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Liz Davis


Siren Publishing, Inc.


A SIREN PUBLISHING BOOK IMPRINT: Erotic Romance PEAK OF DESIRE Copyright 2012 by Liz Davis E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-907-4 First E-book Publication: December 2012 Cover design by Christine Kirchoff All cover art and logo copyright 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. PUBLISHER Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Chapter One
Erica Mitchell exited the cool, air-conditioned bookstore and stepped out into the blazing sun. The dry, hot climate that came along with a Southern California summer was nothing new to her, but when one was suffering from the symptoms of an oncoming period, it seemed to magnify even the smallest irritations. Clad in fitted black jeans and a V-neck T-shirt which tastefully accented her curves, she made her way toward her usual lunch spot across the street. The steps she took were quick and purposeful, as if she were on her way to some important meeting. As she reached the office park courtyard where she regularly ate lunch, she made her way toward a circular table with an umbrella attached to it. After taking a seat, she placed her purse on the table and dug inside to retrieve her compact mirror. As she studied her reflection, she was happy to see that she felt worse than she looked. Her hair was styled into a faceframing haircut, cleverly downplaying her round face to give it a more oval appearance, and although she did appear a bit tired, she was pleased to see there werent any rings beneath her almond-shaped eyes. Noting that her mocha-colored skin had a slight shine to it, she swiped her cosmetic sponge against the pressed compact a few times then placed a few dabs on her nose and forehead. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she snapped the compact shut and put it back in her purse. Although she didnt have much of an appetite, she knew that skipping lunch would only lead to her being light-headed. So she opened the plastic container which held her salad and then fed a forkful of lettuce into her mouth. The courtyard featured a beautiful stone fountain which added to the relaxing atmosphere, and her ears were caressed by the gurgling noises it created. She took a quick glance at her watch then released a sigh. She was only halfway through the day, and already she was aching to be off the clock. Her stomach was bloated, and she was starting to feel crampy, and all she felt like doing right now was talking a nice long nap, yet six hours were

still left before she got off work, so all she could do was just make the best of things and get through the rest of the day. She stuck her fork into an olive then brought it up to her mouth and popped it inside. As she munched pleasantly on her Greek salad, she eyed the mirrored windows of the high-rise building which was located a dozen yards in front of her. Her eyes landed on a window washer who was squeegeeing one of the higher level windows, and as she watched him at work she found herself intrigued. Shed always been curious about window washers, and she was curious about the type of personality that one must possess in order to do a job like that. It seemed like an interesting profession, and she heard they were compensated very well. As she watched the man at work, her eyes fell on the long ponytail which hung behind him. Reaching midback, it swayed along with the rhythm of his movements as he washed the windows. She couldnt help admiring his long hair, and she found that it was one of the main things that intrigued her about him. That and the fact that he was suspended hundreds of feet above the pavement. Her eyes remained peeled on him, watching as he pulled himself up to the next level of windows. She saw there was a bucket attached to each side of the wooden plank he was sitting on, and she noticed that he regularly alternated between the both of them, dunking his squeegee in the right and then the left one. By the time shed finished her salad, the window washer had reached the top level of the building and was just finishing up on the last window in the row. After dropping his squeegee in one of the buckets, he utilized the pulley system to swiftly lower himself down to street level. Once his feet were planted on the ground, he worked to unlatch himself from the harness. Realizing it was her chance to get a look at his face, she stood up from the table and dumped the empty food carton in a trash bin. In order to exit the office park courtyard, she would have to pass by the high-rise building, so it would give her an opportunity to check him out as she passed by. Trying not to be too obvious about it, she threw a casual glance his way as she passed by, allowing her eyes to rove across his facial features. Since he was still unhooking his harness, his eyes were focused downward, and this emboldened her to get in a good long stare. Standing just over six feet tall, he had a russet-colored skin tone and deep-set eyes. His hair was raven black and straight, with a shine which was enhanced by the radiant sun. She allowed her gaze to linger as she passed him by, and as he suddenly lifted his eyes to meet hers, she knew she was caught.

Her cheeks grew hot, and she immediately averted her attention. As she continued along her way, she had the feeling she was still being watched, so she threw a glance over her shoulder and saw that he was still looking at her. She didnt know whether he was watching her out of curiosity or genuine interest, but what she was sure of was that he was damn gorgeous. To her surprise, she saw a little smile cross his angular features. Too stunned to smile back, she lifted her eyebrows in surprise. This prompted him to give her a wink, and she felt her mouth curl upward in response. She felt a thrill rush through her from his unexpected reaction, but her moment of elation was quickly transformed to one of dismay as she tripped on a loose stone in the flooring of the courtyard. Erica tried to regain her footing before she fell, but unfortunately she wasnt able to. She hit the ground hard, releasing a cry of pain. She heard a snicker come from one of the lunch tables, and from out of her peripheral vision, she noticed a group of office workers turn their heads to stare at her. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment, and she shamefacedly pushed her palms against the ground so that she could rise up. From her peripheral vision, she spotted the window washer approaching her, and as he reached her side, he squatted down so that he was at her level. He held out his hand, and she placed her palm in his so that he could help her up. Are you okay? His face creased in concern. Yes, Im fine. Her right hip hurt, and she could feel that her elbow was skinned, but she did her best to play it off. You sure? Yep. Erica could feel the eyes of every lunchgoer in the courtyard plastered on her, and she desperately wished that she could turn invisible, but since she couldnt, the next best thing was to quickly be on her way. Thank you for helping me up. No problem. He bent down to place the stone back in its hole. They really should fix this. Youre the third person to trip on it today. Yes, well She let her voice trail off, as she was uncertain of what else to say. Bye. She turned and quickly made her way out of the courtyard. As she walked back to work, she continually replayed the embarrassing moment in her head. If she hadnt kept her eyes on him for so long, then she never would have tripped. She couldnt believe shed made such a fool of herself, and she was now left feeling like a clown. It wasnt at all like her to be clumsy, but his sensual gaze had enraptured her, leaving her pretty much powerless to do anything but stare back.

A part of her was wishing that she would see him again, and yet she also knew if she did, that it would be difficult to live down what happened. A small sigh escaped her lips, and as she reached the bookstore where she worked, Erica pulled open the door and walked inside. The cool, airconditioned atmosphere felt wonderful against her skin, and the musky scent of old books, coupled with the earthy fragrance of sandalwood, pleasantly flooded her nostrils. As she approached the cashier counter, she offered a greeting to Iggy, the stores owner. Hey, Iggs. Hello. Did you have a good lunch? As was customary whenever he was reading a good book, his gaze remained firmly planted on the pages in front of him. She nodded in response, eyeing the silvery strands that were threaded throughout his hair. It was okay. Would have been better if I hadnt tripped and fallen on my way back over here, though. Ouch, sorry to hear. He briefly looked up to make eye contact with her. Did you get hurt? I skinned my elbow, and my hip hurts a bit. Nothing too serious, though. We have a first aid kit in the office. Youll find some alcohol pads and Band-Aids in there. He looked back down at his book and then said, So, what did you eat for lunch? A salad. Rabbit food again? He shook his head in amusement then pushed up his round, tinted reading glasses. One of these days Im gonna take you out for a nice, fattening lunch. I always welcome free food. The only requirement I have is that the restaurant be vegetarian. He scrunched his nose up at the suggestion then rubbed his graying beard. Well, I never tried that type of food before, but I guess Id be up for it. Just let me know when. Its my treat. Will do. She continued along her way through the tall shelves of books until she reached the back of the store, where there was a door marked Employees Only. After punching in her code, she pushed the door open and entered a moderately sized room with a small desk, a leather office chair, a gray file cabinet, and a small fridge, which had a coffee maker directly on top of it. Rows of books were neatly stacked up on a long counter, separated and categorized according to their subjects, and a box marked CDs sat beside a large stack of comic books.

