nasty voices he had heard so often before. Did you just say something? he asked the stone. No! answered the stone trying to be sincere. Good! said Hurump because stones cant talk. Thats true. agreed the stone. Of cause its true said Hurump thats why I cant hear you. he added before putting the stone in his pocket and continuing down the tunnel. Fifteen minutes later Delf found the hole, well actually the Imp found the hole and Delf spent another ten minutes helping it out whilst fighting his dark elf instincts to bury the little bugger alive with the aid of the shovel. Not that imps are alive. Hes not down there said the Imp Oh! said Delf Is that why you went down there, I thought you just fell in. The Imp scowled at him and carried on down the passage without a further reply. The next day they found the dwarf. He was arguing with himself quite loudly. Stones cant talk! he shouted over and over again. Eventually he started to get really angry. I cant hear you! screamed the dwarf. Then after a short pause he shrieked on top of his voice Im not lying if I could hear you Id tell you! But I cant hear you so there! Hes lost more than his shovel if you ask Me. said the Imp. Has he? asked Delf We only found the shovel? Not for the first time the Imp looked at Delf suspiciously. I mean hes not all there. Said the Imp Yes he is. Said Delf Hes a dwarf their just small thats all. Right. said the Imp shaking its head from side to side slowly. Mifffical

Page 15 Ill sort this out. said Delf quietly You wait here whilst I give him his shovel back. Wouldnt miss it for the world. replied the Imp sarcastically. Delf moved without even the smallest sound to within inches of the angry shouting dwarf. Do you want your shovel back? he asked politely. Of cause I want my bloody shovel back! shouted the dwarf to a small stone in his hand. But theres a bloody homicidal dark elf back there! Is there? asked Delf looking behind himself curiously. I didnt see one. Of cause you didnt you stupid bugger, you were stuck down the hole. shouted the dwarf wagging his finger at the stone. That was the PMI. said Delf defensively. PMI? What in hell is a PMI! Thats it I cant hear you, Ive told you before, I cant hear you! said the dwarf putting one of his hands on his hip and glaring at the stone. Are you sure you cant hear me? asked Delf innocently. Yes, quite sure. said the dwarf beginning to tap his foot whilst he glared at the stone. I could talk louder said Delf raising his voice. The dwarf froze and then slowly turned around and looked into Delfs glowing red eyes. No, No he squeaked and then promptly fainted. That went well! said the Imp Youve only gone and killed him. No, hes not dead said Delf I think he was just tired from all that shouting and fell asleep. Did all that shouting make him need the toilet too? asked the Imp sniffing once and moving back hurriedly. Lets clean him up, said Delf otherwise hes going to be really embarrassed when he wakes up.


Page 16 Embarrassed? asked the Imp Are you sure? Thats what hes going to feel? Hurump came around into his worst nightmare. He was being dunked half naked into a pool of ice cold water by a dark elf with eyes like fire whilst its strange monkey was beating the crap out of his britches on the other bank. No, No he squealed as the ice cold water took his breath away. Dont struggle said the dark elf Ill soon be finished and no one will know a thing. Look what I brought he said, proudly pointing to a shovel sticking in the ground. Hurump took one look at the shovel; he knew a gravesite when he saw one and he began to scream and didnt stop until he had fainted once again. Delf found the dwarfs pack and soon had the little fellow tucked up in a blanket next to a fire that was drying his clothes. Dark elves like Imps dont need to sleep so Delf stood guard over the sleeping form whilst the Imp sat muttering to a stone some distance from the fire. Delf had given up trying to listen to what it was saying as it spoke in a strange guttural sound that made no sense whatsoever. After a few hours Delf left the sleeping dwarf and the Imp alone and went off to see if there were any fish in the pond. Hurump awoke sometime later to the smell of fish roasting on a spit, he was warm and comfortable and was about to go back to sleep when he saw out of the corner of his eye the strange monkey like form. He knew straight away that this was no monkey. One look into its eyes told Hurump that this animal was one of the reasons monkeys still lived in trees after thousands of years. Its predator eyes would make even solicitors eyes seem docile. Plus he had only heard of a Mifffical

Page 17 monkey with one tail. This one had at least two and a small pair of wings folded up neatly on its back. Strangest of all it had the word PMI written on its forehead. Slowly the memories of the last day came creeping back. They would have flooded back in an instant had he let them but his mind refused to believe the terror that awaited him. Then he saw the fiery red eyes staring out of the darkness opposite. It took a great deal of bowel control as his mind relived the harrowing last waking moments from the day before. No. No he whimpered. Morning NoNo said the red eyes rising up in the darkness My names Delf and that over there is a PMI. The gentle voice seemed wrong for the sadistic eyes that stared out of the darkness. Dwarves are many things but most of all they were forthright with a sense of honesty that could be thought of as suicidal by most. Thats a dirty bloody Imp said Hurump before he could stop himself. The Imp froze. Rubbish! said Delf Its a PMI its written all over his head, if it was an Imp it wouldnt have left you a fish now would it. Hurump had to concede that point as he hungrily looked at the fish. Dirty! screamed the Imp You are calling me dirty, I saw your britches you messy little dwarf. Im a PMI and proud of it, you ungrateful little git. Scrubbed your gusset I did and for what? To be called a dirty little Imp, next time you have an accident Ill make you eat your bloody britches, gusset and all! Hurump was about to retort but as he thought of a fitting reply Delf stepped into the fire light. It doesnt matter how often you see a dark elf any rational mind freezes up at the sight. This was the part of the mind that had saved primeval man on many occasions and now it was saving Hurump. He lay there unable


Page 18 to move as the black aspiration came into view. Youre a d-ddark elf. stammered the dwarf. Its the hat! the Imp shouted to Delf It just gives you away every time said the Imp as sarcastically as it could. Sorry. said Delf, quickly removing his hat I didnt mean to startle you. he added, as the Imp slowly shuck its head in disbelief. You left your shovel behind when we first met so I returned It. said Delf proudly. Im a good dark elf. he added by way of reassurance. For some reason this did not have the desired effect. A g-g-good dark elf stammered Hurump. I didnt know there were any g-g-good dark elves. Im the first said Delf proudly. Again this did not have the desired effect the little dwarf seemed to tremble even more. Delf decided to go for gold Ive been good for almost a week. He explained matter-of-factly. H-H-How old are you? asked the dwarf trying its best to digest the information and hold on to his bowels. Two hundred and forty seven. said Delf enthusiastically, ignoring the sniggers coming from the Imp. Delf was confused the dwarf seemed to be shaking even more in spite of the fact he had tried his best to assure the poor fellow that he was indeed, a good dark elf. Delf turned to the PMI hoping for support but for some reason the PMI was clutching its belly and rolling around on the dusty floor tears streaming from its eyes. Back in the City of Malice, things were not going too smoothly either for High Priest Drayfu. Not only had he lost his prize Imp but Delfs father had died the day before, poisoned by all accounts. A fitting end for a royal dark elf; however, rumour Mifffical

Page 19 had it that Delf was no longer in the city. Drayfu knew the rumour to be true as the guard on the upper gate had confirmed that Delf had indeed past through the gate with a PMI, whatever that was, several days ago. Drayfu, hoped that the new Leader was on a hunting expedition to bring down more sacrifices for the coronation. Drayfu though was a dark elf through and through and he had a horrible doubt about the sincerity of the new Leader when it came to torture. Drayfu knew that he had the responsibility of generations of dark elves that had cut their fingers to the bone torturing helpless victims, to allow a dark elf to go wild and ruin the respect; the dark elf nation had built up over the millennia. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. He needed someone who followed orders without question. He needed a leader of men; he needed a mindless dark elf that would set the Overworld on fire if he had to, to ensure that the reputation of the dark elves never failed. He needed. Get me that new captain of the Temple Guards he shouted. No sooner had he finished shouting when he heard Captain of the Guard Reporting Sir followed by the thunderous stamp of a booted heel coming to attention. Ah Captain, Err? Drayfu began No Sir bellowed the Captain bringing his foot down for the second time. Im Captain Last, Captain Errrr is helping with the outer wall Ah said Drayfu Its good to hear that a head like Captain Errrrs is still giving good service. I have a job for you Captain Last, a job that needs your unique outlook on life. Yes Sir! said Captain Last, nervously looking out of the window at the outer wall and hoping that he was not about to become a part of it.


Page 20 Drayfu explained the mission. Captain Last was to go to the Overworld with fifty men and return with the news that Delf no longer posed a threat to the reputation of dark elves. As Drayfu explained how Delf had turned his back on dark elf traditions, of how he never ventured into the torture houses, Drayfu watched in admiration as he saw Captain Lasts narrow in anger and his face redden with rage. Drayfu knew he had picked the right man. Captain Last was a true zealot. A society that was not feared was as abhorrent to Captain Last as it was to Drayfu himself. I will return with his skull snarled Captain Last. Make sure you do Captain! said Drayfu coldly, thats a big wall that Captain Errrr is helping to build!


Page 21 Chapter 2 Clarissa watched the soldiers march into the clearing she had been cleaning outside of her small cottage. Technically it was her cottage, her grandfather who had owned the cottage had past away only two months ago. Clarissa had been raised by her grandfather, after her parents were killed when King Carson invaded his uncles keep twelve years earlier. After her grandfathers death, Clarissa had continued to live on in the cottage, alone in the woods far from the garrison town of Stormhold. Clarissa had loved her grandfather and cared for him during his last remaining years, keeping house and tending the small vegetable plot behind the cottage. Clarissa was Twenty Two years old with long blonde curly hair that reached down to her belt. She was also considered very tall standing only an inch off six foot. She was slim with extremely large bosoms that almost swallowed the golden pendant that adorned her neck. She was definitely beautiful and would have been married off long ago if it wasnt for her OCD - Obsessive Cleaning Disorder. Clarissa loved to clean and clean and clean, her belt fastened around her waist, a present from her grandfather and was bristling with brushes, scourers, cloths and an ornate bottle that sprayed her own recipe of detergent. Leaning on her broom Clarissa waited for the soldiers, silently seething at the dust that they were trampling over her newly cleaned clearing. You there! shouted the elaborately dressed Captain as his men came to an abrupt halt several feet from where Clarissa waited. Get off the Kings land!


Page 22 Kings Land? questioned Clarissa anger already sounding in her voice, This is my land and its been in my family for generations! Ah! said the Captain Smirking But your familys all dead and women cant inherit. Its the law! he said smugly. Clarissa wanted to scream, she wanted to fight, more than that she wanted to sweep the dirt that the soldiers had trampled over the newly cleaned clearing but she knew the law and she also knew what happened to girls that provoked soldiers as dirty as these men were. One day she threatened, she wanted to say the King would get what he deserved and so would those who plundered and pilfered in his name but in the end that was all she said. Clarissa turned her back and left, not just the clearing with its little cottage and vegetable plot, but she intended to leave the Kingdom of Stormhold itself. A part of her knew that she would be back one day and when that day came she wouldnt just clean up the clearing she was going to clean up the Kingdom, King, soldiers, and the bloody law as well. One day, one day she repeated to herself as she walked proudly out of the clearing and into the woods, one day Ill be back! NoNo sat watching the Dark Elf and the Imp as they fished by the underground pond. He had given up trying to explain to them that his name was Hurump and eventually accepted that as dangerous as these two were by way of their race, he at least was in no danger. To be honest, he was well cared for, Delf seemed to believe that he needed feeding every minute of the day; as if by feeding the Dwarf it would make him taller. Everything would have been fine except for the voices, well not the voices but the voice. It sounded familiar. It sounded like he knew the voice. Ill take him out! shouted the voice, I can you know! Mifffical

Page 23 NoNo resisted the strange pull towards his britches; it was the familiar tug he had felt long ago as a child. I just want to feel it he murmured as quiet as a mouse. Unfortunately for NoNo, Imps have good hearing and Delfs ears hear more than most. NoNo reached for the stone he felt in his pocket. Delf turned away in embarrassment. Aw! screamed the Imp as the third time that day a stone hit him on the back of the head. Wasnt me! shouted NoNo wondering how in the hell the stone was still in his hand. The Imp searched the ground around itself looking for the offending stone but for the third time that day the ground around it was barren of stones. It looked accusingly at Delf, Wasnt me either. said Delf sounding a little hurt, Im a good Dark Elf. He added to prove his innocence. A good Dark Elf? repeated the Imp suspicion heavy in its reply. Thats right! said Delf firmly. Well someones throwing stones and if its not you and its not NoNo then who the bloody hell is it? screamed the Imp, Maybe its me. Maybe Im throwing stones at myself. shouted the Imp, sarcastically. It could be your conscience. Replied Delf, to whom sarcasm was just another thing in the great unknown. Thats it! exclaimed the Imp My conscience is making me throw invisible stones at myself when Im not looking. Said the Imp caustically, it had given sarcasm up as a lost cause, when dealing with Delf. Then stop messing about. We need more fish for the little one. said Delf, in a mothering tone, Weve a long way to go if were to get to the Overworld. NoNo choked, going up to the Overworld, no dark elf had been seen in the Overworld for near to a thousand years. All the Mifffical

Page 24 caves and entrances to the Underworld had been sealed up long ago, the Great Tube was the only access to the Underworld and it was guarded by a mighty army of; Mages, Dwarfs, Elves and Man. NoNo had no intention of ever betraying that army, by revealing the location of the Great Tube. So thats what they want me for, thought NoNo, they want me to show them the way out. Without thinking he threw the stone. Aw! screamed the Imp looking accusingly at Delf. NoNo checked his hand the stone was still there? Got him! said the stone to NoNo. What you looking at me for? asked Delf. I havent got a conscience. Right! said the Imp, determined to catch the dark elf out the next time, I can see that! Delf and the Imp went back to fishing, well that is Delf went back to fishing the Imp went back to watching Delf. Delf liked fishing, it fulfilled his dark elf instincts, talk about killing two birds with one stone, whilst fishing you got to drown as many worms as you wanted and kill and gut a fish every so often: pure bliss and it was considered, good too! The Imp liked the water too, because in the water he could see his true self. The water reflected back his true identity, IMP it proclaimed, for only him to see. NoNo was angry, not only was he the captive of a Dark Elf and his Imp, but no matter how he tried to get rid of the accursed stone that wanted him to believe it could talk. The bloody thing kept reappearing in his hand or pocket. Im going to die thought NoNo, Im going to die horribly. He wailed to himself.


Page 25 After several hours Delf finally ran out of worms and gathered up the cleanly gutted fish and started a fire on which to cook them. The Imp stayed by the pond, frequently looking back at Delf with suspicious eyes. I know its an Imp. said NoNo at last. Yes. said Delf, I saw its reflection in the water. NoNo looked at Delf confused but Delf carried on, But it doesnt know that I know. said Delf, secretively. Then why dont you banish It. asked NoNo. That wouldnt be very nice! said Delf, shocked at such a statement, How could I be a good dark elf, if I went about banishing Imps for no reason? No reason? exclaimed the dwarf, Its a bloody Imp a creature from the dark side! he reasoned. It cleaned your britches. said Delf with a hint of concern. Yes. agreed the dwarf But its a bloody Imp. You cant trust them. And Im a Dark Elf. said Delf sinisterly. NoNo gulped, there was something in the voice that set his spine to tingling and the way that Delfs eyes fired up even more than normal, gave the dwarf the distinct feeling that the conversation was over, or would be terminally over if he persisted. NoNo knew that he had to get away and that he had better get away soon. Strangely as the night wore on, NoNo relaxed more and more, He, Delf and the little Imp sat around the fire happily talking about this and that. NoNo was shocked to hear that dark elves thought little of Gold. Its alright for door knobs, Delf remarked but other wise its useless. He explained Oh yes some priests use it on the floor were they dont want bloodstains, like in the weather room. he continued but all in all, its useless. Mifffical

Page 26 NoNo couldnt believe his ears. Gold! Useless! A dwarf would give his life to protecting Gold. Use it for door knobs and floors. Thats sacrilege. Gold should be locked up in a secret vault and guarded with your life. Not used. The Imp didnt consider any metal as valuable and seemed unsure of what gold even looked like. NoNo was horrified! By the time NoNo eventually went to sleep leaving the Dark Elf and the Imp to their own conversations, NoNo had felt a strange camaraderie with his two sinister companions and if it hadnt been for their plan to reach the Overworld, NoNo would even have even considered them friends. Drayfu watched Captain Last leave the temple with fifty recruits, with orders to stop Delf ruining the reputation of the dark elves at any cost. Drayfu was dark elf through and through and new who the Leader should be. It should be a dark elf who understood the ancestry he would inherit, it should be someone with maturity and wisdom, it should be a religious person and if it was to be anyone then it should be him. With Captain Last on a mission to stop Delf at any cost Drayfu needed to cover his involvement by ensuring that no one would link him to the unfortunate demise of Delf. Drayfu had already summoned the Captain of the Royal Guard, an experienced Captain by the name of Darious and ordered him to assemble a hundred of his most experienced Dark Elf soldiers and to go on the very same quest; therefore, ensuring that his involvement was out in the open, where nobody would ever look. Drayfu didnt believe in taking chances, plus his blood boiled at the thought of a good dark elf. Disgusting he thought.


Page 27 Delf, the Imp and a reluctant NoNo were on the march too. Delf led them forever upwards towards the Overworld. The Overworld is blocked off said NoNo at last. Is it? asked Delf curiously. Yes. said NoNo, It was done centuries ago, to stop the dark elves from ever attacking the Overworld again. Didnt you know? asked the Dwarf. No! said Delf No one thought to tell us! he added disgustedly. I can get us out! said the Imp. How? asked the Dwarf. Because, Im a PMI! cackled the Imp. NoNo continued with the march in a relaxed fashion but he was getting the strange feeling that Delf and the Imp didnt seem to think that getting into the Overworld would be a problem. If it wasnt for the fact that their journey was taking them further and further from the Great Tube he wouldnt have been able to relax at all. By the second day they reached a large chasm with foot holes leading up to a cave high up in the apex of the roof. Delf, NoNo and the Imp began the laborious hike up the pseudo staircase to the cave above. Laborious for NoNo, Delf had no problem levitating from foot hold to foot hold whilst the Imp scrabbled up with the odd fluttering of its tiny wings. NoNo had to jump to catch every foothold and haul himself up each step of the way. Being a dwarf really sucks sometimes, he thought. When NoNo finally reached the cave panting heavily, sweat dripping of his forehead and running off his overly long nose, he found Delf looking at the back of the cave with a confused look. Mifffical

Page 28 That shouldnt be there! Delf said, his voice sounding more than annoyed, pointing at a granite slab that occupied the far end of the cave. I told you. said NoNo They blocked of the entrances. Theres no way out any more. He said hopefully. Ill get us out! shouted the Imp, gesturing with his arms for them to clear a path. To NoNos horror the Imp vanished before his very eyes and instantly there was a thunderous crash by the granite slab and a cloud of dust rolled back from the wall. Delf though had seen it all. The Imp never disappeared from Delfs view, as if in slow motion, he saw the tiny creature lower its head and run at full speed, faster than an eye could see, a non dark elf eye that is, straight into the granite slab. Delf winced at the impact as the Imp at full charge head-butted the granite block and rebounded several feet before coming to rest on its back, as still as a stone, a large bump already distorting the letters on its head. Thats got to have hurt. said an impressed Delf. Is it dead? asked NoNo hopefully. No! replied Delf that bump is still growing. When it came to knowledge of the dead, NoNo had to concede that the Dark Elf probably knew more than anyone. Hell soon be as right as rain. said Delf We just need to get him into the open air. But how? asked the Dwarf nodding towards the granite slab Even the Imp couldnt open it! exclaimed a hopeful NoNo. Ah! said Delf smugly but it didnt read the sign. NoNo looked at the granite slab. In letters six inches tall inscribed onto its surface, read the word Pull. Mifffical

Page 29 B-B-But you said it shouldnt be there. accused NoNo. I know. said Delf with a grin. Thatll teach it to accuse me, of throwing those stones. Delf pulled the door open without any effort and then he and NoNo carried the limp form of the Imp out into the warm open air. Behind them the door closed again silently, concealing itself by appearing to melt into the wall of the cliff. Looking about NoNo realised that the day was soon approaching midday. NoNo took a deep breath. The air tasted sweet after months in the stale air of the Underworld. He would have enjoyed it more had he not been in the company of a Dark Elf and his Imp. What have I done thought NoNo. He knew he had not aided either of them in getting out but he still felt like an accomplice. Im going to die he wailed to himself. The imp didnt wake up that day and the next day was nearly over before it at last began to recover from its coma. W-W-W-What happened it said before falling back into unconsciousness for another hour. Later that night the Imp sat groggily by the fire. Both Delf and NoNo soon realised that the Imp had lost its memory completely and was even having trouble remembering who they where. Its a head case. whispered the Dwarf to Delf when the Imp was trying to grab the flames for the seventh time. Its a complete fruitcake! We should put it out of its misery. That or let the stupid git burn itself to death. He added watching the Imp squeal as the flames burned its hand yet again.


