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Geo-Visualization of Human Activity by Position Tracking and Global Localization of Mobile Terminals.

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a global navigation satellite system (GNSS) developed by the United States Department of Defense and managed by the United States Air Force 50th Space Wing. It is the only fully functional GNSS in the world, can be used freely, and is often used by civilians for navigation purposes. It uses a constellation of between 24 and 32 Medium Earth Orbit satellites that transmit precise microwave signals, which allow GPS receivers to determine their current location, the time, and their velocity. Its official name is NAVSTAR GPS. Although NAVSTAR is not an acronym, a few backronyms have been created for it. Since it became fully operational in 1993, GPS has become a widely used aid to navigation worldwide, and a useful tool for map-making, land surveying, commerce, scientific uses, and hobbies such as Geo-Caching. A GPS tracking unit is a device that uses the Global Positioning System to determine the precise location of a vehicle, person, or other asset to which it is attached and to record the position of the asset at regular intervals. The recorded location data can be stored within the tracking unit, or it may be transmitted to a central location data base, or internet-connected computer, using a cellular (GPRS), radio, or satellite modem embedded in the unit. This allows the asset's location to be displayed against a map backdrop either in real-time or when analyzing the track later, using customized software. Such systems are not new; amateur radio operators have been operating their free GPS-based nationwide real-time Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) since 1982.

1.2 GPS Theory

The GPS system calculates the position of a user and the current time via the time of arrival ranging (TOA). The principle is to measure the time taken by an electromagnetic signal, transmitted by a satellite whose position is known, to reach the users receiver. The propagation Dept. of ISE Page 1 SBMJCE

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time of the signal multiplied by its speed c, gives the distance between the satellite and the receiver. Once we know the distance separating the receiver from several satellites, we can determinate the users position by triangulation. We need at least four satellites in line of sight of the receiver. Three satellites are enough to restrict the possible set of the receiver to two points of the space, whose one will be rejected because it is far from earth. The fourth satellite allows to correct the errors of the receivers quartz clock and to calculate a precise time ( 100 ns) based on the atomic clocks of the satellites.

1.3 GPS system segments

The GPS system is made up of 3 parts called segments: the satellite constellation, the operational control segment and the user receiver equipment. The constellation comprises 24 satellites divided into six Earth-centered orbital planes. The orbits are inclined of 55 in relation to the equator. That provides a 24-hrs global user navigation and time determination capability. The control segment, composed of ground stations and antennas, is responsible for the good functioning of the satellites. This consists in tracking the GPS satellites, monitoring their health, maintaining the satellites in their own orbital positions and bringing up to date each satellites clock and navigation message once a day.

1.4 GPS signals

GPS signals contain two frequency components: L1 (center at 1575.42 MHz) and L2 (center at 1227.6 MHz). They are Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) signals. They use spreading signals characteristic to each satellite in order to be able to identify the transmitting satellite. There are two different spreading signals in each satellite, the coarse acquisition code (C/A-code) and the precision code (P-code), that are used by the satellite to sum them modulo-2 with the navigation message before using the result to modulate the carrier L1 or L2. The modulation is a bi-phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation. The C/A-code is a binary code that contains 1,023 bits in one period and repeats itself every millisecond. The navigation message is a 50 Hz signal in phase with the C/A-code. Nowadays, the L1 frequency contains the C/A and P signals, while the L2 frequency contains only the P signal. We will not study the more precise Pcode because it is often encrypted to be used by US authorities only. Dept. of ISE Page 2 SBMJCE

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1.5 GPS receivers

The first part of a GPS receiver is the antenna. The front end amplifies the high frequency signal in the L band and brings it back in base band before digitalizing it with an analog-todigital converter (ADC). The next step can be hardware (the old way, fast but needs specific expensive hardware) or software (made possible by the higher performances of computers, slower but more flexible because algorithms changes are easy). The acquisition of the satellites signals is made with the correlation mechanism characteristic of the CDMA signals (see below). When the receiver has determined the parameters that allow tracking the satellites signals, the tracking follows the signals and determines the transitions of the navigation bits in order to recreate the navigation message. The receiver can deduce of it the ephemeris data (parameters used to calculate the position of the satellites) and the pseudo ranges (distances between the receiver and satellites, calculated by TOA ranging). We get then the receivers position by triangulation.

1.6 Grid Systems

The two most common grid systems in use in North America and are referenced on maps are the Latitude Longitude (Lat/Long) grid and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) grid. The UTM grid is a metric grid system based on 60 grid zones around the globe and a set of values in meters from reference points of the grid. There are some aspects to this grid that make it very simple and easy to use even though the basic terminology is foreign to most people. We will discuss the principles of how these two grids are set up and used to determine a set of coordinates for an exact location.

1.7 Introduction to Mobile Devices and Symbian Operating System

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Small devices come in many shapes and sizes, each addressing distinct target markets that have different requirements. In this the Mobile phone market segment spans voice-centric phones with information capability to information-centric devices with voice capability. These advanced mobile phones integrate fully-featured PDA capabilities with those of a traditional mobile phone in a single unit. There are several critical factors for the need of operating systems in this market. It is important to look at the mobile phone market in isolation. It has specific needs that make it unlike markets for PCs or fixed domestic appliances. Scaling down a PC operating system, or bolting communication capabilities onto a small and basic operating system, results in too many fundamental compromises. Symbian believes that the mobile phone market has five key characteristics that make it unique, and result in the need for a specifically designed operating system: 1. Mobile phones are both small and mobile. 2. Mobile phones are ubiquitous - they target a mass-market of consumer, enterprise and professional users. 3. Manufacturers need to differentiate their products in order to innovate and compete in a fastevolving market. 4. The platform has to be open to enable independent technology and software develop third-party applications, technologies and services. The way to grow the mobile phone market is to create good products - and the only way to create good products is to address each of these characteristics and ensure that technology doesnt limit functionality. Meeting the impressive growth forecast by analysts in a reasonable time frame is only possible with the right operating system. Symbian and its licensees aim to create a mass market for advanced open mobile phones. To deliver products that satisfy mobile phone users, an operating system must be engineered to take into account key functional demands of advanced communications on 2.5G and 3G networks. To fit into the limited amount of memory a mobile phone may have, the operating system which must be compact. However, it must still provide a rich set of functionality. What is needed Dept. of ISE Page 4 SBMJCE vendors to

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to power a mobile phone is not a mini-operating system but a different operating system - one that is tailored. Symbian is dedicated to mobile phones and Symbian OS has been designed to meet the sophisticated requirements of the mobile phone market that mini-operating systems cant. They simply run out of steam. The five key points - small mobile devices, mass-market, intermittent wireless connectivity, diversity of products and an open platform for independent software developers are the premises on which Symbian OS was designed and developed. This makes it distinct from any desktop, workstation or server operating system. This also makes Symbian OS different from embedded operating systems also.

