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Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 juli201211:18

Rosander Karin

Skickat: den


FrAn: Close Paul [] 12 juli 2011 18:28

Ny Marianne

Kopia: Rosander Karin Amne: ASSANGE

Marianne, End of day 1. All is fine. The arguments and submissions have been pure law and rather technical. Full notes of the hearing, prepared by Hanna, will follow on for your information [they are being proof checked]. They may be helpful to you and your prosecutor colleagues in due course and to Karin and her colleagues now. Nothing adverse arose.

The Guardian newspaper website has a [roughly] minute by minute account. I will send links through in case you or Karin wish to follow progress tomorrow [in live time].
****l willalso send through to you a short note on a technical point [relating to the translation issue upon which we recently correspondedl. This is being drafted now. All you should need to do is to send me a short reply confirming the position as set out in the note is correct. This should save much time and effort tomorrow. Once t'he defence lawyers see the written response they will accept the position. Rather a shame they cannot just accept our word. [l suppose times change and I am living in the past!!l


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001 Reg RA

Frin: Skickat: Till: Amne:

Rosander Karin

den 18 juli 2012 11:17

001 Reg RA

VB: Julian_Assange

Frin: Close Paul] Skickat: den 12 juli 2011 18:30

Till: Ny Marianne
Kopia: Rosander Karin

Amne: FW: Julian_Assange



the Guardian newspaper link which I mentioned. Full details of all today's hearing below. lf you log on you will

also get the last hour or so the hearing. Paul.


To see this story with its related links on the site, go to
Julian Assange extradition appeal hearing ? live coverage
Full coverage of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's battle to avoid being sent to Sweden to face rape and sexual

assault allegations
? Read more aboutJulian Assange l] ? Read more a bout WikiLea ks [http ://www.gua rd ia] Paul Owen and Robert Booth

Tuesday July L2


\- .uk/media/21tJ,/jul/t2fiulian-assange-extradition-live-coverage

\3.02pm: The Assange team thinks it is "profoundly unjust" if allegations are made to satisfy "dual criminality" test for extradition when they actually do not satisfy this test. 2.58pm: The warrant must be a "fair and accurate" version of the claims, Emmerson says, and the court must ask what is detailed there would be a crime in England, authorities say, according to Emmerson.


2.52pm: Robert Booth at the high court says the debate over the European arrest warrant has "gone into hyperspace", with Assange's barrister Ben Emmerson talking at double speed. The application could be significant though, Robert says.

2.36pm: lf Assange is extradited to Sweden, and the the Swedish case?


were then to request his extradition, what would happen to

Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

Rosander Karin

den 18 juli 2012 11:18


001 Reg RA


Skickat: den 16 december 20LI L4:26 Till : Kopia: Rosander Karin AMne: FW: JA EXTREMELY URGENT

FrAn: Close Paul []

Leave GRANTED. Appeal will proceed to 1&2 February 2012 hearing before the full court. I think it fair to say most legal observers [and the defence itselfl are very surprised at the decGion. We will be ready. The legal point is of course of very great importance not just to Sweden but also for EAWs from Lithuania, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece etc. Marianne, do you plan to come over for the hearing? I do hope you can. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you or your colleagues have any questions or need any any information.

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Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211.48
001 Reg RA

Rosander Karin

VB: Swedish Extradition Act 1959 HELP PLEASE


Skickat: den

Till: Ny Marianne lfopia: Rosander Karin

Close Paul [] 18 januari 20L2 L5:37

Amne: FW: Swedish Extradition Act 1959

Can you help me please?


Do you by any chance have an English copy version of:-

Swedish Extradition Act of 1959. lt is called: Lag om utlamning for brott Forfattningssamling 1959 No 254

till Danmark Finland lsland och Norge Svensk

lf so please could you let me have a copy [electronically]? Don't worry if not, we can get a translation done in the UK.


