The Pyros Torch Issue 9

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Legacy of Worship By Sandra Cordero

n August 1-2, 2008, wor- God’s heart and He is pleased. “In

O ship team members from
various Southern California WIN
prayer we seek the hand of God; in
worship we seek the face of God.”
churches, such as WIN-Los An- Our trials and tribulations begin to
geles, WIN-Artesia, WIN-Inland shrink as we sing declarations of the
Empire, WIN-Anaheim, WIN-San greatness of the Lord in our lives.
Gabriel and WIN-San Diego, gath- The conference also examined the
ered to attend “The Legacy of Wor- role of praise and worship in the lo-
ship” praise and worship confer- cal church. The structure of a wor-
ence hosted by WIN-Los Angeles ship service, praise team conduct, and
at the WIN-Artesia church venue. other practicalities to create a dynamic
The speakers and organizers of worship flow were discussed. “As wor-
the conference were Pastor Priam shippers of the Lord we are appointed
and Marlyn Guiuan, the Interna- to be in charge of the testimony of
tional Music Directors of Word God, to give thanks and praise before
International Ministries. Pastor the Lord, and to assist and support the
Priam also serves as the Associate leadership of the church in our service
Senior Pastor and Worship Pastor to our church family and community,”
of WIN-Los Angeles. Praise and Pastor Priam and Sis. Marlyn said.
worship was led by the WIN-LA Lastly, the conference defined what
praise team, the Pyros Youth Min- the WIN worship legacy is. The WIN worship songs God has given to
istry, and the WINSongs singers. worship legacy is the distinct wor- the WIN family. This conference
Pastor Priam and Sis. Marlyn elab- ship culture of our ministry. It is the launched the WINSongs Live: One
orated on what praise and worship unique style and sound the WIN fam- Family, One Vision CD and DVD.
is by sharing on its various aspects: ily has developed through the years.
the musical aspect, ministerial as- In order to sustain this legacy, train-
pect, teaching aspect, the leadership ing and mentorship through confer- For more information on WIN-
aspect, and the prophetic aspect. ences such as this one help to de- Songs and the WIN worship legacy
They emphasized the need for velop the gifts God has entrusted to or to purchase the WINSongs: One
excellence in every aspect be- His worshippers. We are all part of this Family, One Vision CD or DVD, con-
cause we are serving an excellent legacy and are all called to worship. tact Pastor Priam Guiuan or visit
God who deserves our best. When This WIN legacy has recently birthed
we praise and worship, we bless WINSongs, a celebration of praise and

“Worship is the foundation and motivation of everything we are and everything we do as a church and
ministry. Every time we lead worship, there should be change because worship sets the heart free.”
NEW B E G I N N I N G S Pastor Chito asserted that the Holy
Spirit can use physical reactions to
help us discern and make impor-

FOR MANY Crosspoint, Los Angeles and everyone in the room was ener-
tant decisions.
He exhorted that in order to ful-
By Joanna Cordero gized for the praise and worship to fill God’s purposes for your life, you
come. must focus your activities to ac-
After spending the entire year Led by Rizza Aldaba, the praise and complish your goals, and focus your
traveling throughout Word Inter- worship emphasized the freedom that goals to accomplish your dreams.
national churches to host evange- comes with salvation and the need for He challenged the youth to re-
listic rallies to spark passion in the the presence of Jesus Christ in their ject mediocrity, to make them re-
hearts of youth, it was finally time lives. Extravagant worship was lifted alize and repeat out loud, “I have
for Los Angeles to step into the fire up and the freedom that comes with only one life to live. I want to
of revival. Almost 150 youth make it count.” In-
and parents from churches stead of following
and schools in the Southland the 60’s mantra, “If
gathered for Crosspoint: Point it feels good, do it,”
of New Beginnings at the Ea- Pastor Chito urged
gle Rock Recreation Center to the young people
hear of the mighty works God to “Do what will feel
has done and to worship Him. good tomorrow. If
it won’t feel good
Joining the Pyros youth
tomorrow, don’t do
from the Glendale, Los Ange-
it today,” in order
les, and Cerritos areas were
to achieve God’s
youth from WIN Inland Em-
plans to prosper.
pire, WIN Artesia, WIN San
After the power-
Gabriel, and WIN Anaheim. Youth & Young Adults Pastor Mark challenges the youth and the
ful message, Pastor
The Young Adults Ministry young adults of this generation to take a stand before God.
Mark called an altar
from L.A. also came to show praising His name was beautifully ap- call, where he and the other pas-
their utmost support. While the parent.
tors present prayed for the youth
night was a wonderful time of re- According to Pastor Mark Briones, and anointed them with oil. Also,
union with friends from other WIN “The goal was to prepare the young
Pastor Mark responded to God’s call
churches, it was also a great avenue people for another year of school, to to unite the older and younger gen-
for networking. Through invitations be recharged and refreshed in their erations by asking the parents to
from Bro. Paloo Guiuan, Stepha- walk in the Lord.” pray for the young people, as such
nie Bautista, and Gene Castro of
WIN-IE, Crosspoint was graced by I
n order to gear towards that attendance and participation from
goal, WIN-LA Senior Pastor the older generation was unprece-
the presence of youth from Loma Chito Cordero shared a practical dented in previous rallies. The Spir-
Linda and the Recycled By God message entitled “Making Your Life it overflowed throughout the place,
youth ministry from Faith Celebra- Count.” He began with an exercise lives were touched, hearts were
tion Church in North Hollywood. in which each person paired up with refreshed, and tears were shed.
The night began with the game another person. Each person took “Crosspoint was amazing. I
“The Ship is Sinking,” where partici- turns saying things that were com- was blown away,” said newcomer
pants group themselves according to pletely false, then completely true, Marianne Guballa. “It was like an
the number that is called. The ice was to illustrate how the body physically opener for what was ahead of
broken, people began to feel com- reacts in the respective situation. me. Now I can’t wait for camp.”
fortable moving out of their seats,