1.8 Mobile Communication

With less than 50 years of commercial history, wireless mobile communications have already changed the way people communicate with each other. While progress has been impressive, much more is yet to come that will revolutionize communications as we know it, leading to communicating with anyone or any device at any place and anytime. Early two-way mobile telephone systems, from the beginning of the 20thcentury, used powerful transmitters to cover a distance of 30 50 km from a high tower or rooftop. But the reuse of any channels for a different call required in this case their separations of more than 80 100 km. Therefore this concept had very low spectral efficiency. As a result, most mobile radio channels were devoted for the first time to emergency and public services, until the cellular concept was invented in 1947. But world first cellular system was put into operation only in 1983, when complicated monolithic technology was matured. The cellular systems are based on the reusing the same limited radio frequency (RF) channels in a group of cells arranged in a cellular structure to serve an unlimited number of users. The industry goals in wireless data communications have been categorized into generations each generation includes a target data bandwidth as well as a set of data services available for it: First Generation (1G): Original analog mobile phone technology. Page 5 SBMJCE

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Second Generation (2G): Voice-centric digital systems with increased coverage and capacity and messaging. Third Generation Transitional (2.5G): Stepping stone to 3G with always-on network connections and bandwidths up to 170 Kbps allowing better Internet browsing, email, and some audio and video; GPRS has been the dominant technology. Third Generation (3G)/Fourth Generation (4G): Bandwidths up to 2Mbps and 200 Mbps respectively for high-end services such as video teleconferencing.

1.9 Existing Technology

1.9.1 Global System For Mobile Communication (GSM)
Is a digital cell-based communication service that started in Europe, and has quickly spread throughout most of the world. A notable exception is the US, where CDMA is the dominant standard; however, GSM is gaining popularity there. GSM is the most supported protocol in smartphones.GSM was designed for circuit-switched voice communication. Circuitswitched means that fixed bandwidth is reserved for each direction of a phone call for the entire duration of the voice call, whether you are talking or not.Although originally designed for voice, GSM now has a variety of higher bandwidth data services (e.g. GPRS and EDGE) available, running on top of the base GSM protocol. The following types of GSM exist, each using its own band in the frequency spectrum: GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM 1900.The number indicates the frequency band, in MHz, that the protocol uses. Mobile phones supporting GSM 900 and GSM 1800 will ensure coverage in Europe and many other areas outside of the US, while GSM 850 and GSM 1900 are used in the US (mostly GSM 1900).Fortunately, smartphones support multiple bands to ensure as wide a coverage as possible. Its common to have triband phones that support GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM 1900 to ensure maximum international coverage although some still offer separate US models to reduce costs. A GSM phone uses a Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) to gain access to the GSM network. A SIM contains all the pertinent information regarding a users account including the services allowed. It is used to identify the user to the GSM network for billing purposes. The user can switch their SIM from one GSM phone to another, provided that the Dept. of ISE Page 6 SBMJCE

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phone is not locked either to a specific carrier or to the carrier that the SIM is associated with.

1.9.2 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

GPRS is the technology used for the transfer of information (data) over wireless (cellular) networks. It is GPRS technology that enables cellular phones, PDAs and mini computers to access web sites, e-mail and other data related information sources. With GPRS you can enjoy a continuous wireless connection to data networks (Internet) and access your favorite web sites, entertainment, web applications. GPRS is packet based, where in GPRS data is handled as a series of "packets" that can be routed over several paths through the network, rather than as a continuous bitstream over a dedicated dial-up connection. With GPRS, the information is split into separate but related "packets" before being transmitted and reassembled at the receiving end. The main features of GPRS are:

Internet on the Mobile: For the first time, GPRS fully enables Mobile Internet functionality by allowing inter working between the existing Internet and a new GPRS network. Any service that is used over the fixed Internet today- File Transfer Protocol (FTP), web browsing, chat, email, telnet- will be as available over the mobile network because of GPRS. Because it uses the same protocols, the GPRS network can be viewed as a sub-network of the Internet with GPRS capable mobile phones being viewed as mobile hosts.


Speed: GPRS allows large amounts of data to be sent over mobile networks at speeds three to four times greater than conventional GSM systems. Theoretical maximum speeds of up to 171.2 kilobits per second (kbps) are achievable with GPRS using all eight timeslots at the same time. This is about three to four times as fast as the data transmission speeds possible over today's fixed telecommunications networks and ten times as fast as current Circuit Switched Data services

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Few examples of GPRS applications are Golfing application, Diamond mining, Spot the game - very effective, Hunter's friend etc.

2. Problem Definition
Problem Definition


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Tracking and Geo-Visualization of Human Activity by Position Tracking and Global Localization of Mobile Terminals Continuous monitoring the Location of people with mobile phones having Symbian Operating System and using a web service from a centralized location.


All mobile phones are constantly in touch with the nearest mobile phone towers and boosters to maintain a good reception of the signals. The integration of the GPS chips into the cell phones has made this possible to track a cell phone more accurately. GSM mobile phone tracking system is cheaper than the GPS satellite tracking system. GPS (Global Positioning System) satellite tracking system has been used for the number of the years by the cars and road transport industry. GSM mobile phone tracking system doesnt show exactly where youre mobile is but it shows you the radius of the place where it is likely to be placed. The accuracy depends on the number of factors such as landscape, network coverage and the weather conditions. Mobile tracker works on the simple principle of card punching i.e. the user need to give a single click input when he reaches each check point. The tracking system will understand each user inputs and sends the information to web service and from there to tracker database in Web site. The Objectives of the project are 1. 2. 3. To create a well-planned tracking method, which reduces the cost of information exchange, but at the same time automate the entire tracking process. To receive and process multiple user inputs and make it available online for the administration to track and monitor. To develop, integrate and deploy different technological components to achieve one single aim called tracking.

2.3 Statement
The objective of our project is to develop mobile Tracker software, which can send the user position for every 5 min.

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3. Literature Survey

Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft announced the .NET framework in July 2000; its the biggest initiative since

the launch of WINDOWS in 1991. .NET (pronounced dot net) is a revolutionary multi-language platform that knits various aspects of application developed together with internet. The Dept. of ISE Page 10 SBMJCE

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framework covers all layers of software development above the operating system. Several softwares were developed by Microsoft to achieve this goal. It is expected that every player in the industry be it a software developer or a device manager, adopt .NET so that they can be integrated. The .NET initiative is all about enabling data transfer between networks, PCs and devices seamlessly independent of the platforms, architecture and solutions. Microsoft has taken many of the best ideas in the industries, combined in some great ideas of their own, and brought them all into one coherent package. 3.1.1

Visual Studio .NET

VISUAL STUDIO .net is complete set of development tools for building ASP web

applications, XML web services, desktop applications, and mobile applications. Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++.NET, and Visual C#.NET all use the same Integrated Development Environment(IDE), which allows them to share tools and facilities in the creation of mixed-language solutions. In addition, these languages leverage the functionality of the .NET framework, which provides access to key technologies that simplify the development of ASP web applications and XML web services.


Language Enhancement
Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft C++, and Microsoft Jscript have all been

updated to meet your development needs. Additionally, a new language, Microsoft C#, has been introduced. These languages leverage the functionality .NET framework, which provides access to key technologies that simplify the development of ASP web applications and XML web services.