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Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:21
001 Reg RA VB: Swedish Extradition Act

Rosander Karin

Frtn: Till:

Skickat: den

Close Paul]

18 januari 2012 15:38

Ny Marianne

Kopia: Rosander Karin Amne: FW: Swedish Extradition Act

I have a copy in Swedish:

The most relevant Article appears to be 9.



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. ._

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Skickat: Tiil: Kopia: Amne: Bifogade filer:

Close Paul <Paul.Close@cps. gsi. gov. uk>

den 18 januari 2012 15:35

Ny Marianne Rosander Karin

FW: [CJSM]FW:Assange
_attachment_.doc; _attachment_.doc

These are the agreed facts and issues. ***:F*********tfitttl***,f**X******:i**************'t********'t*******!t,t'*'f**:*'t

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001 Reg RA Frin:

Skickat: Tiil: Kopia: Amne: Bifogade filer:
den 18 januari 2012 15:36
Ny Marianne Rosander Karin

Close Paul < uk>

FW: [CJSM] Assange: Appellant's Case _attachment_.pdf

This is the Appellant' case.


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Skickat: Tiil: Kopia: Amne: Bifogade filer:

Close Paul < uk> den 2 februari 2012 10:21 Ny Marianne Rosander Karin FW: [CJSM] _attachment_.doc

I attach an updated advice. No problems but still a lot of heavy legal argument to go yet. There are 7 very \-,,independently minded Supreme Court judges sitting and a split decision is quite possible [but almost certainly not todayl.

I know you are following events carefully. However never forget

. English law which are under the judicial microscope. No criticism has been made at the hearing of the Swedish vsystems
or you personally.

that it is only the English extradition system and

Obviously a major one of my roles in representing you [apart from winning] is to protect the integrity of the Swedish system [and your office]. I still have no concerns.

Counseland I are here to represent only you, not the English extradition law or systems. I mention this just in case it appears, to those not used to our adversarial system that criticism of the English extradition system is in some way an implied criticism of the Swedish prosecution and the extradition request. tt is not.
I will be in touch later. As you know Julie Seddon [the CPS press officer] is at the hearing and obviously is available if ever Karin needs press assistance. Just let me know if any points which you or others need clarifying.


\./ *****tt*****'*:****************:f,********:t**ti********:i*t


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Skickat: Tiil: Kopia: Amne: Bifogade filer:

Close Paul < uk> den 20 april201212:17 Ny Marianne Rosander Karin FW: Assange IMPORTANT UPDATE Assange - Pupino.doc; Assange.pdf

Just an update. I attach a note which I have received from the Supreme Court. The team is dealing with our response It is very frustrating that the court should chose to raise the point at this stage and to do so by writibn submissions. The legal issues are complex. No action by you is needed.
I envisage that any judgment will not now be for at least another 3 weeks. I will let you have details of our response and that of the defence in due course. Just say if you or Karin need anything.

v I hope your trip went really well and your granddaughter loved hearing all about the Assange case.



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Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:24
001 Reg RA VB: The A matter

Rosander Karin


Rosander Karin

Skickat: den 13 april 2012 12:59 Till: 'Close Paul' lfopia: Ny Marianne Amne: SV: The A matter
Hello Paul, Thank you for your quick and thorough reply. And I am very relieved to hear that the rumour was all wrong. lt of course seemed very unlikely, but in this case almost anything seems to be able to happen, so I thought I had better

\.2 Marianne and

Best regards,

I are

quite content at the moment, but if anything arises we will gladly use your excellent services.



FrAn: Close Paul [mailto:paul.Close@cps.osi,gov,uk] SkickaH den 13 april 2012 12:35

Rosander Karin

Amne: FW: The A matter

Hello Karin,

All is well in London: Very mixed but not unpleasant spring weather. Obviously still no news.