Page 30 No! said Delf with a gleam in his eye and a smirk on his face. It pretended to be a PMI and thats what its going to be! NoNo suppressed a laugh, when it came to sadistic justice nothing could beat a dark elf with a grudge. It was almost a week before the Imp was fit to walk again. During that time Delf explained to it how it was a PMI whos only role in life was to defend the lives of all creatures, to uphold the sacred trust and to only do good. NoNo had begun to respect the Dark Elf. During the first few nights as they camped in the warm summer air, NoNo thought that the Dark Elf would soon be off to wreak mayhem and murder in the small villages they could see in the distance. But no, the Dark Elf tended the sick little Imp. He also tended an injured rabbit he had found by the stream that ran down the side of the cliff. As the days wore on NoNo saw that Delf was trying to do as he claimed. He was trying to be good. In fact NoNo was beginning to feel responsible for the Dark Elf who although far older than he, seemed somewhat naive to the ways of the world. Everything seemed a mystery to the Dark Elf: the sun, the moon, well everything. Delf was the most literal man NoNo had ever met. It was the childlike manner in which he asked the questions. Like, why didnt they have the moon during the day and the sun during the night when they really needed the light? And who painted the tops of the mountain white? Or why was the ceiling blue? And why was there a green carpet over the ground? Delf was a conundrum. Part of his inner self told the Dwarf to run away but it was Delfs magnetism; somehow, he made you want to stay. Delf was different Delf was special and as much as his inner self Mifffical

Page 31 screamed to leave, NoNo knew that he never could. He was in on the quest, the quest to make a dark elf, good! The Imp or PMI as he was now known had also become entrapped by the same magic. He was a real PMI now and NoNo had become quite fond of the little one. Things had definitely changed. Even the stone was different. It didnt attack the Imp when he threw it. It was as if even the stone could tell the Imp was a friend. NoNo had even seen the PMI talking to the stone when he awoke during one of the nights. The PMI was talking in guttural tone that made no sense and the stone was responding in kind. NoNos first thought was that the Imp had regained its memory but no, that hadnt happened; it was still a cheerful little fellow that seemed to bask in the beauty of the land. On the few occasions when Delf left their little camp NoNo practiced with the stone. He had always been a good shot with a stone but with this stone he just couldnt miss! Even better than that, it always appeared back in his hand. If only he could stop the little beggar talking. He could even hear it shouting when he threw it. He was certain that Delf could hear it too. Delf had never mentioned it but NoNo had seen him look around on several occasions when the stone had spoken. NoNo threw the scene again. Not the cliff, you little git! yelled the stone as the dwarf threw the stone at the side of the cliff! Thats nasty! said the stone to the dwarf Whats that cliff ever done to you! it asked when it appeared in his hand again. Oh shut up its only a cliff. said NoNo. Only a cliff? Thats it! Im going to get a petition going. No more throwing stones! No more throwing stones! chanted the stone. NoNo thought about it for several seconds then with Mifffical

Page 32 deliberate precision, threw the stone as hard as he could straight at the cliff face? Bugger. said the stone as it hurtled towards the cliff. Where are we going? asked NoNo the next morning, as Delf packed up their little camp. Well! said Delf determinately, I dont know much about the Overworld so I might as well start at the top and work my way down. NoNo was about to say that you started at the bottom and then worked your way up but then he remembered one of the stories Delf had told him about the Underworld and dark elf society, how they didnt have a higher-achy but a lower-achy, the least important at the top and the Leaders at the bottom. So were going up there. said Delf pointing up to the top of the mountain. NoNo groaned; trust Delf to take things totally literally. What about food? asked NoNo in an attempt to change Delfs mind. Weve got rabbit. said Delf. NoNo froze, quickly looking at the small cage they had made to tend the injured rabbit it was empty! Oh well he thought a dark elf is a dark elf! They climbed for days until the ground became covered in snow and soon they were so high up there appeared whiteness all around them. The whole land seemed to be made of snow. So this is that white stuff. said Delf half way through the first day on the snow sheets Its bit cold on the hands isnt it? he added. Cold on the bloody legs more like said the dwarf wading waist deep through the snow. It was then that he realised that Delf and the Imp were having no trouble at all. Delfs feet


Page 33 didnt even touch the ground and the Imp fluttered from step to step his little wings causing little snow flurries as he went. Whats happened to the rest of you. asked Delf alarmed to see his little friend half his normal size. I need snow shoes to walk in this. said the Dwarf grumpily. Ill fix it! squealed the delighted PMI, and disappeared into the snow next to the Dwarf. Aw! screamed the Dwarf I said Snow-shoes, not, no-shoes you stupid bloody git! Are you sure? asked the PMI quizzically. Am I sure? Am I sure? Of cause Im bloody sure. Im getting f-f-f-frost bite you d-d-demented flee-bitten monkey. screamed NoNo, going blue with the cold. Delf reached down and pulled NoNo out from the snow. NoNos bare feet were indeed going blue with cold and NoNo was making strange sniffing sounds. With the other hand Delf rolled out one of the bedrolls and gently placed NoNo in the middle. The small dwarf was shivering and Delf although unaffected by the cold, could see at once that the little dwarf was in serious trouble. He was beginning to shake uncontrollably and his teeth were shattering. Placing the rest of the Bedrolls around him NoNo was soon lost within the piles of bedrolls, his teeth were still chattering but his shaking was dissipating. Are you okay? asked Delf when he judged that NoNo could talk again through chattering teeth. The dwarf sneezed. It was like a fog horn! NoNo maybe small but his nose would put an ant-eaters to shame. Yeth, answered NoNo nasally. Douth, C-C-Cold. He tried to say between chattering teeth. The Imp watched NoNo guiltily; it had only tried to help. It was the winds fault; if it hadnt been blowing he would have heard him properly. Mifffical

Page 34 What are snow-shoes? it asked eventually its curiosity getting the better of it. Tenish b-b-bats you put on your f-f-feet. Replied a nasally NoNo, Th-Th-They stop you f-f-falling through the snow. he added by way of an explanation. I think I saw some down near the caves. said the Imp and before either NoNo or Delf realised what it intended to do, it vanished, leaving a flurry of snow in its wake. It was only trying to help. said Delf watching the rapidly departing Imp. I know. said NoNo I j-j-just w-w-wish it would ask first. He stammered. Delf put a pot on the ground and started a small fire. It didnt give off much heat in the chilling wind but it did make the place feel cosier in the dimming light. Before long only the thunderous snores from inside the bedrolls was the only sound to be heard within several miles. The Imp didnt return that night, or the next morning. NoNo was secretly hoping that it had got lost or run away but by mid afternoon the Imp returned excitedly with a large sack. I found some. it said triumphantly dumping the sack at NoNos feet. I said tennis bats! cried NoNo, as the Imp proudly emptied out, two angry and slightly stunned bats, Not bloody ten inch bats, you stupid halfwit! screamed NoNo, as the bats flew at him taking vicious little bites out of his long nose. Delf rushed to NoNos aid, quickly grabbing the enraged bats, putting them back into the sack. That evening they all sat around the meagre fire eating a meaty broth. I thought wed finished the rabbit. said NoNo licking his bowl clean. We did. replied Delf That was bat stew. Mifffical

Page 35 NoNo was too hungry to care. Oh well! he exclaimed Alls well that ends well. He said chirpily. Not for the bats! added a disgruntled PMI. We will have to put you on a blanket and drag you. said Delf to the Dwarf the next morning as they packed up the camp. I dont want to put you to any trouble. said NoNo apologetically. Wont put me to any trouble at all. grinned Delf, grabbing the Imp and deftly tying a rope around its waist. The Imp squealed and fought but nothing can stop a Dark Elf. They set off again, hiking through the deep snow Delf leading the way and the Imp complaining every step of the way with the dwarf wrapped up snugly being dragged on along behind it on a blanket. They made good time and by night fall after the third day, they camped in the lee of the cliffs with the top of the mountain looking ever so near. Delf was reading NoNos map and decided that he would scout ahead that night whilst the Dwarf slept and the Imp stood watch. Although he intended to forage for food Delfs real goal was an area several hundred feet above where the map indicated a cave with the words There be Dragons in there! Delf was excited, although the blanket was good for dragging the dwarf on, Delf was sure that a real drag-on would be better. It stood to reason he thought. Other travellers must have stored their drag-ons there when they were finished with them and since he had not seen any of the magical slippers, NoNo had told him about for going down hill, he was hoping to find some of those as well. The problem with being a magical beast is that you just appear, you dont have any parents or friends to tell you what you are or what you do. One day nothing, the next day you magically Mifffical

Page 36 appear in a cave full of jewels and gold at the top of a mountain. The dragon had existed for centuries but it never left its cave. It was too scared. Oh, it had met travellers from time to time but they took one look at him, screamed and ran away, leaving the dragon frightened and all alone. So it was a bit of a shock when it heard a voice at the mouth of the cave. Anyone in there? asked a voice. The dragon cowered deeper into the cave. Look. Said the voice, My friends and I need some Drag-ons and some slippers if you could spare any? asked the voice politely. The dragon cowered even deeper into the cave, as it watched a pair of glowing red eyes move forwards into its cave. Leave me alone. whined the dragon. Delf saw the strange creature easily in the dark, his red eyes dismissing the darkness as his eyes adjusted to the lack of light. At the back of the cave he saw the dragon shaking in terror. Delf was used to this, everyone shuck in terror when they saw a dark elf. I wont hurt you. said Delf edging nearer, But I could really do with one of those drag-ons because my dwarf is too small and its turning blue The dragon being a male and living in the freezing climate of the mountain didnt know what a dwarf was but it was getting a disturbing image forming in its mind. I can loan you a sock. said the dragon, To keep your dwarf warm if you leave me alone. it pleaded. I dont think it will fit in a sock. said Delf its too big. He explained Ive had to drag it along on a blanket for the last seven miles to keep it from sinking into the snow! The dragon although still scared was definitely impressed, what male wouldnt be, but the thought of the strange creature with red eyes edging ever closer with what it believed to be an Mifffical

Page 37 enormous dwarf dangling between its legs, blanket or no blanket, was more than it could take. You keep away from me! it screamed. But what about my dwarf? pleaded Delf, Its freezing out there! he said walking ever closer. Please dont hurt me, please dont hurt me, please dont hurt Me. whimpered the dragon over and over again. Delf paused; this was not the reaction he expected of such a large beast. Delf didnt know what the creature was but its whimpering began to stir up strange emotions. Stop your whining! bellowed Delf his eyes flaming up, a roaring red that lit up the cave walls: so loud was his voice that the walls and floor appeared to shake. The dragon shut up! Shut up, it nearly stopped breathing. Delf walked straight up to it, his feet levitating inches off the ground. The dragon didnt move an inch. Delf looked the dragon straight in the eye. It was a look that no living creature had ever lived to tell about. It was the look that made your whole life flash in front of you. It was the look that told you, you were going to die, and there was nothing on earth you could do about it. The eyes dimmed slightly. Whats your problem? demanded Delf! The dragon gulped and blurted out its story before its brain had time to react. Whilst Delf was listening to the dragon, the Imp was having trouble too. The wind in the mountains was making strange noises that had woken up NoNo. The little dwarf sat about the meagre fire nervously looking into the shadows terrified that some wild animals were out there and had caught their sent. The Imp had tried to explain to the dwarf that it was only the wind and that no wild animals were about. Its safe! it said There isnt an animal in miles. continued the Imp, Theres


Page 38 nothing here that can possibly hurt you. it added, ignoring the thoughts of avalanches that suddenly sprang into its mind. Delf listened to the dragons sorry tale of how it came into being and that because it didnt know what it was, it had been too afraid to even venture out of the cave. Delf felt a strange kinship towards the dragon he too had lived for centuries to afraid to venture out: too scared to face the truth. He explained to the dragon how he had faced his fear proclaimed his desire to be good and walked out to face the world. Yes, said the dragon miserably but you knew you were a dark elf. Delf understood the dragons torment, he wished he knew what it was but he had never seen such a beast before. He wanted to tell it to face its fear, to conquer its inner demons and stop hiding from the world like a snivelling coward. Youre a bloody chicken! said Delf Just get out there and Im a chicken, Im a chicken. Shouted the delighted dragon, I thought I was, I did you know? I read a book once it had a picture, a bit smudged like but I saw things! I saw wings! I knew it, I knew it! it shouted running around in happiness. Im a CHICKEN! Before Delf could even finish his sentence the worlds first eight hundred and fifty pound, scale covered Chicken had reached the cave entrance and launched itself mightily into the air. It was during the fourth flap of its great wings that the dragon remembered an interesting thing about chickens. They didnt fly. Bugger! said the dragon and stopped flapping. Delf reached the cave mouth just in time to see the dragon plummeting down several hundred feet of mountain air. Bugger! said Delf looking down the mountain to where the dragon was going to land. I hope the Imps moved NoNo! Mifffical

Page 39 Ill prove its safe! said the Imp to NoNo. The Imp walked away from the fire into the howling wind. See, said the Imp triumphantly, Up here nothing can hurt you! it shouted. Then Eight Hundred and fifty pounds of dragon in freefall landed on top of its head. Ah! shouted NoNo. Ah! shouted the dragon. Bugger! shouted a muffled voice from deep underneath the dragon. Sorry. said the dragon apologetically to the terrified dwarf; the dragon knew what it was like to be scared and had an idea what had scared the little creature, it probably didnt know what it was. Im a chicken! said the dragon. No youre not! shouted NoNo who had heard of that trick before; of wolves dressed as grandmothers pretending to be pensioners. Youre a bloody dragon! he shouted. The dragon shot forward its grizzly maw only inches away from NoNos dwarven nose. Dragons arent real! Their mifical! said the dragon. Mif-f-f-ical said NoNo trembling Thats right. said the dragon Three fs and dont you forget it! demanded the dragon. There was a flutter of little wings, little flattened wings to be precise, as the Imp landed next to the dragons head. Whats got three fs? asked the Imp startling both NoNo and the dragon. The dragon swung its giant head around to stare at the Imp. Youre a PMI. it said. Thats right! said the PMI proudly, And thats a dwarf! it said pointing towards NoNo.


Page 40 You sure? asked the dragon It doesnt look very blue to me. Blue? shouted NoNo insulted. Since when are bloody dwarfs blue? he demanded, he might only be two foot tall but when a dwarf is insulted it takes more than a dragon pretending to be a chicken to make NoNo stand aside. The dragon considered the question and realisation exploded in its mind dispelling an earlier disturbing image of Delf. Are you friends of Delf? asked the dragon. You know Delf? exploded the dwarf and the imp at the same time. Oh yes, said the dragon Delf and I are friends, it was Delf who told me I was a chicken. said the dragon smugly. Right! drawled the imp and the dwarf together. Delf scampered down the side of the mountain as fast as his feet would take him his cloak billowing behind him. From one snowy mound to another he jumped using his levitation to carry him over impossible distances. At last he came to the small clearing and stopped dumbfounded. Sat around the fire was the dragon, its black scales appearing red as they reflected the fire but it was laughing and chatting to the Imp and NoNo: who also seemed to be enjoying the dragons company. It was not what he expected. He had expected at least one of them to be dead if not all. Well perhaps not the Imp. To be killed you had to at least be alive first. Imps and the likes just were, they were never born and never died: they were just visitors to the material plane. Did you land on something soft? Delf asked the dragon as he entered the fire light. He sure did! guffawed, the little dwarf. The Imp just scowled, as both the dragon and NoNo, erupted into howls of laughter. Delf took the laughter as a good sign.


Page 41 The CHICKEN told us that it had met you. said NoNo, articulating the word chicken deliberately. Delf was confused and a little nervous; he had seen chickens in the Underworld, small and noisy little buggers. If chickens grew to this size in the Overworld he definitely didnt want to meet a fox or a bear. Mind you he thought, one would definitely feed a family of four and they would all get a leg each. The dra-Ch-Ch-Chicken, corrected NoNo quickly, said that theres a cave up there full of treasure. said NoNo, his little beady dwarven eyes sparkling with anticipation. Yes, said Delf unconcerned but is all that golden crap, theres nothing there of any use. Theres even a golden shield with sparkling bits of glass in it. Delf continued in a depressed voice. NoNo could hardly contain himself. Gold he thought, Gold, he thought again, Gold.. Whilst NoNo sat repeating that one word, over an over to him-self, in a trance like state, the Imp asked Delf if he had found any slippers. No, said Delf I didnt get time to look but we can go up there in the morning and check it out. NoNo came out of his trance. We could go up there now! said NoNo excitedly. For some reason climbing through the snow, in the dark, up the side of a mountain did not seem to worry the little dwarf. Delf looked at him quizzically. In the dark? asked Delf, I thought you was too cold and tired? he queried. NoNo considered the question. First light then. He beamed.


Page 42 Chapter 3. Captain Darious called a meeting with his senior commanders as soon as he returned from the Temple and Drayfu. Weve got problems. He stated to the assembled men. Drayfu has sent his guards, fifty men, to kill Delf. I think he intends to nominate himself as Leader just as soon as Captain Last disposes of Delf. he added earnestly. There was uproar; all the commanders started demanding that Drayfu be tortured immediately, to find out the truth but generally just to be tortured immediately, the truth doesnt need to be found in dark elf societies. The calls for Drayfus death and sworn allegiance to Delf continued for sometime. Eventually Darious called them to order explaining that he was going to take ten thousand dark elves up to the Overworld in aid of Delf to ensure that the royal line would continue. We the Officers of the Royal Guards are the only ones that know the secret of the Royal Blood. We are sworn to protect that secret and the royal line. shouted Darious. We must stop Captain Last, if he was to even get Delf annoyed, it could be the end of every dark elf. Darious warned. By the red eyes of the Leader! proclaimed Darious. By the red eyes of the Leader! chanted everyone present. With ten thousand of our troops in the Overworld whats going to stop Drayfu just proclaiming himself Leader whilst their gone? asked one of the commanders. We are going to call out the secret police. said Darious triumphantly. The Secret Police? asked the commanders sceptically. Yes, all of them! a long silence gripped the room. Except those in the priesthood added Darious after a few moments to consider what he had said.


