September Safety Topics

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Safety Meeting

Given By_____________________

Topic #70


PPE stands for personal protective equipment which we use in our daily work activities. OSHA gives employers responsibility for ensuring that employees wear appropriate PPE to reduce exposure to hazardous conditions such as falling objects, noise exposure, toxic atmospheres, etc. Personal protection is the main objective and each of us must follow our employer's safety requirements. The first form of PPE is a hard hat. This safety device provides us with an impact resistant covering that protects the head. We know that all of our body functions are controlled by 'that gray matter' inside our head, so don't take chances -- protect your brain -- wear your hard hat at all times! Many other forms of PPE are available to you. Hearing protection in the form of ear plugs or muffs reduces the amount of noise reaching your ear drums, thereby preserving your hearing. Respirators provide protection against toxic substances that might enter our bodies through our respiratory systems. Safety belts with lanyards and full body harnesses are types of personal fall protection, but they are effective only if we use them. The eyes and face are another area that needs to be protected. There are many types and sizes of spectacles and goggles to protect the eyes and each has a special application. Be sure you read the manufacturer's instructions before wearing them and choose the right type. Face shields should be worn if potential danger exists from physical, chemical or radiation agents. Personal Protective Equipment can be cumbersome, uncomfortable, hot, etc. and employees occasionally dont wear it even though they know they may be risking injury. Any worker who fails to wear required PPE should be disciplined. Evaluate your work operations and define the hazards. Check with your supervisor for necessary PPE requirements and resolve to wear them. An ounce of protection is worth a pound or cure. KEEP YOUR PPE CLEAN AND IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. REPLACE ANY DEFECTIVE GEAR IMMEDIATELY.

Prepared by: Justin Robinson

Safety Meeting
Given By_____________________

Topic #71


How much do you know when it comes to refueling small equipment, large equipment, motor vehicles or machinery? Internal combustion engines all run on some type of fuel. Take a look around the construction site. What do you see? You will find portable generators, water pumps, air compressors, chain saws, and cut off saws. Motor vehicles may include pickup trucks, vans, dump trucks, flat bed trucks, motor graders, bulldozers, cranes, etc. The list could go on and on depending on the size of the job. Always remember that when you are refueling you're dealing with flammable liquids which form vapors that can easily catch fire or explode. The golden rule is: Never Smoke Around Flammable Liquids Put all smoking materials out well in advance of any refueling and remind co-workers to do the same. The second rule to remember is to let that small engine cool off before you start the refueling. This is hard to do because the engine always seems to run out of fuel in the middle of what you are trying to get done, but a hot engine and flammables may cause a flash fire or explosion. A few minutes to let the engine cool down could prevent serious injury or even a fatality. When dispensing flammable liquids make sure to use only approved storage containers. Use a safety can to store flammables. Never use glass bottles or plastic milk jugs - they are not approved. The container should have a self-closing lid and a label describing the contents. When dispensing from large storage tanks or at a fuel pump, the same safety rules apply. Shut the motor off prior to filling the fuel tank. As a construction worker you have many pieces of equipment that require the use of flammable liquids. Practice fuel safety at all times (both on and off the job). Follow all your employers rules and report fuel spills to your supervisor immediately. Know where proper fire extinguishers are located (try to have one with you while refueling) and how to use the extinguisher correctly. Your life may depend on it! Before dispensing any flammable liquid be sure the area is well ventilated.

Prepared by: Justin Robinson

Safety Meeting
Given By_____________________

Topic #76



Most of us have the necessary skills and knowledge to do our jobs well, and most of us don't want to hurt ourselves or anyone else. Why then do we take 'shortcuts,' setting up ourselves and others for injury? The following is a list of things we often do, even though we know we shouldn't! 1. You can't fool safety devices - but we remove or wedge back safety guards so they won't protect us! 2. We shouldn't take a chance when operating heavy equipment - but we don't use the seat belt that is provided! 3. We know that flames or sparks are not permitted around flammable liquids - but some of us smoke around them! 4. A protruding nail in a guard rail can cause an injury - but we don't bother to remove it or bend it over. 5. Horseplay causes a lot of injuries on the job - but many of us continue to play practical jokes. 6. A circular saw can amputate a finger - but we insist on using the saw without a guard! 7. We know the safe way to climb a ladder - but we climb it with one hand full of tools! 8. We should wear our personal protective equipment - but we leave our goggles strapped up on our hard hats! 9. We know better than to use chemicals without reading the MSDS - but we use the chemical anyway! 10. We should wear a life jacket when working over water - but we go out over the water without one! 11. A bump or bruise to the head ran realty hurt - but we continue to work without our hard hats. 12. It's dangerous to block fire fighting equipment - but we stack boxes of material in front of fire extinguishers! 13. We know not to work within 10 feet of a power line - but there's just one more load of steel to be unloaded and it won't happen to me! This is a short list, you can probably think of a lot more because we all, at one time or another, have been guilty of taking shortcuts. Usually it's because we are attempting to save some time. Occasionally someone comes up with an idea that works, and is a time-saver. That's great, as long as safety is not sacrificed. Your life and your health are too important to risk by taking stupid chances, and that is exactly what 999 out of 1000 shortcuts are - stupid! Get smart - think safety first - always! Don't take Shortcuts! If you're injured, the minute you saved may cost you days, weeks, or months of recovery time.

Prepared by: Justin Robinson

Safety Meeting
Given By_____________________

Topic #78


Not all job performance problems involve drug use, but recent studies show that the rising number of employees using drugs inevitably produces increased performance problems. Some of the signals that may indicate abuse affecting safety at the work place include: Attendance problems - including chronic absenteeism, tardiness, and excessive use of sick leave Unsatisfactory performance or productivity shown - for example, poor quality work and increase errors and waste. Emotional and physical symptoms - such as withdrawal, depression, confusion, loss of concentration, hand tremors, or an unsteady gait. Evidence of illegal substance use - possession, sale, or delivery, including paraphernalia such as needles, foil wrappers, pipes, etc. Accidents, near misses, or equipment breakdowns - that may be the result of human error or violations of established operating procedures. Fighting - involving physical contact, assaults, and erratic or violent behavior. Drugs and the workplace just don't mix. Any of the above can cause an employee to take a chance and we all know what can happen then. Accidents and injuries take a toll on all of us. A drug free work place is a safer place. You have enough work related problems and activities to worry about without adding a concern for someone who does not have it all together. Alcohol is a drug too, and even though it is not illegal in society, it has no place on the job. Lack of coordination and poor judgment will make you accident prone. Approximately 23,000 people are killed in alcohol related highway accidents each year. Don't drink on your way to or from the job. You'll place yourself and others in harms way. We want to keep you alive and well. Each of us wants to work in a safe environment. Drug and alcohol use on the job is just not a smart thing to do. Make sure you do your part. Say no to both alcohol and drugs. Your life may depend on it! DRINKING AND DRIVING IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! IF YOU DO DRINK, DON'T DRIVE!

Prepared by: Justin Robinson

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