The Pyros Torch Issue 8

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Brave the Battle
By Paolo Manuel
A new battle began on July 7, 2008. Sol- had a required minimum of
diers of God numbering to more than 180 130 campers and a maximum
gathered in the San Bernardino Mountains of 150. As the camp neared,
to enlist in a new army. These brave souls more and more campers
assembled for Soul Anchor 2008, Word In- signed up, pushing the maxi-
ternational Ministries’ annual five-day sum- mum limit. The planning com-
mer retreat hosted by the Pyros Youth Min- mittee then had to renegoti-
istry of WIN Los Angeles. For the next five ate with Oak Glen, who raised
days, Oak Glen Christian Conference Center the minimum requirement to
in Yucaipa, California became the training 160. Gathering this many
ground for the young army, where victims people became a challenge
were turned into victors and the conquered for the planning committee,
to more than conquerors. but Pastor Mark, backed by
Titled “Braving the Battle: A Call to the Pyros youth leaders, took
Arms,” this year’s camp focused on Ephe- a step of faith and believed
sians 6:10-12, which declares, “Finally, be that the Lord would see them
strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. through. Truly, the Lord pro-
Put on the full armor of God so that you can vided because two weeks before camp, an proached the altar and invited Jesus Christ
take your stand against the devil’s schemes. influx of campers registered and exceeded to be their personal Lord and Savior, the
For our struggle is not against flesh and the raised minimum requirement. Commander in Chief of their lives.
blood, but against the rulers, against the When the campers from the entire Kevin Lam of WIN Seattle commented,
authorities, against the powers of this dark stretch of California, Hawaii, Nevada, Texas, “God was always a part of my life, but on
world and against the spiritual forces of evil and Washington all entered the main chapel that night I wanted to fully surrender to
in the heavenly realms.” For the five pre- that Monday afternoon, the leaders were in Him. On Monday night, I wanted God to
ceding years, Soul Anchor has had powerful shock to see many new faces. The campers enter my life and move in it permanently.”
themes centered on Bible verses that each all came in the chapel and the leaders won- The second day started off with a word
camp focused on. This year however, the dered when the last ones would come in. from Pastor Tony Ibarra, who pastors a
God-inspired theme and verse really proved What seemed to be a spacious chapel all church in Frankfurt, Germany. He talked
to be mighty and moving as it directly com- of a sudden became full—so full that all the about the true meaning of “Lord” and re-
manded each individual to take arms. It chairs had to be removed to make room. minded everyone that those who call Jesus
was a call to fight the oppressor and take After meeting their respective cell Christ by that name must acknowledge that
back whatever was taken away. The theme groups, which are purposed to foster a more He is the owner of their lives, and that they
was fitting, as the season was right to en- intimate setting for the campers, dynamic belong in His Kingdom. In the afternoon,
gage in warfare. praise and worship kicked off the opening workshops carefully tailored for youth and
Every year, a growing number of camp- session. Even then, one could sense that college levels were headed by members
ers attend Soul Anchor. Beginning in 2004, the Lord was already manifesting His pres- of the WIN Los Angeles congregation. For
Soul Anchor only had 54 attendees under ence. Matthew 18:20 says that when two or the youth, Sis. Rachel Briones and Bro.
the new leadership of WIN U.S. National three are gathered in His Name, there He Sean McFadyen taught about following Je-
Youth Coordinator, Pastor Mark Briones from will be in their midst. With 180 lives crying sus and self-image respectively. For the
WIN LA, and Pastor Noel Villarivera, now the out to the Living God, the Holy Spirit made college group, Bro. Jessie Romero spoke
Senior Pastor of WIN Tacoma. This year, sure that every person in the room felt His about maximizing talents, while Sis. Sylvia
Soul Anchor saw its largest attendance yet presence. On that first Monday night, God Sajo gave the financially challenged college
with 180 people. Of this number, a surpris- was already moving. Following the liber- students both biblical and practical advice
ing 70 were newcomers. The staff at Oak ating worship was an invitation to enlist in on tithing and finances.
Glen Christian Conference Center at first God’s army. That night, nine people ap- > continued on next page.
> continued from previous page.
Experienced in working with the youth,
Pastor Carlos Gamez, an assistant pastor
in Lake Elsinore, challenged the youth to
answer God’s call without hesitation later
that night. After the powerful message, he
headed a special altar call, which had no-
table moments. Firstly, Pastor Carlos asked
the campers to pray for someone in their
hearts and symbolically wash their feet as
Jesus did to His discipleship by laying hands
on this person’s feet. Then, Pastor Carlos
asked those who desired to be a leader to
stand up and literally take a step of faith
declaring their desire for leadership. Fi-
nally, youth groups were given the oppor-
tunity to forgive each other of past hurts as
they gathered and encouraged each other
through prayer.
By the second night, campers were
already answering the call of God. In the
words of Pastor Carlos, if things continue to Baptism. Twenty-eight people publically declared their faith in Christ as they chose to be baptized in
move this powerfully in the spirit, then the water. Worshippers surround the pool in support of their brothers and sisters being baptized.
last day of camp will be “ridiculous.”
And so it was. The third day only said, “When I walked into the water, it ciled the two once more.
brought more of what God wanted to show didn’t feel like ordinary pool water. It felt Thursday, July 10th, was the last full day
His army. God continued to surprise every like water that cleansed you from the inside of camp. Everyone was encouraged to be
life in camp, meeting with them individu- out. After being baptized, I felt so renewed expectant to see an even mightier move of