I reckon it is absolutely safe to assume that your information is totally and utterly wrong. I am sure the Supreme Court Justices will still be on leave until sometime next week. The court wiil then have to try [o find a suitable date when the \zseven Justices in the case are next all available to sit together to give the judgment. it may be that all of them do not wish or need to attend but I think they will wish to do so.
I am quite sure that the Supreme Court's officials will contact me [and counsels' clerks] prior to any date being fixed so they can make sure we are all available. I also believe that thscourt will contact me beforehand as it needl the help of the CPS in assisting with the arrangement of security matters with the police and the handling of press issues. [The court is concerned its website may be hacked into or just overwhelmed]. Julie will liaise with yo[ as necessary nearer the time.

As far as I know the defendant does not have to be at the hearing if he does not want to be there. He would not be summoned to attend the court [as he might be in proceedings before a lower court]. He is not on specific bail conditions to attend and if any bail issues ever arose then they can be dealt with in his absence. That said I have never known him to miss a photo opportunity.
I will of course contact you and Marianne immediately I have any news. You are very welcome to attend if you wish. hope this detail enables you to deal with all the enquiries at youi end.

Just say if you or Marianne need anything at all.

rd Regards, Paul.

From : Rosander Ka rin lmailto Sent: 13 April 2012 09:55 To: Close Paul Subject: The A matter

Ka rin. Rosa


Hello Paul, Hope everything is well in London. Stockholm is still terribly cold and we are awaiting more bearable weather. guess we will have to wait for another couple of weeks...


I am writing on behalf of Marianne who is attending a conference and therefore has no access to her e-mail. According to the Division for CriminalCases and lnternationalJudicialCo-operation at our Ministry of Justice, they have obtained (unconfirmed?) information saying that Mr. Assange is summoned to the UK Supreme Court on Monday. Have you any idea if this is correct and, if so, what it would mean?



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Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:27
001 Reg RA VB: TomorroWs decision

Rosander Karin

FrAn: Rosander Karin Skickat: den 29 maj 2012 16:11

Till :'julie.seddon@cps, uk' llopia : Close Paul (Paul.Close@cps.gsi. gov. uk) Amne: Tomorrow's decision
Dear Julie,

, V

We are preparing for tomorrow's decision from the Supreme Court. And we are prepared for (almost) all options... However, lwould need your help in a few matters.


Option 1 lf the court decides to surrender him, we would like to be very clear about the facts concerning the EAW regulations, , especially of the fact that he should be transferred to Sweden as soon as possible. Would that be of any problem for you? Option 2
lf A complains to the ECHR, I guess I will get lots of questions concerning the proceedings in UK related to the ECHR which I know very little about. ls there anybody at the CPS, or somewhere else, who could and is prepared to answer such media questions?

Option 3 lf the court decides that he should not be surrendered, it will very quickly become a political issue - at least in Sweden' We delegate (!)all politicalquestions to our Ministry of Justice, but I suppose there will be quite a few tricky matters to consider. We might have to agree on a mutual statement, for instance. I might get in contact with you, in that case. Hopefully everything goes as smooth as possible. My telephone is already busy, though.
Best regards,

Karin Rosander

Director of Communications
Swedish Prosecution Authority +4670 280 59 50

Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:27
001 Reg RA VB: Tomorrow's decision

Rosander Karin

Till: Rosander Karin llopia: Close Paul; Hoskins Sophie

RE: Tomorrow's decision

FrAn : Seddon J u lie [J ul ie.Seddon@cps. gsi. gov. u k] Skickat: den 29 maj 2012 19:15


ln r"rponse to your queries, I've put the answers below. l've had a couple of calls from journalists all round the world: Japan, Australia and the US on this case so there is a lot of international interest.
Best wishes

\-... Julre
Julie Seddon I Senior Press Officer
Communication Division I Crown Prosecution Service Rose Court,2 Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 gHS Tel: 020 3357 0910

Mob:07789 420214

General press office contacts:

Tel: 020 3357 0906 Email: cps. pressoffice@cps. gsi. gov. uk


From: Rosander Karin []

29 May 2Ot2 L5:L2

To: Seddon Julie

Cc: Close Paul Subject Tomorrow's decision


We are preparing for tomorrow's decision from the Supreme Court. And we are prepared for (almost) all options... However, lwould need your help in a few matters.

