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Faculty Profiles 2011/2012

The complexity of the world is increasing at an accelerating pace. To appreciate the risks, uncertainties and opportunities associated with this rising complexity requires a sophisticated understanding of the dynamics of the global business, economic and political environment.

In their drive to develop a fuller understanding of the world, and their enthusiasm to transform thought leadership into impactful pedagogy, INSEAD faculty have created a unique business school for the world which prides itself on maintaining a vibrant intellectual environment.

Through INSEADs campuses in France, Singapore and Abu Dhabi, our faculty have risen to the challenge of creating one school with multiple locations and pushing the frontiers of knowledge as they inspire and instruct generations of global managers.

I am proud to present our 173 faculty members in this latest edition of the booklet, which provides a glimpse of the extraordinary intellectual power that has sustained INSEADs leadership in international management education for over 50 years.

Ilian MIHOV Deputy Dean for Faculty and Research

Table of Contents
Alphabetical Index ............................................ 1 Area Index ....................................................... 4 Accounting and Control .................................... 7 At Large ......................................................... 16 Decision Sciences ........................................... 18 Economics and Political Sciences ................... 32 Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise ........ 48 Finance .......................................................... 70 Marketing ....................................................... 90 Organisational Behaviour ............................. 113 Strategy ....................................................... 141 Technology and Operations Management ..... 172 Chairholder Index ........................................ 194 Area Chair Index .......................................... 196

Aggarwal Vikas A ........................... 49 Anderson Philip ............................. 50 Angehrn Albert A. ........................ 173 Angelmar Reinhard ....................... 91 Ayres Robert U. .................... 33, 174

Demers Elizabeth ......................... 10 Dermine Jean ............................... 71 Diecidue Enrico ............................ 20 Dong Xi ....................................... 72 Doz Yves L. ................................ 150 Dumas Bernard ............................ 73 Dutt Pushan ................................. 35 Dutta Soumitra .......................... 178 Dyas Gareth .............................. 151

Bart Yakov ................................... 92 Bearden J. Neil ............................. 19 Bennedsen Morten ........................ 34 Bensaou Ben M. ......................... 175 de Bettignies Henri-Claude .......... 114 Bhattacharya Shantanu ............... 176 Bissada Youssef F. ........................ 51 Black Stewart ............................. 115 Boulos Fares .............................. 142 Brannen Mary Yoko ..................... 143 Bresman Henrik ......................... 116 Brimm Linda .............................. 117 Brimm Michael ........................... 118 Bruno Hernan A. ............................ 93

Evans Paul A. L. ......................... 119 Evgeniou Theodoros ...................... 21

Falcao Horacio .............................. 22 Fang Lily Hua ............................... 74 Fatas Antonio ............................... 36 Filipowicz Allan ............................ 120 Frank Douglas ............................ 152

Capron Laurence ........................ 144 Carlock Randel ............................. 52 Carmon Ziv .................................. 94 Casanova Lourdes ...................... 145 Chandon Pierre ............................. 95 Chang Woo-Jin ...............................8 Chattopadhyay Amitava ................ 96 Chen Guoli ................................. 146 Chen Wei-Ru .............................. 147 Chick Stephen ............................ 177 Christen Markus ........................... 97 Cohen Jacob ..................................9 Cool Karel .................................. 148 Corstjens Marcel ............................ 98 Costantini James ......................... 149

Gaba Anil .................................... 23 Gaba Vibha ................................ 121 Gabel H. Landis ............................ 37 Galunic D. Charles ...................... 122 Gargiulo Martin ........................... 123 Gatignon Hubert ........................... 99 Gimeno Javier ............................ 153 Girotra Karan ............................. 179 Godart Frederic .......................... 124 Gregersen Hal ........................... 125 Greve Henrich .............................. 53 Gromb Denis ................................ 75

Hansen Morten T. ......................... 54 Hasija Sameer ............................ 180 Hawawini Gabriel ........................... 76 Heau Dominique ......................... 154 Hibon Michele .............................. 24 Hietala Pekka ............................... 77 Hilary Gilles ................................. 11 Hillion Pierre ................................ 78 Huang Li .................................... 126 Huy Quy ..................................... 155

Manzoni Jean-Franois ................ 133 Massa Massimo ............................ 81 Mauborgne Renee ....................... 160 Meyer Erin .................................. 134 Mezias Stephen J. ......................... 60 Michaud Claude ............................ 39 Midgley David ............................ 102 Mihm Jurgen .............................. 182 Mihov Ilian ................................... 40 Monahan Steven ........................... 12 Morris G. Deigan ........................... 13 Morrison Allen J. ......................... 161 Mortensen Mark ......................... 135

Ibarra Herminia ........................... 127

Nam Myungwoo.......................... 103 Netessine Serguei ....................... 183

Jain Dipak C. .............................. 100 Jarrett Michael ........................... 128 Jones Neil .................................. 156

Ouazad Amine .............................. 41

Kaiser Kevin ................................. 79 Kapstein Ethan ............................. 38 Karelaia Natalia ............................ 25 Kets De Vries Manfred F. R. ........... 55 Kewene-Hite Paul ......................... 56 Kim Ji-Yub (Jay) ........................... 57 Kim W. Chan .............................. 157 Kinias Zoe .................................. 129 Kleindorfer Paul ........................... 181

Padmanabhan V. (Paddy) ............ 104 Pant Narayan ............................. 162 Parker Philip M. ........................... 105 Peress Joel .................................. 82 Petriglieri Gianpiero ................... 136 Peyer Urs .................................... 83 Pich Michael ......................... 61, 184 Pinson Christian ......................... 106 Plassmann Hilke ......................... 107 Popescu Dana ............................ 185 Popescu Ioana .............................. 28

Larreche Jean-Claude .................. 101 Lasserre Philippe ........................ 158 Laurent Andre ............................. 130 Lehman Roger .............................. 58 Lobo Miguel Sousa ........................ 26 Luo Xiaowei Rose ......................... 59 Lynch Susan .............................. 159

Rameau Claude ............................ 29 Rangan Subramanian .................. 163 Remmers Lee ................................ 84 Rogan Michelle A. ......................... 62 Rudi Nils ..................................... 186

Maddux William .......................... 131 Maenhout Pascal ........................... 80 Makridakis Spyros ....................... 27 Mannarelli Thomas....................... 132

Sadoulet Loic ............................... 42 Santacreu Ana Maria ..................... 43 Santos Filipe ................................ 63

Santos Jos ............................... 164 Sarvary Miklos ........................... 108 Schornick Astrid V. ....................... 85 Schtte Hellmut ......................... 165 Segal Benjamin ............................ 14 Sengupta Kishore ....................... 187 Shekshnia Stanislav ....................... 64 Shipilov Andrew V. ...................... 166 Sinaceur Marwan ........................ 137 Singh Jasjit ................................. 167 Smith N. Craig .............................. 17 Sosa Manuel .............................. 188 Spiro Jarrett ............................... 138 Story Jonathan .............................. 44 Swaab Roderick .......................... 139 Sweldens Steven ........................ 109 Szulanski Gabriel ......................... 168

Xu Hongwei .................................. 68

Young S. David ............................. 15 Yucesan Enver ............................ 193

Zeisberger Claudia ................... 31, 69 Zemsky Peter B. .......................... 171 Zhang Hong .................................. 89

Teboul James .............................. 189 Tepla Lucie ................................... 86 Thanheiser Heinz ......................... 169 Tsetlin Ilia .................................... 30 Turner Patrick ............................... 65

Van der Heyden Ludo ............. 66, 190 Van Wassenhove Luk ................... 191 Van Zandt Timothy ........................ 45 Vanneste Bart S. ......................... 170 de Vericourt Francis ..................... 192 Vermaelen Theo ........................... 87 Viallet Claude ............................... 88 Vissa Balagopal ............................. 67

Wadhwa Monica .......................... 110 Webber Douglas ............................ 46 Weinstein David .......................... 111 Wertenbroch Klaus ...................... 112 Witt Michael A. .............................. 47 Woodward Ian ............................. 140


Woo-Jin Chang ........................... 8 Jacob Cohen ............................. 9 Elizabeth Demers ..................... 10 Gilles Hilary ............................. 11 Steven Monahan ....................... 12 G. Deigan Morris ....................... 13 Benjamin Segal ........................ 14 S. David Young ........................ 15

Ethan Kapstein ......................... 38 Claude Michaud ........................ 39 Ilian Mihov ............................... 40 Amine Ouazad .......................... 41 Loic Sadoulet ........................... 42 Ana Maria Santacreu .................. 43 Jonathan Story ......................... 44 Timothy Van Zandt ................... 45 Douglas Webber ....................... 46 Michael A. Witt ......................... 47

N. Craig Smith .......................... 17


Vikas A. Aggarwal ..................... 49 Philip Anderson ........................ 50

J. Neil Bearden ......................... 19 Enrico Diecidue ........................ 20 Theodoros Evgeniou .................. 21 Horacio Falcao ......................... 22 Anil Gaba ................................ 23 Michele Hibon .......................... 24 Natalia Karelaia ........................ 25 Miguel Sousa Lobo .................... 26 Spyros Makridakis .................... 27 Ioana Popescu ......................... 28 Claude Rameau ........................ 29 Ilia Tsetlin ............................... 30 Claudia Zeisberger .................... 31

Youssef F. Bissada .................... 51 Randel Carlock ......................... 52 Henrich Greve .......................... 53 Morten T. Hansen ..................... 54 Manfred F. R. Kets De Vries ........ 55 Paul Kewene-Hite ..................... 56 Ji-Yub (Jay) Kim ....................... 57 Roger Lehman .......................... 58 Xiaowei Rose Luo ...................... 59 Stephen J. Mezias ..................... 60 Michael Pich ............................. 61 Michelle A. Rogan ..................... 62 Filipe Santos ............................ 63 Stanislav Shekshnia .................. 64


Robert U. Ayres ........................ 33 Morten Bennedsen .................... 34 Pushan Dutt ............................. 35 Antonio Fatas ........................... 36 H. Landis Gabel ........................ 37

Patrick Turner .......................... 65 Ludo Van der Heyden ................ 66 Balagopal Vissa ........................ 67 Hongwei Xu ............................. 68 Claudia Zeisberger .................... 69

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Jean Dermine .......................... 71 Xi Dong ................................... 72 Bernard Dumas ........................ 73 Lily Hua Fang ........................... 74 Denis Gromb ........................... 75 Gabriel Hawawini ...................... 76 Pekka Hietala ........................... 77 Pierre Hillion ............................ 78 Kevin Kaiser ............................ 79 Pascal Maenhout ...................... 80 Massimo Massa ........................ 81 Joel Peress .............................. 82 Urs Peyer ................................ 83 Lee Remmers ........................... 84 Astrid V. Schornick ................... 85 Lucie Tepla .............................. 86 Theo Vermaelen ....................... 87 Claude Viallet ........................... 88 Hong Zhang ............................. 89

V. (Paddy) Padmanabhan .......... 104 Philip M. Parker ....................... 105 Christian Pinson ....................... 106 Hilke Plassmann ...................... 107 Miklos Sarvary ........................ 108 Steven Sweldens ..................... 109 Monica Wadhwa ....................... 110 David Weinstein ...................... 111 Klaus Wertenbroch ................... 112

Henri-Claude de Bettignies ........ 114 Stewart Black .......................... 115 Henrik Bresman ....................... 116 Linda Brimm ........................... 117 Michael Brimm ........................ 118 Paul A. L. Evans ...................... 119 Allan Filipowicz ........................ 120 Vibha Gaba ............................. 121 D. Charles Galunic ................... 122 Martin Gargiulo ........................ 123

Reinhard Angelmar ................... 91 Yakov Bart .............................. 92 Hernan A. Bruno ...................... 93 Ziv Carmon ............................. 94 Pierre Chandon ........................ 95 Amitava Chattopadhyay ............ 96 Markus Christen ....................... 97 Marcel Corstjens ....................... 98 Hubert Gatignon ....................... 99 Dipak C. Jain .......................... 100 Jean-Claude Larreche ............... 101 David Midgley ......................... 102 Myungwoo Nam ...................... 103

Frederic Godart ....................... 124 Hal Gregersen ......................... 125 Li Huang ................................. 126 Herminia Ibarra ....................... 127 Michael Jarrett ........................ 128 Zoe Kinias .............................. 129 Andre Laurent ......................... 130 William Maddux ....................... 131 Thomas Mannarelli ................... 132 Jean-Franois Manzoni .............. 133 Erin Meyer .............................. 134 Mark Mortensen ....................... 135 Gianpiero Petriglieri .................. 136 Marwan Sinaceur ..................... 137

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Jarrett Spiro ........................... 138 Roderick Swaab ...................... 139 Ian Woodward ........................ 140

Heinz Thanheiser ..................... 169 Bart S. Vanneste ..................... 170 Peter B. Zemsky ...................... 171

Fares Boulos ........................... 142 Mary Yoko Brannen .................. 143 Laurence Capron ..................... 144 Lourdes Casanova ................... 145 Guoli Chen ............................. 146 Wei-Ru Chen .......................... 147 Karel Cool .............................. 148 James Costantini ..................... 149 Yves L. Doz ............................ 150 Gareth Dyas ........................... 151 Douglas Frank ......................... 152 Javier Gimeno ......................... 153 Dominique Heau ...................... 154 Quy Huy ................................. 155 Neil Jones ............................... 156 W. Chan Kim .......................... 157 Philippe Lasserre ..................... 158 Susan Lynch ........................... 159 Renee Mauborgne .................... 160 Allen J. Morrison ...................... 161 Narayan Pant .......................... 162 Subramanian Rangan ............... 163 Jos Santos ............................ 164 Hellmut Schtte ...................... 165 Andrew V. Shipilov .................. 166 Jasjit Singh ............................. 167 Gabriel Szulanski ..................... 168


Albert A. Angehrn .................... 173 Robert U. Ayres ....................... 174 Ben M. Bensaou ....................... 175 Shantanu Bhattacharya ............ 176 Stephen Chick ......................... 177 Soumitra Dutta ........................ 178 Karan Girotra .......................... 179 Sameer Hasija ......................... 180 Paul Kleindorfer ....................... 181 Jurgen Mihm ........................... 182 Serguei Netessine .................... 183 Michael Pich ............................ 184 Dana Popescu ......................... 185 Nils Rudi ................................. 186 Kishore Sengupta .................... 187 Manuel Sosa ........................... 188 James Teboul .......................... 189 Ludo Van der Heyden ............... 190 Luk Van Wassenhove ............... 191 Francis de Vericourt ................. 192 Enver Yucesan ......................... 193

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Accounting and Control

Woo-Jin Chang (Republic of Korea)

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Control Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 92 48 E-mail:

Financial Accounting; Financial Statement Analysis. National University, Republic of Korea 1993: Certificate, Certified Public Accountant in Korea, Republic of Korea

Financial Accounting and Reporting; Valuation; Economic Consequences of the Regulatory Change; Market Anomalies.


1993: President Award of Seoul National University

2006: Teaching Assistant, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, USA 2002-2003: Teaching Assistant, College of Business, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA 2001-2002: Grading Assistant, College of Business, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA 2000-2001: Manager, La Jolla Investments Limited, Republic of Korea 1998-2000: Associate, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Samil Accounting Corporation), Republic of Korea 1995-1998: First Lieutenant, Ministry of National Defense, Republic of Korea 1994-1995: Staff A, Coopers & Lybrand (Samil Accounting Corporation), Republic of Korea

2009: PhD, Columbia Graduate School of Business, USA 2003: Master of Accounting Science, University of Illinois, USA 2000: Certificate, Certified Public Accountant in California, USA 1995: MBA, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea 1993: Bachelor of Business Admin., Seoul

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Jacob Cohen (USA)

Affiliate Professor of Accounting and Control and Business Law Tel: 65 6799 5497 E-mail:

Financial Accounting; Managerial Accounting; Financial Statement Analysis; Mergers & Acquisitions; Corporate Restructuring; Business Law and Government Regulations.


2007: Teaching Award in Fontainebleau Financial Accounting (Core course) 2005: Teaching Award in Singapore Corporate Financial Reporting & Analysis (elective course) 2001-2003: Recognised by Harvard Business School for Extraordinary Effort and Outstanding Student Evaluations 1998-1999: Syracuse University School of Management Professor of the Year

Corporate Restructuring; Mergers & Acquisitions; Private Equity; Valuation; Financial Reporting; Business Law and Government Regulations.

"Accounting for Mergers & Acquisitions", INSEAD Case Study, N5487 (2007) (with Young S. David) "Financial Fraud at Royal Ahold", INSEAD Case Study, N5422 (2007) (with Hawkins David and Raver Jenifer) "Citigroup Inc.: Accounting for Loan Loss Reserves", INSEAD Case Study, N5809 (2007) (with Hawkins David and Lobo Gerald J.) "Infosys Technologies Ltd. - Accounting for Human Capital", INSEAD Case Study, N5384 (2007) (with Raver Jenifer and Hawkins David) "J.P. Morgan Chase and Bank One Merger", INSEAD Case Study, N5383 (2006) (with Yang Anne) "Recapitalization of Trump Hotel & Casino Resorts Inc. ", INSEAD Case Study, N5372 (2006) (with Yang Anne) "The Acquisition of Unocal Corporation", INSEAD Case Study, N5368 (2006) (with Yang Anne) "Transforming Southcorp Ltd", INSEAD Case Study, N5224 (2004) (with Hawkins David and Cohen Shira)

Consultant to corporations and investment banks: The Blackstone Group, Crdit Suisse, Arcelor Mittal, AstraZeneca and others.

Assistant Professor, Syracuse University, USA Senior Teaching Fellow, Harvard Business School, USA

1999: Certified Public Accountant (CPA) 1998: MSc. in Accounting, Syracuse University, USA 1998: Doctorate of Law, Corporate, Securities and Tax Law, Syracuse University, USA 1995: BSc. in Accounting, Lehigh University, USA

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Elizabeth Demers (Canada)

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Control Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 92 06 E-mail:

Financial Accounting; Financial Statement Analysis.

Editorial board member, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. Referee for numerous academic journals, including: The Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting & Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Financial Management, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, and the Journal of Business. Consulting activities include academic research presentations and the analysis of financial statements and accounting red flag reviews for hedge fund and other investment managers, as well as litigation support for the quantification of economic damages in accounting fraud and high tech industry cases. FORMER POSITIONS 1999-2006: Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, USA EDUCATION PhD, Business Administration, Stanford University, USA MSc., Statistics, Stanford University, USA Master's Degree, Accounting, University of Waterloo, Canada Bachelor of Arts, Accounting, University of Waterloo, Canada Chartered Accountant, Canada Certified Management Accountant (Retired), Canada Chartered Business Valuator (Retired), Canada

"The Relevance of Accounting Information in a Stock Market Bubble: Evidence from Internet IPOs", Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting 37, N 3-4 (2010) 291-321 (with Bhattacharya Neil and Joos Philip) "Discussion of "Biases in MultiYear Management Financial Forecasts: Evidence from Private Venture-Backed U.S. Companies"", Review of Accounting Studies 12, N 2-3 (2007) 217-225 "IPO Failure Risk", Journal of Accounting Research 45, N 2 (2007) 333-371 (with Joos Philip) "The Marketing Role of IPOs: Evidence from Internet Stocks", Journal of Financial Economics 68, N 3 (2003) 413-437 (with Lewellen Katharina A.) "Discussion of High Technology Intangibles and Analysts' Forecasts", Journal of Accounting Research 40, N 2 (2002) 313-319 "Alterations in Airway Inflammation and Lung Function During Corticosteroid Therapy for Atopic Asthma", Chest 121, N 5 (2002) 1414-1420 (with Faul John L., Burke Connor M. and Poulter Leonard W.) "A Rude Awakening: Internet Shakeout in 2000", Review of Accounting Studies 6, N 2-3 (2001) 331-359 (with Baruch Lev) "The Value Drivers of Internet Stocks Before and After the Bursting of the Bubble", TIAA-CREF Investment Forum (2001)


2008: INSEAD MBA Dean's Teaching Honour Roll 2005: Who's Who in the World 2004: Who's Who in America 2003: Simon School Teaching Honor Roll awarded to Top 5 Instructors 2003: KPMG & UIUC Business Measurement Program, Winner of Competitive Manuscript Competition on Risk Measurement and Disclosure 2001: CIMA Grant for project 1996-1997: PAC-10 Doctoral Consortium Fellow 1994: American Academic Accounting Association Fellowship Award 1994-1997: Society of Management Accountants of Canada Doctoral Fellowship


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Gilles Hilary (France)

Associate Professor of Accounting and Control Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 92 33 E-mail:

Financial Accounting; Financial Analysis; Accounting Fraud; Accounting-based Trading Strategies. 2005: Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence (Undergraduate Teaching) 2002-2004: Wei Lun Fellowship 2001-2010: Multiple SSRN Top Ten Download Lists 2001-2002: Oscar G. Mayer Foundation Fellowship 2000: Aoki Outstanding Paper Award

Economics of Information and Contracts; Behavioural Finance; Corporate Finance; Accounting-based Asset Pricing; Corporate Governance.

Ad hoc Associate Editor: Contemporary Accounting Research (2009-present); Editorial board member: The Accounting Review (2009-present), Contemporary Accounting Research (2010-2014); Ad hoc referee: The Accounting Review, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Contemporary Accounting Research, European Accounting Review, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, the International Journal of Accounting, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Banking and Financial Analysis, the Journal of Corporate Finance, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, Management Science and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2001-present).

The Role of Anchoring Bias in the Equity Market: Evidence from Analysts Earnings Forecasts and Stock Returns, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (Forthcoming) (with Cen Ling, Wei KC John) "Endogenous Overconfidence in Managerial Forecasts", The Journal of Accounting and Economics 51, N 3 (2011) 300-313 (with Hsu Charles) "CEO Ability, Pay, and Firm Performance", Management Science 56, N 10 (2010) 1633-1652 (with Chang Yuk Ying and Dasgupta Sudipto) "How Does Financial Reporting Quality Relate to Investment Efficiency?, The Journal of Accounting and Economics 48, N 2-3 (2009) 112-131 (with Biddle Gary C. and Verdi Rodrigo S.) "Does Religion Matter in Corporate Decision Making in America?", Journal of Financial Economics 93, N 3 (2009) 455-473 (with Hui Kai Wai) "The Effect of Auditor Quality on Financing Decisions", The Accounting Review 84, N 4 (2009) 1085-1117 (with Chang Xin and Dasgupta Sudipto) "Accounting Quality and Firm-level Capital Investment", The Accounting Review 81, N 5 (2006) 963-982 (with Biddle Gary C.) "Analyst Coverage and Financing Decisions", Journal of Finance 61, N 6 (2006) 3009-3048 (with Chang Xin and Dasgupta Sudipto)

2009-2010: Associate Professor, HEC Paris, France 2007-2011: Tenured Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 2002-2006: Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 1998-2001: Teaching Assistant, University of Chicago, USA 1995-1997: Auditor , KPMG/EY, France

2002: PhD, University of Chicago, USA 1995: Master of Arts, Ecole Suprieure de Commerce, Clermont-Ferrand, France 1994: MBA, Cornell University, USA Habilitation Diriger les Recherches (French postdoctoral degree) Finance University of Paris, Dauphine D.E.S.C.F. (French accounting qualification)


2010: Top Researcher, HEC Paris 2010: Vernimmen BNP Paribas Teaching Award (best overall teaching), initially granted and then rescinded upon resignation from HEC Paris 2007: Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, MBA, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


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Steven Monahan (USA)

Associate Professor of Accounting and Control Area Chair, Accounting and Control Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 92 14 E-mail:

Financial Statement Analysis with Emphasis on: (1) Accounting-based Valuation and (2) Complex Transactions including Mergers and Acquisitions; Special Purpose Entities; Pensions; Hybrid Securities; Derivatives.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2006: Host and Master of Ceremonies of the 2006 Review of Accounting Studies (i.e., RAST) Conference held at INSEAD 2003: Presenter at American Accounting Association Annual Meetings 1998: Participated in the Financial Accounting Standards Board Doctoral Student Conference 1997: Presenter at American Accounting Association Annual Meetings 1996-1999: Deloitte & Touche Doctoral Fellow 1996-1999: American Accounting Association Doctoral Fellow 1993: Elijah Watt Sells Award - Bronze Medal, Placed Third in the USA on the Uniform CPA Exam

The Economic Causes and Consequences of Firms' Disclosure Choices; Role of Accounting and Nonaccounting Data in the Fundamental Analysis Process.

"Discretionary Disclosure in Financial Reporting: An Examination Comparing Internal Firm Data to Externally Reported Segment Data", The Accounting Review 86, N 2 (2011) 417-449 (with Bens Daniel A. and Berger Philip) "Initial Evidence of the Role of Accounting Earnings in the Bond Market", Journal of Accounting Research 47, N 3 (2009) 721-766 (with Easton Peter and Vasvari Florin) "Altering Investment Decisions to Manage Financial Reporting Outcomes: Asset-backed Commercial Paper Conduits and FIN 46", Journal of Accounting Research 46, N 5 (2008) 10171055 (with Bens Daniel A.) Conservatism, Growth and the Role of Accounting Numbers in the Fundamental Analysis Process", Review of Accounting Studies 10, N 2/3 (2005) 227-260 "An Evaluation of Accounting Based Measures of Expected Returns", The Accounting Review 80, N 2 (2005) 501-538 (with Easton Peter) "Disclosure Quality and the Excess Value of Diversification", Journal of Accounting Research 42, N 4 (2004) 691-730 (with Bens Daniel A.) "Discussion of Using Earnings Forecasts to Simultaneously Estimate Firm-specific Cost of Equity and Long-term Growth", Review of Accounting Studies 16, N 3 (2011) 458-463 "Discussion of is Financial Reporting Shaped by Equity Markets or Debt Markets? An International Study of Timeliness and Conservatism, Review of Accounting Studies 13, N 2-3 (2008) 206-215

Moderator of the Valuation/Pricing forum of the American Accounting Association FARS/Credit Suisse Initiative, 2011-present. Editorial board member: The Accounting Review, 2010-present; Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 2008-present; Review of Accounting Studies, 2006-present; Journal of Accounting Research, 2005-present; and Contemporary Accounting Research, 2005-2010. Member of Center for Accounting Research and Education Advisory Board, 2007-present.

2003-2010: Assistant Professor, INSEAD, France 1999-2003: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, USA 1993-1994: Compensation and Benefits Consultant, Arthur Andersen, Chicago, Illinois, USA

1999: PhD, University of North Carolina, USA 1993: Master's Degree, Accounting, University of Iowa, USA 1991: Bachelor of Arts, University of Northern Iowa, USA


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G. Deigan Morris (United Kingdom)

Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Control Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 92 38 E-mail:

Use of Accounting Information to Measure Wealth Creation; Evaluate Performance and Make Decisions; Encompassing the Diagnosis and Design of Systems as well as the Interpretation and Use of Information; Issues of Generic Defects in Activity-Based Approaches and in Related Techniques. Education and Research in Accounting (1986) (with Gray J.)


1967-1970: Social Sciences Research Council Scholarships

Accounting Theory & Practice FT Press (2011) (with Glautier Michael and Underdown Brian) "Organic Decision and Communication Processes and Management Accounting Systems in Entrepreneurial and Conservative Business Organizations", Omega 23, N 5 (1995) 485-497 (with Chenhall Rob) "An Investigation of the Reporting of Questionable Acts in an International Setting", Journal of Accounting Research 31, N sup (1993) 75-103 (with Schultz Joseph J. Johnson Douglas A. and Dyrnes Sverre) "The Role of Post Completion Audits, Managerial Learning, Environmental Uncertainty and Performance" Behavioral Research in Accounting N 5 (1993) 170-186 (with Chenhall Rob) "The Effect of Cognitive Style and Sponsorship Bias on the Treatment of Opportunity Costs in Resource Allocation Decisions", Accounting Organizations and Society 16, N 1 (1991) 27-46 (with Chenhall Rob) "Accounting Data for Value Chain Analysis", Strategic Management Journal 10, (1989) 175-188 (with Hergert M.) "Trends in International Collaborative Agreements" The Columbia Journal of World Business 22, N 2 (1987) 15-21 (with Hergert M.) "Comprehensive Controls for Multinational Corporations" in Managerial Accounting: An Analysis of Current International Comparisons: The Center for International

Expert Witness to the Commission of the European Communities. Academic Expert to the OECD Industry Committee. Consultant to companies on the design and implementation of cost management systems.

Control Function, Massey Ferguson, United Kingdom

1972: PhD, The School of Industrial and Business Studies, Warwick Business School, United Kingdom 1964: Bachelor of Arts, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom


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Benjamin Segal (Israel)

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Control Tel: 65 6799 5386 E-mail:

Financial Reporting; Financial Statement Analysis; Valuation.

2003-2006: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Management, University of California, USA 2001: Lecturer, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1997-1998: Lawyer, Tel-Aviv District Attorney's Office, Israel

Financial Accounting and Reporting; Value Relevance of Accounting Information; Effects of Regulation, Intangibles and Goodwill; Analyst Reports.

2003: PhD, Stern Business School, New York University, USA 2002: Master of Arts, Stern Business School, New York University, USA 1998: MBA, Tel Aviv University, Israel 1997: Bachelor of Arts, Tel Aviv University, Israel 1997: Bachelors in Law, LLB, Tel Aviv University, Israel

"Computerised Retrieval and Classification: An Application to Reasons for Late Filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission", Intelligent Data Analysis 10, N 2 (2006) 183195 (with Rosenfeld Benjamin, Lazar Ron, Livnat Joshua and Feldman Ronen) "Oops, Our Earnings Were Indeed Preliminary: Market Reactions to Companies that Subsequently File Different Earnings with the SEC ", Journal of Portfolio Management 31, N 2 (2005) (with Hollie Dana and Livnat Joshua)


2002: Doctoral Consortium Fellow, American Accounting Association 1998-2002: University Doctoral Fellowship NYU Stern School of Business

1998-present: Member of Israel's Lawyer Bar Association. Book Reviewer and Contributing Author: Financial Reporting & Analysis, Third Edition, Prentice Hall.


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S. David Young (USA)

Professor of Accounting and Control Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 92 51 E-mail:

Financial Accounting (MBA); Financial Management and Analysis (Executive Education); Value Based Management (Executive Education).


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2002: Distinguished Alumni Scholar, The George Washington University, USA 2000: ecch/Business Week European Case Writing Award 2000: Vernon L. Zimmerman Best Paper Award, Asia-Pacific International Accounting Conference, Beijing, China 1991, 1994-1995, 1997-2000, 2002, 2006: Outstanding Teacher Award, INSEAD

Value Based Management; Executive Compensation, Corporate Financial Reporting; Financial Literacy.

"What Investors Need to Know About Executive Pay", The Journal of Investing 19, N 1 (2010) 36-44 (with O'Byrne Stephen) Capital Efficiency Measures: Why theyre Rarely Used in Incentive Plans and How to Change that", Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 21, N 2 (2009) 87-92 (with O'Byrne Stephen) "Need Cash? Look Inside your Company", Harvard Business Review (2009) (with Kaiser Kevin) "Incentives and Investor Expectations", Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 18, N 2 (2006) 98-105 (with O'Byrne Stephen) Why Executive Pay is Failing", Harvard Business Review 84, N 6 (2006) 28 (with Stephen O'Byrne) "Top Management Incentives and Corporate Performance", Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 17, N 4 (2005) 105-114 (with Stephen O'Byrne) "Tread Lightly Through these Accounting Minefields", Harvard Business Review 79, N 7 (2001) 129-135 (with Sherman David) From Plan to Market: Financial Statements and Economic Transition in the East German Enterprise European Accounting Review (1999)

Consultant to companies in Europe, Asia, and North America on the implementation of EVA and value-based management. Also advises securities analysts and fund managers on financial analysis and corporate financial reporting.

1997: Visiting Professor, China Europe International Business School, Shanghai, China 1989: Visiting Professor, International Management Center, Budapest, Hungary 1985-1989: Assistant Professor, Tulane University, USA

1985: PhD, University of Virginia, USA 1979: MBA, Indiana University, USA 1977: Bachelor of Business Admin., George Washington University, USA


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At Large

N. Craig Smith (United Kingdom)

The INSEAD Chaired Professor of Ethics and Corporate Responsibility Affiliate Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 41 45 E-mail:

Business Ethics; Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability; Social Innovation.


2009: Research funding from EABIS Corporate Partner Funding Programme for Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Responsibility Activities: The CSR Halo Effect 2008: ecch Awards, Ethics and Social Responsibility The Wal-Mart Supply Chain Controversy (with Crawford Robert E.) 2005: Beyond Grey Pinstripes' 2005 European Faculty Pioneer Award for Integrating Social and Environmental Issues into Research and Teaching, Sponsored by the Aspen Institute and EABIS

Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability; Business/Marketing Ethics; Ethical Consumerism; Consumer Boycotts; Deception in Marketing; Stakeholder Theory and Stakeholder Engagement.

"How Gap Inc. Engaged With its Stakeholders", MIT Sloan Management Review 52, (2011) 69-76 (with Ansett Sean and Erez Lior) "Ethical Decision Making and Research Deception in the Behavioral Sciences: An Application of Social Contract Theory", Ethics & Behavior 21, N 3 (2011) 222-251 (with Kimmel Allan J. and Klein Jill) The New Marketing Myopia, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 29, N 1 (2010) 411 (with Drumwright Minette E., Gentile Mary C.) "Marketing's Consequences: Stakeholder Marketing and Supply Chain Corporate Social Responsibility Issues", Business Ethics Quarterly 20, (2010) 617-642 (with Palazzo Guido and Bhattacharya C. B.) Global Challenges in Responsible Business, Cambridge University Press (2010) (with Bhattacharya C. B., Vogel David and Levine David) "Social Contract Theory and the Ethics of Deception in Consumer Research", Journal of Consumer Psychology 19, N 3 (2009) 486496 (with Kimmel Allan J. and Klein Jill) Why Managers Fail to do the Right Thing: An Empirical Study of Unethical and Illegal Conduct, Business Ethics Quarterly 17 (2007) 633-667 (with Simpson Sally S., Huang Chun-Yao) Why we Boycott: Consumer Motivations for Boycott Participation, Journal of Marketing 68 (2004) 92-109

Editorial Boards: Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics Education, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Ethics Committee of SNS Asset Management, Advisory Board of Carbon Clear (a carbon offset company), Scientific Committee of Vigeo (a corporate social responsibility rating agency). Consults with various organisations on business and marketing ethics and corporate social responsibility.

2000-2007: Associate Professor of Marketing and Ethics; Senior Associate Dean, MBA Programme, London Business School, United Kingdom 1991-2000: Associate Professor of Marketing, Georgetown University, USA

Doctor of Philosophy, Cranfield Institute of Technology, United Kingdom Bachelor of Arts (1st Class Honours), University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom


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Decision Sciences

J. Neil Bearden (USA)

Associate Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: 65 6799 5286 E-mail:

Data, Judgement and Uncertainty; Management Decision Making.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD

Behavioural Decision Theory; Behavioural Operations Research; Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management.

Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Mathematical Psychology on partiallyobservable Markov decision processes.

"A Stochastic Model of Subadditivity", Journal of Mathematical Psychology 51, N 4 (2007) 229-241 (with Wallsten Thomas and Fox Craig) "Multi-attribute Sequential Search", Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes N 1 (2007) 147-158 (with Connolly Terry) "Sequential Observation and Selection with Rank-dependent Payoffs: An Experimental Test", Management Science 52, N 9 (2006) 1437-1449 (with Rapoport Anatoly and Murphy Ryan O.) "Experimental Studies of Sequential Selection and Assignment with Relative Ranks", Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 19, N 3 (2006) 229-250 (with Rapoport Anatoly and Murphy Ryan O.) "Sequential Search with Multi-attribute Options", Decision Analysis 3, N 1 (2006) 315 (with Lim Churlzu and Smith Cole) "A New Secretary Problem with Rank-based Selection and Cardinal Payoffs", Journal of Mathematical Psychology 50, N 1 (2006) 5859 "A Multi-attribute Extension of the Secretary Problem: Theory and Experiments", Journal of Mathematical Psychology 49, N 5 (2005) 410-425 (with Murphy Ryan O. and Rapoport Anatoly) "MINERVA-DM and Subadditive Frequency Judgements", Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 17, N 5 (2004) 349-363 (with Wallsten Thomas)

2006-2007: Assistant Research Professor, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, USA 2006-2007: Visiting Professor of Decision Sciences, INSEAD, France 2005-2006: Post-doctoral Fellow, Duke University, USA 2003-2005: Post-doctoral Research Associate, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, USA

2003: PhD, Cognitive (Mathematical) Psychology, University of North Carolina, USA 1997: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Southeastern Louisiana University, USA


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Enrico Diecidue (Italy)

Associate Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 47 E-mail:

Uncertainty; Data and Judgement; (MBA & EMBA); Management Decision Making (MBA); Modules in Decision Making (Executive Education); Decision Sciences (PhD).

Editorial Board: Decision Analysis, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.

2008: Associate Professor, INSEAD, France 2008: Visiting Associate Professor, Wharton School, OPIM Department, USA 2001-2008: Assistant Professor, INSEAD, France

Decision under Risk and Uncertainty.

"Risk Preferences at Different Time Periods: An Experimental Investigation", Management Science 57, N 5 (2011) 975-987 (with Abdellaoui Mohammed and Onculer Ayse) "A Quantitative Measurement of Regret Theory", Management Science 56, N 1 (2010) 161-175 (with Bleichrodt Han and Cillo Alessandra) "Reconciling Support Theory and The Bookmaking Principle", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 38, (2009) 173-190 (with Laornual Dolchai) "Parametric Weighting Functions", Journal of Economic Theory 144, N 3 (2009) 11021118 (with Schmidt Ulrich and Zank Horst) "Aspiration Level, Probability of Success and Failure, and Expected Utility", International Economic Review 49, N 2 (2008) 683-700 (with Van De Ven Jeroen) "Eliciting Decision Weights by Adapting de Finetti's Betting-Odds Method to Prospect Theory", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 34, N 3 (2007) 179-199 (with Wakker Peter and Zeelenberg Marcel) "Deriving Harsanyi's Utilitarianism from de Finetti's Book-Making Argument", Theory and Decision 61, N 4 (2006) 363-371

2001: PhD, Tilburg University, Netherlands 1996: Bachelor's Degree, Laurea in Economics (Summa Cum Laude), Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy


2010: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: Best Teacher Award, Elective courses, INSEAD 2009: MBA Excellence in Teaching Award for outstanding performance, Wharton School 2002: Outstanding Teacher Award, INSEAD


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Theodoros Evgeniou (Greece)

Associate Professor of Decision Sciences and Technology Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 45 46 E-mail:

Uncertainty, Data, and Judgement; Models for Strategic Planning; Information Technology in Organisations; Data Analytics for Managers. "Regularization Networks and Support Vector Machines" Advances in Computational Mathematics Machines 13, N 1 (2000) 1-50 (with Pontil Massimiliano and Poggio Tomaso)

Decision Processes; Business Intelligence and Data Mining; Data Analytics in Marketing and Finance; Information Technology in Organisations.


2009: Winner of the ecch European Case Awards "Knowledge, Information & Communication Systems Management" Category 2007: Winner of the ecch European Case Awards "Knowledge, Information & Communication Systems Management" Category 1995: First, MIT Class of 1995 dual Degree Bachelors in Mathematics 1991: Bronze Medal, International Mathematical Olympiad, Sweden

"Eliciting Consumer Preferences Using Robust Adaptive Choice Questionnaires" IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20, N 2 (2008) 145-155 (with Abernethy Jacob, Toubia Olivier and Vert Jean-Philippe) "A Convex Optimization Approach to Modeling Consumer Heterogeneity in Conjoint Estimation", Marketing Science 26, N 6 (2007) 805-818 (with Pontil Massimiliano and Toubia Olivier) "Generalized Robust Conjoint Estimation", Marketing Science 24, N 3 (2005) 415-429 (with Boussios Konstantinos and Zacharia Giorgos) "Barriers to Information Management", European Management Journal 23, N 3 (2005) 293-299 (with Cartwright Phillip) "Learning Multiple Tasks with Kernel Methods", Journal of Machine Learning Research 5, N 4 (2005) 615-637 (with Micchelli Charles A. and Pontil Massimiliano) "Leave One out Error, Stability, and Generalization of Voting Combinations of Classifiers" Machine Learning 55, N 1 (2004) 71-97 (with Pontil Massimiliano and Eliseeff Andr) "Information Integration and Information Strategies for Adaptive Enterprises", European Management Journal 20, N 5 (2002) 486-494

2000: PhD, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, USA 1996: Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, USA 1996: BSc., Mathematics, MIT, USA 1996: BSc., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, USA


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Horacio Falcao (USA, Brazil)

Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: 65 6799 5312 E-mail:

Negotiation Dynamics (MBA); Negotiation (Executive Education) Award & Outstanding EMBA Elective Teacher Award 2004: Outstanding MBA Elective Teacher Award


2003: Lecturer of Strategy and Management, INSEAD, France 2001-2002: Partner, Cambridge Negotiation Strategies, USA & Singapore 1996-2000: Negotiation and mediation consultant, CMI International Group, Boston, USA

Mediao Internacional in Mediao de Conflitos, Tomo II: Mediao para quem pratica (pp TBD), Almeida T. and Asmar G. (Eds), Saraiva (forthcoming) (with Nuno Delicado) Value Negotiation: How to finally get the Win-Win right, Pearson Education (2010) Value Negotiation: How to finally get the WinWin right (Instructor Manual), Pearson Education (2010) "The Turnaround of Indian Railways", INSEAD Case Study, N5623 (2009) (with Zeisberger Claudia and Gehlen Claudia) "Closing a Deal: Much More than Just Yes or No!" CEIBS Business Review N 28 (2010) 38-41 An Open Channel of Communication: FT Mastering Financial Management Series Financial Times (2006) "Keep your Customers Cool", World Business N 7 (2006) 26-31 "Learning to Negotiate with a Female Touch", World Business N 2 (2006) 30-35

2009: Certificate, Consulting and Coaching for Change, INSEAD, France 2002: MBA, INSEAD, Singapore 1997: Master's in Law, LLM, Harvard Law School, USA 1996: Bachelors in Law, LLB, PUC-Rio, Brazil


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching 2009: Outstanding MBA Elective Teacher Award & Outstanding TIEMBA Elective Teacher Award (awarded by Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) 2006, 2008: Outstanding MBA Elective Teacher Award 2005: Outstanding MBA Elective Teacher


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Anil Gaba (India)

The Orpar Chaired Professor of Risk Management Professor of Decision Sciences Academic Director, Center for Decision Making and Risk Analysis (CDMRA) Tel: 65 6799 5334 E-mail:

Uncertainty, Data and Judgement; Probability and Statistics; Bayesian Analysis; Decision Making; Risk Management.


8 times MBA Outstanding Teacher Award, INSEAD


Decision Making; Risk Analysis; Bayesian Statistics. 1993-1997: Visiting Associate Professor of Decision Sciences at Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Member of INFORMS, Special Section on Decision Analysis in INFORMS; International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). Ad Hoc Referee for many journals on Management, Statistics, Forecasting and Operations Research. Conference Speaker and Consultant at various multinational corporations.

"Forecasting and Uncertainty in the Economic and Business World", International Journal of Forecasting 25, N 4 (2009) 794812 (with Makridakis Spyros and Hogarth Robin M.) Dance with Chance: Making Luck Work for You Oxford: Oneworld Publications (2009) (with Makridakis Spyros and Hogarth Robin M.) "Strategic Choice of Variability in Multiround Contests and Contests with Handicaps", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 29, N 2 (2004) 143-158 (with Winkler Robert and Tsetlin Ilia) "Modifying Variability and Correlations in Winner-Take-All Contests", Operations Research 52, N 3 (2004) 384-395 (with Winkler Robert and Tsetlin Ilia) "Risk Behavior in Response to Quotas and Contests", Management Science 18, N 3 (1999) 417-434 (with Kalra Ajay) "Differences in Subjective Risk Thresholds: Worker Group as an Example", Management Science 44, N 6 (1998) 801-811 (with Viscusi W. Kip) "The Impact of Testing Errors on Value of Information: A Quality Control Example", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 10, N 1 (1995) 5-13 (with Winkler Robert) "Inferences with an Unknown Noise Level in a Bernoulli Process", Management Science 39, N 10 (1993) 1227-1237

2006-2009: Dean of Faculty, INSEAD 2002-2006: Dean of Faculty and Research, Asia Campus, INSEAD 2001-2002: Associate Dean of Faculty, Asia Campus, INSEAD 1998-2001: Coordinator, Technology Management Area, INSEAD

1989: PhD, Decision Sciences, Duke University, USA 1983: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi, India


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Michele Hibon (France)

Emeritus Lecturer Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 91 18 E-mail:

Applied Statistics (MBA and EMBA); Business Foundation Program (MBA and EMBA). (Time Series Methods): Results of a Forecasting Competition"

Forecasting Competitions; Accuracy of Forecasting Methods; Combination of Forecasts.

Director of the Board of the International Institute of Forecasters


Operational Forecasting with Artificial Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence: Myth or Reality, International Journal of Forecasting (Special Issue) 27, N 3 (2011) 635-660 "The M-3 Competition: Statistical Tests of the Results", International Journal of Forecasting 21, N 3 (2005) 397-409 "To Combine or Not to Combine: Selecting Among Forecasts and their Combinations", International Journal of Forecasting 21, N 1 (2005) 15-24 (with Evgeniou Theodoros) "Response to the Commentaries on "The M3-Competition: Results, Conclusions and Implications", International Journal of Forecasting 17, N 4 (2001) 581-584 (with Makridakis Spyros) "The M3-Competition: Results, Conclusions and Implications", International Journal of Forecasting 16, N 4 (2000) 451-476 (with Makridakis Spyros) "The Accuracy of Extrapolative Forecasting Methods: Additional Empirical Evidence", International Journal of Forecasting 14, N 3 (1998) 339-358 (with Makridakis Spyros) "ARMA Models and the Box-Jenkins Methodology", Journal of Forecasting 16, (1997) 147-163 (with Makridakis Spyros) 1967: Diplme dEtudes Suprieures Specialises, Physique, Universit Paris I, France


2005: Favorite Paper over the last 25 years International Symposium on Forecasting, "MCompetition: The Accuracy of Extrapolation


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Natalia Karelaia (Belarus)

Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 45 11 E-mail:

Management Decision Making; Negotiation. 2007: Research Grant, Swiss National Foundation Grant Trust and Biased Advice 2002: Doctoral Mobility Grant, Ministry of Education and Science, Spain 1999-2002: Graduate Fellowship, Departement of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

Behavioural Decision Making; Trust; Competitive Incentives Schemes; Prosocial Behaviour; Unethical Behaviour; Leadership; Self-Identity; Gender; Negotiations.


"Identity Challenges of Women Leaders: Antecedents and Consequences of Identity Interference", INSEAD Working Paper (2011) (with Guillen Laura) "One Person in the Battlefield is not a Warrior: Self-construal, Perceived Ability to make a Difference, and Socially Responsible Behavior", INSEAD Working Paper 2011/115/DS (2011) (with Cornelissen Gert and Cojuharenco Irina) "Does Competition Foster Trust? The Role of Tournament Incentives", Experimental Economics (Forthcoming) (2011) (with Keck Steffen) "Entrepreneurial Success and Failure: Confidence and Fallible Judgment", Organization Science (Forthcoming) (2011) (with Hogarth Robin M.) "When should I quit? Gender Differences in Exiting Competitions", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (Forthcoming) (2011) (with Hogarth Robin M. and Trujillo Carlos Andres) "The Attraction of Uncertainty: Interactions between Skill and Levels of Uncertainty in Marketentry Games", Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 41, N 2 (2010) 141-166 (with Hogarth Robin M.) "Heuristic and Linear Models of Judgment: Matching Rules and Environments." Psychological Review 114, N 3 (2007) 733- 758 (with Hogarth R. M.) ""Thirst for Confirmation in Multi-attribute Reviewer for: Academy of Management, Swiss National Science Foundation, Experimental Economics, International Journal of Forecasting, Judgment and Decision Making, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science, and other journals.

2008: Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, USA 2005-2008: Assistant Professor, HEC, Universit de Lausanne, Switzerland 2005-2007: Visiting Professor, ENPC, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses, France 2004-2005: Adjunct Professor, IES, The Institute for International Education of Students, Spain 2003-2008: Adjunct Professor of Business Strategy, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

2005: PhD, Economics, Finance and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain 2000: MSc., Economics, Finance and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain 1998: Bachelor's Degree, Economics, Belarusian State Economic University, Belarus

Choice: Does Search for Consistency Impair Decision Performance?", Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes 100 (2006) 128-143


2006-2008: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Collaborative Research Project Decision Making: Exploiting Bounded Rationality


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Miguel Sousa Lobo (Portugal)

Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: 971 2 651 5337 E-mail:

Uncertainty, Data & Judgment; Models for Strategic Planning. "Applications of Second-order Cone Programming", Linear Algebra and its Applications 284, (1998) 193-228 (with Vandenberghe Lieven, Boyd Stephen and Lebret Herv)

Sequential Decision-Making, with applications to Revenue Management, Price Optimisation, Financial Engineering, and Market Microstructure; Models for Social Network Analysis.