ally. and ready to face what God has in store God than what came to pass the past three
On Wednesday morning, Pastor Erwin for me.” days. On Thursday morning, Pastor Noel
Tanquaquio of WIN San Francisco/Bridge- Villarivera of WIN Tacoma shared a practical
point Community Curch shared about the “...I felt so renewed message about battling hesitancy and the
importance of aligning the life of a follower and ready to face “blahs” of life by committing to God’s call.
with the call of God. At the end of his ser- He also stressed the importance of daily de-
mon, Pastor Erwin asked everyone to form what God has votional time and the battle that comes with
a circle. In the middle of all the campers, in store for me.” it—“the battle of the blanket,” where people
he presented a mallet and three seven-inch put aside devotions for the comfort of their
nails, reminiscing of the sacrifice that Jesus Following the baptism were workshops beds. Later in the afternoon, members of
Christ made on Calvary. Again, the camp- by Sis. Tess Cordero of WIN LA on the power the Pyros Youth Ministry performed a skit to
ers responded by worshipping their Savior. of prayer for the college group, and Pastor Lifehouse’s “Everything,” displaying Christ’s
Later that day, an overwhelming 28 Perry Escalera of WIN Silicon Valley on the love and His promise of never forsaking His
souls decided to be baptized in water, pub- power of the tongue for the youth level. children.
licly declaring their faith in Christ. Later that night, each of the 14 cell Proceeding the skit, Sis. Lyn Rapinan of
Rachel Apura of WIN Southwest Hous- groups presented a skit during the Special WIN LA and Pastor Alex Cabansagan of Je-
ton, one of the people who were baptized, Event Night, in which they had to perform a sus Christ My Lord and Savior Ministry gave
previously assigned Bible story in a specific the tactics in fighting a difficult battle for
performance genre, enabling campers to teenagers that is sexual purity. For the pre-
showcase their creativity and talents. For teens, Sis. Rachel Briones, Pastor Perry Es-
example, the story of David and Goliath calera, and Pastor Erwin Tanquaquio shared
had to be performed as a martial arts film. on the same topic. At the beginning of the
Another memorable performance was the workshops, young men and women were
story of Noah’s Ark portrayed as an animal given the opportunity to anonymously ex-
documentary. press their sentiments towards the opposite
Following the performances was ener- sex, giving both an insight to each other’s
getic praise and passionate worship, which minds. After their respective sexual puri-
preceded another very important event that ty workshops, the men and women faced
transpired. Parents who were present at each other, asked forgiveness for being a
camp took the microphones, and with re- stumbling block, and then lifted each other
pentant hearts, asked for the forgiveness in prayer.
of the children. Symbolically representing Jonathan Dizon of WIN LA was one of
each camper’s respective parent, they took many who thought that this year’s sexual
turns apologizing for their shortcomings as purity workshop was compelling. He com-
parents, while asking God to bridge back mented, “Sexual purity showed the percep-
together the two generations. Truly, there tion that both guys and girls have about sex.
was a release for both generations as God We got to assess God’s standard versus the
heard the cries of His children and recon-
> continued on next page.
> continued from previous page.
campers accepted the move of the Holy Soul Anchor Attendance Growth
world’s standard about what’s acceptable.” Spirit in their lives.
The workshops were so powerful that a Lorenzo Artadi of Family Worship Center
spontaneous altar call followed, where said, “Braving the Battle was about being a
people were prayed over by their respective soldier for Christ in the spiritual warfare. In
youth pastors. Campers rededicated their order to fight like a soldier, one must stop
purity and committed a particular area in praying like a victim. This year, I grabbed
their life back to God. my bible—my sword—and shouted a cry for
That night, WIN Los Angeles Senior victory; I prayed the prayer of a conqueror
Pastor, Rev. Chito Cordero, shared the final in Christ.”
sermon. His powerful message reminded Soul Anchor 2008 was a step of faith for
everyone to have a vision and a plan in line everyone who went. It was a step closer
with God’s purpose to triumphantly brave to strength, a step closer to victory, and a
the battle. Following the sermon, campers step closer to God. Soldiers of God’s army
were anointed with oil, while leaders went made a stand to fight a battle, knowing that
in front of the altar to lay hands and pray they are victors because of who they are in
over every individual. With open hearts, Jesus Christ.