After placing her purse in a cubbyhole beneath the counter, she retrieved a first aid kit from a small cabinet above the fridge. After cleaning up her scraped elbow with an alcohol pad, she covered the small bruise with a Band-Aid. Once that was done, she opened the small fridge and took out a miniature bottle of water. After downing the cold liquid, she threw the container in the trash and then headed back out into the main area of the bookstore. As she was exiting the door, she noticed her coworker approaching, who was an alabaster-skinned redhead with blue eyes. Hey, Tammy. You heading out to lunch? She placed her palm against the door to hold it open for her coworker. Yep. Im meeting up with my boyfriend at that new taco spot down the street. She slid her hair band off to release her coppery locks then shook her head a few times so that her hair had a tousled look. So are we still going out for drinks tonight? Doesnt look like Ill be able to. These cramps I have are kicking my butt. Her face creased in concern. Oh man, that sucks. Sorry to hear. I have some aspirin in my purse if youd like to take one. I already took one earlier. Thanks for offering, though. Okay, well I hope you feel better soon. Thanks, and have a good lunch. She gave a parting wave then headed for a large, cushiony armchair where a stack of books had been left behind. After collecting them in her arms, she walked through the rows of bookshelves until she reached the fiction section then returned the books to their proper spots. She then walked over to the new arrivals display table at the front of the store and began to neaten it up. Once it was nice and tidy, she headed for the counter to chat with Iggy, who was clicking away on the keyboard of the stores computer system. Erica noticed that the bookshops resident cat, Theodore, was stretched out next to the cashier, and she reached out to pet him. As she scratched him behind the ear he purred contentedly and then rolled over onto his back in hopes of enticing her to give him a tummy rub. A small chuckle fled her lips, and she ran her palm across his orange-and-white-striped belly. Spotting a small stack of books on the counter, she decided to inquire about them. New arrivals? Yep. Just came in half an hour ago. Have a look. He slid them closer to her. She picked up the book that was on the top of the stack and read the title then flipped it over to have a look at the synopsis. Hmm, seems like an interesting read.

Iggy glanced up at her over the top of his glasses. Youre kidding, right? No, Im serious. She returned his lingering gaze with one of her own. Why, whats so weird about this book? I just didnt take you for one of those apocalypse preparation freaks. Do you believe in zombies, too? She rolled her eyes playfully. No, of course not. But I dont see whats so illogical about an apocalypse. It could happen, you know. Sure it could, he said in a voice that was dripping with sarcasm. Theyve been forecasting doomsday for decades now, and yet it still hasnt happened. He shook his head to convey just how ridiculous he found the idea. Well I cant say for sure that I entirely believe its going to happen, but I still think its good to be prepared anyways. He gave a light chuckle and then said, Yeah, okay. As the sound of a ringing phone filled the air, he reached out to grab the receiver. Iggys Used Books, how may I help you? There was a short pause as he let the other person speak, and then he responded. Yes, were located in Pasadena. This is the only location we have. The person on the other end of the line had a voice so loud that Erica could hear them speaking, and as they went into a long-winded ramble, Iggy rolled his eyes and looked down at his wristwatch to express how annoyed he was. She grinned in response then grabbed the stack of newly arrived books off the counter and headed toward the bookshelves. **** The day had turned to evening, and only an hour remained before quitting time, so Erica was taking care of all the duties that needed to be completed before closing the store. After setting up a new display by the front door, she went to work at replacing the signs which displayed the different sections of books. Most of them had become old and faded looking, so they were well overdue for an update. As she was taping a new sign up in the anthology section, Iggy popped his head around the bookshelf and glanced down the aisle where she was located and then called out to her. On my way out now. Have a good evening, and Ill see you tomorrow morning. She glanced over her shoulder at him. Later, Iggy. Have a good night. The little bell over the door tinkled as he left the shop, and she felt a tiny rush of excitement course through her. Her coworker, Tammy, had finished

her shift half an hour ago, so she was now the only person on duty. While her coworkers hated to close, she loved it. The shop closed at 9:00 p.m. but by eight, the bookstore was pretty much deserted. She had just finished taping up all the signs when she heard the little bell tinkle once again. A faint smile curved her lips as she recalled how forgetful her boss was. He always left something behind, so it was pretty much customary for him to return to the store, only a few minutes after his departure. Whatd you forget this time, Iggs? Your car keys? A small chuckle passed her lips. The hardwood floors creaked as the footsteps approached, and she suddenly realized that it couldnt be Iggy, because the footsteps were too heavy to be him. The person who had entered was wearing boots, she could tell by the sound of the steps they were taking. Curious as to what the customer looked like, she glanced over her shoulder and was shocked to see that it was the window washer. As her eyes fell on his strikingly handsome face and lean, muscular body, her pulse began to race. Oh, hi. She felt her heart give a little flutter. Hello. Thought Id stop by and return something of yours. I wasnt aware that Id left anything with you. He held up a tube of lipstick and then handed it to her. It must have rolled out of your purse when you fell. A sheepish look crossed her face. Thanks. She slipped it into the pocket of her jeans. Stunned by his presence, she took a few moments to admire his form. No longer in his uniform jumpsuit, he was clad in a pair of dark jeans and a black T-shirt. So how did you know where I worked? I watched you cross the street and come in here. Half an hour after you went inside, I saw you standing behind the cash register, so it wasnt too difficult to figure out that this was your place of employment. His lips curled into a little smile. Right. Well thanks for bringing it by. So hows your arm? For a moment she was unsure of why he was asking, and then she remembered that there was a Band-Aid on her elbow. Bending her arm to glance down at it, she embarrassingly said, Oh, right. Id forgotten all about it. Its fine, thanks for asking. He glanced at the tall bookcases surrounding them and then casually strolled a little further down the aisle. You have any books on Nepal? Sure. Theyre in the travel section. I can take you over there, if youd like. I definitely would.

The deep timbre of his voice sent a rush of heat between her legs, and his flirtatious tone caused her to experience a little flutter in her stomach. Follow me. She led him a few aisles over, and once they reached the section, she scanned the shelves for books written about the Himalayas. She spotted one at a higher level, but since she wasnt tall enough to reach it, she had to use the assistance of a ladder. She slid it along its track until it was positioned in front of her, and then she stepped up onto the rungs. She pulled three books off the shelf and held them in one arm while using the free one to help her descend the ladder. The weight of the books proved to be a bit much for her, and as she continued her way downward, she became unstable, finding it difficult to keep balance with the heavy books in her arm. Noticing that she was unsteady, he reached up and placed his palms against her hips, firmly cradling her in his hands until she reached the bottom rung. She nearly swooned from his touch, and a sliver of arousal coursed through her. Once her feet were back on the ground, she turned to face him and handed him the books. Take a look at those and pick out the one you like best. She then left him to browse though the books in privacy. She really didnt want to leave him at all, but his presence was intoxicating, and she was beginning to feel light-headed. Shed never felt such an attraction to any man before, and she was certain that the way she felt inside was clearly displayed on her face for him to see. Surely he must know how drawn to him she was. Anyone with a presence that captivating was no doubt fully aware of the strong effect they had on people. While he was looking at the books shed picked out, she kept herself busy by updating the rest of the signs. Once that was done, she ventured into the true crime section and slid a book off the shelf to have a look at it. When fifteen minutes passed by, she thought about venturing over to the travel section to see if he was still there, but she figured that if he needed any help, hed just holler out to her. Five more minutes passed before he finally made an appearance, and as he made his way down the aisle toward where she was located, she felt her knees grow weak. He walked with a confident saunter and carried himself in a way that commanded attention. It was obvious he possessed a lot of self-confidence, and yet he was nowhere near arrogant. She didnt know if it was pheromones or what, but as he came closer to her, she picked up on his energy and realized it was completely irresistible. I couldnt decide on just one book, so Im going to buy two. He held them up for her to see.