2000: Outstanding Contribution Award, Broadbase Software 1999: Best Student Paper Award for Policies for Simultaneous Estimation and Optimization, ACC

Human Judgment is Heavy-Tailed: Empirical Evidence and Implications for the Aggregation of Estimates and Forecasts Management Science (Forthcoming) (with Yao Dai) "Optimal Portfolio Liquidation with Distress Risk", Management Science 56, N 11 (2010) 1997-2014 (with Brown David B. and Carlin Bruce Ian) "Resource and Revenue Management in Nonprofit Operations", Operations Research 57, N 5 (2009) 1114-1128 (with de Vericourt Francis) "When Competence is Irrelevant: The Role of Interpersonal Affect in Task-Related Ties", Administrative Science Quarterly 53, N 4 (2008) 655-684 (with Casciaro Tiziana) "Episodic Liquidity Crises: Cooperative and Predatory Trading", Journal of Finance 62, N 5 (2007) 2235-2275 (with Carlin Bruce Ian and Viswanathan S.) "Portfolio Optimization with Linear and Fixed Transaction Costs", Annals of Operations Research (2007) (with Fazel M. and Boyd Stephen ) "Competent Jerks, Lovable Fools, and the Formation of Social Networks", Harvard Business Review 83, N 6 (2005) 92-99 (with Casciaro Tiziana)

2007: Visting Professor, INSEAD, France 2005-2006: Visiting Professor, Columbia Business School, Columbia University, USA 2003: Visiting Researcher, Tilburg University, Netherlands 2001-2008: Assistant Professor, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA 2000-2001: Consultant 1999: Teaching Fellow, Stanford University, USA

2000: PhD, Stanford University, USA 1998: Master of Arts, Political Science, Stanford University, USA 1995: MSc., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, USA 1994: Licence, Licenciatura in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa, Portugal


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Spyros Makridakis (Greece)

Emeritus Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: +30 6977661144 E-mail:

Applied Statistics; Forecasting Business Trends and their Implications. Forecasting. Member of the Editorial Board: Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes de Recherche Oprationnelle, RAIRO, and International Journal of Benchmarking for Quality and Technology Management. Reviewer: JASA, ORQ, RAIRO, Journal of Business, Decision Sciences, Business and Economic Statistics, Management Science, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Applied Statistics, Omega, Journal of Operations Management, International Transactions in Operational Research, Journal of Operational Research. Society Consultant to various organisations including AT&T, Motorola, UNESCO, Aussedat-Rey, Honeywell, Air Liquide, ICI and Seagram.

Forecasting and the Implications when Accurate Predictions are not Possible; The Impact of Future Trends and Changes on Business Firms and their Strategies.

Dance with Chance: Making Luck Work for You Oxford: Oneworld Publications (2009) (with Hogarth Robin M. and Gaba Anil) Forecasting: Methods and Applications, 3rd Ed. John Wiley and Sons (1998) (with Wheelwright Steven C. and Hyndman, Rob J.) Forecasting, Planning and Strategy Collier McMillan Publishers (1990) Forecasting Methods for Management, 5th Ed. John Wiley and Sons (1989) (with Wheelwright Steven C.) "Why Forecasts Fail. What to Do Instead", Harvard Business Review (2010) (with Hogarth Robin M. and Gaba Anil) "Decision Making and Planning under Low Levels of Predictability", International Journal of Forecasting 25, N 4 (2009) 716-733 (with Nassim Nikolas Taleb) The Accuracy of Extrapolative (Time Series) Methods: Results of a Forecasting Competition, Journal of Forecasting 1, N 2 (1982) (lead article, was voted, in 2005, as the favourite paper published during the last 25 years in the field of forecasting)

1987: Visiting Professor, University of Hawaii, USA 1984: Visiting Professor, McGill University, USA 1978: Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, USA

1969: PhD, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University, USA 1968: MBA, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University, USA 1964: Diploma, Graduate School of Industrial Studies, Athens, Greece


1998: Best Teacher Award, INSEAD

Founding editor-in-chief: Journal of Forecasting and International Journal of Forecasting. Editor: International Journal of


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Ioana Popescu (Romania)

Booz & Company Chaired Professor in Strategic Revenue Management Associate Professor of Decision Sciences Area Chair, Decision Sciences Tel: 65 6799 5343 E-mail:

Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management; Uncertainty, Data and Judgment; Decision Making; Dynamic Programming.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: Supervised award winning paper, INFORMS Decision Analysis Student Paper Competition 2009: Dean's Commendation for MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2008: Supervised Finalist paper, INFORMS DAS Student Paper Competition 2008: Dean's Commendation for MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2005: Finalist, INFORMS JFIG Paper Competition 2003: First place, INFORMS JFIG Paper competition 2000: Finalist, Nicholson Paper Competition

Pricing and Revenue Management; Behavioural Pricing; Dynamic Optimisation; Decision Making Under Uncertainty; Moment Problems.

"An Elasticity Approach to the Newsvendor with Price Sensitive Demand", Operations Research 59, N 2 (2011) 301-312 (with Kocabiyikoglu Ayse) "Dynamic Pricing with Loss Averse Consumers and Peak-End Anchoring", INSEAD Working Paper (2010) (with Nasiry Javad) "Media Revenue Management with Audience Uncertainty: Balancing Upfront and Spot Market Sales", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management (2009) (with Araman Victor) "Dynamic Pricing Strategies with Reference Effects", Operations Research 55, N 3 (2007) 413-429 (with Wu Yaozhong) "Managerial Motivation Dynamics and Incentives", Management Science 53, N 5 (2007) 834-848 (with Kocabiyikoglu Ayse) "Robust Mean-Covariance Solutions for Stochastic Optimization", Operations Research 55, N 1 (2007) 98-112 "A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Optimal-moment Bounds for Convex Classes of Distributions", Mathematics of Operations Research 30, N 3 (2005) 632-657 "Optimal Inequalities in Probability Theory: A Convex Optimisation Approach", Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 15, N 3 (2005) 780-804

Associate Editor for Management Science and M&SOM; Guest Editor for INFORMS Transactions on Education; Board member of the INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section

1999: PhD, Operations Research and Applied Mathematics, MIT, USA 1995: Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics and Computer Science, Wellesley College, USA 1993: Bachelor of Arts, Undergraduate Applied Mathematics, Universitatea Bucuresti, Romania


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Claude Rameau (France)

Emeritus Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 00 E-mail:

Decision Sciences; Decision Making; Quantitative Analysis.

New Trends in Management Education (1995) La prise de dcision: acte de management. Editions dOrganisation (1972) Les statistiques: un outil de management, enseignement programm. Editions dOrganisation (1969)


1994: Fellow of the Academy of International Business 1993: Fellow of the International Academy of Management

Vice-President of EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), Brussels. Board Member of: INSEAD, CMC (Czech Management Centre, Prague), MFP Australia (Adelaide). Deputy Mayor of Melun, France.

1979-1993: Dean, INSEAD, France 1972-1982: Associate Dean, INSEAD, France 1967-1973: Assistant / Associate / Full Professor, INSEAD, France 1963-1967: Management Consultant

Ingnieur des Telecommunications, France 1962: MBA, INSEAD, France


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Ilia Tsetlin (Russian Federation)

Associate Professor of Decision Sciences Tel: 65 6799 5339 E-mail:

Uncertainty, Data and Judgment; Models for Strategic Planning (MBA); Probability and Statistics; Bayesian Analysis (PhD); Modules on Decision Making (Executive Education). "Risky Choices and Correlated Background Risk", Management Science 51, N 9 (2005) 1336-1345 (with Winkler Robert)


2010, 2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2007: Finalist of Decision Analysis Society Publication Award 2002: Runner-up in the Decision Analysis Society Student Paper Competition 2001-2002: Student Travel Awards, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University 1999-2003: Recipient of Doctoral Fellowship, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University 1993: MS Diploma with Honours, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Decision Making; Auction Theory; Bayesian Statistics; Collective Choice.

"Multiattribute Utility Specifying a Preference for Combining Good with Bad", Management Science 55, N 12 (2009) (with Winkler Robert) "Ultimatum Deadlines", Management Science 55, N 8 (2009) 1423-1437 (with Tang Wenjie and Bearden J. Neil) "Apportioning of Risks via Stochastic Dominance", Journal of Economic Theory 144, N 3 (2009) 994-1003 (with Eeckhoudt Louis and Schlesinger Harris) "Revenue Ranking of Discriminatory and Uniform Auctions with an Unknown Number of Bidders", Management Science 54, N 9 (2008) 1610-1623 (with Pekec Aleksandar) "Sequential Vs. Single-Round Uniform-Price Auctions", Games and Economic Behavior 62, N 2 (2008) 591-609 (with Claudio Mezzetti and Pekec Aleksandar) "Sophisticated Approval Voting, Ignorance Priors, and Plurality Heuristics: A Behavioral Social Choice Analysis in a Thurstonian Framework", Psychological Review 114, N 4 (2007) 994-1014 (with Michel Regenwetter and Ho Moon-Ho R.) "Decision Making with Multiattribute Performance Targets: The Impact of Changes in Performance and Target Distributions", Operations Research 55, N 2 (2007) 226233 (with Winkler Robert)

Ad Hoc Reviewer: Management Science, Operations Research, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Economic Theory, Decision Analysis, Information Technology and Management, Social Choice and Welfare, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Journal of Public Economics, Games and Economic Behaviour, Theory and Decision, Risk Analysis, Decision Analysis.

2003: PhD, Business Administration & Decision Sciences, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA 1993: MSc., Applied Mathematics and Physics (with Honours), Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russian Federation


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Claudia Zeisberger (Singapore, Germany)

Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences and Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Academic Co-Director, Global Private Equity Initiative (GPEI) Tel: 65 6799 5487 E-mail:

Private Equity & Venture Capital, Hedge Funds, Alternative Investments, Managing Corporate Turnarounds; Risk Management (Integrated Risk Management, Market Risk, VaR & Investor Due Diligence); Conflict Management in Teams; Developing People. "Indian Wine - Ce n'est pas possible!", INSEAD Case Study, N5668 (2010) (with Narain Dhruv , Kapadia Romain and Scott Elizabeth)


2010, 2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD

Private Equity - GP/ LP Relationships; The intricacies of Corporate Turnaround and Restructuring Situations; Financial Market Dynamics, in particular the Interplay of Volatility, Correlation & the Behaviour of Crowds; Alternative Investments, focusing on Private Equity & Hedge Funds in Asia; Trading Simulation & Game Theory; Risk Management with a Focus on Extreme Market Movements & Liquidity; Impact of Incentive Structures on Risk Taking.

Advisor to investment banks, family offices and financial regulators in Asia and other emerging markets.

"Private Equity Exits in China and India, INSEAD Working Paper 2011/75/DS (2011) (with Prahl Michael, Cannarsi Alessandro) "Brazilian Private Equity: Moving Centre Stage, INSEAD Working Paper 2011/74/DS (2011) (with Prahl Michael) "Demographic Forecasting Stock Market and Housing Trends in Japan and the United States Over the Past 50 Years and a Forecast for the Next 20 Years, INSEAD Working Paper 2010/90/DS (2011) (with Munro David) "Asian Private Equity - is it Delivering on its Promise?, Study, Working Paper (2010) (with Prahl Michael) "The Quest for Return", INSEAD Case Study, N5712 (2010) (with Prahl Michael) "A World of Risk and a Road Map to Understand It", INSEAD Case Study, N5714 (2010) (with Munro David) "Could Unexpected Extreme Events Put You Out of Business?", INSEAD Case Study, N5708 (2010) (with Munro David)


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Economics and Political Science

Robert U. Ayres (USA)

The Novartis Chair in Management and the Environment, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Economics and Political Science and Technology Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 11 E-mail:

Environmental Economics; Technology and the Environment; History of Technology.

2004-present: Institute Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. 2000-present: Visiting Professor (part-time), Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Environmental Economics; Technological Change and Economic Growth; Industrial Metabolism and Industrial Ecology; Eco-Restructuring; Energy and Economic Growth .

2004: Insitute Scholar (part-time), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria 2001-2003: Visiting Professor (part-time), Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 2000-2001: Jubilee 150th Anniversary (Visiting) Professor, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 2000: Novartis (formerly Sandoz) Emeritus Professor of Environment and Management, INSEAD, France 2000-2002: Visiting Professor (part-time), Institute for Advanced Studies, UN University, Tokyo, Japan 1994-1998: Member of the International Advisory Board, Wuppertal Institut fur Klima, Energie und Umwelt, Germany 1992-2002: Adjunct Professor, Pennsylvania State University, USA 1992-2001: Professor / Director, Centre for the Management of Environmental Resources (CMER), INSEAD, France

Crossing the Energy Divide Wharton Press (2010) (with Ayres Edward) Energy Efficiency and Economic Growth: The Rebound Effect as a Driver in Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption Herring Horace and Sorell Steve (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan (2009) (with Warr Benjamin) The Economic Growth Engine: How Energy and Work Drive Material Prosperity, Edward Elgar (2009) (with Warr Benjamin) Sustainable Metals Management, Springer (2006) (with von Gleich Armin and Gssling Stefan) On the Reappraisal of Microeconomics: Economic Growth and Change in a Material World, Edward Elgar (2005) (with Martinas Katalin) "Accounting for Growth: The Role of Physical Work", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 16, N 2 (2005) 181-209 (with Warr Benjamin) "Scarcity and Growth Revisited: Natural Resources and the Environment in the New Millennium" in Resources for the Future Inc , John Hopkins University Press (2005) (with Toman M. A. and Simpson R. D.) The Life Cycle of Copper, Its Co-Products and Byproducts , Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003) (with Leslie Ayres and Rde Ingrid)

1958: PhD, Mathematical Physics, King's College, University of London, United Kingdom 1956: MSc., Physics, University of Maryland, USA 1954: BSc., Mathematics (Physics Minor), Cum Laude, University of Chicago, USA 1952: Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics (Physics Minor) Cum Laude, University of Chicago, USA


2003: International Society for Industrial Ecology Award, First ISIE Society Prize for Outstanding Research 2002: ISEE Award: Kenneth Boulding Memorial Prize 1996: Best TFSC Paper: Foresight as a Survival Characteristic: When (If Ever) Does the Long View Pay? 1996: ISEE Best Article Award: Limits to the Growth Paradigm


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Morten Bennedsen (Denmark)

The Andr and Rosalie Hoffmann Chaired Professor of Family Enterprise Professor of Economics and Political Science Academic Director, Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise Co-Director of the Hoffmann Research Fund Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 36 82 E-mail:

Applied Microeconomics;. Governance of Family Firms; Family Business Management; Corporate Governance; Contract Theory


2008: Danish Ministry of Science and Technology prize for excellent research 2005: Award for excellence in research and teaching, Jorck Foundation 2004: Danish EURYI Candidate 1998: Young Economists' Essay Competition Award, "Political Ownership" 1997-1999: Danish Social Science Research Council Post Doctoral Scholarship 1993-1996: Danish Social Science Research Council Scholarship

The Governance of Family Firms; Corporate Governance; Private Equity; Privatisation; Lobbyism and Corruption; Contract Theory

Arms Length Delegation of Public Services Journal of Public Economics 95, N 7-8 (2011) 543-552 (with Schultz Christian) Incentive and Entrenchment Effects in European Ownership, Journal of Banking & Finance 34, N 9 (2010) 2212-2229 (with Nielsen Kasper Meisner) "The Causal Effect of Board Size in the Performance of Small and Medium Sized Firms", Journal of Banking and Finance 32, N 6 (2008) (with Kongsted Hans Christian and Nielsen Kasper Meisner) "Inside the Family Firm: the Role of Families in Succession Decisions and Performance", Quarterly Journal of Economics 122, N 2 (2007) 647-691 (with Meisner Nielsen Kasper, Perez-Gonzalez Francisco and Wolfenzon Daniel) "Lobbying Bureaucrats", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 108, N 4 (2006) 643668 (with Feldmann Sven) "Informational Lobbying and Political Contribution", Journal of Public Economics (2006) (with Feldmann Sven) "Adaptive Contracting" Economic Theory 25, N 1 (2005) 35-50 (with Schultz Christian) "Lobbying Legislatures", Journal of Political Economy 110, N 4 (2002) 919-946 (with Feldmann Sven)

2002-2009: Professor in Economics, Institute of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 1999-2002: Associate Professor in Applied Microeconomics, Institute of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark 1997-1999: Assistant Research Professor, Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1991-1992: Consultant , Ibis, Denmark 1990-1992: Assistant Economist, The Treasury of Denmark, Denmark

1998: PhD, Harvard Business School, USA 1993: MSc., Advanced Mathematical Economics and Econometrics with Distinction, London Business School, United Kingdom 1990: Bachelor of Arts, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


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Pushan Dutt (India)

Associate Professor of Economics Area Chair, Economics and Political Science Tel: 65 6799 5498 E-mail:

Microeconomics; Economic Development; International Trade; Game Theory; Political Economy.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005: Outstanding Teacher of Core Courses Award, INSEAD

International Economics; Political Economy; Economic Development; Applied Microeconomics.

Reviewer for American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, International Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Canadian Journal of Economics.

"Crisis and Consumption Smoothing", Marketing Science 30, N 3 (2011) 491-512 (with Padmanabhan V. (Paddy)) "Corruption and Bilateral Trade Flows: Extortion or Evasion", Review of Economics and Statistics 92, N 4 (2010) 843-860 (with Traca Daniel) "International Trade and Unemployment: Theory and Cross-National Evidence", Journal of International Economics 78, N 1 (2009) 32-44 (with Devashish Mitra and Ranjan Priya ) "Trade Protection and Bureaucratic Corruption: An Empirical Investigation", Canadian Journal of Economics 42, N 1 (2009) 155-183 "Inequality and Instability of Polity and Policy ", Economic Journal 118, N 531 (2008) (with Devashish Mitra) "Labor versus Capital in Trade Policy: The Role of Ideology and Inequality", Journal of International Economics 69, N 2 (2006) 310-320 (with Devashish Mitra) "Political Ideology and Endogenous Trade Policy: An Empirical Investigation", Review of Economics and Statistics 87, N 1 (2005) 5972 (with Devashish Mitra) "Endogenous Trade Policy through Majority Voting: An Empirical Investigation", Journal of International Economics (2002) (with Devashish Mitra)

2004-2005: Visiting Faculty, INSEAD, Singapore 2000-2004: Assistant Professor, Unviersity of Alberta, Canada 1998-2000: Writer, Oxford University Press, United Kingdom 1997: Researcher, The World Bank, USA 1994-1995: Ford Foundation Fellow, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India 1994: Lecturer, Hindu College, Delhi University, India

2000: PhD, Economics, New York University, USA 1994: Master of Arts, Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India 1992: BSc., Economics, Presidency College, Calcutta University, India


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Antonio Fatas (Spain)

The Portuguese Council Chaired Professor of European Studies Professor of Economics Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 34 E-mail:

Macroeconomics; Growth; Exchange Rates; Business Cycles.

Research Fellow, CEPR, London. Senior Research Fellow, Center for Business and Public Policy, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, United States.

Macroeconomics; Fiscal Policy; Economic Growth; Business Cycles.

2008-2009: Visiting Scholar, IMF, USA 1987-1989: Instructor, Universidad de Valencia, Spain

"The Euro and Fiscal Policy", Europe and the Euro, University of Chicago Press (2010) 287-326 (with Mihov Ilian) "Another Challenge to China's Growth", Harvard Business Review (2009) (with Mihov Ilian) "The Stabilizing Role of Government Size", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32, N 2 (2008) 571-593 (with Andres Javier and Domenech Rafael) "Quantitative Goals for Monetary Policy", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 39, N 5 (2007) 1163-1176 (with Mihov Ilian and Rose Andrew) "The Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Rules in the US States", Journal of Public Economics 90, N 1-2 (2006) 101-117 (with Mihov Ilian) "Fiscal Policy and EMU: Challenges of the Early Years" in EMU and Economic Policy in Europe: The Challenge of the Early Years, Edward Elgar (2003) (with Mihov Ilian) "The Case for Restricting Fiscal Policy Discretion", Quarterly Journal of Economics 118, N 4 (2003) 1419-1447 (with Mihov Ilian) "On Constraining Fiscal Policy Discretion in the EMU", Oxford Review of Economic Policy 19, N 1 (2003) 112-131 (with Mihov Ilian)

1993: PhD, Economics, Harvard University, USA 1991: Master of Arts, Economics, Harvard University, USA 1989: MSc., Suficiencia Investigadora, Economics, Universidad de Valencia, Spain 1987: BSc., Licenciado, Economics, Universidad de Valencia, Spain


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 1998, 2003, 2008: Nomination: Outstanding Teacher Award INSEAD MBA Programme


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H. Landis Gabel (USA)

The Novartis Chair in Management and the Environment, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Economics and Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 36 E-mail:

Microeconomics; International Trade and Public Policy; Management of Environmental Resources. annual conference; 1994, 1996, and 1997: Programme Committee member for the fifth, seventh, and eighth annual conferences. European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, 1984-1985 and 1990-1994: Member of the Executive Committee. European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, 1984: Chairman of the Program Committee and organiser of the 11th Annual Conference. 1985: Member of the Programme Committee of the 12th Annual Conference.

Applied Microeconomics and Public Policy; Environmental and Resource Economics; International Trade.

Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing (2000) (with Folmer Henk) Frontiers of Environmental Economics, Edward Elgar (2000) (with Rose Adam, Folmer Henk and Gerking Shelby) "Environmental Auditing in Management Systems and Public Policy", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 33, N 3 (1997) (with Sinclair-Desgagn Bernard) "Optimizing Environmental Product Life Cycles: A Case Study of the European Pulp and Paper Sector", Environmental and Resource Economics 9, N 2 (1997) 199-224 (with Bloemhof-Ruwaard Jaqueline, Weaver Paul and Van Wassenhove Luk) European Casebook on Trade and Industrial Policy, Prentice Hall (1995) (with Cadot Olivier, Story Jonathan and Webber Douglas) "Managerial Incentives and Environmental Compliance", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 24, N 3 (1993) (with SinclairDesgagn Bernard) Competitive Strategies for Product Standards McGraw-Hill (1991) Product Standardization and Competitive Strategy, North Holland (1987)

2001-2006: Dean of Faculty, INSEAD, France 2001-2006: Deputy Dean, INSEAD, France 1998-2001: Dean of MBA, INSEAD, France 1995-1998: Associate Dean of Research & Development, INSEAD, France 1989-1995: Co-Director, Centre for the Management of Environmental Resources (CMER), INSEAD, France 1988-1995: Coordinator, Economics and Political Science Area, INSEAD, France 1985-1988: Coordinator, Strategy and Environment Area, INSEAD, France 1982-1991: Associate Professor of Economics and Management, INSEAD 2001-2008: Novartis Chaired Professor of Economics and Management, INSEAD 1976-1982: Associate Professor of Business Economics, Colgate Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia, USA

1977: PhD, Economics, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1975: Master of Arts, Economics, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1973: MSc., Economics, The London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom 1967: MBA, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1965: BSc., Mechanical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, USA


1993-1994: Winner of the ecch European Case of the Year Award 1988, 1990, 1994: Teaching Award, INSEAD

Member: EFMD MBA Directors' Steering Committee. Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the ecch. Series Editor for a case/text book series: "The Global Management Series", published by McGrawHill, 1999. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 1993: Co-chairman of the Programme Committee and organiser of the fourth


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Ethan Kapstein (USA)

The INSEAD Chaired Professor in Political Economy Professor of Economics and Political Science Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 55 E-mail:

International Political Analysis; Economic Development.

1986: PhD, International Economics / Political Economy, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA

International Economic Relations; Economic Development; Social Policy; BusinessGovernment Relations.

"Architects of Stability: International Cooperation among Financial Supervisors", Past and Future of Central Bank Cooperation (Studies in Macroeconomic History), Cambridge University Press (2008) 113-152 "Fairness Considerations in World Politics: Lessons from International Trade Negotiations", Political Science Quarterly 123, N 2 (2008) The Political Economy of Young Democracies, Cambridge University Press (2008) (with Converse Nathan) Economic Justice in an Unfair World: Toward a Level Playing Field Princeton University Press (2006) The New Slave Trade, Foreign Affairs (Nov./Dec. 2006) Avoiding Unrest in a Volatile Environment, Financial Times (2006) When Markets Fail: Social Policy in Emerging Market Economies Russel Sage Foundation (2002) (with Branko Milanovic)

Member, Council on Foreign Relations. Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies.

1995-1996: Vice President, Council on Foreign Relations 1994-1995: Principal Administrator, OECD


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Claude Michaud (France)

Emeritus Professor of Economics Tel: 33 (0) 1 64 69 43 88 E-mail:

Economics; Development and Growth.

Diplme d'Habilitation Diriger des Recherches, Universit de Bordeaux II, France PhD, Business Administration, Universit de Bordeaux II, France Master's Degree, Economic Sciences (DES, Sciences Economiques), Universit de Paris, France Bachelors Degree in Law, Economic Sciences, Licence de Droit, Universit de Paris, France

Making Strategy and Organization Compatible, Palgrave (2003) (with Thoenig Jean-Claude) Potentialits de changements et de dveloppement conomique des territoires (1994) "Executive Education in Business Schools : Toward a New Paradigm", CEDEP Selected Papers (1993) (with Hogarth Robin) "The Detection of Development and Change Potential in a Regional Economy and Policy The Case of Sicily", CE. RI. S. DI. (1992) (with Thoenig Jean-Claude) "Longevity of Business Firms: A Four-stage Framework for Analysis", INSEAD Working Paper (1991) (with Doz Yves, Hogarth Robin, Van der Heyden Ludo) "Thorie et pratique de la rglementation: exemple des Etats-Unis", Politique et Management Public (1983) "La rgulation du transport arien en Europe: les anticipations et stratgies des dcideurs", research carried out within the scope of the DGRST programme (1981) (with Thoenig Jean-Claude)

Member of Science Council of the Tissot Foundation, Switzerland. Member of the Advisory Council to the International MBA Programme in Barcelona for the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.

1991-2007: Director General, CEDEP, INSEAD, France 1967-1980: Research Director, Centre de Recherche d'Urbanisme, France


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Ilian Mihov (Bulgaria)

The Novartis Chaired Professor of Management and Environment Professor of Economics Deputy Dean for Faculty and Research Tel: 65 6799 5434 E-mail:

Macroeconomics (MBA); Macroeconomics (EMBA); Econometrics (PhD); Time Series Analysis (PhD); Growth, Business Cycles, Financial Crises (Executive Education).


2008, 2009: Outstanding Teacher of Core Courses Award, INSEAD 2006: Distinguished Young Alumnus, Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina 2006: Outstanding Teacher of Core Courses Award, INSEAD

Macroeconomics; Monetary Economics; Fiscal Policy; Stock Markets Comovements; Trade and Development; Institutions and Public Policy.

Research Fellow, Center for Economic Policy Research; Research Professor, The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin); Scientific Committee, Research Foundation of Banque de France; Advisory Board, Bulgarian National Bank; Associate Editor, Journal of the European Economic Association; Associate Editor, Macroeconomic Dynamics; Editorial Board, Journal of Macroeconomics.

Sticky Prices and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Disaggregated U.S. Data, American Economic Review 99, N 1 (2009) 350-384 (with Boivin Jean and Giannoni Marc) "Quantitative Goals for Monetary Policy", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 39, N 5 (2007) 1163-1176 (with Fatas Antonio and Rose Andrew) "Credibility and Flexibility with Monetary Policy Committees", Journal of Money Credit and Banking 38, (2006) 23-46 (with Sibert Anne) "The Case for Restricting Fiscal Policy Discretion", Quarterly Journal of Economics 118, N 4 (2003) 1419-1447 (with Fatas Antonio) "Government Size and Automatic Stabilizers. International and Intranational Evidence", Journal of International Economics 55, N 1 (2001) 3-28 (with Fatas Antonio) "Monetary Policy Implementation and Transmission in the European Monetary Union", Economic Policy 33, (2001) 369-406 "Deflation and Monetary Contraction in the Great Depression: An Analysis by Simple Ratios" in Essays in the Great Depression. Princeton University Press (2000) 108-160 (with Bernanke Ben) "Measuring Monetary Policy", Quarterly Journal of Economics 113, N 3 (1998) 869902 (with Bernanke Ben)

1996: PhD, Princeton University, USA 1994: Master of Arts, Princeton University, USA 1992: BSc., University of South Carolina, USA


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Amine Ouazad (France)

Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 73 E-mail:

Prices and Markets (MBA); Econometrics (PhD).

2008: PhD, Paris School of Economics, Ecole des hautes Etudes en Sciences sociales, France 2005: Master's Degree in Quantitative Economics, School of Statistics and Economic Administration, Ecole nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration conomique, France 2003: BSc., Ecole Polytechnique, France

Business and Public Policy; Education; Housing & Cities; Immigration.

"Credit Standards and Segregation", INSEAD Working Paper (2011) (with Ranciere Romain) "Estimating Perceptions of Discrimination: Experimental Economics in Schools", INSEAD Working Paper (2011) (with Page Lionel) "Assessed by a Teacher Like Me: Race, Gender, and Subjective Evaluations", INSEAD Working Paper (2008) "What Makes a Test Score? The Respective Contributions of Pupils, Schools, and Peers in Achievement in English Primary Education", INSEAD Working Paper (2008) (with Kramarz Francis and Machin Stephen)

2007-2008: Research Associate, London School of Economics, United Kingdom 2007: Visiting Researcher, Princeton University, USA 2005-2007: Junior Researcher, Centre for Economics and Statistics (CREST, Paris), France 2005-2007: Lecturer, Microeconomics for First- and Second-year undergraduates, Institute for Political Science (Sciences Po, Paris), France 2004-2005: Research Associate, London School of Economics, United Kingdom


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Loic Sadoulet (France)

Affiliate Professor of Economics Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 84 E-mail:

Macroeconomics; Changing Economic Forces: Doing Business in an Evolving World; Interest Rates, Exchange Rates and Economic Fluctuations: The Role and Limitations of Economic Policy; Financial Crises: Identifying Warning Signs and Opportunities; Economics and Strategy in Emerging Markets; Microfinance: A Business Case; Global Economic Outlook.

Reviewer: Economic Studies, European Economic Review, The Economics of Transition, Ricerche Economiche, Journal of Development Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of African Economics, US National Science Foundation, Journal of the European Economic Association, Economica. Consulting: 2003-2004: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Financial Sector Reform Project (USA). 2003: Russell Sage Foundation, Enhancing Credit Markets for the Poor in the US (USA). 2001-2002: World Institute for Development Economics Research, Reducing Risk Exposure of the Poor (Finland). 1987, 1989: Plan Sierra, Economic Appraisal of New Soil-Conservation Techniques (Dominican Republic).

Economics and Business Development in Emerging Markets; Financial Services in Emerging Markets; Reputation-based Contracts; Microfinance; Mobile Health ; Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) as solution-enabler in Emerging Markets.

M-PESA: Turning Corporate Social Responsibility Innovation into a Mainstream Business Opportunity, INSEAD Case Study (2010) (with Furdelle Olivier) Getting Beyond the Forever Pilot Syndrome: A Meta Study in Mobile-health Projects, INSEAD Report (2010) (by Pnicaud Claire under the supervision of Sadoulet Loc and Furdelle Olivier) "Campaign Spending Limits and Political Advertising", Management Science 53, N 10 (2007) 1521-1532 (with Soberman David A.) "Savings and Poverty Reduction: Fostering the Development of Sustainable Deposit and Savings Schemes for the Poor", The InterAmerican Development Bank (2005) "Microcredit Repayment Insurance: Better for the Borrower, Better for the Institution", Credit Markets for the Poor (2005) "Learning from VISA? Introducing Insurance Provisions in Microfinance Contracts", Insurance Against Poverty Dercon S. (Ed.) Oxford University Press (2004)

2003-2005: Visiting Professor, Solvay Business School, Universit Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium 2000-2005: Visiting Affiliate Professor of Economics, INSEAD, France 1998-2004: Research Fellow, European Centre for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics, Belgium 1993-1995: Economist, The World Bank

1999: PhD, Economics, Princeton University, USA 1993: Master's Degree, Economics, Princeton University, USA 1991: BSc., Mathematics, University of California - San Diego, USA 1991: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, University of California - San Diego, USA


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Ana Maria Santacreu (Spain)

Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 35 07 E-mail:

Macroeconomics in the Global Economy (MBA); Time Series (PhD).

2009: PhD, New York University, USA 2003: MSc., London School of Economics, United Kingdom 2002: Advanced Studies Degree in Economics (Distinction), Universitat Valencia, Spain 2001: BSc., Universitat Valencia, Spain

Macroeconomics; International Trade; Economic Growth.

The Trade Comovement Puzzle and the Margins of International Trade, INSEAD Working Paper 2011/105/EPS (2011) (with Liao Wei) Innovation, Diffusion, and Trade: Theory and Measurement, INSEAD Working Paper 2010/46/EPS (2010)


2006: Best Third Year Paper Prize 2003: MacCracken Fellowship 2001-2003: Bank of Spain Scholarship 2000: Premio Extraordinario, Universitat Valencia (highest GPA)

Referee: American Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Review of Economic Dynamics Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Applied Econometrics

2010: Visiting Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Monetary Research (in HKMA), Hong Kong 2008: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, New York University, USA 2007: Undergraduate Instructor, New York University, USA 2005: Summer Internship, Reserve Bank of New Zealand, New Zealand 2000-2001: Research Assistant, INGENIO (Valencia), Spain


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Jonathan Story (United Kingdom)

The Shell Fellow in Economic Transformation, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of International Political Economy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 31 16 E-mail:

European/Global Politics; Markets and Business.

Member: Political Studies Association, UK Royal Institute of International Affairs, Institut Franais des Relations Internationales (IFRI), France International Political Science Association, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), UK.

Transition Economies; European Integration; Political Economy.

"China and the Multinational Experience", Oxford Handbook of Business and Government, Oxford University Press (2010) 346-380 "Business Studies: The Global Dynamics of Business-state Relations", Oxford Handbook of Business and Government, Oxford University Press (2010) 89-120 (with Lawton Thomas) China Uncovered: What You Need to Know to do Business in China, FT Prentice Hall (2010) "China and Global Energy Markets", Orbis 51, N 1 (2007) 5-20 (with Peter Cornelius) "The Origins, Launching and Consequences of '1992' and the Euro: The Politics of Economic and Monetary Integration in Europe", in Regional Integration in Europe and East Asia: Convergence and Divergence, Routledge (2005) "The Emerging World Financial Order and Different Forms of Capitalism", Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, Oxford University Press (2005) "China: Workshop of the World?", Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 3, N 2 (2005) 95-109 "Financial Restructuring in the Age of the Euro: Still a Battle of Systems" in The State of the European Union Vol.7. With US or against US? European Trends in American Perspective, Oxford University Press (2005)

1972-1974: Research Associate, Hudson Institute, USA 1971-1972: Research Associate, Atlantic Institute, France

1973: PhD, Johns Hopkins University, USA 1970: Master of Arts, History and Political Science, Trinity College, The University of Dublin, Ireland


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Timothy Van Zandt (USA)

The Shell Fellow of Economic Transformation Professor of Economics Academic Director of the PhD Programme Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 31 00 E-mail:

Prices and Markets; Managerial Economics; Game Theory; Contract Theory.


1997-2000: National Science Foundation Grant IRI-9711303 1991-1995: National Science Foundation Grants SES-9223917 and SES-9110973 1990: Carey Polk Prize, University of Pennsyslvania 1988: Weintraub Award, University of Pennsylvania 1985: Lawrence Robbins Prize, University of Pennsylvania

Microeconomic Theory; Economics of Organisations; Bounded Rationality; Game Theory.

"A Theorem of the Maximin and Applications to Bayesian Zero-Sum Games" International Journal of Game Theory 40, N 2 (2011) 289-308 (with Zhang Kaifu) "Interim Bayesian Nash Equilibrium on Universal Type Spaces for Supermodular Games", Journal of Economic Theory 145, N 1 (2010) 249-263 "Setting Price or Quantity: Depends on what the Seller is More Uncertain About", Quantitative Marketing and Economics 8, N 1 (2010) 35-60 (with Tsetlin Ilia and Padmanabhan V. (Paddy)) "Monotone Equilibria in Bayesian Games of Strategic Complementarities", Journal of Economic Theory 134, N 1 (2007) 339-360 (with Vives Xavier) "Information Overload in a Network of Targeted Communication", Rand Journal of Economics 35, N 3 (2004) "Robustness of Adaptive Expectations as an Equilibrium Selection Device", Macroeconomic Dynamics 7, N 1 (2003) (with Lettau Martin) "Information, Measurability and Continuous Behavior", Journal of Mathematical Economics 38, N 3 (2002) 293-309 "Real-Time Decentralized Information Processing and Returns to Scale" Economic Theory 17, N 3 (2001) 545-575 (with Radner Roy)

Associate Editor for the Journal of the European Economic Association, Theoretical Economics, and Mathematical Social Sciences.

2010-2011: Visiting Scholar, Columbia University, USA 2003-2004: Visiting Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1998-1999: Visiting Research Professor, Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Managerial Science, Northwestern University, USA 1993-1994: Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 1990-1998: Assistant Professor, Princeton University, USA 1989-1990: Post-Doctoral Member Technical Staff, Mathematical Sciences Center, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA

1989: PhD, Economics, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1985: Bachelor of Arts, Economics and International Relations, University of Pennsylvania, USA


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Douglas Webber (New Zealand)

Professor of Political Science Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 31 03 E-mail:

International Political Analysis (MBA); Europe and the European Union (MBA); Capitalism (MBA); Executive Education sessions on the EU, lobbying and the International Business Environment.


2011: Visiting Fellow, Centre for European Studies, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2009: Visiting International Fellow, European and EU Centre, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia 2008: ecch European Case Award, Economics, Politics and Business Environment Category , Manulife in Indonesia, parts A and B 1995-1997: Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre, European University Institute, Florence 1988: Winner of Third Prize, Thyssen Foundation Competition for the Best German Social Science Paper

Comparative Regional Integration; European Union; Franco-German Relations; German Politics and Foreign Policy; Regional Integration in East Asia and Asia Pacific; French Politics; Indonesian Politics.

The Context of EU-ASEAN Relations: Trials and Tribulations of Regionalism in Post-Cold War Europe and Asia in EUASEAN Relations in the 21st Century: Towards a Strategic Partnership? Novotny Daniel, Portela Clara, Winand Pascaline (Eds.), Monash University Press (Forthcoming) "The Regional Integration that didn't happen: Cooperation without Integration in Early 21st Century East Asia", The Pacific Review (2010) "Trade and Security: Political (non-?) integration in East Asia", in The Evolution of Regionalism in Asia , Routledge (2007) 145159 A Consolidated Patrimonial Democracy? Democratization in Post-Suharto Indonesia", Democratization 13, N3 (2006) 396-420 Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe. Convergence or Divergence? , Routledge (2006) (with Bertrand Fort) "Banana Splits: Policy Process, Particularistic Interests, Political Capture and Money in Trans-Atlantic Trade Politics", Business and Politics 4, N 1 (2002) 5-39 (with Cadot Olivier) "Two Funerals and a Wedding? The Ups and Downs of Regional Integration in East Asia and Asia Pacific after the Asian Crisis", The Pacific Review 14, N.2 (2001) New Europe, New Germany, Old Foreign Policy? Frank Cass (2001)

Adjunct Principal Research Fellow, European and EU Centre, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Member of the Editorial Board, Business and Politics. Reviewer: The Pacific Review, Journal of European Public Policy, Democratization, Perspectives, Globalizations, Asian Perspectives, Review of International Political Economy, China Quarterly and Business and Politics. Member of the International Advisory Board, International Organizations MBA, University of Geneva and the Executive Board of the European Case Clearing House (ecch). Regular commentator for CNBC and France 24 television.

2010: Visiting Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA 1987-1990: Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany 1985-1987: Research Fellow, University of Sussex, United Kingdom 1983-1984: Research Fellow, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

1985: PhD, Government, University of Essex, United Kingdom 1978: Master of Arts, West European Politics, University of Essex, United Kingdom 1976: Master of Arts, Political Science, University of Canterbury, New Zealand 1975: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of Canterbury, New Zealand


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Michael A. Witt (Germany)

Affiliate Professor of Asian Business and Comparative Management Tel: 65 6799 5253 E-mail:

Strategies for Asia-Pacific; Comparing the World's Business Systems; International Political Analysis; Various Executive Education Modules. "Outward Foreign Direct Investment as Exit Response to Home Country Institutional Constraints", Journal of International Business Studies 38, N 4 (2007) 579-594 (with Lewin Arie)


Comparative Business Systems; Varieties of Capitalism; Comparative Management; International Business; Political Economy; East-Asia (specifically China, Japan and Korea); Western Europe (specifically Germany). 2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2011-2012: Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers 2009: AOM Best Papers Proceedings 2005: Finalist, JIBS Frontiers Award (with A. Y. Lewin) 1997: East-Asia Research Fellowship and initiation into the German National Merit Foundation 1994: Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford Chapter, junior-year initiation

The Spirits of CSR: Senior Executive Perceptions of the Role of the Firm in Society in Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and the United States, Socio-Economic Review,10(1) (with Redding Gordon) Chinese Business Systems and the Challenges of Transition in Chinas Changing Workplace, Peter Sheldon, Sunghoon Kim, Yiqiong Li, and Malcolm Warner (Eds.) London:Routledge (2011) (with Redding Gordon) "Culture, Meaning, and Institutions: Executive Rationale in Germany and Japan", Journal of International Business Studies 40, N 5 (2009) 859-885 (with Redding Gordon) Chinas Business System and its Future Trajectory, Asia Pacific Journal of Management 26, N 3 (2009) (with Redding Gordon) Corporate Governance in Japan: Institutional Change and Organizational Diversity (Review) Journal of Japanese Studies 35, N 2 (2009) 491-495 "Crossvergence Ten Years on: Impact and Further Potential", Journal of International Business Studies 39, N 1 (2008) 47-52 The Future of Chinese Capitalism: Choices and Chances, Oxford University Press (2007) (with Redding Gordon)

Advanced Research Fellow, Program on USJapan Relations, Harvard University, USA Senior Research Fellow, INSEAD, France

2000: PhD, Harvard University, USA 1995: Bachelor of Arts, Stanford University, USA


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Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise

Vikas A. Aggarwal (USA)

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 36 99 E-mail:

Private Equity; Entrepreneurial Field Studies.

Entrepreneurial Strategy; Corporate Development; Venture Capital and Private Equity; Complex Systems.

"Governing Collaborative Activity: Interdependence and the Impact of Coordination and Exploration", Strategic Management Journal 32, N 7 (2011) 705-730 (with Siggelkow Nicolaj and Singh Harbir) "Modes of Cooperative R&D Commercialization by Start-ups", Strategic Management Journal 30, N 8 (2009) 835-864 (with Hsu David H.)

2002: Summer Associate, Investment Banking Division, Lehman Brothers, USA 2000-2001: Director, Product Management, Military Advantage Inc., USA 1998-1999: Co-Founder, Pixel Pro Technologies Inc., USA 1997-1998: Analyst, Mercer Management Consulting, USA 1996: Summer Intern, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, USA

2009: PhD, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2006: MSc., Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2003: MBA, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA 1997: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Princeton University, USA


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Philip Anderson (USA)

The INSEAD Alumni Fund Chaired Professor of Entrepreneurship Professor of Entrepreneurship Tel: 65 6799 5447 E-mail:

Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital/Private Equity; Innovation and Creativity; Managing Technological Change; Change Management; Leadership; Managing Growth.


1997: Booz-Allen & Hamilton/Financial Times Global Business Book of the Year Award for Industry Analysis/Business Context "Inside the Kaisha: Demystifying Japanese Business Behavior" 1997: Best Article, "Leveraging Intellect", Academy of Management Executive 1993: Best Paper of all studies funded by the Center for Innovation Management Studies during its first ten years, "Technological Discontinuities and Organizational Environments", presented at the annual conference of CIMS corporate partners 1988: Best Paper, "The Population Dynamics of Schumpeterian Competition", Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management, presented at the annual meeting

Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital/Private Equity; Strategic Management; Technological Change; Organisational Evolution and Growth; Complexity Theory.

"From Corporate Strategy to Business-level Advantage: Relatedness as Resource Congruence", Managerial and Decision Economics 25, N 6/7 (2004) 365-382 (with D'Aveni Richard A. and Ravenscraft David J.) Managing Strategic Innovation and Change A Collection of Readings, Oxford University Press (2004) (with Tushman Michael) "A Structural Approach to Assessing Innovation: Construct Development of Innovation Locus, Type and Characteristics", Management Science 48, N 9 (2002) 11031122 (with Gatignon Hubert, Tushman Michael and Smith Wendy K.) "The New E-Commerce Intermediaries", Sloan Management Review 43, N 4 (2002) 53-62 (with Anderson Erin) "Organizational Environments and Industry Exit: The Effects of Uncertainty, Munificence and Complexity", Industrial and Corporate Change 10, N 3 (2001) 675-711 (with Tushman Michael) "Complexity Theory and Organization Science", Organization Science 10, N 3 (1999) 216-232 "Collective Interpretation and Collective Action in Population Level Learning: Technology Choice in the American Cement Industry", Advances in Strategic Management N 16 (1999) 277-307 Inside the Kaisha: Demystifying Japanese Business Behavior, Harvard Business School Press (1997) (with Yoshimura Noboru)

2007-present: Associate Editor, Administrative Science Quarterly. 2002-2009: Journal of Technology Transfer.

2000-2001: Director, Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA 1998-2000: Research Director, Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA 1993-2001: Associate Professor of Business Administration, Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA 1987-1993: Assistant Professor, S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, USA

1988: PhD, Management of Organizations, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, USA 1986: Master of Philosophy, Management of Organizations, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, USA 1978: BSc., Agricultural Economics (Summa Cum Laude), University of California-Davis, USA


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Youssef F. Bissada (Egypt, USA)

Emeritus Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 41 34 E-mail:

Project Management; Entrepreneurship; International Management.

Utilisation of Simulation as a Teaching Vehicle; Entrepreneurship; International Management.

"The Sigma Challenge", Simulation "The Management Challenge", Simulation "The Acquisition Challenge", Simulation "The Project Business Challenge", Simulation "The R&D Challenge", Simulation "The Corporate Social Responsibility Challenge", Simulation "The Supply Chain Circle", Simulation

Owner-President of Bissada Management Simulations.

1981: Doctorate, Doctorat d'Etat s Sciences en Genie Industriel, Universite Aix Marseille, France 1967: MBA, Harvard Business School, USA 1965: MBA, INSEAD, France 1963: Bachelor's Degree, Dipl. Ingenieur, Technische Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany


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Randel Carlock (USA)

The Berghmans Lhoist Chaired Professor of Entrepreneurial Leadership Senior Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 5390 E-mail:

MBA Electives: Family Business Management and Entrepreneurial Leadership; EMBA - Key Management Challenge Entrepreneurial Leadership; Executive Education: Coaching and Consulting for Change, Family Enterprise Challenge, Young Presidents Family Business Leadership Programme.

Family Business Strategic Planning, Leadership, Governance, Next Generation and Psychology; Consulting and Coaching.

