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SMU ECONOMICS SOCIETY (OIKOS) 10th EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTIONS ELECTIONS GUIDELINES Note: 1. This document is for electors viewing. 2. A softcopy must be sent to Name of candidate Chin Keat Yin Year of matriculation Expected year of graduation



About myself (max 100 words) I am a Year2 student from SOE, previously from Dunman High School. I enjoy playing sports like Netball and Swimming, likes photography as well as editing photos. My aspiration in life is to travel around, looking at the world outside Singapore and Aisa.

Agenda for 10th Executive Committee & Vision for the Society (max 100 words) To allow every member of the Oikos society to have a sense of belonging to the faculty during their school term in SMU. Past contributions to the SMU Economics Society or the School of Economics (max 50 words) Oikos Book sale; subcomm- Jan 2012 OIkos Lespionnage bash; Marketing director- Aug 2012 Oikos Book sale; orgcomm- Aug 2012


Elections document 3 of 3

Any plans to be away for more than a month at a time during office term (max 50 words)


Please indicate your current/future commitments and if you are intending to run for any other positions in any Executive Committees in school

Possible future commitment: Samba Masala

Top 3 Positions that you are running for Vice-President Honorary Secretary General Marketing Director

Name of Proposer

Lynn Teo Wei Ru


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