Glad you found them useful. Ill ring you up. She closed the novel she was reading and put it back on the shelf. As she turned back around, she found him standing directly in front of her. Taken off guard by the sudden close proximity of their bodies, she leaned her back against the bookcase and looked up at him. He lifted his arms so that his palms leaned against the shelf behind her, resting his weight against it, and offered her a look that caused her breathing to quicken. So are you gonna tell me your name, or do I have to guess what it is? Erica. Her voice came out quieter than shed expected, causing her to appear shy. Thats a nice name. I like it. Thanks. Im Cody. Nice to meet you. Likewise. He broke their eye contact, allowing his gaze to drift upward. She guessed he was looking at a book behind her, but as he reached out and brushed a hand against the top of her head, she instantly stiffened. It wasnt that she didnt like him touching her, because nothing could be further from that. It had just been so unexpected, and the slightest touch from him resulted in some very powerful feelings within her. He held his hand out for her to see, and as she glanced downward, she saw a tiny leaf sitting on his palm. It must have fallen in your hair when you were eating lunch. Yeah, I guess so. She nervously tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, wishing she could think of something better to say. He allowed the leaf to fall to the ground, and then he ran his fingers through his dark, silky strands. The mere sight of it caused her heart to beat quicker, and she found herself wondering if hed calculated that move just to see her reaction. He looked at her for a few moments and then posed a question. Do I scare you? No, of course not. Why would you? You seem very nervous around me. When I pulled the leaf out of your hair, I noticed you shrink back a little. And your body stiffened. Im not scared at all. Maybe a little nervous, though. Why? She gave a little shrug. His lips tugged into a faint smile. Theres no reason to be nervous. Im a nice guy. Once you get to know me, youll see that.

I believe that. I get a nice vibe from you. Oh yeah? She nodded. Im picking up good vibes from you as well. Energy is very important, you know. If you dont click instantly with someone, then it probably isnt worth your time. I agree. As he shifted his weight, she caught the scent of his deodorant. Her gaze lowered, and as she noticed a loose thread on the neckline of his T-shirt, she felt the urge to reach up and tug it loose. She didnt know what made her notice a small detail like that, but for some reason, her eyes had been drawn to it. With her gaze planted in the vicinity of his neck, she caught sight of the Native-style choker he was wearing. The beautiful piece of jewelry seemed to enhance his already-good looks, and she found herself tempted to reach out and touch the bone beads which made up the design. But she didnt, instead allowing her eyes to admire the amazing craftsmanship. As she lifted her gaze, she noticed there was a small, crescent-shaped scar next to his right eye. It was barely noticeable, and although it was an imperfection, it certainly didnt take away from his striking good looks. If anything, it actually made him even more appealing to her. What are you thinking? She was tempted to ask him about the scar but figured it may seem a bit intrusive, so she decided against it. What are you thinking? Im having a couple of different thoughts at the moment, but the main thing on my mind is when am I going to see you again? Her heart was hammering so quickly in her chest, she became certain that it would pop out at any moment. Well that depends. Are you single? Are you? I asked the question first. Im not currently in a relationship, but I am open to dating. I would very much like to have a girlfriend. Okay. So what about you? Are you dating anyone? Nope. Why not? Youre very pretty. I was in a relationship for a year, but the person I was seeing moved away. We tried the long-distance thing for a while, but it didnt work out, so we decided to just end things. Well whoever you were involved with is a fool for letting you go. Its good for me, though, because it means I have a chance.

She cast her eyes downward and shyly smiled. Then she looked back up at him. So are interested in serious or casual dating? Well if I get to know a certain someone, and we build something special together, then Id love for it to build up to a serious relationship. What about you? I feel the same way. If I meet someone that I click with, then Id like for things to gradually build up to something more serious. Sounds like were pretty much on the same page. I guess we are. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she saw there was only half an hour left before the bookstore closed, so she gently took the books from his hands and made her way to the cash register. There isnt much time before the store closes, so Id better ring you up now. She could feel him watching her as they walked toward the front of the store, and as they reached the counter, she set his books down and began to total up his purchases. As his receipt was printing, she heard a knock on the glass of the bookstore window and turned her head to see two women excitedly waving. One was a brunette, and the other a redhead, who called out to him from beyond the glass. Hey, Cody. The darker-haired womans voice sounded muffled beyond the barrier. He offered a brief wave in return and then turned his attention back to Erica. Youre quite the ladies man, arent you? she asked. Am I? Seems like it. Is that a bad thing? Its not bad, but its not exactly good, either. I love women, and I enjoy dating, but that doesnt mean I sleep around. I dont believe in sharing my body with just anyone. I see. You sound like you dont believe me. Just because Im a man doesnt mean Im not interested in having a well-rounded relationship. I never said you werent. They maintained heavy eye contact for few moments, and then he leaned across the counter so that his face was a mere few inches from hers. So if you think Im a ladies man, then why dont you reform me? His hair had

fallen forward, creating a curtain around his face, and he gazed deep into her eyes with an intent look. The scent of his shampoo wafted into her nostrils, and for a brief moment, she contemplated closing the gap between them, pressing her lips to his in a kiss. Im not so sure Id have the patience to do that. Well why not? Trying to change never works. She shook her head to emphasize her opinion. He laughed lightly and grabbed the shopping bag from her. I know you think Im a player, but Im actually the exact opposite. Im a very loyal person, and once you get to know me, youll see how I truly am. She gave him a smile and followed him to the door so that she could lock it behind him. As he opened it, a warm summer breeze drifted by, carrying the scent of barbeque from a restaurant down the way. Ill be seeing you around. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Erica. You, too. Take care. She watched him walk off into the night, and after locking the door, she headed back to the register and began to balance the till, a smile curving her lips as she did it. **** Erica closed the back door of the bookshop and then locked it. Her shoes crunched against the gravel of the parking lot as she made her way to her red Toyota Corolla, and once she reached it, she unlocked the door and got inside. The scent of cherry car fragrance filled her nostrils, and after turning on the radio, she drove out of the lot and made her way toward home. As she headed along the street, she found her thoughts drifting to Cody. He had a strong sexual magnetism, and there was something mysterious about him. And that hairit was long and shiny and completely gorgeous. She could only imagine how pleasurable it would be to touch, allowing the silky strands to slip through her fingers. Erica hadnt met many Native men before, but shed always been very attracted to them, and the fact that he was a window washer really intrigued her. It was one of those occupations that she knew existed, and yet shed never met anyone who actually did it. She was also curious as to what types of hobbies he had, because if he didnt mind dangling hundreds of feet above the ground on little more than a plank of wood and rope, she guessed that he must be involved in other types of fearless activities as well. She wondered how hed gotten into that line of work, and how long hed been