When Family Businesses Are Best: The Parallel Planning Process for Family Harmony and Business Success, Palgrave Macmillan (2010) (with Ward John L.) Family Business on the Couch: A Psychological Perspective , John Wiley and Sons (2007) (with Kets De Vries Manfred F. R. and Florent-Treacy Elizabeth) Developing the Next Generation of Asian Family Business Leaders, South China News (July 2011) Nurture your Family Business and Make the World a Better Place, London Times Family Business Insert (2011) "Failure in Family Business Coaching" in Coaching Kaleidoscope , Palgrave (2010) (with FlorentTreacy Elizabeth) "Leadership Coaching in Family Businesses" in Coach and Couch: The Psychology of Making Better Leaders , Palgrave (2007)

Competition prize, Brussels: EFMD Annual Conference with Florent-Treacy E. 2004: Family Business Network Best Practice Award 2002: International Young Presidents' Organization Global Education Innovation Award 1999: The Family Firm Institute LeVan Award for interdisciplinary services to business families 1997: Professional Innovation Award by the Entrepreneurship Division Academy of Management 1995: Coleman Foundation Prize for Outstanding Entrepreneurship Teaching by the Entrepreneurship Division Academy of Management 1994: Edwin M. Appel Entrepreneurship Prize presented by the Price Foundation and Babson College 1990: Price-Babson Fellowship for Entrepreneurial Education, Babson College

Young Presidents Organization, Family Firm Institute and Family Business Network speaker and facilitator for regional and global conferences in Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

1991-1996: First Opus Professor of Family Business, University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, USA 1977-1996: Chairman / CEO, of NASDAQ listed corporation, USA 1971-1977: Executive, Target Corporation, USA

2011: Certificate, The Art and Practice of Leadership Development Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA 2001: Certificate in Family Business Advising with Fellow Status, Family Firm Institute, USA 1999: Certificate in Psychodynamic Counseling, Birkbeck College, University of London, United Kingdom 1998: Certificate, Post Graduate Certification in Family Therapy, King's College, University of London, United Kingdom 1991: PhD, Organization Development, Graduate School, University of Minnesota, USA 1983: MBA, General Management, Carlson School, University of Minnesota, USA 1976: Master of Arts, Training & Development, University of Minnesota, USA 1970: BSc., Business, University of Minnesota, USA


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: 2009 European Foundation for Management Development Case Writing Award (with Elizabeth Florent-Treacy) Family Business Category 2008: Family Firm Institute International Award for "outstanding achievement in furthering the understanding of family business issues internationally" 2006: Family Business Network Research Award for the best-published research article on family business practices 2005-06, With Van der Heyden L., Blondel C., Family Business Review, XVIII, (1), March 2005. 2005: IMD and European Foundation for Management Education Family Business Case


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Henrich Greve (Norway)

The INSEAD Chaired Professor of Organization and Management Theory Professor of Entrepreneurship Area Chair, Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 5259 E-mail:

Entrepreneurship; Research Methods. "Performance, Aspirations, and Risky Organizational Change", Administrative Science Quarterly N 43 (1998) 58-86

Strategic Change in Organisations; Organisational Learning; Labour Theory.

Organization and Management Theory Division Chair, Academy of Management Association. Associate Editor, Administrative Science Quarterly.

"Undeserved Loss: The Spread of Legitimacy Loss to Innocent Organizations in Response to Reported Corporate Deviance", Administrative Science Quarterly 54, N 2 (2009) 195-228 (with Jonsson Stefan and Fujiwara-Greve Takako) "Bigger and Safer: The Diffusion of Competitive Advantage", Strategic Management Journal 30, N 1 (2009) 1-23 "A Behavioral Theory of Firm Growth: Sequential Attention to Size and Performance Goals", Academy of Management Journal 51, N 3 (2008) 476494 "Superman or the Fantastic Four? Knowledge Combination and Experience in Innovation Teams", Academy of Management Journal 49, N 4 (2006) 723740 (with Taylor Alva) "Time to Break Up: Social and Instrumental Antecedents of Firm Exits from Exchange Cliques", Academy of Management Journal 48, N 3 (2005) 499-520 (with Rowley Timothy, Shipilov Andrew , Baum Joel and Rao Hayagreeva) Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback: A Behavioral Perspective on Innovation and Change , Cambridge University Press (2003) "Fool's Gold: Social Proof in the Initiation and Discontinuation of Coverage by Wall Street Analysts", Administrative Science Quarterly N 46 (2001) 502-526 (with Rao Hayagreeva and Davis Gerald F.)

Held visiting professorships at Duke University; Hitotsubashi University; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Stanford University. 2002-2007: Professor, Norwegian School of Management BI, Norway 1998-2002: Associate Professor, Institute of Policy and Planning Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan 1998: Lecturer / Visiting Associate Professor, Stanford University, USA 1995-1998: Assistant Professor, Institute of Policy and Planning Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan

1994: PhD, Business, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA 1993: Master of Arts, Sociology, Stanford University, USA 1989: Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Business, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway


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Morten T. Hansen (Norway)

Professor of Entrepreneurship Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 20 E-mail:

Collaboration in Companies; Building Great Companies; Corporate Transformation; Managing Innovation. 1991: Fulbright Scholar, Stanford University

Keynote speaker for various US, European and Asian companies on leadership, change and collaboration.

Collaboration; Managing in Turbulence; Innovation; Networks.


Great by Choice, Harper Collins (2011) (with Collins Jim) Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results, Harvard Business School Press (2009) "The Innovation Value Chain", Harvard Business Review 85, N 6 (2007) 121-130 (with Birkinshaw Julian) "How to Build Collaborative Advantage", MIT Sloan Management Review 46, N 1 (2004) 22-30 (with Nohria Nitin) "Knowledge Networks: Explaining Effective Knowledge Sharing in Multiunit Companies", Organization Science 13, N 3 (2002) 232-248 "Introducing T-Shaped Managers: Knowledge Management's Next Generation", Harvard Business Review 79, N 3 (2001) 106-117 (with Von Oetinger Bolko) "The Search-transfer Problem: The Role of Weak Ties in Sharing Knowledge across Organization Subunits", Administrative Science Quarterly 44, N 1 (1999) 82-111 2000-2002: Senior Manager, The Boston Consulting Group, USA 1996-2003: Assistant & Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business, Harvard University, USA 1988-1991: Associate Consultant and Consultant, London & Stockholm Offices, The Boston Consulting Group, United Kingdom

1996: PhD, Business Administration, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA 1988: MSc., Accounting and Finance, London School of Economics, United Kingdom 1987: Master's Degree, Public Administration, Monterey Institute of International Studies, USA 1985: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, University of Oslo, Norway


2010: Finalist, Terry Book Award 2005: The Administrative Science Quarterly Award for Best Paper Five Years out 2005: The MIT Sloan Management Review/PricewaterhouseCoopers Award for best article in the MIT Sloan Management Review for 2004 1994: Jaedicke Fellowship, Stanford Graduate School of Business


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Manfred F. R. Kets De Vries (Netherlands)

The Raoul de Vitry d'Avaucourt Chaired Professor of Leadership Development Clinical Professor of Leadership and Organisational Change Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 41 55 E-mail:

Program Director of INSEAD's Top Management Seminar - The Challenge of Leadership: Creating Reflective Leaders; Scientific Director of Consulting and Coaching for Change: Creating Reflective Change Agents. Distinguished Leadership Award, voted as one of the world's most important and influential business thinkers of 2005 in "The Thinkers 50". Included in the top 100 HR Most Powerful People (the awards are nominated by HR Magazine readers in the UK). 2001: Harry and Miriam Levinson Award Fellow of the Academy of Management 2001: Elected Fellow of the Academy of Management 1997: Named Officer in the Order of Oranje Nassau by the Dutch Government

Leadership Development/Entrepreneurship; CrossCultural Management; The Dynamics of Organisational Transformation and Change; Leadership Coaching/Psychotherapy, Team Dynamics/ Group Coaching; Career Dynamics; Family Business and Succession Planning; Executive Stress.

Member: 17 Editorial Boards. Founding Member: International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, in 2009 he was made a Lifetime Distinguished Member of ISPSO. Author: 35 Books translated into 31 languages and more than 300 Articles. Consultant on Organisational Design/Transformation and Strategic Human Resource Management to Leading US, Canadian, European, African, Australian, and Asian companies.

Reflections on Groups and Organizations: On the Couch With Manfred Kets de Vries, John Wiley and Sons (2011) The Coaching Kaleidoscope: Insights from the Inside, Palgrave Macmillan (2010) (with Guillen Ramo Laura, Korotov Konstantin and Florent-Treacy Elizabeth) Sex, Money, Happiness and Death: The Quest for Authenticity, Palgrave (2009) Reflections on Character and Leadership, John Wiley and Sons (2009) Reflections on Leadership and Career Development, John Wiley and Sons (2009) The Leader on the Couch: A Clinical Approach to Changing People and Organizations, John Wiley and Sons (2006) The Leadership Mystique: Leading Behavior in the Human Enterprise, Pearson Publishing (2006) The Neurotic Organisation, Jossey & Bass (1984) (with Miller Danny)

2002-2010: Director,INSEAD Global Leadership Centre, INSEAD, France 1992- present: Raoul de Vitry d'Avaucourt Chair in Leadership Development, INSEAD, France 1984-1985: Full Professor, INSEAD, France 1983-1984: Visiting Professor, Harvard University, USA 1982-1983: Visiting Professor, INSEAD, France 1980-1985: Full Professor, McGill University, Canada 1980-1981: Visiting Professor, HEC, Canada 1975-1989: Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada

1982: Psychoanalytic Training, Canadian Psychoanalytic Institute, Canada 1970: Doctorate, DBA, Harvard University, USA 1969: MBA, Harvard University, USA 1967: International Teacher's Program Certificate, Harvard University, USA 1966: Doctorate, Doctoral Examination in Economics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands 1965: Teaching Certificate in Accounting and Management Control, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands 1963: Candidate's Certificate in Economics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands


2011: Doctor Honoris Causa title, IEDC-Bled School in recognition of his contributions to leadership development and research. 2011: Vision of Excellence Award, Harvard McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School Coaching Conference ecch Best Case of the Year Award (10 times) 2010: Freud Memorial Award 2008: International Leadership Association (ILA) Lifetime Achievement Award as one of the founding professionals in the development of leadership as a field and discipline 2005: International Leadership Association (ILA)


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Paul Kewene-Hite (USA)

Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 96 E-mail:

Entrepreneurship; New Venture Creation (Entrepreneurship Bootcamps, Business Venture Competition); Execution Planning (Business Planning Workshop); Leadership and Execution (Your First 100 Days).

1991: Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Harvard University, USA

Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Active Board Member of companies; Managing Partner of Six42 LLC (a global consultancy); Guest Speaker.

2010-2011: Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship, INSEAD, France 2007-2009: CEO, Vyro Games Ltd., Ireland 2001: Consultant, MIT MediaLabEurope, Ireland 2001-2003: Partner, Kewene Venture Corporation, USA 2001-2007: Partner, The Hatchery (a global consultancy), USA 1999-2000: COO & VP Finance,, USA 1997-1999: Director New Business & Strategic Planning, NEC Computers, USA 1995-1997: President, Worldsoft Corporation, USA 1994-1995: Technology Evangelist, Apple Inc, USA 1993-1994: International Programs & Sales Manager, Now Software, USA 1991-1993: Retail/Government/Education Sales Manager, Computer Stores Northwest, USA 1985-1991: Retail Sales Representative, The Harvard Coop, USA


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Ji-Yub (Jay) Kim (Republic of Korea)

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 5105 E-mail:

Corporate Entrepreneurship; Strategy; Global Strategy; Mergers & Acquisitions.


2010: Golden Apple Teaching Award, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California 2007: Evan C. Thompson Faculty Teaching and Learning Innovation Award, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California 2006 & 2009: Research Award, Department of Management & Organization, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California 2003-2004: International Research Grant, CIBEAR 2000-2001: Research Fellowship, Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College 2000: National Science Foundation Research Grant 1999: Winner INFORMS College on Organization Science Dissertation Competition, INFORMS Annual Meetings 1998-2000: Research Grant, Graduate School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1998: Mc Kinsey Best Conference Paper Award, Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society

Organisational Learning; Mergers & Acquisitions; Network & Strategic Alliance; Corporate Misbehaviour; Technology & Innovation; Corporate Entrepreneurship.

"When Firms are Desperate to Grow via Acquisition: The Effect of Growth Patterns and Acquisition Experience on Acquisition Premiums", Administrative Science Quarterly 56, N 1 (2011) 26-60 (with Haleblian Jerayr (John) and Finkelstein Sydney) "Organizational Learning from Extreme Performance Experience: The Impact of Success and Recovery Experience", Organization Science 20, N 6 (2009) (with Kim June-Young and Miner Anne S.) "The Effects of Strategic and Market Complementarity on Acquisition Performance: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry, 1989-2001", Strategic Management Journal 30, N 6 (2009) 617-647 (with Finkelstein Sydney) "Vicarious Learning from the Failure and Nearfailure of others: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry", Academy of Management Journal 50, N 3 (2007) 687-714 (with Miner Anne S.) "The Influence of Acquisition Experience and Performance on Acquisition Behavior: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry", Academy of Management Journal 49, N 2 (2006) 357-370 (with Haleblian Jerayr (John) and Rajagopalan Nandini) "Fruits of Failure: Organizational Failure and Population Level Learning" in Advances in Strategic Management: Population Level Learning and Industry Change, JAI Press (1999) 187-220 (with Miner Anne S., Holzinger Ingo and Haunschild Pamela R.)

Editorial Review Board Member: Organization Science (2008-present), Academy of Management Journal (2007-2010), Administrative Science Quarterly (2010-present). Ad-Hoc Reviewer: Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Management Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal.

2001-2010: Assistant Professor, Marshall School of Business Administration, University of Southern California, USA 2000-2001: Research Fellow, Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, USA

2001: PhD, University of Wisconsin, USA 1991: BSc., Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea


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Roger Lehman (USA)

Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 54 27 E-mail:

Leadership; High-Performance Teams; Leading Change; Collaborative Leadership and Organisational Culture.

Roger Lehman's clinical, teaching and organisational consulting career spans over 25 years during which time his experience has included a variety of staff and leadership positions in both public and private institutions. Professor Lehman designs and teaches in both open and company-specific programs, providing a focus on executive leadership, personal and professional development, and high performance teams.

Leadership and Collaboration; Leading in Turbulent Times; Life-Long Learning.

"Reflections on Teaching Leaders to Coach: Using the Self as a Tool in Developing Others" in Coach and Couch , Palgrave Macmillan (2007) (with Korotov Konstantin) "Fortbildung, wissenschaftlicher Austausch und Netzwerke in psychodynamischer Organisationsberatung", in Sammelband Psychodynamische Organisationsberatung, Lohmer Mathias (Ed.) Cottische Klett Verlag (2000) (with Van De Loo Erik) "Psychosoziale Belastung in Familien amerikanischer Armeeangehriger"in Gefhrdung der kindlichen Entwicklung Poustka F. and Lehmkuhl U. (Eds.) Quintessenz Verlags GmbH (1993) (with Burk B. and Poustka F.) "Crisis Management of Children During Desert Storm", The Journal of the US Army Medical Department (1992) (with Hansen Jeffrey and Munsinger Harry)

Managing partner, insite GmbH, Germany

PhD, Clinical Psychology, Florida Institute of Technology, USA Master's Degree, Social Work, Rutgers, USA Master's Degree, Psychiatry and Religion, Princeton University, USA Licence, Clinical Psychologist, USA 1996: Psychoanalytic Training, Sigmund Freud Institute, Frankfurt, Germany


Member of the American Psychological Association Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association Member of the German Psychoanalytic Society


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Xiaowei Rose Luo (USA)

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 62 E-mail:

Entrepreneurial Strategies in Emerging Markets; Organisational Design and Effectiveness; Strategic Human Resources Management; Organisation Theory. American Journal of Sociology, Organization Science, The Academy of Management Journal, The Academy of Management Review, American Sociological Review, Research Policy, Advances in International Management, Sociological Focus, Sociological Perspective, Management and Organization Review. Member of Program Committees (English-speaking Program and Chinese Program), 2010 and 2008 biennial meetings of the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Member of Research Committee, Organization and Management Theory Division, annual meetings of Academy of Management, 2008-present.

Cross-cultural Variation in Organisational Practices; Family Business; Corporate Governance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Institutional Theory.


2006 & 2008: Best Paper Award, International Association of Chinese Management Research 2006-2007: Summer Research Funding, Office of Research, University of Illinois 2005: Research Funding, Center of International Business Education and Research 2001: Best Reviewer Award, International Management Division 1998: Asia/Pacific Research Center Fellowship, Stanford University 1995-1996: Stanford University Graduate Fellowship 1994-1995: Syracuse University Fellow 1993: National Laureate, Graded Test for English Majors, National Education Commission of China 1993: Honor Student at Graduation, Fudan University

2008: Associate Professor of Organization Theory (with tenure), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 2006-2009: Faculty member of the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Illinois, USA 2000-2007: Assistant Professor of Organizational Theory, University of Illinois, USA 2000: Instructor "Formal Organization" (PhD and upper-level undergrad), Stanford University, USA 1997-1998: Teaching Assistant, Fudan University, China 1993-1994: Instructor, Fudan University, China


Editorial Review Board member, Organization and Management Review, 2010: Editorial Review Board member, Journal of International Business Studies. 2010: Editorial Review Board member, Academy of Management Review. 2009-2011: Editorial Review Board member, Organization Science. 2008-2009: Editorial Review Board member, Journal of World Business. 2010-2012: Reviewer at the following journals: Administrative Science Quarterly,

2000: PhD, Stanford University, USA 1995: Master of Arts, Syracuse University, USA 1994: Diploma, Graduating Programme, Fudan University, China 1993: Bachelor of Arts, Fudan University, China


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Stephen J. Mezias (USA)

The Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Chaired Professor in International Management Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Academic Director, Abu Dhabi Campus Tel: 971 2 651 5339 E-mail:

"Transforming Film Product Identities: The Status Effects of European Premier Film Festivals, 1996-2005" in Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals and Other Competitive Events, Moeran Brian and Paedersen Jesper (Eds). Cambridge University Press (2011) 169-196 (with Kim J., Pedersen Jesper., Svejenova S. and Mazza C.) "Storming Legitimacy Barriers" in Research in the Sociology of Work, Sine W. and David R. (Eds) Institutions and Entrepreneurship (forthcoming) (with Lant T., Mezias C. and Miller J.) "Situated Learning and Brokerage as Keys to Successful Knowledge Production: An Experiential Review", Stanford's Organization Theory Renaissance, 1970-2000 (Research on the Sociology of Organizations) (2010) (with Lant T.) "Country Level Corruption as a Liability of Foreigness: Effects in Staffing, Incentives and Activities", The Past, Present and Future of International Business Management (2010) 267-291 (with Mezias John M.) Audiences, Firms, Networks, and Legitimacy: A Simulation Study of the Emergence of New Industries, Working Paper (2010) (with Schloderer Florian) "Storming Legitimacy Barriers: Capacities for Social Action, Attention, and Favorability During the Emergence of the American Film Industry, 1894-1927", 2008 Academy of Management Proceedings (2008) (with Miller J.) "Walking the Walk as well as Talking the Talk: Replication and the Normal Science Paradigm in Strategic Management Research", Strategic Organization N 5 (2007) 283-296 (with Regnier Michael) "Blind Trust: Market Control, Legal Environments, and the Dynamics of Competitive Intensity in the Early American Film Industry", Administrative Science Quarterly 50, (2005) 1-34 (with Boyle Elizabeth)


2004: National Science Foundation Award 1999: Service Award, Organization and Management Theory Division 1999: Best paper Award, Journal of Management Inquiry 1997: Hightower lecture Award, Emory University, Goziueta School of Business 1996 & 1997: Citibank Behavioral Sciences Research Institute Award 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991: Financial Executive Research Foundation Award 1982: 1982-1985: John Mc Carthy Fellowship, Graduate School of Business 1976-1980: Deans List at Columbia College

2005-2009: Full Professor, Stern School, New York University, USA 1993-2005: Associate Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1991-1993: Assistant Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1987-1991: Assistant Professor, School of Organization and Management, Yale University, USA 1982-1987: Research Assistant, Stanford University, USA 1980-1982: Officer's Assistant, Chemical Bank

1987: PhD, Stanford University, USA 1985: MSc., Stanford University, USA 1980: A.B., Collumbia College, USA


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Michael Pich (USA)

Senior Affiliate Professor of Operations Management, Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 5336 E-mail:

Executive Education & MBA students in America, France, Ireland, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, China & Singapore; Process and Operations Management; Strategic R&D Management; Learning and Innovation; Project and Process Management; Use of Business Simulations in Corporate Education.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2008: Outstanding Contribution, MBA Program, INSEAD 2004: European Case Clearing House (ecch)/Business Week, Best Overall Case Award 2004: Outstanding Contribution to Executive Education, INSEAD 2002: European Case Clearing House Awards, Best Operations Case 1997: Operations Research 1997 Meritorious Service Award 1993: Honourable Mention, George E. Nicholson Dissertation Competition, Operations Research Society of America

Management of Innovation; Learning in Organisations; Project and Process Management; Entrepreneurship.

Managing the Unknown: A New Approach to Managing High Uncertainty and Risk in Projects, Wiley (2006) (with De Meyer Arnoud and Loch Christoph) "On Uncertainty, Ambiguity and Complexity in Project Management", Management Science 48, N 8 (2002) 1008-1023 (with De Meyer Arnoud and Loch Christoph) "Factors that Influence Technical Communication in Distributed Product Development: An Empirical Study in the Telecommunications Industry", IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management 49, N 1 (2002) 45-58 (with Mc Kendrick David G., Sosa Manuel , Eppinger Steven and Stout Suzanne) "Managing Project Uncertainty: From Variation to Chaos", Sloan Management Review 43, N 2 (2002) 60-67 (with De Meyer Arnoud and Loch Christoph) "Selecting R&D Projects at BMW: A Case Study of Adopting Mathematical Programming Models", IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management 48, N 1 (2001) 70-80 (with Loch Christoph, Terwiesch Christian and Urbschat M.) "Two-Moment Analysis of Open Queueing Networks with General Workstation Capabilities", Operations Research (1996)

Has worked with a number of corporations in e-Commerce, e-Learning, Telecommunications, Manufacturing and Software Development on Strategic and Operational Issues of Learning, Innovation and Time-based Competition; is currently on the Advisory Board of a Singaporean Start-up in the Edutainment Industry.

1993-1996: Assistant Professor, School of Management, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA 1992-1993: Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Seattle University, USA

1993: PhD, Operations Research, Stanford University, USA 1983: Master's Degree, Master of Forestry, Yale School of Forestry, USA 1981: BSc., Natural Resource Management, University of Idaho, USA


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Michelle A. Rogan (USA)

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 28 E-mail:

Corporate Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship Research (PhD). 1995-1996: Help Desk Manager, Catholic Healthcare West, USA 1994-1995: Assistant Manager, The BodyShop 1993: Research Assistant, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1990-1994: Research Assistant, Yale University Infant Lab, USA

Interorganisational Relationships; Competition in Interorganisational Networks; Network Dynamics; Social Capital.


2009: Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, "The Investment of Individual Resources in Professional Relationships" 2006: Business Week/ecch European Case Award, Overall Winner, "The Transformation of BP," with S. Ghoshal and Gratton L. 2005: Business Week/ecch European Case Award, Winner of the Strategy and General Management category for "The transformation of BP," with Ghoshal S. and Gratton L. 2004: Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM) New Researcher Resource Support Fund, awarded 7,000 research grant 2004-2005 1998: Recognized for contributions to development of Andersen Consulting Northern California Change Management Practice in December 2006: PhD, Strategic and International Management, London Business School, United Kingdom 1994: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Yale University, USA

2002-2004: Teaching Assistant, London Business School, United Kingdom 2001-2004: Research Assistant, London Business School, United Kingdom 1999: Faculty, Introductory Change Management School, Accenture 1996-2000: Consultant, Accenture


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Filipe Santos (Portugal)

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Academic Director, INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Initiative Director, Rudolf and Valeria Maag International Centre for Entrepreneurship (Maag ICE) Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 45 38 E-mail:

New Venture Creation and Growth; Social Entrepreneurship; Strategy in High-Technology Sectors; Entrepreneurship; Market Space Creation.

Creation and Growth of New Ventures; Social Entrepreneurship; Business Model Innovation; Processes of Market and Firm Emergence.

"Scaling Social Innovations: The Case of Gram Vikas" in Scaling Social Impact: New Thinking , Palgrave Macmillan (2010) (with Chowdhury Imran) "When Worlds Collide: The Internal Dynamics of Organizational Responses to Conflicting Institutional Demands", Academy of Management Review 35, N 3 (2010) 455476 (with Pache Anne-Claire) "Constructing Markets and Shaping Boundaries: Entrepreneurial Power in Nascent Fields", Academy of Management Journal 52, N 4 (2009) 643-671 (with Eisenhardt Kathleen) "A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship", INSEAD Working Paper (2009) "Organizational Boundaries and Theories of Organization", Organization Science 16, N 5 (2005) 491-508 (with Eisenhardt Kathleen) "The Coevolution of Firms and their Knowledge Environment: Insights from the Pharmaceutical Industry", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 70, N 7 (2003) 687-715 "Knowledge-based View: A New Theory of Strategy?" in Handbook of Strategy and Management , Sage (2002) (with Eisenhardt Kathleen)

Entrepreneurship, Academy of Management 2006: Honorable Mention for Best Paper of the Strategic Management Society Conference in Vienna, Austria: "Strategic Organization in Traditional Industries: Boundary Architecture as a Source of Competitive Advantage" 2004: Constructing Niches and Shaping Boundaries: Entrepreneurial Action in Nascent Markets 2004: Finalist for the Heizer Entrepreneurship Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation, Academy of Management 2002-2003: Lieberman Fellowship, Awarded by Stanford University to a doctoral student in recognition of outstanding scholarship, teaching, and university service 1997: IAPMEI Award for best MSc student in Strategy and Management

2005-2007: Editorial Board Member, Academy of Management Review.

2008: Academic Director of the INSEAD Social Entrepreneurship Initiative, INSEAD, France 2001-2003: Board Member, Stanford Students Enterprise, USA 2001-2002: Chair, Stanford University, USA 1999-2003: Researcher, Stanford Tech. Ventures Program, USA 1996-1998: Lecturer, Instituto Superior Tcnico (IST), Portugal 1995-1997: Director of Planning Office, Instituto Superior Tcnico (IST), Portugal

2003: PhD, Organizations and Entrepreneurship, Stanford University, USA 1997: MSc., Strategy and Management, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal 1994: BSc., Economics, New University of Lisbon (Nova), Portugal


2008: The Outstanding Teacher for Elective Courses, INSEAD EMBA Programme 2008: IDEA Award for Research Promise in


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Stanislav Shekshnia (Russian Federation, France)

Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 49 89 E-mail:

Leadership; Leadership Coaching; Organisational Culture; Intercultural Management; Social Capital; World-class Companies; Corporate Governance.

CEO, AlfaTelecom, Czech Republic CEO, Millicom International Cellular, Luxembourg COO, VimpelCom, Russian Federation Director, Otis Elevator Visiting Professor, ESCP-EAP European School of Management

Leadership; Entrepreneurial Leadership; Emerging Economies; Russia; Effective Governance; Emerging Companies.

PhD, Organizational Behavior, Moscow State University, Russian Federation Master of Arts, Economics, Moscow State University, Russian Federation MBA, Northeastern University, USA

Coaching for Executives: How to Manage Free People (2010) "Founder-CEO Succession: The Russian Paradox", European Journal of International Management 2, N.1 (2008) "Leadership Development in Russia" in Human Resources Management in Russia , Ashgate (2007) 43-64 (with McCarthy Daniel and Puffer Sheila) "Vladimir Putin, CEO of Russia Inc", Harvard Business Review Russia (2006) 6678 (with Kets De Vries Manfred F. R.) The New Russian Business Leaders , Edward Elgar (2004) (with Kets De Vries Manfred F. R. , Florent-Treacy Elizabeth , Korotov Konstantin and Richter Gerard) "East and West: Dialog about Leadership ", Harvard Business Review Russia (2004) 8493 (with Kets De Vries Manfred F. R.) Corporate Governance in Russia , Edward Elgar (2004) (with McCarthy Daniel and Puffer Sheila) Kak Eto Skazat Po-Russki (2003)

Non-Executive Director, DTEK (Ukraine), ENER1 (USA), NIS (Serbia). Senior Partner, Howell Zest Consultancy.


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Patrick Turner (United Kingdom)

Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 5344 E-mail:

Management Buy-Ins; Management Acquisitions; Management of Growth Companies; Creativity and Innovation; New Venture Creation. Levi Strauss Espana S.A. , Spain 1978-1984: Dir, Strategic Planning & Purchasing; Dir, Logistics & Purchasing; Purchasing Mgr; Product Mgr, Levi Strauss Europe S.A., Belgium 1970-1977: Export Manager (South America); Sales Representative, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd (ICI), United Kingdom


Mastering Business in Asia: Entrepreneurship, John Wiley and Sons (2005) (with Boulton Chris) The Structure and Performance of European New Issues Markets to June 2001 3i Venturelab (2001) (with Fulghieri P.) The Climate for Growth Entrepreneurship in Europe 3i Venturelab (1999) (with Muzyka D., Gugan N., DEsposito G. and Russel G.)

1978: MBA, with Distinction, INSEAD, France 1970: Bachelor of Arts, Modern Languages, Jesus College, Oxford University, United Kingdom


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD

Mentor for the TiE Organisation, Singapore chapter. Member of the Singapore Action Committee for Entrepreneurship. Visiting Professor at Reykjavik University, Iceland. Courses on New Venture Creation given at ESEC (Escuela Superior Europea de Comercio), Barcelona; IDE (Instituto de Desarrollo Empresarial), Guayaquil, Ecuador; and Reykjavik University, Iceland.

1999: Professor of Entrepreneurship, INSEAD, France 1992-1997: General Manager, Silent Gliss Espana S.A., Spain 1988-1992: General Manager, Marcatex S.A., Spain 1984-1988: Sales and Marketing Director,


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Ludo Van der Heyden (Belgium)

The Mubadala Chaired Professor in Corporate Governance and Strategy Professor of Technology and Operations Management Academic Director, INSEAD Corporate Governance Initiative Tel: 65 6799 5353 E-mail:

Process Management; Leadership Governance; Family Business; Team Dynamics; Project Management; Director of the AMP Program: 2000.

Recreated Handelshochschule (Leipzig), Germany 1996: Officer, Order of Leopold, Belgium 1992: Full Member, Operations Research Society of America

Fair Process Leadership; Business Model; Communication.

2005-present: Advisory Board Member Bencis Capital Partners. 2005-present: Board Member CPLDE. 2003-present: Board Member, Van Meerbeek Metalen. 2002-present: Board Member, Nesbic Buyout Fund. 2000-2005: Board Member, Southwing. 2000-2005: Member ECR Academic Advisory Board. 1996-1998: Director at Large, INFORMS. 1996-1998: Associate Editor, Operations Research. 1995-1999: Director, INSEAD Zentrum Leipzig. 1987-1992: Speaker at conferences and Consultant to corporations in Europe and North America.

"Financial Risk and Return Across the Grocery Supply Chain", INSEAD Working Paper (2008) (with Corstjens Marcel and Maxwell Katrina) "A Model of Fair Process and its Limits", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management (2008) 1-17 (with Wu Yaozhong and Loch Christoph) "Performance of Family Firms: Evidence from US and European Firms and Investors", INSEAD Working Paper (2006) (with Corstjens Marcel and Peyer Urs) "Fair Process: Striving for Justice in Family Business", Family Business Review 18, N 1 (2005) 1-21 (with Blondel Christine and Carlock Randel) "Index Policies for Stochastic Search in a Forest with an Application to R&D Project Management", Mathematics of Operations Research 29, N 1 (2004) 162-181 (with Denardo E. and Rothblum U. G.) Industrial Excellence: Management Quality in Manufacturing, Springer (2003) (with Escalle Cdric , Huchzermeier Arnd, Loch Christoph and Van Wassenhove Luk)

2001-2004: Area Coordinator, INSEAD, France 2000-2009: Director of INSEADs Advanced Management Program, INSEAD, France 1995-1998: Chairman, INSEAD, France 1995-1997: Co-Chairman, INSEAD, France 1994-1999: Director, INSEAD Zentrum Leipzig, Germany , INSEAD, Germany 1990-1995: Co-Dean, INSEAD, France 1989-1990: PhD Programme Director; Associate Dean for R&D, INSEAD, France 1980-1989: Professor of Operations Research; Research Associate, School of Organization and Management, Yale University, USA 1978-1980: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA


2006: FBN Research Honours 2006 "Fair Process: Striving for Justice in Family Firms" with Blondel Christine and Carlock Randel S. 2004: Mercurius Award for the Fedis Association (Belgium) for work with Professor Huchzermeier Arnd (from WHU-Koblenz), on the Introduction of the Euro 2003: Distinguished Service Medal, Handelshochschule (Leipzig), Germany 2000: Outstanding Core Teacher Award 2000: First Honorary Professor of the

1979: PhD (with Distinction), Administrative Science, Yale University, USA 1974: Master's Degree, Ingnieur Civil en Mathmatiques Appliques (Summa Cum Laude, with Congratulations of Jury), Universit Catholique de Louvain, Belgium


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Balagopal Vissa (India)

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship Tel: 65 6799 5382 E-mail:

New Venture Formation and Growth; Entrepreneurial Leadership; Expert in Using Simulation based Approaches to Teach Entrepreneurship. Management for "Are Emerging Economies Less Efficient? Comparing Performance Persistence in the U.S. and India", presented at the Annual Meeting 1999-2003: Av Birla India Centre Fellowship at the London Business School 1993: Awarded the B. S. Dua Memorial Prize, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta

Entrepreneurial Networks; Business Group Networks; Entrepreneurship and family business groups in India.

Editorial Review Board member for Journal of International Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal; regular reviewer for Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, Management Science. Member of the Research Committee for the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. Advisor to several start-ups.

Entrepreneurs Networking Style and Initiation of Economic Exchange, Organization Science (Forthcoming) "A Matching Theory of Entrepreneurs Tie Formation Intentions and Initiation of Economic Exchange, Academy of Management Journal 54, 1 (2011) 137-158 "Business Group Affiliation and Firm Search Behaviour in India: Responsiveness and Focus of Attention", Organization Science 21, N 3 (2010) 696-712 (with Greve Henrich and Chen Weiru) Leveraging Ties: The Contingent Value of Entrepreneurial Teams External Advice Networks on Indian Software Venture Performance, Strategic Management Journal (2009) (with Chacar Aya) "Are Emerging Economies Less Efficient? Business Group Affiliation and Performance Persistence", Strategic Management Journal 26, (2005) 933-946 (with Chacar Aya)

1993-1998: Commercial Manager, Hindustan Lever Limited, India 1990-1991: Sales Executive, HCL Limited, India

2003: PhD, Management, London Business School, University of London, United Kingdom 1993: Diploma, PGDM, Indian Institute of Management, India 1990: MSc., Chemistry, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India 1990: Bachelor in Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India


2009: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2008: Finalist for the Best Paper Award Strategic Management Society Conference at Cologne 2003: Finalist for the Carolyn Dexter Award of the Academy of Management for the paper "National Institutional Factors and the Persistence of Firm Performance" 2002: Best Paper Award, International Management Division, Academy of


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Hongwei Xu (China)
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 5346 E-mail:

New Business Ventures; Building Business in China. Competition Award, Sociologists of Minnesota

2006-2007: Assistant Professor, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Entrepreneurship; Evolution of Organisations and Industries; Social, Political and Economic Consequences of Organisational Diversity.

2006: PhD, Business Administration, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA 2001: Master of Arts, Sociology, University of Minnesota, USA 2001: MSc., Biostatistics, University of Minnesota, USA 1996: Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, Renmin University of China, China

Breaking Free: Legitimacy and Private Entrepreneurship in Chinas Transitional Economy, 1978-1996, 2008 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory Integration versus Segregation: Organizational Diversity and Museum Formation in U.S. Local Communities 18721976, 2007 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Organization and Management Theory (OMT) Division Boundary Formation in Emergent Organizations, Research in the Sociology of Organizations 25, (2007) 125-153 (with Ruef Martin) The Myth of the Risk-Tolerant Entrepreneur, Strategic Organization 2, N 4 (2004) 331-355 (with Ruef Martin)


2007: Academy of Management Conference, Best Dissertation Paper Award (Honourable Mention) Integration versus Segregation: Organizational Diversity and Museum Formation in US Local Communities 18721976 2001-2006: Stanford Graduate School of Business Fellowship 2000: Anna Welsch Bright Memorial Award, Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota 1999-2000: Professional Development Award, Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota 1999: Caroline Rose SOM Student Paper


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Claudia Zeisberger (Singapore, Germany)

Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences and Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Academic Co-Director, Global Private Equity Initiative (GPEI) Tel: 65 6799 5487 E-mail:

Private Equity & Venture Capital, Hedge Funds, Alternative Investments, Managing Corporate Turnarounds; Risk Management (Integrated Risk Management, Market Risk, VaR & Investor Due Diligence); Conflict Management in Teams; Developing People. "Indian Wine - Ce n'est pas possible!", INSEAD Case Study, N5668 (2010) (with Narain Dhruv , Kapadia Romain and Scott Elizabeth)


2010, 2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD

Private Equity - GP/LP Relationships; The intricacies of Corporate Turnaround and Restructuring Situations; Financial Market Dynamics, in particular the Interplay of Volatility, Correlation & the Behaviour of Crowds; Alternative Investments, focusing on Private Equity & Hedge Funds in Asia; Trading Simulation & Game Theory; Risk Management with a Focus on Extreme Market Movements & Liquidity ; Impact of Incentive Structures on Risk Taking.

Advisor to investment banks, family offices and financial regulators in Asia and other emerging markets.

"Private Equity Exits in China and India, INSEAD Working Paper 2011/75/DS (2011) (with Prahl Michael, Cannarsi Alessandro) "Brazilian Private Equity: Moving Centre Stage, INSEAD Working Paper 2011/74/DS (2011) (with Prahl Michael) "Demographic Forecasting Stock Market and Housing Trends in Japan and the United States Over the Past 50 Years and a Forecast for the Next 20 Years, INSEAD Working Paper 2010/90/DS (2011) (with Munro David) "Asian Private Equity - is it Delivering on its Promise?, Study, Working Paper (2010) (with Prahl Michael) "The Quest for Return", INSEAD Case Study, N5712 (2010) (with Prahl Michael) "A World of Risk and a Road Map to Understand It", INSEAD Case Study, N5714 (2010) (with Munro David) "Could Unexpected Extreme Events Put You Out of Business?", INSEAD Case Study, N5708 (2010) (with Munro David)


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Jean Dermine (Belgium)

Professor of Banking and Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 41 33 E-mail:

Bank Management. 1997: Laureate of the EIB Prize for the Essay "Eurobanking, a New World" 1996: Bertil Danielsson Guest Professor of Bank Management at the Gteborg School of Economics and at the Stockholm School of Economics 1984: Laureate of the BACOB Prize for Economics and Financial Research 1978: Rotary Foundation Fellow 1972: American Field Service Fellow

European Banking; Asset and Liability Management; Banking Regulations; Banking Theory.

"In Banking, is Small Beautiful?", Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 19, N 1 (2010) (with Schoenmaker Dirk) Bank Valuation and Value-based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation and Risk Management, McGraw-Hill Education (2009) Asset & Liability Management - The Banker's Guide to Value Creation and Risk Control, FT Prentice Hall (2007) "Bank Loan Losses-Given-Default, a Case Study", Journal of Banking and Finance 30, N 4 (2006) 1219-1243 (with Neto de Carvalho Cristina) "Banking in Europe: Past, Present, and Future" in The Transformation of the European Financial System European Central Bank Vitor Gaspar, Philipp Hartmann and Olaf Sleijpen (Eds). European Central Bank (2003) 31-96 European Capital Markets with a Single Currency, Oxford University Press (1999) (with Hillion Pierre) "Economies of Scale and Scope in French Mutual Funds", Journal of Financial Intermediation 2, (1992) 83-93 (with Roller Lars-Hendrik) "Deposit Rate Ceilings and the Market Value of Banks: The Case of France 1971-1981", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 24, N 2 (1992) 184-194 (with Hillion Pierre)

Member of the Advisory Board, European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI).

2006-2007: Visiting Scholar, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1994-1995: Professeur Invite (Part-Time), Institut de Gestion Bancaire et Financiere, Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland 1990-1991: Visiting Professor of Finance, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1985: Visiting Assistant Professor (PartTime), Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 1984: Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA

1982: PhD, Docteur en Sciences Ecnomiques, Universit Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 1978: MBA, Cornell University, USA


2002: Best Teacher Award, INSEAD 1997: Deloitte and Touche Chair of Risk Management Research for the Financial Industry


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Xi Dong (China)
Assistant Professor of Finance Tel: 65 6799 5491 E-mail:

Investments. Fellowship, Southeast University, Nanjing, China

Investments; Liquidity; Financial Crises; International Finance; Mutual/Hedge Funds.

2006: State Street Global Advisor, Advanced Research Center (ARC), USA 2002: Consultant, Jiangsu Hi-tech Investment Co. Ltd, China 1998-2001: Co-founder and Entrepreneur, Widetek Co. Ltd, China

Information vs. Risk-Sharing: A TradingBased Home Bias, Working Paper Idiosyncratic Risk of New Ventures: An Option-Based Theory and Evidence, Working Paper (with Feng Shu) Developed Market Crises and International Stock Market Return Comovements, Working Paper Liquidity Risk and Mutual Fund Returns, Working Paper (with Shu Feng and Ronnie Sadka)

2010: PhD, Boston College, USA 2004: Master of Arts, Ohio State University, USA 2000: Bachelor in Engineering, Southeast University, China


2010: Best Paper Award for Doctoral Students at Southwestern Finance Association Meetings, "Informational vs. RiskSharing Trade in Foreign and Domestic Stocks: A New Perspective of Home Bias" 2008: Referee Finance Best Paper Award, "Developed Market Crises and EmergingDeveloped Return Comovements" 2004-present: Graduate Fellowship, Finance Department, Boston College 2002-2004: University Fellowship, Economics Department, Ohio State University, USA 2000: Outstanding Dissertation Award at Southeast University, China 2000: National Champion of the China College Students "Challenge Cup" Business Plan Competition, awarded jointly by Ministry of Education, China National Association of Science and Technology, China National Students' Federation 2000: National First-class Award, Managerial Decision-Making Simulation Competition, China 1996-2000: First-class Undergraduate


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Bernard Dumas (France)

The INSEAD Chaired Professor of Finance Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 43 73 E-mail:

Empirical Asset Pricing (PhD); Foundations of Financial Economics (PhD); Investments (MBA).
1994), Review of Financial Studies (until September 1996), European Financial Management, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Journal of Business Research, The European Finance Review, The Journal of Finance (June 2003-present). Member of the Board: American Finance Association (1998-2001).

International Finance: Capital Markets and Corporate Decisions; International Economics: Trade and Balance of Payments; Continuous-Time Dynamic Finance; Capital Markets; Corporate Finance.

2006-2009: Professor of Finance, Swiss Finance Institute, Switzerland 1999-2006: Adjunct Professor of Finance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1999-2006: Professor of Finance, INSEAD, France 1997-1998: Visiting Professor, London Business School, United Kingdom 1995-1997: Director, Centre for Economic Policy Research, United Kingdom 1992-1999: Research Associate, Delta, France 1992-1999: Research Professor of Finance, Duke University, USA 1991-2009: Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research, United Kingdom 1985-1993: Professor of Finance, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1985-2009: Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, USA 1982: Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA 1981-1999: Professor, HEC School of Management, France 1980: Visiting Professor, Columbia University, USA 1978: Visiting Associate Professor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1976-1980: Adjunct then Associate Professor, Ecole Suprieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC), France 1973-1975: Assistant Professor, Columbia University, USA

"Equilibrium Portfolio Strategies in the Presence of Sentiment Risk and Excess Volatility", Journal of Finance 64, N 2 (2009) 579-629 (with Kurshev Alexander and Uppal Raman) "F&C", INSEAD Case Study, N5419 (2007) (with Jenkins Robert) "Watson Wyatt", INSEAD Case Study, N5393 (2007) (with Lawton Catherine) "What Can Rational Investors Do about Excessive Volatility and Sentiment Fluctuations?", INSEAD Working Paper (2005) "Let Us Trade Pension Claims", INSEAD Working Paper (2005) "Rothschild Bank AG", INSEAD Case Study, N5265 (2005) (with Kosowski Robert) "Aronson+Johnson+Ortiz", INSEAD Case Study, N5258 (2005) (with Ruff Craig) "Cross-Border Valuation", in The INSEADWharton Alliance on Globalizing: Strategies for Building Successful Global Businesses. Hubert Gatignon and John Kimberly (Eds.) Cambridge University Press (2004)

Chief Editor: Finance Journal of the Association Franaise de Finance (until 1985). Co-Editor: Review of Financial Studies (1997-2001), Review of Finance (2005-present). Associate Editor: Journal of Banking and Finance (until 1991), Journal of International Business Studies (until 1987), Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, European Economic Review (until

1973: PhD, Columbia University (New York), USA 1970: MSc., Columbia University (New York), USA 1969: Licence, Facult des Sciences Economiques de Paris, France


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Lily Hua Fang (China)

Assistant Professor of Finance Tel: 65 6799 5376 E-mail:

Corporate Finance; Private Equity; Alternative Investments. Canada 1994: International Baccalaureate Diploma, Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, Canada

Financial Institutions; Private Equity; Analyst Research; Mutual/Hedge Funds; Media and Financial Markets.

"The Effectiveness of Reputation as a Disciplinary Mechanism in Sell-side Research", Review of Financial Studies 22, N 9 (2009) 3735-3777 (with Yasuda Ayako) "Media Coverage and the Cross-section of Stock Returns", Journal of Finance 64, N 5 (2009) 2023-2052 (with Peress Joel) "Investment Bank Reputation and the Price and Quality of Underwriting Services", Journal of Finance 60, N 6 (2005) 27292761


2002: Finalist, Lehman Brothers Fellowship for Research Excellence in Finance 1998-2003: Dean's Scholarship for Distinguished Merit, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

2001: Advanced and Professional Degree Intern, McKinsey and Company, USA 1996: Intern, The Coles Group of Actuaries and Consultants, Canada

2003: PhD, Finance, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2000: MSc., Finance, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1997: BSc., Management System Science, Simon Fraser University,


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Denis Gromb (France)

Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 91 25 E-mail:

Core Finance; Corporate Finance.

2010: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD

Corporate Finance and Banking; Financial Crises; Economics of Organisations.

2008: Professor of Finance, London Business School, United Kingdom 2007-2008: Visiting Professor of Finance, London School of Economics, United Kingdom 2001-2008: Associate Professor of Finance, London Business School, United Kingdom 1999-2001: Associate Professor of Finance, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA 1995-1999: Assistant Professor, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA 1994-1995: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Free University of Brussels, Belgium

"Imperfect Competition in the Interbank Market for Liquidity as a Rationale for Central Banking, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics (Forthcoming) (with Acharya V., Yorulmazer T.) "Collusion and the Organization of Delegated Expertise", Journal of Economic Theory (2007) (with Martimort David) "Culture in Organizations: Inertia and Uniformity", Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations (2006) (with Carrillo J.) "Public Trading and Private Incentives", Review of Financial Studies (2004) (with Faure-Grimaud A.) "Equilibrium and Welfare in Markets with Constrained Arbitrageurs", Journal of Financial Economics (2002) (with Vayanos Dimitri) "Agency Conflicts in Public and Negotiated Transfers of Corporate Control", Journal of Finance (2000) (with Burkart M. and Panunzi F.) "Why Higher Takeover Premia Protect Minority Shareholders", Journal of Political Economy (1998) (with Burkart M. and Panunzi F.) "Large Shareholders, Monitoring and the Value of the Firm", Quarterly Journal of Economics (1997) (with Burkart M. and Panunzi F.)

1994: PhD, Ecole Polytechnique, France 1990: Master's Degree, Ecole Polytechnique, France 1989: Diploma, Ecole Polytechnique, France


2011: Nominee, Best Elective Teacher Award, INSEAD


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Gabriel Hawawini (France)

The Henry Grunfeld Chaired Professor of Investment Banking Professor of Finance Tel: 65 6799 5351 E-mail:

Corporate Finance. 2005: French Legion of Honour 2005: Honorary Doctorate, The University of Lige, Belgium 2004: ecch Case Award 2004: Fulbright Award for Global Business Education 1988: Helen Kardon Moss Anvil Award for Excellence in Teaching, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 1982: Presidential Award for Distinguished Faculty Scholarship, City University of New York

Performance of Firms and Industries; Valuation and Risk Estimation; Corporate Finance; Financial Markets and Institutions.

Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation, Cengage Learning (4th Ed.) (2011) (with Viallet Claude) "Is Performance Driven by Industry- or Firmspecific Factors? A Reply to McNamara, Aime and Vaaler", Strategic Management Journal 26, N 11 (2005) 1083-1086 (with Venkat Subramanian and Verdin Paul) "The Home Country in the Age of Globalization: How Much Does it Matter for Firm Performance?", Journal of World Business 39, N 2 (2004) 121-135 (with Verdin Paul and Venkat Subramanian) "Is Performance Driven by Industry- or Firmspecific Factors? A New Look at the Evidence", Strategic Management Journal 24, N 1 (2003) 116 (with Venkat Subramanian and Verdin Paul) "Equity Price Behavior: Some Evidence from Markets around the World", Journal of Banking and Finance 18, N 4 (1994) 603-620 "Seasonality in the Risk-Return Relationship: Some International Evidence", Journal of Finance 42, N 1 (1987) 49-68 (with Corhay Albert and Michel Pierre) "Friction in the Trading Process and the Estimation of Systematic Risk", Journal of Financial Economics 12, N 2 (1983) 263-278 "A Mean-Standard Deviation Exposition of the Theory of the Firm Under Uncertainty", The American Economic Review (1978) 263-278

Member of the Board of Editors: Advances in Finance, Investment and Banking, Japan and the World Economy, and Journal of International Finance. Board Member: Rmy Cointreau and S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. Advisory Board Member: Carnegie Mellon University Qatar, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the Business Schools of the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo, and the Business Program of the University of the People. On MIT Corporation Visiting Committee for the Sloan School of Management.