Visual C#, pronounced C sharp, is a new object-oriented programming is just some

of the enhancements made to the C++, providing a simple and type-safe language for developing application. 3.1.4

XML Web Services

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Figure 1: XML Web Services XML Web Services are applications that can receive request and data using XML over HTTP. XML Web services are not tied to a particular component technology or object calling convention and can therefore be accessed by any language, component model, or operating system. In Visual Studio .NET , you can quickly create and include XML Web Services using Visual Basic, Visual C#, Jscript, Managed extensions for C++, or ATL server.



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Figure 2: Architecture of .NET framework Languages: Four languages comprise Visual Studio .NET itself: Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual C#, and JScript. However, the modular nature of the .NET Framework means that other languages authored by third parties can integrate into Visual Studio .NET. There are more than 20 such languages, including Perl, Component Pascal, SmallScript, and Smalltalk. The Common Language Specification: This specification underlies all of the languages that implement the .NET Framework and defines standards for a common type system, and functionality, that all languages must implement. This is how third-party languages can integrate with the Framework. Windows Forms: All languages share a common Windows Forms engine. The Form designer is consistent across all languages so all languages can access the same intrinsic controls that expose the same properties and methods. Interfaces have the same look and feel even when developed in different languages. Dept. of ISE Page 13 SBMJCE

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ASP.NET: This is the underlying technology behind both Web Forms and XML Web services. Web Forms are used for front-end Web development and XML Web services expose functionality across either an intranet or the Internet. Data Management: ADO.NET, which replaces ADO as the data-handling mechanism in the .NET Framework, is a highly scaleable technology that uses XML for data transfer. Base Class Library: These are classes that provide a consistent and easy-to-use means of accessing information (for example, system information, user information, and so on) that previously required special components, or an API. Common Language Runtime: Despite its name, the runtime actually has a role in both a components runtime and development time experiences. While the component is running, the runtime is responsible for managing memory allocation, starting up and stopping thread processes, and enforcing security policy, as well as satisfying and dependencies that the component might have on other components. At development time, the runtimes role changes slightly; because it automates so much (for example, memory management), the runtime makes the developers experience very simple, especially when compared to COM as it is today. In particular, features such as reflection dramatically reduce the amount of code a developer must write in order to turn business logic into a reusable component.

3.2 Symbian - Mobile OS

The creation of Symbian OS can be traced back to a talented team of software developers at a company called Psion, an early pioneer in the handheld computer market. After successive generations of software for Psions handheld devices, the team created an object-oriented operating system called EPOC, which was designed specifically for the unique requirements of mobile computing devices. Psion realized that there was a need for a mobile OS that could be licensed to other manufacturers for use in their mobile products, and that their EPOC operating system was well suited for this. At the time, the mobile phone industry was looking for a general operating system suitable for mobile phones and was interested in using EPOC. In June 1998, the software team stepped out on their own with the EPOC operating system and Symbian was born. Symbian was formed as a joint venture owned by other major mobile phone manufacturers as well as Psion, with the primary goal of licensing the EPOC operating system Dept. of ISE Page 14 SBMJCE

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and improving it. Fast forward to today, and we find that Symbians operating system now known as Symbian OS is a major player in the smartphone marketplace, residing in the majority of todays smartphone devices. Symbian is jointly owned by Nokia, Panasonic, Psion, Samsung, Siemens and Sony Ericsson which, together, represent a major portion of the mobile phone industry.

3.2.1 Need for Symbian OS

This describes the key characteristics required of an operating system designed for mobile phones and explains why Symbian OS is the best-in-class mobile operating system. Small and mobile, but always available: Mobile phones are both small and, by definition, mobile. This creates high user expectations. For instance, if you have your agenda on a phone that you also use to make calls and exchange data, you expect to be able to carry it with you at all times and to be instantly available whenever you want to use it. Fulfilling these expectations makes considerable demands on power management. The device needs to be responsive in all situations and cannot afford to go through a long boot sequence when it is turned on. In fact, the device should never be powered down completely since it needs to activate timed alarms or handle incoming calls. At the same time, a mobile phone must provide many hours of operation on a single charge or set of batteries. Meeting these contradictory requirements can only be done if the whole operating system is designed for efficiency. Addressing the mass-market: Reliability is a major issue for mass-market phones. Data loss in a personal mobile phone causes a loss of trust between the user and the phone. A mobile phone therefore must be at least as resilient as paper diaries and agendas. Recalling phones to install service packs is a commercial and practical last resort - a mobile phone should never lock up or come with a major software defect. In fact, to use a PC term, it should never ever need a reboot! This is a far cry from desktop computers where bugs, crashes and reboots are expected. It may come as a surprise to many computer users that a robust and reliable operating system is perfectly achievable. Even though nobody can guarantee bug-free software, a good operating system can make it much easier to write robust and reliable applications. Reliability requires good software engineering (including Dept. of ISE Page 15 SBMJCE

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object-orientation) and a good error-handling framework. Engineering best practice greatly helps reduce the number and severity of bugs while the error-handling framework enables graceful recovery from run-time errors, such as running out of memory, low battery power or dropping a communication link. Reducing the possibility of user code making the whole system unstable goes a long way towards achieving robustness. Ideally, the kernel, with its privileged code, should be small. System servers running without special privilege should handle much of the functionality conventionally handled by device drivers. An effective memory management system is needed to prevent memory leaks. System resources should be released as soon as they are no longer needed and an effective, easy-touse error-handling framework should manage out-of-memory errors properly. However, reliability alone is not enough to make good products. Sound consumer design is also necessary, where Product applications take advantage of the mobile phones unique characteristics as well as its environment Products should be designed to meet current usability and future developments in wireless technology. Consistency of style is paramount - if a feature is too complex to use, then it cannot justify either the time it took to develop or the space it takes in the device. An operating system targeted at mobile phones must support these design principals by offering a high-level of integration with communication and personal information management (PIM) functionality. Symbian OS combines high functionality middleware with superior wireless communications through an integrated mailbox and the integration of Java and PIM functionality. Handling occasional connectivity: Accessing remote data, sending email or synchronizing calendars requires some type of connection. Mobility constraints generally make a wireless connection preferable - whether wide area (using wireless telephony) or personal area (such as infrared or Bluetooth). Wireless connectivity is patchy, caused by different protocols around the world, fade-outs while moving and incomplete coverage especially in remote areas, in some buildings or while airborne. It is unwise to rely on a permanent mobile connection - it is very frustrating for the user if such a connection is