doing it. There were a million things that she wished to know about him, and she hoped he would show up again at the bookstore. Shed also been hoping that hed ask her for her phone number, and she was disappointed that he hadnt. He seemed to be the dominating, go-getter type, so she knew that he couldnt have been hesitant to ask her. As she pondered the reason why, she guessed that he could be waiting to ask her at a later date. But why not ask for it up front, especially since they had such a strong connection? He obviously knew that she liked him, so maybe it was some sort of game he was playing. He probably wanted to build her anticipation and make her wonder about it. He seemed like the type who might enjoy that type of thing. Shed never been so curious about anyone before, and if she was this intrigued about him, she had to wonder just how many other women out there felt the same way. Sure, hed told her he was single, but that didnt mean he wasnt involved with any girls. A man that gorgeous couldnt possibly be spending all his time alone. She thought back to the two women who had waved at him through the window and began to wonder what his relationship with them was like. They were probably only two of many females who threw themselves at him on a daily basis, so what chance was there for her to have a stable, committed relationship with him? Having arrived at her destination, she pulled her car into the RV park and drove along a short road until she reached her Airstream trailer. After putting the Toyota in park, she exited the car and made her way toward the door. It was an unconventional home, but she didnt mind it all. In fact, she loved living in an Airstream. Shed always been the adventurous type, and as a teenager shed imagined herself traveling to all sorts of cool spots across the United States. So when shed spotted an ad in the newspaper for a renovated airstream, shed taken the plunge and decided to try out RV living. Aside from her mother and a few of her cousins, most of her family found it weird that shed chosen to reside in a silver aluminum tube, but she didnt care. Shed spent the past year and a half happily residing in the trailer and didnt have plans to change her living situation anytime soon. After unlocking the door, she climbed the steps and entered. She set her purse on the wraparound lounge seating then slipped off her shoes and headed for the bathroom, enjoying the nice, cool feel of the bamboo flooring beneath the soles of her feet. Once shed relieved herself, she headed for her sleeping quarters. She parted the beaded curtain which partitioned off her bedroom and opened the window behind her bed. With the temperature outside being in the low eighties, it didnt do much to ease her discomfort, but at least it would bring a bit of fresh air into the hot, stuffy RV. After

stripping down to her underwear, she grabbed a paisley print sundress from out of her closet and slipped into it. Then she headed for the main living area so she could fix something to eat. Feeling the need to get the air circulating, she switched on a small fan that sat next to the microwave. Then she bent down to open the fridge that was under the counter and retrieved a plate of leftover breakfast food, as well as a can of root beer. While it was warming in the microwave, she picked up a container of live crickets from off the counter and carried it over to a large aquarium tank. She bent down to look through the glass and spotted her pet tarantula hanging out on a small rock. Hey, Jimmy, hows it going? Her breath ghosted against the glass of the tank as she spoke to her pet arachnid. She carefully peeled the top off the container of crickets then took one out with a miniature pair of tongs. After lifting the mesh top off the aquarium up, she dropped the cricket in. The insect hopped around for a few moments, wandering aimlessly around the tank, and then suddenly the tarantula rushed forward, incapacitating it in its grip. Unable to stomach the sight of the spider eating its prey, she turned away from the aquarium and plopped down on the L-shaped couch, propping her feet up on the cushion. Having a pet tarantula was enjoyable, and she found them to be fascinating creatures, but shed never liked having to feed them live crickets. She knew it was the necessary diet for her pet, but she still couldnt help feeling bad for the insects. As she was waiting for her food to finish heating up, she kept herself entertained by reading a crime novel. It was a nice, thick book, something she could really sink her teeth into, and within a few short moments, she was fully engrossed in the murderous tale. A sudden knock on the door of Ericas trailer startled her out of her concentration, and as her shoulders jumped upward, she nearly dropped the book. Whipping her head around to see who it was, she recognized the visitor as Stevie, her mother. Hey, pumpkin, I didnt scare you, did I? Her tightly coiled, perfectly shaped ringlets bounced as she made her way up the stairs. Ericas lips curled into a smile. Just a little. But its okay. She got up off the couch so she could offer a hug. The scent of patchouli filled Ericas nostrils as they embraced, and she felt her mothers lips press to her cheek in a kiss. Something smells good. Whatcha cookin? Her long, bohemian-style dress floated behind her as she walked over to the microwave, then bent down to see what was inside. Looks like breakfast food.

Yep. I made a tofu scramble earlier this morning and had leftovers, so I figured itd make a nice dinner. The microwave beeped and Stevie took the food out then opened the kitchen drawer to grab some silverware. Whats up with all these chopsticks? You boycotting silverware or something? I read this article that using chopsticks forces you to eat slower, and since I inhale my food, I figured it might be a good idea to try it out for awhile. Yeah, I remember hearing about that. Never tried it myself, though. Im terrible at holding those things. Finally locating a fork at the back of the drawer, she pulled it out for herself then grabbed a pair of chopsticks for her daughter. She then joined Erica on the couch, and they contentedly munched on the tofu scramble. So, anything interesting happen since the last time we spoke? She briefly thought about mentioning the gorgeous man who currently dominated her thoughts, but she decided against it, not wanting to get too excited over something that had just begun. Nope, not really. Whenever you say not really, it usually means yes. So give me the update. She grasped a piece of tofu between her chopsticks then popped it into her mouth. Well, I did meet this really cute guy today. Oh yeah? Stevies eyebrows lifted. So whats he look like? He has long black hair, dark eyes, and an amazing set of cheekbones. Hes basically the most beautiful man Ive ever seen. Sounds like a heartbreaker. I know you probably dont want to hear this, but avoid the guys that are devastatingly handsome. They always break your heart. Well there must be some exceptions to that rule. Yeah, but more often than not, gorgeous guys turn out to be bed hoppers. Just a word of advice. Well Im not sure about the sleeping around part, but he does seem like a ladies man. What does he do for a living? She tucked a leg beneath her and leaned in a bit closer, as if preparing to hear a good story. Hes a window washer. Really? Thats pretty interesting. Did you actually see him washing windows, or he just told you thats what he does? I saw him. He was cleaning one of those high-rise buildings downtown. He must have been at least thirty stories above ground.

Wow, it takes a special kind of person to do that job. Definitely. She tipped the can of root beer to her lips and finished the last of it, and then she threw it into a small wastebasket located a few feet away from her. So how did you two start talking? Well, its kind of a long story. Her lips curled into a little smile, and she recounted the events of their interaction, starting with her embarrassing display of clumsiness in the courtyard, and ending with a brief description of the flirtatious conversation theyd had. He sounds like quite an interesting guy. And the way you describe him She fanned her face then said, He sounds like quite the hottie. She smirked at her mothers response. He certainly is. So did he ask for your phone number? Nope. Hmm, well it sounds like you two had quite the connection. I wonder why not? She gave a shrug. Im stumped as well. She released a little sigh. But then again, with the way he looks, he can have his pick of any woman. So I guess its not all that surprising. Hey now, I dont want to hear that kind of defeatist talk coming from you. Youre gorgeous, and you know it. You took after me, remember? She gave her daughter a little smile then smoothed her hair back away from her face. She then rose onto her feet and walked over to the wastebasket so she could scrape the remaining scraps of food from off the plate, then rinsed it off and set it in the sink. Then she grabbed a jar of M&Ms from off the counter and shook some out into her hand. I wouldnt worry too much about it. If hes serious about dating you, then his actions will show it. Whatever you do, dont seem too eager. Act like you could care less, and youll hook him in no time. Playing hard to get never works. I didnt say play hard to get. You can still flirt and show interest, but act casual. He sounds like the type whos used to women falling over themselves to impress him, so be different. Show him that youre to be pursued, not the other way around. Yeah, okay. Ill remember that advice. Dont just remember it, do it. I did the same with your father, and weve been married for twenty years. Believe me, it works. As she glanced at her watch, she gave a little sound of surprise. Im gonna have to jet outta here, hon. Me and your father have to get to our tantra yoga class.

