First Holy Communion Prayers

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Holy Communio n

Saint Anthony Guide!

Prayers +
In honor of

belongs to:___________________

Jesus, ever present in

the Most Blessed Sacrament!

+ May our Blessed Mother

guide you, guard you, and teach you always! +

My Little White Ribbon

May I keep my soul as White As on my First Communion Day But if I should Blacken IT My Little White Ribbon I must throw Away! May the angels ever light, guard, rule and guide you!

I love you, save souls!

Prayer before Mass. O my God, I am only a little child; help me to be attentive, and to pray with

all my heart during this Holy Mass.

Pray the Apostles Creed, and the Our Father, and three Hail Marys.

First Communion Day!

May the Heart of Jesus in the most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored and loved, with grateful affection, at every moment in all the tabernacles throughout the world, even until the end of time.

Pray for me so Ill not sin. Pray I will be true to Him!


Mother Mary, dressed in blue, with little Jesus near to You.

O Come Let us adore Him!

Act of Faith

The hour for which I longed has come, and I am to approach for the first time the altar of God, to receive the Bread of angels, the sacred Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. Jesus, most merciful, most worthy of love, Thou hast loved me and given Thyself not only to suffering and death, but also to become food for my soul, to remain with me until the end of my life. Having taken the bread, given thanks and blessed it, saying: Take and eat, this is My Body; and likewise the chalice: drink ye all of this, this is My Blood. And Thou didst command

them to do this in commemoration of Thee, giving them the power to do what Thou hadst done, to change bread into Thy body, and wine into Thy blood, so that if we eat not Thy flesh and drink not Thy blood, we shall not have life in us. Eternal God, who can understand the depth of Thy wisdom and the measure of Thy omnipotence? Who can fathom the abyss of Thy love?

I believe that Thou, Son of God, art the living bread from heaven.

Confirm my faith, O Jesus!

I believe that Thou art present, really and truly, body and soul, Divinity and humanity, in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Confirm my faith, O Jesus!

Confirm my faith, O Jesus!

I believe that Thy Body is meat indeed and Thy Blood is drink indeed. + SWORD OF FAITH

+ Remain anchored in the Faith

where Thou art about to give me Thyself; this I confidently trust and expect, sweet, loving Jesus. I trust in Thy mercy and love, and in Thy infallible promises. From Thee I dare hope everything, for Thou art almighty. semper fidelis
Always Faithful

Act of Hope With this firm and secure belief, O Jesus, I approach Thy holy table,

Strengthen my hope, O Jesus!

Thou hast said: My Flesh is meat indeed, My

Blood is drink indeed. I hope it will nourish and strengthen my soul in virtue.

Thou hast said: He that eateth My Flesh and drinketh My Blood abideth in Me and I in him. I hope to remain in Thee, and Thou in me.

Strengthen my hope, O Jesus!

Thou didst say: He that eateth My Flesh and drinketh My Blood hath everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For this I hope.

Strengthen my hope, O Jesus!

Strengthen my hope, O Jesus!

Thou sayest: He that eateth Me, the same also shall live by Me; he that eateth this bread shall live forever. For this I hope.

Strengthen my hope, O Jesus! Viva Christo Rey!



Act of Charity

O Jesus, inflame my heart with love, that I may come to Thee in the spirit of charity, henceforth to love Thee above all things and with my whole heart. Oh, that I could be sufficiently mindful of Thee and of Thy love for me. Thou hast loved me and delivered Thyself up for me to agony and sorrow in the Garden, and into the hands of Thy cruel enemies; Thou didst humble Thyself unto death, even unto the death of the cross. Weighed down with it Thou

goest to Calvary, even as a lamb to the slaughter, not opening its mouth; nailed to the cross, raised between heaven and earth, blasphemed, insulted, weakened with pain, Thou didst bow Thy head and die between two criminals. O Jesus, my Lord, my Savior! I love Thee with my whole heart, with my whole soul, with all my strength.

I love Thee, because for love of me Thou art ever present in this Holy Sacrament, to be with me.

O Jesus!

Enkindle in me Thy love,

I love Thee, because in the worthy participation of Thy Body and Blood Thou hast given me a pledge of life eternal.

Enkindle in me Thy love, O Jesus!

Enkindle in me Thy love, O Jesus!

+ Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my Love!

Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation! + Sancta Maria, Mater Dei! Holy Mary, Mother of God!

Teach us to be like you Mother! Full of Love and all Virtue!

