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Welcome to our first Update!

These regular e-mails will include Chance UKs news and plans of all sorts. We hope youll find lots to interest you.

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Interested in mentoring a child?

Sign up for an info evening and find out more: 16th Oct Hackney & Islington 18th Oct Lambeth & Westminster

Chief Executive Gracia McGrath OBE and Chance UK's work were profiled in a marvellous article in the Telegraph Magazine in early August: Read it here
We were featured in other articles this Summer too, as people looked back and asked what has been learned from the 2011 Summer riots. Take a look at two others: Riots one year on: Volunteers respond to mentor call More riots 'are not inevitable' And here's Gracia's June article about payday loan sharks: 'If you charge extortionate rates, you are a loan shark. Just because you don't break people's legs, you are still breaking their lives.'

Two marathons and a wedding!

Carla ran London

What an honour!
Chance UK's Caroline Hopkins carried the Olympic torch through Brixton the day before the Olympics. Caroline said, 'I'm running to inspire all the children we work with and to recognise all the amazing work our mentors do for Chance UK'. More info BBC Radio London interview
Alex ran Edinburgh
Two amazing supporters who went the extra mile for Chance UK this year. Superb performances by both and wonderful fundraising.

Funding News
Realising Ambition
We recently heard Chance UK has been awarded prestigious Realising Ambition National Lottery funding for new child mentoring programmes in Enfield and Waltham Forest. We'll be providing mentors for 200 8-11 year-olds over a 4 year period. Find out more Could you be a mentor in one of these areas?
You don't have to get married or run a marathon to fundraise for Chance UK Find out more
Claudia Cabral and Kian Wookey asked their wedding guests for donations to Chance UK instead of wedding gifts. Many, many congratulations and thanks (and we love the shorts Kian!)

BBC Children in Need recently awarded us new funding - a further 3 years support for mentoring session costs. Children in Need have funded us for over 13 years, contributing enormously to our work. Funding is tight for almost everyone at the moment, so this is marvellous news. On behalf of everybody involved with Chance UK, we want to say a massive Thank You.

We wish we didn't have a waiting list

Donate today and help Chance UK reroute more young lives

Click here

Thank you to all our fundraisers and supporters for making Chance UK's work

Please help us help more children

You can raise funds for Chance UK at no cost to yourself as you search the internet or buy things online. Find out how here


Copyright 2012 Chance UK. All rights reserved. Chance UK is Registered Charity no.1046947

Our mailing address is: 89-93 Fonthill Road London N4 3JH

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