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Saad A.

Saleem Ap World History Notes

AP World History Notes

Chapter 1
The First Humans
Hominids: earliest human like creatures which lived 3/4 million years ago, also called Australopithecus, they made simple stone tools, and had the ability to walk on 2 legs. Homo-Habilis: New human like creature, brain 50 percent larger than Australopithecus. Homo-Erectus: Built larger and better tools, and first to move out of Africa into Asia, and Europe. Then came Homo-sapiens, two types; Neanderthals and Homo sapien sapiens. Neanderthals: relied on stone stools, and first species to bury their dead. Homo sapiens sapiens: Modern Human. These humans eventually moved further, but at a very slow rate, only about 2-3 miles per generation, but eventually over thousands of years moved across. Paleolithic age: Old stone, where a lot of stone tools started being produced. People did not grow crops, but hunt animals, and collect plants; they lived in small bands and were Nomadic people. Men and Women played an equal role; women gathered plants and berries, while men hunted animals, equality existed. These people found shelter, used animals skin, and wood to build a roof, but sometimes used animal bones, fire was also very important. 2 important events allowed survival: the discovery of fire, and the making of tools. These people also painted on caves. Neolithic Revolution: New stone age Highlighted by agriculture, people began to grow plants and use animals to help them grow plants. Mesolithic Age: New Stone Age saw the shift from gathering to producing, and domesticating animals. Farming led rise to new settlements: oldest settlements located in Jericho, and Turkey. Mud brick houses existed during that time period. People grew their food and stored it; domesticating animals were also a source, for things such as milk, and skin. Food surpluses allowed specialization of labor; some people became artisans, who made weapons and jewelry. Religious Shrines were also discovered.

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

As people started storing food, and specialized in Labor, trade started with the communities. Men assumed the primary job of working in the fields while the women stayed home, caring for the children and weaving things. Work outside the home was perceived to be more important than the work inside the home, so men were considerer superior to women. Later on around 4000-3000 BCE, significant developments occurred; writing was developed so records started being kept. Bronze was also discovered, first the societies were very simple but later on they developed as more resources started to become available.

The emergence of civilization

Civilization: complex culture where a large number of people share common elements. Has 5 fundamental points to it An urban focus: cities became centers for political, economic, social and religious development. New Political and military structures: An organized government was formed for the people and for the defense of cites. A new social structure based on economic power: Kings and priests dominated the upper class, while many commoners were below them. And the slaves were below the commoners. Development of more complexity in a material sense: Organized trade grew, surpluses of food allowed people to work in occupations other then farming, so specialization of labor came into happening. A distinct religious structure: People started believing in Gods, and priests enforced and enhanced those beliefs. Development of writing: Upper class members started writing for various purposes. New and significant artistic and intellectual activity: monumental structures were in a specific place in environments. Chronology civilizations Time period Egypt 3100 BCE Mesopotamia 3000 BCE India 3000 BCE Peru 2600 BCE China 2000 BCE Central Asia 2000 BCE

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

Civilization in Mesopotamia
Lied between 2 major rivers, received little rain, but had very fertile soil from the silt left by the rivers when it overflew with water, although the overflow was very unpredictable. Irrigation made agriculture expansion possible. First inhabitants were the Sumerians who inhabited this land; they established a number of independent cities, as they expanded Sumerians came to control surrounding areas to form a civilization. Their cities were surrounded by walls, and built their structures from mud. Ziggurat: a massive stepped building, dedicated for Sumerian Gods, believed Gods controlled the cities. Priests oversaw these temples, in early stages had a lot of power. Believed the Gods ruled the state being known as a Theocracy. Kings were perceived to be divine and used to run cities. Economy was primarily agriculture, with traces of commerce and industry. Also traded items such as fish wool and barley. Contained four social groups Elite: included the royals and priests Dependant commoners: clients of the elite Free commoners: farmers, merchants and scribes Slaves: used for work such as cleaning and farming Rivalries emerged amongst city states, wars constantly occurred. There were no geographical barriers, because city states were located amongst flat land. Akkadians were a group of people north to Sumerians led by Sargon, they came and attacked the Sumerians, and gained control, eventually they were overthrown by Hammurabi. Hammurabi marched to Sumer, took over them and established a capote; at Babylon. He established temples, defensive walls, and irrigation ditches, he also bought economic recovery.