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assumed. Wide area wireless networks are - and always will be - much slower than wired networks. There must be a smooth transition between being a window on the network and a self-sufficient device. Connectivity requires an operating system with genuine multitasking, communications-capable real-time performance and a rich suite of communications protocols. In addition to the real-time requirements to maintain connections, the operating system must provide mechanisms to handle dropped connections gracefully and inform the user appropriately. To provide a smooth transition to the user and to be able to support forthcoming standards (such as third-generation WCDMA and its evolution), network stacks must be abstracted in such a way that the application-level interface remains consistent no matter what type of protocol stack is used. The operating system has to provide a rich set of APIs to ensure that applications can benefit fully from current connectivity possibilities and be easily adapted to take advantage of new protocols as they are implemented. Product diversity: There is an apparent contradiction between software developers who want to develop for just one popular platform and manufacturers who each want to have a range of distinctive and innovative products. The circle can be squared by separating the user interface from the core operating system. Advanced mobile phones or Smartphones will come in all sorts of shapes - from traditional designs resembling todays mobile phones with main input via the phone keypad, to a tablet form factor operated with a stylus, to phones with larger screens and small keyboards. The different input mechanisms and form factors strongly influence the intended primary use of devices. With a very small screen and just a keypad, the main use tends to be voice calls. With pen input, browsing is quite convenient, but data entry is not. A keyboard is obviously the most practical mechanism to enter a large amount of data. These distinctions imply that user interfaces are ultimately both device and market dependent. Product differentiation is just a matter of operating system design. The operating system vendor must allow its licensees freedom to innovate and develop new product lines. Whether or not a vendor allows this is a key feature of its commercial model.

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To support distinct phone families and yet maximize code reuse, Symbian focuses on the common code: Symbian OS, which includes a multi-tasking multithreaded core, a user interface framework, data services enablers, application engines and integrated PIM functionality and wireless communications. Licensees are active participants in software development, creating a large development organization to extend Symbian OS. This results in thousands of developers among licensees and partners having access to source code and ensuring that Symbian OS remains an open standard - open and advanced. This strategy ensures that Symbian OS phone manufacturers can create highly differentiated products while sharing a technology platform and keeping the learning curve to a minimum. Open Platform: An operating system for the mass-market must be open for third-party development - by independent software vendors, enterprise IT departments, network operators and Symbian OS licensees. In turn, this implies a manageable learning curve, standard languages such as C++ and Java, along with SDKs, tools, documentation, books, technical support and training. Symbian OS has a rich set of APIs for independent software developers, partners and licensees to write their applications. Even though mobile phones are small and mobile, they can offer facilities as rich as those on desktop computers, in addition to basic functions such as voice and data communication. The operating system has to support both conventional and mobile computing paradigms, and developers need knowledge of both. To reduce the time-to-market, developers should become proficient in as short a time as possible. Supporting standards that they may already know or can easily learn from a multitude of sources is necessary. Standards also make the platform more open and hence attract more developers. Traditional standards such as Unicode for internationalization, a POSIX API, and Java are a must, but for an operating system to take its place in the connected world, open standards such as TCP/IP, POP3, IMAP4, SMTP, SMS, MMS, Bluetooth, OBEX, WAP, i-mode, Java and SyncML should also be supported. Symbian has trusted leading partners in the mobile phone market and actively participates in standards organizations (such as the Open Mobile Alliance and the Java Community Process). Through these, Symbian has advance knowledge of future Dept. of ISE Page 18 SBMJCE

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technologies and can test Symbian OS with many different phone systems. This ensures the stability and the future place of Symbian OS. Furthermore, a user interface framework, data service enablers and application engines provide a solid base for application developers to target.

3.2.2 Architecture
Symbian OS architecture is designed to meet a number of requirements. It must be hardware independent so it can be used on a variety of phone types, it must be extendable so it can cope with future developments, and it must be open to all to develop for.

Figure 3: Architecture of Symbian OS 1) Core - Symbian OS core is common to all devices, i.e. kernel, file server, memory management and device drivers. Above this core, components can be added or removed depending on the product requirements. 2) System Layer - The system layer provides communication and computing services such as TCP/IP, IMAP4, SMS and database management.

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3) Application Engines - Above the System Layer sits the Application Engines, enabling software developers (be they either employed by the phone manufacturer or independent) to create user interface to data. 4) User Interface Software - USI can be made or licensed by manufacturers. 5) Applications - Applications are slotted in above the user interface.

3.2.3 Features of Symbian OS

There are many features that make Symbian OS ideal for mobile devices. Some of these are briefly explained below. Client-Server Architecture: The power of the client-server framework is widely acknowledged in the software community. In Symbian OS, clients are programs that have user interfaces, and servers are programs that can only be accessed via a well defined interface from other programs. The role of a client is to serve the user, while servers ensure timely response to all the clients while controlling the access to the resources of the actual system. Additionally, in practice, one server will often have many extra servers relying on the original server. Event Management: Event management has long been considered a core strength of Symbian OS - reflecting the fact that Symbian OS was designed from the start to have event based time sharing in a single thread. Rather than more conventional methods of having multi threaded applications, Symbian OS enables the developer to think in terms of interactions and behaviors as the main artifacts. Enabling this shift from procedural to interactive designs have been one of the main challenges of modern software engineering, and this is one reason why Symbian OS has earned its reputation for advanced design. Object Oriented Design: Because Symbian OS has an object oriented design, it is easy to configure for different sorts of hardware, and being component based, it allows manufacturers to add or remove components. This idea is crucial in enabling manufacturers to make devices that best suit their customers needs. This flexibility extends even to the user interface - again allowing a variety of different device designs to work from the same operating system. Power Management: Symbian OS users are used to the performance of mobile phones and so demand similar performance in terms of weight and operating times when they Dept. of ISE Page 20 SBMJCE

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adopt new devices. Power management is built into the kernel of Symbian OS and is designed to make efficient use of the processors and peripherals and so minimize power usage. When peripherals are not being used they are switched off by the system. This lowers battery consumption, prolonging usage and allows for smaller batteries. Robust and Dependable: Symbian OS users will have experienced the performance levels achieved in this area by mobile phones. Devices should not lose user data, crash or require rebooting. Symbian achieves this in two ways: 1. Each process runs in a protected address space, thus it is not possible for one application to overwrite anothers address space. 2. The kernel also runs in a protected address space, so that a bug in one application cannot overwrite the kernels stack or heap. The client-server architecture of Symbian OS allows applications to exchange data without compromising overall system integrity. This meets the requirement to work on stand alone portable devices, even though Symbian devices offer greatly enhanced functionality over standard mobile phones. Memory Management: For stand alone portable devices, memory management is important. The need to minimize weight, device size and cost means the amount of memory available on a Symbian OS device is often quite limited. Symbian OS always assumes that the memory available is limited, and minimizes consumption at every turn. Consequently, less memory is actually required by the system. Also having less memory helps to keep down power consumption.

Full Multitasking: Symbian OS runs each application as a separate process, allowing multiple applications to run concurrently. For instance, if a user is checking the calendar, and receives a call, the system must allow the user to switch between applications instantaneously. Equally, should the phone call result in an appointment, the user must be able to check the calendar - and still maintain the phone call. As phones become more data enabled, this ability will become ever more important.