Option 1 lf the court decides to surrender him, we would like to be very clear about the facts concerning the EAW regulations, , especially of the fact that he should be transferred to Sweden as soon as possible. Would that be of any problem for you? His transfer is not an operational matter for the CPS but for the police, so saying you want him transferred as soon as possible is not a problem for us. We do have a guide to the process on our blog. Here's the link: http:l/

Option 2

,$tains to the ECHR, I guess I will get lots of questions concerning the proceedings in UK related to the ECHR /know very little about. ls there anybody at the CPS, or somewhere else, who could and is prepared to answer

edia questions?

refer any queries to me on 44

2O 3357 0910.

Option 3 lf the court decides that he should not be surrendered, it will very quickly become a political issue - at least in Sweden. We delegate (!) all politicalquestions to our Ministry of Justice, but I suppose there will be quite a few tricky matters to consider. We might have to agree on a mutual statement, for instance. I might get in contact with you, in that case. That's not a problem - happy to speak to you tomorrow when we know what's happening. My mobile is 07789 420214 but l'll have it switched off in court tomorrow morning.


Hopefully everything goes as smooth as possible. My telephone is already busy, though.

Best regards,

Karin Rosander


Director of Communications
Swedish Prosecution Authority +4670 280 69 50

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Skickat: Tiil: Amne:
Rosander Karin

den 18 juli 2012 11:28

001 Reg RA VB: Tomorrow's decision

Frtn: Till:

Rosander Karin

Skickat; den 30 maj 2012 0B:10

'Seddon Julie'

Amne: SV: Tomorrow's decision

Thank you very much for useful answers. Wish you all the best of luck today,

Frtn: Seddon Julie lmailto:Julie.Seddon@cps.gsi.oov.ukl Skickat den 29 maj 2012 19:15 Till: Rosander Karin
ffopia: Close Paul; Hoskins Sophie Amne: RE: Tomorrow's decision
HiKarin ln response to your queries, l've put the answers below. l've had a couple of calls from journalists all round the world: Japan, Australia and the US on this case so there is a lot of international interest.
Best wishes


Julie Seddon I Senior Press Officer

Communication Division I Crown Prosecution Service Rose Court,2 Southwark Bridge, London, SEl gHS Tel: 020 3357 0910

Mob:07789420214 General press office contacts: Tel: 020 3357 0906
Email : cps. pressoffice@cps. qsi.qov. uk

From : Rosander Ka rin Lmailto Sent: 29 May 2012 15:12 To: Seddon Julie

Ka rin. Rosa

nder@a klaga re.sel

Cc: Close Paul Subject Tomorrow's decision

Dear Julie,

jparing for tomorrou/s decision from the Supreme Court. And we are prepared for (almost) all options... lwould need your help in a few matters.

ourt decides to surrender him, we would like to be very clear about the facts concerning the EAW ,tions, , especially of the fact that he should be transferred to Sweden as soon as possible. Would that be of rroblem for you? ;ransfer is not an operational matter for the CPS but for the police, so saying you want him transferred as soon possible is not a problem for us. We do have a guide to the process on our blog. Here's the link: .tp://

Option 2 lf A complains to the ECHR, I guess I will get lots of questions concerning the proceedings in UK related to the ECHR which I know very little about. ls there anybody at the CPS, or somewhere else, who could and is prepared to answer


such media questions? refer any queries to me on 44 2O 3357 0910.

Option 3 lf the court decides that he should not be surrendered, it will very quickly become a political issue - at least in Sweden. We delegate (!) all politicalquestions to our Ministry of Justice, but I suppose there will be quite a few tricky matters to consider. We might have to agree on a mutual statement, for instance. I might get in contact with you, in that case. That's not a problem
happy to speak to you tomorrow when we know what's happening. My mobile is 07789 420214 but I'll have it switched off in court tomorrow morning.