Page 43 After a lot more planning, Darious and Ten Thousand dark elf soldiers left the Underworld in pursuit of Captain Last and his fifty men. Dark elves didnt know the meaning of a fair fight. Ten Thousand! screamed Drayfu, Ten Thousand! Are you sure? he asked the quivering spy at his feet. Yes Sir, they left this morning. replied the spy now visibly shaking. Hes planning a coo! said Drayfu, He intends to kill Delf and make himself Leader! shrieked the High Priest. I want every novice, acolyte and priest assembled in the Temple at once shouted Drayfu. They wont all fit. said the spy bravely. Then bloody make them fit! shouted Drayfu all reason having abandoned him after the news of Darious. Yes Sir! said the spy hastily retreating. Drayfu paced the room, that Darious, he thought; trust him to ruin a perfectly good plan. Damn the Royal Guards, deciding who would be Leader, just because they had red eyes. You should choose a Leader who is strong, religious and ostensibly sadistic. Not because they have bloody red eyes! So he had taken ten thousand dark elves up to Overworld. Drayfu would show him who was in charge. He would send twenty thousand of his finest men, zealots every one of them, men who knew what it meant to be a dark elf. Later that day Drayfu entered the Temple, thousands of dark elves stood shoulder to shoulder. The priests were standing on the shoulders of straining Acolytes, who stood, on the shoulders of swaying novices. The whole Temple reverberated with huffing and panting as High Priest Drayfu swaggered down to the sacred Alter.


Page 44 Loyal dark elves! Drayfu began, The time has come for everyone, who believes in the sacred rights of the dark elf nation, to stand up against those who would oppress us. Many of the novices scowled up at the acolytes above, who in turn scowled at the priests upon their shoulders. The Royal Guard is planning a coo! screamed Drayfu from the Alter, We the loyal subjects of the dark elf nation will not tolerate such actions. As I speak, Captain Darious of the Royal Guard with ten thousand of his men are on their way to the surface to assassinate Delf and proclaim Captain Darious as the new Leader of the dark elf nation. Silence, Drayfu hadnt expected that! He narrowed his eyes at one of his senior priests. Never! screamed the priest, who knew what walls were made from! Never! screamed fifty thousand zealots who knew when it was best to join in. Therefore, I intend to send twenty thousand of our finest soldiers to defeat that army! screamed Drayfu working up a real frenzy, many of the novices and acolytes started cheering at his proclamation. Not the priests though, they were too quick to realise who those twenty thousand finest soldiers were and the thought of going against the Royal Guard at even two to one odds did not sound that appealing. We march today! shouted Drayfu through the rising cheers, We march now! he said leaving the Alter and walking back down the isle. The last man out will be a sacrifice to our great and holy cause! he screamed from the door, never let it be said that Drayfu didnt know how to motivate his men. On the day that Twenty Thousand religious zealots of the dark elf nation chased Ten Thousand dark elf Royal Guards, who chased fifty dark elf Temple Guards who chased an unknowing Delf.


Page 45 Delf and his companions at last reached the former home of an Eight Hundred and Fifty pound Chicken. NoNo rushed forward aiming straight for the golden shield that was decorated with thousands of diamonds and rubies. Clutching the shield his little gnarled hands almost indenting the metal NoNo surveyed the cave and the wondrous treasures therein. NoNo was mesmerised. Never before had he seen so much gold and jewels in one place, to be truthful never before had he seen so much gold and jewels anywhere. Then he saw it, it wasnt made of gold, it didnt have encrusted gems. Then he saw something else. NoNo heart missed several beats. There in a far corner of the cave it sat. NoNos mouth drooled. Its MINE! he screamed rushing into the furthest reaches of the cave. Its MINE all mine! he screamed again, almost trampling a mound of golden coins. Whats got into him? asked the Imp looking up at Delf. Dont know. said Delf Lets go and find out. Delf and the Imp followed the dwarf deep into the cave. There was NoNo his arms around a small step ladder Its mine! he hissed forgetting who it was that approached All mine. he panted. His gnarled hands, lovingly caressing every rung: his eyes glazing over and his whole body trembling. Mine. He said finally. I think its his. said Delf. Never mentioned it before. said the Imp suspiciously. What is it? Is it that gold stuff he keeps on talking about? Dont know. replied Delf confused, I thought gold was yellow! Yellow? spluttered the Imp more than a little annoyed I found some yellow snow yesterday but the little bugger spat it out when I made it into a tea for him! said the disgruntled Imp. He can be a bit peculiar at times. said Delf shaking his head. Best we look for those magical slippers, so we can get out of Mifffical

Page 46 here, it stinks of chicken. said Delf leaving the little dwarf possessively clutching his ladder. It was a good hour before NoNo joined them in the search, his little step ladder firmly tied to his back together with the Gem encrusted shield. It didnt take NoNo, the only one who knew what they looked like, to find the magic slippers. Delf looked at the slippers unconvinced. Dont look magical to me! said Delf. They look like to bits of wood with the ends turned up. Ah! said NoNo his voice full of authority This is Overworld magic! You strap them on and Ill show you how they work. said the excited dwarf. An unimpressed Delf slowly strapped the magical slippers, Just like having planks of wood on your feet. said Delf miserably. You just wait until you try them on the white stuff! exclaimed an excited NoNo momentarily forgetting the word snow. They still arent working. said Delf leaning back. He was off! Before NoNo had time to warn him that to slow down, you needed lean forward and splay your legs, Delf was hurtling down the mountain his own levitation augmenting the skis increasing there speed tenfold. Ah! screamed a hysterical Delf, travelling in excess of three hundred miles an hour down the side of a mountain. A lot further down the mountain the Kings Own Dragon Slayers were on their annual outing. Every year they checked cave after cave for any dragons. They obviously avoided the one on the map that said There be Dragons Here! as they werent suicidal in their quest. They had, had to stop as one of their men, who had stood guard outside one of the caves they were searching, was whimpering, something about a big black


Page 47 shape that had passed shrieking Cock-a-doodle-doo! with fire lighting up the sky. Mountain sickness. explained one of the men to their Captain Its happened before and itll happen again. he said shaking his head at the whimpering form. Theres something coming down the mountain. shouted one of his men squinting against the brightness of the snowy mountain. Is it a bird? asked the captain. Is it in pain? added the captain at last hearing the wailing noise accompanying the growing dark shape. Is it? Its a bloody dark elf. screamed the man dashing for the cave. Delf passed the men at well over three hundred miles an hour. Waving excitedly as he passed. He had got used to the slippers and was much more confident now he had learnt how to turn. Weeee! he shrieked grinning from ear to ear as the passed the terrified men. It would be three months before the Captain could coax his men out of that cave, not that he tried for the first two, not with a bloody dark elf kicking about. Wow exclaimed the Imp. Oh Bugger! exclaimed NoNo watching the supersonic dark elf hurtling down the side of the mountain. Hes going to bloody kill me! he wailed. Hes never going to stop! cried the excited Imp. Oh, Hell stop alright. said a miserable dwarf, Just as soon as he runs out of snow! Then! Then! Then hes going to kill me! Slowly he added his whole body shaking. Are you cold again? asked the Imp. NoNo was wrong. Delf didnt stop when the snow finished; he was travelling close to four hundred miles an hour at that point. Mifffical

Page 48 His levitation saved him, if saved him was the right term. Delf was now zigzagging through the forest barely missing the trees and fallen logs and the fun, well that had definitely worn off. Ill kill the little bugger! he screamed as one then another tree narrowly missed ending his journey. On he shot straight through a nest of pheasants then through a colony of unfortunate rabbits. Delf had slowed to just less than thirty miles an hour before a forest trail came to his rescue. Further along the trail was the strangest slight he had ever seen. A human woman, with the largest breasts Delf had ever seen, was sweeping the trail with a broom. So hypnotised was Delf, by the womans breasts, that he ran straight into a tree, showering leaves all over the path. Look what youve done! shrieked the woman, shaking her broom at the stunned Delf. Ive only just finished cleaning that! she shrieked. Delf was lost for words but his eyes knew were to look. With tremendous effort Delf looked up into her pale blue eyes. S-S-Sorry. He stammered Ive never worn slippers before. He said by way of explanation. Just look at the mess! Go on look at it! she shrieked. Delf tried to but his eyes had different ideas. Delf quickly looked up into her eyes again. Ill help you clean it up if you want? said an apologetic Delf using all his will power to keep his eyes respectful. You, you! Just grab that stick. She said pointing to a large stick that had fallen across the path. Then in a somewhat calmer tone she added Ill do the cleaning if you dont mind. You men never do a proper job. Delf bent down and picked up the stick. Im a stick! shouted the stick Not a twig any more, Im a stick! it proclaimed. No one could hear the stick as it bellowed on top of its voice Im a stick! so it may as well Mifffical

Page 49 have shut up but it didnt Im a stick! it kept on shouting over and over again excitedly as Delf watched the woman sweep. Well watched a specific part of the woman as she swept. A long way a way far up the mountain the remainder of Delfs companions were hurtling down the mountain. The little dwarf sat on top of the shield his step ladder firmly in place and the Imp clutching on to it for dear life as the impromptu toboggan whizzed down the side of the mountain at break neck speed. Weee! they screamed as the toboggan careered of one snow covered rock to another. All in all both the Imp and NoNo were enjoying the ride. As NoNo steered the toboggan with the aid of his shovel more deftly as time went on and the Imp leaning out as far as it dared to balance the shield during most of the tighter turns. Hold on! shouted NoNo his words being whipped away by the wind as he spoke. Were running out of snow! The shield hit pay dirt! Catapulting both occupants high into the air and into the bushes, that marked the beginning of an enormous forest. I want to do it again! shouted the Imp gleefully as it shuck itself free of leaves and twigs. Well your not. said NoNo rushing over to examine his precious shield. You scout ahead and find Delf! he said. The Imp vanished. It didnt take the Imp long to find Delf, it just followed the sound of a voice shouting out that it was a stick! The Imp sat perched on a tree branch above the path expecting Delf to notice him but Delf never looked up. Better tell NoNo thought the Imp and disappeared again.


Page 50 In was almost night before NoNo and the Imp both walked into the clearing by the side of the path were Delf and the Woman had started a fire. Murderers! the Imp heard the stick scream as it watched the fire. You alright! asked Delf to the bedraggled NoNo who still had bits of leaves and twigs jutting out all over his tiny form. NoNo relaxed, Delf didnt seem to want to kill him. Yes. He replied nervously, Did you learn how to stop. He asked matter-of-factly. Easy! said Delf Just needed a tree. NoNo decided not to push the point. Good! Good! he said moving up to the fire. Ive just cleaned that! screamed the woman as NoNo tried to sit down on a stone next to Delf. Get them leaves off you! she shouted pointing over to the bushes. NoNo didnt pause; he dashed over to the bushes and began to clear himself of the remainder of the bush. NoNo had had a mother and knew that there was no use in arguing with a woman armed with a broom. Friends of yours. said the woman to Delf. NoNo and the PMI. answered Delf. NoNo is the one with the ladder. He added helpfully. I guessed that. said the woman looking at the Imps forehead. NoNo soon returned his battered helmet straight, his clothes dusted down and even his boots clean. NoNo knew how to impress the girls. What you cooking. said NoNo as he noticed the delicious aroma coming from the cook pot. Pheasant and rabbit stew! said an embarrassed Delf. As the night wore on Clarissa, Delf, NoNo and the Imp sat around the fire eating a hearty meal talking away merrily. For some reason the woman didnt seem to be scared of the Dark Mifffical

Page 51 Elf or the Imp which surprised the dwarf somewhat but there again, this was Delf after all. They all sat quietly around the fire talking of their lives, well quiet for everyone but the Imp who kept hearing the stick scream Murderers! every time another log was added to the fire. Clarissa told them of the soldiers that had thrown her out of her home in the name of the king. Right! said Delf My second good deed will be to get Clarissa her home back! What was the first! asked a curious NoNo. I gave you the shovel you lost! said Delf. Shush! said NoNo looking around nervously into the bushes, he had a reputation to uphold and talk of leaving a shovel would damn him in the eyes of any other dwarf. They left late the next morning, they would have left at first light but Clarissa demanded that they clean the camp, so whilst NoNo dutifully cleaned the cook pot with the Imp. Delf helped Clarissa cleanup the campsite; she even had him dusting the rocks and under the leaves before NoNo returned with the gleaming cook pot. Youre not levitating? questioned the Dwarf noticing that Delfs feet were firmly on the grass. I know. said the Delf menacingly, I just like to feel it crush. he said his eyes glowing hotter as he stared at the duster. She wanted me to put on a piny! said the dwarf, knowing just how he felt as Delf stomped around the bushes duster in hand. They made good time down the forest path, the sun was out the birds, well they had buggered off; they knew of dark elves too and were taking no chances. Delf had sent the Imp ahead to find out what had happened to Clarissas cottage and to see if Mifffical

Page 52 the Kings men were still there. Delf was secretly hoping they were; it would definitely take the edge of the dusting he thought. Delf and Clarissa walked side by side down the path with NoNo shovel in hand; his helmet and shield gleaming in the sun light, huffing and puffing to keep up, on his tiny little legs, burdened as he was under the weight of his beloved step ladder. They had almost reached the cottage by nightfall and the Imp returned with the news that there were still dozens of soldiers there, armed to the teeth and in answer to Clarissas main concern, that yes they had indeed made a mess! We will go in at first light. said Delf narrowing his ayes at Clarissa, That means no cleaning in the morning! he added pointedly. After a heated debate about cleanliness being next to godliness that went long into the night, Clarissa capitulated somewhat after NoNos suggestion that as Dark Elves and PMIs dont need to sleep, they could do the cleaning whilst she and he slept. So it came to pass that as Clarissa slept happily dreaming of all the cleaning she could do the next day and a nervous dwarf lay huddled in his blanket hugging his ladder, Delf and the Imp moved around the campsite meticulously dusting every leaf. We need a plan! said Delf pulling out a note pad and pen the next morning as soon as the first rays of the sun lit up their small but incredibly clean campsite. A plan? asked the dwarf as Delf furiously scribbled in the note pad. Were about to go toe to toe with dozens of professional soldiers armed to the teeth, with nothing but a stick, a stone and a bloody sweeping brush! he cried. I know! said Delf, Thats why we need a plan, its military tactics. said Delf sternly. What, like if an arrow comes at you, you need to duck. replied the dwarf sarcastically. Mifffical

Page 53 Already got that one! said Delf proudly pointing to the third line in his notepad. Its going to be a massacre. said the dwarf. No its not! said Delf sounding hurt, Im going to give them a chance to surrender. he said sincerely, Im a good dark elf! he added as if this explained everything. Were all going to die! said the dwarf resignedly. Were all going to die! cried His Mightiness Arch Mage Potter hiding under his bed. Three hours before, with thousands of his troops watching the annual football match between the humans and the elves, fifty dark elves had come storming out of the Great Tube decimating hundreds of his men who had stood guard. His Mightiness Arch Mage Potter alias Arthur Potter had been taken completely unawares. Up until now the job had been easy, collect the taxes and organise the guards. No dark elves had been seen in nearly a thousand years, it was considered a safe job and it had a title too, His Mightiness! He liked that. All his early childhood he had been taunted because of his height. Arthur Potter they would taunt Wheres the other half! they would laugh. Thats why the young Arthur spent most of his time reading books. Oh hed tried to use magic to add height to his definitive four and a half foot frame but the magic went wrong and only one of his legs had grown making him look even more comical. Limpsa-lot his men called him behind his back. At first Arthur had thought it might go well, as twenty thousand of his troops ran to the aid of there fallen comrades whilst the dark elves fled into the nearby forest, but No just as his men arrived even more of the dark elves appeared this time thousands of the bloody buggers. Those of his troops that hadnt run still lay there on the ground a hundred feet below the tower in which Arthur now hid, every one of them was missing a head. Oh theyd gone running off into the woods like the first lot but Mifffical

Page 54 Arthur wasnt taking any chances. Under his bed! Yes thats were hed stay until the buggers were definitely gone! Delf entered the clearing outside of Clarissas little cottage, the stick tied to his back and his hands out peacefully. You there! he shouted at one of the men who was scrambling for his sword. I want to speak to your Captain! he said politely. Speak to the Captain? asked the man growling. Yes! said Delf I have a message for him. he added as dozens of men swords and shields raised started to circle his position, at a respectful distance, this was a dark elf! What do you want! shouted the Captain pushing his way through the ring men. Delf looked at him with glowing red eyes. This is Clarissas cottage! said Delf with a voice of authority I want you and your men to leave right now and promise never to come back! he said, Oh and make sure you clean the place up before you leave. he added as the thought of the dreaded duster flew into his mind. Not a chance! said the Captain knowing the value a dark elfs head would bring to the one who presented it to the King. Theyre going to kill him! whispered NoNo to the others as they hid in the bushes. Im going to help him! he added bringing back his arm, stone firmly grasped in his hand, Yes. cooed the stone. It took the PMI an instant to realize NoNos intention, it vanished, so did NoNos shield. Before the Captain could issue an order, an Imp appeared in front of him Grab this! squealed the Imp handing him the shield. The captain was shocked but years of military training had honed his reflexes well and he instinctively grabbed the shield, wolfishly looking at Delf. He should have raised the shield. Two pounds of rock hard stone hurtled by a dwarfs powerful arm hit him square in Mifffical

Page 55 the face. He fell like a stone; the stone didnt, it appeared back in NoNos hand, before Delf could even apologise, into the centre of the circle landed eight hundred and fifty pounds of scale covered chicken. Cock-a-doodle-doo! it shrieked spinning around in a circle delighted to have found a farmyard so soon. White hot flames erupting from its mouth as it shrieked. Delf hit the deck so did one or two of the guards. Oh bugger! said the chicken surveying the smouldering ruins of the cottage and nearby vegetable plot trying, whilst trying its best to ignore the odd smouldering boots, ankles still protruding, in a circle about it. Wasnt me! it said sheepishly. Delf brushed himself off. Hi chicken. he called as if nothing had happened; I wondered where you went to? he added. See! said Delf, as Clarissa, NoNo and the Imp rushed into the clearing. Weve won! And I didnt even have to raise a hand. he said proudly. And you have your land back. he said bowing to Clarissa, like a knight in shinning armour. Oh bugger! he said finally noticing the smouldering remains of the cottage. Wasnt me! repeated the dragon to anyone who cared to listen. You traitorous git! shouted NoNo grabbing the Imp. I saw you give that Captain my shield! Its the sacred code! squealed the Imp Im a PMI, I can only do good. It screamed furiously trying to get out of NoNos iron grip. Let him go. said Delf quietly At least it wont take us long to bury these men. he said looking at twenty pairs of smouldering boots and the remainder of the soldiers running off dragging the limp form of their Captain behind them.


Page 56 Unlike Captain Last and the Twenty Thousand dark elf zealots that followed him, Captain Darious followed Delf. Not that he had left a trail, but Darious knew of the secret ways, known only to the Royal Guard and the Royal Line. His men poured out of the cave and into the open air. For the first time in millennia the Overworld was once again in peril, as there were now over Thirty Thousand Dark Elves on the surface and one of them, the most dangerous of all, had red eyes. A few days later, not far from were Delf and his companions were busily cleaning up the clearing next to a wide river where they intended to camp, a few miles east of the still smouldering ruins of the little cottage. King Carlon the Third was having a bad day. First the remainder of his Acquisition Squad dragging a semi-conscious Captain behind them had arrived to tell him that a Dark Elf with red eyes had appeared in the forest and decimated over twenty of his men. By all accounts the Dark Elf had felled one of his most experienced captains without using a weapon or even raising a hand; furthermore, the Dark Elf had summoned a dragon that had burnt down the rest of his men and his new cottage. This was bad! This was very bad! Just as the King was deciding what to do, messengers were flooding in claiming that Twenty Thousand dark elves had broken through at the Great Tube and another reported to have seen several thousand dark elves swarming out of a cave only thirty miles away in the mountains. It is war! shouted the King, to his entourage, Send out the runners, I want every man, woman and child who can fight to be ready to leave by the end of the week. We go to defend the Great Tube! As his entourage sat busy scribbling messages to the other kingdoms in the land warning them of the great peril, the king sent his fastest messengers out to the elves and the dwarfs calling for their support.