Building Bridges: LA SF

On Sunday, after a passionate and


heartfelt praise and worship service led by

Pauline Guiuan, Pastor Mark preached an-
By Tiffany Francisco other powerful sermon entitled “Be Careful
How We Build.” A number of people stepped
forward for the altar call after the sermon,
seeking prayer and restoration. After the
service, the team and San Francisco youth
were able to fellowship by touring different
parts of the city.
Being one of the most moving and re-
ceptive mission trips to date, the mission
trip was a success. Once again, God has

moved in the hearts of many. Pyros has
conquered yet another battle in San Fran-
embers of the Pyros Youth Ministry and Macaraeg family to their homes. cisco. The team also greatly appreciates
traveled to the San Francisco Bay Angelica Pons, Froilan Vicente, who San Francisco’s hospitality and welcoming
Area again for another successful added a unique sound during praise and hearts.
mission trip from February 15 to 17 to lead worship by playing the saxophone, and Nor- Fresh from the Soul Anchor youth camp
worship and fellowship with the youth at Cal-based Pyros, Marielle de Pasion, Pauline this July, Pyros is already planning to go on
WIN San Francisco/Bridgepoint Community Guiuan, and Paolo Manuel, also reunited another mission trip to the San Francisco
Church. with the team as they led the youth and Bay Area on August 15-17 to visit and min-
The group who traveled up north in- congregation through the Crosspoint youth ister to both WIN Silicon Valley and WIN
cluded Pastor Mark Briones, singers Sandra rally and the Sunday service at WIN San San Francisco/Bridgepoint. The Pyros team
Cordero and Tiffany Francisco, and musi- Francisco/Bridgepoint Community Church. aims not only to share the word of God to
cians Shadrach Aldaba, Joseph Cortes, Paul During Crosspoint, Pastor Mark gave a com- newcomers, but also to impart fresh fire in
Guiuan, and Ivan Manuel. The travelers pelling sermon about “Becoming God’s War- the hearts of the youth in the Bay. The Py-
were greeted by the Hydros Youth Ministry rior.” The church members provided food ros Youth Ministry are always encouraged
from WIN Silicon Valley after their long trip after the event while the team was given a to see lives grow in Christ every time they
up and were warmly welcomed by the Pons chance to fellowship with the San Francisco return to minister.
God’s Glory Revealed at
ents, and establish common ground to dis-
cuss the benefits and struggles that come
with following their parents’ ministry as a