Okay, I really wish you hadnt told me that. I really didnt need that visual in my head. She waved her hand in a playfully dismissive way. Oh, please, youre an adult, Erica. It cant be that difficult to comprehend that your parents still have a sex life. Im going to pretend I didnt hear that. Stevie rolled her eyes. Get up and give your mother a hug, will you? She rose onto her feet, and they embraced, and then she walked Stevie to the door. As her mother pulled her car keys from out of her purse, Erica caught sight of her mothers fingers. I thought you quit smoking? She glanced up with raised eyebrows. I did, for awhile. Howd you know I started back? I havent had a cigarette all day, so I cant smell. You have nicotine stains on your fingers. Dead giveaway, mom. She lifted her hand and saw the brownish-yellow color that stained her fingertips. Youre right. It amazes me how you always notice the smallest details. It must be all those true crime and detective novels you read. Please quit. There was a pleading look in her eyes. I will, eventually. Im trying really hard, okay? She gave a nod in response. Take care, pumpkin, and well talk soon. She gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek and then made her way down the RV steps. Drive safe. She offered a wave in response and then got into her car, giving a beep as she drove off. **** Dangling hundreds of feet above the city pavement, Cody stood precariously on a window washers platform. Holding a squeegee in his hands, he maneuvered it skillfully, first using the spongy side to clean off the gunk, then flipping it over so he could slide the smooth rubber blade across the large glass window. Being suspended so high above the ground was wonderfully thrilling, providing him with a rush that sent adrenaline flowing through his veins. All it took was just one wrong move, and he would plummet to his death. Yet despite the huge risk involved, he thoroughly enjoyed his job. In fact, he couldnt imagine himself doing anything else. Having always been a free spirit, he strongly disliked being in any type of confining experiences. Corporate careers, stifling relationships, and various

other boxed-in situations were to be avoided at all costs. In his opinion, they were all man-made hells. As he contentedly worked, he found himself thinking about the woman hed met just the day before. He thought of her soft, dark hair, smooth brown skin, and gorgeous eyes, and as he recalled that sexy, curvy body of hers, he felt a tingle in his groin. He was very attracted to her, and he longed to claim her body as his. Yet he was also curious about who she was as a person. It was obvious she was shy and quiet, but he sensed there was a more wild side beneath that reserved exterior. Hed been with a number of introverted women before, and found them to be quite uninhibited lovers. He could be pretty kinky himself, so if Erica was anything like he imagined, they could have quite a bit of fun together. After washing the last window of the forty-story building, he placed his squeegee in the bucket of water. Then he retrieved a plastic-wrapped sandwich from the small supply bag that was attached to his harness. Eating lunch while suspended in midair from the roof of a steel and glass building would probably seem strange to most people, but for Cody, itd become customary. Bathroom and lunch breaks were hard to take in his line of work, so he had to make the time whenever he go the chance. As he munched his turkey sandwich, he glanced at the city which stretched out below him. From his vantage point, everything looked tiny, and he gazed in awe at the vastness of the landscape. The location of the building where he was currently located wasnt too far from the site of the job hed been working on the day hed met Erica. Although there were many buildings in the area, it didnt take him long at all to locate the structure he was searching for. It was a tall, mirrored building, and it had a large globe on the top of it. The moment he spotted it, he once again thought of Erica. He definitely wanted to see her again and had a pretty good idea that she did as well. As his thoughts turned to their experience together in the bookstore, he recalled the way shed been shyly flirtatious. Shed had a very deep gaze as well, which he liked, because he was a firm believer that eyes truly did reveal quite a bit about a persons inner thoughts. And judging from the way shed steadily maintained eye contact with him, he was certain that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Their sexual attraction was undeniable, and he pleasantly recalled how a primal heat had radiated off her body. Suddenly an especially racy image flashed through his mind, and as he imagined how good it would feel to

push deep into her tight, wet pussy, his penis became stiff. He gave a dry swallow then emitted a little groan as he stroked his erection a few times through the fabric of his uniform. Damn, he wanted her. A crow cawed loudly in the sky above him, jolting from his thoughts, and he was swiftly brought back to the present moment. He knew better than to daydream, as it could lead to him falling, yet the urge to indulge in thoughts of an erotic nature had been too strong to resist. After wrapping the remains of his sandwich in the plastic wrap, he returned it to the small pouch that was hanging from his harness. Then he used the pulley system to raise the platform up to the rooftop. Once on top of the building, he unhooked his harness from the safety rope and then gathered all his supplies and headed for the door that would lead him to the elevator. Still feeling aroused from his sexual thoughts about Erica, he felt an urgent need to masturbate, but it wasnt the time or place to relieve himself, so he stored the carnal images in his memory for later retrieval. **** Two days had passed since Erica had last seen Cody, but he was still heavily on her mind. It wasnt just her waking thoughts he was occupying, but also her unconscious ones. Just the previous night, shed received a visit from him in her dream world, and their encounter had been nothing short of erotic. Shed woken up in an intense state of arousal and had been astounded to realize that shed been on the verge of orgasm. Shed had sexually stimulating dreams before, but this was on an entirely different level. Throughout her work day, she found herself recalling snippets of it, and even now, with six hours having elapsed since shed woken up, she could still vividly recall the dream images. In the unconscious world that her mind had created, Erica had been lying naked on a bed beneath Cody, and his head had been buried between her thighs. His tongue had flicked back and forth with incredible speed, and with each lash of his wet appendage, shed released moans and whimpers of pleasure. She remembered how delicious itd felt to have his long hair tickling against her bare thighs, and she also recollected the wonderful sensation of his fingers against her breasts, pulling and tugging on her nipples as he enthusiastically ate her out. After hed finished manipulating her with his tongue, dream Cody had climbed up on top of her and leaned in for a kiss. Their lips had come

dangerously close to touching, yet before they could, shed woken up. Although shed been elated at the vividness of her unconscious world, shed also been left feeling quite frustrated. Why did her dream have to end at such a pivotal point? Shed ached to feel his lips on hers, and although it was only a figment of her imagination, she still would have loved to share a dream kiss with him. Although she barely knew Cody, her body was already hungering for his touch, and several times during the day, shed found herself indulging in carnal thoughts about him. She knew it did no good to get herself so worked up, as it would most likely only lead to sexual frustration, but she couldnt help it. He was damn sexy and completely irresistible, so of course she couldnt stop fantasizing. He was on her mind so much that whenever she passed by a high-rise building, she took a glance upward to see if he was at work washing the windows. But she still had yet to spot him around town. Glancing at the clock on the wall above the cash register, she saw it was noon, which meant it was time for her fifteen-minute break. During the cooler months of the year, she liked to go outside and take a walk down the block, just to get a bit of fresh air, but since it was currently summertime, she preferred to stay inside the bookshop and spend her free time reading. She did love books, after all, and she was surrounded by all sorts of interesting literature, so it only made sense to spend her breaks this way. With last nights dream still on her mind, she was curious about the meaning behind it, so she headed to the new age section and picked out a dream encyclopedia. She flipped through the pages until she found what she was looking for, and then she began reading the information about the symbols in her dream. Spotting someone from her peripheral vision, she glanced over to see Iggy standing at the front of the aisle. Im out to lunch, Erica. See you in half an hour. He waved then made his way to the door. See you in a bit, she called out after him. Turning her attention back to the book in her hand, she flipped through the pages until she found the entry she was looking for. According to the dream book, the act of oral sex signified that she needed to inject some more romance into her life. Well no surprise there, seeing as how shed been single for nearly seven months. She then looked up the entry for kissing, and as she read the interpretation of it, she found that it perfectly fit what she was experiencing. If the dream ends just as you are about to kiss someone, then it indicates that you are unsure of what your future with this person is. You are looking