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An Open Operating System: Symbian OS is an open OS. The different aspect of this statement is explained below. 1) Open to anyone to license: All manufacturers are treated equally - licensing Symbian OS is open to all on fair and equal terms. 2) Open to anyone to develop applications: The even-handed approach adopted towards manufacturers extends towards developers. API's are made available as a matter of course. Support for 3rd party developers is a key tenet of Symbian OS so full of SDKs and support are available for all products. Anyone can build an application for Symbian OS and again there is fair and equal access for all. 3) Based on open standards: Symbian focuses on one clear part of the value chain providing a platform for all to build upon. Consequently Symbian avoids proprietary standards. It is an active participant in many standards forums - often drawing on the expertise of its shareholders and licensees. The components of Symbian OS are based on agreed open standards. 4) Owned by the industry: Symbian has steadily increased the number of shareholders since it was inaugurated. With the addition of Siemens as the latest shareholder, Symbian shareholders now make over 70% of the phones sold globally. This breadth of ownership ensures that Symbian acts in the interests of the whole industry, driving open standards and promoting interoperability.

3.2.4 Mobiles Using Symbian OS

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Figure 4: Mobiles using Symbian OS

Nokia N82 Nokia E90 Communicator Nokia 6650 Nokia N95-3 NAM Nokia N95 8GB Nokia N95 Nokia 6210 Navigator Nokia 6220 classic Nokia N78

Nokia N96-3 Nokia N96 Nokia N85 Nokia E71 Nokia E55 Nokia E75 Nokia N86 8MP Nokia 6710 Navigator

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Table 1: Mobiles using Symbian OS 3.2.5

Application Development Using Symbian Software

Symbian OS supports application development with C++ for building native

applications and with Java for building Java applications is done with Symbians extensions and differs somewhat from, for example, C++ development for Microsoft Windows. The biggest difference from the development with standard C++ is the unique approach to exception handling, which was not supported by the compilers available in the early phase. The development tools are available from tool partners, including Metroworks, Borland, and Appforge. Currently, Series 60 uses Microsofts Visual Studio in the C++ Software Development Kit (SDK). The development is done on ordinary desktop computers, and the SDK provides good development support and allows applications to be tested without the target hardware (to some extent). With the development tools, the compilation for the target device can also be performed, and installation packets (Symbian Installation System SIS files) can be created. Although development with the SDK allows testing of the application to some extent, it is also important to install the application into the target device to test the operation fully.

3.2.6 Anatomy of a GUI

Our basic GUI application project consists of the following parts: The .mmp and bld.inf files needed to build the application. A resource file (.rss file) to define the various GUI components, dialogs and text strings your application uses The application source code A .pkg file to build a sis file that can be stored on the phone.

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Figure 5: Anatomy of GUI

3.2.7 Installation on the Smartphone

An application is installed on a smartphone via an installation file that has a sis suffix. This installation file, which is referred to as a sis file, contains all the executables and data files for the application. In addition it contains installation information, such as where to put each executable/data file on the target devices flash memory. We can install a sis file in several ways: On UIQ-powered smartphones, you can simply click on the sis file in File Explorer and it will install itself on the smartphone. Download sis files from the web or via email onto the smartphone itself and install them. Beam the sis file to the phone using infrared or Bluetooth technology

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Figure 6: Installation on the Smart Phone

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4. Project Requirement Definition

4.1 Introduction
Proposed solution consists developing a Symbian client application. This consists of developing a plug-in application for the already running Symbian OS of the mobile. The plug-in application is written in C++. The plug-in application will be installed into the mobile. The plugin application will automatically keep updating the longitude and latitude of the user having the mobile to the web service for specified interval of time. A web service is developed using the .NET and will be running in the centralized location and is continuously monitored by an Administrator. The web service will receive the location-based information from the plug-in application installed in the mobile and process it. The portal, which implemented via Google maps, will show the exact location of the people online. Different users can access the Portal web service simultaneously. Administrator can keep track of the person or many individuals simultaneously. Administrator can log in to portal and for a particular user, get the entire report of his location movement.


System Overview
In the figure 7 the Cell phone are any mobile phone with Symbian Operating System

Version 9.1 and above, with Phone UI SDK Series 60 and with GPRS, GPS enabled in it. This application can also be developed for Mobile Phones with UI SDK Series 80 also. This needs some change in the Mobile application. The Major difference between Series 60 and Series 80 Mobile Phones is Series 60 is Key enabled only and Series 80 is Touch Screen enabled. And then there are Java enabled kits in the market, which this project is not taking into consideration.

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Figure 7: System Overview The program developed and installed in this mobile phones retrieves the current location of the user via GPS and upload it to web portal via HTTP transfer using GPRS. The values thus received are stored into to Database and later retrieved to display them on the Google Map Web Portal. The Server is nothing but machine in which the .NET web services is hosted and is running continuously. This machine should be connected to Internet and the IP of this machine should be a Public IP (Any other node connected in internet should be able to uniquely access this machine with its IP address). The application is developed to access the Google Map Web Portal. The user movement is tracked on this Google Map Web Portal, which appears as a line shown connected to Pin indicators that are nothing but location the user had moved for every 5 minutes interval. The Internet is any client machine on the Internet, which accesses the Web Services. When the user access the hits the URL for the application, the login page is displayed to him from where he can login as a admin or as a user based on his login credentials.

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User Requirements
The users using this project will be common users with a phone with GPRS connectivity

with GPS and Symbian O.S. 9.1 and above. The user can install this GPS-Tracker software on his mobile phone. I have tested the application on the - Nokia 6110 Navigator. The application will work on the
below given mobile.

Nokia N82 Nokia E90 Communicator Nokia 6650 Nokia N95-3 NAM Nokia N95 8GB Nokia N95 Nokia 6210 Navigator Nokia 6220 classic Nokia N78

Nokia N96-3 Nokia N96 Nokia N85 Nokia E71 Nokia E55 Nokia E75 Nokia N86 8MP Nokia 6710 Navigator

Table 1: Mobiles using Symbian OS


This chapter explains about the overview of the Global Position Tracking System, which

is proposed, and the different mobiles available in market on which the application can be run. As per the figure 3.1 a Symbian C++ application is to be developed and that needs to be installed in the Mobile. A .NET Web services which integrates the Google Map Web Portal and also stores the data in the database. The web portal prompts the user to login as an admin or a normal user based on their credentials.

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System Requirement Specification


This chapter gives the overall information about the system requirements, which includes

the Hardware and the Software requirements.


Hardware requirements:
The hardware requirements can be classified into 2 - Computer requirements and the

mobile requirements.

Computer Requirements
Processor Monitor RAM Speed Secondary Device : Pentium IV : SVGA : 128MB(minimum) : 500MHZ : 20GB


Mobile Requirements
Any Mobile Handset having Symbian OS 9.1, Series 60 with GPRS, GPS enabled in it.