Hopefully everything goes as smooth as possible. My telephone is already busy, though.

Best regards, Karin Rosander

Director of Communications


Swedish Prosecution AuthoritY +45 70 280 69 50

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**:1.*!r*{.***rF!t!F:1.*{.{.*!t*:r*,1.**:t*i.:F:F{.tt*,1.****:t:f**t|.1.****:t***:r*:**:&!t**'l'{'***{'1'*{' This e-mail is private and is intended only for the addressee and any copy recipients. If you are not an intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy.

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001 Reg RA
Skickat: Tiil: Amne:
den 18 ju\i201211:28
001 Reg RA VB: TomorroWs decision Rosander Karin

Frtn : Seddon J u lie [J ul ie.Seddon@cps. gsi. gov. u k] Skickat: den 30 maj 2012 11:36


Rosander Karin
RE: Tomorrow's decision

Hi Karin

. Vorder. . v

Here's the note from the Supreme Court about what happened this morning and what it means for the extradition

Best wishes


Further statement on Assange v The Swedish Prosecution Authority

Following this morning's judgment by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom in Assange v The Swedish Prosecution Authority, Ms Rose (counsel for the appellant, Mr Assange) has indicated that she may make an application to re-open the Court's decision. Ms Rose suggested that the majority of the Court appear to have based their decision on the interpretation of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, on which no argument was heard and no opportunity of making submission was given. The Supreme Court has granted Ms Rose fourteen (14) days to make such an application. lf she decides to do so, the Justices will then decide whether to re-open the appeal and accept further submissions (either verbally through a further hearing, or on paper) on the matter.

. v

We will keep you updated on progress with this application and the Justices' consideration of any such application. With the agreement of the respondent, the required period for extradition shall not commence until 13th June 2012, the 14th day after judgment in accordance with section 36(3)(b) of the Extradition Act 2003.

Ben Wilson Head of Communications The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom Padiament Square

London SI7IP 3BD

TeL 020 7960 1887 Email www.
Follow us on

Taitter @UKSupreneCourt

From : Rosa nder Karin [mailto : Ka rin. Rosa nder@a] Sent: 30 May 2012 07:11 To: Seddon Julie Subject: SV: Tomorrow's decision


you very much for useful answers. Wish you all the best of luck today,

Till: Rosander Karin llopia: Close Paul; Hoskins Sophie

RE: Tomorrow's decision

Skickat: den 29 maj 2012 19:15

FrAn: Seddon Julie []

Hi Karin


l..rponse to your queries, l've put the answers below. l've had a couple of calls from journalists all round the world: Japan, Australia and the US on this case so there is a lot of international interest.
Best wishes

Julie Seddon I Senior Press Officer
Communication Division I Crown Prosecution Service Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 gHS Tel: 020 3357 0910 Mob: 07789 420 214 General press office contacts: Tel: 020 3357 0906

Email: cos. pressoffi ce@cps.qsi.qov. uk


From : Rosa nder Karin lmailto : Karin. Rosa nder@a klaga] 29 May 20L2 L5:L2 To: Seddon Julie

Cc: Close Paul Subject: Tomorrow's decision


Dear Julie,

We are preparing for tomorrow's decision from the Supreme Court. And we are prepared for (almost) all options... However, I would need your help in a few matters.

Option 1 lf the court decides to surrender him, we would like to be very clear about the facts concerning the EAW regulations, , especially of the fact that he should be transferred to Sweden as soon as possible. Would that be of any problem for you? His transfer is not an operational matter for the CPS but for the police, so saying you want him transferred as soon as possible is not a problem for us. We do have a guide to the process on our blog. Here's the link:

Option 2

hrplains to the ECHR, I guess I will get lots of questions concerning the proceedings in UK related to the E6HR I know very little about. ls there anybody at the CPS, or somewhere else, who could and is prepared to answer media questions? refer any queries to me on 4420 3357 0910.