WIN Gobal Gathering

pastor’s kid. The new ministry enabled the
youth speak to others who specifically re-
late to their situation, as God moved and
reminded them of their personal calling. It
By Joanna Cordero was truly a time of refreshment and resto-
ration for the pastors’ kids.
The Youth Concert was held the next
night; youth from WIN churches all over
the world exhibited their God-given talents
through song, live music, hip hop dancing,
interpretative dancing, breakdancing, beat-
boxing, rapping, skits, blacklight presenta-
tions, and visual arts presentations, turning
the event into an evangelistic rally. God
rewarded the long and strenuous hours of
planning and practicing as many came to
the front to the altar to dedicate their lives
to Christ for the first time. To view these
performances, search “G7 Youth concert”
At the Sunday convergence, held on
the last day of the conference at the ULTRA
Arena, thousands gathered to praise and
Parade of Nations at the G7 opening ceremonies. Each flag represents a WIN church respective worship God, led by music ministers from
to its country, declaring God’s glory throughout the nations. Europe, the Middle East, and the Mediter-
ranean. In accordance with WIN’s vision
After more than a year of planning, re- other young adults from different churches of preparing the younger generation as the
hearsing, promoting, and fundraising, thou- through various activity booths, ranging future of the church, there was a passing of
sands of Word International members took from Twister and origami, to face painting the torch from the older generation to the
tremendous steps of faith to gather from and a photo booth. Different young adult younger generation, as a symbolic imparta-
December 27 to 30 to celebrate Word In- groups presented special musical numbers tion of anointing.
ternational Ministries’ tenth anniversary, before Pastor Chito Cordero shared the The culmination of the conference ush-
entitled WIN Global Gathering 2007, G7 for word. ered the first ever Winsongs Concert, which
short, and aptly themed “One Family, One The convergence officially began the showcased original praise and worship
Vision.” night of the 27th for the Global Gathering compositions selected among countless
Members from North America, Europe, Opening Ceremony. The celebration began entries from members worldwide. Sing-
the Middle East, Asia, and various regions with the Parade of Nations, in which the del- ers, musicians, composers, and dancers, in
throughout the Philippines congregated in egates of each country marched through- addition to a hundred-voice choir, came to-
the mornings and afternoons for sessions out The Forum at PICC, waving their flags, gether after months of extensive rehearsal
and workshops, taught by pastors and lead- proudly wearing their respective hats and and preparation to present songs that tell
ers from all over the world at the Philippine costumes, and performing cultural dances. the unique story of God’s faithfulness to the
International Convention Center (PICC). The youth and the children presented a WIN family.
Geared towards unity and growth, the pas- beautiful performance incorporating several The Global Gathering was a life-chang-
tors shared inspiring stories of God’s faith- Philippine cultural dances, tambourines, ing experience for those who participated
fulness throughout Word International’s and flags, setting the tone for extravagant and attended. Being able to learn from
journey and imparted the vision for the praise and worship. each other, meet new people, and passion-
future of the ministry. Various churches The next night was Pastors’ Apprecia- ately worship God corporately was a glori-
worldwide, including WIN LA, led the com- tion Night, where all the pastors and their ous blessing. The WIN family indeed of-
bined congregation into dynamic praise and wives had the opportunity to dress up and fered God a true sacrifice of praise, giving
worship. be recognized for their outstanding service. Him the best, and in turn, He rewarded His
Organizers of the conference carefully Planned by WIN Singapore, pastors were people in ways unimaginable.
planned special events for each night of the able to relax, dance, and have a good time
conference. As a pre-convergence fellow- as they were presented with awards of ap-
ship, the members of the Singles/Young preciation.
Adults/Young Professionals ministries gath- During all of the festivities, a new minis-
ered on the 26th at Palacio de Manila for try was launched as a product of extensive
WIN Friends’ Night. Carefully and cre- planning and brainstorming for the pastor’s
atively planned, each person in attendance kids of Word International, a group never
registered into a WIN international contact previously reached within the organization.
database, which paved the way for Winster While their parents gathered in formal cel-
(, Word Internation- ebration, the pastors’ youth congregated in Worshippers at G7 in PICC. Regardless of
al’s very own social networking website. a restaurant at Harbor Square where they where they are from, God enabled them to all
Friends’ night facilitated mingling with were able to meet each other, share tal- worship in unity, in spirit and in truth.
the “That which is good is enemy of what is best.”
Bob Jones
satisfied and end up not expecting the best I believe that the Lord has His best in
things that our Abba Father wants to give store for us. Let us move forward with great
His children. expectancy. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to
The year 2008 has been prophesied as We have seen this at our recent youth Him who is able to do exceedingly abun-
a year of advancement, acceleration and camp, Soul Anchor 2008. This has been our dantly above all that we can ask or think…
victory. This is the year when we should best, biggest, and most powerful camp ever. dream or imagine, according to the power
set the bar of our expectations higher for We raised the bar of having a minimum of that works within us.”
God’s glory; the bar will go as high or as 160 campers and exceeded it with a total
far as we set our expectations. I believe as of 174 attendees! In the spiritual aspect, it Remember: God Almighty wants to give
we set our expectations higher, God in His was truly a joy to see young people letting us the best, so don’t only settle for what is
faithfulness will meet us there. When we go of everything and giving themselves to- good!
settle for the good things that we experi- tally to God to brave the battle. They have
ence from God, we stop striving for the best
things He wants to give us, and we become
moved higher to a new level of faith in the
- Pastor Mark

