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Teaching Plan (Theory)

Name Of Institute: SSP, Siddhatek (Berdi) Name Of Subject: OOP Subject Code: 12063 Name Of Faculty: Sonar S. M.

Academic Year: 2012-2013

Institute Code: 1166 Branch: Computer Semester: CO3E Probable/Actual Hrs: 64

Cha p no 1.

No.of lecture s 06

Topic name

Concept of Object Oriented Programming

Sub top no. 1.1

Sub topic to cover

History & features: Its need & requirement, procedure oriented programming versus object oriented programming, basic concepts object oriented programming, object oriented languages. Beginning with C++: Concepts & structure of C++ programming, concepts of structure. Specifying a class, Defining member functions, Access specifiers (public, private) Arrays within a class, Creating objects, memory allocation for objects, static data & member function, Arrays of objects, objects as function argument. Concept of Constructor, Types of constructors (Default, Parameterized, copy,), Overloaded Constructors (Multiple Constructor), Constructor with default argument, Destructors. Function overloading, Operator overloading (overloading unary & binary operators), rules for overloading operators.

L.R/ Media to used

Date of commen coment

Date of completion



12 2.
Objects & classes

10 3.

Constructors and Destructors

Name & sign of staff

Name & sign of HOD

Teaching Plan (Theory)

Name Of Institute: SSP, Siddhatek (Berdi) Name Of Subject: OOP Subject Code: 12063 Name Of Faculty: Sonar S. M.

Academic Year: 2012-2013

Institute Code: 1166 Branch: Computer Semester: CO3E Probable/Actual Hrs: 64

08 4.


12 5.

Pointers in C++

06 6.


Concepts of inheritance, Derived classes, Member declaration (Protected), Types of inheritance (Single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, Hybrid inheritance), Virtual base classes, Abstract classes, Constructors in derived classes, Member classes. Concepts of pointer (Pointer declaration, pointer operator, address operator, pointer expressions, and pointer arithmetic), Pointers & functions (Call by value, call by reference, pointer to functions, passing function to another function), Pointers in arrays (Searching, insertion & deletion), Pointers to string (Searching, finding length, comparison, concatenation, reverse), Pointers & objects (Pointers to objects, this pointer, and pointer to derived classes). Concepts of polymorphism, types of polymorphism, function Overloading & function overriding, Virtual function, Static & dynamic binding.

Name & sign of staff

Name & sign of HOD

Teaching Plan (Theory)

Name Of Institute: SSP, Siddhatek (Berdi) Name Of Subject: OOP Subject Code: 12063 Name Of Faculty: Sonar S. M.

Academic Year: 2012-2013

Institute Code: 1166 Branch: Computer Semester: CO3E Probable/Actual Hrs: 64

10 7.

Basic function of I/O system basics & File Processing

Stream classes, using formatted & unformatted functions, using manipulator to format I/O, Basics of file system, opening & closing a file, reading & writing character from a file (get(), put(), getline(), write()), Command line arguments.

Name & sign of staff

Name & sign of HOD

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