Page 57 Ill go catch some fish. said Delf hastily as he saw Clarissa unpacking the dusters. You cant. said NoNo The banks are too shallow for a line. he explained as he saw Delfs eye suddenly glow. Oh, thats alright. exclaimed Delf Ive got a rod! he said patting the stick. Im a rod! shouted the stick; I was a twig, then a stick and now, now Im a rod! it chirped happily as Delf walked off towards the river. This time Delf heard it and bought the stick up to his face. His eyes narrowed If you scare away the fish, youll be firewood! he warned. You cant hear me! exclaimed the stick confidently. No! I can hear you I just dont want to. Delf replied Are you in a rush for that fire? he asked menacingly. The stick was silent; it knew when to shut up. Delf was feeling down, he liked Clarissa a lot; he liked her hair, her pale blue eyes, her He liked her a lot! But instead of being her knight in shinning armour, he had become the arsonist that had destroyed her family home. He wanted to impress her, he wanted to, undress her? Delf stopped. Whats wrong with me? he sighed. Delf sat by the river bank a hook and line deftly tied to the end of the stick. His mind was not on the water or the fish but on Clarissa. He absently daydreamed of the little cottage, not as it stood now burnt out and charred but as it was, in his dreams he saw Clarissa and himself living together happily with lots of half blood dark elf children with full bellies, Delf understanding of breasts was hazy at the best of times, running around playing,. Delf knew then that he was in love. So engrossed was he with his daydreams that it was the stick that was doing all the fishing. Got another! it yelled excitedly bucking in his hand as yet another fish sailed through the air to land flapping on the bank Mifffical

Page 58 next to him as he sat there silently oblivious to his surroundings. She was white, he was black, she was a human, he was a dark elf, she lived for eighty years, he lived, well he didnt know, no dark elf had died of old age in living memory, he knew his father was close to a thousand before he started to even show a wrinkle and Darious the Captain of the Royal Guards was even older than that. Damn! he said aloud It just isnt going to work. Looks like its working too well! said Clarissa who had crept up on him whilst he was daydreaming. You trying to feed an army? she said pointing at the pile of fish on the bank next to him. What? Yes! I mean. No! he said his words trying to catch up to his thoughts. Are you alright? she asked worriedly as she sat down next to a flustered Delf. What? No! I mean. Yes! he said his words still struggling to catch up. Sorry about your cottage. he mumbled at last, his mind racing for something to say. Dont worry about that! she laughed Its the Kings cottage. Its the law! she said laughing again. Delf loved the sound of her laughter. Anyway! Clarissa said I much prefer being with you lot. The cottage was too lonely by my self. She purred When I was young my grandfather took me to the market where I met a fortune-teller; who said I would meet a tall, dark, handsome stranger who would take me away from it all. she added softly. At least youve got something to look forward too. said Delf, jealously heavy in his voice. I dont have to look forward! she said Ive already met him. she said giving him a peck on the lips before jumping up and skipping back to the camp.


Page 59 Well I hope your both happy! said a miserable Delf with even more jealousy in his voice but Clarissa just laughed, a sound that made Delfs heart shatter. Gurgle. Gurgle. Gurgle! said the stick until Delf lifted the end out of the water. She means you, you thick oaf! said the stick to Delf spitting out water. Me! said Delf too stunned to talk further. Me! taunted the stick doing a good impression of Delf. Of cause you! You dimwit! She kissed you didnt she? Well sort of. said Delf. But she kept on about this tall. Yes. Tall. said the stick interrupting. Dark. continued Delf. Yes. Dark! repeated the stick. Handsome stranger. finished Delf Handsome! Yeah youre probably right! said the stick She must have meant someone else. it said sarcastically. Delf wasnt listening, Me! he yelled incredulously his heart pumping in his chest and his face going crimson at the same time, giving his face the impression of a well formed bruise. She meant me! yelled Delf on top of his voice. Wow! said the stick Talk about kiss and tell. It was a nervous Delf that retuned to the campsite with two dozen fish expertly tied through the gills with string. Delf was pretending that nothing had happened which meant he was looking at and talking to everyone but Clarissa. Clarissa wasnt offended as most girls she could sense him admiring her even when he wasnt. It was a large clearing but it felt small, something to do with the Eight Hundred and Fifty pound chicken that was trying to peck the ground around the campsite. Catch enough, did you. said NoNo looking at the fifty pounds of fresh river trout. Mifffical

Page 60 The chicken might be hungry. said Delf avoiding the question. Dra-Chickens dont eat. said NoNo. Yes we do! We eat millet and worms. said the Chicken. Right. drawled the dwarf watching the chicken spitting out grass. It was a good job that Delf had caught the fish as no sooner had they started to cook the fish, the strangest man Delf had yet seen walked into the camp with a basket full of mushrooms and little yellow toads. This wasnt the strangest thing about the man, nor was the floppy hat or the long thick coat decorated in weird signs and the words Love and Peace or heavy soled boots. It was his eyes, they like Delfs, they were red, well only the where the white bits should have been. Its a Happee. whispered NoNo to Delf, Dont eat his mushrooms. I wasnt going to! said Delf reproachfully Im a good dark elf. No I meant. began NoNo but he never got to finish as the Happee had started singing. Munchies! sang the Happee bobbing his head continuously Munchies! he sang again and again until Clarissa eventually handed him a bowl. The contents of which seemed to vanish as the man devoured the food as if not being fed for years. Wow Man! Cool campsite! said the Happee handing the bowl back to Clarissa and nodding towards the fish. Wow Man! You been on the good stuff! said the Happee noticing Delfs eyes. Where did you score, Man! I definitely want some of that stuff! he said slowly bobbing his head in time with the words. He hasnt been on any stuff! His names Delf said an angry NoNo. Cool man. slurred the Happee taking a long lick of one of the toads, Please to meet you dude, my names, err, Ive Mifffical

Page 61 forgotten man but itll come to me later. said the Happee not seeming to notice the dwarfs anger. Lot of stuff happening man, needed to get away, you know, King wanting people to join the army, Man! For the big war! Not me though, Im a conscientious objector, Dude. You mean you dont believe in fighting. said an impressed Clarissa. Oh fightings cool, man. said the Happee But they wouldnt let me take me toads and rooms, dude. Whilst no one was paying attention the Imp had secretly been licking one of the yellow toads that had fallen out of the Happees basket and its effects whilst not immediate were slowly beginning to take hold. Never mind that! said NoNo jumping up so he was as tall as the sitting figures. What bloody war! he screamed. It was a scream that even managed to pierce the Happees heavily drugged stupor. The war! Man! said the Happee, Us against the Dark Elves. Little brother, Them Dudes broke out of the Great Tube, Man! Is he your brother? Delf asked a surprised NoNo. My brother? Hes nearly six foot tall. Im a bloody dwarf not a midget! said an irate NoNo standing up for dwarfs everywhere. Never mind that! What dark elves? NoNo said quickly, realizing that Delfs eyes were beginning to glow. Thousands of them, dude, killed the guards, Man! Kings gone off his head, Man. Said hes going to kill um all. Hey, Yeah, names Ralf. Pretty wild man! Know what I mean? said the Happee No! said Delf earnestly. Hey! Your Dark Elf, Dude. Awesome brother! said the Happee Have a room Dude! he added passing Delf a strange looking mushroom.


Page 62 Dont! cried NoNo and Clarissa but it was too late Delf was already swallowing. Duuude! cried the Imp staring lovingly at the Chicken. Hey man! said the Happee, Your monkeys got a love Toad. Far out dudes. Yellow ones are rare! he said bobbing his head. Not in the clearing by the burnt out barn they arent. said Clarissa thinking quickly and coming to the rescue We saw thousands there didnt we Delf? Delf didnt answer for some reason he was struggling to count his fingers or work out how many hands he had. As it happened, it didnt matter; the Happee was already sprinting out of the clearing, followed by a very distraught Chicken with a hyper-sexed PMI in hot pursuit. Delf? shouted Clarissa and NoNo rushing over to the mesmerised Dark Elf. Did you kiss me! slurred the intoxicated Delf. No! said NoNo. Yes! said Clarissa. Oh! said NoNo. You kissed me. Delf slurred again smiling, then, he remembered he was hungry and then, he vanished! He hadnt really vanished he was just moving too quick for the human eye, in fact he was moving too fast for his own eyes or feet for that matter. He tried to get all four of his legs working in unison, the two he remembered owning where wobbly but the other two didnt seem to want to respond at all, as Delf went crashing from tree to tree. Munchies! sang a happy Delf appearing out of nowhere covered in twigs and leaves, next to the fish, as leaves and twigs started to descend all around the campsite. Its going to be one of those nights. said NoNo. It certainly is. said Clarissa shoving a broom in his hand and pointing to the leaves scattering the ground. Mifffical

Page 63 Bugger! said NoNo. Youre a fast mover! said Clarissa to Delf. You can bloody talk. said NoNo under his breath. As dawn broke a red faced and badly singed Imp nervously entered the campsite as breakfast was being served. Did you catch the Chicken? asked a sarcastic NoNo. Dont want to talk about it! said an embarrassed Imp. Hows Delf? Dont want to talk about it! said Delf lowering his dark glasses. Going to be a peaceful breakfast! chirped a bemused NoNo. Leave them alone! Its not there fault, it was that crazy Happee. shouted Clarissa. Both the Imp and Delf winced at the sound. Though extremely grateful, they wished she could do it quieter. How did those bloody dark elves find the Great Tube is what I want to know? said NoNo quickly changing the subject. It suddenly surprised NoNo that for some reason he didnt associate Delf as a dark elf when he said, those bloody dark elves. NoNo just didnt see Delf that way anymore. Yes technically Delf was a dark elf; he was a Dwarf and Clarissa a human, as for the imp and the dragon? NoNo then had an inspiration. Delf didnt see it either. He most probably never had. People were just people to Delf. Delf wanted to be good, not for his soul or for his salvation but because he believed that if you tried, if you really, really tried, you could overcome that part of you that does as its told do, and be what you want to be. Not be what youre told you are! Delf was Delf and he was NoNo the dwarf? NoNo wasnt even his real name. The dwarf realised what he truly wanted and knew that he had already found it. A true friend!


Page 64 Do you mean that long metal tunnel that leads from the surface that tries to hide itself with magic? asked Delf. You know about it? asked an even more stunned Clarissa glaring at NoNo. Oh, yes! said Delf We watched them built it. Its a stupid place to build a tunnel. Its miles from anywhere! he muttered. Bugger! said NoNo and Clarissa together. Do you know about an invasion? Clarissa asked. No! said Delf And I would, Im their Leader! he said sheepishly. You mean you where the first out? asked Clarissa not quiet believing what she was being told. No! said NoNo. Hes the big bad boss! he added. What! screamed Clarissa, this time even NoNo winced and the sound of her voice. Its not my fault! Exclaimed a hurt Delf I didnt bloody ask, its my eyes, their red! Only one born, every thousand years, has red eyes and thats me! he said miserably. Before they could continue questioning Delf, there was a commotion on the path outside the clearing. Forty Elves in their traditional dress came into the clearing followed by the same number of dwarfs; all of them Dwarfs and Elves, included, were injured in some way, many were being carried or helped along by supporting shoulders. Clarissa and NoNo jumped up in front of Delf trying their best to conceal their friend from the strangers. It didnt work. Look out! they screamed elves quickly notching arrows to their bows as each dwarf had an axe appear almost instantaneously in a hand. Theres a dark elf behind you! screamed the wounded men and women. Delf twirled around his glasses flying off as he checked behind him but he couldnt see anyone there? Mifffical

Page 65 Bugger! They mean me. he realised turning to face the injured group that had entered the clearing his red eyes burning like a blacksmiths furnace. But only the Dwarfs remained standing. All the elves, injured, or not, had dropped to one knee chanting Command us Leader and we shall obey. Stop! shouted NoNo armed with the strongest set of lungs in the clearing. Is that you Hurump? squeaked one of the dwarfs in a female voice pushing past her comrades. Blood dripped from her hair and she had a bandage around her head and was extremely wobbly on her feet. Most of the Dwarfs slowly lowered their axes. Hurump? they asked, looking nervously at the kneeling elves. Yes, yes, its me. said NoNo and if you dont want any trouble you better stop bleeding on the grass or Clarissa here will deal with you. he said threateningly. Whats up with them? Clarissa said indicating to the kneeing elves. Im their leader. said a miserable Delf. But youre black! said NoNo confused. Thats racist! said Clarissa shocked at NoNos statement. I mean there elves, their white with blonde hair and Delfs as black as the inside of a chimney stack. said NoNo. Not mine. said an offended Clarissa, I use to polish it twice a day! If you dont mind! she added in a prideful voice. Im the Leader of all elves, black, white or green. said Delf in a resigned tone. Therere Green Elves? asked a stunned NoNo. No. said Delf, but if there were I would be their bloody Leader. he said in the same resigned tone of voice. Bugger! said NoNo. Bugger! agreed Clarissa. Oh! Yes! Bugger! said a despondent Delf. And Im the Leader of all PMIs! chirped the Imp. Mifffical

Page 66 Youre the only PMI! snapped NoNo. I know! said the Imp proudly. Im my own leader! The dwarfs were confused, they couldnt attack the dark elf because NoNo was in the way and no dwarf would attack another dwarf it was an instinct that was so deeply ingrained that a dwarf would faint at the very thought, which could explain why quite a few had already fallen unconscious to the floor; though for some, this was to do with their injuries. It was Delf that eased the stand off; Look! he said Cant we just have breakfast and stop all this fighting. Im still hungry and the fish are going to burn. To which eighty hungry bellies started to rumble, even those belonging to the unconscious dwarfs on the ground. Get up! said Delf to the elves, who were still down on one knee. Delf, leader or not, soon had the camp running efficiently as he stood in the centre with his notepad in hand organising help for those with the more serious injuries and sending the least injured off to fish, or forage for food in the forest. No mushrooms or toads! he yelled at the departing group of elves and dwarfs, I dont care what bloody colour they are! he added to ensure obedience. Clarissa was teaching the wounded how to clean wounds and was inspecting the cleanliness of every bandage which was causing eruptions down by the river, as washing cloths for bandages was not helping the fishing but as it was only name calling, Delf let it continue, it sort of eased his dark side. NoNo was helping the wounded too, if shouting Get up you snivelling git, its a flesh wound, youve still got the other arm! at most of the wounded dwarfs who were not working, could be considered help but most did in fact rise cheerfully waving stumps and promising to help the others. As for the PMI, well it was busy ordering itself about with great authority Mifffical

Page 67 but as it kept out of everybodys way they all left it to itself. It seemed safer somehow! As the day wore on Delf was pleased to find out that none of the injured were mortally wounded. Lerettia, an Elvin maiden, who was the eldest elf and as such, the spokesperson for her group and Stample a gruff dwarf, with a long grey beard, who was forwarded by the dwarves, to represent them, both reported to Delf with equal respect. Delf discovered that this group where the remains of an advance party on their way to reinforce the great tube. Delf asked them to describe the dark elves that attacked them, after many descriptions finally it was the dwarf that supplied the clue. They had a banner! at last he stated, With a skull on it! he added roughly. Bugger! said Delf Religion! Delf had found out that only fifty dark elves had attacked the advance party, for some reason both the elves and the dwarfs were a bit embarrassed by this but cheered up when they mentioned that even though there losses were hundreds strong they did manage to kill the big one who was in command. This news gave Delf a dour face. Sorry! said Lerettia Did you know him? she asked her, voice full of sympathy. Oh! No! Its not that. said Delf Its with their captain dead, theyre going to create mayhem, the sadistic little buggers, its waiting for orders and seeing which one of them is going to kill the captain, that keeps the little buggers in line! he explained. Theres more on the mountain side as well. Lerettia said. More bloody skull banners? Delf asked. I dont think so! Lerettia. They havent attacked anyone yet! said Stample Give them time! said a despondent Delf.


Page 68 Things were not going well down below either. The streets of Malice were virtually empty. Agreed thirty thousand dark elves in the Overworld didnt help but Malice alone had over six million dark elves living in or above the city. This fact had not eluded Drayfu. Theyre separating! said Drayfu softly to his Senior Priests. The infidels are gathering their forces! he said raising the tempo. We need to show them a lesson, one they will never forget! screamed Drayfu missing a level and deciding that full volume worked best for him. All the gathered priests new what that lesson was; it meant that there was going to be enough skulls to build a new temple. I want every true blooded dark elf, that will fit, he added remembering the fiasco in the temple, to assemble in the temple grounds tomorrow. Do-gooders will not be tolerated, in dark elf society! We are evil and proud of it! he bellowed rattling the teeth of the nearest priests. The priests sent out their messengers most of which were grabbed by the Secret Police within seconds of leaving the temple grounds. Dark elf messengers were usually quite happily to pass their messages on to the Secret Police as every dark elf knew that the old visage you can torture me as much as you want and I wont tell you anything was just a fantasy. Dark Elves knew all about torture, it was getting the victim to shut up, that was the difficult bit. Okay, some of the messengers refused to give up their messages but they were the minority, those who wanted to learn new tricks, even if it was painfully. The stage was set, there was going to be a revolution and both sides were excitedly waiting for it to begin and as day dawned, miles under the surface millions of dark elves descended on the temple and millions more were waiting for them to come out.


Page 69 Drayfu stood on a raised dais in the centre of the temple ground as millions of dark elves jostled for position around their High Priest. We are here today to show the world that the dark elf nation is united in the pursuit of evil! Bellowed Drayfu, his voice penetrating, not only the temple grounds but far into the silent city. Cheers went up from both inside and outside the temple grounds as even he Secret Police had to concede this point. Delf has chosen to do good! bellowed Drayfu. Boos issued from all inside the temple grounds as dark elves revelled in the pantomime. Outside the temple ground many of the Secret Police were busy studying there boots as if not hearing. Delf has turned his back on evil! bellowed Drayfu, but before the Boos could commence a little child from the front muttered in a little voice Wow, hes being Evil to Evil! Thats all it took! It was the domino effect. The words passed from dark elf to dark elf. The mutter became a voice, then the voice became a shout and then the whole town of Malice united and erupted with the chant Hes evil to evil! Hes evil to evil! Hes evil to evil! No! screamed Drayfu We need to kill him! Drayfu shouted, it was the last thing he shouted as High Priest, he did carryout other duties, like he helped to predict the weather that day before helping in the construction of a new wall for the privy in the novices wing but all in all his career was all ready over. He had achieved what he set out to do, he had united the whole of the dark elf nation to a single cause, okay not his cause but nether the less it was a cause. It was still restricted to those underground but there again revolutions have a way of spreading.