Act of Desire O Jesus, my Redeemer and Savior, how great and ineffable is the grace that Thou shouldst come to me. Thou comest, though hidden under the form of bread, yet visible to faith; Thou givest Thyself as food for my soul, to dwell in me, to abide in me; Thou comest to bring to my soul, thirsting for help and consolation, grace, aid, and salvation. I rejoice that Thou art

about to enter into my soul: I long for Thee. In Thee I possess all things; Thou art my God, my Redeemer, and my Savior. Nourish and strengthen my soul, O Jesus! Come Lamb of God! Come and take away my weakness and my sin.

Nourish and strengthen my soul, O Jesus!

Come, help me, save me. My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon of those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee! Our Lady of Fatima, Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta, pray for us!

Nourish and strengthen my soul, O Jesus!

Come, Jesus, help and salvation for all!

+ My Flesh is meat indeed, My Blood is drink indeed. ~ Our Lord Jesus

Thou hast given me Thy Body as a pledge of my glorious resurrection.

The Cross!

How dare I approach Thee, my God and Savior? St. John, pure and holy, believed himself unworthy to loose the latchet of Thy shoes; the angels hide their faces out of reverence for Thee, and I am about to receive Thee into my soul.

The Sign of Our Redemption!

Act of Humility

Lord, I am not worthy that Thou

I am not worthy: I would not dare approach Thy holy table if Thou hadst not commanded it. Obedient to Thy command, because I love my salvation and life eternal, I approach, feeling keenly my unworthiness, and confessing.

shouldst come to me.

shouldst come to me. O sweetest Heart of Jesus! I implore That I may ever love Thee more and more! O Sacrament most Holy,

Lord, I am not worthy that Thou

O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving, be every moment Thine!
+ Sweet Sacrament, we Thee adore!

Oh, make us love Thee more and more!

Behold the Lamb of God! St. John the Baptist

This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. God After Holy Communion Thanksgiving
The body of Our Lord Jesus Christ preserve my soul unto life everlasting! I possess Him Who gives eternal life. With firm and confident faith, I believe, O Jesus, that Thou hast words of eternal life. Thy Flesh is meat indeed. I have received Thy sacred Body, Thou art truly present in my soul, my Lord and my God; Thou art

most intimately united with me. Oh, how can I sufficiently adore Thee! I, Thy unworthy creature; Thou, my Father and Saviour, hast taken pity on me; Thou lovest me, it is Thy delight to be with me. How can I, my Jesus, thank Thee for this grace! Magnify the Lord, my soul, for He hath done wonderful things to thee! Sweet, merciful Jesus, vouchsafe to look kindly upon my poor and pitiful gratitude.

Jesus meek and humble of Heart, make our hearts like unto THINE! + Jesus, I live for Thee, Jesus, I die for Thee, Jesus, I am Thine,

in life and in death! Amen.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere nobis.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us!

Lord, Jesus crucified,

I thank Thee, O Jesus!

Thou didst deign to come into my soul.

I thank Thee, O Jesus!

Thou hast given me Thy Body as a pledge of my glorious resurrection. Have mercy on us!

I thank Thee, O Jesus!

Thou hast thereby assured life eternal to me.

I thank Thee, O Jesus!

Thine own I am, O Jesus! + Praise and Thank God

O ye holy angels and saints of God, give thanks for me; praise and magnify the Lord for all eternity. Merciful Jesus, Thou hast given me today the greatest and best gift that Thou couldst give, Thyself; Thou art in me, most intimately connected with me, to abide eternally in me and with me. What can I return for all Thou hast given me; what can I return for

Thyself? Myself is all I possess; accept me; I give and offer up myself, with whatever I am or have.

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts.

O Sacrament most Holy, O Sacrament Divine!

All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine! Thine own I am, O Jesus!
No sinful pleasure, no earthly possession, shall ever separate me from Thee.

Thine own I am, O Jesus!

Thee will I love, in Thee will I trust, Thee I will follow.

Thine I am in life Thine I remain in death.

Thine own I am, O Jesus! Thine own I am, O Jesus!

Gory be the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, Amen.

For Thee I live, for Thee I die, O Jesus! For Thee I live, for Thee I die, O Jesus!
May my prayers be graciously heard today, since Thou hast come to me to give me Thy graces and salvation. Give ear, sweet Jesus, to my petitions, for without

Thee I am nothing and can do nothing. Abide in me with Thy all powerful graces, that I may faithfully perform what I promised today; support me in weakness; nourish and strengthen my faith in Thee, my confidence in Thy promise, and my love toward Thee.