s c r i b a b l e
A Fresh Start for the
Young In d t Nigh
By Rizza Aldaba
On March 28, 2008, Pyros launched its very first
movie night at the WIN Artesia church. It was not only
WIN LA youth and young adults from Cerritos, Glen-
dale and Los Angeles who turned out for the event;
By Stephanie Bautista youth and young adults from the Artesia church also
came in attendance. It was the perfect time for the
For Pastor Mark Briones and The YA ministry is also meant movie night, especially since most of the youth from
Fedelyn Rapinan, building a Young to play a unique role in the WIN-LA universities, colleges and high schools were on spring
Adults (YA) ministry from the church. It is a bridged ministry be- break. Everyone came with expectant hearts, know-
ground up has always been in the tween the youth and the adults. It ing that that night had something special in store for
back of their minds. Since almost is basically taking the next level of everybody.
half of the Pyros youth ministry faith in the next stage of life. The The night began with a few praise and worship
are young adults who either work ministry also caters to the older songs led by Pauline Guiuan, setting an attitude of
or attend college, and the exist- youth leaders so that they too have worship and openness among those who attended.
ing youth are only getting older, a source of spiritual refreshing for The forty-three minute film entitled “Indescrib-
the leaders recognized that there themselves. able,” is part of a DVD series put forth by Louie Gi-
was a need for a ministry catering “It’s a great outlet for young glio, which illustrates the splendor and mystery of the
to this group and to other young adults who work and/or attend heavenly bodies and the wonders of creation and how
adults who are not yet involved in college to have fellowship with one all these things reveal God’s glory, who He is and who
a ministry. another. As a group, we are able we are in Him. We get a glimpse of God’s wondrous
The main goal of the Young to connect better with our daily work through the images from telescopes and satel-
Adults ministry is to encourage situations,” said member Benjo lites, and in the midst of the magnificence, Pastor Lou-
young people ages 18 to the mid- Balcobero. ie addresses a powerful message: as tiny as we may
20s to consistently keep the God- For a new ministry, the young seem compared to the vast expanse of the universe,
given fire burning in their hearts adults know that consistency from God knows us by name and even sent His Only Son to
and to learn how to apply it into the beginning is key. They have rescue us from the depths of death and reconnect us
their respective jobs and colleges. been meeting every Tuesday for to Him and life everlasting.
Whether the members are going the past couple of months. After the film, Pastor Mark called for an altar call,
through financial, work-related, or “The young adults meet con- praying over each person while the worship team
college-related struggles, the YA sistently because they want to sang “God of Wonders.” Pastor Mark then asked ev-
ministry is meant to meet those show that the YA ministry is active. eryone to think of someone they can pray for. Hearts
areas in life and overcome them It’s there. It exists,” said Fedelyn and spiritual blinders were opened, tears flowed, and
through the Word of God. Rapinan. lives were restored as individuals interceded for each
“I have grown up and matured They usually meet at Starbucks other’s hurts and burdens.
through the Pyros youth ministry, Coffee located in Eagle Rock, as God truly worked amidst the cries of His people as
but now that I am in my new well as in members’ residences. He used the short film to recognize God’s love for us,
stage of life, the college group is “YA ministry can help you be- despite our physical “smallness and insignificance.”
preparing me for new endeavors,” come the salt and light in your Truly, those who experienced God’s refreshing during
said Julian Quinzon, a member of campus, in your workplace, in the that night were never the same again.
Pyros and YA. bigger world,” she said.
Different Points,
One Destination
All Roads Lead To The Lone Star State By Maya de Pasion

