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The Cub Reporter

Dutch Fork Elementary School 7900 Broad River Road Irmo, SC 29063 (803) 476-3900 FAX (803) 476-3920 Title 1 School August 30, 2012

Principals Post . . .
Aug 31 Wear College Colors Day PBIS Pep Rallies Sept 3 Labor Day Holiday Sept 4-21 MAP Testing Grades 1-5 Sept 7 Grandparents/Grandfriends Day Fox Cub Spirit Friday Sept 10 Grandparents/Grandfriends Day Sept 14 PBIS Fox Fun Friday Sept 15 District Chorus Auditions 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. DFES Cafeteria Sept 17 Constitution & Citizenship Day Sept 18 Mammogram Van at DFES 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Boy Scouts of America Mtg. 6-7 p.m. Sept 19 Early Release Day 11:40 a.m. PTO Mtg. 6:00 p.m. in the Media Centr SIC Mtg. 6:30 p.m. Sept 29 PTO Picture Fundraiser 10 a.m. 6 p.m. in the Gym Sept 30 PTO Picture Fundraiser 1 p.m. 6 p.m. in the Gym Parents, After much anticipation, the 2012-2013 school year is upon us. It brings me great pleasure to share with parents that overall our first two weeks of school have been very successful. During the first full week we spent time reviewing and practicing routines and procedures. We capped off last Friday by having our Tag of Honor Kickoff. The purpose of the kickoff was to discuss our expectation of students and to reinforce the importance of setting goals. We are going to conclude this week by having our PBIS pep rallies on Friday. The purpose of the pep rallies is to have some fun but more importantly to discuss what it means to Perform Your Best, Act Responsibly, Work and Play Safely, and Show Respect. We want to ensure that students fully understand what these beliefs look like in action. Please join us in having similar conversations with your child at home. We thank you in advance for your support and look forward to an outstanding school year. Julius Scott Principal

Counselors Corner . . .
Welcome back to a new year at DFES! As a school counselor, my purpose is to encourage children to fully develop their academic, social and emotional skills. The guidance program at DFES includes classroom guidance lessons that are based on the state standards of Learning to Live, Learn, and Work. I visit all classrooms every month and teach lessons on a variety of topics, such as academic skills, dealing with teasing and peer pressure, exploring the world of work, self-control, respect and tolerance of others, friendship skills, and more. Some students benefit from individual attention or small group counseling. Referrals are made by staff members, parents, or other resources. If you know your child is going through a difficult time, I invite you to contact me at 476-3912. I am also available to lend a helping hand with parenting issues like discipline or communicating with your child. Would you like to help your child start the year off on the right note? Try these ideas! 1. If you ask your child how their day was and you get a shrug or one word response like Fine, ask more probing questions like What was the most interesting thing you learned? or What made you

Mammogram Van
The Mammogram Van from Lexington Medical Center will be at DFES on September 18, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. If you need your yearly mammogram this is a easy and convenient way to have it done. This service is open to the community so please call Linda Miller, our school nurse, at 4763906 to set up an appointment. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

(Counselors Corner cont.)

feel proud today? It is important to emphasize the positive to encourage school success and feelings of accomplishment. 2. Provide a designated time and place for homework. A table and a comfortable chair, along with a box of supplies will give the act of doing homework higher statusafter all this is one of your childs most important jobs each day! 3. Check out these websites for more ideas: I love being a part of our Fox Cub family. My role in the school provides me with many rewarding opportunities. I have access to a wide variety of resources to assist you in helping our students grow. Please let me know if I can help your child in any way. I am looking forward to working with you! Sara Beckman, Ed.S., NBCT School Counselor

Nurses Notes . . .

Lets Speak English!

Practice speaking English in a friendly setting Mondays at 11:30 a.m or Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. Irmo Branch Library 6251 St. Andrews Road Columbia, Sc 29212 There is NO COST!!! Its free for all participants! For more information call 798-7880, extension 2

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a safe and healthy summer! I have just a few friendly reminders from the health room. Please make sure you have completed your childs blue health card and returned it to his/her teacher. The Mobile Mammogram Van from LMC will be here at DFES on September 18 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Please call the health room at 476-3906 for an appointment. Permission for School Administration of Prescription Medication Prescription medications are medicines that require a written prescription from a health care practitioner. In order for a child to be given a prescription medicine at school, the childs health care practitioner along with the childs parent or guardian will need to sign the permission form. A permission form for prescription medicines is located on the school web site or, you may come by the health room to pick up a form. A responsible adult should deliver the medicine and the permission form to the school. Do not send any medication to school with your child. The medicine must be in the original container with the label on it. Please call Nurse Miller if you have any questions at 476-3906.

Media Center Happenings . . .

Woo hoo! By the time you read this the library will be back in business! We will be seeing every class each week for checkout. Your child should always have a book to read! Please help them to remember to bring his/her library book or books to school on their class scheduled checkout day. Also a few reminders on where to read library books: 1. Dry places! 2. Food free zones! 3. Places with a ceiling! 4. Not near small children who might draw in your book!

Attention Parents!
Our goal is to provide a learning environment with as little interruption as possible. Therefore, parents are asked to prearrange classroom visits with their childs teacher 24 hours in advance. Any changes in transportation that must occur during the school day must be done before 2:05 each day.

(Media Center Happenings cont.) 5. Away from pets that like the taste of books! If you participated in a summer reading program, please bring your reading log to the library after you have written your name on it and the last name of your homeroom teacher. Watch this spot for a special treat for the students that follow these directions!! Happy Reading! Diane Geddings School Librarian

P.E. Notes and News . . .

Its very important that students wear tennis shoes EVERY DAY they come to P.E.!! Walk to School Day is Wednesday, October 3rd! We hope to see you there! More information coming in the next couple of weeks! What your child will be doing during the month of September in P.E. Grades K-2 Locomotor Activities (1 week) Throwing and Catching (2 weeks) Underhand Throwing and Games (1 week) Striking Balloons with Body Parts (1 week) Grades 3-5 Fitness Gram Fall Testing (August 28th September 10th) Football/Volleyball Units (September 11th October 1st) Please check out the physical activity calendar attached to this newsletter!

Granparents Grandfriends Day At DFES

This year Grandparents Day will be celebrated at DFES on September 7 and September 10. We will be doing things a little different this year in hopes that everyone will feel included! This year we are calling it Grandparents and Grandfriends Day so that students whose grandparents have passed away or live out of town know they can have a special grandfriend come eat lunch with them on one of those days. Another change is that grandparents meals can be paid in advance. The cost of an adult meal is $3.35. Information will go home today explaining how reservations and payment for the meal can be made in advance. We hope to see lots of grandparents at DFES on September 7 or 10!!

DFES School Improvement Council (SIC)

Dutch Fork Elementary is now accepting nominations for serving on our School Improvement Council (SIC). If you are interested in serving or know of someone that would be willing to serve please read the attached information and complete the Nomination Form and return it to your childs teacher.

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