2000-2006: Dean, INSEAD, France & Singapore 1998-2000: Associate Dean, INSEAD 1988-1994: Director General, Euro Asia Center, INSEAD 1982-.: Professor of Finance, INSEAD 1980-1982: Professor of Finance, City University of New York, USA 1979-1980: Associate Professor of Finance, City University of New York, USA 1977-1979: Assistant Professor of Finance, New York University, USA


2011: Deans Commendation of Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: Doctorate in Humane Letters (Honoris Causa) from the American University of Cairo 2006: The Chief Executive Leadership Award (from The Council for Advancement & Support of Education) 2005: Honorary Doctorate, The Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, California

1977: PhD, New York University, USA 1974: MBA, New York University, USA 1972: MSc., Chemical Engineering Degree, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Toulouse, France 1971: MSc., Organic Chemistry, University of Toulouse, France


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Pekka Hietala (Finland)

Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 90 10 E-mail:

Corporate Finance; Investments; International Finance; Options.

1989: MSc., Industrial Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland 1987: PhD, Finance, Stanford University, USA 1985: Master of Arts, Economics, Stanford University, USA 1981: MBA, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland

Corporate Finance; Market Efficiency Tests; Option Pricing; International Finance.

"What is the Price of Hubris? Using Takeover Battles to Infer Overpayments and Synergies", Financial Management 32, N 3 (2003) 5-31 (with Kaplan Steven Neil and Robinson David T.) "The Ex-Dividend Day Behaviour of Finnish Restricted and Unrestricted Shares" Applied Economic Letters 2, N 12 (1995) 467-468 (with Keloharju Matti) "The Efficiency of the Finnish Market for Rights Issues", Journal of Banking and Finance 18, (1994) 895-920 "Rights Issues for Companies with DualClass Shares", Journal of Multinational Financial Management 3, N 3/4 (1993) 103124 "Equity Markets and Personal Taxation: The Ex-Dividend Day Behaviour of Finnish Stock Prices", Journal of Banking and Finance 14, N 2-3 (1990) 327-350 "Asset Pricing in Partially Segmented Markets: Evidence from the Finnish Market", Journal of Finance 44, N 3 (1989) 697-718


1989, 1991 and 1996: Outstanding MBA Teacher Award, INSEAD 1988: Greenwich Capital Markets Prize for the Best Paper in the Area of Investments at the AFA Meetings

1994-1995: Visiting Associate Professor, University of Chicago, USA


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Pierre Hillion (France)

The de Picciotto Chaired Professor of Alternative Investments Professor of Finance Area Chair, Finance Tel: 65 6799 5331 E-mail:

Capital Markets; Investments; Asset Management; Corporate Finance; Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010 EFMD Case Writing Award (with Wee Jean) 2007: Best Teacher Award in the MBA Programme, INSEAD 2006: Best Paper Award, Journal of Financial Markets 2000: Inquire Research Grant 1998: BSI Gamma Foundation Research Grant 1997: CEPR Research Fellow 1997: ECMI Grant 1996: NATO Fellowship for paper "The Formation of the Opening Price in the Paris Bourse: an Empirical Study of Walrasian Tatonnement and Preplay Communication", with Biais Bruno and Spatt Chester 1993: Mathematical Finance Best Paper Award (3rd prize) for "A Test of a General Equilibrium Stock Option Pricing Model" 1992: Q. Group Award for research project "An Empirical Analysis of the Limit Order Book and the Order Flow in the Paris Bourse", with Biais Bruno and Spatt Chester

Market Microstructure; Empirical Asset Pricing; Corporate Finance; International Finance.

"Diversification Benefits of Funds of Hedge Funds: Identifying the Optimal Number of Hedge Funds", Journal of Alternative Investments 10, N 2 (2007) (with Amo Anne-Valere and Harasty Hlne) "Death Spiral Convertibles", Journal of Financial Economics 71, N 2 (2004) 381-415 (with Vermaelen Theo) "The Manipulation of Closing Prices", Journal of Financial Markets 7, N 4 (2004) 351-375 (with Suominen Matti) "Local Parametric Analysis of Derivatives Pricing", Journal of Financial Markets 6, N 4 (2003) 573-605 "IPO Post-Issue Markets: Questionable Predilections but Diligent Learners?", Review of Economics and Statistics 83, N 2 (2001) 333-347 (with Bossaerts Peter) "Price Discovery and Learning during the Pre-opening Period in the Paris Bourse", Journal of Political Economy 107, N 6 (1999) 1218-1248 (with Biais Bruno and Spatt Chester) "Implementing Statistical Criteria to Select Return Forecasting Models: What do we learn?", Review of Financial Studies 12, N 2 (1999) 405-428 (with Bossaerts Peter) "Local Parametric Analysis of Hedging in Discrete Time", Journal of Econometrics 81, N 1 (1997) 243-272 (with Bossaerts Peter)

1995-1996: Visiting Associate Professor of Finance, Unviersity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 1994-1995: Visiting Associate Professor, California Institute of Technology, USA

1988: PhD, Finance, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 1981: Diploma, DEA, Finance, Universit de Paris-Dauphine, France 1980: MBA, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), France


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Kevin Kaiser (Canada)

Professor of Management Practice Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 41 31 E-mail:

Corporate Finance; Value Creation in Corporate Restructuring; Value-Based Management.


2007: EMBA Best Teacher Award, Elective Course (Finance), INSEAD MBA Best Teacher Award, Electives (2004, 2005 (twice), 2006 (twice), 2007, 2008 and 2010), INSEAD

Corporate Finance; Management of Financial Distress; Value Creation in Corporate Restructuring; Value-Based Management.

Founder/Principal of AmphiA, a company serving numerous multinationals in their efforts to build cultures and organizations driven toward value creation. Advisory Board member, bfinance, a company improving the access to objective, transparent and competitively structured finance, cash management and asset management services

"Need Cash? Look Inside your Company", Harvard Business Review (2009) (with Young S. David) "The Value Creation Imperative: A User Guide for Managers in the New World", INSEAD Working Paper (2009) "Blue Line Management: What Value Creation Really Means", INSEAD Working Paper (2009) (with Young S. David) "Agency Costs and Strategic Considerations Behind Sell-offs: The UK Evidence", European Financial Management 7, N 3 (2001) 319349 (with Stouraitis A.) "Reversing Corporate Diversification and the Use of the Proceeds from Asset Sales: The Case of Thorn EMI", Financial Management 30, N 4 (2001) 63-102 (with Stouraitis A.) "Bankruptcy Laws in Industrialized Countries", Hacienda Publica Espanola Revista de Economia Publica (1997) "European Bankruptcy Laws: Implications for Corporations Facing Financial Distress", Financial Management 25, N 3 (1996) 67-85 "Value Creation Through Corporate Restructuring: European Divestitures", European Management Journal 13, N 2 (1995) 164-174 (with Stouraitis A.)

Consultant, McKinsey and Company 2002: Principal and VP Product Development, 1995-1996: Faculty, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1992-1997: Assistant Professor, INSEAD, France

1996: PhD, Finance, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1986: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, University of Western Ontario, Canada


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Pascal Maenhout (Belgium)

Associate Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 83 E-mail:

Corporate Financial Policy and Derivatives (MBA and EMBA); Financial Markets and Valuation (EMBA); Foundations of Financial Economics (PhD).


2009: MBA Core Course Best Teacher Award, INSEAD 2008: Institut Europlace Award for Best Young Researcher in Finance 2007: EMBA Best Teacher Award, Core Course: Finance, INSEAD 2003: Barclays Global Investors Prize for the Best Paper in the EFA Symposium on Empirical Derivatives Research 2002-2006: MBA Core Course Best Teacher Award, INSEAD 2002: BSI Gamma Grant 2001: Inquire Europe Grant 2000: BACOB ARTESIA Prize for Research on Financial Economics 1999: Allyn Young Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard University

Asset Pricing; Portfolio Choice; Continuous Time Finance; Derivatives; Credit Risk; Risk Management.

"Does Skin in the Game Matter? Director Incentives and Governance in the Mutual Fund Industry", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 44, N 6 (2009) 13451373 (with Cremers Martijn,Driessen Joost and Weinbaum David) "The Price of Correlation Risk: Evidence from Equity Options", Journal of Finance 64, N 3 (2009) 1377-1406 (with Driessen Joost and Vilkov Grigory) "Individual Stock-option Prices and Credit Spreads", Journal of Banking and Finance 32, N 12 (2008) 2706-2715 (with Cremers Martijn, Driessen Joost and Weinbaum David) "Explaining the Level of Credit Spreads: Option-Implied Jump Risk Premia in a Firm Value Model", Review of Financial Studies 21, N 5 (2008) 2209-2242 (with Cremers Martijn and Driessen Joost) "An Empirical Portfolio Perspective on Option Pricing Anomalies", Review of Finance 11, N 4 (2007) 561-603 (with Driessen Joost) "Robust Portfolio Rules and Detection-Error Probabilities for a Mean-Reverting Risk Premium", Journal of Economic Theory 128, N 1 (2006) 136-163 "Consumption and Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle", Review of Financial Studies 18, N 2 (2005) 491-533 (with Cocco Joao and Gomes Francisco) "Robust Portfolio Rules and Asset Pricing", Review of Financial Studies 17, (2004) 951983

Research Affiliate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Financial Economics Programme, London.

2000: PhD, Economics, Harvard University, USA 1998: Master of Arts, Economics, Harvard University, USA 1995: Licence, Economische Wetenschappen, Summa Cum Laude with Congratulations of the Board of Examiners, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


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Massimo Massa (Italy)

The Rothschild Chaired Professor of Banking Professor of Finance Co-Director of the Hoffmann Research Fund Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 81 E-mail:

International Finance (MBA, EMBA, Executives); Applied Corporate Finance (MBA, EMBA, Executives); Strategies in the Asset Management Industry (Executives); Informational Economics (PhD); Behavioural Finance (PhD).


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2007: Inquire Europe, Research Grant Competition, "The Effects of Organizational Structure in Asset Management" 2005: Sarnat Prize for Best Paper in the Journal of Banking and Finance 2005: Q Group, Research Competition Project: "The Rise of Teams in Asset Management" 2005: Gamma Foundation, Research Competition Project: "How Does Historical Interaction Affect Investor Portfolio Choice? College Interaction, Familiarity Bias and Stock Market Bubbles" 2003: Inquire Europe, Research Grant Competition Project: "Disposition Bias and Asset Prices"; "Strategic Behavior of Mutual Fund Families"; "Behavioral Biases and Investment" 2002: Gamma Foundation, Research Competition Project: "Heterogeneity of Trade and Stock Returns. Evidence from Index Funds Investors"

Information in Financial Markets; Mutual Funds; Corporate Finance; Behavioural Finance.

"Shareholders at the Gate? Institutional Investors and Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions", Review of Financial Studies 23, N 2 (2010) 601644 (with Ferreira Miguel A. and Matos Pedro) "Investment Banks as Insiders and the Market for Corporate Control", Review of Financial Studies 22, N 9 (2009) 4989-5026 (with Bodnaruk Andriy and Simonov Andrei) "Cosmetic Mergers: The Effect of Style Investing on the Market for Corporate Control", Journal of Financial Economics 93, N 3 (2009) 400-427 (with Zhang Lei) "Information Flows Within Financial Conglomerates: Evidence from the Banks-Mutual Funds Relation", Journal of Financial Economics 89, N 2 (2008) (with Rehman Zahid) "Incentives and Mutual Fund Performance: Higher Performance or Just Higher Risk Taking?", Review of Financial Studies 22, N 5 (2009) 1777-1815 "Favoritism in Mutual Fund Families? Evidence on Strategic Cross-Fund Subsidization", Journal of Finance 61, N 1 (2006) 73-104 (with Gaspar JosMiguel and Matos Pedro) "How do Family Strategies Affect Fund Performance? When Performance-Maximization is Not The Only Game in Town", Journal of Financial Economics 67, N 2 (2003) 249-304 "Financial Innovation and Information: The Role of Derivatives When a Market for Information Exits", Review of Financial Studies 15, N 3 (2002) 927-957

2005-2007: Associate Tenured Professor of Finance, INSEAD, France 2004: Visiting Scholar, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2002: Co-Director of Center for International Financial Services, INSEAD, France 2000: Director of Financial Data Center, INSEAD, France 1999-2000: Visiting Fellow, Yale School of Management, USA 1998-2005: Assistant Professor of Finance, INSEAD, France 1990-1997: Researcher, Monetary and Financial Markets Division, Bank of Italy, Italy

1998: PhD, Financial Economics, Yale University, USA 1993: Master of Philosophy, Financial Economics, Yale University, USA 1992: MBA, School of Organization and Management, Yale University, USA 1989: Bachelor of Arts, Luiss University, Italy


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Joel Peress (France)

Associate Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 35 E-mail:

Applied Corporate Finance; Capital Markets; Derivatives; Risk Management; Foundations of Financial Economics. 2009: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching 2005: Institut Europlace Award for the best published paper 2003: NYSE Best Paper Award, Midwest Finance Association Meetings 2001: Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Fellowship 1997-2000: University of Chicago Century Fellowship 1997: French Ministry of Research Fellowship 1996: Erasmus Doctoral Fellowship

The generation and diffusion of information in financial markets, with applications to asset pricing, portfolio theory, mass media and economic growth.

"Do Demand Curves for Currencies Slope Down? Evidence from the MSCI Global Index Change", Review of Financial Studies 23, N 4 (2010) 1681-1717 (with Hau Harald and Massa Massimo) "Product Market Competition, Insider Trading and Stock Market Efficiency", Journal of Finance 65, N 1 (2010) 1-43 "Media Coverage and the Cross-section of Stock Returns", Journal of Finance 64, N 5 (2009) 2023-2052 (with Fang Hua Lily) "The Tradeoff Between Risk Sharing and Information Production in Financial Markets", Journal of Economic Theory 145, N 1 (2010) 124-155 "Information versus Entry Costs: What Explains U.S. Stock Market Evolution?", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 40, N 3 (2005) 563-594 "Wealth, Information Acquisition and Portfolio Choice", Review of Financial Studies 17, N 3 (2004) 879-914 "Optimal Currency Portfolios: Trading on the Forward Bias", Journal of Portfolio Management N 1 (2001) 879-914 (with Baz J., Breeden F. and Naik V.)

2001: Post Doctoral, Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics, United Kingdom 1998 & 1999: Summer Associate, Lehman Brothers

2000: PhD, Economics, University of Chicago, USA 1996: Master of Philosophy in Economics, London School of Economics, United Kingdom 1995: Masters in Economics, DELTA, France 1994: Bachelor's Degree, Ecole Polytechnique, France


2011: Winner of the Best young researcher in Finance prize awarded by the l'Institut Louis-Bachelier and l'Institut Europlace de finance 2010, 2009: Winner of the Smith Breeden Prize (Distinguished Paper) for the best paper published in the Journal of Finance in 2009


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Urs Peyer (Switzerland)

Associate Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 41 78 E-mail:

Corporate Governance: Financial Aspects (MBA); Empirical Corporate Finance (PhD); Finance for Executives (Executive Education).


2010: AESC Award for Research on Leadership and Corporate Governance 2004: Best Paper Award, European Finance Association Meetings 2003: BSI Gamma Research Award 2001: Trefftz Award for Best Student Paper, Western Finance Association Meetings 2001: Outstanding PhD Student Award, Kenan-Flagler Business School, USA 1997: Heinrich Medicus PhD Scholarship

Empirical Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Executive Compensation; Firm Diversification; Internal Capital Markets; Share Repurchases.

The CEO Pay Slice, The Journal of Financial Economics (Forthcoming) (with Bebchuk Lucian and Cremers Martijn) "Lucky CEOs and Lucky Directors", Journal of Finance 65, N 6 (2010) 2363-2401 (with Bebchuk Lucian and Grinstein Yaniv) "The Nature and Persistence of Buyback Anomalies", Review of Financial Studies 22, N 4 (2009) 1659-1691 (with Vermaelen Theo) "Takeover Defenses and Competition: The Role of the Stakeholders", Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 5, N 4 (2008) 791818 (with Cremers Martijn and Nair Vinay) "The Many Facets of Privately Negotiated Share Repurchases", Journal of Financial Economics 75, N 2 (2005) 361-395 (with Vermaelen Theo) "Board Seat Accumulation by Executives: A Shareholder's Perspective", Journal of Finance 60, N 4 (2005) 2083-2123 (with Perry Tod) "Board Overlap, Seat Accumulation and Share Prices", European Financial Management Journal 8, N 2 (2002) 165-192 (with Loderer Claudio F.) "Leverage and Internal Capital Markets: Evidence from Leveraged Recapitalizations", Journal of Financial Economics 59, N 3 (2001) 477-515 (with Shivdasani Anil)

Reviewer for various journals.

1998-1999: Instructor, Kenan-Flagler Business School , University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 1989-1996: Jet Pilot, Swiss Airforce, Switzerland

2001: PhD, Finance, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA 1996: Lic.rer.pol., Universit de Berne, Switzerland


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Lee Remmers (USA)

Emeritus Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 42 47 E-mail:

Corporate Finance: Financial Analysis; Capital Investment Decision Analysis; Valuation of Companies and Corporate Securities; Corporate-Risk Management (Foreign Exchange, Interest-Rate Risk, Commodity Risk).

Corporate Finance; Corporate Risk Management; Business Simulations; Multimedia Teaching Applications.

FORAD, International Financial Management Simulation, INSEAD (2004) "International Financial Management: 35 Years Later What Has Changed?" International Business Review 13, N 2 (2004) 155-180 "If Foresight were as Clear as Hindsight... Managing Currency Fluctuations", European Management Journal 9, N 3 (1991) 247-254 "International Financial Management Research: Where it has Been, Where it Should Go", in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Developments in Business Management Research (1986)

Corporate Finance Seminars/Executive Development Programmes in France, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Singapore, China, Philippines, Australia, United States, Canada, Bulgaria, Mexico, Senegal. Consulting activities in Australia, Taiwan.

1967: PhD, Manchester University, United Kingdom 1962: MBA, INSEAD, France 1953: BSc., University of California-Berkeley, USA


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Astrid V. Schornick (Germany)

Assistant Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 49 92 E-mail:

Corporate Financial Policy; Continuous-Time Finance; International Finance.

Asset Pricing; Continuous-Time Finance; International Finance; Portfolio Choice.

"Explaining Households Investment Behaviour", INSEAD Working Paper 2010/44/FIN (2010) (with Makarov Dmitry S.) "International Capital Constraints and Stock Market Dynamics", INSEAD Working Paper 2010/43/FIN (2010) Investment Behavior, Working Paper (with Makarov Dmitry S.) Irrelevance of Short-sale Constraints under Ambiguity Aversion, Working Paper

2007: PhD, Finance, London Business School, United Kingdom 2002: MSc., Economics and Finance, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland


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Lucie Tepla (Netherlands)

Affiliate Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 85 E-mail:

Corporate Financial Policy; Derivatives; Financial Economics; Credit Derivatives; Structured Credit.

Portfolio Choice and Risk Management; Credit Risk.

"Risk Management with Benchmarking", Management Science 52, N 4 (2006) 542557 (with Shapiro Alex and Basak Suleyman) "Optimal Investment with Minimum Performance Constraints", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 25, N 10 (2001) 1629-1646 "Optimal Portfolio Policies with Borrowing and Shortsale Constraints", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 24, N 11-12 (2000) 1623-1639 "Optimal Hedging and Valuation of Nontraded Assets, European Finance Review 4, N 3 (2000) 231-252

2004-2008: Visiting Associate Professor, London Business School, University of London, United Kingdom 1997: Associate, Cornerstone Research, USA 1993: Staff, Credit Suisse, Switzerland 1992: Staff, Barclays de Zoete Wedd (BZW), United Kingdom

1997: PhD, Engineering-Economic Systems and Operations Research, Stanford University, USA 1991: MBA, Finance and Accounting, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester, USA 1989: Bachelor of Arts, Management Science with Computing Honours, University of Kent, United Kingdom


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Theo Vermaelen (Belgium)

The Schroders Chaired Professor of International Finance and Asset Management Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 32 E-mail:

Corporate Financial Policy (MBA); Applied Corporate Finance (MBA); Corporate Financial Strategy (Executive Education).


2004: Best Conference Paper Award, EFA meetings 1998: European Finance Case of the year, ecch 1996: Best Case in Financial Management, EFMD 1996: Best of the Best Papers Award, FMA meetings 1996 & 1998: Outstanding Teacher Award, INSEAD 1992: American Institutional Investor Award

Corporate Finance; Share Repurchase; Death Spirals; IPOs; Call Option Enhanced Reverse Convertible (COERC).

"The Nature and Persistence of Buyback Anomalies", Review of Financial Studies 22, N 4 (2009) 1659-1691 (with Peyer Urs) "Mimicking Repurchases", Journal of Financial Economics 84, N 3 (2007) 624-666 (with Massa Massimo and Rehman Zahid) "The Many Facets of Privately Negotiated Share Repurchases", Journal of Financial Economics 75, N 2 (2005) 361-395 (with Peyer Urs) "Death Spiral Convertibles", Journal of Financial Economics 71, N 2 (2004) 381-415 (with Hillion Pierre) "Stock Repurchases in Canada: Performance and Strategic Trading", Journal of Finance 55, N 5 (2000) 2373-2398 (with Ikenberry David L. and Lakonishok Josef) "Glamour, Value and the Post-Acquisition Performance of Acquiring Firms", Journal of Financial Economics 49, N 2 (1998) 223-254 (with Rau Raghavendra) "Market Underreaction to Open Market Share Repurchases", Journal of Financial Economics 39, N 2-3 (1995) 181-208 (with Ikenberry David L. and Lakonishok Josef) "Anomalous Price Behaviour Around Repurchase Tender Offers", Journal of Finance 45, N 2 (1990) 455-477 (with Lakonishok Josef)

Editor: Journal of Empirical Finance. Programme Director: Amsterdam Institute of Finance 1998-2003. Portfolio Manager, KBC Equity Buyback Fund.

Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, USA Visiting Professor, London Business School, University of London, United Kingdom Visiting Professor, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 1982-1987: Associate Professor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 1979-1981: Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada

1980: PhD, University of Chicago, USA 1976: MBA, University of Chicago, USA Bachelor's Degree, Commercial Engineer, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


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Claude Viallet (France)

Emeritus Professor of Finance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 91 23 E-mail:

Corporate Finance; International Asset Pricing.

1976: PhD, Finance, Northwestern University, USA 1972: MSc., Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, USA 1963: Engineering Degree, Institut du Gnie Chimique, France

Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation, South Western College Publishing (2007) (with Hawawini Gabriel) "Equity Risk Premia and the Pricing of Foreign Exchange Risk", Journal of International Economics 33, N 3-4 (1992) 199-219 (with Korajczyk Robert) "An Empirical Investigation of International Asset Pricing", Review of Financial Studies 2, N 4 (1990) 553-585 (with Korajczyk Robert) "Compensation and Wealth Transfers in the French Nationalizations, 1981-1982", Journal of Financial Economics 17, N 2 (1986) 273312 (with Langohr Herwig) "Industry Influence on Corporate Working Capital Decisions", Sloan Management Review 27, N 4 (1986) 15-24 (with Hawawini Gabriel and Vora A.) "An Assessment of the Risk and Return of French Common Stocks", Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting 10, N 3 (1983) (with Hawawini Gabriel and Michel Pierre) Thorie du portefeuille: analyse du risque et de la rentabilit Presses Universitaires de France (1977) (with Aftalion Florin)

1993-present: Visiting Professor of Finance, J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. 1976-1978: Finance Manager, Securitas France, France 1964-1971: Project Manager, Elf Aquitaine, France


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Hong Zhang (China)

Assistant Professor of Finance Tel: 65 6799 5340 E-mail:

Investments; International Financial Management.

Asset Pricing; Investments; Mutual Funds/Hedge Funds; Behavioural Finance; International Finance.

"Estimating the Dynamics of Mutual Fund Alphas and Betas", Review of Financial Studies 21, N 1 (2008) 233-264 (with Mamaysky Harry and Spiegel Matthew) "Improved Forecasting of Mutual Fund Alphas and Betas", Review of Finance (2007) (with Mamaysky Harry and Spiegel Matthew)


1999-2002: Fellowship, Yale University 1998: Meyer Fellowship, New York University 1994: Dr. T. D. Lee (Nobel Prize Winner 1957) Physics Gold Medal, Fudan University, Shanghai 1991: National Gold Medal "8th Chinese Physics Olympics", Prize for Best Experiment

2004: PhD, Finance, School of Management, Yale University, USA 1999: MSc., Physics, New York University, USA 1997: BSc., Physics, Fudan University, China


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Reinhard Angelmar (Austria)

The Salmon and Rameau Fellow of Healthcare Management, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 71 26 41 E-mail: reinhard.angelmar@insead edu

Marketing Management; Pharmaceutical Marketing.


1975-1976: Honorable Mention, American Marketing Association Dissertation Competition 1998: Overall Winner, European Case Awards, ecch, (with Pinson Christian) 1971-1973: Scholar of the Fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises, (FNEGE), Paris 1969-1971: Northwestern University Scholarship 1968-1969: Fulbright Scholarship

Pharmaceuticals; New Product Development and Innovation; Marketing Management.

"Building Strong Condition Brands", Journal of Medical Marketing 7, N 4 (2007) 341-351 (with Angelmar Sarah and Kane Liz) "The Rise and Fall of Baycol/Lipobay", Journal of Medical Marketing 7, N 1 (2007) 77-88 "Global New Product Development", The INSEAD-Wharton Alliance on Globalizing , Cambridge University Press (2004) "Top Management Team Diversity and Firm Performance: Examining the Role of Cognitions", Organization Science 11, N 1 (2000) 21-34 (with Kilduff Martin and Mehra Ajay) "Cognition in Organizational Analysis: Who's Minding the Store?", Organization Studies 14, (1993) 347-374 (with Schneider Susan C) "Market Structure and Research Intensity in High Technological Opportunity Industries", Journal of Industrial Economics 34, N 1 (1985) 69-79 "The Development of a Content Analytic System for the Analysis of Bargaining Communication in Marketing", Journal of Marketing Research 15, N 1 (1978) 93-102 (with Stern Louis W.) "The Meaning of Marketing", Philosophy of Science 42, N 208 (1975) (with Pinson Christian)

Member of Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing.

1988: Visiting Professor, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden 1982: Visiting Scholar, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 1974-1977: Assistant and Associate Professor, ESSEC, France

1976: PhD, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1971: MBA, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA


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Yakov Bart (Russian Federation)

Assistant Professor of Marketing Tel: 65 6799 5317 E-mail:

Brand Management; Market-Driving Strategies; Marketing Models; Digital and Social Marketing.

PhD, Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley, USA MSc., Business Administration, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, USA MSc., MIT, USA Diploma, Mathematics (summa cum laude), Moscow State University, Russian Federation

Competitive Marketing Strategy; Markets for Risk and Public Policy; Usage of New Marketing Communication Tools and Strategic Implications; Conspicuous Consumption.

"Are the Drivers and Role of Online Trust the Same for All Web Sites and Consumers? A Large Scale Exploratory Empirical Study", Journal of Marketing 69, N 4 (2005) 133152


2010: Google & WPP Marketing Research Awards Programme, "Consumer Responses to Mobile Location-Based Advertising" 2003: Doctoral Fellowship, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley 1999: Diploma with Honours (summa cum laude), Moscow State University 1997-1998: Moscow Government Fellowship 1994-1995: International G. Soros Science Education Programme Fellowship

Reviewer for Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Association of Consumer Research Conference.

2005-2009: Instructor, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, USA


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Hernan A. Bruno (Argentina)

Assistant Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 71 26 45 E-mail:

Marketing Management (MBA); Macquarie Program (Executive Education); IMKP (Executive Education); IMERYS Program (Executive Education).

Structural Econometric Models; Pricing; B2B Marketing.

"Structural Demand Estimation with Varying Product Availability", Marketing Science 27, N 6 (2008) 1126-1131 (with Vilcassim Naufel J)


2006: AMA Sheth Doctoral Consortium

2007-2008: Assistant Professor of Economics, Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands 2001-2002: Consultant, McKinsey & Company 1997-2000: Researcher, Laboratorio de Analisis de Trazas, Argentina 1997-2000: Teaching Assistant, Exact Science College, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

2007: PhD, Marketing, London Business School, United Kingdom 2005: Master's Degree, Master in Research, London Business School, United Kingdom 2005: Visiting Student, University of Chicago, USA 2000: Licence, Chemistry, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad De Ciencias Exactas y naturales, Argentina


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Ziv Carmon (Israel)

Professor of Marketing Tel: 65 6799 5337 E-mail:

Understanding & Influencing Customers; Market Driving Strategies; Marketing Management. 2010: Winner, O'Dell Award, (Journal of Marketing Research paper having made the most significant long-term contribution) 2010: Winner, Marketing Science Institute & Association of Consumer Research Competition on Shopper Marketing Research 2010, 2007, 2005: Doctoral Consortium Faculty (Association of Consumer Research; also Society of Consumer Psychology, 2009; European- & American-Marketing-Association, 2008 & 2006, 2007 & 2005) 2009 & 2006: Finalist (twice) of the Journal of Consumer Researchs Best Article Award 2006: Runner Up, Green Award, (Journal of Marketing Research paper showing greatest potential to contribute to research in marketing) 2005: Outstanding Reviewer Award, Journal of Consumer Research 2005: Citation of Research Excellence, Emerald Management Reviews, (awarded to the top 50 of 15,000 peer-reviewed management papers)

Judgement and Decision Making; Unintended Effects of Marketing Actions; Marketing Placebos; How Consumers Assess Value; How Consumers Perceive Experiences.

For Whom is Parting with Possessions more Painful? Cultural Differences in the Endowment Effect, Psychological Science 21, N 12 (2010) 1910-1917 (with Yang Haiyang, Falk Carl, Hajo Adam, Adair Wendi, Endo Yumi, Heine Steven J.) "The Dissociation Between Monetary Assessments & Predicted Utility", Marketing Science 27, (2008) 1055-1065 (with Ariely Dan) "Commercial Features of Placebo and Therapeutic Efficacy," The Journal of the American Medical Association 299, (2008) 10161017 (with Waber Rebecca L., Shiv Baba, Ariely Dan) "Indeterminacy and Live Television", Journal of Consumer Research 32, (2006) 487-495 (with Vosgerau Joachim, Wertenbroch Klaus) "Placebo Effects of Marketing Actions: Consumers May Get What They Paid For," Journal of Marketing Research 42, (2005) 383-393 (with Shiv Baba, Ariely Dan) "Option Attachment: When Deliberating Makes Choosing Feel like Losing", Journal of Consumer Research 30, (2003) 15-29 (with Wertenbroch Klaus, Zeelenberg Marcel) "Consumer Research: In Search of Identity", Annual Review of Psychology (2001) 249-275 (with Drolet Aime, Nowlis Stephen, Dhar Ravi, Simonson Itamar) "Focusing on the Foregone: Why Value Can Appear so Different to Buyers and Sellers", Journal of Consumer Research 27, (2000) 360370 (with Ariely Dan)

Consulting Editor: Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Associate Editor: Journal of Marketing Research (2006-2010). Editorial Board Member: Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Internaional Journal of Research in Marketing, etc. Frequent Guest Editor, Area Editor, & Reviewer for various journals, international funding organisations, dissertation awards, promotion & tenure cases at other universities. International Advisory Board Member, Association of Consumer Research.

1993-2000: Assistant, then Associate Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA

1993: PhD & MS in Business Administration, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1986: BSc., Industrial Engineering and Management (Cum Laude), Technion, Israel


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD


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Pierre Chandon (France)

Professor of Marketing Director, INSEAD Social Sciences Research Centre Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 49 87 E-mail:

Marketing Management; Brand Management.

Food and Obesity; Perceptual Biases; Packaging; Habits; Intentions-Behaviour link; Point-of-Purchase Marketing; Status and Conspicuous Consumption.

"Is Food Marketing Making us Fat? A Multidisciplinary Review, Foundations and Trends in Marketing 5, N 3 (2011) 113-196 (with Wansink Brian) "When Does the Past Repeat Itself? The Interplay of Behavior Prediction and Personal Norms, Journal of Consumer Research 38, N 3 (2011) 420-430 (with Smith Ronn J., Morwitz Vicki G., Spangenberg Eric R., Sprott David E.) "Getting Ahead of the Joneses: When Equality Increases Conspicuous Consumption Among Bottom-Tier Consumers, Journal of Consumer Research 38, N 1 (2011) 27-41 (with Ordabayeva Nailya) "Supersize in One Dimension, Downsize in Three Dimensions: Effects of Spatial Dimensionality on Size Perceptions and Preferences", Journal of Marketing Research 46, N 6 (2009) 739-753 (with Ordabayeva Nailya) "Does In-Store Marketing Work? Effects of the Number and Position of Shelf Facings on Brand Attention and Evaluation at the Point of Purchase", Journal of Marketing 73, N 6 (2009) 1-17 (with Hutchinson J. Wesley, Bradlow Eric and Young Scott) "Internal and External Cues of Meal Cessation: The French Paradox Redux?, Obesity 15, N 12 (2007) 2920-2924 (with Wansink Brian and Payne Collin R.) "The Biasing Health Halos of Fast Food Restaurant Health Claims: Lower Calorie Estimates and Higher Side-Dish Consumption Intentions", Journal of Consumer Research 34, (2007) 301-314 (with Wansink Brian) "Is Obesity Caused by Calorie Underestimation? A Psychophysical Model of Fast-Food Meal Size Estimation", Journal of Marketing Research 44, N 1 (2007) (with Wansink Brian)

published in marketing and decision science 2010: Finalist, Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award for the best paper published in the Journal of Marketing in 2009. 20010: Winner, Journal of Consumer Research Best Paper Award. 2009: Nomination: Best MBA Elective Teacher, INSEAD 2008: Overall Winner, European Case Clearing House (ecch) Awards, "Unilever in Brazil" 2008: Best MBA Elective Teacher, INSEAD 2007: Overall Winner, ecch Awards, "Diesel for Successful Living" 2007: Winner, Marketing Category, ecch Awards, "Unilever in Brazil" 2006: Winner, Marketing Category, ecch Awards, "Diesel for Successful Living" 2006: MSI/H. Paul Root Award (honourable mention), best managerial contribution for article published in Journal of Marketing (2005) 2004: Winner, EFMD Case Writing Competition, "Unilever in Brazil" 2005: Nomination: Outstanding Teacher Award, Core Course EMBA, INSEAD 2003: Stellner Distinguished Scholar Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1998: HEC Best PhD Dissertation Award 1997: Doctoral Consortium Fellow

Associate Editor: Journal of Consumer Research (2008-2011) Editorial Board Member: Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing. Associate Editor: Association for Consumer Research Conference.

2005-2006: Visiting Assistant Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2004-2005: Visiting Assistant Professor, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1998-1999: Asssitant Professor, London Business School, University of London, United Kingdom 1997-1998: Assistant Professor, Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA


2009-2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2011: Emerald Citation of Excellence Award 2011: Finalist, Syntec Prize for the best article

1998: PhD, Marketing (Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion), Groupe HEC, France 1993: MSc., Marketing, Universite de Paris IX Dauphine, France 1992: ESSEC Dipl., France


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Amitava Chattopadhyay (India)

The L'Oral Chaired Professor of Marketing - Innovation and Creativity Professor of Marketing Tel: 65 6799 5494 E-mail:

Branding; Customer Focus; Communication Strategy; Consumer Behaviour; International Marketing Strategy.

Branding, Marketing and the Internet; Creativity and Innovation; Aesthetics and Product Design; Marketing in Emerging Economies.

"The Interaction of Creativity Training and Extrinsic Rewards on New Product Development, Journal of Marketing 75 (2011) 53-67 (with Burroughs James E., Dahl Darren W., Moreau C. Page, Gorn Gerald J.) "The Persuasive Role of Incidental Similarity on Attitudes and Purchase Intentions in a Sales Context", Journal of Consumer Research 36, N 5 (2010) 778791 (with Lan Jiang, Joandrea Hoegg and Dahl Darren W.) Valuing Time: Moderate Download Times Can Improve Online Goal Pursuit, Journal of Consumer Psychology N 19, 2 (2009) 236-245 (with Sellier Anne Laure) "CAM: A Spreading Activation Network Model of Subcategory Positioning When Categorization Uncertainty is High", Journal of Consumer Research 36, N 1 (2009) 122-136 (with Lajos Joseph, Zsolt Katona and Sarvary Miklos) "On the Perceived Value of Money: The Reference Dependence of Currency Numerosity Effects", Journal of Consumer Research 34, N 1 (2007) 1-10 (with Wertenbroch Klaus and Dilip Soman) "The Valence of Initial Evaluation, Challenge Characteristics, and the Magnitude of Evaluation Revisions", Journal of Marketing Research (2007) (with Muthukrishnan A.V.) "The Importance and Functional Significance of Affective Cues in Consumer Choice", Journal of Consumer Research 33, N 3 (2006) 322-328 (with Ashworth Laurence and Darke Peter) "Name Letter Branding: Valence Transfers when Product Specific Needs Are Active", Journal of Consumer Research 32, N 3 (2005) 405-415 (with Brendl Miguel, Pelham Brett and Carvallo Mauricio)

Consortium 2008: Brand Leadership Award, Asia Brand Congress 2006: Association for Consumer Research, Best Working Paper Award 2003-2010: Faculty Fellow, AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium, included in International Directory of Business and Management Research, Harvard University 2003-2006: ACR-JCR Robert Ferber Award 2003-2006: Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Florida 2004: Best Case Award, EFMD Case Competition 1997: Research Grants Commission, Government of Hong Kong 1988-1999: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Government of Canada 1997: Finalist, ODell Award (Journal of marketing Research paper with most significant long term contribution) 1995: International Directory of Business and management Research, Harvard University 1987: ACR-JCR Robert Ferber Award 6 1985: Member of Alpha Mu Alpha, Honour society, American Marketing Association 1984: Doctoral Consortium Fellow, University of Florida 1978: University Medal, Jadavpur University, India 1978: National Scholarship, University Grants Commission, Government of India

Board Member: Association for Consumer Research, Associate Editor: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Associate Editor: Journal of Consumer Psychology. Guest Editor on a special issue of the International Journal of Research in Marketing on Global Branding

1994-1999: Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada 1991-1994: Associate Professor, McGill University, Canada 1986-1991: Assistant Professor, McGill University, Canada


2011: Fellow, The Institute on Asian Consumer Insight 2010: Winner of Prix Acadmique Syntec Conseil en Management 2009: Faculty, 44th AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral 1986: PhD, Graduate School of Business, University of Florida, USA 1981: Diploma, PGDM, Indian Institute of Management, India 1977: BSc., Chemistry, Jadavpur University, India


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Markus Christen (Switzerland)

Associate Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 38 E-mail:

Marketing Strategy; Pricing Strategy; Customer Strategy. John C., Staelin Richard and Wittink Dick)


2010: ecch Award for Ford Ka: The Market Research Problem (A) (with Soberman David A.) 2004: Nomination: Outstanding Teacher Award, Elective Course MBA Programme, INSEAD 2003: Nomination: Outstanding Teacher Award, Core Course MBA Programme, INSEAD 2002: Finalist, William F. O'Dell Award for Journal of Marketing Research article published in 1997

Marketing Strategy; Innovation and Market Entry Strategy; Marketing of Information Products; Managerial Decision Making.

"Competitive Pricing of Information: A Longitudinal Experiment", Journal of Marketing Research 44, N 1 (2007) 42-56 (with Sarvary Miklos) "Job Satisfaction, Job Performance and Effort: A Re-Examination Using Agency Theory", Journal of Marketing 70, N 1 (2006) 137-150 (with Iyer Ganesh and Soberman David A.) "Cost Uncertainty is Bliss: The Effect of Competition on the Acquisition of Cost Information on New Product Pricing", Management Science 51, N 4 (2005) 668676 "Keeping Up With the Joneses: Analyzing the Effect of Income Inequality on Consumer Borrowing" Quantitative Marketing and Economics 3, N 2 (2005) 145-173 (with Ruskin Morgan) "PIMS and the Market Share Effect: Biased Evidence versus Fuzzy Evidence", PIMS in Retrospect and Prospect: Essays in Honour of B. Buzzell. (2004) (with Gatignon Hubert) "Sustainable Pioneering Advantage? Profit Implications of Market Entry Order", Marketing Science 22, N 3 (2003) 371-392 (with Boulding William) "First-Mover Disadvantage: New Research Reveals the Surprisingly High Cost of Being a Pioneer", Harvard Business Review 79, N 9 (2001) 20-21 (with Boulding William) "Using Market-Level Data to Understand Promotion Effects in a Non-Linear Model", Journal of Marketing Research 35, N 3 (1997) 322-334 (with Gupta Sachin, Porter

1993-1996: Instructor, Duke University, USA 1990-1991: Marketing Manager, Weidmann AG, Switzerland 1989: Consultant, Lucas Industries, United Kingdom 1984-1987: Production Engineer, Cerberus AG, Switzerland

1996: PhD, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA 1989: MBA, University of Oregon, USA 1984: MSc., Mechanical Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland


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Marcel Corstjens (Belgium)

The Unilever Chaired Professor of Marketing Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 45 43 E-mail:

Marketing Strategy; Distribution. Jeronimo Martins.

Marketing Strategy; Branding; Innovation; Customer Management.

1978: PhD, University of California-Berkeley, USA

"New-product Success in the Pharmaceutical Industry: How Many Bites at the Cherry?", Economics of Innovation and New Technology 14, N 4 (2005) 319-332 (with Demeire Edouard and Horowitz Ira) "Optimal Marketing", Harvard Business Review 81, N 10 (2003) 114-122 (with Merrihue Jeffrey) "From Managing Pills to Managing Brands", Harvard Business Review 78, N 2 (2000) 2022 (with Carpenter Marie) "Building Store Loyalty through Store Brands", Journal of Marketing Research 37, N 3 (2000) 281-291 (with Lall Rajiv) Store Wars: The Battle for Shelfspace and Mind Space, John Wiley and Sons (1999) (with Corstjens Judith) Marketing Strategy in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Chapman and Hall (1991) "Evaluating Alternative Retail Repositioning Strategies", Marketing Science 8, N 2 (1989) 172-180 (with Doyle Peter) "Optimal Growth Strategies for Service Organizations", Journal of Business 56, N 3 (1983) 389-406 (with Doyle Peter)


1990 and 1996: Best Teacher Award, INSEAD 1978: First Prize, Doctoral Dissertation Competition, American Marketing Association

Associate Editor: International Journal of Advertising, European Journal of Marketing. Non-executive member of the board of


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Hubert Gatignon (France)

The Claude Janssen Chaired Professor of Business Administration Professor of Marketing Area Chair, Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 71 26 28 E-mail:

Marketing Strategy; Multivariate Statistics; New Products. "Strategic Orientation of the Firm and New Product Performance", Journal of Marketing Research 34, N 1 (1997) 77-90 (with Xuereb Jean-Marc)

Modelling the Factors Influencing the Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations; Explaining and Econometrically Measuring how the Effects of Marketing Mix Variables Change over Conditions and over Time.


1996: Best Article in the Journal of International Business Studies, ten years after its publication, Modes of Foreign Entry: a Transaction Cost Analysis and Propositions, (with Anderson Erin)

"Firms and the Creation of New Markets" in Handbook for New Institutional Economics Claude Menard and Mary Shirley (Eds) Springer (2005) 401-431 (with Anderson Erin) "Research Issues at the Boundary of Competitive Dynamics and Market Evolution", Marketing Science 24, N 1 (2005) 165-174 (with Soberman David A.) The INSEAD-Wharton Alliance on Globalizing: Strategies for Building Successful Global Businesses, Cambridge University Press (2004) (with Kimberly John) Statistical Analysis of Management Data, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003) "A Structural Approach to Assessing Innovation: Construct Development of Innovation Locus, Type and Characteristics", Management Science 48, N 9 (2002) 11031122 (with Anderson Philip, Tushman Michael and Smith Wendy K.) "Technology Development Mode: A Transaction Cost Conceptualization", Strategic Management Journal 19, N 6 (1998) 515-531 (with Robertson Thomas S.) Markstrat 3: The Strategic Marketing Simulation South-Western College Publications (1997) (with Larreche JeanClaude)

Associate Editor: Journal of Marketing Research. Editorial Boards: Business-toBusiness Marketing, the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Marketing Letters, Marketing Science and Recherche et Applications en Marketing. Vice-President, Publications of the European Marketing Academy (2008-2010).

1994-1995: Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1988-1994: Associate Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1981-1988: Assistant Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA

2006: Habilitation Diriger des Recherches, Institut d'Administration des Entreprises, Universit Paul Czanne, France 1981 : PhD, Management, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 1975: MBA, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA


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Dipak C. Jain (USA, India)

The INSEAD Chaired Professor of Marketing Professor of Marketing Dean of INSEAD Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 93 70 E-mail:

Strategic Marketing; Marketing Research; New Products and Innovation; Pricing Policy. Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1993-1994: Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1990-1993: Associate Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1989-2011: Visiting Professor of Marketing and Program Coordinator, Sasin Graduate School of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 1986-1990: Assistant Professor of Marketing, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1983-1986: Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Dallas, USA 1980-1983: Lecturer in Business Administration, Guwahati University, India 1979-1980: Lecturer in Mathematics, Nowgong College (Assam), India

Customer Lifetime Value Analysis; New Product Innovation and Diffusion; Market Segmentation and Product Positioning; Management Education and Research.

"Sizing up the Tyranny of the Ruler - A Comment on Adler and Harzing's "When Knowledge Wins: Transcending the Sense and Nonsense of Academic Ratings"", Academy of Management Learning and Education 8, N 1 (2009) 99-105 (with Golosinski Matt) "Product Line Length as a Competitive Tool", Journal of Economics, Management and Strategy 14, N 1 (2005) 1-28 (with Draganska Michaela) "Customer Lifetime Value Research in Marketing: A Review and Future Directions", Journal of Interactive Marketing 16, N 2 (2002) 34-46 (with Singh Siddhartha S.) Marketing Moves: A New Approach to Profits, Growth, and Renewal, Harvard Business School Press (2002) (with Kotler Philip and Maesincee Suvit) "Modeling the Marketing-mix Influence in New-product Diffusion" in New-Product Diffusion Models, Springer (2000) 99-122 (with Bass Frank M. and Krishnan Trichy)

1987: PhD, University of Texas at Dallas, USA 1986: MSc., Management Science, University of Texas at Dallas, USA 1978: MSc., Mathematical Statistics, Gauhati University, India 1976: BSc., Marketing Science (Honors), Gauhati University, India

2001-2009: Dean, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1996-2001: Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1994-2011: Sandy and Morton Goldman Professor in Entrepreneurial Studies and


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Jean-Claude Larreche (France)

The Alfred H. Heineken Chaired Professor of Marketing Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 71 26 46 E-mail:

Momentum Leadership for Efficient Growth; Strategic Marketing; Customer Focus; Customer-Based Innovation; Founder and Director of Customer Focus: From Promise to Action (CF); Founder of Strategic Management of Services (SMS); Founder of Advanced Industrial Marketing Strategy (AIMS); Founder and Program Director of Powering Growth: Put your Customer at the Heart of your Strategy. 2005: Best Case of the Year Award in the Entrepreneurship category, EFMD 1996 and 2000: Overall Winner, European Case Clearing House Award 1995 and 1997: Best Case of the Year Award in Relationship Marketing, EFMD 1995: Marketing Educator of the Year 1991: Outstanding Teacher Award, INSEAD 1989: INSEAD Alumni of the Year Award

Consultant to several major international corporations. 1984: Chairman and Founder, StratX SA. 1983-2001:Non-Executive Director, Reckitt Benckiser plc, London. Faculty Representative, INSEAD Board for 14 years. 1991-1998: Chairman, The Global Conference on Marketing. Past Fellow, Institute of Directors, London. Past Member: The American Marketing Association, The Institute of Management Science, The European Marketing Academy, Association Franaise du Marketing.

Strategies for Efficient Growth; Customer Centricity; Marketing Leadership; Strategic Competitiveness.

The Momentum Effect: How to Ignite Exceptional Growth, Wharton School Publishing (2008) Marketing Strategy: A Decision-Focused Approach, McGraw-Hill Education (2005) (with Harper Boyd and Orville Walker ) Markstrat On-Line, The Strategic Marketing Simulation (2005) (with Gatignon Hubert) Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision-Making Approach, Irwin/McGraw-Hill (2004) (with Harper Boyd, John Mullins and Orville Walker ) Report on the Competitive Fitness of Global Firms (1999)

1974: PhD, Stanford University, USA 1970: MBA, INSEAD, France 1969: MSc., University of London, United Kingdom 1968: Bachelor's Degree, Ingnieur, INSA de Lyon, France


2010: DCF Award for Best Book in Corporate Strategy 2009: Brand Leadership Award by the World Brand Congress 2009 2008: The Momentum Effect elected 4th Book of 2008 in Business and Investing by Amazon USA 2007: Selected as one of top 12 Marketing Masters in the world by Mazur and Miles, Conversations with Marketing Masters


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David Midgley (Australia, United Kingdom)

Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 71 26 38 E-mail:

Innovation; CRM; Marketing Strategy.