On May 2 to 4, 2008, a fresh pan-Cali- faced, God’s grace flowed over them
fornian team traveled to Houston, Texas as His powerful presence was felt by all
once again, encountering an uplifting move who were present at the rally.
of God at the Southwest Houston Youth Through the viewing of Louie Giglio’s Moved
Rally and Youth Sunday Service. “Indescribable” video, shared by Pastor by the mes- sage,
The team, assembled by Pastor Mark Mark, mindsets were renewed and lives many an- swered the
Briones, included WIN Los Angeles’ Fedelyn were placed back into perspective as all altar call, com- mitting and
Rapinan, Rizza Aldaba, and Sandra Corde- were reminded of God’s magnitude. Pic- r e c o m m i t t i n g their lives as
ro, with WIN San Diego’s Nathan Estanislao tures of ever enlarging stars and mesmer- the praise team led everyone in sing-
and first-timers Zuriel Crisotomo from WIN izing galaxies were shown, displaying the ing “From The Inside Out.”
Artesia and Gene Castro from WIN Inland elaborate and intricate splendor of the uni- Saturday provided the team to fellow-
Empire, along with fellow Pyro Marielle de verse that God created. The short film also ship with youth from both the Northwest
Pasion, who is currently situated at WIN reveals how small our planet is compared to and Southwest churches as majority of
Silicon Valley, making this the first team the great expanse that surrounds it; we are both youth groups gathered to tour the
composed of youth team around Hous-
from the differ- ton. From morning
ent WIN churches until night, they were
across California. driven to multiple
Unbridled hos- destinations such as
pitality was shown the Woodlands Mall,
as the homes of the Market Street, Ruby’s
Southwest Hous- Barbeque, and the
ton church mem- Downtown Houston
bers were opened Galleria. The day
and vehicles and ended with a late
drivers were made barbeque at the Alva-
ready to transport rez residence, allow-
the eight-member ing everyone to form
team around the closer friendships in
city. The girls were a familial setting.
housed by the Al- The Sunday ser-
varez family, the vice was held at
boys housed by the the WIN Southwest
Divina family, and Houston Church
Pastor Mark Briones Pyros and A.R.M.Y. Youth from Pyros, along with other WIN youth from California pose in front of where Pastor Mark
WIN South West Houston’s church and its youth.
was housed by Pas- shared the Word and
tor Gordon Apura’s family. simply a blue speck among the far reaches the Pyros praise team headed the youth-
The Crosspoint Youth Rally took place at of space, and yet God’s eyes watch over us filled congregation in singing of the favor
the Southwest Houston worship center as with grace and love. The video concludes and faithfulness of God. To promote the
youth from both Southwest and Northwest with the X-galaxy, in which the cross was upcoming Soul Anchor Youth Camp, “Brav-
Houston churches, friends, and family gath- clearly seen as evidence of God’s handiwork ing the Battle: A Call to Arms,” a video was
ered for a mighty message and outpouring in all things. shown documenting the mighty move of
of God’s greatness. The night began with a Not knowing what could be more mag- God in the lives of the youth at the previous
hip-hop dance choreographed by a member nificent than the X-galaxy, God’s greatest camp, building excitement and anticipation
of the Southwest Houston church and was work of all was revealed. A graphic pic- within the youth present at the service. Af-
performed by their youth group, Actively ture of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was ter enjoying a hearty lunch at the church,
Reaching and Ministering Youth—A.R.M.Y. displayed across the screen as Louie Giglio the Pyros team enjoyed an afternoon of
for short—as a form of praise to our Lord. described the sacrifice of God’s only Son. tapioca and a game of Taboo with the
Following the dance was a time of praise Awestruck, a moment of silence followed Southwest Houston youth before departing
and worship led by the California praise as all absorbed the indescribable wonder, back home to California.
team, joined by A.R.M.Y’s Ron Apura as a beauty, and glory of God. Blessed by Houston’s hospitality and
back-up singer and Shaider Divina on lead As the video came to an end, Pastor Mark warmth, the team witnessed God’s work in
guitar. Although the team only practiced challenged the youth to further reflect upon the lives of this generation as hearts were
together for the first time prior to the rally, how tiny and insignificant their lives and refreshed and set aflame once more with an
and despite a few technical problems they problems were compared to God’s majesty. even greater passion for the Lord.
Summer Love That Lasts
By Sandra Cordero
“Summer lovin’, had me a blast! Sum- hesitation, cleared his schedule and packed
mer lovin’, happened so fast!” These lyrics his bags. Bruce was expectant for some-
from Grease’s “Summer Nights” describe all thing new, something different.
too well the bittersweet qualities of sum- During that first week of July, Bruce
mer love and its tendency to end quickly. joined youth from various WIN and guest
However, in the born-again context, sum- churches in partaking what the Holy Spirit
mer love can last as seen through the life had in store. On July 3, 2006, during the
of Pyros member Bruce Mao, who found a retreat’s first evening session, God revealed
summer love that is eternal. Himself to Bruce in the new and different
During the summer of 2005, Bruce way he was searching for. Bruce recalls,
stumbled onto a “Soul Anchor – Transform- “During the altar call, I fell on my knees. I
ers” summer camp recap video posted on couldn’t move. I had the sense that that
the online journal of high school classmate moment God showed me what Jesus had
and Pyros member Sandra Cordero. The done for me on the cross by dying for my
video showcased the amazing things God sins.” Bruce realized the extent of God’s
had done during the course of the camp. true love and accepted Jesus as his Lord