>> A Passionate Praise and Worship

Whether it was their first time or their sixth
time, the response of God’s presence was
surely glorified that evening.
He changes times and seasons, he sets up kings
the and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
Daniel 2:21
riends, as we come to the We need to seek the Lord for wis- yield to His directions.
F close of the summer season,
we anticipate the cool weather the
dom and discernment in order for
us to be successful and be in line
The month of August, specifi-
cally 08/08/08, was the start of
as to what the Lord has in store massive restorations and new be-
fall season brings. We slowly start
ginnings. Let us believe this will
changing our wardrobes to suit the for His people. God always has take place in our personal lives,
season. In the same way, under- the best for us. We need to fol- families and respective ministries.
stand that in our spiritual lives, we low God, consecrate ourselves,
too are entering into a new season. and take steps of faith to fully Let’s move forward in this season!!
- Pas t or M ark

a day of new

0 8 08
beginnings August 8, 2008 Young people surrender and raise up their hands for God’s glory and
new beginnings.

2 00 8 By Rizza Aldaba
August 8, 2008 marks a day of new
led by sisters Pauline and Debbie
Guiuan. As the congregation re-
mained in an attitude of worship,
Pastor Mark Briones ushered the
crowd into a significant part of the
Pastor Mark then spoke on the
prophetic significance of the num-
ber. He explained that the number
8 represented new beginnings, res-
urrection, restoration, and strength,
and how when the date 080808
beginnings in the spiritual realm. gathering.
was added up, it equaled massive
The previous year, July 7, 2007 was Individuals were called to pray for restoration and new beginnings.
observed through mass assemblies various issues, such as the univer- After the Word, everyone was
in the United States and all over the sities and schools in America, the asked to take a stand and to seek
world, such as The Call Movement pastors who are attacked constant- God for a new beginning in their
in Nashville, TN. This momentous ly, and the reconciliation between lives. With bowed knees and tears
date in history recognizes the sig- the youth and their parents. Los in their eyes, everyone sought God
nificance of the number “seven,” Angeles and its surrounding cities for a clean slate. It was certainly a
which is prophesied to be a time of were prayed for, especially with the time of refreshing and renewal.
completion. A new year has begun attached influence it has on com-
and thus, the cycle is continued. mercial industries and the media.
The event, which includ- With the newly passed law allow-
ed both the youth and young ing for gay marriage and promoting
adults from different churches, the spirit of homosexuality every-
went underway with an anoint- where it was a must to intercede
ed time of praise and worship, for San Francisco.

W I N - L A’s 1 8 t h October 26, 2008

grand anniversary 1021 Grandview Avenue,

Glendale CA 91201
Celebrate Word International Ministries, Los Angeles’ 18th Anniversary! Praise the Lord!
month has passed after the Campers from all over California
A recent Soul Anchor Youth
Camp, aptly themed “Braving The
joined the occasion. Angelica Pons
and Froilan Vicente from the Hydros
Battle: A Call To Arms,” and sure Youth Ministry, several youth from
enough, it was time to reunite with our Inland Empire church, and even By Rizza Aldaba
our fellow campers for a time of ca- a few young adults were there to The event was a success, as it
spend some fun summer moments. brought the youth together and
maraderie and wholesome fun.
After lunch, everyone gathered in encouraged them to keep on brav-
Held at Huntington Beach, the a large circle while heartfully sing-
day was filled with fun-filled activi- ing the battle. It was the perfect
ing “I Could Sing Of Your Love” in
ties, from Mafia and Ninja to water time to fellowship with one anoth-
the sand and sun. Of course, camp
balloons and volleyball. Appetizing reunion will not be complete with- er and be reminded of the good
food was in abundance, thanks to the out the sharing of the Word. Broth- things that has God has in store.
partnership of the WIN-LA Couples er Sean McFadyen imparted a few After dozens of photographs, ev-

young adults
Ministry, and it seemed like there was words of encouragement to the youth eryone said their goodbyes as the
just something to do every minute. on accountability and perseverance. sun slowly set in the horizon.

