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Alex R.

Hodges, Associate Librarian/Professor American University School of Education, Teaching & Health
WEEKLY SCHEDULE FALL 2012 - EDU519.001HB & EDU519.901HB Note: These details are subject to change. Be aware of in-class & online announcements. Date Lecture/Discussion Topics & Activities Assignments/Readings Due Aug. 30 Introduction to the Course In-person Review of syllabus Class 1 Setting up 2.0 communications Sept. 6 ONLINE Online Safety & Privacy Activities: Watch PBS Frontline, digital_nation Examine PBS teaching materials In-Class Assignments: Tell me about you. 1) Set up PBworks accounts. Bb Discussion #1: --part 1, due Thurs, 9/6, 11:59pm --part 2, due Sun, 9/9, 11:59pm

Sept. 13 What is Web 2.0? In-person Lecture/Class Discussion: Class 2 Exploring Web 2.0 for Classroom Use EDU519 Web 2.0 Vocabulary: 1) Social Networks Blogs Wikis Content Management Systems 2) Learning Management Systems RSS IM/SMS/MMS Others) Activities: Share, explore & discuss favorite Web sites Sept. 20 ONLINE What is a Community of Practice (CoP)? Online Lecture/Class Discussion: Web 2.0 cont.; CoP lecture Activity: Learning style inventory CoP-INTASC standards exercise

Reading Due: (Bb) Web 2.0 and Emergent Multiliteracies, Alexander, Theory into Practice (Bb) When Young Teachers Go Wild on the Web, Shapira, Washington Post Homework #1: Post by 9/13, 4pm Post to PBworks & comment on favorite sites Reading Due: (Bb) Supporting Dialogic Literacy Through Mashing and Moddling of Places and Spaces, Hedberg & Brudvik, Theory Into Practice (Bb) A conceptual perspective: theory and practice, Wenger, Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity Bb Discussion #2: --part 1, due Thurs, 9/20, 11:59pm --part 2, due Sun, 9/23, 11:59pm

Sept. 27 Evaluating Web Sources & Software In-person Class Discussion/Activity: Class 3 The Internet and the World Wide Web; Critical Evaluation of Web-based Curriculum Materials; Web Quests; Information Literacy

Reading Due: Maloy, Ch. 5 & 6 Homework #2: Post by 9/27, 4pm Post to individual PBworks page In-Class Quiz

1 EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

Alex R. Hodges, Associate Librarian/Professor American University School of Education, Teaching & Health
Date Oct. 4 ONLINE (Optional Group Movie Viewing) Lecture/Discussion Topics & Activities Teaching Writing in the Web Environment Online Lecture/Class Discussion: Reactions to the Pew report; More on learning theory: objectivism, constructivism, critical literacy Assignments/Readings Due Bb Discussion #3: Post by 10/4, 11:59pm Reading Due: (Bb) Pew Internet & American Life Writing, Technology and Teens; Maloy, Ch. 4, 8 Watch: Truth in Numbers, Glosserman (2010) DVD 8798 Reading Due: (Bb) Clark & Mayer, Ch. 2-4

Oct. 11 Learning Theory & Instructional Design (1) In-person Lecture & Activity: Class 4 Introduction to instructional design, part 1 Oct. 18 ONLINE Education Research Instruction: Information Literacy in Action Lecture: How to do library-based research Activity: Searching ERIC and other education databases for scholarly content

Oct. 25 Learning Theory & Instructional Design (2) In-person Activity: Instructional design, part 2 Class 5 Explore Prezi Nov. 1 ONLINE Educational Technology and Special Education Online Lecture: Using ed tech for students with exceptionalities; Universal design

Assignment Due: Web Evaluation Project, Post on PBworks by Thurs, Oct. 18, 11:59pm Name attachment: lastname_edu519_webliography.doc Reading & Homework #3 Due: (Bb) Clark & Mayer, Ch. 5-7

Reading Due: Maloy, Ch. 10 Diigo Grading Date #1: 10/29 Reading & Homework #4 Due: Maloy, Ch. 9 Homework #4 (Final Project Proposal): Print out and hand in at the beginning of class Reading Due: (Bb) Natl Educational Tech Plan Out-of-Class Bb Discussion: --part 1, due 11/10, 4pm --part 2, due 11/13, 11:59pm

Nov. 8 Adventures in Multimedia In-person Lecture: Incorporating multimedia and Class 6 screencasting into instruction Activity: Explore Glogster & Jing

Nov. 15 ONLINE

Educational Technology Policy in the U.S. Discussion: Building ed tech-rich classrooms

Nov. 22 Nov. 29 ONLINE & Optional Lab

THANKSGIVING No Class Final Project - Preparations Final Project Instructions & Conferences Course Evaluations Lecture: Overview of how to create final report Activity: Work time, peer support, and troubleshooting session for final project Individual Conferences: Discuss your final project plans with instructor and peer groups Diigo Grading Date #2: 11/26

2 EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

Alex R. Hodges, Associate Librarian/Professor American University School of Education, Teaching & Health
Date Lecture/Discussion Topics & Activities Assignments/Readings Due Final Project Presentation Due: Presentation to the class Students provide feedback to one another Final Project Report, Screencast & Website Due: Email report, screencast & website to and post all to individual wiki page by Thurs, Dec. 13, 8pm Email Subject Line: EDU519: Final Project Name Attachment: lastname_edu519_final.doc

Dec. 6 Final Project Presentations In-person Student In-Class Presentations Class 7 Activity: Peer Evaluations of Final Projects

Dec. 13 ONLINE

Final Project ALL parts due online Project Report, Screencasts & Websites are viewable online linked from PBworks.

3 EDU 519: The Uses of Technology in Education

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