{ }
He instant messaged Sandra later that and Savior. After that night, he was never
day with questions regarding the power- the same. God’s love changed his life.
ful events that were documented, and ex-
pressed his interest in experiencing God in “[Bruce is]
a way similar to the youth in the video. my first time in a leadership position, but
In the year that followed, Bruce was in-
a person who seeks leaning and depending on God made the
troduced to the Pyros Youth Ministry through after God’s heart.” transition from a camper to a cell leader
invitations to events such as Crosspoint Pastor Mark Briones easier,” Bruce said. The experience chal-
youth rallies and Friday night Glendale bible lenged him to step out of his comfort zone
studies. Unfortunately, due to scheduling Bruce returned from camp on fire for and step into God’s will and purpose for his
issues he was unable attend these events. the things of God. He soon became a per- life.
However, when registration invitations for manent member of the Pyros Youth Min- After that camp, Bruce joined the Py-
“Soul Anchor 2006 – Breaking Free” were istry and began consistently attending the ros Leadership Team. He became a Pyros
sent out, Bruce decided he wasn’t going to Glendale bible studies and WIN LA’s Sunday Youth Leader and began to teach bible stud-
miss this opportunity. He signed up without Services. He took various steps to live in ies in Glendale. This year he was involved
the love of Christ such as making himself in planning “Soul Anchor 2008 – Braving
available to be involved in ministry. Even- the Battle: A Call to Arms” and was again
tually, Bruce began training to be a part of a college group cell leader. Pastor Mark
the Pyros Youth Band and the WIN LA Music Briones cites Bruce as “a person who seeks
Ministry. after God’s heart. He is a very kind and
When that summer ended, Bruce en- humble person who can be depended on.
tered his first year of college at the Univer- His desire to serve and grow in the Lord is
sity of California, Irvine as a Political Sci- tremendous. It is such a blessing to see his
ence major, aspiring to attend law school to spiritual growth.” Today, Bruce continues
become a lawyer. Bruce continued to build to press on towards his destiny and reach
and strengthen his relationship with Jesus souls for the furtherance of God’s kingdom
by joining UCI’s Crossroads College Ministry Bruce is a living testimony of someone
(CCM). who sought God’s love and found it. He was
The year that followed was a year of hungry for more of God’s presence in his life
tremendous growth for Bruce. The trans- and asked for a revelation of His glory. He
formation that had taken place in his life took to heart how God changed him from
was a blessing for all to see. The Lord the inside out and used it as a catalyst to
began sharpening his leadership skills and grow. Bruce made himself available to be
gave him a new sense of boldness in both used and God honored his commitment by
his words and actions. Bruce became an opening doors in ministry. That summer in
official Pyros Youth Band singer and began 2005, Bruce found lasting love: God’s per-
helping out with the Glendale bible study. fect love.
In the summer of 2007, Bruce was “For God so loved the world that He
asked to be a college group cell leader for gave His only begotten son that whoever
“Soul Anchor – Pressing On.” “It was defi- believes in Him shall not perish but have
nitely nerve-wracking for me since it was eternal life.” – John 3:16 NIV

Pyros Youth Pastor Editor-In-Chief Layout & Design Editor Contact Web
Mark Briones Rizza Aldaba Paolo Manuel

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