for some sort of relationship with them, but are not certain how you should go about doing that. If that wasnt the truth, then she didnt know what was. Releasing a little sigh, she turned a few pages to explore more of the book, but the sound of a deep voice suddenly halted the movement of her fingers. So what was your dream about? a deep voice from behind her asked. Erica turned to see Cody casually standing with his hands stuffed in his pockets, glancing down at her smaller form with a slight smirk on his lips. Clad in a pair of black jeans and a gray T-shirt, he offered her a lazy smile. As her eyes feasted on the handsome features of his face, she felt her heart beat a faster rhythm, and her body swiftly heated up from his intoxicating presence. It wasnt anything that interesting. She closed the book and set it back on the shelf. Really? Well, judging from the page you were on, it seems like it may have been. How long have you been standing behind me? Only a couple of seconds. She tried not to let on just how pleased she was to see him, but her body language and the look on her face said it all. Shed never been very good at pretending, and she knew he could sense just how strong her attraction was to him. Can I help you find a book? She knew very well why hed stopped by the bookstore, but she wasnt sure of what else to say to him. Nope. The only thing Im interested in is standing right in front of me. A smile crept onto her face, and she experienced a fluttering in her stomach. Glancing at her watch, she said, Well Ive got ten minutes left of my break, so I guess we can hang out for a bit. Good. So Ive been thinking about you quite a bit these past few days. Oh yeah? Yep. Have you been thinking about me? A little. Only a little? She didnt answer, only gave him a crooked little smile. Have you been dreaming about me? She cocked an eyebrow. Whered you get that idea? Well I saw you reading that dream book. And that led you to the assumption that you were the focus of my dream? Yep.

Unable to deny it, she stared silently at him. So tell me Im wrong. I cant. Exactly. There was a look of triumph on his face. So tell me about it. Her cheeks grew hot. My dreams are private. I dont tell anyone about them. Is that right? Yes, it is. I think youre just too embarrassed to tell me. Must have been an Xrated dream. His lips tugged into a grin. She suddenly recalled the dream image of Codys head between her legs, and as she visualized it, she felt herself become wet with desire. I just cant talk about it, okay? He offered a light chuckle. Its cool. I wont press you for details. He silently watched her for a few moments, fixing her with an intent gaze. Then he once again spoke. Sometimes dreams can come true. Yeah, sometimes they can. Would you like for the dream you had to come true? If she could have blushed, she would have. I cant talk about this. Not here. She averted her eyes from his, focusing instead on an elderly female customer who was heading down the aisle they were in. Erica offered her a friendly smile as she approached, and the old lady came to a stop in front of her. Excuse me, can you show me where the cookbooks are located? Sure thing. Follow me. Erica headed out of the aisle, and the woman followed behind her. Once they reached the food reference section, the woman thanked her, and then Erica headed back to the aisle shed left Cody in. When she saw he wasnt there, she checked the next aisle over and spotted him browsing the shelves where the erotic books were located. A smirk tugged at her lips as she headed toward him. Find anything interesting? He glanced over at her and handed her a book from a stack that he was carrying. I want you to read this. I think youll enjoy it. Curious as to what type of sexual content it had, she looked at the title of the book and was surprised to find that it wasnt erotic at all. It was something hed picked out of the adventure section, a true life tale about a mountain climber.

Its about this guy that scaled Mt. Everest. Once he reached the top, he got really sick, and he was technically dead for two hours, but somehow he came back to life. Its a pretty fascinating read. Sounds interesting. I wouldnt usually pick something out like this, but it does sound pretty good, so Ill give it a go. Cool. Im buying it for you, of course. He gently took the book from her hands. Oh. Well thank you. No problem. Now since I picked out a book for you, why dont you pick one out for me? But I dont really know your taste. Thats the point. Just pick something that you find interesting, and Ill read it. What if you dont like it? He gave her a little smile. I trust your judgment. Okay. Glancing at her watch, she saw there wasnt much time left before she was back on the clock. Give me five minutes, and Ill have a book picked out for you. Sounds good. Ill meet you at the front counter. As he headed for the front of the cash register, she quickly scanned the shelves of the nonfiction section, and came upon a book that shed read some years ago. It was a favorite of hers, and something she was pretty sure he could find some interest in. As she reached the front of the store, she spotted Cody looking at one of the display tables. He glanced up at her as she approached then headed to the checkout counter. Erica handed him the book so he could check it out. He read the title aloud. Life on the Road: A Travelogue of a Nomadic Spirit. I guess the title pretty much says it all. Not sure if youre into travel books, but I find road trip memoirs to be really interesting. Sounds like it could be interesting. He took a glance at the synopsis on the back of the book and then handed it to her, along with the book hed picked out for her. You dont have to buy the both of them. I was going to pay for the travel novel. Its okay, I dont mind. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket. Well, thanks, I appreciate it. Not a problem. He watched her intently as she rung up the books, making her feel as if she were a fascinating individual that he just couldnt keep his eyes off of.

No one had ever gazed at her so deeply before, and it did make her feel a little nervous, yet was it not also turning her on? After tearing off the receipt, she placed it on top of the book and then grabbed a shopping bag from beneath the counter. Ill just carry the book out in my hand, thanks. Okay. Taking a glance at her watch, she saw that her break was over. Well, guess I better get back to work. See you around. She started to leave the register, but he placed his hand on hers before she could move away. How about giving me your phone number? It came out as more of a statement rather than a question. It was the first time theyd had any skin-to-skin contact, and her stomach fluttered in response. With a smile on her lips, she opened the cover of the book shed picked out for him then picked up a pen and wrote her number inside. As she was doing it, her coworker, Tammy, appeared from behind one of the book stacks. Her eyes rested on Cody for a few moments, openly admiring him, and then she glanced at Erica and saw that she was jotting her number down. Tammys lips curled into a little smile, and as Erica looked up at her, Tammy gave her a thumbs-up. As Erica handed the book to Cody, she said, Hope to hear from you soon. Oh you will. Most definitely. Then he gave her a wink and headed for the door. Later, cutie. As soon as he was gone, Tammy headed toward Erica, her busty chest bouncing as she made her way over. Damn, hes fine. Whats his name? Cody. Does he have a brother? I dont know, but would it matter if he did? Youre already taken, remember? She shook her head in mock disapproval. I know, I know. I was only joking. She retrieved a bobblehead pen from a pencil canister on the counter then tapped her finger against it to make the head shake. So now that you have a boyfriend, well have to double date sometime. Hes not my boyfriend. He will be, though. I can tell that he really likes you. Yeah, well I guess Ill see how it goes. Erica glanced out the bookshop window and stared wistfully into the distance, catching a glimpse of Codys retreating form just before he disappeared around a corner.