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

Hammurabis Code: Were a set of principles and rules that Hammurabi wanted society to follow, the fundamental rule was Tooth for tooth, eye for eye. Marriages had to occur with legible documents. Women had fewer rights then men, although they did have some, even though they were perceived to stay in the home. Religion was important, believed in polytheism and believed Gods were responsible for natural events, practiced religions through various techniques such as sacrificing animals. Cuneiform was a system of writing, people made wedge shaped impressions on clay. Writing was majorly for record keeping, but also used for education. Sumerians had a mathematical system based on the number 60 and 10

Egyptian Civilization; The Gift of Nile

Based upon the Nile river, longest river in the world, it I known for its annual flood from rains which leaves land with rich silt, its rains are also very predictable so society became very prosperous. Surplus of foods existed; Nile unified Egypt as it was also used for transportation. Egyptian civilization was geographically isolated. Divided into 3 time periods; old, middle and new Kingdoms. Old kingdom; the first dynasty united upper and Lower Egypt, into a single Kingdom. The Old Kingdom was known to have Prosperity. Kings were viewed as divine, they were called pharaohs. Kings ruled according to a set of principles and received help from its advisors and family. Old Kingdom collapsed, and a while later a new dynasty gained control and called it the middle Kingdom, it was known as the golden age for Egypt. First the kings were perceived to be god like structures now they were portrayed as humans sent by god to do rule the people. Kings were at the top of society followed by nobles and priests, and then were the merchants, who traded with international regions. . Last were the serfs who were bound to the common land. Egyptians were polytheistic, and believed many Gods were responsible for events, they had a sun God, they thought many events happen (like the annual Nile flooding) due to something the Gods did. Pyramids were large complex buildings built for the dead.

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

Believed that humans had 2 forms physical and spiritual and that the spiritual could live after the physical died, if a body is preserved properly. Egyptians preserved bodies, by removing the organs and brain and put them in jars at the pyramids. The largest and most prominent pyramid is the pyramid of Giza under King Khufu, it covers 13 acres and 756 feet at each side of the base, it is a major symbol of the Kings Power and glory. Paintings and statues existed as a form of art, they were built using math. Egyptians had a form of writing called Hieroglyphics, which used symbols to depict writing. The Middle Kingdom ended as a new peoples called Hyksos overthrew the dynasty, they fought with modernized weapons, they ruled for 100 years, until a new dynasty overthrew them. Hatshepsut was an Egyptian Queen who built temples and expanded Egypt. A new pharaoh named Akhenaton came into power; he tried to change Egypts religion but failed. Later on Egypt started declining, they started to lose power, and foreigners kept on invading, until Egypt itself became a colony of Rome. Women had few rights, they could hold on to their properties but couldnt have careers in the public, upper class women could be priestess, and a few women became pharaohs. Marriages were arranged, and the main purpose was procreation.

New Centers of Civilization

Megalith: Greek for large stones. Along the fringes of civilizations lived Nomadic people, they moved about in routes, and had domesticated animals with them.. Indo-Europeans were one of the most important Nomadic people. Hittites were another group of Indo-Europeans who moved into modern day Turkey and formed an empire there; they were the first ind-euro people to make iron, so they had better weapons. It was one of the most important empires during its peak; it was eventually demolished by attacks from the sea people. With Egypt and the Hittites declining, a new form of people emerged; The Phoenicians. Lived along the coast of Palestine, they produced items such as dye; they also had improved ships, which allowed trade expansion.