Award for the best paper published in a leading journal between 1992 and 1996.

Modelling the Diffusion of Innovations and New Product Development; Using Artificial Agents to Understand Competitive Interactions; Global Strategy and International Marketing; CRM and e-Business Implementation Barriers.

2012-: Editorial Board, Academy of Management Perspectives. 2001-2006: Editorial Board, International Journal of Research in Marketing. 19831999: Editorial Board, Journal of Consumer Research. Occasional reviewer for numerous journals including: the International Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Management Science, Marketing Science and Research Policy. Extensive private sector consulting experience in Australia, Europe and North America

Customer Relationship Management and Firm Performance, Journal of Information Technology (Forthcoming) (with Coltman Timothy and Devinney Timothy) The Innovation Manual: Integrated Strategies and Practical Tools for Bringing Value Innovation to the Market, Wiley (2009) "The Value of Managerial Beliefs in Turbulent Environments: Managerial Orientation and e-Business Advantage" 1, N 2 (2008) 181-197 (with Coltman Timothy and Devinney Timothy) "Building and Assurance of Agent-based Models: An Example and Challenge to the Field", Journal of Business Research 60, N 8 (2007) 884-893 (with Kunchamwar Dinesh and Marks Robert) "E-Business Strategy and Firm Performance: A Latent Class Assessment of the Drivers and Impediments to Success", Journal of Information Technology 22, N 2 (2007) 87-101 (with Coltman Timothy and Devinney Timothy) "Co-evolving Better Strategies in Oligopolistic Price Wars", Handbook of Research on Nature Inspired Computing for Economics and Management. (2006) (with Marks Robert and Cooper Robin) "Strategy Content and Process in the Context of EBusiness Performance", Strategy Process, Advances in Strategic Management , Elsevier (2005) 349 - 386 (with Coltman Timothy and Devinney Timothy) "Dual Paths to Performance: The Impact of Global Pressures on MNC Subsidiary Conduct and Performance", Journal of International Business Studies 36, N 6 (2005) 655-675 (with Devinney Timothy and Sunil Venaik)

1999: Visiting Professor, Anderson Graduate School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 1998-1999: Director, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales, Australia 1998: Visiting Professor, INSEAD, France 1994-1996: State Counsellor and Honorary Treasurer, Australian Marketing Institute, Australia 1992-1995: Research Director, Australian Federal Government Task Force, Australia 1987-1995: Research Centre Director, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales, Australia 1987-1999: Foundation Chair of Marketing, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales, Australia 1983-1987: Associate Professor, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New South Wales, Australia

1974: PhD, Marketing, University of Bradford, United Kingdom 1970: MSc., Management, University of Bradford, United Kingdom 1968: BSc., Physics, University of Salford, United Kingdom


The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Educators' Distinguished Marketing Researcher


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Myungwoo Nam (Republic of Korea)

Assistant Professor of Marketing Tel: 65 6799 5130 E-mail:

Foundations of Marketing (MBA); Brand Management (MBA); Marketing of Consumer Goods in Asia (Executive Education); various programs in Executive Education.

Consumer Information Processing; Context Effects; Pricing.

"The Effects of a Different Category Context on Target Brand Evaluations", Journal of Consumer Research 35 (2008) (with Sternthal Brian) "The Moderating Role of Risk and Goal Compatibility on Schema Incongruity Effect", Advances in Consumer Research N 31 (2004)


2003: Haring Symposium Fellow 1991: Student Association Scholarship, Yonsei University

Member: Association for Consumer Research, American Marketing Association INFORMS. Reviewer, Journal of Consumer Research

2004: Lecturer, Northwestern University, USA

2004: PhD, Marketing, Northwestern University, USA 1999: MSc., Statistics, Stanford University, USA 1996: Bachelor of Arts, Business, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea


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V. (Paddy) Padmanabhan (USA)

The John H. Loudon Chaired Professor of International Management Professor of Marketing Tel: 65 6799 5335 E-mail:

Marketing Management; Services Marketing and Management; Contemporary Channels of Distribution; Retailing. 2005: Lee, Padmanabhan and Whang (1997, Management Science) chosen by INFORMS membership as among the Top 10 Most Influential Papers in 50 years of publication of Management Science 2005: Lee, Padmanabhan and Whang (1997, Management Science) chosen by the Editorial Board of Management Science as among the 50 Most Influential Papers in 50 years of publication of Management Science 2003: Finalist, ISMS Prize for Practice Oriented Research, INFORMS, Institute for Operations Research and Management Science 2002: Best Teacher, Elective Courses, INSEAD

Marketing Strategy with a Focus on Distribution; Pricing; Services and Developing/Emerging Markets.

Configure-to-order and Channel Coordination, Quantitative Marketing and Economics 8, N 3 (2010) 365-392 (with Hai Che and Narasimhan Chakravarthi) Setting Price or Quantity: Depends on What the Seller is Uncertain About, Quantitative Marketing and Economics 8, N 1 (2010) 35-60 (with Tselin Ilia, Van-Zandt Timothy) Manufacturer Owned Retail Stores, Marketing Letters 20, N 2 (2009) 107-124 (with Wang Yusong and Bell David) A Cross-category Model of Households Incidence and Quantity Decisions, Marketing Science 27, N 2 (2008) 225-235 (with Niraj Rakesh and Seetharaman P. B.) An Econometric Model of Location and Pricing in the Gasoline market, Journal of Marketing Research (2007) 622-635 (with Seetharaman P. B. and Chan Tat) "The Bullwhip Effect: Reflections", Management Science 50, N 12 (2004) 1887-1893 (with Hau Lee and Seungjin Whang) "Reply: Do Returns Policies Intensify Retail Competition", Marketing Science 23, N 4 (2004) 614-618 (with Png I. P. L.) Referral Intermediairies and Retail Competition, Marketing Science 21, N 4 (2002) 412-434 (with Chen Yuxin and Iyer Ganesh)

Member, Editorial Board: Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Service Research, Review of Marketing Science, ECR Journal, Associate Editor: Quantitative Marketing & Economics and special issues of Management Science. Consultant to several major international corporations across the world.

1998-2001: John K. Jr. and Ellen A. Wallace Distinguished Professor, Olin School of Business, Washington University, USA 1997: Visiting Professor of Marketing, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1996: Visiting Professor of Marketing, INSEAD, France 1990-1998: Associate Professor of Marketing and Fletcher Jones Faculty Fellow, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA

1990: PhD, Marketing, University of Texas at Dallas, USA 1987: MSc., Operations Research, University of Texas at Dallas, USA 1985: Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology Benares Hindu University, India


2010: Listed by as amongst the 250 most highly cited Researchers in Economics and Business 2009: Finalist - INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Long-term Impact Award


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Philip M. Parker (USA)

INSEAD Chaired Professor of Management Science Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 49 77 E-mail:

Global Strategy; Telecommunications Strategy.

Teaches courses on global and telecommunications strategy in Europe, the US, Africa, and Asia. Has taught in various company-specific programmes and is on the boards of, and reviews for, various journals.

Economic Growth; Globalisation; International Strategy; Collusion; Diffusion; Forecasting; Telecommunications.

1998-2000: Lecturer (World Bank) and Program Director (Pearson), Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1998-2000: Professor of International Strategy and Economics, University of California, San Diego, USA 1997-2000: Professor, INSEAD, France 1997: Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA 1996: Visiting Professor, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA 1996: Visiting Professor, Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles, USA 1992-1997: Associate Professor, INSEAD, France 1992-1994: Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

Physioeconomics: The Basis for Long-Run Economic Growth, MIT Press (2000) "Staged Estimation of International Diffusion Models: An Application to Global Cellular Telephone Adoption", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 57, N 1 (1998) 102-132 (with Marnik G. Dekimpe and Sarvary Miklos) Linguistic Cultures of the World - A Statistical Reference Research/Statistical Monographs in four volumes Vol 2 (1997) Religious Cultures of the World - A Statistical Reference Research/Statistical Monographs in four volumes Vol 1 (1997) National Cultures of the World - A Statistical Reference Research/Statistical Monographs in four volumes Vol 4 (1997) "Collusive Conduct in Duopolies: Multimarket Contact and Cross-Ownership in the Mobile Phone Industry", Rand Journal of Economics 28, N 2 (1997) 304-322 (with Roller Lars-Hendrik) Climatic Effects on Individual, Social and Economic Behavior, A Physioeconomic Review of Research Across Disciplines, Greenwood Press Monograph Series in Geography (1995)

1988: PhD, Business Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1984: Master of Arts, Managerial Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1982: DEA, Money, Banking and Finance, Universit d'Aix Marseille III, France 1981: BSc., Economics, California Polytechnic State University, USA 1979: Diploma, Baccalaureat D, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Acadmie de Dijon, France


1982: Getty Oil Scholar, Universit d'AixMarseille 1981: Memorial Scholar 1979: Rotary Exchange Scholar, Acadmie de Dijon


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Christian Pinson (France)

Emeritus Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 39 E-mail:

Marketing Strategy; Marketing Communications; Consumer Behaviour.


Former President, Association Franaise du Marketing 2001-2008: Editor, Recherche et Applications en Marketing 1999, 1998, 1994 and 1991: ecch European Case of the Year Award

Consumer Behaviour; Marketing Communications; Applied Semiotics and its Subfields; Applied Epistemology.

Affiliate Professor, PhD Programme, Universit de Paris-Dauphine. Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Research in Marketing, Asian Journal of Marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Journal of Marketing Communications.

Consumer Cognitive Styles and the Dimensionality of Multidimensional Configurations, Review of Marketing Research 7 (2010) 201-255 (with Malhotra Naresh K. et al.) "Consumer Behaviour: An Overview of Current Approaches and Issues", European Perspectives on Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall (1998) 5-59 (with Jolibert Alain) "Marketing Semiotics", in Concise Encyclopedia of Pragmatics Mey J.-L. (Ed.) Pergamon Press (1998) 538-544 "Le comportement du consommateur", in Encyclopdie de Gestion (1997) 372-475 (with Jolibert Alain) "Marketing: Semiotics", in The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Pergamon Press (1993) 2384-2388 "Semiotics and Marketing Communications Research", International Journal of Research in Marketing 4, N 3-4 (1988) 165-254 and 257-347 (double special issue editor) Marketing Research: Problems and Applications , Jain A. K. and Malhorta (Eds.) Wiley (1982) Metatheory and Consumer Research (1973) (with Zaltman Gerald and Angelmar Reinhard)

1988-1991: Marketing Area Coordinator, INSEAD, France 1978-1979: Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA 1977-1988: Associate Professor of Marketing, INSEAD, France 1974-1977: Assistant Professor of Marketing, INSEAD, France

1981: PhD, Marketing, Northwestern University, USA 1972: Master of Arts, Sociology, Northwestern University, USA 1969: Licence de Sociologie, Certificat de Maitrise de Sociologie, Sorbonne, France 1968: Diplme d'Etudes Juridiques Gnrales, Universit de Paris, France 1967: Diplme, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), France


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Hilke Plassmann (Germany)

Assistant Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 43 13 E-mail:

Fundamentals of Marketing; Decision Neuroscience; Neuromarketing; Consumer Behaviour. Association 2005: Best Paper on Doctorial Thesis Award, European Marketing Academy 2005: Best Dissertation of the Year, Univeristy of Muenster 2005: Best Poster Award, German Radiology Association (Deutsche Rntgengesellschaft) 2004: Young Researcher Award, Wilhelm-Loch Foundation 1999: Erasmus

Consumer Decision-Making; Emotion Regulation & Self Control; Consumer Welfare; Perception of the Consumption Experience; Branding.

"Branding the Brain A Critical Review, Journal of Consumer Psychology (Forthcoming) (with Zoga Ramsy Thomas, Milosavljevic Milica) "Decision Neuroscience and Consumer Decision Making, Marketing Letters (Forthcoming) (with Yoon Carolyn, Gonzalez Richard, Bechara Antoine et. al.) "Dissociating Valuation and Saliency Signals during Decision-Making , Cerebral Cortex 21, N 1 (2011) 95101 (with Litt Ab, Shiv Baba, Rangel Antonio) Aversive Goal Values are Negatively Encoded in the Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex at the Time of DecisionMaking, Journal of Neuroscience, 30, N 32 (2010), 10799-808 (with ODoherty John P. and Rangel Antonio). "Consumer Neuroscience to Fight against Obesity (Neurosciences du consommateur et lutte contre l'obsit)", Nouvelles approches de la prvention en sant publique: l'apport des sciences comportementales, cognitives et des neurosciences, Report of the Strategic Analysis Centre of the French Prime Minister (2010) 127132 "Marketing Actions Modulate the Neural Representation of Experienced Pleasantness", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (PNAS) 105, N 3 (2008) 1050-1054 (with O'Doherty John P., Baba Shiv and Rangel Antonio) "Orbitofrontal Cortex Encodes Willingness to Pay in Everyday Transactions", Journal of Neuroscience 27, N 37 (2007) 9984-9988 (with O'Doherty John P. and Rangel Antonio)

Affiliated Faculty, cole des Neurosciences de Paris-lede-France (ENP) & Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, INSERM & Ecole Normale Suprieure, France. Ad-hoc Public Policy Advising, France. Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience and Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics

2006-2008: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (nonprofessorial Faculty), Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, USA. 2005-2006: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (nonprofessorial Faculty), Department of Economics, Stanford University, USA. 2003-2005: Lecturer for Consumer Behavior and Marketing Management, Marketing Executive Program (MEP), Marketing Center of the University of Muenster, Germany. 2002-2005: Graduate Research & Teaching Assistant, Department of Marketing, Muenster School of Business and Economics, University of Muenster, Germany. 2001-2004: Consultant, Independent & with Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Germany

2005: PhD, Marketing and Neuroscience, Muenster School of Business and Economics, Germany 2001: MSc., German-French Degree Program, Muenster School of Business and Economics, Germany / Montpellier Graduate School of Management, France 1998: BSc., Management and Economics, Muenster School of Business and Economics, Germany


2010: Selected as one of 10 young French scientists to watch, The New Waver 2008: Best Paper Award 2007, International Journal of Advertising 2006: Post Doctoral Fellowship, DAAD 2005: 2nd Best Dissertation, German Marketing


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Miklos Sarvary (Hungary)

The GlaxoSmithKline Chaired Professor in Corporate Innovation Professor of Marketing Director, The Learning Innovation Centre Deputy Dean for Executive Development Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 90 82 E-mail:

Business-to-Business Marketing; Industrial Organisation in Marketing (PhD); Marketing Models; Advanced Industrial Marketing Strategy (Executive Education).


2007: Finalist, John D. C. Little Best Paper Award 2007: Winner of the Wickham Skinner Best Unpublished Paper 2006: Winner, ACR Best Working Paper Award 2005: INSEAD Programme Director Award 2003: Honourable Mention at MSI's "Global Marketing" Competition 2002: MSI Research Grant 2000: Winner of the Elsevier Prize for Outstanding Paper; Finalist, John D. C. Little Best Paper Award 1997 & 2003: Winner, John D. C. Little Best Paper Award 1997: Winner, Frank M. Bass Outstanding Dissertation Award 1995: AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow 1995: Winner, Alden Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition 1994: ACE-Phare scholarship of the European Community 1992: INSEAD scholarship 1990: French Government Grant (BGF) 1989: 'Republic Grant' of the Hungarian Government

Media Markets; Information/Knowledge Marketing; Business-to-Business Marketing.

"Network Effects and Personal Influences: The Diffusion of an Online Social Network", Journal of Marketing Research (Forthcoming) (with Katona Zsolt and Zubcsek Peter Pal) "Direct Marketing on a Social Network", INSEAD Working Paper 2009/33/MKT (2009) (with Zubcsek Peter Pal) "CAM: A Spreading Activation Network Model of Subcategory Positioning When Categorization Uncertainty is High", Journal of Consumer Research 36, N 1 (2009) 122-136 (with Lajos Joseph, Katona Zsolt and Chattopadhyay Amitava) "Efficient Take-back Legislation", Production and Operations Management Journal 18, N 3 (2009) 243-258 (with Atasu Atalay and Van Wassenhove Luk) "Products vs. Advertising: The Impact of Competition on Media Firm Strategy", Marketing Science 28, N 1 (2009) 20-35 (with Godes D. and Ofek E.) "Remanufacturing as a Marketing Strategy", Management Science 54, N 10 (2008) 17311746 (with Atasu Atalay and Van Wassenhove Luk) "Network Formation and the Structure of the Commercial World Wide Web", Marketing Science 27, N 5 (2008) 764-778 (with Katona Zsolt) "The Metaverse: TV of the Future?", Harvard Business Review 86, N 2 (2008) 30

1999-2001: Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1996-1999: Assistant Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA

1996: PhD, Management, INSEAD, France 1991: DEA (MS equivalent), Statistics, Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Mines de Paris, France 1990: BSc., Geophysics, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary


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Steven Sweldens (Belgium)

Assistant Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 93 71 E-mail:

Market Driving Strategies; Social Psychological Foundations of Management.

Professional Affiliations: Association for Consumer Research, Society for Consumer Psychology. Review for: Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, International Journal of Research in Marketing Cognitive Science, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Motivation, Social Psychological and Personality Science

Classical Conditioning; Brand Equity Development; Self-control; Investment Decisions; Identity Salience; Health Risk Perceptions; Comparative Optimism.

Dissociating Contingency Awareness and Conditioned Attitudes: Evidence for Contingency-Unaware Evaluative Conditioning, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (Forthcoming) (with Htter Mandy, Stahl Christoph, Unkelbach Christian, Klauer Karl Christoph) "Gender Identity Salience and Perceived Vulnerability to Breast Cancer, Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (2011) 413424 (with Puntoni Stefano, Tavassoli Nader T.) "Evaluative Conditioning Procedures and the Resilience of Conditioned Brand Attitudes," Journal of Consumer Research, 37 (2010) 473-489 (with van Osselaer Stijn M. J., Janiszewski Chris)

2006-2009: Lecturer, RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands

2009: PhD, Erasmus Research Institute of Management, RSM Erasmus University, Netherlands 2007: Diploma, Visiting Research Scholar, Warrington School of Business Administration, University of Florida, USA 2004: Licence in Psychology, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium 2001: Candidate in Psychology, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: Runner-up, John A. Howard American Marketing Association Doctoral Dissertation Competition, Boston 2010: First-place, EMAC-McKinsey Doctoral Dissertation Award for the best marketing dissertation in Europe, Middle East and Africa 2010: First-place, PIM Marketing Research Award for best marketing dissertation in the Netherlands, Utrecht 2010: First-place, MOA Marketing Research Award for best contribution to marketing research in the Netherlands, Amsterdam


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Monica Wadhwa (India)

Assistant Professor of Marketing Tel: 65 6799 5332 E-mail:

Foundations of Marketing; Advertisement and Promotions; Consumer Behaviour.

Consumer Motivation and Reward-seeking Behaviours; Non-conscious Mental Processes in Consumer Decision Making and Emotion Regulation.

"A Bite to Whet the Reward Appetite: Influence of Sampling on Reward-seeking Behaviors", Journal of Marketing Research 45, N 4 (2008) 403-413 (with Baba Shiv and Nowlis Stephen M.)


2007: AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow

Reviewing Services: Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2007, Society of Consumer Psychology Annual Conference, Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Journal of Economic Psychology (Special Issue on Neuroeconomics)

2009: PhD, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA 2000: Executive MBA, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TiSS), Mumbai, India 1998: Bachelors in Sociology (Honours), University of Delhi, India


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David Weinstein (Israel)

Emeritus Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 42 84 E-mail:

Advanced Industrial Marketing (MBA); Advanced Industrial Marketing for Executives.


Beta Gamma Sigma 1996: INSEAD MBA Teaching Award 1993-1994: Henry Sweetbaum Chair of Distinguished Visiting Professor, Wharton School

Industrial Marketing; Marketing of Financial Services; Chemical Industry; High-Tech Sector; Automotive Markets; B2B Marketing; E-Commerce; Measurement of Brand Equity.

Consultant to major international corporations. The Aresty Institute, Wharton School. Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Marketing. Consulting, Programme Direction & Executive Teaching with various companies and bodies.

INDUSTRAT: A Strategic Industrial Marketing Simulation (1988) (with Larreche Jean-Claude) "An International Comparison of Determinants of Industrial Marketing Expenditures", Journal of Marketing 48, N 1 (1984) (with Lilien G.) "Optimal Strategic Business Portfolio Analysis", Management Science N 8 (1982) (with Corstjens Marcel) "Sales Forecasting for Industrial Products", in Handbook of Forecasting Makridakis S. and Wheelwright S. (Eds.) (1982) "Price Setting and Volume Planning by Two European Industrial Companies: A Study and Comparison of Decision Processes", Journal of Marketing N 44 (1980) (with Farley J. and Hulbert J.) "Marketing and Communication of Family Planning Programs in Developing Countries", in Marketing Systems for Developing Countries (1976) "Marketing Segmentation and Parameter Inequalities in a Buyer Behavioral Model", Journal of Business 48, N 4 (1975) 526-540 (with Farley J.) "The Relationship of Liking and Choice to Attribute of an Alternative and their Saliency" Multivariate Behavioral Research 9, N 1 (1974) 27-35 (with Farley J. and Howards J.)

1993-1994: Visiting Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1982-1984: Visiting Professor, Stanford Business School, Stanford University, USA 1977-1978: Visiting Scholar, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1971-1972: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Consumer Research Institute, USA

1972: PhD, Business Administration, Columbia University, USA 1967: Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Mathematical Statistics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel


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Klaus Wertenbroch (Germany)

Professor of Marketing Tel: 33 (0)1 60 71 26 51 E-mail:

Behavioural Economics and Consumer Choice; Brand Management; Behavioural Pricing; Marketing Management. theory, methodology, and/or practice , "Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods" (with Dhar Ravi) 2001: Marketing Science Institute Young Scholar 1995: Winner, American Marketing Association Dissertation Award 1985: Fulbright Scholar

Behavioural Economics and Consumer Choice; Intertemporal Choice, Temptation and Self-Control; Consumer Financial Decision-Making.

2002-2004: Director, INSEAD Social Science Research Centre. Associate Editor: Journal of Consumer Psychology. Editorial Board: Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Marketing Education, NeuroPsychoEconomics. Reviewer: Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, RAND Journal of Economics, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

"Free Will, Temptation, and Self-Control: We Must Believe in Free Will, We Have No Choice" Journal of Consumer Psychology 18, N 1 (2008) 27-33 (with Vosgerau Joachim and Bruyneel Sabrina) "The Value Heuristic in Judgments of Relative Frequency", Psychological Science (2008) (with Dai Xianchi and Brendl Miguel) "On the Perceived Value of Money: The Reference Dependence of Currency Numerosity Effects", Journal of Consumer Research 34, N 1 (2007) 110 (with Dilip Soman and Chattopadhyay Amitava) "Indeterminacy and Live Television", Journal of Consumer Research 32, N 4 (2006) 487-495 (with Carmon Ziv and Vosgerau Joachim) "When Do Losses Loom Larger than Gains?", Journal of Marketing Research 42, N 2 (2005) 134-138 (with Dan Ariely and Huber Joel) "Option Attachment: When Deliberating Makes Choosing Feel like Losing", Journal of Consumer Research 30, N 1 (2003) 15-29 (with Carmon Ziv and Marcel Zeelenberg) "Procrastination, Deadlines, and Performance: Self-Control by Precommitment", Psychological Science 13, N 3 (2002) 219-224 (with Ariely Dan) "Measuring Consumer Willingness to Pay at the Point of Purchase", Journal of Marketing Research 39, N 2 (2002) 228-241 (with Skiera Bernd)

2011: Visiting Professor of Marketing, Wharton School, USA 2009: Visiting Professor, University of California, Berkeley, USA 1997-1999: Assistant Professor, Yale University, USA 1994-1997: Assistant Professor, Duke University, USA

1994: PhD, Business, University of Chicago, USA 1994: MBA, University of Chicago, USA 1990: MSc., Psychology, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany


2006, 2010: Co-chair, European Marketing Association Conference (EMAC) Doctoral Colloquium 2006, 2009: Finalist, Journal of Consumer Research Best Article Award 2008: Faculty member, American Marketing Association Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium 2005: William F. ODell Distinguished Award in Marketing, for the Journal of Marketing Research article published in 2000 that has made the most significant long-term contribution to marketing


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Organisational Behaviour

Henri-Claude de Bettignies (France)

The Aviva Chair in Leadership and Responsibility, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Asian Business Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 42 92 E-mail:

Individual, Business and Society: The Ethical Dilemma; Culture and Management in Asia; AVIRA: Changing CEOs' Mindset; Managing Change and Change of Management in Asia; Human Resource Management in Asia; Leadership & Responsibility.

2006-present: Distinguished Professor of Global Responsible Leadership, CEIBS, Shanghai, and Founder and Director of the Euro-China Centre for Leadership and Responsibility, CEIBS, Shanghai; Founder & Director, CEDRE (Centre for the Study of Development and Responsibility). 1984present: Chairman of the LVMH Asian Scholarships Jury. Member of the Editorial Board: Journal of Asian Business, International Journal of Business Governance & Ethics, Asia Pacific Business Review, Asian Business & Management, Asian Academy of Management Journal, China Management Studies

Societal Change & Management Practices in Asia; Ethics & Managerial Behaviour Across Cultures; Corruption & Managerial Behaviour Across Cultures; Business Schools' Responsibility in Management Education; Leadership & Responsability in China.

Finance for a Better World, Palgrave Macmillan (2009) (with Lepineux Franois) Business, Globalization and the Common Good, Peter Lang (Ed.) Oxford (2009) (with Lepineux Franois) Can Multinational Corporations Afford to Ignore the Global Common Good?, Business and Society Review (2009) 153-182 (with Lepineux Franois) "Developing Leadership and Responsibility: No Alternative for Business Schools", in Enron and World Finance: A Case Study in Ethics, Palgrave Macmillan (2006) 217-225 Business Ethics: Policies and Persons, McGraw-Hill Education (2005) (with Goodpaster Kenneth and Nash Laura) "Internet e-Ethics in Confrontation with an Activists' Agenda: Yahoo! on Trial", Journal of Business Ethics 39, N 1-2 (2002) 135-144 (with Hunter Mark and Le Menestrel Marc) "Processes and Consequences in Business Ethical Dilemmas: The Oil Industry and Climate Change", Journal of Business Ethics 41, N 3 (2002) 251-266 (with Le Menestrel Marc and Van den Hove Sybille) Le Japon, Flammarion (1998) (with Brunon Paul)

1988-2005: Visiting Professor, Graduate School of International Business, Stanford University, USA 1975-1976: Visiting Professor, Institute for International Studies and Training (IIST), Japan 1965-1967: Assistant to Counsellor, French Embassy, Japan 1963-1965: Visiting Lecturer, Rikkyo University, Japan 1962-1963: Research Assistant, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1961-1962: Personnel Management, Socit Anonyme des Mines de Fer de Mauritanie (MIFERMA), Mauritania

1968: Doctorate, ITP, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1961: Licence des Lettres, Psychology/Sociology, Sorbonne, France 1961: Diplme EPP, Universit Catholique de Lille, France


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Stewart Black (USA)

Professor of Management Practice Associate Dean, Executive Development Programs - INSEAD The Americas Tel: 1 970 247 0621 E-mail:

Leadership; Strategy; Globalisation; Leading Change; Strategic HR. Young University

Leadership; Strategy; Globalisation; Change; International Assignments; Strategic HR.

1990-1991: Membership Chair, International Management Division of the Academy of Management. 1991-1994: Newsletter Editor, International Division of the Academy of Management. 1993-1996: Editor, Journal of International Management. 1993-1996: Editorial Board Member, Academy of Management Review. 1994: Coordinator, International Management Division, Doctoral Consortium. Ad Hoc Reviewer: Human Resource Management, Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Sloan Management Review.

Management, Prentice Hall (2011) (with Porter Lyman W. and Hitt Michael A.) "A Cautionary Tale for Emerging Market Giants: How Leadership Failures in Corporate Japan Knocked Its Companies off the World Stage", Harvard Business Review (2010) 99-103 (with Morrison Allen J.) Sunset in the Land of the Rising Sun: Why Japanese Multinationals will Struggle in the Global Future, Palgrave Macmillan (2010) (with Morrison Allen J.) It Starts with One: Changing Individuals Changes Organizations, Wharton School Publishing (2008) (with Gregersen Hal) "The Mindset of Global Leaders: Inquisitiveness and Duality", Advances in Global Leadership 4, JAI Press (2006) "Expatriate Characteristics and Work-related Outcomes: A Three Country Study", Journal of Applied Psychology (2005) (with Schaeffer Marc , Harrison David A. and Gregersen Hal) International Assignments: An Integration of Research and Practice (2004) (with Hal B. Gregersen, Stroh Linda and Mendenhall Mark) Leading Strategic Change: Breaking Through the Brain Barrier, FT Prentice Hall (2003) (with Gregersen Hal)

1999-2005: Executive Director, University of Michigan, USA 1999-2005: Professor of Business Administration, University of Michigan, USA 1997-1998: Visiting Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA 1996-1997: Professor of International Management and Strategy (with tenure), Thunderbird, American Graduate School of International Management, USA 1995-1996: Associate Vice President, Thunderbird Executive Education, American Graduate School of International Management, USA 1994-1996: Associate Professor (with Tenure), Thunderbird, American Graduate School of International Management, USA 1993-1994: Associate Professor, Thunderbird, American Graduate School of International Management, USA 1993-1995: Director, Thunderbird Japan Campus, American Graduate School of International Management, Japan 1992-1993: Associate Professor, Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, USA


1995: Ascendant Scholar, Western Academy of Management 1992: Best Article of the Year, Group and Organization Management 1991: Outstanding Paper Award, Western Academy of Management 1989: Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, International Division 1989: Beta Gama Sigma Honor Society 1985-1987: Regent's Fellowship, University of California 1984: Dean's List, Graduated with Distinction, Brigham Young University 1983: Graduated with "University Honors", Brigham

1988: PhD, Administration, University of California, USA 1984: MSc., Organisational Behaviour, Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, USA 1983: BSc., University Studies, Brigham Young University, USA


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Henrik Bresman (Sweden)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5396 E-mail:

Organizational Behavior (MBA); Leading Change (Executive Education); Leading HighPerformance teams (Executive Education). Academy of Management Annual Conference (for outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge), Anaheim 2006: Best Paper Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference, Organizational Development and Change Division 2006: William H. Newman Award, Academy of Management Annual Conference (best paper based on dissertation) 2003: The Richard Beckhard Prize for Vol. 43, MIT Sloan Management Review

High-Performance Teams; Innovation; Leadership.

"External Learning Activities and Team Performance: A Multi-method Field Study", Organization Science 21, N 1 (2010) 81-96 X-Teams: How to Build Teams that Lead, Innovate, and Succeed, Harvard Business School Press (2007) (with Ancona Deborah) "Begging, Borrowing and Building on Ideas from the Outside to Create Pulsed Innovation Inside Teams", Creativity and Innovation in Organizational Teams (2005) 183-198 (with Ancona Deborah) "The Comparative Advantage of X-teams", Sloan Management Review 43, N 3 (2002) 33-39 (with Ancona Deborah and Kaeufer Katrin) "Managing the Post-acquisition Integration Process: How the Human Integration and Task Integration Processes Interact to Foster Value Creation", Journal of Management Studies 37, N 3 (2000) 395-425 (with Birkinshaw Julian and Hakanson Lars) "International Knowledge Transfer in Acquisitions", Journal of International Business Studies 30, N 3 (1999) 439-462 (with Birkinshaw Julian and Nobel Robert)

Editorial Board: Organization Science

Manager, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. Partner, Biondi Industries BV

2005: PhD, Management, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 1993: MSc., Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2009: JIBS 2009 Decade Award, Winner (most influential article published in the Journal of International Business Studies ten years ago), San Diego 2008: George R. Terry Book Award, Finalist,


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Linda Brimm (USA)

Emeritus Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 34 22 E-mail:

Organisational Behaviour; Career Dynamics; Self-Assessment; Lives in Transition; Psychology for Executives; Global Cosmopolitans; Women and Leadership.

Assistant Professor, Institute of Open Education, Antioch University, New England Graduate School of Education, USA Clinical Psychologist, Hebrew University, Israel

Global Cosmopolitans; Narrative and Identity; Clinical Psychology; Application of Clinical Concepts to Organisational Behaviour and Management; Successful Senior Executives and Entrepreneurs.

1982: PhD, Clinical Psychology and PsychoAnalysis, Universit de Paris VII, France 1979: Doctorate, DEA de Psycho-Pathologie Clinique et Psychanalyse, Universit de Paris VII, France 1978: Diploma, Clinical Psychology, Hebrew University, Israel 1970: Master of Arts, Northeastern University, USA 1964: BSc., Cornell University, USA

Global Cosmopolitans, The Creative Edge of Difference, Palgrave Macmillan, INSEAD Business Press (2010) Diversity Management of Hewlett-Packard in Europe in Managing Diversity in the Workplace, Albrecht Maryann A. (Ed.), Blackwell (2001) "Diversity Management at Hewlett-Packard, Europe", INSEAD Case Study, N 4651, (1996) (with Mandakini Arora) "Claire and Alain (A) Shifting Roles", INSEAD Case Study, N5389 (1994) Anne and Franois (A & B), INSEAD Case Study, N 4380 (1994) "Rebecca and David (A & B) ", INSEAD Case Study, N4388 (1994)


Outstanding Teacher Award for an MBA Elective, INSEAD

Clinical Psychologist, Coach and Consultant.


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Michael Brimm (USA)

Emeritus Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 34 04 E-mail:

Artist-Leaders: The Role of the Chef in ThreeStar French Restaurants; Organisational Transformation and Leadership. Member, Panel of Judges for the Douglas MacGregor Award for Excellence in Behavioral Science Research.

Managing Complexity in Effective Executive (2008) "Pierre Dux: A Case Study in Organizational Change", in Effective Behavior in Organizations. Irwin (2006) "American Express Philanthropy: Developing an Academy of Travel and Tourism in Hungary", Corporate Global Citizenship: Doing Business in the Public Eye, The New Lexington Press (1997) "Leadership Development as a Lever for Global Transformation", Globalizing Management, John Wiley and Sons (1992) (with Tichy Noel M.) Why Networking Fails: Double Binds and the Limitations of Shadow Networks, INSEAD Working Paper (1989) (with Kadushin Charles) "Risky Business: Why Sponsoring Innovations can be Hazardous to Career Health", Organizational Dynamics 16, N 3 (1988) 28-41 Analytical Perspectives in Organizational Behavior: A Study of Organizational Innovation, Xerox-University International (Ann Arbor, Michigan) (1976) When is a Change not a Change?, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 8, N 1 (1972)

Executive seminars and conferences. Management consulting with global companies on leadership development, organisational design and change process projects. Coaching of CEOs and senior leaders. Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Leadership Education, Journal of Organizational Behavior Education

1980-1982: Visiting Lecturer, Universit de Bordeaux III, France 1975-1978: Faculty Member, Jerusalem Institute of Management, Israel 1973-1975: Project Research Member, Cambridge Communications Group, USA 1970-1973: Assistant Professor of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1970-1971: Lecturer, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1966-1969: Training Officer, United States Coast Guard, USA 1964-1966: General Manager, Cerro Corporation, USA

1975: Doctorate, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA 1969: MBA, Graduate School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, USA 1964: BSc., Cornell University, USA


OB I & II: Best Teacher Award for an MBA Core Course, INSEAD John T. Stevens Award, Harvard Business School Nomination: Distinguished Teacher Award School of Business Administration, Northeastern University Selection to the committee of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences for developing projects concerning The Role of the Adult Modern Society.


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Paul A. L. Evans (United Kingdom)

The Shell Chair of Human Resources and Organisational Development, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 32 E-mail:

Managing People; Human Resource Management in International Firms; Leadership; Managing Change; Multinational Organisation.


2004: ecch Best Case Award for "Codan 2000", Organizational Behaviour/HR /Leadership category 2001: MBA Teacher of the Year Award for elective on International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management; Global Talent Management; Career and Leadership Development Age 45+; Tension Analysis (Duality/Paradox Theory).

1998-2006: Titular Professor at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management. Formerly Visiting Professor at London Business School, UC Berkeley, Cornell University, Stockholm School of Economics, University of Southern California, and others; Founding Board Member of the European Human Resource Forum. Former Board Member of the US HRPS (HR People & Strategy). Editorial Boards of International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of World Business.

The Global Challenge: International Human Resource Management (2010) (with Bjrkman Ingmar and Pucik Vladimir) "Managing Knowledge in Multinational Firms", in International Human Resource Management, Harzing A-W. and Pinnington A. (Eds), Sage (forthcoming) (with Bjrkman Ingmar and Pucik Vladimir). A Gesto de Pessoas no Brasil (Management of People in Brazil) (2006) (with Tanure Betania and Pucik Vladimir) "People and Cultural Aspects of M&A: What are the Lessons... and the Challenges?" in Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing Cultural and Human Resources , Standford University Press (2004) (with Pucik Vladimir) The Global Challenge: Frameworks for International Human Resource Management, McGraw-Hill Education (2002) (with Barsoux Jean-Louis and Pucik Vladimir) "A Duality-based Prospective for Strategic Human Resource Management", Strategic Human Resource Management in the TwentyFirst Century: Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Supplement 4. JAI Press (1999) "HRM on the Edge: A Duality Perspective", Organization 6, N 2 (1999) 325-338 "The Dualistic Leader: Thriving on Paradox", Management 21C., FT Prentice Hall (1999)

1974: PhD, Management and Organizational Psychology, Sloan Management School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 1970: MBA, INSEAD, France 1967: Master of Arts, Law (1st Class Honours, University Awards for Scholarship in Criminology and Jurisprudence), Pembroke College, Cambridge University, UK


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Allan Filipowicz (USA)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5384 E-mail:

Organisational Behaviour; Social Psychology of Management. Company, USA

2002: PhD, Organisational Behaviour, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1991: MBA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1991: Master of Arts, International Affairs, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1987: Master of Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, USA 1986: BSc., Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, USA 1986: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Cornell University, USA

The Role of Emotion and Cognition in Interpersonal and Group Processes, and its Subsequent Impact on Effectiveness; Influence of Humor on Performance in TaskBased Interactions, Leadership, Teams and Negotiations.

"From Positive Affect to Creativity: The Surprising Role of Surprise", The Creativity Research Journal 18, N 2 (2006) 141-152 "Humor as a Leadership Tool", Leadership 3, N 1 (2003) 30-31 "Acting your Age", in Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice Against Older Persons, MIT Press (2002) 277-295 (with Golub Sarit A. and Langer Ellen J.)


2001-2002: John F. Kennedy School of Government Center for Public Leadership's Doctoral Fellow 2001-2002: Harvard University Graduate Society Fellowship 1997: Derek Book Award for Excellence in Teaching 1986-1987: General Motors Scholar 1986: Phi Beta Kappa

2006-2007: Visiting Assistant Professor of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2002-2003: Visiting Scholar, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1991-1995: Case Team Leader, Boston Consulting Group, USA 1987-1989: Financial Analyst, Bankers Trust


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Vibha Gaba (India)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5268 E-mail:

Leadership & Change (MBA); Leading Successful Change (Executive Education).

1994-1996: Journalist, Business Standard, New Delhi, India

Organisational Innovation & Change; Corporate Venture Capital Investing; Entry Strategies of Firms in International Markets.

2002: PhD, Management, College of Business, University of Oregon, USA 1994: Master of Arts, Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India 1992: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Lady Shriram College, University of Delhi, India

"Crossing Organizational Species Barrier: How Venture Capital Practices Infiltrated the Information Technology Sector", Academy of Management Journal 51, N 5 (2008) 976-998 (with Meyer Alan) "Organizing Far From Equilibrium: Non-Linear Change in Organizational Fields", Organization Science 16, N 5 (2005) 456-473 (with Meyer Alan and Colwell Ken) "Timing of Entry in International Market: An Empirical Study of U.S. Fortune 500 Firms in China", Journal of International Business Studies 33, N 1 (2002) 39-55 (with Yigang Pan and Ungson Rivera Gerardo) "Economics (various entries)", The Oxford Dictionary of Social Sciences, Oxford University Press (2001) (with Dutt Pushan)


2002: Co-Principal Investigator, "The Nanotechnology Investing Community and Corporate Venturing: Network Emergence and Evolution", 2002-2005, National Science Foundation, Innovation and Organizational Change Program, Grant #6115508, Alan D. Meyer, Principal Investigator 2001: Senior Researcher, "Corporate Venture Capital: Fostering Innovation through Equity Investment" 2001-2002, National Science Foundation, Innovation and Organizational Change Programme, Grant #0120188, Alan D. Meyer, Principal Investigator 1996-2001: Graduate Fellow, University of Oregon


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D. Charles Galunic (Canada)

The Aviva Chaired Professor of Leadership and Responsibility Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 37 E-mail:

Core Course in Organisational Behaviour (EMBA); Strategic Management of Processes (PhD); Network Theory (PhD); Various Modules within Executive Education.

Dynamic Capabilities and Managerial Innovation; The Social Fabric of Innovation and Strategic Processes within Organizations, including Studies at the Organisational Level, focusing on Firm Dynamic Capabilities and at the Actor Level, exploring the Contribution of Human/Social Capital and certain Facets of Knowledge Exchange on managerial innovativeness; Intraorganizational Ecology; The Evolutionary Algorithm is applied at the Intraorganizational Level; Cultural Modes of thought, such as Ideas, Beliefs, Assumptions, Values, Interpretive Schema and Know-How, are examined as Replicators in Cultural Evolution.

Journal 44, N 6 (2001) 1229-1250 (with Eisenhardt Kathleen) "Intraorganizational Ecology", The Blackwell Companion to Organizations, Blackwell Publishing (2001) (with Weeks John R.) "Coevolving: At Last, a Way to Make Synergies Work", Harvard Business Review 78, N 1 (2000) 91-101 (with Eisenhardt Kathleen)


2007: ecch Best Case Award in the OB/HR area, for "Lincoln Electric in China" 2004-2005: INSEAD Executive Education Award 2004 & 2005: Co-Nomination: EMBA Best Core Teacher Award, INSEAD 2002: ecch Best Case Award for "Managing Knowledge at Booz-Allen and Hamilton", Knowledge Management and Learning Category (with J. Weeks) 2001: EFMD Best Case Award for "Managing Knowledge at Booz-Allen and Hamilton", Knowledge Management and Learning Category (with J. Weeks) 1999: ABCD (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty) Award for Outstanding Service

The Two Faces of Control: Network Closure and Individual Performance among Knowledge Workers, Administrative Science Quarterly 54 (2009) 299-333 (with Gargiulo Martin and Ertug G.) "Balancing Cooperation and Competition in Human Groups: The Role of Emotional Algorithms and Evolution", Journal of Managerial and Decision Economics 27, N 23 (2006) 217-233 (with Loch Christoph and Schneider Susan C) "More than Network Structure: How Knowledge Heterogeneity Influences Managerial Performance and Innovativeness", Strategic Management Journal 25, N 6 (2004) 541-562 June 2004 "A Theory of the Cultural Evolution of the Firm: The Intraorganizational Ecology of Memes", Organization Studies 24, N 8 (2003) 1309-1352 (with Weeks John R.) "Investments that Build on Human Nature", Financial Times, Prentice Hall (2003) 223-227 (with Weeks John R.) "Architectural Innovation and Modular Corporate Forms", Academy of Management

Editorial board of Strategic Organization and the Strategic Management Journal. Departmental editor for the Journal of International Business Studies.

1994: PhD, IEEM-Organizational Behavior, Stanford University, USA 1990: Bachelor of Arts, Politics, Philosophy, Economics (PPE), Oxford University, UK 1988: BSc., Chemical Engineering (Rhodes Scholar), Queen's University, Canada


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Martin Gargiulo (Italy, Uruguay)

Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5493 E-mail:

Network Analysis (Doctoral Seminar); Power, Influence and Networks; Organisational Change and Transformation; Social Capital. Organisational Politics", Administrative Science Quarterly 38, (1993) 1-19


1990-1991: President's Fellow, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University 1988-1989: Inter-Disciplinary Fellow, Center for the Social Sciences, Columbia University 1985-1990: Paul F. Lazarsfeld Fellow, Department of Sociology, Columbia University

Social Networks, Social Capital; Organisational Theory; Intra- and Inter-Organisational Cooperation; Organisational Politics, Influence and Social Control in Organisations.

Informal Communication Networks and the Attention to Technical Interfaces in Complex Product Development Working Paper (with Sosa Manuel, Rowles Craig) The Two Faces of Control: Network Closure and Individual Performance among Knowledge Workers", Administrative Science Quarterly 54 (2009) 299-333 (with Ertug Gokhan and Galunic Charles) "Partner Substitutability, Alliance Network Structure, and Firm Profitability in the Telecommunications Industry", Academy of Management Journal 47, N 6 (2004) 843-859 (with Bae Jonghoon) "Trapped in Your Own Net? Network Cohesion, Structural Holes and the Adaptation of Social Capital", Organization Science 11, N 2 (2000) 183-196 (with Benassi Mario) "Where Do Interorganizational Networks Come From?", American Journal of Sociology 104, N 5 (2000) 1439-1493 (with Gulati Ranjay) "The Dark Side of Social Capital", Social Capital and Liability, Kluwer (1999) 298-322 (with Benassi Mario) "Maintaining Leadership Legitimacy in the Transition To New Organizational Forms", Journal of Management Studies 35, N 4 (1998) 437-456 (with Chakravarthy Balaji) "Two-Step Leverage: Managing Constraint in

Executive Committee Member, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management; Editorial Board Member, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Organization

1991-1992: Lecturer, Columbia University, USA 1982-1985: Project Officer, Latin American Center for Human Economics, Uruguay

1992: PhD, Sociology, Columbia University, USA 1987: MA, Sociology, Columbia University, USA 1985: BA, Cultural Anthropology, Universidad de la Republica Montevideo, Uruguay


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Frederic Godart (France)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: +33 (0)1 60 98 32 84 E-mail:

Social Networking Strategies.


2007-2008: Paul H. Klingenstein Fellow, Full Tuition and Stipend, Columbia University, New York 2005-2010: Lazarsfeld Fellow, Full Tuition and Stipend, Columbia University, New York 1997-2002: Fellow of the Ecole Normale Suprieure de Cachan, Full Tuition and Stipend, Ecole Normale Suprieure de Cachan, Paris

Creativity; Market Dynamics; Social Networks; Status; Style; Uncertainty; Fashion and Luxury.

"Network-Domains in Combat and Fashion Organizations", Organization 17, N 2 (2010) 283-304 (with Corona Victor) "Les bifurcations sont la rgle et non l'exception: perspective sur les diffrentes formes d'incertitude", Bifurcations : Les sciences sociales face aux ruptures et l'vnement (2010) (with White Harrison C. and Thiemann Matthias) Sociologie de la mode, La Dcouverte (2010) "How Do Cultural Producers Make Creative Decisions? Lessons from the Catwalk", Social Forces 88, N 2 (2009) (with Mears Ashley) "Produire en contexte d'incertitude. La construction des identits et des liens sociaux dans les marchs", Sciences de la Socit N 73 (2008) 16-39 (with White Harrison C. and Corona Victor) "Mobilizing Identities: Uncertainty and Control in Strategy", Theory, Culture & Society N 24 (2007) 181-202 (with White Harrison C. and Corona Victor) "Mrkte als soziale Formationen" in Mrkte als Soziale Strukturen (2007) 197-215 (with White Harrison C.) "Sector-specific Regulation in European Electronic Communications - Meant to Disappear?", Info - The Journal of Policy, Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications 7, N 1 (2005) 4-19 (with Berhin Daniel, Jolls Maya and Nihoul Paul)

Reviewer at the American Journal of Sociology

2009-2011: Post-doctoral Fellow, INSEAD 2006-2008: Teaching Fellow, Columbia University, USA 2002-2005: Research Analyst, McKinsey & Company, Belgium 2001: Intern, General Electric (GE) Medical Systems (now GE Healthcare), France 2000-2001: Intern, French Planning Office (now Center for Strategic Analysis), France

2009: PhD, Columbia University, USA 2002: Master of Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 2001: Magister, Economics, Sociology, plus advanced courses in Social Sciences, Ecole Normale Suprieure de Cachan, Universit de Paris 10, France 2001: Master's Degree, Strategy and Business Management, IEP, France 1997: Diploma, Preparation for "Grandes Ecoles" nationwide competitive examination, Lyce Henri IV, France


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Hal Gregersen (USA)

Senior Affiliate Professor of Leadership Tel: 971 2 651 5334 E-mail:

Innovation and Creativity; Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Disruptive Innovation; Transformational Change; Inquiry-based Leadership.