Chapter Two Only a day had passed since Erica had given Cody her phone number, but the anticipation she felt was nearly overwhelming. She felt silly being so crazy over a guy, but she couldnt help it. Physically speaking, he was everything shed ever longed for in a man, and personality wise, he seemed very cool, but there was still very much an air of mystery surrounding him. She was very curious as to what his daily life was like and was eager to ask him all sorts of questions. She didnt know when he was going to call, but from the experience shed had with men, the longer they waited, the less serious they seemed about having a relationship. Every time her phone vibrated from a text or phone call, she pulled it out of her pocket and snuck a peek at the display screen. Yet to her disappointment, it was never him. After a few hours of this obsessive type of behavior, shed shut off her phone and vowed not to turn it back on until once shed arrived home. As gorgeous as he was, he wasnt worth losing her head over. If she was already this crazy over him, there was no telling how shed behave if and when they ever did get into a relationship. She refused to allow herself to become one of those insanely jealous girls. Although she did worry that hed decide to call while her phone was off, she found it liberating to no longer have Cody consuming her thoughts, especially since she was so prone to indulging in minifantasies about him. Once she arrived home from work, she kicked off her shoes and headed straight for the shower. The cool water felt heavenly against her skin, and once she was fully refreshed, she got out of the tub and dried off. Then she headed into her bedroom and slipped into a pair of denim shirts and a flower print tank top. After putting on a pair of low-heeled sandals, she headed for the door. She closed it behind her then headed down the road to visit her friend Marisol, who lived in a cute cottage-style mobile home. As she approached Marisols house, she saw her open the door and pop her head outside. Hey there, stranger. Erica waved and climbed up the steps to the RV. Standing at barely five feet, Marisol had thick, wavy, shoulder-length hair. Her skin was olivecolored, but could easily tan to a darker color when she spent time out in the sun. Originally hailing from Cuba, the thirty-one year old received

citizenship at eighteen, and had been residing in California ever since. As she entered Marisols trailer, her eyes were treated to the sight of bright, tropical colors. The walls were painted a bright blue color, and colorful paintings which depicted tropical settings were hung on the wall. The delicious scent of cooking food filled the air around them, and Ericas mouth began to water. Your place always smells so good. What are you cooking? Oh, Im making a lot of stuff. Enough food to last for a week, but you know how long it will be before it disappears? Two, maybe three days. That son of mine, he eats nonstop. She rolled her eyes and gave a little smile, then headed for the kitchen, gesturing for Erica to come along. Come eat with us. Weve got plenty to share. Following dinner, Marisol and Erica made their way out to the porch, each settling into a wicker chair so they could chat for a bit. Giving Erica a deep, thoughtful look, Marisol asked, So how have you been? I havent seen you for nearly a week. Ive been good. Just busy working. You still have your side job as a massage therapist? I do it freelance every now and again for extra money. Why? I may have a new client for you. Hes a coworker of my brothers. Hes not bad looking, either. You date white guys, right? Im open to dating all types of men, but Im not interested in being fixed up. You already have a boyfriend? Not exactly. But I am talking to someone. When did you guys meet? Three days ago. So on a scale of one to ten, how much do you like him? As she visualized Codys tall, lean form, and long, dark hair, she felt a spark of desire course through her, and a wide smile graced her face. Wow, that much, huh? And youve known him less than a week? He must be pretty special. From what I know about him so far, he seems really cool. Not to mention, hes completely gorgeous. Well if he made you grin like that, then he must really be something. Feeling her cheeks grow hot, she averted her eyes and took a sip of her after-dinner coffee. So whens he coming to visit you? Im curious to know what he looks like. She shrugged. I dont know, were just beginning to know one another.

Okay. Well I hope it all works out for you. They amiably made small talk for half an hour, and as their conversation died down into a comfortable silence, Erica glanced at her watch. Well, I guess I better head home. Its nearing ten oclock, and Im feeling kind of tired. She stood up from her chair and languidly stretched. As always, it was so good having you over. Marisol gave her a hug. I had a wonderful time. Thank you so much for dinner, it was delicious. My pleasure. See you later. She offered Erica a wave and then headed back into the house. Once Erica arrived home, she kicked off her sandals and headed for her bedroom. After changing into her night clothes, she climbed onto the bed and relaxed against the comfy mattress. Spotting her cell phone at the foot of the bed, she reached down to grab it then switched it on. As the display screen lit up, she waited with bated breath, hoping shed received a voice mail or text message from Cody. She felt a little jolt of happiness as the sound of her voice mail alert filled the air, and as she connected to her mailbox, she felt a nervous kind of hopefulness. As the sound of his voice filled her ear, she lay back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Hi, Erica. Its Cody. Just thought Id call and say hi. I tried reaching you earlier today, but your phone was off, so Im guessing you were still at work. Anyways, I guess Ill try and call back in a bit. Hope everything is well, and talk soon. Later. His deeply masculine voice was so sexy, and she could only imagine what itd be like to have him press his lips to her ear, whispering all sorts of dirty things as he drove himself deep between her legs. Suddenly she began to feel very warm, and as racy visuals ran through her head, she felt the spot between her legs grow moist. She didnt know why she was in such a horny mood, but she guessed it might have something to do with the fact that she hadnt had sex for nearly eight months. Now that she thought about it, that was quite a long time go without sexual contact. Since her last relationship ended, several men had asked her out, and shed given her phone number to a few of them. But it seemed that she was destined to meet men who were either flakes or just downright players. That was, until now. Of course she didnt know him very well, but so far Cody seemed to be neither of those things. She knew there were a lot of men out there that would tell women all sorts of slick lines in order to get into their pants, but it didnt seem as if Cody was that type. Sure, he was a man, and he was obviously interested in sex, but she was hoping they would build a connection beyond that. Her thoughts drifted to the last time that

shed seen him, and as she thought of his lips, she began to imagine what it would be like to kiss him. The sound of a ringtone abruptly pulled her from her thoughts, and as her cell phone vibrated, she felt the mattress slightly quiver. After picking it up, she spoke into the receiver. Hello? Hey, Erica. Hows it going? Oh, hi, Cody. Im doing good, and you? Better, now that were speaking. Its good to hear your voice again. Good to hear yours, too. I thought about stopping by the bookstore again today, but I worried that you might find it a bit stalkerish, so I decided against it. I wouldnt have minded. In fact, I would have liked it if youd stopped by. Really? Yep. Im guessing your coworkers would get sick of seeing me, though. Actually its the exact opposite. The main girl that I work with thinks youre quite hot, so I doubt shed ever complain. He gave a light chuckle. Oh, you mean that tall redhead? So she thinks Im attractive, huh? Hey now, dont go getting any ideas, she said in a firm but playful voice. I was only joking. I dont have any interest in her. Yeah, right. Shes completely gorgeous, so you dont have to try and spare my feelings. Well Im not trying to say that she isnt cute, because she obviously is. But youre the one Im after. I think thats pretty obvious, isnt it? Yeah. So do you like being chased? Chased? Yes, do you enjoy the thrill of having a guy pursue you? Well I never really thought about it before, but now that you bring it up, yes I do. What do you like about it? She thought it over for a moment. Well everyone likes feeling wanted, so I guess thats part of the appeal. It feels nice to have a guy try to win you over. Yeah, I guess it would. He was quiet for one short moment. Not to sound conceited or anything, but Ive had a few girls chase me before. Oh yeah?