Petitions Grant and preserve in me a pure and spotless heart; be Thou ever more dear to me than sinful pleasure, than all the goods of this world, that I may bear anything, suffer anything, lose everything, even life

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.

itself, rather than lose Thee and Thy grace.

Graciously hear and bless me, O Jesus!

+ Communion Prayer Permit me never to approach Thy holy table unprepared and unworthy, nor to eat Thy

Flesh and drink Thy Blood unto judgment and condemnation. Let this Communion ever be to me a powerful and constant memorial of Thee, that I may never forget Thy love, but love Thee from my whole heart and above all things.

Graciously hear and bless me, O Jesus!


+ Ave Maria!

Pray for us, O holy Mother of God! Hail, Holy Queen,

May Thy Benediction rest on my parents, relatives, benefactors, friends, and companions; to Thee are known their anxieties, needs, and wants.

O Jesus, bless them!

Mother of Mercy!

Pardon all, help all, especially those that are in great need of Thy help, living or dead. Lord,

O Jesus, bless them!

hasten to their assistance.

Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my Love! Sweet Heart of Mary, be my Salvation! + Prayer for our Parents and Others I beg of Thee, O my God, bless my father and mother. Give them grace

O Jesus, bless them!

to know Thee, love Thee, and serve Thee as they ought, that they may be happy with Thee forever in heaven. Help them to teach us what is right, and to give us good example. Bless also my brothers and sisters, my classmates, my teachers, and all who have been kind to me. Help them to serve thee well, that we may all meet in heaven.

Come Holy Ghost!

Creator Blest, and in our hearts take up Thy rest!

+ I am!

Thine own heart. Give him wisdom to teach us Thy ways, and reward him for his care of us. Prayer for Poor Souls Release, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from the bonds of their sins; and, by the assistance of Thy grace, may they obtain a speedy enjoyment of the bliss of eternal light. Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine

Prayer for Priests O Jesus, bless also Fatherour priest. Make him a true priest after

upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. + AMDG Prayer for the souls of children in Purgatory Sweet Saviour Jesus! Who, during Thy mortal life, showed so much love for children, we, children as they, and blessed by Thee, beseech Thee to open the gates of heaven to

our brothers and sisters who are now sighing in the place of suffering and penance, and afterwards grant that they may in turn help us, our parents, and our common Father, the Sovereign Pontiff. Holy Virgin, our good Mother, pray for us and for the children who are suffering! Hail Mary! The Good Shepherd


Lumen Christi. The Light of Christ.

I know mine, and mine know me!

Deo Gratias. Thanks be to God.

A Poem by Grace Keon

The sound of childish prayer; Come often child, to tell your love, For God is waiting there!

In the Tabernacle Behind the tabernacle door, Behind the silken veil, The Saviour stays-and longs to see You kneeling at the rail! He waits the sound of little feet,

A Gospel Riddle After this many of his disciples went back; and walked no more with him. John Ch. 6 vs. 67

Once Jesus told His people that the time would soon arrive When He Himself should be their Food to keep their souls alive; But many walked no more with Him; they said This cant be true, When He spoke about Communion for themselves and me and you.

Now if Jesus hadnt meant it Hed have hastened to explain That they hadnt understood Him and must all come back again, But just because He meant it so, He couldnt bid them stay; But He said to His Apostles: Will you also go away? Of course Saint Peter showed Him that they didnt mean to go, But wasnt it a pity that the others acted so? That when His solemn promise of the Bread of Life they heard His very own disciples should refuse to take His word? Dear Lord, I often wonder where those poor disciples went, And if some of them were sorry and You helped them to repent; Ill pray for those disciples on my next Communion Day,

For anyone who doubts Your Word and all who keep away.



We saw His glory, the glory as it were of the only-begotten of the

Father, full of grace and truth. St. John Ch. 1:14 + The Mass

is the unbloody Sacrifice of the Cross, offered by the Priest, under the appearances of bread and wine. + A Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and desire to possess Thee

within my soul. Since I am unable now to receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As if you have already come, I embrace and untie myself entirely to Thee; never, never permit me to be separated from Thee. + Prayer from Fatima O most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for

the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. +
Confirm my faith, O Jesus! Strengthen my hope, O Jesus! Enkindle in me Thy love, O Jesus!

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