2009 Harvard Business Review's 51st Annual McKinsey Awards (with Jeffrey H. Dyer and Clayton M. Christensen) "The Innovator's DNA" 1998: Outstanding Research Award, Brigham Young University 1997, 2001, 2003 and 2005: Outstanding Teacher Award, Brigham Young University 1996: Ascendant Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management 1984-1986: Regent's Fellowship, University of California 1983: Dean's List, Graduated with Distinction, Brigham Young University

Theory and Practice of Questioning; Innovation and Creativity; Social Entrepreneurship and Change; Transforming Leaders Through the Arts.

The Innovator's DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators, Harvard Business School Press (2011) (with Dyer Jeff and Christensen Clayton) "Differences Between Innovative Entrepreneurs and Managers: Behavioral Patterns that Facilitate Opportunity Recognition", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2, (2009) 317-338 (with Dyer Jeff and Christensen Clayton) "The Innovators DNA", Harvard Business Review 87, N 12 (2009) 60-67 (with Dyer Jeff and Christensen Clayton) It Starts with One: Changing Individuals Changes Organizations, Wharton School Publishing (2008) (with Black Stewart) "Bundling Human Capital: The Impact of International Assignment Experience on CEO Pay and Multinational Firm Performance", Academy of Management Journal 44, N 3 (2001) 493-512 (with Carpenter Mason A. and Sanders Gerard) Global Explorers: The Next Generation of Leaders, Routledge (1999) (with Black Stewart and Morrison Allen J.) "The Right Way to Manage Expats", Harvard Business Review N 77 (1999) 52-63 (with Black Stewart) "Developing Leaders for the Global Frontier", Sloan Management Review 40, N 1 (1998) 21-32 (with Morrison Allen J. and Black Stewart)

Editorial Board, Human Resource Management Journal. Member, Academy of Management. Member, Strategic Management Society.

2005-2006: Visiting Professor, London Business School, University of London, United Kingdom 1999-2006: Donald L. Staheli Professor of Global Leadership and Strategy, Brigham Young University, USA 1995-1999: Associate Professor, Brigham Young University, USA 1993: Visiting Professor, Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland 1992-1995: Assistant Professor, Brigham Young University, USA 1991-1992: Visiting Assistant Professor, The Tuck School, Dartmouth College, USA 1991: Visiting Fulbright Professor, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland 1987-1991: Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University-Erie, USA

1989: PhD, Administration, University of California, USA 1983: Master of Arts, Organizational Behavior, Brigham Young University, USA 1981: Bachelor of Arts, Management, University of Utah, USA


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Li Huang (China)
Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 37 01 E-mail:

Negotiations; Organisational Behaviour University

Power and Status; Trust; Creativity; Temporal Perceptions; Decision Making; Ethical Behaviour; Negotiation.

Reviewer for the Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, European Journal of Social Psychology, European Journal of Personality, International Association for Conflict Management, and Academy of Management Conference.

Contemplation and Conversation: Subtle Influences on Moral Decision Making, Academy of Management Journal (Forthcoming) (with Gunia Brian C., Wang Long, Wang Jiunwen, Murnighan J. Keith) "Mind-Body Dissonance: Conflict Between the Senses Expands the Mind's Horizons", Social Psychological and Personality Science 2, N 4 (2011) 351-359 (with Galinsky Adam D.) "Powerful Postures vs. Powerful Roles: Which is the Proximate Correlate of Thought and Behavior?, Psychological Science 22, N 1 (2011) 351-359 (with Galinsky Adam D. , Gruenfeld D. H. and Guillory L. E.) "No Mirrors for the Powerful: Why Dominant Smiles Aren't Processed Using Embodied Simulation", Behavior and Brain Sciences 33, (2010) 417-480 (with Galinsky Adam D.) "Whats in a Name? Subliminally Activating Trusting Behavior ", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 111, N 1 (2010) 62-70 (with Murnighan J. Keith)

2009-2011: Lecturer of Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA

2011: PhD, Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 2005: MSc., Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, China 2003: Bachelor of Arts (Honours), School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University, China


2009: American Psychological Association Dissertation Award 2007-2010: Northwestern University Travel Scholarship 2007-2010: Dispute Resolution Research Center Research Grant 2004: GE Scholarship, Peking University 2003: Academic Excellence Awards, Peking University 2002: Legend Scholarship, Renmin University 2001: Huang Ru-lun Scholarship, Renmin


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Herminia Ibarra (USA)

The Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning Professor of Organisational Behaviour Area Chair, Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 53 E-mail:

The Leadership Transition (Programme Director); Deutsche Bank Women Global Leaders (Programme Director); The International Women's Forum (Programme Director); GEMBA; Consulting & Coaching for Change.


2011: Shortlisted for the Thinkers50 2010: Annual Award of the Association of Executive Search Consultants, Best articles for The Best-performing CEOs in the World and Women and the Vision Thing 2009: Winner, Best Paper, Academy of Management 2008: EFMD Case Writing Competition Winner for Vivienne Cox at BP Alternative Energy (with Mark Hunter) 1996: Greenhill Award, Harvard Business School 1986-1987 & 1988-1989: Yale University Fellowship

Career & Professional Development; Identity; Leadership; Gender.

"Are you a Collaborative Leader?", Harvard Business Review 89, N7-8 (2011) 68-74 (with Hansen Morten T.) "Taking Gender into Account: Theory and Design for Women's Leadership Development Programs", INSEAD Working Paper 2011/69/OB (2011) (with Ely Robin J. and Kolb Deborah) "The HBR Agenda 2011: Finding Hard Ways to Measure Soft Leadership", Harvard Business Review 89, N 1-2 (2011) 47-59 (with Brown Tim, Cappelli Peter, Ariely Dan et. al.) "Why Men Still Get More Promotions Than Women", Harvard Business Review 88, N 9 (2010) 80-126 (with Carter Nancy M. and Silva Christine) "Identity as Narrative: A Process Model of Narrative Identity Work in Macro Work Role Transition", Academy of Management Review 35, N 1 (2010) 135-154 (with Barbulescu Roxana) "Identity-Based Leader Development", Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice: A Harvard Business School Centennial , Harvard Business School Press (2010) (with Snook Scott and Guillen Ramo Laura) "The Best-Performing CEOs in The World", Harvard Business Review 88, N 1 (2010) 104-113 (with Hansen Morten T. and Peyer Urs) "Executive Women and the 'Vision Thing'", Harvard Business Review 87, N 1 (2009) 6270 (with Obodaru Otilia)

Harvard Business School Visiting Committee World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Councils Catalyst Europe Advisory Board

2007: The Cora Chaired Professor of Leadership and Learning, INSEAD, France 2002-2007: Chaired Professor of Organisational Behaviour, INSEAD, France 1998-2002: Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA 1994-1998: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA 1989-1994: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA 1985-1989: Teaching Fellow, Yale School of Management, Yale University, USA 1984-1985: Research Fellow, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

1989: PhD, Organizational Behavior, Yale University, USA 1988: Master of Philosophy, Organizational Behavior, Yale University, USA 1988: Master of Arts, Organizational Behavior, Yale University, USA 1982: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology (Summa Cum Laude), University of Miami, USA


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Michael Jarrett (United Kingdom)

Affiliate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 37 02 E-mail:

Leadership and Personality; Influence and Networks; Leading Organisational Change; Organisational Culture and Implementing Strategy. Management Consulting on Organisational Change

2003-2009: Adjunct Professor, London Business School, UK 2000-2003: Fellow, Kingston University, UK CMD, London Business School, UK 1998-2000: Managing Director, Personnel Decisions International, UK 1995-1998: Director, The Alexander Corporation, UK 1996-2003: Visiting Fellow in Organisational Behaviour, Cranfield University School of Management, 1991-1995: Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour, Cranfield University School of Management, UK 1993-1996: Visiting Lecturer Strategic Management, Bristol University, UK 1988-1991: Partner, Nouveau Consulting Group 1987-1991: Senior Lecturer in Management Development, Kingston University, United Kingdom 1982-1987: Head of Organisation Development Unit and local economic development, National Council for Voluntary Organisation 1980-1982: Industrial Economics Research Associate, Consultant and Project Manager, University of Nottingham, UK 1979-1980: Research Associate, Joint Unit for Research on the Urban Environment (JURUE)

Strategic Agility and Organisational Performance; The Impact of Managerial and Organisational Dynamic Capabilities on Successful Change; Executive and Leadership Transitions and the Psychodynamics of Groups and Teams.

Change and Survive, Strategy Magazine N 9 (2009) 8-11 Changeability: Why some companies are ready for change - and some aren't, FT Prentice Hall (2008) "The New Change Equation", Business Strategy Review (2008) "What is the Difference and What Makes the Difference?, Executive Coaching from a Systems-Psychodynamic Perspective Karnac Books (2006) (with Roberts V.) "Turning into the Emotional Drama of Change - Extending the Consultant's Bandwidth", Journal of Change Management 4, N 3 (2004) 247-258 The Seven Myths of Change Management", Business Strategy Review 14, N 4 (2003) 22-29 "Group Dynamics and Unconscious Organisational Behaviour: Educating MBA Students in Non-rational Aspects of Change", in Educational Innovation in Economics and Business III, Milter R.G. (Ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers (1998) 79-98 (with James K. and Neumann J.) "Consulting in the Public Sector", in Management Consultancy: A Handbook for Best Practice (1998)

1997: PhD, Cranfield School of Management, UK 1995: Graduate of the Advanced Organisational Consultation Programme, Tavistock Clinic Consultancy, United Kingdom 1989: Diploma in Gestalt Therapy, Pellin Institute, United Kingdom 1988: MSc. (Economics), University of London, United Kingdom 1979: BA (Economics), Birmingham Polytechnic, United Kingdom

2008- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Change Management 2005-present: Director at Ilyas Jarrett & Company 2000-present: Visiting staff consultant for the Tavistock Clinic Group relations programme Top


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Zoe Kinias (USA)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5338 E-mail:

Organisational Behaviour; Psychology of Management. State University

Editorial Reviews (ad hoc): Academy of Management Review, European Journal of Social Psychology, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Personality and Social Psychology Review. Editorial Assistant (2001-2002), Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, supervised by Steven Neuberg, PhD, Associate Editor. Service: Statistical Consultant, (2003-2008), Psychology Department Convention Organizing Committee (University of California, Santa Barbara), Prescreening Coordinator (UCSB, Spring 2004, Fall 2005, Winter 2006, Spring 2006), Friday Afternoon Social Colloquium Organizer (UCSB, Fall 2005, Winter 2006, Spring 2006).

Culture; Emotion; Group Processes and Intergroup Relations; Perceptions of Discrimination; Social Identities.

"Knowing How they Feel: Predicting Emotions felt by Outgroups", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45, N 1 (2009) 80-89 (with Seger Charles R., Smith Eliot R. and Mackie Diane M.) "How Status and Stereotypes Impact Attributions to Discrimination: The Stereotype-asymmetry Hypothesis", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology N 44 (2008) 405-412 (with O'Brien Laurie T. and Major Brenda) "The Group as a Resource: Reducing Biased Attributions for Group Success and Failure via Group Affirmation", Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33, N 8 (2007) 11001112 (with Sherman David, Major Brenda, Kim Heejung S. and Prenovost Mary)

2007-2009: Visiting Assistant Professor and Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 2006: Graduate Student Researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 2006-2007: Research Consultant, East Carolina University, USA 2002-2003: Graduate Student Researcher, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 2001-2002: Research Assistant, Arizona State University , USA 2000-2001: Program Assessor, National Conference for Community & Justice, USA


2005: The Residence Halls Association's Outstanding Teaching Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara 2003: Humanities and Social Sciences Grant, University of California, Santa Barbara 2002: Thesis of Distinction, Barrett Honors, Arizona State University 2001: Dean's Council Scholarship in Psychology, Arizona State University 2000: Research Methods Award, Arizona State University 1999-2002: Dean's List, Arizona State University 1999-2002: Barrett Honors College, Arizona

2007: PhD, Social Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 2004: MBA, Social Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 2002: Bachelor of Business Administration, Psychology, Arizona State University, USA


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Andre Laurent (France)

Emeritus Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 33 70 E-mail:

Managing and organising across cultures.

1972: ITP Degree, Harvard University, USA 1963: Doctorate, Psychology, Universit Paris Sorbonne Paris, France 1961: Diploma, Psychologue Praticien, Institut Catholique de Paris, France 1961: Licence, Sociology, Universit Paris Sorbonne, France

International, Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Management and Organisations.

"The Flow of Culture: Some Notes on Globalisation and the Multinational Corporation", Organisation Theory and the Multinational Corporation, Palgrave Macmillan (1993) 275-312. (with Van Maanen J.) "The Cross-Cultural Puzzle of Global Human Resource Management", in Globalizing Management: Creating and Leading the Competitive Organization, Wiley (1992) 174184 "Ethnomanagement: A Latin Provocation", International Studies of Management and Organisation 21, N 3 (1991) 3-9 (with Amado G. and Faucheux C.) "A Cultural View of Organisational Change", Human Resource Management in International Firms: Change, Globalization, Innovation (1989) (with Evans Paul and Doz Yves) "The Cultural Diversity of Western Conceptions of Management", International Studies of Management and Organization 12, N 1 (1983) 75-96

1977: Visiting Professor, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium 1976-2005: Professor of Organisational Behaviour, INSEAD, France 1975: Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, USA 1967-1970: Research Director, University of Michigan, USA 1963: Industrial Psychologist, Pechiney, Guinea 1962: Clinical Psychologist, French Air Force, France


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William Maddux (USA)

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 63 E-mail:

Leading People and Groups; Negotiations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32, N 5 (2006) 669-683 (with Masaki Yuki)


Culture; Creativity; Negotiations; Behavioural Mimicry; Emotions; Trust; Stereotypes & Prejudice. 2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2009: Honourable Mention, Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Prize 2007: Academy of Management Conference, Conflict Management Division, Best Paper - New Directions Award 2007: Academy of Management Conference, Best Paper Proceedings 2005-2006: Nomination: Kellogg Professor of the Year

For Whom is Parting with Possessions more Painful? Cultural Differences in the Endowment Effect, Psychological Science 21, N 12 (2010) 1910-1917 (with Yang Haiyang, Falk Carl, Adam Hajo, Adair Wendi, Endo Yumi, Carmon Ziv, Heine Steven J.) Cultural Variance in the Interpersonal Effects of Anger in Negotiations, Psychological Science 21, N 6 (2010) 882-889 (with Adam Hajo, Shirako Aiwa) "Cultural Borders and Mental Barriers: The Relationship between Living Abroad and Creativity", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69, N 5 (2009) 1047-1061 (with Galinsky Adam D.) Who I am Depends on How I Feel: The Role of Affect in the Expression of Culture, Psychological Science 20, N 3 (2009) 340-346 (with AshtonJames Claire, Galinsky Adam D. and Chartrand Tanya C.) "Why It Pays to Get Inside the Head of Your Opponent ", Psychological Science 19, N 4 (2008) 378-384 (with Galinsky Adam D., Gilin Debra and White Judith B.) "Multicultural Experience Enhances Creativity: the When and How", American Psychologist 63, N 3 (2008) 169-181 (with Leung Angela K-Y, Galinsky Adam D. and Chiu Chi-Yue) "Chameleons Bake Bigger Pies and Take Bigger Pieces: Strategic Behavioral Mimicry Facilitates Negotiation Outcomes", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44, N 2 (2008) 461-468 (with Mullen Elizabeth and Galinsky Adam D.) "The 'Ripple Effect': Cultural Differences in Perceptions of the Consequences of Events",

Co-organizer, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Culture Pre-Conference, Tampa, Florida, 2009. Ad Hoc Reviewing: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Personality, Organization Science, Human Resource Management, Social Cognition, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, Emotion, European Journal of Social Psychology, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, Academy of Management Conference

2004-2006: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 2004-2006: Visiting Assistant Professor of Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA

2004: PhD, Psychology, Ohio State University, USA 2001: Master of Arts, Psychology, Ohio State University, USA 1995: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Johns Hopkins University, USA


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Thomas Mannarelli (USA)

Affiliate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5342 E-mail:

Leadership, Creativity; Influence; Change; Communication; Organisational Behaviour; Groups and Teams, General Management.

Executive seminars and conferences. Management consulting with global and regional companies on creativity, teamwork, and leadership development.

Creativity; Personality; Leadership; DecisionMaking.

2003-2004: Visiting Associate Professor, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, China 1996-1997: Associate Director, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1995-1996: Visiting Lecturer, University of California-Berkeley, USA

Accounting for Leadership: Charismatic, Transformational Leadership Through Reflection and Self-awareness", Accountancy Ireland 38 (2006) "Inner Sanctums", Insight 2 (2006) "New Visions of Asian Management in the 21st Century: A Call for Creativity", paper presented at Academy of Management Conference (2005), Honolulu (with Bonet A.) "World Wrestling Federation: Vince McMahon vs. Bret the Hitman Hart", in Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (2003) (with Baty C.) "Unlocking the Secrets of Business Innovation", in Financial Times - Mastering People Management , FT Prentice Hall (2003) 171-175 "A Room with a Cue: Personality Judgments Based on Offices and Bedrooms", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 82, N 3 (2002) 379-398 (with Gosling Samuel D., Ko Sei Jin and Morris Margaret) Motivation, Individuation, and Positive Illusions of Creative Musicians, European Academy of Management Proceedings (2002)

1999: PhD, Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations, Haas School of Business, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1987: BSc., Decision Sciences, School of Business, Indiana University, USA


1993-1995: Sea Grant College, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce Fellowship


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Jean-Franois Manzoni (France, Canada)

The Shell Chaired Professor of Human Resources and Organisational Development Professor of Management Practice Academic Director, INSEAD Global Leadership Centre (IGLC) Tel: 65 6799 5348 E-mail:

Leadership and Change, including Interpersonal Dynamics; Leader's Personal and Professional Development; Organisational Change and Transformation; Developing and Nurturing High Performance Clutures. Syndrome from and the Society for Human Resource Management ANBAR Citation of Excellence for Understanding Organizational Dynamics of IT-Enabled Change: A Multimedia Simulation Approach (Journal of Management Information Systems, 14, N 3). Outstanding Teacher award, elective courses category, INSEAD MBA Programme: Three Awards and two Nominations between 1992 and 1995

Leadership and Change, including Interpersonal Dynamics; Leader's Personal and Professional Development; Organisational Change and Transformation; Developing and Nurturing High Performance Clutures.

Teaching and coaching activities for several international organisations Consulting and facilitation work for several top management teams Member of the IMD Foundation Board (2008-2010) Member of the Board of ISBM Consortium (19952004) Member of the Editorial Board of: Annual Review of High Performance Coaching and Consulting, Development and Learning Organizations, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. Ad-hoc reviewer for several journals

Widening the Lens: The Challenges of Leveraging Boardroom Diversity, Rotman Magazine (2011) 6469 (with Strebel Paul, Barsoux Jean-Louis) Performance Measurement and Management Control: Innovative Concepts and Practices, Epstein Marc J., Manzoni Jean-Franois and Davila Antonio (Eds), Emerald (2010) Strategic Performance Measurement: Benefits, limitations and paradoxes, Long Range Planning 43, N 4(2010) 465-476 (with Micheli Pietro) Bosses Beware: Are Your Subordinates Setting You Up To Fail?, Sloan Management Review 50, N 4 (2009) (with Barsoux Jean-Louis) The Interpersonal Side of Taking Charge, Organizational Dynamics 38, N 2 (2009) 106-116 (with Barsoux Jean-Louis) On the folly of hoping for A, simply because youre (trying to) pay for A, in Performance Measurement and Management Control: Measuring and Rewarding Performance, Epstein Marc J. and Manzoni JeanFranois (Eds) Emerald (2008) How to Institutionalise Dissatisfaction, European Business Forum N 21 (2005) 81-83 The Set-Up-To-Fail Syndrome: How Good Managers Cause Great People to Fail, Harvard Business School Press (2003 and 2007) (with Barsoux Jean-Louis) A Better Way to Deliver Bad News, Harvard Business Review 80, N 9 (2002) 114-119

2004-2010: Professor of Leadership and Organizational Development IMD, Switzerland 2001-2004: Founder and first Director, PwC Research Initiative on High Performance Organisations INSEAD, France 1989-2004: Visiting, Assistant then Associate Professor (tenured 2003), INSEAD 1987: Research Assistant Harvard Business School Boston, USA 1984-1986 : Faculty Lecturer, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Montral, Canada 1982-1984: Clarkson Gordon (now Ernst & Young), Montral, Canada 1981-1982: Research Assistant & Teaching Fellow, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Montral, Canada

Doctorate in Business Administration, Harvard Business School, USA MBA, McGill University, Canada Bachelor of Commerce, HEC Montral, Canada


2011 Research Award on Leadership & Corporate Governance from the Association of Executive Search Consultants Outstanding Reviewer Award, 2009, Academy of Managements Management Consulting Division Case of the Year Awards from European Case Clearing House (2007) and the efmd (2004 and 1998 twice) Book of the Year Awards for The Set-Up-To-Fail


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Erin Meyer (USA)

Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 41 E-mail:

Leading Across Cultures; Cross-cultural Communication; Multi-cultural Team Building; Intercultural Negotiations; Conducting Business Across Cultures.

Consulting activities include: coaching top level executives to be more effective leading in multi-cultural environments, assisting companies manage the cultural aspects of cross-border M&As and cross-border outsourcing, multi-cultural teambuilding, key note speeches training programs on crosscultural topics for audiences of 10 to 1000. Clients include companies such as TNT, NovoNordisk, L'OREAL, Johnson & Johnson, Michelin, KPMG, Owens Corning, 3i, New York Stock Exchange Euronext, and LVMH.

Cross-cultural Differences in how Executives Reason and Analyse; Leadership Competency Differences between Asian and Western Managers; How Cultural Differences Impact Global Teamwork.

China Myths, China Facts", Harvard Business Review 88, N 1 (2010) (with Yi Shen Elisabeth) Managing Cross-border Teams, Singapore Business Times (2010) The Four Keys to Success with Virtual Teams, Forbes.Com (2010) "Confucius says ...", Harvard Business Manager (2009) (with Yi Shen Elisabeth) Debunking China Myths, Singapore Business Times (2009) "Leading Across Cultures at Michelin", INSEAD Case Study, N5538 (2009) (with Gupta Sapna) "Managing Across Culture - Cora Goes to Hungary", INSEAD Case Study, N5254 (2005) (with Galunic D. Charles)

Country Director, Aperian Global Director of Business Operations, McKesson Corporation Director of Training and Development, HBOC 2007-2010: Adjunct Professor, INSEAD

International Business, INSEAD, France Cross-cultural Communication, Northwestern University, USA


2010 ecch Case Award, "Leading Across Cultures at Michelin"


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Mark Mortensen (USA)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 71 E-mail:

Organisational Behaviour; Team Dynamics; Managing Global Virtual Teams.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2007: Chaired Professorship: Richard S. Leghorn (1939) Career Development Professor in Management of Technological Innovation MIT 2004: William H. Newman Award for Outstanding Paper 2004: Best Dissertation-based Paper Award 2001: Runner-up Best Paper Award

Team Dynamics; Global, Virtual, and Distributed Teams; Project-based Work; Identity; Conflict.

Extending Construal Level Theory to Distributed Teams: Perception and Evaluation of Distant Others Organization Science (Forthcoming) (with Wilson Jeanne, Crisp C. Brad) Working Together Effectively Before it All Goes Downhill, IESE Insight (2010) (with OLeary Michael, Woolley Anita) "Go (Con)figure: The Role of Competing Subgroups in Geographically Dispersed Teams", Organization Science 21, N 1 (2010) 115-131 (with O' Leary Michael Boyer) "A Surprising Truth About Geographically Distributed Teams", Sloan Management Review 49, N 4 (2008) 5-6 (with O' Leary Michael Boyer) "Conditions Enabling Effective Multiple Team Membership" in Virtuality and Virtualization (2007) 215-228 (with Woolley Anita Williams and O'Leary Michael) "Understanding Conflict in Geographically Distributed Teams: An Empirical Investigation", Organization Science 16, N 3 (2005) 290-307 (with Hinds Pamela J.) "Fuzzy Teams: Boundary Disagreement in Distributed and Collocated Teams"in Distributed Work, MIT Press (2002) (with Hinds Pamela J.) "Conflict and Shared Identity in Geographically Distributed Teams", International Journal of Conflict Management 12, N 3 (2001) 212-238 (with Hinds Pamela J.)

Member of Editorial Review Board for Organization Science (2007-present); 20072009: Elected board member of Organizational Communication and information Systems (OCIS) division of the Academy of management; 2009-present: Elected board member of the Interdisciplinary Network of Groups Researchers (INGRoup)

2009-2010: Visiting Professor, INSEAD, France 2005-2010: Assistant Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA 2003-2006: Assistant Professor, McGill University, Canada

2003: Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University, USA 1998: MSc., Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, USA


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Gianpiero Petriglieri (Italy)

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 76 E-mail:

Leadership; Team Dynamics; Personal and Professional Development and Change; Coaching and Group Facilitation Skills. "The Invisible Revealed: Collusion as an Entry to the Group Unconscious", Transactional Analysis Journal 33, N 4 (2003) 332-343 (with Wood Jack Denfield)

Leadership Development; Identity Dynamics; Personal and Professional Development and Change.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: Editorial Board Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Learning & Education 2007-2009: President, International Transactional Analysis Association 2007: Professor of the Year Award, Full Time MBA, Copenhagen Business School

"Identity Workspaces: The Case of Business Schools", Academy of Management Learning and Education 9, N 1 (2010) (with Petriglieri Jennifer) "Stuck in a Moment: A Developmental Perspective on Impasses", Transactional Analysis Journal 37, N 3 (2007) 185-194 "Beyond Fun and Games: Outdoor Activities for Meaningful Leadership Development" in Mastering Executive Education: How to Combine Content with Context and Emotion, The IMD Guide, FT Prentice Hall (2005) 252-266 (with Wood Jack Denfield) "Learning for Leadership: The 'Engineering' and 'Clinical' Approaches", Mastering Executive Education: How to Combine Content with Context and Emotion, The IMD Guide , FT Prentice Hall (2005) 140-169 (with Wood Jack Denfield) "Transcending Polarization: Beyond Binary Thinking", Transactional Analysis Journal 35, N 1 (2005) 31-39 (with Wood Jack Denfield) "The Merchandising of Leadership", Next Generation Business Handbook. New Strategies from Tomorrow's Thought Leaders, Wiley (2004) 200-219 (with Wood Jack Denfield)

Editorial Board: Academy of Management Learning & Education. Ad hoc reviewer: MIT Sloan Management Review. Since 2002, staff member in experiential learning programmes on issues of Leadership, Authority and Group Relations at the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems. Consultant to a range of international organisations on the design and implementation of programmes for developing "high potentials" into effective and responsible leaders.

2004-2007: Visiting Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

2001: Licence, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Specialist License, University of Catania Medical School, Italy 1997: Doctor of Medicine, MD, University of Catania Medical School, Italy


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Marwan Sinaceur (France, Morocco)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 92 E-mail:


1997-1998: Key-Account Manager, HewlettPackard 1995-1996: Deputy to Director, EADS, Turkey 1993: Sales Representative, Procter and Gamble 1992-2000: Founder, ACN (Negotiation Consulting and Training Firm)

Negotiation; Emotions; Decision-Making in Social Contexts; Groups.

Suspending Judgement to Create Value: Suspicion and Trust in Negotiation, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46, N 3 (2010) 543-550 Accuracy and Perceived Expert Status in Group Decisions: When Minority Members Make Majority Members More Accurate Privately, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36, N 3 (2010) 423-437 (with Thomas-Hunt M., Neale M. A., ONeill O., Haag C.) "Get Mad and Get More than Even: When and Why Anger Expression is Effective in Negotiations", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42, N 3 (2006) 314-322 (with Larissa Z. Tiedens) "Emotional and Deliberative Reactions to a Public Crisis: Mad Cow Disease in France", Psychological Science 16, N 3 (2005) 247254 (with Heath Chip and Cole Steve) "Not All Threats are Created Equal: How Implicitness and Timing Affect the Effectiveness of Threats in Negotiations", Group Decision and Negotiation 14, (2005) 63-85 (with Neale Margaret) "The Evolution of Cognition and Biases in Negotiation Research: An Examination of Cognition, Social Perception, Motivation and Emotion", in The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture. Culture and Negotiation: Integrative Approaches to Theory and Research, Stanford University Press (2004) 7-44 (with Thompson Leigh and Neale Margaret)

2005: PhD, Organizational Behavior, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA 1994: Diploma, Ecole Suprieure de Commerce de Paris, France


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Jarrett Spiro (USA)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5973 E-mail:

Organisation Management Theory; Developing Effective Networks; Social Network Methodology; Power and Politics.

2008: PhD, Organizational Behavior, Stanford University, USA 2006: Master's Degree, Sociology, Stanford University, USA 2002: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Northwestern University, USA 2002: Bachelor of Arts, Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences, Northwestern University, USA

Social Networks; Organisation Theory; The Origin of Novelty and Innovation; Creative Industries; Network Emergence; Organisational Identity; Complexity Theory.

"How Small World Make Big Differences: The Case of the Financial and Artistic Success of Broadway Musicals, 1945 to 1990", American Journal of Sociology 111, N 2 (2005) (with Uzzi Brian) Team Assembly Mechanisms Determine Collaboration Network Structure and Team Performance, Science 308 (2005) 697-702 (with Guimera Roger, Uzzi Briand and Amaral Luis)

Journal Reviewer: American Journal of Sociology, Organization Science, Industry and Innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change, Administrative Science Quarterly

2006: Course Assistant, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, USA 2004: Course Assistant, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, USA 2000: Research Fellow, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University, USA


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Roderick Swaab (Netherlands)

Assistant Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 96 E-mail:

Organisational Behaviour; Negotiation; Virtual Teams; Group Dynamics.


2009: Best Applied Paper. Awarded at the International Association for Conflict Management, Kyoto, "Face First" (with J. Brett) 2007: Honorable Mention Best Empirical Paper at The International Association for Conflict Management 2007: Best Doctoral Dissertation in Communication Science, Awarded at the Dutch and Flemish Association for Communication Science. 2007: Nominated by the Kellogg MBA graduating class for the L. G. Lavengood Outstanding Professor of the Year Award 2006: Best Empirical Paper, Awarded at The International Association for Conflict Management, Montreal 2006.

Group Process and Intergroup Relations; Virtual Teams; Negotiation and Conflict Resolution; Culture and Teamwork.

The Communication Orientation Model: Explaining the Diverse Effects of Sight, Sound, and Synchronicity on Negotiation and Group Decisionmaking Outcomes Personality and Social Psychology Review (Forthcoming) (with Galinsky, A.D., Medvec, V., & Diermeier, D.A.) Virtual Linguistic Mimicry: When and How Online Mimicry Increases Negotiation Outcomes Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47, (2011) 616-621 (with Maddux, W., & Sinaceur, M.) Who says what to Whom? The Impact of Communication Setting and Channel on Exclusion from Multiparty Negotiation Agreements Social Cognition 27, (2009) 381-397 (with Kern, M.C., Medvec, V., & Diermeier, D.) Sex Differences in the Effects of Visual Contact and Eye Contact in Negotiations Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 45, (2009) 129-136 (with Swaab D. F.) Identity Formation in Multiparty Negotiations British Journal of Social Psychology 47 (2008) 167187 (with Postmes, T., & Spears, R.) Shared Cognition as a Product of, and Precursor to, Shared Social Identity: Studying the Role of Communication in Negotiations Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (2007) 187-199 (with Postmes, T., Van Beest, I. & Spears, R.) Multi-party negotiation support: Visualization and the development of shared mental models. Journal of Management Information Systems 19 (2002 129150 (with Postmes, T., Neijens, P., Kiers, M. H., & Dumay, A. C. M.)

2005-2008: Visiting Assistant Professor and PostDoctoral Fellow of Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1999-2001: Content Manager and Product Development, Wegener Electronic Media, Wegener Publishing N.V., Netherlands

2005: PhD, Communication Science, emphasis in Communication and Psychology, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands 1999: Master of Arts, Communication Science, emphasis in Organizational Communication, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands


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Ian Woodward (Australia)

Affiliate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Tel: 65 6799 5381 E-mail:

Communication and Leadership; Leadership and Management in Finance; Advanced Management Programme; International Executive Programme; Executive Education.

2008-2010: Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour, INSEAD 2005-2010: Commissioner, Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) 2005-2010: Chairman, National Electricity Reliability Panel and AEMC Audit Committee 2004-2010: Global Head, Professional Development and Program Director; Macquarie Group Ltd. 2005: Associate Faculty Director, Columbia Business School Senior Executive Program 1997-2003: Group General Manager, Australian Gas Light Company 1999-2003: Board Director, Natural Gas Corporation Holdings Ltd, New Zealand; Chairman Transalta Energy New Zealand Ltd 1998-2003: Chairman and Broadcaster, 2MBS FM (Sydney Classical Radio) 1993-1997: Chief Executive, Australian Gas Association Prior to 1993: Special Assistant, US Secretary of Energy; Chief of Staff, Premier of Tasmania; Chief of Staff, NSW Minister for Energy

Leadership Communication; Leadership and Finance; Global Leadership Development.

Leadership Communication at the Edge, Australian Journal of Communication 37, N1 (2010) 111-136 (with More E. A.) The Global War for Talent, Journal of International Management 15, N3 (2009) 273-285 (with Beechler S.) Australian Energy Markets and Regulation in First Information Report on Energy Regulation, Markets and Clean Energy Initiatives in Asia Pacific Partnership Countries (Australia, Canada, China, Japan, India, Korea and the United States), Canberra: Government of Australia (2008) Autogas and Public Policy, Paris: World LPG Association (2004)

MBA, Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM), University of New South Wales, Graduate Diploma in Management, AGSM, University of New South Wales Bachelor of Arts, (Political Science, Communication and Economics), University of New England Current Doctoral thesis research in leadership and communication, Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia


2011 : Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD

Chairman, Asia-Pacific Partnership Energy Forum Chairman, Maestro Communication Board Director, The Gas Company (Hawaii) Executive Consultant, Asian Development Bank International Guest Speaker on Communication and Leadership; Energy Utility Policy and Finance


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Fares Boulos (Canada)

Affiliated Professor of Practice in Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 37 11 E-mail:

MBA, EMBA and Executive Education Programmes. Director of the following programs: IBM Master Deal Maker; Abbott Sharpening Strategic Skills; PwC Understanding the Clients Strategic Agenda; CEMIG Trilhas de Liderana and, the Programa de Gesto Avanada with Fondao Dom Cabral of Brazil. Program, Institute of Corporate Directors, Vancouver, Canada. Board service: Advisory Board Member, Paperny Films, Canada; Deans Advisory Board, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada; Vice Chair, Vancouver Community College Foundation, Canada. Teaching in various other corporate programmes, including GE Healthcare, ABN AMRO in the Netherlands, Canadas RBC Financial Group, Finlands Sanoma, Sampo Bank also of Finland, Canadas BMO Financial Group and Glaxo Smith Kline of the UK.

"Cadbury Schweppes Case Series", Journal of Strategic Management Education 1, N 1 (2003) 115-178 (with Haspeslagh Philippe and Noda Tomo) "Cadbury Schweppes (A)", INSEAD Case Study, N4856 (2001) (with Noda Tomo and Haspeslagh Philippe) "Cadbury Schweppes (B)", INSEAD Case Study, N4856 (2001) (with Noda Tomo and Haspeslagh Philippe) "Managing for Value: It's Not Just About the Numbers", Harvard Business Review 79, N 7 (2001) 64-75 (with Haspeslagh Philippe and Noda Tomo) "The Dow Chemical Company (A) - Value Based Management and the Transformation of Dow Chemical", INSEAD Case Study, N4923 (2000) (with Noda Tomo and Haspeslagh Philippe)

Director of Research, Wood Gundy (now CIBC World Markets), Canada Portfolio Manager, Jarislowsky Fraser, Canada Senior Consultant, The Canada Consulting Group (now BCG Canada), Canada 2007-2009: Visiting Professor, Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington Business School, USA

MBA, University of Toronto, BSc., University of Toronto, Diploma in Writing for Film, New Media, Vancouver Film Canada Canada Television and School, Canada


2009: The Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching for teaching of the core Strategy course, INSEAD. 2005 & 2008: Professor of the Quarter Award for best teaching, Michael G. Foster School of Management, University of Washington

Visiting Professor at the University of Washingtons Michael G. Foster School of Management, Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Management at the University of Torontos Rotman School of Management, Academic Director of the Directors Education


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Mary Yoko Brannen (Japan, USA)

Visiting Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 34 33 E-mail:

Executive - Knowledge-Sharing and Technology Transfer Across Cultures; Strategic Alignment and Multinational Integration; Global and Virtual Team Management; PhD - Mixed Methods Research Design and Theory Development; MBA Global Dimensions of Management; MultiCultural Identity as a Strategic Resource. Kwantes Catherine, Madzar Svjetlana, Taylor Sully, Weber Todd, Lazarova Mila, Malone Mary, Gluesing Julia, Davison Sue, Boyacigiller Nakiye, Aycan Zeynep) Qualitative Research Special Issue of the Journal of International Business (2009) (with Rosalie Tung and Birkinshaw Julian)


Cisco Systems/INSEAD Executive Thought Leadership Research Grant with Yves L. Doz 2004: AMD/Fujitsu (currently, Spansion) Chair of Multinational Integration, Lucas Graduate School of Business, San Jose, California 2002, 2008: Dean's Faculty Research Award 2000: Breaking the Frame Award, Journal of Management Inquiry award for most innovative contribution for the academic year 1999-2000

Recontextualisation and Knowledge-Sharing; Biculturals as a Srategic Advantage; Organisational Culture/Corporate Language and Strategy Implementation.

Three Modes of Comparative Learning for Global Strategy Formulation and a Case Illustration, Global Strategy Journal (Forthcoming) (with Voisey Christopher) "From a Distance and Generalizable to Up Close and Grounded: Reclaiming a Place for Qualitative Methods in International Business Research, introduction to qualitative Research Special issue of the Journal of International Business (2011) (with Tung Rosalie and Birkinshaw Julian) "Generalizing from Ethnographic Research: A Focal Site/ Multiple-Case Study Comparative Methods Approach" in Rethinking the Case Study In International Business Research, Edward Elgar (2010) Understanding Bi-cultural Individuals in Organizations: Implications and Opportunity, Special issue of the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 10, N 1 (2010) (with Thomas David C.) Scientific Mindfulness: A Foundation for Future Themes in International Business, The Advances in International Management: The Past, Present and Future of International Business and Management, Devinney Timothy M., Pedersen Torben, Tihanyi Laszlo (Eds.) (2010) (with Karsten Jonsen, McDonough Edward, Maznevski Martha, Thomas David, Bedrow Iris, Dietz Joerg,

Deputy editor of Journal of International Business, Executive Committee Member of the International Division of the Academy of Management. Professor Brannen serves on the editorial board of several international management journals including the International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJIR), the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Research (IJCCR), and Organizational Research Methods (ORM).

PhD, University of Massachusetts, USA Bachelor of Arts, Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, USA MBA, International Business, University of Massachusetts, USA


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Laurence Capron (France)

The Paul Desmarais Chaired Professor of Partnership and Active Ownership Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 10 E-mail:

M&As and Corporate Strategy Programme Director; Mergers and Acquisitions; Alliances; Corporate Strategy. 2006-2008: Elected as a Member of the Executive Committee of Academy of Management's Business Policy and Strategy (BPS) division (the largest professional association of strategic management academics and practitioners, with over 4,700 members worldwide) 1998: Winner of the Glueck Best Paper Award, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management, (with Michell W. and Swaminathan A.) 1998: Best Conference Paper Prize, Honorable Mention, McKinsey Company and Strategic Management Society Conferences 1997: Winner of the Best HEC Doctoral Dissertation Award, Foundation HEC, France 1996: D. G. Burgoyne Junior Faculty Award, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Strategy; Firm Restructuring and Governance.

"Finding the Right Path", Harvard Business Review 88, N 7-8 (2010) 102-107 (with Mitchell Will) "National Corporate Governance Institutions and Post-acquisition Target Reorganization", Strategic Management Journal 30, N 8 (2009) 803-833 (with Guilln Mauro F.) "Selection Capability: How Capability Gaps and Internal Social Frictions Affect Internal and External Strategic Renewal", Organization Science 20, N 2 (2009) 294-312 (with Mitchell Will) "Competitors' Resource-Oriented Strategies: Acting upon Competitors' Resources through Interventions in Strategic Factor Markets and Political Markets", Academy of Management Review 33, N 1 (2008) 97-121 (with Chatain Olivier) "Acquisitions of Private versus Public Firms: Private Information, Target Selection and Acquirer Returns", Strategic Management Journal 28, N 9 (2007) 891-911 (with Shen Jung-Chin) "When do Acquirers Earn Abnormal Returns?", Strategic Management Journal 23, N 9 (2002) 781-794 (with Pistre Nathalie) "Asset Divestiture Following Horizontal Acquisitions: A Dynamic View", Strategic Management Journal 22, N 9 (2001) 817-844 (with Mitchell Will and Swaminathan Anand) "The Long-Term Performance of Horizontal Acquisitions", Strategic Management Journal 20, N 11 (1999) 987-1018

2003-present: Editorial Board Member, Strategic Organization. 1999-present: Editorial Board Member, Strategic Management Media coverage: Financial Times (10/13/06; 06/03/05; 11/29/99; 11/08/99), The Economist (12/04/99), Les Echos (05/04/00; 05/25/00), La Tribune (04/05/05), Knowledge@Wharton(16/11/05), INSEAD Knowledge (Spring 08), International Business Times, (23/04/08), Economist Intelligence Units Executive Briefing (13/05/08), Chief Executive (8/10/08).

2008: Professor of Strategy, INSEAD, INSEAD, France 2004-2008: Associate Professor of Strategy, INSEAD, France 2004-2005: Visiting Associate Professor of Strategy, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2000-2004: Associate Professor of Strategy, INSEAD, France 1997-2000: Assistant Professor of Strategy, INSEAD, France 1995-1997: Assistant Professor of Strategy, University of Western Ontario, Canada


2007: INSEAD Outstanding Teaching Award, MBA Elective, Fontainebleau campus, December. 2007: Finalist of Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award (All Academy Award - with Mauro Guilln), Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, USA 2006-2008: Elected as a Representative at Large of the Corporate Strategy and Governance Group of Strategic Management Society

1996: PhD, Strategy, HEC Paris, France 1990: MSc., Strategy, DEA University Paris X, HECESSEC, France 1989: Bachelor of Business Administration, Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Rouen, France


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Lourdes Casanova (Spain)

Lecturer in Comparative Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 11 E-mail:

Emerging Markets with special focus on Latin America; Emerging multinationals.


1987-1989: Fullbright Scholarship


Emerging Markets, with a special focus on Spain and Latin America; Emerging Multinationals; Corporate Social Responsibility; Gender Issues. 2010-present: Member of the Advisory Board European Union Brazil. 2008-2010: Member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on the Future of Mobile Communications. 2008: Member of the Selection Committee of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 2007: Member of the jury to select world women leaders under 35, World Business. 2007-2010: Member of experts committee UNCTAD World Investment Report, Geneva. 2003-2007: Member of the Management Committee of the European Union funded RESPONSE Project on Corporate Social Responsibility. 2006-present: Founding Board Member of the Socit des Amis du Chteau de Fontainebleau.

InnovaLatino: Fostering Innovation in Latin America (2011) (with Dutta Soumitra, Pezzini Mario, Fonstad Nils, Castellani F. and DaytonJohnson J.) "Las multinacionales latinoamericanas en los albores de una gran oportunidad" 50, N 4 (2010) 439-445 "Corporate Social Responsibility and Latin American Multinationals: Is poverty a business issue?", Universia Business Review 25, N 1 (2010) (with Dumas Anne) "Los nuevos protagonistas del Sur: Las multinacionales emergentes de Latinoamrica", Foreign Affairs Latinoamerica 10, N 1 (2010) Global Latinas. Emerging Multinationals from Latin America , Palgrave Macmillan (2009) From Multilatinas to Global Latinas. The Latin American Multinationals (Compilation Case Studies) Inter-American Development Working Paper (with Fraser Matthew) "Invest in Latin America: Strategic Perspectives of Multinational Corporations", Peking University Business Review 40, N 11 (2007) 136-143 "Latin America: Economic and Business Context", International Journal of Human Resources Management 16, N 12 (2005) 2173-2188

2009: Visiting Faculty, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 2009: Visiting Faculty, Latin American Center, University of Oxford, United Kingdom 2005: Visiting Professor, University of Zurich, Switzerland 2002-present: Consultant, Inter-American Development Bank, USA 1996-1999: Visiting Professor, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, USA

1995: PhD, (cum laude) Philology, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain 1989: Master of Arts, Linguistics, University of Southern California, USA 1986: Master of Arts, Linguistics, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands 1981: Licence, Filologia, Universidad de Barcelona, Spain


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Guoli Chen (China)

Assistant Professor of Strategy Tel: 65 6799 5354 E-mail:

Strategy Implementation and Incentives in Organisation; Blue Ocean Strategy; Corporate Strategy and Corporate Governance.


2008: Finalist for the Robert J. Litschert Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, AOM 2007: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Fellowship 2007: Smeal Doctoral Dissertation Research Award 2006: Edward and Susan Wilson Graduate Scholarship 2006: BPS Doctoral Consortium Participant 2006: Jeanne and Charles Rider Fellowship 1998, 1999 & 2000: Graduate Fellowship MBA Programme, National University of Singapore

CEOs and Top Management Teams; CEO Succession; Executive Compensation; Corporate Governance and Board of Directors; Organisational Renewal and Growth.

"How Much Prestige is Enough? Assessing the Value of Multiple Types of High-status Affiliates for Young Firms", Journal of Business Venturing (2010) 6-23 (with Pollock Timothy G., Jackson Eric and Hambrick Donald C.) "Expatriate Utilization and Foreign Direct Investment Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Transfer, Journal of Management 35, N 5 (2009) 1181-1206 (with Wang, S. Tong, T. & Kim, H.) Do You Get What You Pay for? Compensation of New CEOs Hired in Turnaround Situations", Best Paper Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management 2009, Chicago, USA "CEO Elitist Association: Toward a New Understanding of an Executive Behavioral Pattern", Leadership Quarterly 20, N 3 (2009) 316-328 (with Trevino Linda K. and Hambrick Donald) "Performance Consequences of CEO Replacement in Turnaround Situations", Best Paper Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management 2008, Anaheim, USA "Puttin on the Ritz: Pre-IPO Enlistment of Prestigious Affiliates as Deadline-Induced Remediation", Academy of Management Journal 51, N 5 (2008) (with Hambrick Donald C. and Pollock Timothy G.)

2010: Reprehensive at large, Corporate Strategy and Corporate Governance Interest Group, Strategic Management Society 2006-2010: Ad hoc reviewer, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Academy of Management Annual Meeting

2005-2007: Instructor, Pennsylvania State University, USA 2003-2004: Teaching Assistant, Pennsylvania State University, USA 2000-2003: Assistant Vice President, Daiwa Securities SMBC (S) Ltd., Singapore

2008: PhD, Business Administration, Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University, USA 2000: MSc., Management, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore 1996: Bachelor of Arts, Economics, University of International Business & Economics, Beijing, China


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Wei-Ru Chen (Singapore)

Associate Professor of Strategy Tel: 65 6799 5360 E-mail:

Industry and Competitive Analysis; Innovation and Technology Strategy; China Strategy. 2003: SMS Best Conference Paper Prize: Firms Technological Search Behavior under Uncertainty

Strategic Dynamics; Firms' Technological Search Behaviour; Behavioural Theory of the Firm; Strategic Risk.

Ad Hoc Reviewer: Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Management Science.

Business Group Affiliation and Firm Search Behavior in India: Responsiveness and Focus of Attention, Organization Science (2010) (with Vissa Balagopal and Greve Henrich) "Determinants of Firms Backward-Looking and Forward-Looking R&D Search Behavior", Organization Science 19, N 4 (2008) 609622 "Situational and Institutional Determinants of Firms R&D Search Intensity", Strategic Management Journal 28, N 4 (2007) 369381 (with Miller K. D.) "Variable Organizational Risk Preferences: Tests of the March-Shapira Model", Academy of Management Journal 47, N 1 (2004) 105116 (with Miller K. D.) "Determinants and Performance Impact of Asymmetric Governance Structures in International Joint Ventures: An Empirical Investigation", Journal of Business Research 56, N 10 (2003) 815-829 (with Kao Chiang and Lee Jiren) "Risk and Firms Costs", Strategic Organization 1, N 4 (2003) 335-382 (with Miller K. D.)