Page 70 Chapter 4 Above ground Darious was also having problems. His scouts had reported that Captain Last had broken out of the metal tunnel killing the few guards that were on duty. Which he had expected but then went on to say at least twenty thousand dark elves had stormed out later all under the banner of a skull. Bugger! said Darious whipping out his notepad, this was going to take pages of planning. Darious called in his senior commanders under the blazing standard of the Red Eyes, and informed them of the news. Bugger! they said in unison. Its going to take all week to get them lot back down to Malice. At the Great Tube, His Mightiness Arch Mage Potter was feeling a lot more confident. For one the bloody dark elves hadnt been seen for days and secondly he was now surrounded by the best part of three million combined troops from every community within a hundred miles. There were Calvary, Infantry, and Archers, even the dreaded Ballistics Unit were now armed with the powerful glue bombs. One bomb could spread glue over a hundred yard area making the enemy literally stop in their tracks whilst the archers finished them off from a safe distance. Such weapons were illegal under every charter written but nobody was complaining about them now! They had even set several off, around the entrance to the Great Tube as a precautionary measure and this had lifted moral no end as the troops now knew that their backs were at last covered. Even the dwarfs and miners, who depended on the Great Tube for there livelihoods, had applauded. From his vantage point high up in the Tower, Arch Mage Potter looked out again at the millions of men who were busily Mifffical

Page 71 preparing for war. The revetments had been dug and laced with sharpened stakes, marker flags littered the open ground ensuring that the archers shots would not be wasted, even look out poles towered into the air every hundred yards. Soldiers not working on defences were being drilled in combat techniques and small cook houses dotted the landscape their little chimneys bellowing smoke as the cooks prepared meals on a gigantic scale. The rows and rows of horses stood at their tether and pickets paraded everywhere ensuring that not a single Dark Elf would last long undetected inside the perimeter. After the disastrous attack a few days ago, football had been postponed as a mark of respect for the fallen. This demonstrating to all just how serious they were. Those dark elves were going to pay and they were going to pay hard. The dark elves on the mountain worried him though. They hadnt moved and until they did he couldnt either. He dare not send troops after the dark elves who had stormed though, a few days ago, as to do so would leave them open to being flanked by those dark elves on the mountain and visa versa. Nor could he just dig in here and let the dark elves that had come through murder and plunder as they pleased. He wanted too. He didnt want the army to leave at all if he had his way. He just didnt feel safe anymore without them and he sure as hell didnt want to go in to battle with them. The Kings and Noblemen where also stationed in the Tower and he enjoyed their company, all except King Carlon who addressed him as Halfer at every opportunity. Hed even gone as far as to call him Limps-a-lot in front of the other nobles. There were twenty other Mages in the Tower and Six full Wizards who had offered to defend the Great Tube mainly out of guilt as it was their spells that were supposed to have hid the entrance, to the Great Tube, in the Underworld.


Page 72 Clarissa sat next to Delf as he fished in the river as night approached; it was nice to be all alone with Delf after the hustle and bustle of the day. Most of the wounded lay sleeping. NoNo was helping Stample organising the sentries and Lerettia organising patrols around the area. The PMI was patrolling on its own, deep into the forest, having ordered itself to do a deep recon. Clarissa was amused by how everyone seemed to be uttering military terms as if they were everyday words. Clarissa turned to study Delf, she could see at once that the knowledge of the dark elves with the skull banner had worried him; she could also see that even though he looked in control, inside he was being spilt in two. He wanted to stop the war but to do so, meant he may have to fight and that meant giving up his goal to be good. They arent all bad! said Delf There just, misguided Clarissa knew to say nothing like mothers everywhere when listening to someone defend a lunatic and Clarissa knew of which lunatics he spoke. I have to stop it! said Delf pleadingly, looking around to stare in her eyes. I do! You know I must! he pleaded. Delf, being good means doing that which is right. If you have to kill a man to stop him killing a helpless child it doesnt make you evil. It makes you a good man. she said never letting her eyes so much as move an inch as she stared into his blazing eyes. Are you sure? said Delf. Yes! she answered leaning over and giving him a peck on the lips. What happens if its more than one man, say, err, the odd million or so. He quizzed her. She knew what he was saying and how he felt. You do what you have to do, to be good Delf. Its not a matter of numbers. Today I killed. I killed millions and billions of germs that would have killed the wounded if I had let them to live. she said, But Delf you mustnt do this Mifffical

Page 73 because youre told to, or that you feel responsible, but because you think its the right thing to do, the good thing to do. Otherwise its wrong and you will never be able to undo the damage to your heart. Bugger! said Delf after he had digested what hes been told. Being good really sucks! he then thought of getting his hands on the buggers that had attacked the advance party, But it does have its perks! he grinned and this time it was Clarissa that was surprised as he gave her a peck on the lips before rising. The Elves wanted to leave, to spread the word that the Leader was on the surface. The dwarfs also wanted to leave, except the cute one with the red beard who had shadowed Hurump since the first day. Delf, well, he wanted everyone to leave except for Clarissa, but that was love, not, loyalty. The PMI, well it wanted everyone to know that it was in charge of its self. As for the chicken, no one knew where it was, except for the PMI and it wasnt telling anybody. In the end it was decided that ten of each race would stay with Delf, Clarissa and NoNo to ensure that Delf wouldnt be attacked by the other races before he could get to the dark elves. He intended to go to those on the mountain first, hoping that their not attacking anyone was a good sign. His plan was to go the long way round to the mountain by aiming to get to a place on NoNos map with a picture of a castle; he looked forward to seeing that. That way he reasoned if the other party was coming down from the North then he would head West to meet them it if they hadnt arrived he would head the short journey South to the mountain were the other dark elves were if they hadnt moved. What he was going to do when he met them he didnt know but he still had plenty of pages in his notepad!


Page 74 NoNo, Clarissa and Delf set off with their escort of twenty guards along a wide path that followed the river. Delf and Clarissa marched in the lead, Delf with the stick firmly tied to his back, his dark figure like a spectre on the path ahead. Out to the sides and scouting ahead the elves searched the forest to ensure that the main party could be warned of an attack. NoNo marched at the rear in front of his squad of dwarves with the imp doing its best to let everyone know that it had ordered its self to the rear and that it could march in the front if it wanted to. If it wasnt for the knowledge that they may encounter more soldiers or even dark elves it would have been a nice hike, the sun was out and the forest was not too dense allowing the rays of the sun to filter through and light up the path and warm the travellers as they passed. The forest smelt wonderful in the warm summers air, Clarissa knew it was different in the winter when the smell of rot was strongest as the leaves and fallen branches slowly decayed. Delf liked the forest it seemed a wonderful place after centuries underground with only rocks above his head. The trees and the animals fascinated him, Clarissa who had grown up in the forest told him the name of every type of tree, which ones were used for which jobs and which berries could be eaten and more importantly which ones to avoid. Delf didnt want it to end but as evening approached he called for camp, as soon as a suitable site was found, rather than risk ending up walking in the dark. Clarissa had enjoyed the day too. Delf had told her more about life, down under the ground and of the city of Malice. It seemed strange to her but she knew that she wanted to see it for herself. Not because it sounded beautiful but because Delf lived or had lived there and she wanted to know more about this strange dark elf. She felt as if she had always known him, Delf made her feel comfortable. Delf made everyone comfortable, he was a natural leader even if he didnt want to be one; he was!


Page 75 They camped by the side of the path were the trees were sparse with the river only a few feet away making cleaning and fishing easier and having the river so close made everyone more relaxed. It formed a barrier one side of the camp and the path on the other side made the camp feel secure. Delf insisted that all the elves and dwarves get some sleep as soon as possible and that he and the imp would stand guard during the night as they didnt sleep. The imp immediately ordered itself to stand guard and disappeared into the forest much to the relief of a very vexed NoNo. Its insane he said to any who would listen. Its been talking to the bloody trees half the day? he exclaimed. The dwarves all agreed but Clarissa could tell that everyone liked the imp; it just kept everyone amused with its strange antics. Lorettia reported that her scouts had been several miles ahead and that as of this moment the forest was empty of both soldiers and dark elves. Clarissa liked Lorettia She was beautiful and intelligent and, had been more than friendly since the first day. Clarissa could not believe that Lorettia was over six hundred years old and that Stample was nearly two hundred. Clarissa envied the older races, what wonders they must see over the years. When she told this to Lorettia, Lorettia just laughed. "The pain and sacrifices we must endure is beyond mankinds comprehension. she said sorrow clouding her eyes. Clarissa didnt know what she meant but was too polite to ask. Clarissa decided she would ask Delf to explain tomorrow as they marched. It didnt take long before the whole camp was asleep; the days march had taken its toll and worn out bodies needed refreshing. King Carson was fed up with waiting about; he wanted to get stuck into the action. He didnt believe that the dark elves were a deadly as the mages made them out to be. He had managed to get a few of the other nobles to side with him and Mifffical

Page 76 agree to lend their forces to him. He intended to take the war to the dark elves instead of waiting for them to return. King Carson was after glory and knew that if he could defeat the dark elves he would be able to claim more land plus he believed that the dark elves also had gold and gems. His men were mostly mercenaries and knew the rewards he would pay. He had always been a greedy king, making laws that gave him the right to seize his subjects property; his men knew that he cared little what they did in his name, as long as the royal purse got fatter by the day. Delf waited until the camp was quiet, he needed to scout the area and this meant getting the Imp to stay on guard and not to follow him. Convincing the Imp was not too difficult; he simply told it that it was in charge. It was like giving a mushroom to a Happee. The Imps eyes lit up and megalomania rushed in to an otherwise unused brain. Delf left hurriedly as he wanted to cover as much area as possible before dawn. As Delf left the strutting imp, unknowing the fate he had bestowed upon his sleeping comrades in the clearing, the Imp was already planning the next day! He was in charge! Delf ran briskly through the forest, his eyes gloving red in the darkness. Soon he was miles from were they had camped and had found the forest clear of any danger. He was about to head back when a strange scent caught his attention. It was the smell of a cook fire! Without a sound Delf closed in on the scent. As he neared a strange sound could be heard emanating from an area close to the forest path. It sounded like the torture houses in Malice but somehow pleasant to the ears, a sort of wailing sound that made him feel sad but also happy at the same time. As Delf crept up to the area from which the sound was emanating, Delf saw he wasnt the only one the sounds Mifffical

Page 77 and smells had attracted. Four dark forms were also sneaking up on the unsuspecting camp. Delf knew those forms; he also knew that they intended no good. They were dark elves! Delf decided to scout the other side of the camp. Where there were four dark elves there could be more. As he circled the camp Delf saw the strangest things. Big boxes on wheels, each brightly coloured. Nearby the biggest horses Delf had ever seen were being tended by humans in multicoloured clothes. One of them, by the fire, was blowing into a strange device that was making the strange sound that he could hear. Delf knew that the occupants of the site were unaware of the peril that was about to befall them. Delf had spotted five more dark forms also heading towards the sound. Nine dark elves he thought. Well ten really he corrected himself, he was after all also a dark elf. He knew that if he didnt act quickly he would be too late to help the occupants the dark elves would attack and brutally murder them all. Delf took a deep breath Hi there. he called walking into the camp, his dark glasses hiding his red eyes. The music stopped abruptly. Woman and children screamed and ran for the multicoloured boxes on wheels, while the men scrambled for weapons. Youre a Dark Elf. shouted one of the men, drawing a bead on Delf with a powerful bow. Bugger thought Delf remembering his hat. Yes. he replied, But Im a good Dark Elf. The man with the bow wasnt convinced and the arrow shot forward at incredible speed, straight at Delf. Delf caught it and looked at it in the fire light. Nice arrow? he exclaimed to the stunned archer. Did you make it yourself? he enquired politely. The man and several around him gasped.


Page 78 There are more of them! screamed a woman from one of the brightly coloured boxes as several more heavily armed dark elves entered the camp. I was going to warn you about them. said Delf innocently. As the men turned to face the new danger; Delf took off his glasses. This eyes glowed up like fie in the darkness. Stop! he yelled in a voice that refused to know disobedience. Everyone stopped, even the woman who was screaming, Delf, his glasses removed, walked up to the nearest dark elf, looked him in the eye and said. Stop! the dark elf as if in a trance tried to lift his arm. Delf hit him! No if`s or buts, Delf hit him square in the face! The other dark elves looked on in horror. It was their Leader. Four of the dark elves went for their knives but the other four wearing the black armbands with the red eye motif of the Royal Guards over powered them before they could take a step. Dont kill them! shouted Delf. One of the Royal Guards was about to question the order but one look into Delfs glowing red eyes made him reconsider the question and his own mortality. The human onlookers were in shock, the dark elves were fighting one another? Another arrow whizzed through air, released by accident by one of the bowmen Delf, snatched it out of the air with his free hand. You need to be more careful with those arrows. said Delf Youll lose them in the dark? he added, tossing both of the arrows back to one of the men with the bows. See! hissed one of the dark elves to his captor, Hes trying to be good! he added disgustedly. No Im not. said Delf I am being good. He added indignantly. Then he appeared to vanish in front of every ones eyes before appearing in front of the struggling dark elf, Do you want me to stop being good! he asked the poor dark elf nodding towards a fallen knife. Err, N-No! said the shaking Mifffical

Page 79 form who had just witnessed the speed that Delf had moved, Being, G-Good is fine by me! he added as the remainder of the captive dark elves held their collective breaths. Okay then! Let them go! Delf said to the stunned Royal Guards. But they might run away. said one of the guards. Delf vanished again appearing inches away from the guard, How far do you think they would get? asked Delf. The Royal Guards had been told how fast a Leader could move, but seeing it demonstrated was awe inspiring, this time he had not seen Delf from the moment he disappeared until he was in front of him, N-Not V-Very. stammered the guard. It was a little human girl wearing a yellow dress and pink shawl that broke the tension in the camp. Do it again! she squealed delightedly Show us you disappearing Mister. she giggled. I want to see him catch an arrow again mum! her brother said pulling at his mothers skirts. Yes, yes do the arrow again mister! squealed the little girl her pig tails flying around wildly. Delf vanished again appearing in front of the little girl and her brother and handing them dozens of arrows. Bugger! said a collection of voices from around the camp as they realised their quills were empty of arrows. The children squealed, Do it again, do it again. they cried as everyone else gasped. Would you like a drink of tea! said the childrens mother knowing how to diffuse a volatile situation. Theres no mushrooms in it, is there? asked Delf suspiciously looking at the bright coloured cloths of the assembled crowd. Mushrooms? No! said the woman confused, just tea, we dont have any mushrooms. We have sugar and milk though. Mifffical

Page 80 She said happily knowing that her children and husband were no longer in danger. Delf and everyone else sat around the fire drinking tea, even the dark elf with the broken nose had come around from minutes of unconsciousness and although confused and still stunned was enjoying the strange drink. Delf was enjoying the company everyone was doing their best to be polite, Delf could see how agonising this was for the nine dark elves. It fed his dark side. They talked through the night and as daybreak approached Delf ordered two of the dark elves to stay with, what he learnt were called gypsies. Delf chose one of the Royal Guards and one of the ex-priests, who like most dark elves, knew when it was best to switch sides. The others he intended to take back with him. Back at the Camp things were not going as everyone expected. They expected to be quietly leaving the site at sun up with Delf in command. So it was a bit of a shock when about an hour before the sky had even seen the sun, the Imp strutted into the camp screaming and banging pans. Get up you lazy misfits! it screeched Your in this mans army now! it shouted as it strutted around the camp making more noise than theyd heard in days. Its bloody flipped! cried an irate NoNo who had, had his bedding pulled off him by the deranged Imp. Im in charge now! shouted the Imp Im a mean, mean, fighting machine, last man up will be flogged! Left, right, left, right, it shouted marching around the camp. Wheres Delf? asked a concerned Clarissa. Thats! Wheres Delf? Sir! shouted the Imp. Look, just tell me where Delf is! said Clarissa, the Imp stared at her, Sir. She said resignedly. Mifffical

Page 81 Oh, he went off, said the Imp leaving me in charge. It added proudly. It might have be completely mad, it was definitely a biscuit short of a tea party but before the first rays of dawn, the Imp had the whole party marching down the forest path. Their footfalls being harried by the Imp shouting, Left, left, a left right, left. At the gypsy camp, the early morning air was carrying the sound of an approaching army, or so it sounded. Dont worry. said Delf as he saw the worried expressions on many of the faces, Therere with me! he added shaking his head. More dark elves! gasped one of the men who for some reason still gripped his sword his knuckles going white. No such luck, said Delf, who knew from the sound of the imp that he was going to have a lot of explaining to do, to what was possibly an enraged Clarissa. When the twenty three members of Delfs camp eventually arrived in the gypsy site Delf didnt know who was the most shocked. The dark elves on seeing two columns, one of elves and one of dwarfs, or the elves and dwarfs on seeing nine dark elves sitting around a gypsy site drinking tea as the children played happily around them. All present and accounted for. Sir! bellowed the PMI saluting wildly at Delf. Oh, god! said Delf as he realised what had happened. Tell me how to kill it! shouted NoNo. It woke us up banging pans, it even pulled my blankets off and then, the little bugger poured bloody freezing cold water over me. He continued. And Me. Moaned most of the other dwarfs and elves. Tea? asked Delf. Mifffical

Page 82 Will that kill it! asked an excited NoNo. Dont think so. said Delf puzzled? Damn. said NoNo and several others in the party. This is Morgan. said Delf introducing the leader of the gypsies to Clarissa and her party. And these are some of the Royal Guards and ex-priests of Malice. said Delf but before he could start the introductions Clarissa interrupted him by running over to the dark elf with the broken nose. That hasnt been cleaned! she yelled pointing at the large cut on the bridge of the dark elves nose. Delf and the rest of the original company grimaced. Shes a mass-murderer when it comes to germs. he warned the startled dark elf as Clarissa started aggressively cleaning his cut nose. At first everyone was wary of one another, but as the morning wore on everyone soon began to except one another. It was the Imp that broke the ice. The children had caught him and dressed him up in a little pink dress, grabbing him by one of his twin tails whenever he tried to bolt. As the children paraded the ex-mean, mean, fighting machine around the camp site, its little pink dress all tied up with a bright yellow bow, it was not only the dwarfs and the elves who appreciated the sight, even the dark elves and the gypsies laughed at the poor imp. Left, Left, left Right Left! howled a delighted NoNo as the children marched it up and down the camp. Where are you heading? Clarissa asked Morgan as the sun started to cast long shadows on the ground. The gypsies had stayed the day as they had not slept all night. Morgan explained to her that he and his band of gypsies were taking their wares to the main army in the North, hoping to sell most of their goods there, prior to the long road West, towards the Mifffical

Page 83 coast, to pick up more stock from the merchants in the fishing port of Lindel. Wherere going as far as the Old Castle. Clarissa informed him We could travel together if you would like. She said. We can pay you for any supplies we use along the way. she added knowing that the gypsies relied on their stock for their livelihoods. Morgan agreed without hesitation, having seen Delf in action he knew his band of gypsies would be safer whilst travelling the road in their company. Delf was also planning. He sat away from everyone else with the rest of the dark elves, Clarissa could see them all scribbling furiously in their notebooks. It made her laugh to see them there looking like children at school as their pencils moved rapidly. One or two even had their tongues sticking out of their mouths as the scribbled away making the spectacle seem even more humorous somehow. Two stood up, one a Royal Guard slammed his fist to his chest By the red eyes of the Leader he saluted. The other with a faint Yes Leader. that although mumbled sounded sincere. Both of the dark elves then left the camp in different directions appearing to disappear as soon as they entered the forest. Clarissa wanted to be with Delf she was feeling a little jealous that others had his attention but she knew that Delf was busy sorting out dark elf politics and that he also wanted to be with her. She had noticed him looking at her many times during the day and could see the pained expression on his face. Clarissa also liked the gypsies; they were wonderful people who never seemed to tire of playing with the children. Morgan and his wife Emile were in charge although no one said it outright. It was just the way that all the men looked to him when ever a decision was needed in the same way as the women turned to Emile about when to cook or to ask which jobs needed to be Mifffical