Option 3 lf the court decides that he should not be surrendered, it will very quickly become a political issue - at least in Sweden' We delegate (!) all political questions to our Ministry of Justice, but I suppose there will be quite a few tricky matters to consider. We might have to agree on a mutual statement, for instance. I might get in contact with you, in that case.

Thals not a problem

- happy to speak to you tomorrow when we know what's happening. My mobile is 077g9 420214 but I'll have it switched off in court tomorrow morning.
HoPefully everything goes as smooth as possible. My telephone is already busy, though.

Best regards,

Karin Rosander

Director of Communications
Swedish Prosecution Authority +467O 280 69 50

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Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:26
001 Reg RA

Rosander Karin

VB: CPS statement on Assange

Frtn: Till:

Skickat: den 30 maj20L2 L2:25

Rosander Karin

Seddon Julie []

Hi Karin

statement on Assange

Here's what we will say if asked for a statement on Assange. Best wishes Julie



This has been a long and complex case. Together with the Swedish Judicial Authority, we welcome the decision of the Supreme Court that the request for extradition by the Swedish authorities was lawful and the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) was valid under UK law. We have liaised closely with the Swedish Judicial Authority after certification of the extradition request to the UK in December 2010. Julian Assange has exercised his statutory rights of appeal under UK law and the defence this morning has indicated it may make an application to re-open the Supreme Court's decision.

, Communication vRose

Julie Seddon I Senior Press Officer Division lCrown Prosecution Service Court,2 Southwark Bridge, London, SE1 9HS Tel: 020 3357 0910

Mob:07789 420214 General press office contacts: Tel: 020 3357 0906


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Activity and use of CPS Connect systems, the Govemment Secure Intranet, and the Criminal Justice Extranet is monitored to secure their effective operation and for other

Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:29

Rosander Karin


SkickaH den 19 juni20L222:22

Close Paul []

Till: Ny Marianne llopia: Rosander Karin; Hoskins Sophie; MayallAnna;


Hemming Susan (Rose-Court); Wicks Iain


You could not make it up. Please see BBC website [and others no doubt]. Legal team all aware: We are all considering position/law. lain will contact tomorrow with news.
I have asked the Met Police to try to find exactly where he is [embassy or at bail address]. Any anesUbail breach is a police matter. I cannot tellthem what to do.

sophie and Anna are cPS press officers [on duty] in case Karin needs to liaise.

will be here [office]for a little while. will be contactable at home tomorrow.


1-- *:t***drrr{(tt*{.{.*****,1.**.tt!t*rtrtrt:trtrt*!8rl.rl<{<!t{.**:t{<*!trtr$ti,l.*{.**!F*t<{.{.*{.r1.{.rF*r}*r*{(,1.*rk,l.

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Activity and use of CPS Connect systems, the Government Secure Intranet, and the Criminal Justice Extranet is monitored to secure their effective operation and for other lawful business purposes. Communications using these systems will also be monitored and may be recorded to secure effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.

Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:30
001 Reg RA

Rosander Karin


Frtn: Till:

Rosander Karin

Skickat: den 20juni 2012 08:23

'Close Paul'; Ny Marianne

Kopia: Hoskins Sophie; MayallAnna; Hemming Susan (Rose-Court); Wicks Iain AMne: SV: JUUAN ASSANGE

Mon dieul
I really felt sorry for you and your team last nightl Very grateful for any information, when available, as the situation is - to say the least - a bit confusing.


All the best,


Till: Ny Marianne lfopia: Rosander Karin; Hoskins Sophie; MayallAnna;


Frtn : Close Paul lma ilto : Pa ul.Close@cps. Skickat: den 19 juni 20L222:22

gsi. gov. uk]

Hemming Susan (Rose-Court); Wicks Iain



could not make it up.

Please see BBC website [and others no doubt].