2003: PhD, Strategic Management, Purdue University, USA


2009: EFMD Case Writing Award 2005: INSEAD Outstanding Teacher Award 2004: AOM Best Business Policy and Strategy Dissertation Finalist, Paper: Determinants of Firms Search Behavior 2004: AOM Best Technology and Innovation Management Dissertation Runner-up (title as above)


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Karel Cool (Belgium)

The BP Chaired Professor of European Competitiveness Professor of Strategic Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 17 E-mail:

Industry and Competitive Analysis (MBA elective); Founder and Director of Competitive Strategy (Executive Education); Competitive Strategy Research; PhD.

Competitive Strategy and Industry Dynamics; Building Competitive Resources; Creating Customer and Shareholder Value; Capturing Customer Value; Critical Mass; Product Standards; Strategic supply chain analysis and management; Industry Capacity Management: How and When to Add Capacity; Customer Turnover and Competitive Advantage; Building Industry Leadership Skills.

"Corporate Governance, Investment Bandwagons and Overcapacity: An Empirical Study of the Worldwide Petrochemical Industry, 1975-1995", Strategic Management Journal 24, N 4 (2003) 349-374 (with Henderson James) "BP - MOBIL and the Restructuring of the Oil Refining Industry", in Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalisation. South-Western College Publishing (2001) 164-188


2009: John S. Day Distinguished Alumni Academic Service 2007: Induction as Strategic Management Society Fellow Six times winner of the Best Teaching Award, MBA Programme, INSEAD

When Every Customer Is a New Customer. High turnover markets offer big opportunities to win share. Heres how to do it Harvard Business Review (2011) (with Paranikas Petros) Experience and Learning in Wine Supply Chains Negotiations in Supply Chain Forum BEM Bordeaux Management School (2010) (with Henderson James E.) Resolving the Commitment versus Flexibility Trade-off: The Role of Resource Accumulation Lags, Academy of Management Journal (2008) (with Pacheco de Almeida Guimares and Henderson James) International Business Theory and Practice (2nd Ed.), (2006) M.E. Sharp Inc. (2006) (with Ajami Riad A., Goddard Jason, Khambata Dara) "Maintaining Common Assets, Tragedy of the Commons and Supply Chain Performance" in Restructuring Strategy: New Networks and Industry Challenges, Blackwell Publishing (2005) 17-43 (with Henderson James) "Learning to Time Capacity Expansions: An Empirical Analysis of the Worldwide Petrochemical Industry, 1975-1995", Strategic Management Journal 24, N 5 (2003) 393-414 (with Henderson James)

Past Associate Editor, Strategic Management Journal. Editorial Board: British Journal of Management and International Journal of Medical Marketing Scientific. Advisor, Project Sesame of the Banque de France. Ad Hoc Reviewer: Management Science, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, National Science Foundation, Academy of Management Meetings. Visiting Professor, Northwestern University.

1985: PhD, Strategic Management, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, USA 1985: MSc., Industrial Administration, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, USA 1981: Master of Arts, Applied Economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium 1978: Licence, Applied Economics, University of Antwerp, Belgium


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James Costantini (Italy, United Kingdom)

Assistant Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 35 82 E-mail:

Strategy; Corporate Strategy and Merger & Acquisitions. 1991-1993: Business Analyst, McKinsey & Company, USA

Strategy; Industrial Organisation; International Trade; International Business.

2006: PhD, Business Economics, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1995: MBA, (Baker Scholar), Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA 1991: Master of Philosophy, Finance (Commendation), Cambridge University, United Kingdom 1990: Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics (Senior Scholar), Cambridge University, United Kingdom

"Effect of Spillovers on Foreign versus Domestic Industry Leadership in a Developing Economy", included in Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2011) "Effect of Spillovers on Foreign versus Domestic Industry Leadership in a Developing Economy", INSEAD Working Paper (2011) "The Dynamics of Firm Level Adjustment to Trade Liberalization", The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy , Harvard Business School Press (2008) (with Melitz Marc)


2004: Runner-up for SAMS/AIB Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal

Reviewer for Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, American Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, International Economic Review, and for Academy of Management Conference for Behavioral and Policy Sciences section (Best Reviewer Award for 2010) and for International Business section.

2004-2006: Lecturer, Babson College, USA 2002-2006: Partner, Executive Assessment Consultant, ghSMART & Company, USA 1995-2001: Associate, Engagement Manager, Associate Principal, McKinsey & Company, USA


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Yves L. Doz (France)

The Solvay Chaired Professor of Technological Innovation Professor of Strategic Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 29 E-mail:

Design and Direction of INSEAD Executive Programmes and PhD Course on Strategy Process. 2006: Fellow, Academy of Management 2005: Inaugural Fellow, Strategic Management Society 2004: SMS Best Conference Paper Prize (Honourable Mention): "Framing Discontinuities: Incumbents Face the Internet" (with G. Szulanski) 2003: Distinguished Scholar Award 1997: A.T. Kearney Academy of Management Award for outstanding research in the field of general management 1996: EFMD Case of the Year (Rank Xerox case) 1994-present: Fellow, Academy of International Business 1990-1994: Appointed John. H. Loudon Chair in International Management

Strategic Agility; Multinational Management; Strategic Alliances; Management of Technology and Innovation and Corporate Renewal.

Embedding Strategic Agility: A Leadership Agenda for Accelerating Business Model Renewal, Long Range Planning Special Issue on Business Models 43, N 2-3 (2010) (with Kosonen Mikko) Fast Strategy: How Strategic Agility Will Help You Stay Ahead of the Game, Wharton School Publishing (2008) (with Kosonen Mikko) "The New Deal at the Top", Harvard Business Review 85, N 6 (2007) 98-104 (with Kosonen Mikko) "Creating New Growth Platforms", Harvard Business Review 84, N 5 (2006) (with Laurie Donald L. and Sheer Claude P.) "Managing Formation Processes in R&D Consortia", California Management Review 47, N 4 (2005) 137-156 (with Olk Paul M. and Peter Ring) From Global to Metanational: How Companies Win in the Knowledge Economy, Harvard Business School Press (2001) (with Santos Jos and Williamson Peter) Alliance Advantage: The Art of Creating Value Through Partnering, Harvard Business School Press (1998) (with Hamel Gary) "The Evolution of Cooperation in Strategic Alliances: Initial Conditions or Learning Processes?", Strategic Management Journal 17, N 7 (1996) 55-83

Assisting multinational companies in corporate renewal, innovation fostering, and alliance management. Visiting Professor, Aalto University.

1998-2002: Dean of Executive Education, INSEAD, France 1995-1996: Visiting Professor of Strategic Management, Stanford University, USA 1990-1995: Associate Dean for R&D, INSEAD, France 1976-1980: Assistant Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA

1976: DBA, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, USA 1973: International Teachers Programme Certificate, 1970: Degree, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), France


2008: Elected President of the Academy of International Business


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Gareth Dyas (United Kingdom)

Emeritus Professor of Strategy and Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 31 10 E-mail:

Issues of Strategy and Structure in Large Complex Organisations; Managing in Multibusiness Firms.

The Emerging European Enterprise, Palgrave Macmillan (1976) (with Thanheiser Heinz)

Working on issues of management development and strategic transformation with large multinational companies and family-owned firms. President du Conseil Stategique Ecole de Management de Normandie, Member of the Board ISBM (International Schools of Business Management), President du Conseil Stratgique de la Fondation Insead.

1995-2000: Associate Dean for External Relations, INSEAD, France 1979-1986: Associate Dean & MBA Director, INSEAD, France

1972: DBA, Harvard University, USA 1965: MBA, INSEAD, France 1964: Master of Arts, Economics, Trinity College, Cambridge University, United Kingdom


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Douglas Frank (USA)

Assistant Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 35 E-mail:

Strategy and Organisation; Organisational Economics; Incentives.

Economics of Organisations; Labour and Personnel Economics; Strategy and Organisation.

As Luck Would Have It: The Effect of the Vietnam Draft Lottery on Long-term Career Outcomes Industrial Relations (Forthcoming) "Ability and Agency Costs: Evidence from Polish Banking", INSEAD Working Paper (2009) (with Obloj Tomasz) "The Effect of Migration on Natives' Employment Outcomes: Evidence from the Fall of the Berlin Wall", INSEAD Working Paper (2007)

Referee: Academy of Management Review, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Labor Economics, Management Science, Regional Studies and The Review of Economics and Statistics, European Economic Association

2004-2006: Lecturer, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA 1989-2000: Management positions, Bayer AG, USA

2006: PhD, Managerial Economics and Strategy, Northwestern University, USA 1995: MBA, (Co-Recipient of Elliott Dunlap Smith Award for Top Graduating Student), Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 1989: BSc., Chemistry and German, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA


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Javier Gimeno (Spain)

Aon Dirk Verbeek Chaired Professor in International Risk and Strategic Management Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 45 13 E-mail:

Strategic Management; Competitive Strategy Research; Industry and Competitive Analysis.


2006: AOM, Board of Governors 2006: BPS, Division Chair/Programme Chair 2006: OMT, Outstanding Symposium Award 2006: SMS, Programme Chair 2001: Best Conference Paper Prize, Honourable Mention, McKinsey & Company and Strategic Management Society Conferences 1996: Honourable Mention Paper Award, Technology and Innovation Management Division, Academy of Management 1995: Free Press Outstanding Dissertation Award, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management 1992: Best Empirical Paper Award, Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management 1991: Best Paper Award, Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management

Competitive Strategy; Multimarket Competition in Domestic and International Markets; Interorganisational Relationships; Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Ownership Form, Mangerial Incentives and the Intensity of Rivalry, Academy of Management Journal 50, N 4 (2007) 901-922 (with Vroom Govert) "Explaining the Clustering of International Expansion Moves: A Critical Test in the US Telecommunications Industry", Academy of Management Journal 48, N 2 (2005) 297-319 (with Beal Brent, Hoskisson Robert and Wan William) "Competition Within and Between Networks: The Contingent Effect of Competitive Embeddedness on Alliance Formation", Academy of Management Journal 47, N 6 (2004) 820-842 "The Role of Activism by Institutional Investors in Influencing Corporate Innovation", Academy of Management Journal 44, N 1 (2001) 144-157 (with Parthiban David and Hitt Michael A.) "The Theory of Multimarket Competition: A Synthesis and Implications for Marketing Strategy", Journal of Marketing 63, N 3 (1999) 49-66 (with Satish Jayachandran and Varadarajan Rajan) "Multimarket Contact, Economies of Scope and Firm Performance", Academy of Management Journal 42, N 3 (1999) 239-259 (with Woo Carolyn Y.) "Reciprocal Threats in Multimarket Rivalry: Staking out Spheres of Influence in the U.S. Airline Industry", Strategic Management Journal 20, N 2 (1999) 101-128 "Survival of the Fittest? Entrepreneurial Human Capital and the Persistence of Underperforming Firms", Administrative Science Quarterly 42, N 2 (1997) 750783 (with Folta Timothy, Cooper Arnold and Woo Carolyn Y.)

2004-2005: Programme Chair, Competitive Strategy Interest Group, Strategic Management Society. 20032004: Division Chair, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management. 2001-2002: Programme Chair, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management. Senior Editor, Organization Science. Current Editorial Boards: Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Organization, European Management Review, Management Research, Cuadernos de Economia y Direccion de Empresa Iberoamerican. Academy of Management: Academic Advisory Board. 1998-2000: Executive Committee, Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management.

2001-2005: Associate Professor of Strategy, INSEAD, France 1999-2000: Associate Professor of Management, Texas A&M University, USA 1993-1999: Assistant Professor of Management, Texas A&M University, USA

1994: PhD, Strategic Management, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, USA 1988: Licence, Business and Economics, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain


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Dominique Heau (France)

Emeritus Professor of Business Policy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 48 E-mail:

Corporate Strategy.

Strategic Issues in Financial Services; Managing Complexity: the Organisational Challenge.

Acesita, INSEAD Case Study (2006) ABN AMRO/Banco Real Case Study of a Strategic Acquisition, INSEAD Case Study (2002) (with Tanure de Barros B.) Orbitall (B) Reorganization, INSEAD Case Study (2002) (with Tanure de Barros B.) Orbitall (A) Credit Cards Spin Off, INSEAD Case Study (2001) (with Tanure de Barros B.) "Should Banco Popular be Canonized?", INSEAD Case Study (1991) (with Johnson C.)

Member of the Board, INSEAD, France 2002-2006: Associate Dean, INSEAD, France 1987-1992: Associate Dean, INSEAD, France

1976: DBA, Harvard University, USA 1969: MBA, Harvard University, USA 1966: Master's Degree, Public Administration, IEP, France 1964: Diploma, HEC, France


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Quy Huy (Canada)

Associate Professor of Strategy Area Chair, Strategy Tel: 65 67 99 53 40 E-mail:

Strategy Execution-Social Emotional Aspects; Managing Strategic Change and Corporate Renewal. making an exceptional contribution to the internationalization of the Academy of Management. "The Influence of Eastern and Western Societal Cultures in Managing Strategic Change" (with Maddux W., Sanchez-Burks J.) 2007: Academy of Management Best Conceptual Paper Award, Entrepreneurship Division. "How Entrepreneurs Regulate Stakeholders' Emotions to Build New Organizations" (with Zott C.) 2002: Best Paper Award, Academy of Management, ODC division 2000: Finalist Free Press Best Dissertation Award. Business Policy/Strategy Division, Academy of Management 2000: William H. Newman Award, Academy of Management, distinctive contribution to knowledge using creative and rigorous research design 1999: Doctoral Dissertation, Dean's Honors List, McGill University 1998: Navigation Styles and Corporate Revitalization 1998: Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, Academy of Management 1996: Social Sciences, Human Research Council 1995: Excellence in Doctoral Studies, McGill University 1978: Distinction and University Scholar in Electrical Engineering, McGill University

Emotion and Strategy; Strategy Execution; Corporate Renewal; Building of New Organisations; Middle Managers and Strategy; Entrepreneurial Strategies; Time Dimensions of Organisational Change.

How Middle Managers Collective Emotions and Social Identities Influence Strategy Implementation, Strategic Management Journal (Forthcoming) "Where are the New Theories of Organization?", Academy of Management Review 36, N 2 (2011) 236-246 (with Suddaby Roy and Hardy Cynthia) "Emotional Aperture and Strategic Change: The Accurate Recognition of Collective Emotions", Organization Science 20, N 1 (2009) 22-34 (with Sanchez-Burks Jeffrey) "How Entrepreneurs use Symbolic Management to Acquire Resources", Administrative Science Quarterly 52, N 1 (2007) 70-105 (with Zott Christoph) "Emotional Balancing of Organizational Continuity and Radical Change: The Contribution of Middle Managers", Administrative Science Quarterly 47, N 1 (2002) 31-69 "In Praise of Middle Managers", Harvard Business Review 79, N 8 (2001) 72-81 "Time, Temporal Capability, and Planned Change", Academy of Management Review 26, N 4 (2001) 601-623 Emotional Capability, Emotional Intelligence, and Radical Change, Academy of Management Review 24, No. 2 (1999) 325-345

International Board Member, Change Division, Academy of Management Co-editor special issue Academy of Management Review, 2009, Where are the new theories of organizations? Editorial Board Member: Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Board member: Academy of Management, Organization Development and Change Division

Managerial positions, large information technology firms


2011: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings "An Emotion-based View of Post Merger Integration (with Reus, T.) 2011: Rupe Chisolm Practical Theory Award for demonstrating how theory informs practice and reflective practice enriches concepts and theories "An Emotion-based View of Post Merger Integration" (with Reus T.) 2011: Finalist all Academy Dexter Award: paper

1999: PhD, McGill University, Canada 1994: Certificate, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), 1993: MBA, McGill University, Canada 1978: Bachelor in Engineering, McGill University, Canada


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Neil Jones (Canada)

Affiliate Professor of Strategy Tel: 971 2 651 5246 E-mail:

Strategy; Technology Strategy; Product Development Strategy.

Academic Director, SMU MBA Programmes (20092010). Member, Advisory Board aidha (2007present). Independent Director, Chair Compensation Committee. Pacific Interpret (20072008). Member, Strategic Issues Advisory Committee, SMU (2007); Founding Member of Senate Task Force on Benefits, Senate, 20062007; Member of the SMU Senate 2006-2007; Exec Ed, Development, 2005; Faculty Sponsor, Lien Center for Social Innovation, 2007.

Technology Strategy; Evolution of Technology and Competition; Strategy.

"Wal-Mart in Asia", INSEAD Case Study, N5280 (2005) (with Gehlen Claudia and Lasserre Philippe) "Robust Capabilities? An Empirical Study of Incumbent-Entrant Product Development Capabilities after Radical Technological Change" in Restructuring Strategy: New Networks and Industry Challenges (2005) 153-174 "Competing after Radical Technological Change: The Significance of Product Line Management Strategy", Strategic Management Journal 24, N 13 (2003) 1265-1287 "Developing and Assessing Radical Technological Changes: Lessons from the PBX Industry", International Journal of Technology Management 23, N 4 (2002) 287-301 "Exploring Dynamic Capability: A Longer-Term Study of Product Development Following Radical Technological Change", INSEAD Working Paper 2001/20/TM (2001) "Too Soon to IPO - Commentary", Harvard Business Review (2001) (with Mavrinac Sarah) "Competing After Radical Technological Change: The Significance of Product Line Management Strategy", INSEAD Working Paper 2001/25/TM (2001)

2008: Associate Professor of Management Practice, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University, Singapore 2004-2008: Assistant Professor of Management, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University, Singapore 2000-2004: Affiliate Professor in Strategy and Technology Management and Senior Research Fellow, INSEAD, France 1999-2000: Visiting Assistant Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1996-2000: Assistant Professor, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Canada

1996: DBA (Technology and Operations Management), Harvard University, USA 1986: Diploma, MPPM (Strategy), Yale University, USA 1979: BSc., Physics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada


2004: Best Teacher Award (nominee for core teaching) 2002: McKinsey/Strategic Management Society Conference Best Paper Finalist 1999: Best Paper, Academy of Management, Technology and Innovation Management Division 1999: Best Case Decision Sciences Institute, Annual Case Studies Award Competition 1999: Newman Award Finalist, Academy of Management Meeting 1999: Dean's Commendation for Outstanding Teaching - core and elective, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario 1998: Dean's Commendation for Outstanding Teaching, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario


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W. Chan Kim (Republic of Korea)

The Boston Consulting Group Bruce D. Henderson Chaired Professor of International Management Professor of Strategy and International Management Co-Director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute Tel: 65 6799 5106 E-mail:

Strategy and International Management for MBAs, PhDs and Executives. ranking of business gurus in 2009. Nobels Colloquia Prize for Leadership on Business and Economic Thinking in 2008. Advisory member for the European Union and Advisor to Several Countries. Winner of the Eldridge Haynes Prize, awarded by the Academy of International Business and Eldridge Haynes Memorial Trust of Business International, for the best original article in the field of international business. Blue Ocean Strategy was selected as the Best Business Book of 2005 at the Frankfurt Book Fair and is a Wall Street Journal Bestseller, BusinessWeek Bestseller, the number one Strategy Book of 2005 by Strategy + Business, Booz Allen & Hamilton's leading business magazine, and Best Business Book of 2005 by Fellow of the World Economic Forum, Davos. Blue Ocean Strategy has been published in a record-breaking 42 languages and has become an International Bestseller, after reaching National (American) Bestseller status. Winner of the Prix DCF 2009 (Prix des Dirigeants Commerciaux de France 2009) in the category of Stratgie d'entreprise. Winner of the ecch Case award for overall categories in 2009.

Disciplinary Research: Reconstructionist Theory, Procedural Justice; General Research: Strategy and International Management.

"Blue Ocean Strategy", HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy , Harvard Business Review (2011) 123142 (with Mauborgne Renee) "Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy" in HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing People , Harvard Business Review (2011) 111-132 (with Mauborgne Renee) "Tipping Point Leadership" in HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change , Harvard Business Review (2011) 79-98 (with Mauborgne Renee) "How Strategy Shapes Structure", Harvard Business Review 87, N 9 (2009) 72-80 (with Mauborgne Renee) Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, Harvard Business School Press (2005) (with Mauborgne Renee) "Procedural Justice, Strategic Decision Making, and The Knowledge Economy", Strategic Management Journal 19, N 4 (1998) 323-338 (with Mauborgne Renee) "Procedural Justice and Managers' In-Role and Extra-Role Behavior The Case of the Multinational", Management Science 42, N 4 (1996) (with Mauborgne Renee) "A Procedural Justice Model of Strategic DecisionMaking: Strategy Content Implications in the Multinational", Organization Science 6, N 1 (1995) (with Mauborgne Renee)

Board Member and Advisor for a number of multinational corporations in Europe, the US and Asia Pacific. Contributor to: The Wall Street Journal USA, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Asian Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times and The New York Times.

PhD, University of Michigan, USA Bachelor of Arts, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea Master's Degree, MBM, Asian Institute of Management, Philippines


Winner, Thinkers50 2011 Strategy Award (with Rene Mauborgne) Ranked number two in the Thinkers50 listing of the Worlds Top 50 Business Thinkers 2011 (with Rene Mauborgne) Selected as one of the 8 Most Influential Academic Authors worldwide in Global Strategy by the Journal of International Management. Selected as the top 5 of Thinkers 50, the global


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Philippe Lasserre (France)

Emeritus Professor of Strategy and Asian Business Tel: 65 6799 5333 E-mail:

Business and Corporate Strategy; Strategies for the Asia Pacific; Joint Venturing in Asia and China; Organisation and Human Resources for Asia Pacific; Strategic Alliances; Mergers and Aquisitions; Strategic Management in Developing Countries. 1995: EFMD Case Writing Award in International Business for "Carrefour in Asia (A)

Member, Editorial Board of: the Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business and the Journal of Euro-Asian Management. Board Member, Euro-Asia Centre. Visiting Professor, China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai.

Business and Corporate Strategy; Multinational Management; Asian Business; Joint Ventures.

Global Strategic Management, Palgrave Macmillan (2007) Strategies for Asia Pacific: Meeting New Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan (2005) (with Schtte Hellmut) Strategies for Asia Pacific: Beyond the Crisis (1999) (with Schtte Hellmut) Strategy and Management in Asia Pacific (1999) (with Schtte Hellmut) "Joint Venture Satisfaction in Asia Pacific", Asia Pacific Journal of Management 16, N 1 (1999) 1-28 "Competing in Asia Pacific: Understanding the Rules of the Game", Long Range Planning 31, N 1 (1998) 30-50 (with Probert Jocelyn) "The Strategic Challenge of the Asia Pacific Region for Western Companies", Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Businesses 1, N 1 (1997) 75-88 "Human Resources Management in China and the Localisation Challenge", Journal of Asian Business 13, N 4 (1997) 85-99 (with Ching Poy-Sing)

1995-1996: Visiting Professor, University of Texas-Dallas, USA 1995-1996: Visiting Professor, Curtin University, Australia 1995-1996: Visiting Professor, CEIBS, China 1991-1993: Visiting Professor, China Europe Management Institute (CEMI), China 1982-1983: Visiting Professor, China Europe Management Institute (CEMI), China 1981-1983: Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore 1969-1972: Deputy Director, French National Foundation for Management Education, France 1963-1969: Controller, SNECMA, France

1975: PhD, University of Texas, USA 1961: Master's Degree, ESSEC, France


1996: Strategic Management Prize, Long Range Planning Journal 1996: EFMD Case of the Year Award for "Carrefour in Asia (A): Taiwan: A Bridgehead into Asia"


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Susan Lynch (Ireland, Australia)

Assistant Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 34 08 E-mail:

Strategy and Management.

Organisational Theory; Strategy Implementation and Organisational Change; Formal Organisation Design; Managing a Firm's Informal Social Network.

Reviewer, Academy of Management, Organization Theory Division.

2004: Teaching Assistant / Guest Lecturer, London Business School, London University, United Kingdom 2000-2001: Guest Faculty, London Business School, London University, United Kingdom 2000-2007: Lead Internal Faculty, McKinsey & Company, United Kingdom 1993-2000: Associate Principal, Consultant, McKinsey & Company, Australia

2007: PhD, Strategy and International Management, London Business School, London University, United Kingdom 1993: Bachelors in Law, LLB, University of Queensland, Australia 1992: Bachelor of Commerce, University of Queensland, Australia


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Renee Mauborgne (USA)

The INSEAD Distinguished Fellow of Strategy and International Management Affiliate Professor of Strategy Co-Director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute Tel: 33 (0)1 60 71 25 64 E-mail:

Strategy and Management for MBAs and Executives.


Winner, Thinkers50 2011 Strategy Award (with W. Chan Kim) Ranked number two in the Thinkers50 listing of the Worlds Top 50 Business Thinkers 2011 (with W. Chan Kim) Member of President Barack Obama's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Ranked in the top 5 business gurus in the world in 2009 by Thinkers 50, the global ranking of business thought leaders. Fellow of the World Economic Forum, Davos. Nobels Colloquia Prize for Leadership on Business and Economic Thinking 2008. Blue Ocean Strategy was selected as the Best Business Book of 2005 at the Frankfurt Book Fair and is a Wall Street Journal Bestseller, BusinessWeek Bestseller, the number one Strategy Book of 2005 by Strategy + Business, Booz Allen & Hamilton's leading business magazine, and Best Business Book of 2005 by Blue Ocean Strategy has been published in a record-breaking 42 languages and has become an International Bestseller, after reaching National (American) Bestseller status. Winner of the Prix DCF 2009 (Prix des Dirigeants Commerciaux de France 2009) in the category of Stratgie dentreprise. Winner of the Eldridge Haynes Prize, awarded by the Academy of International Business and Eldridge Haynes Memorial Trust of Business International, for the best original article in the field of international business. Winner of the ecch Case award for overall categories in 2009.

Disciplinary Research, Reconstructionist Theory, Procedural Justice; General Research: Strategy, Management and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy.

"Blue Ocean Strategy" in HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy , Harvard Business Review (2011) 123-142 (with Kim W. Chan) "Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy" in HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing People, Harvard Business Review (2011) 111-132 (with Kim W. Chan) "Tipping Point Leadership" in HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change , Harvard Business Review (2011) 79-98 (with Kim W. Chan) "How Strategy Shapes Structure", Harvard Business Review 87, N 9 (2009) 72-80 (with Kim W. Chan) Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant, Harvard Business School Press (2005) (with Kim W. Chan) "Procedural Justice, Strategic Decision Making, and The Knowledge Economy", Strategic Management Journal 19, N 4 (1998) 323-338 (with Kim W. Chan) "Procedural Justice and Managers' In-Role and Extra-Role Behavior The Case of the Multinational", Management Science 42, N 4 (1996) (with Kim W. Chan) "A Procedural Justice Model of Strategic Decision-Making: Strategy Content Implications in the Multinational", Organization Science 6, N 1 (1995) (with Kim W. Chan)

Contributor to: The Wall Street Journal, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Financial Times, and The New York Times.


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Allen J. Morrison (USA, Canada)

Professor of Management Practice Tel: 1 480 209 1506 E-mail:

Strategy; Leadership; Globalisation; MNC Management; Mergers & Acquisitions; Management of JVs. Inkpen 1991: Winner - Deloitte & Touche Award, with Harold Crookell 1989: Winner - Barry M. Richmann Dissertation Award 1989: Winner - Best Paper in International Business 1989: Finalist - R.N. Farmer Best Dissertation Competition 1984: Ontario Graduate Scholarship, MBA Programme 1983: Nominee Valedictorian, Brigham Young University 1983: Dean's List, Brigham Young University 1982: Barret Scholarship, Brigham Young University

Global Strategy; MNC Management; Global Leadership; Attention Management.

"Are You Giving Globalization the Right Amount of Attention?", MIT Sloan Management Review (2011) 15-16 (with Bouquet Cyril) "Failure to Globally Launch: A Cautionary Tale from Japan for the World", Harvard Business Review (2010) 99-103 (with Black Stewart) Sunset in the Land of the Rising Sun: Why Japanese Multinationals will Struggle in the Global Future , Palgrave Macmillan (2010) (with Black Stewart) "International Attention and Multinational Enterprise Performance", Journal of International Business Studies 40, N 1 (2009) 108-131 (with Bouquet Cyril and Birkinshaw Julian) "Netchising: The Next Global Wave", Long Range Planning 37, N 1 (2004) 11-27 (with Bouquet Cyril and Beck John C.) International Management: Text and Cases, Irwin/McGraw-Hill (2003) (with Beamish P. , Inkpen A. and Rosenzweig P.) Global Explorers: The Next Generation of Leaders, Routledge (1999) (with Gregersen Hal and Black Stewart) "Developing Leaders for the Global Frontier", Sloan Management Review 40, N 1 (1998) 21-32 (with Gregersen Hal and Black Stewart)

2004-2008: Professor, IMD, Switzerland 2002-2004: J. Armand Bombardier Chair of Global Management, Richard Ivey Business School, Canada 2000-2002: Donald Hunter Professor of International Business, Richard Ivey Business School, Canada 1999-2001: Associate Dean, Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada 1998-2001: Associate Professor, Richard Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada 1998: Visiting Professor, Anderson School of Management, University of California at Los Angeles, USA 1996: Professor, Thunderbird-American Graduate School of International Management, USA 1992-1996: Associate Professor, ThunderbirdAmerican Graduate School of International Management, 1989-1992: Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration, University of Western Ontario, Canada


2003: Outstanding Teaching Award, Richard Ivey Business School 2003: Ivey Research Merit Award, Richard Ivey Business School 2002: PhD Fellowship Winner (with C. Bouquet) of the BoozAllenHamilton/SMS PhD Fellowship, for best paper, Strategic Management Society Annual Meetings, Paris 2000: Finalist - Best Paper from 1990 Volume, with D. Schweiger and K. Roth 2000: Finalist - Best Paper from 1990, with A.

1989: PhD, University of South Carolina, USA 1985: MBA, Richard Ivey Business School, Canada 1983: Bachelor of Arts, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA


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Narayan Pant (India)

Professor of Management Practice Tel: 65 6799 5283 E-mail:

The Strategy Process; Judgment in Strategic Decision Making; Strategy Implementation Managing Change; Scenario Planning; Strategy and Management in Healthcare; Strategy in Asia; Strategic Alliances and Strategy in Mergers & Acquisitions.

Director, Clean Slate Consulting Pte Ltd

2000-2003: Principal, Monitor Group, Singapore 1995-2000: Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore 1991-1995: Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Canada 1990-1991: Instructor, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1987-1990: Teaching Assistant, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1986: Teaching Assistant, Graduate School of Business, University of Southern California, USA 1984-1986: Planning Officer, EXIM Bank of India, India

Forecasting and Industry Competitiveness; Culture, Values, Strategy and Organization; Healthcare Management and Organization in Asia.

Olam International, INSEAD Case Study, N5786 (2011) (with Costantini James and Pant Indira) "Leadership and Judgment: Why Leaders Know More than they Think they do", INSEAD Working Paper 2011/13/ST (2011) "Singapore's Healthcare Industry", INSEAD Case Study, N5448 (2007) (with Hariharan Kavitha) "Which Dreams Come True? Endogeneity, Industry Structure and Forecasting Accuracy", Industrial and Corporate Change 12, N 4 (2003) 653-672 (with Barnett Michael L. and Starbuck William H.) "In Diversity is There Strength? Ruminations on Changing Faces in Business" in The International Handbook of Organizational Culture and Climate, Wiley (2001) 557-572 (with Singh Kulwant) "Value Incongruity and Strategic Choice", Journal of Management Studies 35, N 2 (1998) 195-212 (with Lachman Ran) "Partnership with an Asian Family Business: What Every Multinational Should Know", Long Range Planning 29, N 6 (1996) 812-820 "Innocents in the Forest: Forecasting and Research Methods", Journal of Management 16, N 2 (1990) 433-460 (with Starbuck William H.)

1991: PhD, Business Policy and Strategy, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 1984: MBA, PGDM, Indian Institute of Management, India 1982: Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, India


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Subramanian Rangan (USA)

The Abu Dhabi Crown Princes Diwan Endowed Chair in Societal Progress Professor of Strategy and Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 80 E-mail:

Global Strategy and Management (MBA); Readings and Research on Multinational Enterprises (PhD); Strategy and Management (Executive Education). really Matter", Academy of Management Review 25, N 4 (2000) 813-828 "Do Multinationals Operate Flexibly?: Theory and Evidence", Journal of International Business Studies 29, N 2 (1998) 217-237

Global Strategy & Management.


2011-2012 Chairman, World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Emerging Multinationals 2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: Emerald insight citation of excellence award Top 50 Publications in Management in 2009. 2009: Outstanding Teacher Award, MBA Programme, INSEAD 1998, 2008: Outstanding Teacher Award MBA Elective Course Global Strategy and Management, INSEAD 1998: Eldridge Haynes Prize, Academy of International Business 1995: Richard N. Farmer Best Dissertation Award, Academy of International Business

The Problem of Control, and the Role of Home-host Ties in Explaining Multinationals Foreign Operations, Competitiveness, and Performance Global Strategy Journal (Forthcoming) "The Influence of Macro Structure on the Foreign Market Performance of Transnational Firms: The Value of IGO Connections, Export Dependence, and Immigration Links", Administrative Science Quarterly 54, N 2 (2009) 229-267 (with Sengul Metin) "Information Technology and Transnational Integration: Theory and Evidence on the Evolution of the Modern Multinational Enterprise", Journal of International Business Studies 40, N 9 (2009) (with Sengul Metin) "Constructive Partnerships: When Alliances Between Private Firms and Public Actors Can Enable Creative Strategies", Academy of Management Review 31, N 3 (2006) 738751 (with Samii Ramina and Van Wassenhove Luk) "Explaining Outcomes in Competition Among Foreign Multinationals in a Focal Host Market", Strategic Management Journal 25, N 3 (2004) 285-294 (with Drummond Aldemir) "Profits and the Internet: Seven Misconceptions", Sloan Management Review 42, N 4 (2001) 44-53 (with Adner Ron) "The Problem of Search and Deliberation in Economic Action: When Social Networks

1994: PhD, Harvard University, USA 1988: MBA, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA 1980: Bachelor of Commerce, University of Bombay, India


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Jos Santos (Portugal)

Affiliated Professor of Practice in Global Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 32 72 E-mail:

EMBA Programme and Executive Education Programmes.

"Strategy Lessons from Left Field", Harvard Business Review (2007) "Is Your Innovation Process Global?", Sloan Management Review 45, N 4 (2004) 31-37 (with Doz Yves L. and Williamson Peter) From Global to Metanational: How Companies Win in the Knowledge Economy, Harvard Business School Press (2001) (with Doz Yves L. and Williamson Peter)

"Professor Catedratico Convidado", Catholic University of Portugal at Porto

1984-1994: Managing Director (Admin. Del.), Segafredo Zanetti, Italy 1974-1983: Managing Director (Admin. Del.), R.A.R., Portugal 1971-1975: Monitor and Assistant Professor, University of Porto, Portugal

Licenciate, Chemical Engineering, Universidade do Porto, Portugal MSc., Management Science, University of London, United Kingdom


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Hellmut Schtte (Germany)

Emeritus Professor of International Management Tel: 65 6799 5347 E-mail:

Regional Organisation; Global Strategies; International Marketing; Asian Business; International Management.

Doctorate, University of St Gallen, Switzerland Diplom-Kaufmann, Economics and Business Administration, University of Hamburg, Germany Bachelor's Degree, Business Administration, University of Munich, Germany

Strategies for Asia Pacific: Meeting New Challenges, Palgrave Macmillan (2005) (with Lasserre Philippe) Marketing Management: An Asian Casebook, Prentice Hall (2004) (with Chin Tiong Tan , Siew Meng Leong and Swee Hoon Ang) Strategies for Asia Pacific: Beyond the Crisis, Macmillan (1999) (with Lasserre Philippe) Strategy and Management in Asia Pacific, McGraw-Hill (1999) (with Lasserre Philippe) Consumer Behaviour in Asia, MacMillan, (1998) (with Ciarlante Diana)

Consultant to European and Asian Firms.

2002-2006: Dean, INSEAD, Singapore 1992: Visiting Professor, Boston University, USA 1992-1993: Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, USA 1988-1989: Visiting Professor, Tokyo University, Japan 1977-1981: Regional Manager, Investment Bank, Philippines 1967-1977: Manager, Unilever, Germany and Indonesia


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Andrew V. Shipilov (Ukraine, France)

Akzo Nobel Fellow of Strategic Management Associate Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 30 91 E-mail:

Competitive Strategy; Strategic Alliances; Value Innovation (Blue Ocean Strategy). General Award from the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada 2004: Finalist for the INFORMS (Organization Science) Dissertation Proposal Competition

Organisation theory; Strategic Alliances; Inter-Firm Networks; Inter-personal Networks; Transition Economies.

Reviewer for Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Management Science and Research Policy. Editorial board member of Strategic Organization and Strategic Management Journal

"When do Interlocks Matter? Institutional Logics and the Diffusion of Multiple Corporate Governance Practices", Academy of Management Journal 53, N 4 (2010) (with Greve Henrich and Timothy Rowley) "Firm Scope Experience, Historic Multimarket Contact with Partners, Centrality, and the Relationship Between Structural Holes and Performance", Organization Science 20, N 1 (2009) 85-106 "Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It Too? Structural Holes' Influence on Status Accumulation and Market Performance in Collaborative Networks", Administrative Science Quarterly 53, N 1 (2008) 73-108 (with Stan Li) "Ecological Approaches to Organizations", The Sage Handbook of Organization Studies. 2nd Edition , Sage (2006) (with Baum Joel) "Network Strategies and Performance of Canadian Investment Banks", Academy of Management Journal 49, N 3 (2006) 590604 "How to Recognize a Value Innovation for Your Blue Ocean Strategy", INSEAD Case Study, N5398 (2006)

2005: PhD, Strategic Management and Organization Theory, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada 2000: MBA, Exchange Student, Higher Scientific School of Management (WHUKoblenz), Germany 2000: MBA, International Business, CaseWestern Reserve University, USA


2007: Recipient of the Best Paper Award from the Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management 2006: Nominee for the Canadian Governor


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Jasjit Singh (India)

Associate Professor of Strategy Tel: 65 6799 5341 E-mail:

Competitive Strategy; Blue Ocean Strategy; Value Innovation; Global Strategy; Emerging Market Strategy. Technology and Innovation Management, AOM, Honolulu. 2005: Winner, Haynes Best Paper Prize, Academy of International Business, Quebec City. 2004: Winner, Newman Best Paper Award in Business Policy and Strategy Division, AOM, New Orleans

Strategic Management; Innovation; Knowledge Management & Diffusion; Social Networks; Economic Geography; International Business; Emerging Market Strategy.

Management Science: Associate Editor (since 2009) Organization Science: Member of the Editorial Review Board (since 2009) Business Policy & Strategy Research Committee (Academy of Management): Member (since 2009) Reviewer: Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, Organization Science, Research Policy, Strategic Management Journal

Recruiting for Ideas: How Firms Exploit the Prior Inventions of New Hires Management Science 57, N 1 (2011) (with Agrawal, Ajay) 129-150 The World is Not Small for Everyone: Inequity in Searching for Information in Organizations, Management Science 56, N 9 (2010) 1415-1438 (with Hansen Morten and Podolny Joel) "Lone Inventors as Sources of Breakthroughs: Myth or Reality?", Management Science 56, (2010) 41-56 (with Fleming Lee) "Distributed R&D, Cross-Regional Ties and Quality of Innovative Output", Research Policy 37, N 1 (2008) 77-96 "Asymmetry of Knowledge Spillovers between MNCs and Host Country Firms", Journal of International Business Studies 38, N 5 (2007) 764-786 "Science, Social Networks and Spillovers", Industry and Innovation 14, N 2 (2007) 219-238 (with Olav Sorenson) "Collaborative Networks as Determinants of Knowledge Diffusion Patterns", Management Science 51, N 5 (2005) 756-770 "Agency Costs in a Supply Chain with Demand Uncertainty and Price Competition", Management Science 51, N 1 (2005) 120-132 (with Narayanan V. and Raman Ananth)

1995-1998: Management Consultant, Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting), USA 1994: Intern, AT&T, USA 1993: Intern, Intel, USA 1990: Intern, Cadence Design Systems, India

2004: PhD, Business Economics, Harvard University, USA 2004: Master of Arts, Economics, Harvard University, USA 1995: MS, Management, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 1993: MS, Computer Science, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA 1991: Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, India


2010: Thomson Science Watch Emerging Research Fronts Paper in Economics & Business (MS 2005 article) 2006: Winner, Best Paper Award at Danish Research Unit in Industrial Dynamics (DRUID) Summer Conference, Copenhagen. 2005: Barry M. Richman Best Dissertation Award in International Management, AOM, Honolulu. 2005: Finalist, Best Dissertation in the Business Policy and Strategy, AOM, Honolulu. 2005: Finalist, Best Dissertation Competition in the


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Gabriel Szulanski (USA, Argentina)

Professor of Strategy Tel: 65 6799 5269 E-mail:

The Making of Strategy, General Management.

Knowledge Stickiness, Transfer of Best Practices; Replication as Strategy; The Making of Strategy.

Template Use and the Effectiveness of Knowledge Transfer, Management Science 53, N 11 (2007) 1716-1730 (with Jensen Robert) "Presumptive Adaptation and the Effectiveness of Knowledge Transfer", Strategic Management Journal 27, N 10 (2006) 937-957 (with Jensen Robert) Strategy Process, Advances in Strategic Management, JAI Press (2005) (with Doz Yves L. and Porac Joseph) Sticky Knowledge: Barriers to Knowing in the Firm, Sage (2003) "Getting it Right the Second Time", Harvard Business Review 80, N 1 (2002) 62-69 (with Winter Sidney) "Replication as Strategy", Organization Science 12, N 6 (2001) 730-744 (with Winter Sidney) "The Process of Knowledge Transfer: A Diachronic Analysis of Stickiness", Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes 82, N 1 (2000) 9-28 "Exploring Internal Stickiness: Impediments to the Transfer of Best Practice Within the Firm", Strategic Management Journal Special issue, N 17 (1996) 27-43

1996: Free Press Award for Outstanding Dissertation Research in Business Policy and Strategy, Business Policy and Strategy division of the Academy of Management 1995: Honourable Mention, Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management 1989-1993: General Electric Fellow

Editorial Board: Long Range Planning, Administrative Science Quarterly (2002-2006), Organization Science (2004-2006), Journal of International Business Studies (2004-2006). Guest Associate Editor: Management Science (Special issue: Managing Knowledge in Organizations: Creating, Retaining and Transferring Knowledge). Referee: Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior, Human Decision Processes, Journal of International Business Studies, Oxford University Press, Harvard Business School Press. Review Committee, Strategic Management Society. Member: BPS Executive Committee, Academy of Management; International Research Advisory Board, Strategos Research Institute. Consulting clients include Xerox, Shell, Harris Corporation, Henkel, Allianz, SAB Miller, PwC, KPMG, CapGemini, McKinsey. Member: Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society, INFORMS, Academy of International Business.


2004: Best paper prize, Strategic Management Journal, "Exploring Internal Stickiness: Impediments to the Transfer of Best Practice within the Firm." 2004: Best conference paper prize (honourable mention), Strategic Management Society Conference, "Framing Discontinuities: Incumbents face the Internet" ranked among top 5 papers in the conference. 2003: EFMD Case of the year award, category: Knowledge Management and Learning in Organizations, "Rank Xerox (A), (B), (C)" 2002: Honourable Mention, McKinsey & Company, Strategic Management Society, Best Conference Paper Prize 2002: "Getting it Right the Second Time" featured in "Best Ideas in Management", Harvard Business Review

2002-2006: Associate Professor of Strategy and Management, INSEAD, Singapore 1996-2002: Committee Member, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1995-2002: Assistant Professor of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA

1995: PhD, Management (Strategy), INSEAD, France 1988: MBA, Management of Information Systems, Recannati School of Business, Tel Aviv University, Israel 1988: Postgraduate Certificate, Computer Science, Schreiber School of Mathematics, Tel Aviv University, Israel 1982: BSc., Electrical Engineering, Technion, Israel


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Heinz Thanheiser (Austria)

Emeritus Professor of Strategy and Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 31 18 E-mail:

Strategy and Management with special interest in Corporate Renewal; Executive Action Learning Programmes with Board/Executive Committee involvement.

Corporate Change and Renewal.

"The Art and Science of Corporate Renewal", Financial Times, FT Prentice Hall (2000) 279-284 (with Doz Yves L.) "Regaining Competitiveness: A Process of Organisational Renewal" in Strategic Thinking, Leadership and the Management of Change, Wiley (1993) (with Doz Yves L.) The Emerging European Enterprise, Palgrave Macmillan (1976) (with Dyas Gareth)


Elected Member of the International Academy of Management

Top management consulting on corporate change. Action-learning interventions.

1980-1985: Dean and Co-Dean, INSEAD, France

1972: DBA, Harvard University, USA 1964: MBA, INSEAD, France 1963: Dkfm, Wirtschaftsuniversitt Wien, Austria


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Bart S. Vanneste (Belgium)

Assistant Professor of Strategy Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 31 19 E-mail:

Mergers and Acquisitions; Alliances; Corporate Strategy.

2006-2008: Instructor for Tutorial Groups, London Business School, United Kingdom 2006: Teacher, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

Trust; Mergers and Acquisitions; Corporate Strategy; Informal and Formal Governance; Buyer-Supplier Relationships.

2009: PhD, Strategic and International Management, London Business School, United Kingdom 2007: Diploma, Visiting Research Scholar, Kellogg School of Management, USA 2003: MSc., Cum Laude, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands 2000: Diploma, Exchange program, University of Michigan, USA

"Repeated Interactions and Contractual Detail: Identifying the Learning Effect", Organization Science 21, N 1 (2010) 186201 (with Puranam Phanish) "Trust and Governance: Untangling a Tangled Web", Academy of Management Review 34, N 1 (2009) 11-31 (with Puranam Phanish)


2007-2008: NEVI Foundation for Research Fellowship 2006: Best Presentation European Doctoral Research Conference, Tanaka Business School, Imperial College 2004-2008: London Business School PhD Fellowship 2004-2007: European Union Marie Curie Fellowship 2003: NEVI National Master's thesis Award, Best Master's thesis on purchasing

Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science


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Peter B. Zemsky (USA)

The Eli Lilly Chaired Professor of Strategy and Innovation Professor of Strategy Deputy Dean Degree Programmes & Curriculum Tel: 33 (0)1 60 98 31 07 E-mail:

Competitive Strategy; Blue Ocean Strategy; Industry Evolution. Fellowship 1989-1992: National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship 1988: Outstanding Undergraduate Economics Major, University of Pennsylvania 1988: Phi Beta Kappa National Honors Society Member 1984: National Merit Scholar, USA

Value-Based Strategy; Formal Foundations of Strategy; Industrial Organisation; Competitive Strategy.

"The Timing of Resource Development and Sustainable Competitive Advantage", Management Science 53, N 4 (2007) 651666 (with Pacheco De Almeida Gonalo) "Disruptive Technologies and the Emergence of Competition", Rand Journal of Economics 36, N 2 (2005) 229-254 (with Adner Ron) "The Effect of Time to-Build on Strategic Investment under Uncertainty", Rand Journal of Economics 34, N 1 (2003) 167-183 (with Pacheco De Almeida Gonalo) "Social Capital, Corporate Culture and the Incentive Intensity", Rand Journal of Economics 33, N 2 (2002) 243-257 (with Rob Rafael) "Mentoring and Diversity", The American Economic Review 90, N 4 (2000) 765-786 (with Athey S. and Avery C.) "Multi-Dimensional Uncertainty and Herd Behavior in Financial Markets", The American Economic Review (1998) (with Avery C.)

Associate Editor (Strategy), Management Science. Associate Editor (Economics of Strategy), European Management Review. Editorial Board, Strategic Management Journal

2010-2011: Dean of Faculty, INSEAD 2006-2009: Area Coordinator, Strategy, INSEAD, France 2002-2003: Visiting Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1998-2007: Associate Professor of Strategy, INSEAD, France 1994-1998: Assistant Professor of Strategy, INSEAD, France

1995: PhD, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA 1988: Bachelor of Arts, (Summa Cum Laude), University of Pennsylvania, USA


2009: BPS Glueck Best Paper Award, Academy of Management 2008: BPS Distinguished Paper Award, Academy of Management 2005-2006: Nomination: INSEAD Outstanding MBA Core Teacher 2004: ACAC Best Paper Award 2003: Award for Outstanding Teaching in the MBA Core, Wharton School 1992-1993: State Farm Dissertation


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Technology and Operations Management

Albert A. Angehrn (Switzerland)

Professor of Information Technology Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 43 61 E-mail:

International Executive Programme (IEP); Web Trends & Strategies (MBA); INSEAD Executive Education CSPs; INSEAD Online. Knowing-Doing Gap in Urban Communities", Intellectual Capital for Communities, Butterworth Heinemann (2005).