5.3 Technologies Used (Software Requirements)

Position tracker requires two components:

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Position tracker Portal software

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The responsibility of this component is to receive the location information from several mobile users via Position Tracker mobile software. This component will also store the location data into database. This component will also allow administrator to see the locations in Google Maps. Technologies: Microsoft .Net 2.0 Visual C# language ASP.Net 2.0 ASP.Net 2.0 web service SQL Server 2000 Google Maps API XML


Position tracker mobile software

This software widget needs to be installed on mobile. The responsibility of this

component is to get the current location of the user via GPS and upload it to web portal via HTTP transfer using GPRS. Technologies: Symbian Operating System 9.0 and above for mobiles C++ Carbide C++ 1.3 IDE

5.4 The modules involved in developing the project is as follows

5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 Mobile Application Module. Website Scrapping Module. Web services Module. Database Module.

The details of the individual modules are as follows:

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Mobile Application Module

Login the user once on the mobile. Get the current location of the user via GPS and upload it to web portal via

The responsibility of this component is to

HTTP transfer using GPRS.


Website Scrapping Module

In this module first login page is displayed. In login page enter user name, password then click login button. Next it will If the logged in user is an admin then a drop down to the right is displayed. The drop down is bonded with all the users in that system for which the The admin can select the required user and can view the movement of the If the logged in user is not an admin then his movement will be displayed

This module is used to fetch the real data from database.

open home page.

track is to be maintained. user on the Google Map. The values are retrieved from the Database. on the on the Google Map on the home page. The values are retrieved from the Database.


Web Service Module

IASP.Net web service is used which will be acting as a communicator between Mobile Device application and SQL 2000 Server database. This web service will receive information as base64 encoded data and it will store the same in the database.


SQL Server 2000 database

This component is used to store the backup data information like user ID, password, Latitude, Longitude and the Time.

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6. GANTT Chart
6.1 Overall Project Calendar

Figure 8: Overall Project Calendar

6.2 GANTT Chart

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Figure 9: Gantt chart

6.3 GANTT Chart (Sub Tasks Expanded)

Figure 9: Gantt chart expanded for Sub Tasks

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7. System Design
This chapter outlines the different design diagrams and the flow charts used in the application. 7.1

Database Module

7.1.1 Table Structure

Name RecID Name UserName Password ProjectID Null Primar Type ? y Key N N N N N Y Integer Comments This is a running number

VARCHAR(50) Name of the Student or User VARCHAR(50) This must be unique. VARCHAR(50) VARCHAR(50) This key was added for future use. This is the key used to provide access to many related projects on phone. Right now it is not used. Datetime


Table 2: Student Table


Null Primar Type ? y Key


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RecID Latitude Longitude UpdateTime StudentID



This is a running number

VARCHAR(50) Latitude value received from mobile. VARCHAR(50) Longitude value received from mobile. Date time Integer This is the ID of the student for whom the tracking was carried on. It is s foreign key to Student table.

Table 3: TrackerInfo Table

Student RecID Name

Table Relations
TrackInfo RecID Latitude Longitude UpdateTime StudentID

UserName Password ProjectID DateOfJoin

Figure 10: Table

Relations 7.2

Web Application Module

Figure 11: Data Flow diagram for Web Application Module Dept. of ISE Page 36 SBMJCE

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Figure 12: Use Case diagram for Web Application Module


Web-site scrapping Module

Figure diagram Module

13: Data Flow for Web-Site Scrapping

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Figure 14: Sequence diagram for Web-Site Scrapping Module


Mobile Application Module

Is IAP set? LAsk User to select an IAP in dialog box. Is IAP set?

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StartPage 38 Is User authenticate


Ask User to select select an Ask User toan Geo-Visualization of Human Activity by Position Tracking and Global Localization of Mobile Terminals. IAP in IAP in dialog box. LocationTimer dialog .cpp, LocationTiParse the LocationReade box. response & Check the r.cpp Start status code sent by Is IAP server Start LocationHttpE set? ngine.cpp
locationAppVie w.cpp

Response from server Start is received? Set timer for 5 minutes

ct an IAP in Upload position and time dialog to server via box. HTTP request.

LocationTimer .cpp LocationHttpE ngine.cpp, HTTPEngine.c pp locationReader Display form to user to .cpp enter userid and password Location.rss


Is IAP Position received set?


Start getting position Start getting position from GPS GPS from
locationReader .cpp

locationAppVi ew.cpp

Display form to user to enter userid and Ask Position password received User to successfully? Is UserIAP in authenticated?
dialog select an


Timer up?

LocationHttpEng ine.cpp, HTTPEngine.cpp

Uploadand password time to server position and userid box. via HTTP request.
Is IAP set?
LocationTimer. cpp

Set timer for 5 minutes


Response from server is received?

LocationHttpEng ine.cpp

Parse the response & Check the status code sent by server
LocationTimer.c pp, LocationReader.c pp

Timer up?

Figure 15: Data Flow diagram for Mobile Application Module


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7.5.1 Server side inputs

This is the Web application and the Web Service Part The first input is the user input of UserID and the Password inputted by the user manually through the login page. The second is the inputs from the mobile phone which sends the latitude, longitude, update time and user id. The server side is divided into many sections according to the number of users who are using the mobile gps-tracker software. Each user is given a user id and a password to send and receive the status. Thus we have two authentication fields i.e. User id and the password for a particular user.

7.5.2 Client side inputs

This is the Mobile phone application part The client considered here is a user who has a mobile phone with Symbian O.S and GPRS connectivity with GPS. After installing the software in his mobile phone whenever he wants to use the facility he should first start the software. Afterwards before sending the position status he should show his authentication by compulsorily providing the user id, password. Thus these two are the main requirements of the client side.



7.6.1 Web Service

Authentication failure- when the user id or the password entered not entered properly. Then we display a output message stating the error. Dept. of ISE In admin logs in he can view all mobile users position status on the Google Map. If a user logs in he can see his own details only. Page 40 SBMJCE

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7.6.2 Mobile Application

The Application asks for login for the very first time. If the user enters wrong ID or Password then a error out message will be displayed.

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8. Implementation
No . Filename Purpose Entry point of the application Application class(part of symbian GUI framework) Document class (part of symbian GUI framework) UI class (part of symbian GUI framework) view class (part of symbian GUI framework) IAP setting Important methods NewApplication() CreateDocumentL() Built-in classes of Third symbian Party DLL nil no CAknApplication

1 location.cpp 2 locationApplication.cpp

3 locationDocument.cpp 4 locationAppUi.cpp 5 locationAppView.cpp

CreateAppUiL() HandleCommandL () ConstructL() GetIap(), SetIap(), QueryIapL()

CAknDocument CAknAppUi CCoeControl

no no

CCommsDatabase no ,CAknListQueryD ialog

6 LocationCredentials.cpp 7 location.rss

User credentials are checked Dialog to enter RunDlgLD() userid and password Resource file required for symbian GUI resources like menu, dialogs. IAP dialog, useridpassword dialog Userid-password setting items Getting the position of user. Longitude, Lattitude and Time



8 CSettingsItemList.cpp 9 LocationReader.cpp

AVKON_SETTI NG_PAGE, SECRETED CreateSettingItemL( CAknSettingItem ) List GetPosition() CActive, RPositionServer, Rpositioner, TPositionInfo RunL() TimerExpired()

no no

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10 LocationHttpEngine.cpp

Forms the HTTP GetXMLQuery() XML-SOAP request

Handles the received HTTP response Parses the xml response

HandleResponse() StartElement() EndElement()

for xml parsing: SyExpat.dl l. Below classes are used MSyOutp utHandler MSyDocH andler CSyConte xtualParse r no

11 HTTPEngine.cpp

Sending the request via HTTP and receiving response back.