Page 84 done. Clarissa had enjoyed her day. She had cleaned the dark elfs wound and then gone on to borrow Emiles large tub and wash board. All her clothes were spotlessly clean her pack was clean and all her cloths had been boiled but she found herself looking more and more often towards Delf. Up until now cleaning had dominated her life but now she realised that she wanted something more. She wanted Delf and she knew in her heart that he wanted her. As night approached and dinner was being served the dark elves slipped into the forest to patrol the area and the elves that had been perched high up in the trees on sentry came down to feast. Clarissa expected Delf to join her for a meal but she saw Delf sitting alone with Lorettia. Clarissa felt the pangs of jealousy and wanted to go over but by the look on Lorettias face she knew that what ever they were talking about was serious. NoNo came across to her and handed her a tin mug full of piping hot tea. Weve certainly grown! he said looking out at their camp. I know! said Clarissa I sort of wish that we hadnt. she added softly looking at Delf. Dont you worry about that one. He replied kindly, He wont let you down, Its, well! Its just not in his nature. I know said Clarissa Thank you NoNo. she added looking at the tiny dwarf. Anytime love. said the dwarf. He didnt leave to go back to the other dwarfs but instead sat down opposite her. Clarissa expected the dwarf to talk but he just sat there his eyes constantly checking around to ensure that everything was okay within the camp. At last she could bear it no longer, she had to ask. How long do dwarfs live? she asked, somehow the question seemed dirty, she was about to apologise but NoNo smiled. Mifffical

Page 85 I thought it was that. he said with a gentle laugh. We can live for seven or eight centuries, he said sadly but we rarely die of old age. You see life is pain, not for you younger races, you are given a great gift and your short lives are a blessing that you dont realise. After a five centuries the burden of life becomes too much. A dwarf sees his life running on endlessly, not as long as an elf but too long, nether the less. Then we see that its not just the life we live but the way we live it. The way we are to die becomes more important to us, then the life we are living. A dwarf wants a noble death; to die with an axe in his hand or to die for a cause. Were not brave, were cowards really, choosing to die, rather than continue with the pain of life. said NoNo, the pain in his voice sounding all too real. I dont see how a short lifespan is a blessing. said Clarissa miserably. Do you believe in true love? asked NoNo. Sort off. Clarissa replied cautiously. Do you believe it to be eternal? NoNo pushed. True love can be eternal. said Clarissa secretly glancing towards Delf. Only because your life is short. Said NoNo, If you were to live for a million years you would know that love changes and even the strongest love between two people will dwindle over time. You humans are spared that experience because of your shorter lifespan, for you love can be eternal. said the dwarf sadly. Clarissa didnt know what to say, she understood now what it was that Lorettia had tried to tell her. She now understood why dwarfs and elves did not seem to fear death; why some would even face impossible odds knowing that they didnt


Page 86 stand a chance. I love him you know. she said at last looking the little dwarf in the eyes. I know. said the dwarf. Delf was having the same conversation with Lorettia although not as deep. So youre saying if a human has a child with an elf, they all die within a centaury? he asked. Yes. said Lorettia, It doesnt matter if its a male or a female human, their offspring even though half elf, are granted only a human lifespan. Bugger! exclaimed Delf Are you sure? Yes. said Lorettia, her eyes recalling her past. It is the way of things. Delf sat silently for several minutes, Lorettia waiting patiently for him to continue. Lorettia felt sorry for Delf, she knew he was in love with a human and knew also the pain it would bring him in the end. She will grow old and die in about sixty years and her children will also grow old and die before even one century passes. said Lorettia I better make it a good one then. said Delf smiling. Youre a good man Delf. said Lorettia, her eyes suddenly filling with tears. I know! said Delf, Im a good dark elf. he added happily. King Carson was on the move; he had over fifty thousand men, twice, that which he had when he took the castle of Stormhold, from his uncle thirty years ago. He wasnt concerned about the dark elves any more. With this army behind him King Carson was no longer bothered about dark elves; with this army he had new plans! He didnt care that the other nobles men were not used to his ways. King Carson knew that his men would soon persuade these men that the benefits of working for him were Mifffical

Page 87 better than with any other lord. With this many men, King Carson had expansion on his mind. Most of the other kingdoms along the main trade routes were barely protected; their men were now serving at the Great Tube. With this army, he intended to expand his realm. He intended to take the land now, whilst everyone else was distracted by the dark elves. His Mightiness Arch Mage Potter didnt know whether to laugh or cry. King Carson had left and taken a sixth of the army. Agreed they were the best of the human fighters he had but King Carson had gone. He felt relieved, he felt back in control and he didnt like mercenaries they didnt care about who won; they cared only about how much they earned! The other nobles were split. Many wanted to get out and face the enemy. The others wanted to get back to their kingdoms; they knew what Carson could do with fifty thousand men. We will leave the Great Tube as soon as we know what the dark elves on that mountain are going to do. He said to those gathered around the large conference table. As soon as those elves move, we will take the full army. To move before then, would be to invite disaster, Carson, may end up being the reason, for that force to move at last! He explained. He expected them to argue with him but they didnt; they were listening to him, he could see them digesting what he had just said. Without Carson he was back in control, he even felt better. I realise that many of you want to move now. I understand that we cannot wait here indefinitely and that you have pressing needs at home but we are here to win this war. To that end we have to put our needs aside and plan our campaign so that we can ensure that the dark elves no longer are a threat to the Overworld! said Potter. What of Carson? said a noble from one of the kingdoms along the trade routes that linked the coast roads to the arable fields in the East. Mifffical

Page 88 Arch Mage Potter paused and considered the question. When and only when, the threat of the dark elves is eliminated, I will release those forces not normally guarding the Tube to a single person, agreed by a majority. So while I attend to business regarding the mobilisation of the army I will leave you all here to decide who that person is to be. I will be back at Sunset to brief you further and I expect by that time you will of decided the name of the new commander of the army, after, and I repeat, after, the dark elf threat has been resolved. said the Arch Mage pushing back his chair and standing up. He nodded to the lords and nobles present and turned to leave the room. I hope that red eyed dark elf gets Carson said one of the embittered lords. Arch Mage Potter stopped dead in his tracks. W-W-What? he stammered, What red eyed dark elf. His voice cracking as he said the word eyes. Err! The one Carson was talking about, the one that killed some of his troops near his castle in Stormhold. The lord said picking up on the anxiety in Arch Mage Potters voice. He said it called a dragon. added the lord remembering the details from Carsons boasted tale. Yes, Err, well okay, it doesnt matter. said Arch Mage Potter trying not to relay any of the terror he was feeling. Looking at the blank faces around him he turned again and strode from the room. He wasnt going to check on the army as he had intended, he was rushing for the Wizards Chambers there was a certain diary up there he intended to read. Limping up several staircases in the tower, Arch Mage Potter moved as fast Mifffical

Page 89 as his infirmity would allow. Bile was rising in his throat and his stomach was knotted up in to a small ball. Breathlessly he entered the Wizards Chambers rushing towards one of the oldest diaries in existence, Martellos, The Making of a Leader. Martello had lived during the earliest of the Race Wars when every race was divided and man would hunt elf or orc, dwarf or goblin each race killing one another in a time of deep distrust. Not much remained of such times. Martellos diary was dismissed by most as fictional, the workings of a crazy wizard. Arch Mage Potter was no longer sure. Martello claimed that splitting of the elf nation was due to an elf born with red eyes, a true elf that had the power of all the elves and had taken many of the elves to live far beneath the surface. Such talk did appear stupid when, open to debate but Martello stated that this splitting of the elf nation heralded an alliance between man an elf: one that had lasted nearly five thousand years. It was this alliance that eventually spread to include dwarves and gnomes and even some of the lesser giants high up in the North. The alliance had paved the way towards a better future for the five races; together they kept the trolls, orcs and goblins from their lands as they were able to position troops to defend only one border without fear of attack from their neighbours. Arch Mage Potter flicked through the diary not caring for the age of the book, Martello had written something about a prophecy. It was the prophecies that made most people, even he until this day ridicule the diary. Martello had claimed that the Seven Mages, of which he was one, had circled forwards and backwards in time, thousands of times and claimed that the Race Wars would go on forever but they could see a way to


Page 90 bring peace to the world, for a short time but magic would never stop the wars forever. Arch Mage Potter found the page! He expected a blank page and that he would have to cast a web of magic to reveal the words but words were already on the page. They were not the words that had previously been on the page. There was no prophesies, there was no neat copperplate script, no drawings of mythical beasts, there were only two words Prophesy Complete! Potter cast web after web but the original words would not reappear. Get me the Wizards! Screamed Potter at an unfortunate guard who passing the corridor opposite the Wizards Chambers. The guard gawked, Potter was surrounded by web after web of magic, the air hissed and popped and small sparks grounded themselves on the door frame around him. Your Mightiness, they might not want to come. pleaded the guard. Then take a squad armed with bloody big swords and make them come, Captain! Potter yelled waving a web at the guard. The guard pointed to his wrist to show that he wasnt a captain but there was now the golden tower insignia on his sleeve where his single band had been. Bugger! said the guard. Then he added more happily Bugger! Potter returned to the book resisting the urge to try and read it. He took the book from the desk and carried it into the central chamber. The central chamber of the Wizards Chambers had not been entered in centuries. Dust and cobwebs covered the marble floor and the Six Thrones of the Mages. Potter cast a Mifffical

Page 91 web, noticing how strong and easy the magic responded. The cobwebs and dust vanished and the staleness of the air was replaced with a more, sweet, fresher flavour. Candles erupted into light and the gloom was dispelled. Potter strode over to the raised dais on which the thrones sat. Each throne connected to a point on the pentagram, which was embossed in gold on the marble floor. Sitting on one of the thrones he examined himself, the magic was stronger than ever before. He tried an old spell, one he thought he would never try again. As the web formed Potter knew that it was going to work before the first transformation appeared. The spell felt right the web burned brightly and eagerly, he didnt need to concentrate on the web it acted as if it too had life. As he sat waiting for the Wizards, Potter tried web after web. He had dreamt of having this much power, every Mage dreamt of magic as strong as this but Potter was shaking. He remembered what Martello had said in his diary; he remembered the laughter of his colleagues when they spoke of two sorts of magic! Martello was mad, two types of magic, one locked away underground. Potter could feel that magic now, now he understood Martellos claim of black magic and knew that it wasnt locked away anymore. Six angry Wizards were ushered into the Wizards Chambers by five times as many heavily armed guards. Potter rose and opened the Central Chambers door. Leave us! his voice boomed from the doorway and the guards not needing to ask who, hastily retreated leaving Potter with the six wizards. Potter? asked a nervous wizard looking at the Arch Mage who now towered a good seven foot in height and had long white hair and an even longer white beard.


Page 92 Its me. said Potter We need to talk about black magic and Martello. Theres no such magic as black magic! shouted one of the angry wizards. Potter flung out a hand his index finger crackled and a spark shot from his finger. The wizard exploded. Bugger! said Potter apologetically, I only meant to singe his nose. The other wizards looked at him in horror. Not because of their dead colleague but the magic they witnessed shooting out of his finger. It sparked! Magic didnt spark, well not the magic theyd seen before. Potter quickly took control and ordered the wizards into the central chamber. Potter noting, that at least no one would have to stand, as he saw the six great thrones upon their raised dais. Black magic knew what it wanted. Potter motioned for them to take a seat, noticing for the first time the motley crew, non had a beard most were fat and no one in the room apart looked like a wizard; except him, the transformation was complete, he not only looked like a Mage but he now for the first time in his life he felt like a Mage. He could feel the power all around him; he could take of it as he pleased, no more fighting and struggling to form a web. The webs hung in the air for any of the gifted to use. Agreed in this room the power was amplified but he knew that it was everywhere now unseen and unfelt. Gentlemen, each of you form a web. said Potter quietly. The room went silent and there was a lot of nervous twitching, most had been unable to form a web in decades but as he waited one then two and before long sparks erupted from the fingers of the wizards. They giggled and changed the webs, each amazed at the power they now had. Bugleman, a wizard of fifty years and of nearly Mifffical

Page 93 as many stone suddenly transformed, his bloated body stretching and thinning, his hair lengthening even his robes changed. Soon the gathered group had all transformed into who they believed they were. Six old and wizened wizards now occupied the six thrones their staffs touching a point on the pentagram drawing power from the magic in the room. They could feel memories of other Mages who had sat in on the thrones before them. Potter remembered spells he had never learnt and could recall experiences he had never had. Each magic has a special word, abra-cadabra, Sheazan but this magic had a word of its own Bugger! said the Mages, then looked at each other confused Wheres the seventh throne! they asked. And wheres Martello! Darious looked again at the piece of paper in his hand. The Royal Guard looked at Darious. Hes done what! he asked again not believing the words on the paper. Hes going to the old castle in the desert. Sir! said the guard meekly and he has a squad of dwarfs, humans and elves with him. Oh, and four priests and an imp. He added quietly. Dwarfs, humans, hes gone bloody mad! shouted Darious. Weve got twenty thousand dark elves out there all trying to kill him and he wants to bloody talk to them. Yes. Sir! I was with him when he sent a priest off with the same message. said the guard helpfully. What! Gone to the castle, meet me there, PS dont eat any mushrooms. said Darious incredulously. Very adamant about the mushrooms, Sir! said the guard trying to be even more helpful. I dont get it! said Darious. Mifffical

Page 94 He said it was his plan. Sir! said the guard nervously, he too was confused but when a Leader says jump you dont ask why. Clarissa was even more confused then Darious when she awoke. The campsite was almost deserted. Delf was enjoying a cup of tea by a small fire talking to the PMI who was sitting on a branch of a nearby tree with several of the gypsy children trying to coax it down. The elves and dwarfs even the dark elves where no where in sight. She was about to ask what was happening when she heard a voice. Du-u-de, their stole my rooms man! cried the Happee tied to one of the wagons near to the fire. Wow, man that ones on fire! said the Happee inhaling deeply. Talk later dude. He said relaxing noticeably and muttering to himself. Whats he doing here? Clarissa asked Delf. Oh, err, I sent two dark elves to fetch him. said Delf. Right? said Clarissa, And wheres everyone else? Looking for mushrooms. said Delf nervously. Delf, theyre dangerous! shouted Clarissa Do you have any idea what they do to people. Sort of. said Delf pointing to two gibbering dark elves under the wagon. They had only eaten a little bit each and theyve been like that for seven hours. Why? asked Clarissa, more than a little intrigued. Because, I want to be good. said Delf smiling as he handed her a note. Clarissa read it allowed. Gone to the castle, meet me there, PS dont eat any mushrooms. I sent it to both of the dark elf armies. said Delf proudly. Clarissa laughed as she considered what would happen. Youre evil. she said sitting down shaking her head.


Page 95 No, Im good, I told them not to eat any mushrooms. said Delf defensively, with a big smile on his face. I even have the others looking for the naughty mushrooms to leave outside the castle when we get there. Being good can be so much fun! he added with a laugh. In a clearing, deep in the ancient forest, several days march from the Great Tube, Corious and seven other senior priests gathered around the small note, each trying to be more furious than the other. Disgraceful! bellowed Mortron, Drayfus chief advisor. Disgraceful? More like blasphemy, consorting with elves and dwarfs! spat another tying to upstage Mortron. Never mind that! shouted Corious as a way of stamping his authority. Hes going to the old castle, Royal Guard or no Royal Guard I intend to have his head! We march now! I intend to be there in three days. The other dark elves quickly agreed each checking to see the reaction on the others face. Wheres the messenger? asked Corious hoping to get more information. Buggered Off! said Morton He had a big head too! he added miserably. The others sighed. Big heads were rare and made ideal corner stones. Carsons scouts reported that they had seen a gypsy caravan a days ride ahead of them, heading down the desert trail that led to the old castle and the main trade roads. Carson was excited, this is what he needed, the gypsys would make an ideal target and their goods would encourage the new men to follow him as proof of treasures to come if they served under him. Carson knew that soldiers were like most men. Each wanted an easy


Page 96 life without having to work. Sacking the gypsy caravan would set them on a path they would find hard to leave. Carson sent orders for the army to increase its pace. He wanted to catch the caravan before, or at least near to, the old castle. He did not want to risk them moving south up the trade roads, when he intended to head south to sack the smaller towns on the way to the coast. Surprise was on his side and he needed to move fast before anyone could alert the towns of his arrival. This was not the time for sieges. This was the time to hit hard and fast, to plunder, to leave no one alive and let the dark elves take all of the blame. Carson didnt care about the dust cloud that marked his passing; he knew that the gypsies would spot them, hours before they converged. Moving an army this size along the dusty roads was bound to leave a column of dust hundreds of feet high but on the way south the land would be green and surprise again his allay. Lorrettia came rushing in from the rear, on top of one of the gypsies horses, its flanks covered in sweat and salt. Reigning in the horse next to Delf she jumped of the beast before it had stopped and landed neatly on her feet falling into pace immediately with Delfs strides. There not dark elves! she said without panting. I didnt think they were. said Delf pointing at the cloud of dust. There humans under a flag of a black gauntlet! she said. Carson! snarled Clarissa, Out to conquer more land by force! Delf didnt need to ask who Carson was; Clarissa had told him often about the mercenary king. Can we get to the castle in time. he asked hopefully. Mifffical

Page 97 Itll be close. answered Lorrettia but not impossible. We may have to ditch the wagons: that would slow them down as the leading edge loot the goods she added sadly. Get the fastest wagon loaded with the women and children, Oh, and the mushrooms. said Delf, Put another team of horses on it if you can. Then I want those who cant run, on the remaining horses. We need to move now and we need to move fast. Clarissa expected the gypsies to object to leaving their goods and wagons but they seemed more eager than anyone to bolt for the castle. Gypsies were often persecuted and knew that goods and wagons were not as important as a single one of their band. Delf insisted that Clarissa and NoNo ride ahead with two dark elves sprinting behind. We need to know who, if anyone is at the castle. shouted Delf to Clarissa when she objected. Clarissa knew that he wanted her away from the perusing army, that he wanted her somewhere safe in case things did not go well on the run to the castle, she felt angry at him. They were in this together she wanted to be by his side. She would have stayed and argued but NoNo who knew her better than she thought added, Itll need a good clean before the kids get there. Her eyes clouded over and NoNo winked at Delf as he led her to one of the nearest horses. Delf smiled and hoped to see them both again but knew he could not leave these people to be murdered by the horde of soldiers bearing down on them. No notepad! shouted Clarissa as she was sped away by NoNo on one of the horses.


Page 98 Only one plan! said a worried Delf to quiet for anyone but Lorettia to hear. Run! he shouted and his little band, added another small column of dust to the afternoon sky. Clarissa and NoNo entered what they found to be a deserted castle. Only the stonework remained what must have been enormous gates had long since decayed leaving blackened shadows on the pitted stone arches. The castle ramparts still stood and could hold back an army if manned but they would need a lot more men then they had. We cant defend here! shouted Clarissa There are no gates! Ill sort it! shouted NoNo sprinting to the horse and wheeling it back out the castles arch and back towards Delf. You little git! shouted an abandoned Clarissa. Delf was surprised to see NoNo appear on the road in front of him riding the horse at break neck speed. He wanted to ask after Clarissa but NoNo sped past him grabbing dwarf after dwarf and throwing them unceremoniously across the horse. In the name of Moridon! he screamed at the others Make haste to the castle we need help! he said spinning the burdened horse around and galloping back towards the castle. Moridon! screamed the dwarfs and suddenly they rushed forth at an unbelievable speed. Their little stout legs pumping like mad as they tried to keep pace with the horse. Bugger! gasped Delf and Lorettia together. Those little buggers cant half shift.