Legalteam all aware: We are allconsidering position/law. lain will contact tomorrow with news.
I have asked the Met Police to try to find exactly where he is [embassy or at bail address]. Any arresVbail breach is a police matter. I cannot tell them what to do.

Sophie and Anna are CPS press officers lon duty] in case Karin needs to liaise.

will be here [office]for a little while. Will be contactable at home tomorrow.


Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:31
001 Reg RA VB: Assange

Rosander Karin


Rosander Karin

Skickat: den 28juni 2012 t3:48

Till :' uk'

Amne: Assange
Dear lain,
I am writing on behalf of Marianne Ny, who is out of the office today. I do not know whether you can clarify, but would very much appreciate your opinion on time-frames.


Ny Marianne

Today is the 14th day after the SC decision, which means that the required period for extradition should commence today. MrAssange is obviously not available to the British Police. Willthe extradition period be postponed until he is available, or will the period still start running as of today? lf the period starts running today and he would stay at the Ecuadorian embassy until after the the consequences be if he thereafter would leave the embassy? Sorry to bother you, but this matter is really confusing in many ways.
Best regards,
10th day,

what would

Karin Rosander

Director of Communications
+46 7O 280 69 50


Skickat: Tiil: Amne:

den 18 ju\i201211:32
001 Reg RA VB: Assange

Rosander Karin


Till: Rosander Karin lfopia: Wicks Iain

Dear Karin

Skickat: den 28 juni 2012 14:33

RE: Assange

Riley Alison []

-, with a reply. ?t a colleague of Paul Close in the Extradition


Unit and lain has passed on your email and asked if I could assist

The extradition period will continue to run from today, and the Metropolitan Police have sent a letter to Mr Assange (at his home address, the Embassy of Ecuador and care of his solicitors) inviting him to surrender to the custody of lolice at Belgravia Police Station on Friday 29th June 2012 at 11.30am. lf he fails to do so, the police will ask the court to issue an arrest warrant for the failure to surrender. With or without an arrest warrant Mr Assange can be arrested for breach of bail as soon as he leaves the Embassy of Ecuador. Under our Extradition Act 2003, a Requested Person can apply to be discharged if removal does not take place within the required 10 days and the judge "must order his discharge unless reasonable cause is shown for the delay"- Although it seems obvious that the fact that Mr Assange will not come out of the Embassy is "reasonable cause", I expect that Paul will not run the risk of having to argue this and will apply to extend tne i O day period if that becomes necessary. Finally, I should like to inform you that Mr Assange's defence solicitors have informed me that no request for Rule 3g relief has been made to the European court of Human Rights on his behalf.
I hope that what I have written is clear and assists. Please let me know if you require nay further information

r Alison vAlison

Kind regards

Riley Specialist Extradition Prosecutor [xtradition unit, Special crime & counter Terrorism Division, gth Floor, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridgie Road, London SEl gHS Tel : OO 44 (O) 2O3 357 fi)57; Fax: OO 44 (Or 2Og g5z OOSS; Mobite : O7917 55O927; DX 154263 Southwark 12 From : Rosa nder Ka rin lma ilto : Ka rin, Rosa nder@a klaga] Sentr 28 June20L2L2:49 To: Wick Iain Cc: Ny Marianne SubjecH Assange Dear lain,
I am writing on behalf of Marianne Ny, who is out of the office today. I do not know whether you can clarify, but would very much appreciate your opinion on time-frames.

Today is the l.4th day after the SC decision, which means that the required period for extradition should commence today. Mr Assange is obviously not available to the British Police. Will the extradition period be postponed until he is available, or will the period still start running as of today?

rf the period starts running today and he would stay at the Ecuadorian embassy until after the 10th day, what would the consequences be if he thereafter would leave the embassy? Sorry to bother you, but this matter is really confusing in many ways.
Best regards,

Karin Rosander

Director of Communications +4670 280 59 50

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vA' \1l'



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