MHTTPDataSupp lier RHTTPSession,R HTTPTransaction RSocketServ, Rconnection RConnection RTimer

GetRequestText() MHFRunL() DotheRequirdOpera tion() After() RunL()

12 LocationTimer.cpp

Timer implementation


Table 4: Implementation Summary of Mobile Application Module

9. Integration
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This part tells about the integration of each module in the project. This project is divided into two processes (each running on stand alone computer) and four modules. The modules are: User Interface. Setting of credentials. Getting of GPS position. Sending it to server.

These modules are developed independent and needed to be integrated to implement the project. There are inter-module integration and intra-module integration. They are as follows,

10.1 Integrations between modules

10.1.1 User Interface and Setting of credentials
The user interface collects the credentials like IAP, username and password. Then these are saved in to a file for next use of the data. This is done by creating an instance of credential class and passing the data from front end.

10.1.2 Credentials and getting of GPS

The credentials stored in the credentials class are used to send the application number and requests the satellite for the GPS. Once the response of the satellite is checked and stored in the credentials. 10.1.3 Sending the GPS to server The GPS stored in the credential class are send to the server by xml parsing the credentials like username and password position and time are parsed by using the third party dll. This xml which is generated will be parsed to server and the response from the server will be checked.

10. System Testing and Deployment

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After designing phase there is the coding phase. In this phase, all the modules identified and specified in the design document is independently Coded and Unit tested. Followed the below coding standards and Guidelines.

The coding standards are: Naming standards for the .Net Classes, pages and variables etc. Screen design standards. Validation and checks that need to be implemented. The Guidelines are: Code should be well document. Coding style should be simple. Length of function should short.

10.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing (or module testing) is the testing of different units or modules of the system individually and independently of each other. In this phase, the physical design of the system is converted into the logical programming language. Unit testing helps to detect errors at modular level and eliminate it, thus saving a lot time during system testing. Unit testing involves a precise definition of test cases, testing criteria, and management of test cases. Have not maintained any test cases and all Unit testing is done manually.

10.2 Error handling

In this system all the errors are handled that have occurred while running the application. The common errors that occurred are reading the empty record and displaying a compiler message, etc.


Integration Testing
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In this the different modules of a Web system including all the pages all the Data access methods and Google API Object methods are integrated and tested. The integration is carried out iterating method in which any two modules are integrated and then tested like wise all modules are combined to realize the full system. As said after each integration step, the partially integrated system is tested. The primary objective of integration testing is to test the module interface. In Main module, all the individual Units are tested first and after having successful results in the individual Unit testing we moved further for the integration. Similar approach is followed for the mobile application also. Here all the classes are tested individually and then integrated one by one and tested for proper integration. 10.4

System Testing
Once all the modules were working well in themselves and there are no problems, the

web application was to be integrated with the Mobile application and then testing. This is called the System Testing (Testing for the end result). This was not straight forward as the Mobile needs to recognize the IP address of the Web service application. To achieve this Web application is to be published and the published build of the application needs to be hosted in the IIS of machine which is configured with a Public IP address outfacing towards the Internet. We can get Public IP by paying to any vendors or Third party providers. Public IP address of MasterSkills Company has been used which is managed to purchase from them on rental basis and hosted my application and Database in their system. Once the Web application was hosted some modifications are made to the Mobile application changed the IP address to that of the MasterSkills and then tested by switching on the Mobile application. The System testing went on good and the Mobile started sending values to the Web applications and that could be seen on the Google Web Portal of our Web application. 10.5

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10.5.1 Login Screen

Figure 16: Login Screen

10.5.2 Google Map Portal screen

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Figure 17: Google Map Portal Screen 1

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Figure 18: Google Map Portal Screen 2

11. Future Enhancements

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Position tracker can be developed further to analyze the minimum shortest path between the check points. If the application is used for business purpose like the sales management then it will help administrator to decide routes to minimize the transportation costs. This system can be used for understanding the time taken between places thus administrator can roughly assess the time taken for a vehicle to reach destination.

12. Conclusion

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Position Tracker is a tracking platform, so it can be modified to fit to any kind of tracking use, for example tracking a person location in times of emergencies like Earth quakes Tsunami etc, tracking a friends location, parents tracking their children movements, Vehicle tracking, tracking the movements of a suspect of a criminal case and in any business use-case like sales management etc. And since it is used on mobiles and internet we will get up to date information at very less cost.

13. References
[1] Link -

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[2] Katina Michael, Andrew McNamee, MG Michael, 2006, The Emerging Ethics of

Human centric GPS Tracking and Monitoring

[3] Zhao, H. and R. Shibasaki. 2005. A novel system for tracking pedestrians using

multiple single-row laser-range scanners. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A: Systems and Humans. 35 (2).
[4] Kwan, M. 2000. Analysis of human spatial behavior in a GIS environment:

Recent developments and future prospects. Journal of Geographical Systems 2:85-90.

[5] Ir Laurent M. Duchateau, MSEE Member of the I.E.E.E., INDOOR GPS


[6] Kwan, M. and J. Lee. 2003. Geo-visualization of human activity patterns using

3D GIS: A Time-Geographic Approach. In M.F. Goodchild and D.G. Janelle. Eds. Spatially Integrated Social Science: Examples in Best Practice, Chapter 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [7] Michael, K., A. McNamee, M.G. Michael, and H. Tootell. 2006. Location-Based Intelligence Modeling Behavior in Humans using GPS. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Technology and Society, New York: 8-11. [8] Albanese, M. A. Picariello and A.M. Rinaldi. 2004. A technological framework for personalized museum visiting. [9] OConnor A., A. Zerger and B. Itami. 2003. Building better agents: Geo-temporal tracking and analysis of tourist behavior. Conference Proceedings MODSIM International Congress on Modeling and Simulation. Townsville, Queensland, Australia: 1148-1154.

Edmund Burke, Author Space Information Laboratories Inc., President and Ed Rutkowski, Co-Author Space Information Laboratories Inc., Director, , Vehicle Based Independent Tracking System (VBITS): A Small, Modular, Avionics Suite for Responsive Launch Vehicle and Satellite Applications [11] Jianyang Zheng, Yinhai Wang, Nancy L. Nihan, Tracking Vehicles with GPS.