Page 99 Things could have gone smoothly but they never do. A rut in the path with only half a mile to the castle caused a lead horse to stumble and fall bringing down the other three screaming in terror as the caravan mercifully crashed into the mortally wounded horses ending the screams. Delf and the dark elves were first up onto the wagon pulling the woman and children out as fast as they could. Fortunately none were hurt other than minor scratches and all could run and were demonstrating it at the moment as they ran for their lives towards the city. The driver was not so lucky his leg was snapped in two and a thick splinter of wood had punctured his left lung. Carry him! shouted Delf to four elves that had moments before arrived on the scene. As the elves picked up the wounded man and ran towards the castle, the dark elves darted into the wagon and began grabbing the baskets of mushrooms. Thank god we left the Happee in the woods thought Delf as he ran towards the castle with the rest of the troop carrying baskets of mushrooms. Delf could have sprinted to the castle faster, a lot faster but he didnt intend to leave anyone behind. The caravans and wagons did stop the army, they stopped the army for far longer than anyone expected even Carson rode ahead to see what the problem was. His men had formed an orderly line and were paying for the goods they took, inside the wagon he could make out a small pink form with a yellow bow about its waist. Whats going on here! he bellowed from his horse. She said we have to pay for what we want! moaned one of the soldiers. Then shoot her man! shouted Carson going red in the face. We did, Sir said another man slightly red faced Now she wont give us our arrows back unless we pay for them. Mifffical

Page 100 Carson pushed his horse through the men and peered into the caravan. Then he shrieked as he came face to face with an imp wearing a pink dress with yellow ribbon bow. No pushing in! said the imp slapping him across the face. Kill it! he screamed at his men. Cant, Sir said a sergeant We tried to but now its charging us ten shillings each just to get our swords back! he spat. As Carson and his men were delayed at the wagons Delf and the rest of the party made it into the castle grounds. The archway was already nearly blocked off by huge stone boulders cannibalised from further inside the castle. The dwarfs were feverishly working to close the gap in the castles defences. They completed it just as Carson main army came into view. Delf found Clarissa on the parapet with the wounded driver, I need hot water. she cried as he approached slipping from castellation to castellation along the ramparts. But weve no fire wood! she said as she cradled the drivers head in her lap, tears rolling down her cheeks. No problem! said Delf and stood up between the constellations in full view of the army below. I need some firewood! he yelled at the army. Fifty arrows immediately shot out from the army straight at his position. Delf became a blur as he snatched arrow after arrow out of the air. Thank you! he yelled back to the soldiers, his hands brimming with arrows. There you go! he said to Clarissa passing the arrows down. Did you just see that! shouted Carson to a captain who had come running over to his position.


Page 101 Yes! said the captain But I dont think hes going to sell them back! What? said a stunned Carson? Sorry Sir, Its just we have a big problem. replied the captain Well? said Carson. Yes, Sir! said the captain expectantly. Carson waited; then, as the captain still hadnt spoken. He said angrily Well! Its inside the castle sir. said the captain. What is? demanded Carson his face going red and the veins standing out on his temples. Err, the well sir, its inside the castle. said the captain. Havent we any water? asked Carson suddenly noticing the intense heat of the desert. None sir! said the captain as other men came to his side. Then the men will just have to wait. said Carson. But Sir! What about the infantry? Theyve just ran thirty miles through the desert if they dont get water Soon they are going to start dying and Soon! complained the captain, amidst the muttering of the men. I said they will have to wait captain! snarled Carson. NoNo was furious. His step ladder didnt reach. He still had to jump up to see over the castle ramparts. Whats going on! shouted his jealous fellow dwarfs below. Cant quite see! said NoNo bouncing up and down on his step ladder. Captain! shouted a soldier running up to Carson and the Captain. Over there! Theyve an army of dwarves inside reinforcing the battlements. shouted the soldier pointing at the battlements. Carson and the Captain looked to where he was pointing. They both could see a dwarven helm bobbing up and down between one of the battlements. How many are there? asked the Captain, At last count at least seventy four! said Mifffical

Page 102 the soldier still counting. By now a group of officers and men had already surrounded their position. Then we attack! said Carson. We cant sir, we cant attack a heavily defended castle guarded by what could be a full regiment of dwarfs, never mind that bloody dark elf pinching the all flaming arrows. Theyve also got elves and all the water within marching distance. Our men would start dying of thirst before we even got through the walls. We have to surrender! Surrender! Never! screamed Carson The next man who even mentions the word surrender is to be killed on the spot! Do you hear me! Carson screamed at the top of his voice I will never surrender! he shouted Ah! he added as a soldiers sword penetrated his heart. Good move! said the Captain to the soldier. Ay, good move mate said another soldier, Already cost me a months wages to get me bleeding sword back! Delf promised a cup of water for every sword or bow, plus he demanded that they go and fetch the wagons and the caravans for the gypsies. The soldiers agreed to the weapons but refused to go back for the wagons, most demanding a quick death rather than face the monster with the pink dress. It was the dark elves who eventually went, taking a few of the soldiers horses. The gypsies were delighted to find that their wagons were fine and that they had made a fortune from the army, courtesy of the PMI. They left the defeated army outside the walls whilst they bedded down for the night, safe inside the castle walls. A Mifffical

Page 103 whole battle ended with only a shallow grave for the single casualty. Delf and Clarissa sat together looking out over the battlements. In a strange way it was quite romantic, as they looked at the stars as they shone out lighting up the desert sky. Delf was drinking a cup of hot tea one of the gipsies wives had made. Clarissa looked at him. Youre becoming addicted to tea. she laughed as she watched him take yet another sip from the cup. Delf looked at the cup, I know, he said Im just not used to these drinks theyre wonderful. We dont have anything like this in the underworld. I bet that these gypsies would earn a fortune if they were willing to trade. Clarissa scanned the camp, now that he said it, she noticed that nearly every dark elf she could see was cradling a hot cup in his hands. What do dark elves drink? asked Clarissa. Delf considered the question for a few moments before replying. Mostly water. We may add a few flavours to it but mostly we drink just water. he said. Weve never really had the same resources as you have up here. The other day Morton gave me a pear; Id never tasted fruit before I came to the Overworld. I dont think I ever want to go back to Malice, its too nice up here! Clarissa sighed. It is beautiful. she agreed looking up at the night sky. What are dark elf women like? she asked nervously. Delf pointed to a dark elf standing by the horses. Shelger is a woman. he said. What? Clarissa spluttered. I said she is a woman. said Delf surprised at Clarissa. Didnt you know? But she looks like the rest. Do all the dark elf women look the same as the men? Clarissa asked. Mifffical

Page 104 Well, theyre different underneath! said Delf embarrassingly, They arent built like elves or humans. He said looking at Clarissa. It was Clarissas turn to be embarrassed as she noticed what Delf was looking at. Dwarves are the same. he said. I can tell the distance but I know that humans struggle telling them apart. I can tell. Said Clarissa, little Cory? she asked. Is a boy! said Delf , grinning at Clarissa. and Sheram is a girl! Never! Said Clarissa looking at Sheram as the dwarf walked passed a cook fire, Are you sure? she asked. Not as sure as Stample. Delf said Ive seen them kissing. Clarissa looked at Sheram as she walked around the camp. Her beard tucked into her belt. Okay. said Clarissa I cant, you all look like bloody men. You younger races need help, for the older races we have more time to find out. Delf laughed. What about the elves? Clarissa asked pointing towards Lorettia. Delf looked at the elf and smiled. They are a beautiful people but dont be taken in by their looks. We elves can be very deceptive? Clarissa stared at him; this was the first time she had heard him refer to himself as an elf. Delf put his arm around Clarissas shoulders. Im a man he said So you dont have to worry. which earned him a gentle slap across his cheeks.


Page 105 Chapter 5 The transformation that had affected the Mages was total, they still thought of themselves as individuals but the age old memories had given them more, than knowledge and power. They now had a confidence honed on millennia of experiences; they were now the Mages out of legend. Thats got to be Martello! agreed the six Mages as the image of Delf with his red eyes, grabbing the arrows on the castle wall faded. They had been searching for hours using their new found powers and memories to help them. Their memories though shady instinctively knew that Martello had to be alive still and they needed him and the seventh throne to restore order. So he got to live when only our memories survived or it has the memories of Martello! said Potter noncommittally as the image at last vanished. Another image blazed into the pentagram, this one though took the Mages confidence and squeezed it. It was the gnarled face of a female Ork shaman. Her teeth were filed to razor sharp points her face scared with the runes of power. I see you. she said. Be gone! roared Bugleman, his staff smacking down hard onto the marble floor. Power flaring from his staff. The apparition smiled and laughed turning to see each Mage in turn. Potter slammed down his staff, taking care to ensure the end touched the point of the pentagram, Be gone! he roared and sparks flew out of the staff aimed directly at the Ork. She squealed in agony before vanishing.


Page 106 Bugger! said the Bugleman a few moments later Id forgotten about them. Apart from Potter and Bugleman the rest of the Mages still shuck in terror. Orks! spat Caldwell We need Martello! And we had better get him quickly. Potter didnt know how long he and the other Mages sat in debate. It wasnt a debate really; each wizard thoughts were projected into the pentagram and they decided on a collection of ideas from each. By the time they had finished they had a plan, or plans would be more precise. They intended to send Bugleman and Bentwood with two million troops to the badlands to the north. The risk of an ork attack was now more worrying than the threat of the dark elves. They also decided that Caldwell and Woodman would take a full fifty thousand Calvary and Lancers to the old castle to find Martello, Castlestock was already casting travel webs to make the horses run ten times quicker. Potter and Castlestock were going to remain at the Tube to organise defences against any dark elves who tried to leave the underworld. When Potter with Castlestock eventually arrived back to the great hall where the nobles were still debating who should lead the army after the dark elf threat, non of the assembled nobles recognised him, that was hardly surprising considering the transformation he and the other Mages had undergone. Who the devil are you sir! shouted Lord Brathe a portly man well into his sixth decade. Arch Mage Potter! said Potter, to the room in general, And this is His Mightiness Arch Mage Castlestock. indicating to Castlestock on his left. Mifffical

Page 107 Most of the nobles laughed aloud and jeered. Youre not Limpsalot! they tittered. Potters staff blazed and those who had uttered the word Limpsalot screamed in pain as one of their legs shrivelled up in front of their eyes. I think. said Potter slowly, That you will find that I am! P-P-Potter, I mean your Mightiness! stammered Lord Brathe relieved to find himself unscathed. P-P-Please take a seat. He said pointing to a chair. Ill arrange a second seat for his Mightiness Castlestock at once. he added. No need! said Castlestock his staff crackling. The table elongated, reaching out towards him and two thrones identical to the ones upstairs in the Wizards Chambers, appeared, side by side, in front of the two Mages. Castlestock and Potter glided gracefully to their thrones. Things have changed! said Potter. Everyone in the room was in agreement with that, as they stared at the two Mages in their thrones. I have sent two million troops together with two Mages to the badlands in the north and fifty thousand horsemen and two Mages to the south to the old castle. said Potter. The badlands? questioned Brathe, whose lands bordered the badlands. Why, weve had no trouble there in decades. Things change. said Potter, We expect the orks to attack. Orks? gasped the nobles, dark elves were bad and extremely deadly but orks preferred to dismember and eat their victims.


Page 108 Yes. Orks! said Castlestock, One of their Shaman has already been spying out the Great Tube and will have noticed that we are gathered here and therefore our borders must be weak. Potter looked at their white faces as realisation dawned upon them. Even the Lords from the south knew what could happen if orks invaded the north. Orks bred faster than rats when there was food around. Soon every kingdom would be over run. The thought of orks running throughout the kingdoms, killing and plundering as they went filled each lord with dread. Then were doomed! said an older lord, who had read about orks and had even led a hunting party into the badlands when he was younger and had witnessed the contents of their cook pots. The memory of which still turned his stomach. Potter and Castlestock let them talk themselves out. Both knew that the nobles around the table would soon turn to them for advice; advice that if given freely may be ignored but if asked for would be adhered to more readily. What about the dark elves? Lord Singlar asked. Im sure that I, Castlestock and nine hundred thousand men will manage to hold, with your assistance gentlemen said Potter enforcing the chain of command. Indeed. said Castlestock gravely. Endorsing Potters statement and adding confidence to the nobles around the table. What about me leg! said King Tarrow with the full attention of several similarly afflicted nobles around the table.


Page 109 What a strange apology? said Potter indignantly? The affected lords were soon uttering the most sincere apologies of their lives, several even promised to personally flog any soldier they heard uttering the word. Behind his grave face Potter was beaming. So this was power! He liked it! Darious stared in disbelief, all morning bands of elves and dwarves were joining his march. They werent attacking or trying to impede him in any way. In fact the elves had even left horses freshly watered tied up along their path. Darious sat astride one of the animals now as did most of his captains. The dwarfs had even placed barrels of water and food along the trail. The elves and dwarves did not join the column but flanked the army as it moved. What in hell had Delf been doing he asked himself? Darious expected to arrive at the castle tomorrow afternoon. They were making extremely good time with the troops well fed and watered by the elves and dwarves. He was going to stop the army for seven hours during the night. Not only to allow the dwarves and elves to sleep but also to ensure that his men were well rested prior to arriving at the castle. Something told him that he would need his men in the very near future. Up ahead, in the distance he saw an elf sat on a white rock with what could only be a dwarf. They did not seem as if they were going to leave as the army neared. Darious ordered six of his captains to accompany him as he advanced ahead of the column. As he neared he noticed that the elf was a female, she was wearing a white robe under her silvery green cloak. She was also beautiful, her long fair hair whipping about in the light wind. Her companion who was indeed a dwarf wore a golden helm and a of suit chain mail with a stout black leather


Page 110 belt that was struggling to contain his stomach. Neither rose or moved a muscle as Darious and his men approached. Fare thee well! said the elf We serve the Leader. And the dwarf! asked Darious not missing the fact that he had not spoken. I serve my clan! snarled the dwarf And honour its debts dark elf. spat the dwarf. We owe your Leader a debt, nothing more. Fare thee well then! said Darious who understood honour and preferred it to any other form of alliance. This is the last water before the desert. said the elf her voice sounding musical as she pointed to a trickle of water that ran through a shallow, stony stream, no more than two feet wide at its widest point. Darious nodded his head and considered the news. Then we will camp here for seven hours to allow our men to rest replied Darious. And us to sleep? smiled the elf letting Darious know she knew his true reason. My name is Cletherian. I hold the allegiance of all the elves that follow your path. her voice as soft as morning dews. Darious, Captain of the Royal Guard. Well met Cletherian. said Darious, looking to the dwarf. Heramph. Battlemaster of me clan, we will supply you wood for your fires, its cold on a night so close to the desert. Our allegiance will hold until the first skull is taken. said the dwarf gruffly.


Page 111 The Royal Guard does not despoil the dead! snapped Darious. Then the allegiance will hold. said Cletherian diplomatically, her voice taking any hostility out of the exchange. We do have a condition! said Darious forcefully. And that is? Cletherian asked quickly before the dwarf could sour the mood. No one is allowed to eat mushrooms! said Darious firmly and then in a more nervous voice, Err, and what are mushrooms? Not eat mushrooms. exploded the irate dwarf I bloody love mushrooms. Whats next? Cant eat pork or eggs? You cant have a decent breakfast without mushrooms! he bellowed grasping his huge belly with both hands. Claetherian laughed Im sure that the Battlemaster can do without mushrooms for just one day, especially when we have elven bread for you to fry with your breakfast. said Cletherian to the dwarf. Fried bread! said the dwarf smacking his lips together noisily, Enough for supper as well? he asked excitedly. Fried bread? asked Darious quizzically. Oh, you cant beat fried bread! said the dwarf You just wait Ill cook you some up as soon as the fires are burning, its a real treat, you mark my words! continued the dwarf forgetting any thoughts of hostility. Now you come down to the fires, dont bring too many though. He said excitedly There might Mifffical

Page 112 not be enough to go round! he laughed shaking his enormous belly. With no mushrooms? asked Darious. Bugger the mushrooms, said Heramph We got fried bread! Mushrooms would just waste the space in the pan, dirty little things, I dont know why people eat them I dont Surface elves do not eat the meat of any animals said Cletherian, as Darious looked her way. Animal are they! said Darious, Well, whilst you sleep I will send a thousand of my men out, to stand guard! he added before turning to order the six captains to organise the camp. Theres no need! shouted Cletherian as Darious marched towards his men. Nonsense, said Darious Its the least we could do, we dont want herds of bloody mushrooms stampeding through the camp now, do we? But. started Cletherian. Best leave it. said huramph interrupting her, It cant do any harm. Anyway, wheres this elf bread? Cletherian chuckled, Youll get your elf bread master Battlemaster. she replied. He seems a decent sort! said Huramph nodding towards Darious. Strong looking too! said Cletherian smiling to herself. As daylight waned, Darious and two other dark elves sat around Huramphs little fire enjoying the taste of fried bread. Whilst out in the fields around, a thousand nervous dark elves Mifffical

Page 113 were prowled about, guarding the camp from mushrooms. Cletherian was also there and had a gift for Darious. Darious looked at the curious white object. So this is a mushroom? he asked, Wheres its teeth and legs? Clatherian laughed. Do you think you should recall the guards, they looked extremely nervous? she laughed at last. Absolutely not! smiled Darious his black eyes, twinkling with mirth, in the fire light. Im a dark elf. Remember. Mortron and Corious had also reached the edge of the desert their men still scouring the area looking for mushrooms. It would have helped if they knew what mushrooms looked like but not one man dare ask the question. Several thousand men had already sworn that they had already eaten some and that once you saw one you had to be quick as they were ferocious little buggers with tusks and spirally little tails. Some of the dark elves even had nasty wounds to prove how dangerous the little buggers were. Both Mortron and Corious were certain that the men were lying but the Priesthood of the Skull respected dishonesty! How many of them are there! Corious asked Mortron, regarding the bands of humans, elves and dwarfs. That had been plaguing them for days ever since they had started to head south. It seemed as if every village and settlement had sent out their men to attack them. At least three thousand, theyre like dogs nipping at our heels said Mortron, We cant turn and fight without delaying the march and those elves are bloody good shots with their arrows. Weve lost a captain and near to two hundred men just getting through that last forest.


Page 114 Tell the men we march through the night, I want to be at the castle no later than midday tomorrow. Then that red eyed bugger is going to pay! snarled Corious angrily, as he thought of the slow torturous death he was going to bestow upon Delf. Bugleman reigned in his horse as a messenger ran down the side of a mountain towards him waving a piece of paper. Your Mightiness! said the messenger between wheezing breaths, I have a message from the gnomes. Bugleman snatched the letter and read it allowed so that those around him could hear. The dark elves are revolting! it read. We already knew that! said Bugleman Dirty little black buggers! he added menacingly. No sir, said the messenger, They mean their revolting! But we already know that! Weve always known that! bellowed Bugleman. Dont they have any information on whats happening down there. he demanded, gesturing to the floor. Revolution! Sir! said the messenger wheezing between each word. Ah! said Bugleman, Well, err, thanks? he said baffled and trying to regain his composure. Have they seen any orks? Didnt ask! spluttered the messenger. Well, dont stand around here, get back and ask them! shouted Bugleman. Bugger! said the messenger quietly, looking up at mountain he had just ran down. Bentwood smiled as he watched the exchange between Bugleman and the unfortunate messenger Trust Bugleman to get the wrong end of the stick. Bentwood liked Bugleman , he was authoritive but usually he would be the first to admit he Mifffical

Page 115 was wrong when he was so proved. Since his transformation though Bugleman was acting like a complete fool. He would not listen to or take council from anyone who wasnt a Mage. They were supposed to be heading to the badlands at all possible haste but here they waited astride horses whilst a poor messenger ran up a mountain side. You could have sent a fresh runner, or one on horseback. He said at last, That man is going to be a long while getting up that mountain, tired and winded as he is! Bugleman considered the statement for a moment but only nodded his head by way of reply. Bentwood was about to press Bugleman again but a dust cloud from a fast approaching horse grabbed his attention. The horse and rider were coming from the North and Bentwood could make out the uniform of one of the scouts on top of the horse. Stand to! shouted Bentwood as soon as his augmented eyesight saw that the rider was bristling with arrows. What the. started Bugleman but Bentwood cut him off. The scouts dead. he shouted over Bugleman as he pointed out the approaching rider. Bugleman squinted as did all the soldiers who had heard the exchange. Cant see a thing at this distance! queried Bargeman are you sure? He has seven arrows and a half spear protruding from his back and his head is missing! answered Bentwood Im not a doctor but Id definitely say, yes hes dead! he added sarcastically. Head missing you say. said Bugleman Yes that would do it. He added with a voice of certainty as several of the soldiers nearby sniggered.


