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Professionalism Clint G. Trujillo Sr. ECME 1102-101


My first major indoctrination of professionalism was when I arrived at basic training. The basics of combat task were taught from experienced professional soldiers, helping us to transient from civilians to professional soldiers. During these first eight weeks, I learned to perform my duties professionally with the U.S. Armys core values. After completing basic training, I furthered my profession as a helicopter technician where my professionalism was honed closer to perfection. Professionalism is a very interesting word because it has so many layers in one simple word. When one thinks of professionalism they may visualize a person dressed in a suit, nice shoes, their appearance is presentable. Professionalism has more complexity to then just dressing for the job you want not the job you have. It may not be about who the person is, its about but how they interact with the environment. Knowing what goals the individual has for themselves and have the means to achieve those goals. Professionalism means having character. Its the way you interact with people to get the job done. Showing that the person cares, seeing that they have passion and want to do well. Its in every aspect of your life, holding yourself to a certain standard. Putting the organization needs ahead of ones own needs. A devotion to ones progression, bettering ones self as person, and how one shows their best strengths. It means having integrity in whatever you do. Its having the ability to set apart personal issues from professional manners. It could be a code of conduct based on ethics especially in the workplace. You have to treat people with respect. Skills and knowledge I have been working to obtain a degree in psychology with such courses providing an overview of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of infants, from


conception through roughly 2 to 3 years of age. Whenever possible, videotapes of babies in various research paradigms were employed to give a clear picture of what the scientific study of infant development involves. The lectures used both text material and for discussing material not covered in the text for clarifying. Some of the Studies continued on to family functions focusing on the psychological theories of family functioning, as well as corresponding data pertaining to child externalizing behaviors, marital discord, family violence, eating disorders and depression. The associated articles for the courses reflect research on family functioning from the specific theoretical perspectives and used to illuminate how theory is used to guide research. In addition, where applicable, the family, child and marital therapies that have been developed from these therapies were covered. Some controversial topics such as physical punish physical punishment & developments of eating disorders were also covered. Mostly the topics in class were strictly examined from a scientific perspective. Examples of Practices The first time I worked directly with children is when I was a residential counselor, more of a behavioral management specialist for a company that specialized in autistic children and other major behavior children. Where I provided and supported a safe and therapeutic environment within a multidisciplinary treatment model for students while implementing structured programming and treatment plans. Which include increasing social skills while decreasing maladaptive behaviors with the Applied Behavior Analysis approach. Implementing programs such as, Trail System (Token economy based point system), Points Program (motivate students to exhibit positive behavior by reinforcing those behaviors), Level System (works with points program to reinforce positive behaviors, specifically identifies daily privileges the student


earns based on students safe behaviors to self and others), Consequence Procedures (encourages self accountability and skills that enable students to improve decision making). Conclusion Generally a person could say having the knowledge, ethical standards, the capability to have regulation compliance, and concern for primary individual or customers. It is important to be seen as a professional by the parents and other specialties involved with the child. To help provide and promote quality child care and education, help myself and other child care providers with infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, and school age children. Participating in local and state associations to network and explore other opportunities out there to knowledge to keep children and other professionals in the field. This can be archived by providing high quality training and recourse mentoring and techniques assistants. Being a truly early educator essentially assists the childs readiness skill which will allow them to success later in school. The accreditation process is another great vehicle to improve on ones

professionalism. When this is being done this shows the parents how much one cares about their childs care. Professionalism is an ever ongoing and diverse series of personal development which builds confidence because professionalism means your actions have ripple effect.


References Mary Renck Jalongo and Joan Packer Isenberg. Exploring Your Role in Early Childhood Education. Pearson Education, Inc, (2012).

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