Management Learning and Decision Making; Virtual Communities; Advanced Simulations; Intelligent Agents; Internet Strategies; Collaboration Dynamics; Cross-cultural issues.


2002: IBM Faculty Award 2001: IFS Innovation Award

Presentation of the latest learning innovations to companies and organisations around the world, including: IKEA, Sweden; American companies such as IBM, HP and Merial; Pfizer, SAP, BMW and Beiersdorf, Germany; the FIAT Group and Unicredit, Italy; Eutelsat, France; the Scottish Government; the Danish Finance Ministry and the Swedish Trade Council.

"Designing Collaborative Learning and Innovation Systems for Education Professionals", in Emerging Technologies and Information Systems for the Knowledge Society, Springer (2008) 167-176 (with Maxwell Katrina, Luccini Angelo Marco and Rajola Federico) "TENTube: A Video-based Connection Tool Supporting Competence Development", International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 3, (2008) 29-37 (with Maxwell Katrina) "Enhancing Social Interaction in Competence Development Networks: A Conceptual Framework", International Journal of Learning Technology 3, N 4 (2008) 424442 (with Maxwell Katrina and Sereno Bertrand) "Understanding the Organizational Dynamics of Change in China A Multimedia Simulation Approach", The Chinese Economy 41, N 3 (2008) 68-69 "Coopetion" in Encyclopedia of Knowledge Management, Information Science Reference Schwartz David G. Ilan Bar (Eds.) (2005) 5866 (with Loebbekke Claudia) "Changing Chinese Firms: Overcoming Resistance", INSEAD Quarterly, N 11 (2005) (with Leliaert Philippe, Zhao Shuming, Van Geffen Leo and Yang Huifang) "Learning-by-Playing: Bridging the

1989: PhD, Mathematical Sciences (Mathematical Models and Decision Systems), ETH-Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland 1985: Diploma, Mathematical Sciences (Computer Science, Complexity Theory and Operations Research), ETH-Zurich, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland.


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Robert U. Ayres (USA)

The Novartis Chair in Management andthe Environment, Emeritus Emeritus Professor of Economics and Political Science and Technology Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 11 E-mail:

Environmental Economics; Technology and the Environment; History of Technology.

1996: ISEE Best Article Award: Limits to the Growth Paradigm

Environmental Economics; Technological Change and Economic Growth; Industrial Metabolism and Industrial Ecology; Eco-Restructuring; Energy and Economic Growth.

2004-present: Institute Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. 2000-present: Visiting Professor (part-time), Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Crossing the Energy Divide Wharton Press (2010) (with Ayres Edward) Energy Efficiency and Economic Growth: The Rebound Effect as a Driver in Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Consumption Herring Horace and Sorell Steve (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan (2009) (with Warr Benjamin) The Economic Growth Engine: How Energy and Work Drive Material Prosperity, Edward Elgar (2009) (with Warr Benjamin) Sustainable Metals Management, Springer (2006) (with von Gleich Arnim and Gssling Stefan) On the Reappraisal of Microeconomics: Economic Growth and Change in a Material World, Edward Elgar (2005) (with Martinas Katalin) "Accounting for Growth: The Role of Physical Work", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 16, N 2 (2005) 181-209 (with Warr Benjamin) "Scarcity and Growth Revisited: Natural Resources and the Environment in the New Millennium" in Resources for the Future Inc , John Hopkins University Press (2005) (with Toman M. A. and Simpson R. D.) The Life Cycle of Copper, Its Co-Products and Byproducts , Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003) (with Leslie Ayres and Rde Ingrid)

2004: Insitute Scholar (part-time), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria 2001-2003: Visiting Professor (part-time), Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 2000-2001: Jubilee 150th Anniversary (Visiting) Professor, Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 2000: Novartis (formerly Sandoz) Emeritus Professor of Environment and Management, INSEAD, France 2000-2002: Visiting Professor (part-time), Institute for Advanced Studies, UN University, Tokyo, Japan 1994-1998: Member of the International Advisory Board, Wuppertal Institut fur Klima, Energie und Umwelt, Germany 1992-2002: Adjunct Professor, Pennsylvania State University, USA 1992-2001: Professor / Director, Centre for the Management of Environmental Resources (CMER), INSEAD, France

1958: PhD, Mathematical Physics, King's College, University of London, United Kingdom 1956: MSc., Physics, University of Maryland, USA 1954: BSc., Mathematics (Physics Minor), Cum Laude, University of Chicago, USA 1952: Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics (Physics Minor) Cum Laude, University of Chicago,USA


2003: International Society for Industrial Ecology Award, First ISIE Society Prize for Outstanding Research 2002: ISEE Award: Kenneth Boulding Memorial Prize 1996: Best TFSC Paper: Foresight as a Survival Characteristic: When (If Ever) Does the Long View Pay?


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Ben M. Bensaou (France)

Professor of Technology Management and Asian Business and Comparative Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 31 E-mail:

Building an Innovative Organisation; Value Innovation/Blue Ocean Strategy - A Process View; Strategy and Strategic Management; Managing Networked Organisations; Managing Strategic Alliances and Partnerships; Information Technology and Corporate Transformation; Understanding Japanese Business.


2009: ecch European Case Awards: Overall Winner 2008: ecch European Case Award in Strategy and General Management, "Even a Clown Can Do It: Cirque du Soleil Recreates Live Entertainment" (B) 2006: ecch European Case Award in Strategy and General Management 1993: Finalist, Free Press Award for Outstanding Dissertation Research in the field of Business Policy and Strategy, Academy of Management, Atlanta 1992: Best Doctoral Dissertation Award in the field of Information Systems, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dallas

Building an Innovative Organisation; Value Innovation/Blue Ocean Strategy - a Process View; New Forms of Networked Organisation; Strategic Alliances and Trust-based Partnerships; Building Social Capital within Professional Organisations; Role/Impact of Information Technology on Organisations and Markets; Comparison with Japanese Management; IT and Mobility-driven Value Innovation.


"Buyer-Supplier Relations in Industrial Markets: When Do Buyers Enter the Trap of Making Idiosyncratic Investments?", Organization Science 10, N 4 (1999) 460481 (with Anderson Erin) "Testing Metric Equivalence in CrossNational Strategy Research: An Empirical Test Across U.S. and Japan", Strategic Management Journal 20, N 7 (1999) 671689 (with Coyne M. and Venkatraman N.) "Portfolio of Buyer-Supplier Relationships", Sloan Management Review 40, N 4 (1999) 35-44 "The Right Mind-Set for Managing Information Technology", Harvard Business Review 76, N 5 (1998) 118-128 (with Earl Michael John) "Interorganisational Cooperation: The Role for Information Technology", Information Systems Research 8, N 2 (1997) 107-124 "Configurations and Inter-Organisational Relationships: A Comparison between US and Japanese Automakers", Management Science (1995) (with Venkatraman N.) Associate Editor: Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly Executive. Member of the Board of Consulting Editors, International Journal of Research in Marketing. Editorial Board Member, Systmes d'Information et Management. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, The Baan Institute Press.

2007-2008: Senior Fellow, The Wharton School of Management, University of Philadelphia, USA 1999-2003: Director, INSEAD Euro-Asia Centre, France 1998-1999: Visiting Associate Professor, Harvard Business School, Harvard University, USA

1992: PhD, Management, Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA 1985: Master of Arts, Management Science, Hitotsubashi University, Japan 1981: DEA, Mechanical Engineering, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France 1981: Diplme d'Ingnieur, Civil Engineering, Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat, France


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Shantanu Bhattacharya (India)

Associate Professor of Operations Management Tel: 65 6799 5266 E-mail:

Concurrent Engineering in New Product Development; Processes in New Product Development; New Services Development Processes and Market Verification; Outsourcing New Product Development; Foundations of Operations: Sequencing and Scheduling; Competing on Quality; Creating New Products and Services; Process and Operations Management. 1996: Honorable Mention, The Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Competition, Marketing Science Institute, One of five winners out of 57 entrants 1987-1991: National Talent Search Scholarship, NCERT, Ministry of Education, India 1987: National Merit Scholarship, Maharashtra Board of Higher Education, India

Technology Management; New Product Development; Managing Supplier Relations; Reverse Logistics Management.

1997-1998: Lecturer, University of Texas, Austin, USA

1998: PhD, Operations Management, University of Texas, Austin, USA 1993: MSc., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Louisiana State University, USA 1991: Bachelor of Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, India

"Operationalizing Technology Improvements in Product Development Decision-Making", European Journal of Operational Research 149, N 1 (2003) 102131 (with Krishnan Vish V. and Mahajan Vijay) "Technology Selection and Commitment in New Product Development: The Role of Uncertainty and Design Flexibility", Management Science 48, N 3 (2002) 313327 (with Krishnan Vish V.) "Managing New Product Definition in Highly Dynamic Environments", Management Science 44, N 11 (1998) 50-64 (with Krishnan Vish V. and Mahajan Vijay)


1996-1997: Departmental Nominee, The University-wide Graduate Division Continuing Fellowship 1996-1997: The Dora and Eugene Bonham Memorial Fund Grant for Dissertation Proposal 1996-1997: The Graduate School of Business Tuition Award 1996-1997: The Graduate School Summer Tuition Fellowship


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Stephen Chick (USA)

The Novartis Chaired Professor of Healthcare Management Professor of Technology and Operations Management Area Chair, Technology and Operations Management Academic Director, Healthcare Management Initiative Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 41 57 E-mail:

Production and Operations Management; Health Care Management; Service Operations; Simulation; Stochastic Modeling; Statistical Inference. Expected Opportunity Cost Bounds", INSEAD Working Paper 2003/43/TM/CIMSO 30 (2003) (with Wu Yaozhong)


Production and Operations Management; Health Care; Service Operations; Stochastic Simulation; Bayesian Inference; Risk and Uncertainty; Mathematical Modeling. 2006: Pierskalla Award (with Mamani H., Simchi-Levi D.), INFORMS Health Applications, Best OR Paper in Health Care Applications for Supply Chain Coordination and Influenza Vaccines

"Sequential Sampling with Economics of Selection Procedures", Management Science (Forthcoming) (with Frazier P.) "The Cost-effectiveness of Surgical Instrument Management Policies to Reduce the Risk of vCJD Transmission to Humans", Journal of the Operational Research Society 60, N 4 (2009) 506-518 (with Stevenson M. D., Oakley J. E. and Chalkidou K.) "Economic Analysis of Simulation Selection Problems", Management Science 55, N 3 (2009) (with Gans Noah) "Supply Chain Coordination and Influenza Vaccines", Operations Research 56, (2008) 1493-1506 (with Hamed Mamani and SimchiLevi David) Management Quality and Competitiveness: Lessons from the Industrial Excellence Award, Springer (2008) (with Loch Christoph and Huchzermeier Arnd) "A Taxonomy of Model Structures for Economic Evaluation of Health Technologies", Health Economics 15, N 12 (2006) 12951310 (with Brennan Allan and Davies Ruth) "Inferring Infection Transmission Parameters that Influence Water Treatment Decisions", Management Science 49, N 7 (2003) 920-936 (with Koopman James and Soorapanth Sada) "Selection Procedures with Frequentist

Area Editor: Operations Research; Associate Editor: Management Science.

2001-2003: Associate Professor with Tenure (on leave), University of Michigan, USA 1995-2001: Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, USA

1995: PhD, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, USA 1995: MSc., Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, USA 1990: BSc., Mathematics, Stanford University, USA


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Soumitra Dutta (India)

The Roland Berger Chaired Professor in Business and Technology Professor of Information Systems Academic Director, eLab@INSEAD Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 47 E-mail:

Courses on Information/Communications Technology and Innovation Strategies at both corporate and national policy levels.

Member of Advisory Board, Business School at the American University of Cairo, Egypt (2009-present) Member of Advisory Board, Orkestra, Basque Institute of Competitiveness and Development, Bilbao, Spain (2008- present) Member of Advisory Board, Athens Laboratory for Business Administration (ALBA), Athens, Greece (2007-present) Member of Advisory Board, Center for CIO Leadership, New York, USA (2007- present) Member of ICT Advisory Board, Government of Qatar, (2005- present) Member of Advisory Committee, Deutsche Bank Research (2004present) Member of India Advisory Board, World Economic Forum, Geneva (2003- present) Member of Steering Committee, European e-Business Support Network, European Commission (2003present)

Business innovation and the Internet; Social media and social computing; National technology and innovation strategies; Software productivity and software management practices; Knowledge-based systems and applied artificial intelligence.

Global innovation index 2011, INSEAD (2011) InnovaLatino: Fostering Innovation in Latin America (2011) (with Pezzini Mario, Casanova Lourdes, Fonstad Nils, Castellani F. and DaytonJohnson J.) Global Information Technology Report 20102011: Tranformations 2.0 (2011) (with Mia Irne) The New Internet World: A Global Perspective on Freedom of Expression, Privacy, Trust, and Security Online: A Contribution to Global Information Technology Report 2010-2011 (2011) (with Dutton William H., Law Ginette) "Whats Your Personal Social Media Strategy?", Harvard Business Review 88, N 11 (2010) 127130 Innovating at the Top: How Global CEOs Drive Innovation for Growth and Profit, Palgrave Macmillan (2009) (with Berger Roland, Raffel Tobias and Samuels Geoffrey) Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom: How Online Social Networking will Transform your Life, Work and World, Wiley (2009) (with Fraser Mathew)

2010: Visiting Professor, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom 2010: Visiting Professor, Judge School of Business, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 2006-2009: Dean of External Relations, INSEAD, France 2002-2006: Dean of Executive Education, INSEAD, France 1999-2002: Dean of Technology and eLearning, INSEAD, France 1996-1999: Visiting Professor, Haas School of Business, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1991-1998: Visiting Professor, Solvay Business School, Universit Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium


2000-2007: Fellow of the World Economic Forum 2002, 2000, 1998, 1997 & 1995: ecch Case of the Year Award (PDM Category) 1991: Best Paper Award, Indian Computing Congress 1990: PhD, Computer Science, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1989: MSc., Business Administration, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1987: MSc., Computer Science, University of California-Berkeley, USA 1985: Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology, India


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Karan Girotra (India)

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 91 19 E-mail:

Business Model Innovation; Identifying New Business Opportunities; Innovation Tournaments; Operations Management; Supply Chain Management. 2004-2005: NSF grant on supply chain collaboration 2003 & 2005: Wharton OPIM Outstanding Scholar Award (The award recognizes excellence in research and teaching, among PhD students at the OPIM Department, Wharton School) 2003-2006: Costume Gallery grant 2002-2006: Wharton Doctoral Fellowship 2000: Students Undergraduate Research Award, Indian Institute of Technology 1996-2002: National Talent Scholarship, Government of India

Business Model Innovation; Renaissance Innovation; New Venture Management; Generation; Selection and Refinement of New Business Opportunities; Ideation Economics of Operations Management; Financial Impact of Firm Operations.

"Relational Advantages of Intermediation, Management Science (Forthcoming) (with Belavina Elena) "How to Build Risk into your Business Model, Harvard Business Review (2011) (with Netessine Serguei) "Idea Generation and the Quality of the Best Idea", Management Science 56, N 4 (2010) (with Terwiesch Christian and Ulrich Karl T.) "Valuing R&D Projects in a Portfolio: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry", Management Science 53, N 9 (2007) 14521466 (with Terwiesch Christian and Ulrich Karl T.) "The Strategic Perils of Delayed Differentiation", Management Science 53, N 5 (2007) 697-712 (with Anand Krishnan)

Referee for Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. Consulting: Merck & Co., NTT DoCoMo, Bevan Manufacturing (Catalogue retailer), Costume Gallery (Manufacturer of dance costumes), Delhi Transport Corporation.

2005: Co-Founder, OpinionStar Inc. (Revolutionary provider of online recommendations), USA 2004: Co-Founder, TerraPass Inc. (Provider of environmental impact remediation services), USA

2007: PhD, Managerial Sciences and Applied Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2007: Master of Arts, Managerial Sciences and Applied Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 2002: Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, India


2011: Meritorious Service award from Management Science 2010: Management Science Distinguished service award 2009, 2010: Deans Award for Excellence in Teaching, INSEAD 2007: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Award - Technology and Operations Management, Distinguished Service Award 2004-2005: Merck Grant, jointly with Terwiesch C. and Ulrich K. T.


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Sameer Hasija (India)

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management Tel: 65 6799 5388 E-mail:

Process and Operations Management; Management of Services; Discrete Stochastic Processes . 1998: Engineerng Intern, Cochin Shipyard Ltd. - Kerala, India

2007: PhD, Operations Management, WE Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester, USA 2005: MSc., Management Science Method, WE Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester, USA 2002: Bachelor of Technology, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India,

Service Supply Chain Management; Business Process Outsourcing; Modeling and Analysis of Call-center Operations; Healthcare Service Operations; Analysis of Queueing Systems.

"Work Expands to Fill the Time Available: Capacity Estimation and Staffing under Parkinson's Law", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management 12, N 1 (2010) 118 (with Pinker Edial and Shumsky Robert A.) "Call Center Outsourcing Contracts Under Information Asymmetry", Management Science 54, N 4 (2008) 793-807 (with Pinker Edial and Shumsky Robert A.) "Staffing and Routing in a Two-tier Call Center", International Journal of Operational Research 1, N 1 (2005) 8-29 (with Pinker Edial and Shumsky Robert A.) "Scheduling in Flowshops to Minimize Total Tardiness of Jobs", International Journal of Production Research 42, N 11 (2004) 1-13 (with Rajendran C.)

2007: Assistant Professor, School of Management, State University of New York, Binghamton, USA 2006: Visiting Research Specialist, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA 2005: Management Intern, Sutherland Global Services, USA 2002-2007: Research and Teaching Assistant, WE Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester NY, USA 2001: Management Intern, Western India Shipyard Ltd. Goa, India


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Paul Kleindorfer (USA)

Distinguished Research Professor Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 91 28 E-mail:

Risk Management; Supply Chains.

Dr. Kleindorfer has published over 25 books and many research papers in the areas of operations management, managerial economics and regulation. Dr. Kleindorfer has held a number of editorial and professional positions over the years, including his current position as associate editor of the Journal of Regulatory Economics.

Investment Theory and Real Options, Risk Management; Regulation in Network Industries (Energy, Postal, Logistics).

Integrating Long-term and Short-term Contracting in Beef Supply Chains Management Science (Forthcoming) (with Onur Boyabatli, Koontz Steve) Reinventing the Postal Sector in an Electronic Age, Edward Elgar (2011) (with Crew Michael A.) "Multi-period Portfolio Policies for Hedging Carbon Costs in Electricity Supply" (2011) (with Lide Li) "Hedging Commodity Risks in Supply Management", Encyclopedia of Quantitative Finance , Wiley (2010) The Network Challenge: Strategy, Profit and Risk in an Interlinked World, Wharton School Publishing (2009) (with Wind Yoram Jerry) "Co-opetition and Investment for Resilience in Global Supply Chains", Production and Operations Management Journal 18, N.6 (2009) 583-603 (with Bakshi Nitin)

1973-2006: Faculty Member, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1969-1972: Faculty Member, MIT, USA 1968-1969: Faculty Member, Carnergie Mellon University, USA

1970: PhD, Systems and Communication Sciences, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, USA 1964-1965: Fullbright Fellowship in Mathematics, University of Tbingen, Germany 1961: BSc., US Naval Academy, USA


2005: Fellow, Production and Operations Management Society 2002: Honorary Doctorate, University of Frankfurt


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Jurgen Mihm (Germany)

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 42 E-mail:

New Product Development; Production and Operations.

2002: PhD, Operations Management (Summa Cum Laude), WHU, Germany 1997: Bachelor's Degree, Diplom Wirtschaftsingenieur Double Degree, Electrical/Computer Engineering and Business Admin, TU Darmstadt, Germany 1995: Certificate, Non-Degree, College of Engineering, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign (UIUC), USA

New Product Development; R&D Management; R&D Organisation; R&D Processes; Evaluation of R&D portfolios.

"Incentives in New Product Development and the Importance of Target Costing", Management Science 56, N 8 (2010) 13241344 "Hierarchical Structure and Search in Complex Organizations", Management Science 56, N 5 (2010) 831-848 (with Loch Christoph, Wilkinson D. and Bernardo Huberman) "Spiraling out of Control: Problem Solving Dynamics in Complex Distributed Engineering Projects", Complex Engineered Systems (2006) "Problem-Solving Oscillations in Complex Engineering Projects", Management Science 49, N 6 (2003) 733-750 (with Loch Christoph and Huchzermeier Arnd) "Concurrent Engineering and Design Oscillations in Complex Engineering Projects", Concurrent Engineering 11, N 3 (2003) 187200 (with Huchzermeier Arnd and Loch Christoph)


2011: Meritorious Service award from Management Science

2001-2005: Engagement Manager and Associate Principal, McKinsey & Company, Germany 1998-2000: Associate, McKinsey & Company, Germany


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Serguei Netessine (Russian Federation, USA)

The Timken Chaired Professor of Global Technology and Innovation Professor of Technology and Operations Management Research Director of the INSEAD-Wharton Alliance Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 92 25 E-mail:

Business Model Innovation; Operations Management; Supply Chain Management.

Supply Chain Management; Contracting; Incentives; Competition; Game Theory; Revenue Management; Retailing; E-commerce; Airlines; Manufacturing Strategy.

"The Timing of Capacity Investment by Start-ups and Established Firms in New Markets", Management Science 57, N 4 (2011) 763-777 (with Swinney Robert and Cachon Gerard P.) "Reliability or Inventory? Analysis of Product Support Contracts in the Defense Industry", INSEAD Working Paper 2010/62/TOM (2010) (with Kim Sang-Hyun and Cohen Morris A.) "Revenue Management with Strategic Customers: Last Minute Selling and Opaque Selling", Management Science 56, N 3 (2010) 430-448 (with Jerath Kinshuk and Veeraraghavan Senthil K.) "Supply Chain Networks", in Network-Based Strategies and Competencies, Kleindorfer Paul R. and Wind Yoram (Jerry) (Eds.) Wharton School Publishing (2009) "Selling to Strategic Consumers: Opaque Selling Strategies", in Operations Management Models with Consumer-Driven Demand (2009) (with Jerath Kinshuk and Veeraraghavan Senthil K.) "Long-term Contracts Under the Threat of Supplier Failure", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management 11, N 1 (2009) 109-127 (with Swinney Robert) "Performance Contracting in After Sales Supply Chains", Management Science 53, N 12 (2007) 1843-1858 (with Kim Sang-Hyun and Cohen Morris A.) "What Can be Learned from Classical Inventory Models: A Cross-Industry Empirical Investigation", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management 9, N 4 (2007) 409-429 (with Rumyantev Sergey)

Management Society 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008: Meritorious Service Awards from Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 2003: Junior Faculty Interest Group Best Paper competition 2002, 2003, 2008: Meritorious Service Awards from Operations Research 2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2008-2009: Miller-Shererd Teaching Awards, The Wharton School 2000: Second place in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society Student paper competition

2009-Present Advisory Board Member, Objective Logistics (2009-present). Advisory Board Member, RedMart (2011-present). Editorial Responsibilities: Associate Editor for Management Science (2007present), Operations Research (2007-present), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2005-present). Editorial review board member for Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2003-2004), senior editor for Production and Operations Management (2006-present), editorial review board member for Production and Operations Management (2003-2006). Referee: Management Science, Operations Research, Marketing Science, Games and Economic Behavior, Transportation Science, IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational Research, Naval Research Logistics, International Journal of Production Planning and Control, MIT Sloan Management Review, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, International Economic Review, NSF.

2001-2010: Assistant and Associate Professor, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1995-1997: Project Manager, Head of Operations Department, Lucent Technologies, Russian Federation 1994-1995: Technical Consultant, Motorola Research Center, Russian Federation
1990-1994: Research Assistant (part-time), Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Russian Federation


2009: Meritorious Associate Editor Award from Management Science 2008: Nominee for Best Teaching Awards, Core Courses 2008: MBA Core Teaching Award 2006: Junior Faculty Interest Group Best Paper competition 2005: Wickham Skinner Early-Career Research Accomplishment Award, Production and Operations

2001: PhD, Operations Management, W.E.Simon Graduate School of Business, USA 2000: MSc., Management Science, W.E.Simon Graduate School of Business, USA 1995: MSc., Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Russian Federation 1993: BSc., Computer Science, Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Russian Federation


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Michael Pich (USA)

Senior Affiliate Professor of Operations Management, Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise Tel: 65 6799 5336 E-mail:

Executive Education & MBA students in America, France, Ireland, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, China & Singapore; Process and Operations Management; Strategic R&D Management; Learning and Innovation; Project and Process Management; Use of Business Simulations in Corporate Education.


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2008: Outstanding Contribution, MBA Program, INSEAD 2004: European Case Clearing House (ecch)/Business Week, Best Overall Case Award 2004: Outstanding Contribution to Executive Education, INSEAD 2002: European Case Clearing House Awards, Best Operations Case 1997: Operations Research 1997 Meritorious Service Award 1993: Honourable Mention, George E. Nicholson Dissertation Competition, Operations Research Society of America

Management of Innovation; Learning in Organisations; Project and Process Management; Entrepreneurship.

Managing the Unknown: A New Approach to Managing High Uncertainty and Risk in Projects, Wiley (2006) (with De Meyer Arnoud and Loch Christoph) "On Uncertainty, Ambiguity and Complexity in Project Management", Management Science 48, N 8 (2002) 1008-1023 (with De Meyer Arnoud and Loch Christoph) "Factors that Influence Technical Communication in Distributed Product Development: An Empirical Study in the Telecommunications Industry", IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management 49, N 1 (2002) 45-58 (with Mc Kendrick David G., Sosa Manuel, Eppinger Steven and Stout Suzanne) "Managing Project Uncertainty: From Variation to Chaos", Sloan Management Review 43, N 2 (2002) 60-67 (with De Meyer Arnoud and Loch Christoph) "Selecting R&D Projects at BMW: A Case Study of Adopting Mathematical Programming Models", IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management 48, N 1 (2001) 70-80 (with Loch Christoph, Terwiesch Christian and Urbschat M.) "Two-Moment Analysis of Open Queueing Networks with General Workstation Capabilities", Operations Research (1996)

Has worked with a number of corporations in e-Commerce, e-Learning, Telecommunications, Manufacturing and Software Development on Strategic and Operational Issues of Learning, Innovation and Time-based Competition; is currently on the Advisory Board of a Singaporean Start-up in the Edutainment Industry.

1993-1996: Assistant Professor, School of Management, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA 1992-1993: Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Economics, Seattle University, USA

1993: PhD, Operations Research, Stanford University, USA 1983: Master's Degree, Master of Forestry, Yale School of Forestry, USA 1981: BSc., Natural Resource Management, University of Idaho, USA


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Dana Popescu (Romania)

Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management Tel: 65 6799 5435 E-mail:

PhD - Optimization; MBA - Process & Operations Management.

2009: PhD in Operations Management, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA 2008: M.Phil. in Operations Management, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University 2003: Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Bucharest University of Economics, Romania

Revenue Management; Supply Chain Contracting; Finance-Operations Interface; Game Theory.

Inventory and E-Commerce, in The Handbook of Technology Management (2009) (with Seshadri S.) "An Improved Range Chart for Normal and Long-tailed Symmetrical Distributions", Naval Research Logistics 55, N 1 (2008) 91-99 (with Tadikamalla P. R. and Banciu M.) "Kurtosis Correction Method for X Bar and R Control Charts for Long-tailed Symmetrical Distributions", Naval Research Logistics 54, (2007) (with Tadikamalla P. R.)


2009: W. Edwards Deming Fellowship, New York University, USA 2006, 2007: Stern Fellowship, New York University, USA 2003: Merit Scholarship

Refereeing: OR Letters, Communications in Statistics; Affiliations: INFORMS, MSOM, Women in OR

2007-2008: Intern, RSG Systems, USA 2008: Course Instructor, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, United States, 2003-2006: Teaching Fellow and Graduate Student Assistant, University of Pittsburgh, USA


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Nils Rudi (Norway)

Associate Professor of Technology and Operations Management Tel: 65 6799 5109 E-mail:

Operations Management; Supply Chain Management; Inventory Management; Probability Theory; Decision Support Systems. Management Science 47, N 12 (2001) 16681680 (with Kapur Sandeep and Pyke David F.)

Associate Editor, Management Science.

Operations Management; Supply Chain Management; Inventory Theory; MarketingOperations Interface; Finance-Operations Interface; Applied Probability; Applied Game Theory; Decision Support Systems.

2001-2005: Xerox Assistant Professor, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester, USA 1999-2005: Assistant Professor of Operations Management, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Rochester, USA

"Strategic Investments, Trading and Pricing Under Forecast Updating", Management Science 52, N 12 (2006) 1913-1929 (with Chod Jiri) "Supply Chain Choice on the Internet", Management Science 52, N 6 (2006) 844864 (with Netessine Serguei) "An Empirical Examination of the Decision to Invest in Fulfillment Capabilities: A Study of Internet Retailers", Management Science 52, N 4 (2006) 567-580 (with Netessine Serguei and Taylor Randall) "Resource Flexibility with Responsive Pricing", Operations Research 53, N 3 (2005) 532-548 (with Chod Jiri) "Who Benefits from Transhipment? Exogenous vs. Endogenous Wholesale Price", Management Science 50, N 5 (2004) 645647 (with Dong Lingxiu) "Centralized and Competitive Inventory Models with Demand Substitution", Operations Research 51, N 2 (2003) 329335 (with Netessine Serguei) "Newsvendor Networks: Dynamic Inventory Management and Capacity Investments with Discretionary Pooling", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management 4, N 4 (2002) (with Van Mieghem Jan A.) "A Two-location Inventory Model with Transhipment and Local Decision Making",

2000: PhD, Operations and Information Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1996: Master of Arts, Managerial Science and Applied Economics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA 1993: BSc., Computer Science (Part-time), Molde College, Norway


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Kishore Sengupta (India)

Associate Professor of Information Systems Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 06 E-mail:

Electronic Commerce; Management of Information Technology; Software Project Management. Abdel-Hamid Tarek K. and Ronan D.) "Alternative Conceptions of Feedback in Dynamic Environments: An Experimental Investigation", Management Science 39, N 4 (1993) 411-428 (with Abdel-Hamid Tarek K.)

Electronic Commerce; Software Management; Decision Support Systems; Knowledge Management.


1999: Outstanding Researcher Award, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California 1988-1989: Outstanding Doctoral Research Award, Ohio Regents Council

"Incorporating Software Agents into Supply Chains: Experimental Investigation with a Procurement Task", MIS Quarterly 30, N 1 (2006) 145-166 (with Nissan Mark E.) "Coping with Staffing Delays in Software Project Management: An Experimental Investigation", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics C 29, N 1 (1999) 77-91 (with Abdel-Hamid Tarek K. and Bosley M.) "The Impact of Goals on Software Project Management: An Experimental Investigation", MIS Quarterly 23, N 4 (1999) 531-556 (with Abdel-Hamid Tarek K. and Swett Clint) "The Impact of Unreliable Information on the Management of Software Projects: A Dynamic Decision Perspective", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics C 26, N 2 (1996) 177-189 (with Abdel-Hamid Tarek K.) "The Impact of Reward Structures on Staff Allocations in a Multi-project Software Development Environment", IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management 41, (1994) 115-125 (with Abdel-Hamid Tarek K. and Hardebeck M.) "Cognitive Feedback in GDSS: Improving Control and Convergence", MIS Quarterly 17, N 1 (1993) 87-114 (with Te'eni Dov) "Software Project Control: An Experimental Investigation of Judgement under Fallible Information", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 19, N 6 (1993) 603-612 (with

1998-2001: Minitrack Chair, Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. 1996: Member, Program Committee, International Conference on Information Systems. Reviewer: Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research and others.

1996-1998: Visiting Scholar, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 1989-2000: Associate Professor, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), USA

1990: PhD, Management, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, USA 1986: MBA, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, USA 1984: Chartered Accountant, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, India


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Manuel Sosa (Venezuela)

Associate Professor of Technology and Operations Management Tel: 65 6799 5398 E-mail:

Strategies for Product and Service Development (MBA); Process and Operations Management (MBA); Empirical Methods in Technology and Operations Management (PhD); Innovation Management (GEMBA). Interactions", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 125, N 2 (2003) 240-252 (with Rowles Craig and Eppinger Steven)


2011: Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching, INSEAD 2010: Meritorious Service award from Management Science 2009: Recipient of Deans Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching 2008: Ecch Award Winner (Production and Operations Management) for IDEO: Service Design (A) Awarded "Pequiven" merit-based scholarship to support undergraduate studies Ranked top student of Universidad Simn Bolvar graduating class 1992: Recipient of the Antonio Jos de Sucre Award for Scholastic Excellence, given by the Venezuelan government to the country's top students for graduate studies in the US.

Innovation Management; Organisation Design for New Product Development; Complex Product Architectures; Social Networks in R&D Organisations.

"Where do Creative Interactions Come From? The Role of Tie Contebnt and Social Networks, Organization Science 22, N 1 (2011) 1-21 "Degree Distribution and Quality in Complex Engineering Systems, INSEAD Working Paper 2011/06/TOM (forthcoming at special issue of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design on Designing Complex Engineered Systems) (2011) (with Mihm Jurgen, Browning Tyson) "A Structured Approach to Predicting and Managing Technical Interactions in Software Development", Research in Engineering Design 19, N 1 (2008) 47-70 "Are Your Engineers Talking to One Another When They Should?", Harvard Business Review 85, N 11 (2007) (with Eppinger Steven and Rowles Craig M.) "A Network Approach to Define Modularity of Components in Complex Products", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 129, (2007) (with Eppinger Steven and Rowles Craig M.) "The Misalignment of Product Architecture and Organizational Structure in Complex Product Development", Management Science 50, N 12 (2004) 1674-1689 (with Rowles Craig and Eppinger Steven) "Identifying Modular and Integrative Systems and Their Impact on Design Team

2000-2001: Director of Consumer Solutions, Oculus Technologies Corporation, USA 1992-1994: Systems Engineer, Petroquimica de Venezuela (PEQUIVEN), Venezuela

2000: PhD, Mechanical Engieering, MIT, USA 1996: MSc., Mechanical Engineering, MIT, USA 1992: BSc., Mechanical Engineering, Universidad Simn Bolvar, Venezuela


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James Teboul (France)

Emeritus Professor of Operations Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 44 66 E-mail:

Dynamics of Improvement; Services Management; Supply Chain Management; Operations Technology Strategy.

1976-1978: Matre de Confrences, Ecole Nationale d'Administration, France 1974: Visiting Professor, HEC, Canada 1972-1980: Professor, Centre d'Etudes Suprieures du Management Public, France 1965-1970: Engineer, Schlumberger, France

Quality of Service; New Technologies and Design in Services; Change Management.

1971: MBA, Sherbrooke University, Canada 1969: Docteur en Sciences, France 1963: Ingnieur des Arts et Manufactures, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France

Servios Em Cena , Elsevier (2008) Le management des Services, Eyrolles (2007) Service is Front Stage: Positioning Services for Value Advantage, Palgrave Macmillan (2006) Le temps des services, Editions dOrganisation (1999) "The 7 Perversions of Quality: Another Ailment for Healthcare Management", Annual Conference of the European Healthcare Association (27 June 1998) Managing Quality Dynamics, Prentice Hall (1991) La dynamique qualit, Editions dOrganisation (1991) "De-Industrialize Service for Quality", International Journal of Operations and Production Management 8, N 3 (1988) 3945


1998: European Case Award for "Friends Provident"

Member of the International Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Service Management.


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Ludo Van der Heyden (Belgium)

The Mubadala Chaired Professor in Corporate Governance and Strategy Professor of Technology and Operations Management Academic Director, INSEAD Corporate Governance Initiative Tel: 65 6799 5353 E-mail:

Process Management; Leadership Governance; Family Business; Team Dynamics; Project Management; Director of the AMP Program: 2000.

Fair Process Leadership; Business Model; Communication.

2000: Outstanding Core Teacher Award 2000: First Honorary Professor of the recreated Handelshochschule (Leipzig), Germany 1996: Officer, Order of Leopold, Belgium 1992: Full Member, Operations Research Society of America.

"Financial Risk and Return Across the Grocery Supply Chain", INSEAD Working Paper (2008) (with Corstjens Marcel and Maxwell Katrina) "A Model of Fair Process and its Limits", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management (2008) 1-17 (with Wu Yaozhong and Loch Christoph) "Performance of Family Firms: Evidence from US and European Firms and Investors", INSEAD Working Paper (2006) (with Corstjens Marcel and Peyer Urs) "Fair Process: Striving for Justice in Family Business", Family Business Review 18, N 1 (2005) 1-21 (with Blondel Christine and Carlock Randel) "Index Policies for Stochastic Search in a Forest with an Application to R&D Project Management", Mathematics of Operations Research 29, N 1 (2004) 162-181 (with Denardo E. and Rothblum U. G.) Industrial Excellence: Management Quality in Manufacturing, Springer (2003) (with Escalle Cdric, Huchzermeier Arnd, Loch Christoph and Van Wassenhove Luk)

2005-present: Advisory Board Member Bencis Capital Partners. 2005-present: Board Member CPLDE. 2003-present: Board Member, Van Meerbeek Metalen. 2002-present: Board Member, Nesbic Buyout Fund. 2000-2005: Board Member, Southwing. 2000-2005: Member ECR Academic Advisory Board. 1996-1998: Director at Large, INFORMS. 1996-1998: Associate Editor, Operations Research. 1995-1999: Director, INSEAD Zentrum Leipzig. 1987-1992: Speaker at conferences and Consultant to corporations in Europe and North America

2001-2004: Area Coordinator, INSEAD, France 2000-2009: Director of INSEADs Advanced Management Program, INSEAD, France 1995-1998: Chairman, INSEAD, France 1995-1997: Co-Chairman, INSEAD, France 1994-1999: Director, INSEAD Zentrum Leipzig, Germany , INSEAD, Germany 1990-1995: Co-Dean, INSEAD, France 1989-1990: PhD Programme Director; Associate Dean for R&D, INSEAD, France 1980-1989: Professor of Operations Research; Research Associate, School of Organization and Management, Yale University, USA 1978-1980: Assistant Professor of Public Policy, J.F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA


2006: FBN Research Honours 2006 "Fair Process: Striving for Justice in Family Firms" with Blondel Christine and Carlock Randel S. 2004: Mercurius Award for the Fedis Association (Belgium) for work with Professor Huchzermeier Arnd(from WHU-Koblenz), on the Introduction of the Euro. 2003: Distinguished Service Medal, Handelshochschule (Leipzig), Germany

1979: PhD (with Distinction), Administrative Science, Yale University, USA 1974: Master's Degree, Ingnieur Civil en Mathmatiques Appliques (Summa Cum Laude, with Congratulations of Jury), Universit Catholique de Louvain, Belgium


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Luk Van Wassenhove (Belgium)

The Henry Ford Chaired Professor of Manufacturing Professor of Technology and Operations Management Director, INSEAD Humanitarian Research Group Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 42 66 E-mail:

Management in the Humanitarian Sector; Executive Education. 2011: Inducted in The Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences 2010: Oikos Case Writing Competition: Farmstar Goes Global: Corporate Entrepreneurship Bringing Sustainable Value Innovation to Agribusiness 2010: Wickham Skinner Award for Teaching Achievements in Humanitarian Logistics (with Rolando Tomasini) (POMS) 2010: 2009 EFMD Case Writing Competition Award (with Aline Gatignon) 2010: 2009 EFMD Case Writing Competition Award (with Mark Lee Hunter) 2010: 2009 EFMD Case Writing Competition Award (with Aline Gatignon) 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award, European Academy of Business in Society 2009: Fellow of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM) 2006: EURO Gold Medal (EGM) 2006, Highest Distinction within Operational Research in Europe 2005: Production and Operations Management Fellow for the Years of Dedicated Leadership

Supply Chain Management; Closed-Loop Supply Chains; Humanitarian Logistics; Quality, Process Improvement and Learning; Excellence in Operations.

"Field Vehicle Fleet Management in Humanitarian Operations: A Case-based Approach", Journal of Operations Management 29, N 5 (2011) 404-421 (with Pedraza Martinez Alfonso and Stapleton Orla) "Do Random Errors Explain Newsvendor Behavior?", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management 12, N 4 (2010) 673-681 (with Kremer Mirko and Minner Stefan) "So What if Remanufacturing Cannibalizes my New Product Sales?, California Management Review 52, N 2 (2010) 56-76 (with Atasu Atalay and Guide V. Daniel R.) "Efficient Take-back Legislation", Production and Operations Management Journal 18, N 3 (2009) 243-258 (with Atasu Atalay and Sarvary Miklos) "ERP Competence-Building Mechanisms: An Exploratory Investigation of Configurations of ERP Adopters in the European and U.S. Manufacturing Sectors", Manufacturing and Services Operations Management 11, N 2 (2009) 274-298 (with Masini Andrea) Humanitarian Logistics, Palgrave Macmillan (2009) (with Tomasini Rolando) "The Evolution of Closed-Loop Supply Chain Research", Operations Research 57, N 1 (2009) 10-18 (with Guide V. Daniel R.)

1989-1990: Chair in Operations Research, Erasmus University, Netherlands 1987-1989: Special Chair in Decision Sciences, Erasmus University, Netherlands 1985-1988: Assistant Professor of Industrial Management, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

1979: PhD, Industrial Management and Applied Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 1974: MSc., Industrial Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium 1973: MSc., Mechanical Engineering, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium


2011: Named Francqui Chair by the Universit Catholique de Louvain 2011: 2010 EFMD Case Writing Competition Award (with Aline Gatignon and Aurelie Charles) 2011: 2010 EFMD Case Writing Competition Award (with Margaret Hanson and Rolando Tomasini)


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Francis de Vericourt (France)

Associate Professor of Technology and Operations Management Tel: 65 6799 5257 E-mail:

Selfish Drug Allocation for Containing an International Inuenza Pandemic at the Onset, Operations Research 57, N 6 (2009) (with Sun P. and Yang L.) Resource and Revenue Management in Nonprofit Operations, Operations Research 57, N 5 (2009) (with Lobo M.) Decentralized Resource Allocation to Control an Epidemic: A Game Theoretic Approach, Mathematical Biosciences 222, N 1 (2009) (with Wang S. and Sun P.) Call Center Outsourcing Contract Analysis and Choice, Management Science 54, N 2 (2008) (with Aksin Z. and Karaesmen F.) Dimensioning Large-Scale Membership Services, Operations Research 56, N 1 (2008) (with Jennings O.) Managing Response Time and Service Quality in a Call Allocation Problem, Operations Research 53, N 6 (2005) (with Zhou Y-P) Demand Allocation in Multiple-Product, Multiple-Facility Make-to-Stock Systems, Management Science. 50, N 10 (2004) (with El Hafsi M. and Benjaafar S.) Optimal Stock Allocation for a Capacitated Supply System, Management Science 48, N 11 (2002) (with F. Karaesmen F. and Dallery Y)

2000: PhD, Operations Research, University Paris VI, France 1996: Master's Degree, Applied Mathematics, Grenoble Institute of Technology, Universit de Grenoble, France 1996: Diploma, Engineering Degree, Ecole Nationale Suprieure d'Informatique et de Mathmatiques Appliques de Grenoble, ENSIMAG, France


2008: Best Teacher Award, MBA, ESMT 2004: Junior Faculty Paper Competition, Finalist 1997-2000: Merit Scholarship from the French Government


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Enver Yucesan (Turkey)

Professor of Operations Management Tel: 33 (0)1 60 72 40 17 E-mail:

Supply Chain Management; Operations Technology Strategy; Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory; Systems Simulation; Foundations of Operations.

Program Chair, The 2010 Winter Simulation Conference. 2009-present: Department Editor, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, IIE Transactions. 2007-present: Associate Editor, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 20052010:Associate Editor, Simulation, INFORMS Journal on Computing

Computer Simulation; Simulation Optimization; Stochastic Modeling; Supply Chain Management; e-Supply Chains.

1989: PhD, Operations Research, Cornell University, USA 1988: MSc., Operations Research, Cornell University, USA 1985: BSc., Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, USA

A Fuzzy Newsvendor Approach to Supply Chain Coordination, European Journal of Operational Research (2010) 421-438 (with Ryu K.) Efficient Computation of Optimal Budget Allocation for Discrete Event Simulation Experiments, IIE Transactions 42 (2010) 111 (with Chen C. H. and Dai L.) Web Services-based Discrete Event Simulation for Large-scale Simulation Optimization, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 85, N 7 (2009) 461-475 (with Yoo T. and Cho H.) Competitive Supply Chains: A Value-Based Management Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan (2007) Risk Ownership in Contract Manufacturing, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 9 (2007) 225-241 (with lk, S., Toktay L. B.) CPM: A Collaborative Process Modeling for Cooperative Manufacturers, Advanced Engineering Informatics 21, N 2 (2007) 231239 (with Ryu K.) The Multi-location Transshipment Problem, IIE Transactions 38 (2006) 185200 (with Herer, Y. T., Tzur M.)


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Chairholder Index
The Abu Dhabi Crown Prince's Diwan Endowed Chair in Societal Progress, Subramanian Rangan, 163 The Akzo Nobel Fellow of Strategic Management, Andrew V. Shipilov, 166 The Alfred H. Heineken Chair in Marketing, Jean-Claude Larreche, 101 The Andr and Rosalie Hoffmann Chair in Family Enterprise, Morten Bennedsen, 34 The Aon Dirk Verbeek Chair in International Risk and Strategic Management, Javier Gimeno, 153 The Aviva Chair in Leadership and Responsibility, D. Charles Galunic, 122 The Berghmans Lhoist Chair in Entrepreneurial Leadership, Randel Carlock, 52 The Booz & Company Professor in Strategic Revenue Management, Ioana Popescu, 28 The Boston Consulting Group Bruce D. Henderson Chair in International Management, W. Chan Kim, 157 The BP Chair in European Competitiveness, Karel Cool, 148 The Claude Janssen Chair in Business Administration, Hubert Gatignon, 99 The Cora Chair in Leadership and Learning, Herminia Ibarra, 127 The de Picciotto Chair in Alternative Investments, Pierre Hillion, 78 The Eli Lilly Chair in Innovation, Business and Society, Peter B. Zemsky, 171

The GlaxoSmithKline Chair in Corporate Innovation, Miklos Sarvary, 108

The Henry Ford Chair in Manufacturing, Luk Van Wassenhove, 191 The Henry Grunfeld Chair in Investment Banking, Gabriel Hawawini, 76 The INSEAD Alumni Fund Chair in Entrepreneurship, Philip Anderson, 50 The INSEAD Chair in Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility, N. Craig Smith, 17 The INSEAD Chair in Finance, Bernard Dumas, 73 The INSEAD Chair of Management Science, Philip Parker, 105 The INSEAD Chair in Marketing, Dipak C. Jain, 100 The INSEAD Chair in Organization & Management Theory, Henrich Greve, 53


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The INSEAD Chair in Political Economy, Ethan Kapstein, 38 The INSEAD Distinguished Fellow in Strategy & International Management, Renee Mauborgne, 160 The John H. Loudon Chair of International Management, V. (Paddy) Padmanabhan, 104 The L'Oral Chair in Marketing - Innovation and Creativity, Amitava Chattopadhyay, 96 The Mubadala Chair in Corporate Governance and Strategy, Ludo Van der Heyden, 66, 190 The Novartis Chair in Healthcare Management, Stephen Chick, 177 The Novartis Chair in Management and the Environment, Ilian Mihov, 40 The Orpar Chair in Risk Management, Anil Gaba, 23 The Paul Desmarais Chair in Partnership and Active Ownership, Laurence Capron, 144 The Portuguese Council Chair in European Studies, Antonio Fatas, 36 The Raoul de Vitry d'Avaucourt Chair in Leadership Development, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, 55 The Roland Berger Chair in Business and Technology, Soumitra Dutta, 178 The Rothschild Chair in Banking, Massimo Massa, 81 The Schroders Chair in International Finance and Asset Management, Theo Vermaelen, 87 The Shell Chair in Human Resources and Organisational Development, Jean-Franois Manzoni, 133 The Shell Fellow of Economic Transformation, Timothy Van Zandt, 45 The Solvay Chair in Technological Innovation, Yves L. Doz, 150 The Timken Chair in Global Technology and Innovation, Serguei Netessine, 183 The Unilever Chaired Professor of Marketing, Marcel Corstjens 98


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Area Chair Index

Accounting and Control, Steven Monahan, 12 Decision Sciences, Ioana Popescu, 28 Economics and Political Science, Pushan Dutt, 35 Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, Henrich Greve, 53 Finance, Pierre Hillion, 78 Marketing, Hubert Gatignon, 99 Organisational Behaviour, Herminia Ibarra, 127 Strategy, Quy Huy, 155 Technology and Operations Management, Stephen Chick, 177


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