Page 116 I can see it. shouted one of the soldiers standing up in his stirrups to get a better view. Bugleman looked meaningfully at Bentwood. You can see that far? he asked as the horse now came into full view. It would appear so, Bentwood replied, Its a shock to me as well. he added as he saw Bugleman looking at him in amazement. Caldwell, Woodman and a full fifty thousand Calvary and Lancers were also at a stand still. Weve lost over seventy men! said a red haired Captain to both the Mages. Dark elves? asked Caldwell. No, Sir! Dark cliffs, the men just arent used to riding at eighty miles and hour in utter darkness. We need to wait until morning. answered the Captain bravely. Yes! Err, okay but everyone had better be ready to move at first light. I want to be at the castle by midday. he agreed. Woodman and the captain both gave a sigh of relief, the captain for his men and Woodman because his backside was full of blisters. Unlike Caldwell he was unused to horses and was hating every step. What if this dark elf isnt Martello? Woodman asked Caldwell as they sat around a fire. Woodman on a pile of soft blankets, whilst Caldwell sat on a rock, that made Woodmans eyes water just to watch. Has to be him, said Caldwell, Did you see the bugger move. He grabbed those arrows right out of the air. he added respectfully. I know a wizard when I see one! he said more quietly.


Page 117 But if it is Martello, then why hasnt he contacted us. I can sense Potter and the others. said Woodman trying to cast a web to relieve his discomfort. You can? said Caldwell suspiciously. Yes! Cant you? Woodman replied, Maybe our powers differ? he added diplomatically. In that case, allow me. said Caldwell casting a healing web towards Woodman; who then sighed gratefully. Magic. murmured Woodman at last visibly relaxing. Delf, NoNo and Clarissa sat around a small fire eating their breakfasts. The imp was being chased by the children as the rest of their company kept watch on the army outside. We are going to have to let them in. said NoNo meaning the army outside, Theyll be massacred if we leave them outside without weapons when those dark elves arrive. I know. said Delf, but if we wait until they realise that, we wont have any trouble off them, when we do let them in. he added with a wink. Not a bad plan! said Clarissa, seeing at once Delfs reasoning. Better one volunteer than ten pressed men! she added laughing at the soldiers misfortune. So, what is your plan? NoNo asked Delf. Delf whipped out his notepad. Well! he said, First sign of company, we get the army inside and re-armed. Then Im going to send the elves and dark elves out to leave the baskets of mushrooms and some water, there going to be thirsty after


Page 118 crossing the desert. Then if all goes well, we are going to have to feed the buggers. Feed them? queried NoNo. Munchies! laughed Clarissa. Right! said NoNo, pulling out a notepad of his own, Best I write a plan out as well! he said hastily scribbling Dont get killed! in large letters on the first page. Are you two going to be armed! Clarissa asked NoNo and Delf. Ive got a stone. said NoNo secretly. Just one? asked Clarissa. Only need the one! the dwarf assured her, And Delfs got a staff. he said pointing to the stick tied to Delfs back. Im staff! yelled the stick, I was a stick, then a rod but now Im staff! squealed the stick excitedly, this time they all heard it. Your stick can talk! said Clarissa and NoNo looking at Delf amazed. So can your stone! said Delf to NoNo accusingly. No, I cant! said the stone, from inside of NoNos trouser pocket. I hope that was the stone! said Clarissa staring in disbelief at NoNos trouser department. Not as much as me! agreed the dwarf honestly. You two keeping any other secrets? asked Clarissa. Yes. said NoNo That chicken was a bloody dragon! he laughed. Oh, Bugger! said Delf, and Clarissa also began to laugh. Having fun? asked Lorettia as She and Morton approached the trio, Morton with his multicoloured shirt ruffling in the hot morning air.


Page 119 Dont ask. said Clarissa laughingly. As they both sat down around the fire. Well Im sorry to ruin your mirth but the scouts are in and its not good news. said Lorettia. The Royal Guard will not get here until after the priests and they also report that thousands of horsemen are approaching from the north east. she paused to let them digest the facts. Delf looked towards the battlements, for some reason the stone no longer felt that secure. He knew what twenty thousand dark elf zealots were capable of; he also knew that if his plan failed a lot of good people were going to die. He glanced at Clarissa and saw the confidence in her eyes as she looked back at him, she believed in him as did all the rest. Now Delf found that his own confidence was beginning to wane, his plan was not fool proof, it never had been. He needed an edge, he needed a back up plan and he knew hed run out of paper; his notebook was full! Im going out to talk to the army. he said rising to his feet, I need to go alone. he added as the rest also rose to their feet. Finish your meal first! said Clarissa, What ever happens will happen! Delf looked into her eyes and saw worry there. Not worry for herself but for him. NoNo also looked nervous, hell they all did. Delf considered the possibilities, so they might all get killed but they needed him to be strong. When he smiled, they smiled, when he lost confidence, it appeared so did they. Youre just itching to clean the plates! laughed Delf and saw the relief in all of their eyes. So thats all it takes, he thought, when Im strong theyre invincible. Delf sat down and recovered his plate. You are sure you cooked the right


Page 120 mushrooms arent you? he asked with a spoonful just before his lips. NoNo laughed Youre damn right were sure, we remember how much you ate last time you had the munchies. Delf finished his meal, taking care not to rush it or rush off as soon as it was finished. He knew now how fragile a situation they were in. He needed them to be confident, to be strong not for themselves but for the women and children. When you laugh, the world laughs with you, he thought. He intended to make sure that they all enjoyed what could be their last day. Delf saw the imp; it was happily being chased by the children. It could have got away in an instant if it wanted to. The imp could move faster than the human eye. So could Delf but he knew, that for him, the speed lasted for only a second. He couldnt maintain it indefinitely as could the imp. Well at least one of us wont die to day. For some reason this cheered him up. It was one friend he didnt have to worry about. Delf looked at Morton, he could sense the mans fear even though Morton was keeping it from his face. I need a favour. he said to Morton. I want the best dress you have; I want it to be fit for a princess. Err, I dont think we have your size! stammered Morton a bit shocked by the request. Not for me! said a shocked Delf! For Clarissa, I want her to look like a princess! Me! asked Clarissa, I dont need a dress! she said but her eyes had already lit up.


Page 121 Those men out there, said Delf pointing a thumb over his shoulder to where the army was still camped. They wont fight for a dark elf, they will fight to protect themselves but by then it will be too late. We need to give them something to believe in, something to fight for. We need a leader they can accept and be willing to die for. We need Princess Clarissa of Stormhold! he added remembering the city Carson had ruled over. I dont think it will work. said NoNo, People die for a belief not a person. he added, shacking his head. Sorry Delf, said Clarissa but I have to agree with NoNo. Good. said Delf calmly, Moridon! he yelled. Every dwarf, including NoNo stood up and shouted Moridon! Delf smiled Im glad you agree. he smiled. He has a point! said Lorrettia looking at the dwarfs standing about ready for action. Delf left the castle several minutes later slightly ahead of NoNo and Lorrettia who were flanking him to each side. The delegation strode up to the largest tent the army had erected. Guards and soldiers joined them forming a semicircle behind the trio. A dozen captains exited the tent and waited for them to arrive. Delf strode up to them stopping a good five yards away; he wanted as many men as possible to hear the exchange. We have a message from the Princess. said Delf in a voice that could be heard almost at the castle walls. Mifffical

Page 122 What Princess, dark elf? said a grisly looking captain with a face full of scars. How do you know Im a dark elf? asked Delf Im not even wearing a hat. NoNo groaned. I can smell a dark elf from miles away! growled the captain. Oh good! said Delf happily, Well need you to tell us as soon as you smell twenty thousand of them coming over that dune! he said pointing away in the distance behind them. The blood drained from the captains face and the soldiers started to look nervously at the dune Delf had pointed to. Princess Clarissa of Stormhold demands that this army prepare to defend the castle. Any man that refuses to swear allegiance to the Princess may leave unharmed. Oh, but dont go that way, he said pointing to the south theres ten thousand dark elves coming from that direction too. Im not scared to face dark elves! said the captain. Delf vanished in front of everyone and appeared a split second later, with the grisly, scared face captain held up in one hand. Delfs eyes blazed like fire as he held up the terrified captain with one hand, the captains legs kicking furiously inches off the ground. Delf slowly retracted his hand bringing the terrified man to within inches of his face. Good, man! snarled Delf, Thats what we need, men who arent scared to face a dark elf. he said as the captain screamed and pleaded for his life. Mifffical

Page 123 P-P-Princess Clarissa. stammered a younger Captain How much will she charge me to get me sword back? he asked. You get your weapons back, free of charge! yelled Delf to the gathered soldiers, just as soon as you give your oath! Many of the soldiers went down on one knee. No! yelled Delf, You give your oaths in front of the High Priest! High Priest? asked a confused soldier. Oh, yes! said Delf, Hes the one in the pink dress. B-B-Bugger stammered the soldier his knees beginning to shake. One more thing, said Delf kindly, make sure youre your all clean and smart before you see the Princess she despises dirt, I will warn you only this once, she has a broom! Like a witch? asked a soldier, deep in the gathered crowd. Dont know what a witch is. replied Delf honestly. Can the broom fly? asked another soldier helpfully. Oh, shell let fly with it, dont you doubt. said NoNo beginning to enjoy the day. Delf dropped the captain who curled up in a little ball blubbering for his mother. You have twenty minutes. To be ready! said Delf.


Page 124 Why only twenty minutes? asked some of the soldiers who had yet to eat. Ask the captain, said Delf, He said he could smell them from miles away. You certainly know how to motivate the troops. laughed Lorrettia, as She, Delf and NoNo returned to the castle entrance. Yes! said NoNo I recon some of them are going to beat us in. he laughed, as they saw hundreds of men running up behind them. It went well then? asked an amused Clarissa in her royal gown, as she and rest of the castle occupants, watched as thousands of men knelt in front of the Castle entrance, the imp strutting up and down the lines, with its pink dress and yellow ribbon blowing in the wind. Every so often it would disappear followed by a scream as it appeared in front of yet another soldier and made the man repeat the oath, especially the bit about in this life and the next. Yes. NoNo sighed Knowing that little bugger can follow you, even when youre dead, sure brings out a bit of honesty in a man. Ive just worked out what the PMI on its forehead stands for. said Lorrettia Possessed Megalomaniac Inside! she laughed as they watched the imp screaming in the face of yet another poor hapless soldier. Soon after the imp was certain that every man had made a true oath, the army was re-armed and now crowded the battlements. Mifffical

Page 125 Clarissa was impressed at how clean and smart they all looked but was a bit concerned by the look of pure terror each man gave her, as she walked about the castle in her royal gowns, broom in hand. A witch! screamed Clarissa belting Delf with her broom, You told them I was a bloody witch! she said to an extremely nervous Delf. Delf looked to NoNo for support but all he saw was a rapidly diminishing dwarf running like mad in the opposite direction. Bugger! said Delf. He wanted to explain to her what had been said but decided NoNo had the right idea and darted after the little dwarf as fast as he could. The soldiers on the wall shuck with renewed terror. It was true, surely only a witch could scare a dark elf? The rest of the morning was quiet uneventful. An old soldier wearing the three stripes of sergeant on his tunic arm drilled the gypsies in the sandy forecourt, teaching them the rudiments of sword craft. Delf enjoyed the sight, the sun up above was a burning frenzy and if it were not for the impeding doom the sight would have been magnificent with the gypsies, in their multicoloured clothes, swirling around the sandy ground their shirts billowing in the wind. It looks like a carnival down there. said Lorrettia who was standing beside him. Delf who had no idea what a carnival was agreed with her. Soon be time to put out the mushrooms. said Delf dreamily. All ready been done, she said Stample and the dwarfs took them out half an hour ago. Nice little baskets with a note to say what they are. she added meaningfully. Whats a witch? asked Delf nervously turning to look at Lorrettia. Mifffical

Page 126 Dont you worry about that, she laughed, Ive already explained to her what was said. Shes not angry anymore. In fact I think shes enjoying the respect. As long as being a witch is respectful. I dont mind either. said Delf a smile returning to his face. She can be a real bugger with that broom! Lorrettia smiled, there was a definite magic to being around Delf. Somehow he bought the best out in everyone. Even the soldiers seemed happier. Here they were facing impeding death and everyone was smiling. I can see them! shouted a lookout high up in the castle ramtops. Delf and Lorrettia sprinted to the battlements. Soon they were joined by Stample, NoNo and Clarissa. As the companions gathered around him to look over the wall, NoNo letting Stample share his stepladder. A mass of dark elves poured over the dune a mile or so from the castle. What happened to your nose? shouted Delf to the grisly, scar faced Captain below in the courtyard I thought you could smell them from miles away? That bought a few laughs from the soldiers on the battlements. Theyve seen the baskets! yelled an excited Stample. Why has everyone stopped? yelled Corious as he approached the front line. He could see the castle and wanted to get the fighting over with and get down to a decent night of torture. Its the baskets sir! said a dark elf holding up a basket, It says there mushrooms!


Page 127 Not like any mushrooms Ive seen! said a dark elf with a nasty gouge down one leg, as the dark elves gathered around the baskets. Wheres the tusks and spirally tail, eh? Could be baby mushrooms! said Mortron arriving at last to peer into the basket. Bugger eating one of those then! said the dark elf with the deep gouge, If they grow inside your belly its bound to bloody hurt. Just look what one of those tusks did to my leg. I had to kill the bloody thing before it would let me eat it! he added miserably. Could be a trap. said Mortron Poison maybe? he added nervously. Corious narrowed his eyes, We need a volunteer, you there, with the bad leg, have a little nibble. Id love to sir, said the dark elf, but Ive only just eaten, him over there said he was hungry. No I didnt! shouted the dark elf as Corious looked at him. Just eat the bloody mushroom! shouted Mortron, to the poor hungry dark elf. The dark elf, who knew he was doomed, gingerly took a small bite out of one of the smallest mushrooms he could find. Err, not bad. he conceded, Its a bit dry. Wow! Look at my fingers, they go all the way up to my hands. Thats as far as he went, before collapsing giggling to the ground. Everyone looked as he twitched and shuck. He then started to jerk, as spasm after spasm, wracked his entire body. Mifffical

Page 128 Bugger! said the dark elf with the bad leg it must be growing inside him! What are we going to do? asked another dark elf. We could watch him die! shouted another from the back jumping up and down to get a good luck. Corious looked towards Mortron, who looked up at the sky, Weve plenty of time! he said hopefully, but I recon we should stand back from those baskets, just in case any more start to grow. He added looking mean fully at the gouge on the other dark elfs leg. Corious had the men drag the poor victim to the bottom of the dune a good distance from the baskets but in sight of the castle. In short order the whole dune was covered in dark elves all sitting down to watch the twitching man. Not going too well. said NoNo watching from his ladder, They arent eating the bloody things. Theyve left them all in the baskets. Delf and his companions groaned. Can you hit the baskets with an arrow? asked Clarissa remembering the effect on the Happee when a mushroom fell into the fire. Too far! said Lorrettia, catching on to what Clarissa intended. I think I can help! said Delf sprinting away from the wall.


Page 129 No! screamed Clarissa but then stopped Delf hadnt run out towards the baskets but instead grabbed the imp and was talking to it hurriedly. The imp vanished. Delf made his way back up to the battlements. The imp! said NoNo, it wont go anywhere near a fire since it kept burning its hand on the mountain. I know! said Delf, but he has a friend! A friend? asked Lorrettia. Yes I told him to tell the chicken that there are thousands of dark elves sitting on a hill wanting to hear it Cock-a-doogledoo. said Delf. A Chicken? said Lorrettia confused. Youll see! said Delf. It didnt take long, in huge bounds with wings flapping it over the dunes the dragon cleared the dark elves, landing in between the castle and the baskets. Get down! screamed Delf, though most of the soldiers already had. Cock-a-doogle-do! screamed the dragon spinning around excitedly. Most of the dark elves hit the deck as flames roared out of the dragons mouth. Oh, bugger! said the dragon looking at the flaming baskets in front of it, It wasnt me. it protested. Over here! shouted NoNo and Clarissa together. The dragon waddled over looking at everything but the baskets, stopping in front of the castle wall, its head clearing Mifffical

Page 130 the battlements as it rested its head on top of one of the castellation. Hi Delf, hi Clarissa, hi NoNo. it said Have you seen the PMI? Because, it looked over to the burning baskets, I think it keeps following me and starting fires! it said convincingly. Its a dragon! exclaimed Lorrettia. No, Im not! wailed the dragon Im a chicken! Dragons are mifffical, thats with three fs and dont you forget it! Calling me, an honest chicken, mifffical, its disgusting, thats what it is, disgusting! said the chicken sounding ever so hurt. Dont ask? said Delf to Lorrettia and Stample. The soldiers on the battements looked on in awe. There was their Princess talking to a dragon. They nodded knowingly to one another. Their Princess was not only a powerful witch who had imps and dark elves at her command but she also commanded dragons! That army of dark elves outside the castle wouldnt stand a chance they thought. What the hell was that? shouted Corious as the dragon walked over to the castle. Maybe thats a mushroom! said a startled Mortron looking at the dragon as it rested its head on the castle wall. No! said Carious as he listened to the dragon wailing. Its just said its a chicken. he added nervously. They would have talked more but then the smoke rolled in. The smoke from the burning baskets engulfed less than a quarter of the dark elves. Those outside the area watched in amazement as their senior priests and a lot of their fellow dark elves started to walk around in a stupor staring at their hands Mifffical

Page 131 and babbling gibberish. Weve been attacked. shouted the nearest captain to the smoke who was unaffected. Stay out of the smoke its dangerous, reform upwind of the smoke. he yelled. The dark elves immediately reformed, years of training demonstrating just how good dark elves were at forming ranks. Within moments the sand in front of the burning baskets was filled with line after line of dark elf troops and they were after vengeance! The most senior Captain a dark elf by the name of Sorrell walked up and down the line stabbing any affected elf that had managed to line up with the unaffected troops. Dont let the infected in the ranks. he screamed It may be Contagious. It didnt take the assembled dark elves long to understand the underlining command. The whole of the rear rank went racing back to their intoxicated brothers, swords in hand. Today was promotion day! The affected dark elves intoxicated as they were, didnt give up without a fight. It should have been a massacre but dark elves dont die easily, not only that but in the ensuing fight many of the unaffected were making the mistake of entering the smoke area and finding themselves on the other side, desperately fighting off their own side. It was brutal, it was horrific, and it was shear bedlam. Most of the dead were not the mushroom infected dark elves that lay twitching in the dissipating smoke but the attacking elves. The guards on the castle ramtops and battlements watched in utter amazement. Their Princess must have put a spell on the dark elves because instead of attacking the castle, the dark elves were attacking themselves! Theres more. screamed a soldier from high up in the ramtops pointing to the south as thousands of dark elves, elves and dwarfs came crashing down over a dune to assault the lines of dark elves that had lined up in front of the baskets. Mifffical

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Darious led his army straight for the lines of dark elves assembled in front of the castle. His sword a blur as he swung it murderously from either side of his horse Cletherian slightly behind him on a great white charger firing arrow after arrow at any dark elves that tried to impede Dariouss path. Do we help them? asked NoNo and Stample as they watched the dwarves that arrived with Darious swinging their axes at the knees of any dark elf they came up against. No! said Delf


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