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

They are credited with creating the roots to the Latin Alphabet To the south of the Phoenicians were a group called Hebrews, although they did not have a big empire, their monotheistic belief in religion influenced major religions like Christianity and Islam. The kingdom of Israels initial king was Saul; he led some resistance against the Philistines, but he died and anarchy arose until one of his lieutenants; David regained control. Davids son strengthened Israel he expanded it politically and militarily, he had building projects which included the temple in Jerusalem. Solomon died, Israel was divided into the North and South. The Assyrians destroyed the North, and expelled many people The Southerners also had to pay a fee to the Assyrians The Chaldeans defeated the Assyrians, and the Persians defeated the Chaldeans, so the people could return to Jerusalem. These people formed their own religion called Judaism, and called their God Yahweh. Jews believe in one God who created everything, a god who is loving a kind, and expects his people to be he same. Hebrew religion has three major aspects; the covenant, the law, and prophets When Moses led his people in the Promised Land, God made a contract with the people, the people had to obey and follow the god, and in return the God would take care of some people. The Jews believe that God sent a Prophet to enforce his belief, and have other people embrace Judaism.

The Rise of New empires

The Assyrian empire was based in upper Tigris River. The Assyrians took advantage of iron, which they learned from the Hittites to make weapons. Ashurbanipal was one Assyrian ruler, but the Assyrian empire was becoming too big to control, their capital city fell to the Chaldeans and Medes so the empire was divided between these 2. During its height the Assyrian empire was very strong, their leader ruled with an absolute hand, their army was efficient, and an efficient communication process was developed. The Assyrians treated their opponents were badly. Agriculture was the major part of life in Assyria, it received regular rainfall., trade was second most important economic factor

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

Ethnicity didnt matter in Assyria, religion and language unified them, they believed in Ashur their god, and believed their king was sent to earth as a representative of God. The Chaldeans took over the Assyrian empire, and the Persians overthrew the Chaldeans. Persians were Indo-Euro people who lived in Iran, united by the Achaemenid dynasty Satrapy: Province Satrap: Governor Cyrus expanded Persia significantly; he defeated the Lydian Kingdom, Greek city states. Iran, Western India, and Babylon. He respected, and was well respected by the people he took over; some even perceived him to be a savior. His Son, and another Ruler named Darius extended Persias control over the world, it had the largest empire in the world consisting of 20 provinces. The King was believed to be a representative of God, and all subjects of his were under him. Zoroastrianism was a religion developed by a Persian man named Zoroaster who after a period of wandering experienced revelations that made him writes ideas, and this became the holy book of Zoroastrianism. Ahuramazda was the God, and he had the positive qualities all humans should have. Whoever performed good deeds would go to paradise otherwise a place similar to hell.

Chapter 2 Ancient India Emergence of civilization in Harappa

India was and is a land filled with diversity which includes languages and culture Consists of Mountain ranges to the north, and 2 rivers directly south of those mountain ranges 2 main towns existed then; Mohenjedaro and Harappa, both in present day Pakistan, both based near Indus River. Harappan civilization was like the civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Nile valley, like them it probably began in small farming villages spread throughout, these villages eventually expanded were able to host and accommodate a very large city

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

Harappa and Mohenjo dare were divided in large walled houses with narrow lanes and based on a rectangular grid Harappan writing hasnt been deciphered but evidence suggests there was no monarchy but a colony of over 1500 towns ruled by a coalition of landlords and merchants. Harappan economy was primarily based on agriculture. The most prominent art forms from Harappa were sculptures and writing. There is evidence that suggests that there was also civilization north of Indus River, which did actions such as domesticating animals.