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Maya Dawoud1, Mohamad Khalil1, Maan E. El Najjar2, Bachar El Hassan1,

Haissam Ziade1, Wassim El Falou1, Tracking System using GPS, vision and 3D virtual Model. [13] [14] Noppadol Chadil, Apirak Russameesawang and Phongsak Keeratiwintakorn, RealJos E. Naranjo, Carlos Gonzlez, Member, IEEE, Ricardo Garca, Teresa de Time Tracking Management System Using GPS, GPRS and Google Earth Pedro, Javier Revuelto, and Jess Reviejo, Fuzzy Logic Based Lateral Control for GPS Map Tracking [15] Robert MacCurdy, Rich Gabrielson, Eric Spaulding, Alejandro Purgue, Kathryn Cortopassi, Kurt Fristrup, Real-Time, Automatic Animal Tracking Using Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum. [16] [17] Won-Hee Han, Eun-Ha Song, Laurence T. Yang, Jong-Hyuk Park and Young-Sik Jonathan S. Maltz, Thomas S.C. Ng1, Dustin J. Li, Jian Wang1, Kang Wang, Jeong ACE: Active Emergence Call Service System for u-Lifecare. William Bergeron, Ron Martin and Thomas F. Budinger, The Trauma Patient Tracking System: implementing a wireless monitoring infrastructure for emergency response. [18] [19] [20] [21]

F. Napolitano, F. Cretollier and H. Pelletier, GAPS, combined USBL + INS + THOMAS P. YUNCK, WILLIAM G. MELBOURNE, AND C. L. THORNTON, Brian DeRenzi, Yaw Anokwa, Tapan Parikh and Gaetano Borriello, Reliable data Pei-Kai Liao, I-Kang Fu, Paul Cheng MediaTek Inc., Location Estimation and The IEEE Article by Khalaf-Allah and M. Kyamakya, K.

GPS tracking system for fast deployable & high accuracy multiple target positioning. GPS-Based Satellite Tracking System for Precise Positioning. collection in highly disconnected environments using mobile phones. Tracking System for Mobile Devices in IEEE 802.16m Leibniz Univ. of Hannover, Hannover Position tracking and global localization of mobile terminals in cellular networks. [23] Fredrik Gustafsson, Fredrik Gunnarsson, Niclas Bergman, Urban Forssell, Jonas Jansson, Rickard Karlsson, and Per-Johan Nordlund, Particle Filters for Positioning, Navigation and Tracking. Dept. of ISE Page 53 SBMJCE

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Jiun-tsong Wu, Jet Propulsion Laboratory , California Institute of Technology, Link - Link


[25] [26]

mobile-phones-or-other-wireless-devices-dt20080918ptan20080227473.php? type=description [27] [28] [29] [30] Andrew Troelsen - C# and .NET concepts Text book Steve Babin Developing s/w for symbian OS Text book Richard Harrison Symbian OS C++ for Mobile phones Text book http://www.symbian .com

14. Manual
In order to install "Unsigned" releases, you need to go through a one-time procedure. You will need to run the in the release included "SecMan.exe". This program allows you to install our future "Unsigned" releases, without signing them every time. Dept. of ISE Page 54 SBMJCE

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Step 1:
For this, you will need to have TRK (included in this package) installed, and connected to your pc via USB connection. TRK_List1.sisx TRK_List2.sisx To get this app properly running, make sure you have installed the newest Nokia PC Suite, and your phone connected via "PC Suite" mode. On the phone, run the TRK app, in applications folder. When it asks for bluetooth connection, don't turn it on, and change connection settings to USB. After you have done that, click "Next" and follow the instructions on screen. When the installation is done, look in the Applications folder on your phone, and find SecMan. Open it, and click on "Install Root Certificate". After this is done, you will be able to install our future "Unsigned" releases like normal "Signed" applications. Please keep in mind, if you format / upgrade your phones firmware, you'll need to do this step again and after that manually install those apps from Application Manager.

Note 1: To install previous unsigned releases, use RootSiGN v1.0 (Included in the package) first
to sign these releases with our root certificate. This can be used to sign and install any unsigned .sis(x) file. So, Lets start. Wherever I have included screenshots, I have written (Pic Included). So, if you cannot see the pics then reload the page.

Note 2: This process is extremely simple. Make sure you follow it exactly as described in the
following steps. There is no scope to go wrong here.

What you need: - WinRAR installed on your PC

- A Series 60 3rd Edition Phone - USB Cable [Bluetooth wont do] - 5 Minutes Patience

Step 2:
Download the file: from Next, Right click the file and select "Extract Here" Dept. of ISE Page 55 SBMJCE

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Anyway, if you have followed all properly till here, you must have 4 files in a single folder.

Step 3:
Choose your phone from the list:

List 1
Nokia N77, Nokia E61i, Nokia E65, Nokia N93i, Nokia N91 8GB, Nokia E62, Nokia E50, Nokia 5500, Nokia N93, Nokia N73, Nokia N80, Nokia N71, Nokia N92, Nokia E70, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia 3250, Nokia N91 For these Phones, install the TRK_List 1.sisx file

List 2
Nokia N82, Nokia E51, Nokia N95 8GB, Nokia N81, Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia 6121 classic, Nokia 6120 classic, Nokia 5700 XpressMusic, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia E90 Communicator, Nokia N76, Nokia 6290, Nokia N95 For these Phones, install the TRK_List 2.sisx file Install the applicable file on your Memory Card. (Pic Included)

After you have installed TRK (list1 have this on your Menu: (Pic

or list2), you should Included)

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Step 3:
Open Metro TRK. You will be greeted by the following screen: (Pic Included)

Click No. Then, go to Options > Included)



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Put up the following settings under Settings. (Pic Included)

Then, go to the TRK Main Screen Connect. (Pic Included)




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You should have a screen like this. [The contents could be different. But, it should say Connected besides Status] (Pic Included)

Keep TRK Running. Exit by pressing the Menu Key Only.

Step 4:
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Now, go back to the folder where all the files are extracted. Run Secman.exe. You will get a screen like this: (Pic Included)

Click Next. On the Next Screen, just check the option "Find MetroTRK Port Automatically" and click Next. Something like this. (Pic Included)

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After some time, it will start installing the SecMan application to your phone. You will get something like this: (Pic Included)

After install, you should have Secman on your mobile phone. If the above process was successful, then you should have a Secman icon on your phone like this: (Pic Included)

Open SecMan, go to Options and select "Turn Plat. Security OFF". Like this. (Pic Included) Dept. of ISE Page 61 SBMJCE

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Then, go to Options again and select "Install ROOT Certificate". Like this. (Pic Included)

Thats it. Now you can install any Unsigned-BiNPDA Release. But, we want to install releases by other crackers/devlelopers too (other than BinPDA), right? Then, lets move on to Step 5.

Step 5:
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Put any Unsigned File in the same folder which we have created in Step 1. I have selected LandScape Pro. (Pic Included)

Open ROOTSiGN.EXE from the same folder, select the SIS File and click "Root Sign the file". (Pic Included)

After its done, you will have 2 files in the folder. One Unsigned and One RootSigned. Like this: (Pic Included)

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Install the Rootsigned file. You will see it installs just like a signed SIS file. heres how I installed LandscapePro Beta Unsigned. (Pic Included)

Important: After you have installed the files, go to SecMan and go to Options > Turn Plat.
Securities OFF. Its not a good idea to keep platform securities off 24x7. They are there for a reason.

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