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Module 3 - Interpersonal Skills Key Terms

KT 3

Chapter 13 - Interpersonal Communication Terms: Open-Ended Questions, Body Language, Active Listening, Empathetic Listening, Paraphrasing, Interpersonal Communication, Mixed Message, Closed Questions, Nonverbal Communication, Verbal Communication _______________! A nonjudgemental communication technique that focuses not only on understanding the content of what is being said but also on the underlying emotions and feelings conveyed by the sender. This technique helps develop rapport and fosters a trusting relationship. An important part of non-verbal communication that can reveal a persons physical, mental, or emotional state through powerful messages such as gestures, postures, and facial expressions. Questions that are structured so that the response can be restricted to one word such as yes or no or to a few words. A nonjudgemental technique that requires the listener to be attentive to the senders feelings. The exchange of information between two people, usually face to face. Messages sent without words. Questions that invite a person to share thoughts, feelings, or ideas. Restating someones message in ones own words. Messages sent through the spoken word. Something you say that is confusing because you behave as though you mean something else.




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Note: Denitions derived from Mosbys Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker (3rd Ed)

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Module 3 - Interpersonal Skills Key Terms

KT 3

Chapter 7 - Medical Terminology Terms: wt, ADL, w/c , amb, AM, bid, BP, c, CA, qd, CPR, dc (d/c), ROM, ER, RPN, h (hr), I&O, LLQ, tid, min, mL, NPO, OT, po (per os), amt, PT, q, abd, qh, cath, qhs, q2h, dx, FBS, s, SOB, RUQ, tbsp, stat, TPR, LUQ, VS (vs), tsp, Pt (pt) _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! Abdomen Activities of Daily Living Morning Ambulatory Amount Twice a Day Blood Pressure With Cancer Catheter Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Discontinue Diagnosis Emergency Room! Fasting Blood Sugar Hour Input & Output Left Lower Quadrant Left Upper Quadrant Minute Millilitre !

Note: Denitions derived from Mosbys Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker (3rd Ed)

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Module 3 - Interpersonal Skills Key Terms

_______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! _______________! Nothing by Mouth (non per orum) Occupational Therapist By Mouth (per orum) Patient Physiotherapy Every Every Day Every Hour Every 2 hours Every night at bedtime Range of Motion Right Upper Quadrant Without Shortness of Breath At once, immediately Tablespoon Three times a day Temperature, pulse, respirations Teaspoon Vital Signs Wheelchair Weight

KT 3

Note: Denitions derived from Mosbys Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker (3rd Ed)

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Module 3 - Interpersonal Skills Key Terms

Chapter 8 - Reporting and Recording Terms: Chart, Graph Sheet, Symptoms, Task Sheet, Care Plan, Evaluation, ADL Checklist, Signs, Assessment, Incident Report, Progress Notes, Documentation, Observation _______________! _______________! _______________! Collecting information about the client; a step in the care planning process. A document that details the care and services the client should receive.

KT 3

A legal document that details a clients condition or illness and responses to care; can also be referred to as record. Record of the care you have given the client and the observations you have made during care. It is a legal requirement for health care providers. Also known as charting. Assessing and measuring; a step in the care planning process. The active process of using the senses to obtain information about the clients current condition. Information reported by a client that cannot be directly observed by others. Also known as subjective data. Information gained through observations and the use of other senses about the clients health. Also known as objective data. Used by employers in community settings to record care and services provided Written account made after an accident, error, or unexpected event. Records information about the care given, observations and clients responses. Records actions related to hygiene, food and uids, elimination, rest and sleep, mobility, activity and social interaction. Records measurements and observations made on every shift or 3 - 4x a day. (Includes blood pressure, TPR, height and weight)

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Note: Denitions derived from Mosbys Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker (3rd Ed)

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