The Arrival of Aryans

One mystery is how the Indus civilization ended Evidence suggests that this was because of the arrival of the Aryan war like people who forced the natives to flee The more likely cause is climate change or social deterioration. The Aryans were part of Indo-European speaking people, unlike other indo Europeans the Aryans moved southwards and settled into the Subcontinent The introduction of farming tools helped the Aryans transform Ganges valley to a fertile piece of land, Aryans also developed a writing system. Raja: chief of an Aryan tribe dharma: set of laws Maharaja: A king Kshatriya: a warrior class Eventually the raja transformed to a maharaja but still did not rule with authority, they still had to follow the dharma. .\ Alexander the Great also came to the Indian subcontinent at about this time Alexanders generals and their forces were driven out by the founder of a new state and dynasty; Chandragupta Maurya. Little is known about this guy, but he was advised by a court official who authored a book on principles economics and some guidelines of ruling. Guptas govt was centralized and despotic; the king had a secret police to protect him. Guptas empire was divided into 3 provinces, that were ruled by governors, the provinces were further divide in districts that were ruled by the chief magistrate There were also villages where majority of the people lived, it was governed by a council of elders. When Aryans came to India a class system emerged where Aryans thought they were superior Varna: Colour/castes

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

Brahmins: top of the varna consisted of priests Kshatriya: 2nd highest class consisted of the warriors Vaisiyas: commoners and merchant class Twice born: when boys pass through puberty and get introduced to society Sudras: lower class people mostly peasants or artisans Untouchables/pariahs- lowest class- consisted of criminals minorities and groups outside Indian society Class system was dominant and upper class member could not cross shadows with th untouchables, people couldnt marry outside their class, and they were born and lived in one class throughout life until death. JAti: system of extended families that originated in India. Each jati consisted of thousands of families and were governed by its council of elders Family was important in the subcon, it was the most basic unit in society Mostly 3 generations lived under one roof, and the eldest male member possess authority over his family members, only males went to study, and performed rituals for the family. Only males could inherit property, females could rarely, divorce was not allowed for women unless special circumstances existed. Sati: when a wife throws herself an a husbands funeral pyre was encouraged. Women didnt have such a major role, they were seen to be only workers inside the house, but Indian society code stated that women should be respected, and use sexual dominance over men. Economy was still based on agriculture under the Aryans Farmer life was tough, some owned their land others were sharecroppers Climate was a problem because during the monsoon season rains were unpredictable. India later on went to become a big commercial centre for trade; goods went from India by land, and by water.

Religion in India
Hinduism originated in India, it was derived from the Aryans and dravidans and had a set of beliefs, they believed in in gods and goddesses representing natures forces, the concept of sacrifise was also important. Reincarnation: Hindus believed in reincarnation, that people will live in a different form after their death. Karma: The idea that a persons rebirth will be judged by their actions in the current life. Hinduism has about 30,000 deities, but there are only a few important ones.

Saad A. Saleem Ap World History Notes

Hindus expressed their religion to gods by devotion, and performing actions like prayer, and performing rituals at ceremonies. Founder of Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama, a native of a small kingdom, and born to a warrior class. He was tired of suffering and sickness, so he decided to find the cause and cure for it. He abandoned his family and set out to find it, one day after meditating under a tree, he discovered the meaning of life, and spent his life preaching it. Buddhism was similar to Hinduism; belief in reincarnation, karma, and nonviolence Also different; didnt believ in the individual soul Bodhi: wisdom Stupas: House relics of Buddhism By many Buddhism is viewed as a philosophy rather then a religion. Jainism: Another religion combining Buddhism with Hinduism, it focused on forgoing all luxuries and begging people for necessities

Rule after Mauryan Empire

Later on After Ashokas death (Grandson of Chandragupta) the Mauryan empire declined Some reasons of decline are faltered trade, the stubbornness of the Aryan rituals, also the behavior of the ruling class.

The Exuberant World of Indian Culture

The oldest form of writing from Indian culture is The Vedas which contained religious hymns Sanskrit: Language of Aryans which was replaced by Prakrit. A grammar Scholar wrote about the correct grammar usage of Sanskrit. Indias literature was prescribed on stitched palms similar to books Architecture also boomed when many artisans started making structures about Buddhism for the king 84,000 stupas were ordered to be built for the King. Another form of Architecture was the rock chamber, which was initially built to provide as a rest place for passing Monks Indians were known for their mathematics, where the devised the numerical system and physics/

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