Young Adults Ministry

By Benjo Balcobero
2008. The year of new beginnings.
Since the launch of this year, this we were thrown into the real
Some of the lessons we have learned
was the prophetic word given to our world; from a small fish pond to
thus far were: Finances, Spiritual
church members and workers. I the ocean. Thus, that is when the
Maturity, and Finding One’s Perfect
remember sitting on my chair while Young Adults Ministry (YAM) came
Pastor Mark Briones preached on Mate--which would eventually lead to
Building up Relationship with Others. in to play. As the YAMmers (young
what God has in store for us; I pon- adults) grow older, we know that
dered with excitement as I let God’s On our fun nights, we range in
activities such as bowling, movies, life’s challenges and situations
promises sink into my heart. At that creep up on us, but we know that
moment, karaoke, and trying out different
restaurants preparation given by our mentors,
I began
succumbed pastors, and family will ground us
to think
to our taste for future circumstances.
of new
he Young Adults Ministry
nities to
buds. We
are not held T (YAM) has now been divided
into two locations: Los Angeles/
minister captive into
a specific Glendale (Tuesdays) and Cerritos/
to people
location Orange County (Mondays). In
to congre- retrospect of these past couple of
my age
gate, but months, I am still astonished to
whether instead see where God has led his people;
it’d be in we all plan He truly has been faithful to His
the music and make very word. We now exist because
industry a decision of fervent encouragements to one
or friends t o g e t h e r. another to grow continuously in
in the It is within the Lord while we enjoy each oth-
same social circle. He mentioned that these bonding experiences that er’s fellowship.
2007 signified completion while 2008 we build a familial type of atmo-
would be the year of new beginnings. sphere for everyone and in inclu-
With the prophetic word roll- sion with The Pyros Youth Ministry
ing into action, the month of Feb- we also support their events. We
ruary became the official starting do make certain that each and ev-
point when young adults would eryone feel comfortable and have
eventually reconvene on a weekly someone to relate to the most.
Tuesday bible study. Initial mem- A year ago, many of the young
bership was small but is now con- adults were transitioning to college
sistently growing in attendance. life, work, and marriage. Basically,
Keeping Faith in the Bay
By Paolo Manuel
God wants His people “to move, to hit

n August 15, 2008, mem-
bers of the Pyros music overdrive and to shift gears” in able
“The winds of
team began their journey up
north to the San Francisco Bay Area
to enter the new season.
Pastor Mark believes that entering
to minister to the youth there. Led into the new season can be an easy
by their youth pastor, Pastor Mark
Briones, they returned to the Bay
transition if believers follow God, are
prepared to make sacrifices, are able change are blowing,
Area not only to fellowship with old to be flexible, and keep the faith. He
recalled the story of Abraham and
friends but to evangelize and en-
Isaac—how God asked Abraham to
courage fellow believers to keep up
sacrifice his greatest blessing of the
the walk and the fire burning. previous season to see the expansion
On Saturday afternoon, Cros- of God’s promise, but in the end, it
spoint, a youth rally led by the Pyros was God who was the one who pro-
Youth Ministry, was held at the WIN vided the sacrifice.
San Francisco/Bridgepoint Com- Furthermore, Pastor Mark remind-
munity Church. Crosspoint serves ed the congregation that flexibility is
to bridge together those who have crucial—that we need to be able to
strayed away back to their home in modify to new environments. The

Christ Jesus. congregation was
Truly, as seen .... God wants His reminded that rigid
in the past, things break, while
this power- people “to move, to hit flexible things adapt
ful youth rally and adjust. Finally,
overdrive, and to shift encouraging the be-

has been “the
point of new lievers to keep the
gears” ... faith concluded the
as the name message. We were
of the youth rally stands by. reminded that “he who began a good
work in you will carry it on to com-
Members of the Pyros Band led
pletion” (Philippians 1:6). One must
the praise and worship that after-
never forget that He is the Author of
noon. The praise was a celebration
our lives and that every detail will be
of freedom, while worship called provided.
the believers back to take a stand. The message calls us to be resil-
Truly, it set the atmosphere that ient in the changes that are ahead.
ushered in the Holy Spirit. Pastor Mark declared to the people
Pastor Mark Briones preached
on Joshua 3:1-5, emphasizing that
before him that the “trials and tests
along the way are what prepares us
and the new season
believers need to start enjoying for the next season.” In this transi-
things in the spiritual sense. His
message spoke about starting to
tion, must continue to fix our eyes on
Jesus so that we can reach our prom-
view everything in the spiritual ised land. Pastor Mark Briones
realm. Encouraging the listen- Truly, the youth rally took us back
ers, Pastor Mark asked the believ- to God’s promise, and to a point of
ers to change mindsets because new beginnings.

soul anchor 2009! July 6th - July 10th, 2009

Oak Glen, CA
Start preparing yourselves, young people. Camp is in full force! Join WIN-LA’s Pyros along with dif-
{ ferent youths from all over the nation to experience God’s wonderful presence during this blessed
youth camp. Contact Mark Briones, Pyros’ Youth Pastor, at for further information.
Pyros Youth Pastor Editor-in-Chief
Rizza Aldaba web
Mark Briones
Layout & Design Editor contact
Verna Abante

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