Mphil - Scientific Socialism Syllabus Nagarj University

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PART - I, PAPER I - SYLLABUS RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Chapter - I Chapter - II Concepts of research and scientific method in social research Major steps in social research, types of research designs

Chapter - III Sources of data collection - observation method, interview method, questionnaire and schedule, source of secondary data. Chapter - IV Sampling techniques - census and sample study, types of sampling and sampling errors, classification and tabulation. Measures of Central Tendency - mean, mode and median, dispersion mean deviation, standard deviation, correlation, significant test - chisquire test. Model research design on selected topic.

Chapter - V

Chapter - VI

REFERENCES: S. P. Gupta Wilkinson and Bandarkar Goods and Halt Sipson and Kafka William G. Cochran C. N. Gupta Statistical Methods Social Research Methods in Social Research Basic statistics Sampling Techniques An Introduction to Statistical Methods.



Nature of Marxian Methodology: Class approach, base, super structure, law of dialectics and their application to socio-historical phenomena. Contemporary development in methodology and the need to orient marxian methodological concerns. Pre-capitalist modes of production - development of capitalism - theory of surplus value - Nature and characteristics of capitalism - profit and wages. Crisis of capitalism - Nature and Characteristics of imperialism - Export of capital - stock market clashes. Globalisation, nature and effects of globalisation on the third world nations, impact of WTO on Indian economy. Role of the TNCs, IMF, IBRD and its impact on third world. Disinvestment and privatisation - Public Sector and impact of privatisation Basic laws of socialism - objective conditions for Socialism - Towards socialist transition and peoples movements - The Role of the state in building socialism. Social transformation and peoples movements i.e. ecology and environment movements, self- help groups, sub-altern groups





REFERENCES: 1. Maurice Cornforth

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Afanasyev Lenin V.I F. Engeles V. Kraplyin James Petras & Henry Velt Meyer 7. Kavalzit Singh 8. Narain Ray 9. Samir Amin 10. Samir Amin 11. Jayati Ghosh & C.P. Chandra Sekhar 12. Noam Chomsky 13. Mao 14. John Lewis 15. Manrice H. Dobb 16. Lenin V.I 17. Karl Marx 18. Abalken 19. John Martinussen 20. B. L. Mathur

Dialectical Materialism Marxist Philosophy Philosophical Note Books Dialectics of Nature A, B, C of dialectical and historical materialism Globalisation Unmasked Globalisation of Finance The Third World in the Age of Globalisation Capitalism in the age of Globalisation Specters of Capitalism Crisis as Conquest, Learning from East Asia Profit over People On Contradictions The life and teachings of Karl Marx Studies in the Development of Capitalism Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism Capital Political Economy of capitalism Trans National Corporations in Developing Countries Problems and Challenges of Public Enterprises in India

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