Yep. And did you like it? No, not really. I prefer to do the chasing. I remember this one girl who was really aggressive, so much that it became quite a turnoff. What did she do? She called me multiple times a day and blew up my phone with all sorts of weird texts. And one time she came by house late at night and rang my doorbell for five minutes straight. Basically, she just came on way too strong. So how did you finally get her off your back? Well, it was kind of hard, because we lived in the same apartment building. So I ended up having to move out. Are you serious? Yeah, it was pretty much a nightmare. Wow, thats crazy. When was this? About eight months ago. Did you break her heart or something? No way, Im not a jerk. I didnt say you were, Im just curious as to what made her act crazy. I dont know. She was just a whacked-out chick. Not much more to it than that. So how long were you guys together? Thats the thing, we never were. We talked a couple of times on the phone, and then I found out she was married, so I stopped taking her calls. Wait a minute, she was married? Yeah, her husband was in the army, and I guess she was trying to have a fling with me while he was overseas. How did you find out? One of my neighbors told me. How scandalous. Tell me about it. I really should have known better than to try and date someone in my apartment complex. So I guess I kind of brought it on myself. Yeah, that probably wasnt the best idea. It still wasnt your fault, though. I guess not. Uncertain of what to say, she remained silent, twirling her finger around the phone cord. So tell me, Cody said. How many guys have come in and asked for your phone number?

Since I started working there? Hmm, Id say around six. And how many have you given your number out to? Just one, and thats you. Really? Youre not just trying to give me an ego boost, are you? No, of course not. You are truly the first of my customers that Ive ever given my number out to. So why me? What makes me different from them? The fact that a man as devastatingly handsome as Cody would even ask a question like that caused her attraction toward him to grow even more. It showed her that he truly was humble, and she liked the fact that he didnt automatically assume he was the only one who could capture her attention. Well, none of the other guys were really my type. So whats your type? Tall, long black hair, slim build, dark eyes Her voice trailed off as she heard him offer a chuckle. Careful not to stroke my ego too much, or else it might go to my head. Her lips curled into a smile. Seriously, though. Theres just something different about you. Something mysterious. Is there? I think so. Thats just because you dont know me yet. No, its more than that. I want to peel back your layers and find out more about you. Ive got a layer of clothes on right now that I wouldnt mind you peeling back, he said in a suggestive tone of voice. Im being serious. So am I. They were both quiet for a few moments, and then he broke the silence. Can I ask what you sleep in at night? Usually shorts and a tank top. But sometimes I just wear a big T-shirt. You ever sleep naked? She felt her pulse speed up from his question. Sometimes, if its a really hot night. Its hot tonight, so does that mean youll sleep naked? She had no intentions of doing so, but unable to resist, she gave a teasing answer. I might. What do you think? He gave a short pause of silence. I think you probably will. Her lips tugged into a smile. What about you? What do you wear to bed?

Sometimes a pair of boxers, but usually I like to be completely free, so I just sleep nude. She felt the area between her legs grow warm in response to his words. I see. She then cleared her throat, which caused him to give a light chuckle. OK, Ill stop asking naughty questions. No, its okay. I dont mind. Youre a bit shy, arent you? No, not really. Seems like you are. Its okay though, I like it. Its actually quite cute. You think so? Yeah. It gives me more of a challenge, and it makes me wonder how youll be once you really open up to me. Well, Im glad it doesnt bother you. Nope, not at all. So, Ive been wondering, how did you become a window washer? I never met anyone before who did that as a job, so Im really curious about that. Well, as a rock climber, Ive never had a fear of heights, and I have a lot of experience hanging from ropes and climbing sheer surfaces. So one day I was passing by this tall building, and I noticed these guys washing windows way up above the ground, and I thought, I could do that. So when the window washers came down from the building, I asked them what company they worked for, and they gave me a number where I could contact their boss. And thats how I got started. Interesting. So youre a rock climber, too, huh? Yep. If youd like to get a taste of what its like, I could take you to an indoor climbing gym. Would you like to do that sometime? Sure. Ive always wanted to try one of those places out. I know a great one downtown near the shopping center. Are you free this Saturday? If so, Id love to take you. Yeah, Im free. Cool. Then its a date. Looking forward to it. So am I. Glancing at the digital display of her alarm clock, she was surprised to see that theyd been on the phone for nearly half an hour. The time had gone by quickly, and she couldnt remember the last time shed had such an easygoing, unawkward conversation with a guy. What time do you usually go to sleep? Erica asked.

I dont really have a set time. It depends on how early I start work the next day. Do you have to wake up early tomorrow morning? Yep, I start at 7:00 a.m. What about you? I dont have to be at work until eight thirty, but I wake up pretty groggy if I get less than nine hours of sleep, so I should probably be getting off. But Im not ready to let you go yet. I want to talk some more. So do I, but its getting late. He gave a little sound of disappointment. All right. But before you go, Ive been meaning to ask you ask you something. Yes? I know youve dreamed about me before, but have you actively fantasized? She felt her mouth go dry, and the temperature of her body rose. What do you think? I think you have. Am I correct? Yes. What kind of fantasies have you had? I cant tell you. Why not? Because Im embarrassed to, thats why. She heard soft laughter come from his end of the line. Your shyness is so cute. Well can you at least tell me if youve thought about kissing me? Yes, I have. Ive thought about kissing you, too. You have very nice lips. I bet youre a good kisser. I havent had any complaints. Im sure you havent. So besides kissing me, what else have you fantasized about us doing? she asked. Id love to tell you, but if you wont share your fantasy with me, then why should I share mine with you? Tease. Oh really? Well I could say the same of you. She chuckled softly. Im not purposely withholding, Im just too shy to tell you. Youll share your fantasies with me eventually. Ill get you to open up. Is that right? Yes, it is.

He said it so matter-of-factly, and with such confidence, that she couldnt help but feel aroused. She loved a man who was sure of himself, and she had a strong feeling that Cody was going to bring out the more adventurous, erotic side of her. She heard a crinkling noise coming from his end of the line and curiously inquired about it. Whats that sound? Im unwrapping a chocolate bar. Wanna come over and share? Thats way too tempting of an offer. Whats tempting? Me or the candy? Both. So whats stopping you? Nothing, I guess. I wish you were here with me. Id much rather taste you instead. His voice came out low and velvety smooth. As the words left his mouth, she felt a tiny jolt of electricity zing through her clit, and her skin tingled with desire. She was unsure how to respond to such a salacious statement, so she remained quiet, listening to the sound of him eating his late-night treat. She never would have thought that listening to someone eat a chocolate bar over the phone could be arousing, but the little sounds of contentment he was making were definitely adding to her horniness. She began to imagine what it would feel like to have his tongue on her, and what type of techniques he would employ to get her off. Cody had a sexual magnetism that could melt a womans panties off, so she knew he would be unstoppable in the bedroom. Shed never wanted anyone so badly in her life, and she knew that if she allowed this conversation to go on, things would only take a more erotic turn. And while she certainly wasnt prudish, she would rather wait until the next time they spoke before venturing further into sexual territory. Id better get off the phone now. Her voice came out sounding breathy. Am I making you uncomfortable? No, not all. Its just that its getting a bit late. Yeah, I know. Ive kept you on for too long, havent I? Ill let you go. But hey, I had a great time talking with you. Same here. Sleep well, okay? You too, Erica. Goodnight. Night. After setting her cell phone down on the mattress beside her, she turned her lamp off and rolled onto her back, releasing a contented little sigh. Her body was buzzing with excitement, and she was beyond ecstatic. It seemed

she was building a great connection with him, and she was surprised by just how well their conversation had gone. Erica could hardly wait for their date on Saturday, and she was already eager to once again see him in the flesh. Rolling onto her side, she placed her cheek against the coolness of the pillow and did her best to wind down and go to sleep. She had no way of knowing just where things were headed for them, but if there was one thing she was certain of, it was that she was about to embark on an interesting new chapter in her life.

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