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Good News

The Monthly Newsletter of the People of H A M I L T O N U N I O N P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U RC H G U I L D E R L A N D, N E W YO R K Volume 22 No. 6

June 2012
Sunday Morning Worship Services are regularly held at 8:30 and 10:00

Indescribable Eternal and timeless, our Lord mighty God. Unlimited power, I AM that I AM. Forgiving and gracious and holy and just. All knowing in all things, with glory so vast. Authentic and faithful and perfect and true. Benevolent always and merciful too. In all places present, I AM that I AM. Forever unchanging, our Lord mighty God. MaryAnn Sundby

Good News

Volume 22 No. 6

I am making this up.

In a small town out in the Midwest a reporter for a local newspaper was interviewing a couple celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary. After asking all usual questions about the secret to a successful marriageand receiving all the usual answers there was a long pause. Not knowing what to say and thinking the interview was at an end the reporter said, Thank you for your time. Is there anything more you would like to say? Any wisdom for our married readers? The husband, clearly desiring to hasten the reporter to the door replied, No, I dont think so. He began to get up from his seat to retrieve the reporters coat from the closet. But his wife remained seated, looking thoughtful. Noticing this, the alert newspaper man took his seat and asked, Mrs. Clarkson, Is there something else you would like to tell our readers? Rolling his eyes, Mr. Clarkson said, rather huffily, Will you excuse me? He went into what the journalist assumed was the kitchen. Soon the sound of water running in the sink was heard along with the clanking of silverware and dishes.

Blushing slightly, Mrs. Clarkson began. You know what everyone wants to know but is too embarrassed to ask about is what keeps passion in a marriage. When Donald and I were dating (does anyone date anymore?) we were old fashioned and didnt engage in the physical intimacies that is so common today. We both waited to get married for that sort of thing. When the big day came and at last we were free to be together it was, well, disappointing. You see, we didnt realize that being physically intimate with one another is a form of communication. Don and I didnt know each other. Indeed after we married we felt like we were almost strangers. No one told us about this. No one told us that marriage is a completely different relationship from being boyfriend and girlfriend or even being engaged. I had never shared this deeply with anyone and frankly I was scared to death. What if he laughed at me? What if nothing happened? I had this idea that we could fail at this activity; and if we did, what then?

Well as it happened, we did laugh. Don got me started. He said, Well that wasnt the Fourth of July I was expecting! What about you? I think that it was at that moment that I truly fell in love with him and he with me. We had survived disaster! Then we got up and made a pot of coffee. I put two slices of wedding cake on plates and we sat in contented silence.

Continued on Page 6... Page 2

Good News

Volume 22 No. 6

Lay Readers, Greeters, and Ushers

June 3 Lay Reader Greeter Ushers Cindy Schultz Norma Hardenburg Maureen Kimmerer Hannah Hunter-Harris Lionel Harris Sue Ferris June 10 Lay Reader Harold Armstrong Serving Communion Margaret Peck* Joe Peck Mike Poelma Gwyn Ramage Bill Ramage
* Denotes team leader. The team leader should call the other servers in advance to make sure they plan to attend church on the designated day. If not, the server should find a substitute and let the team leader know.

Greeter /Usher Irma Morris Ushers Hank Williams Bill Morris Bill Sarbello

June 17

Lay Reader Ushers

Chandra Reis Joy Harding Melinda Reilly Nancy Snyder

Greeter /Usher Joanne Wagner

June 24

Lay Reader

Jerry Ostrander

Greeter /Usher Mickey Nieman Ushers Terry Nieman Gwyn Ramage Bill Ramage


If you are unable to serve on your

The Deacon on Call for June is

scheduled date, please


Bettye Goodnow 452452-1878

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Good News

Volume 22 No. 6

Grief is not a problem to be cured. It is simply a statement that you have loved someone. --Doris Sanford

Are we there yet?

This age-old refrain of young travelers is followed by a second question: How much longer? How similar those queries are to the psalmists oft-repeated cry, How long, O Lord, how long? (Psalm 6:3b, NIV). Patience is an uncommon virtue these days. Were anxious to get where were going or to get what we want. But think how much we miss while wishing we were elsewhere! In our rush to reach a destination, we fail to grasp lessons that can be learned only along the way. What blessings might you be overlooking in the here-and-now and the right-where-you-are?
Kari Myers
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Good News

Volume 22 No. 6

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Good News Continued from Page 2

Volume 22 No. 6

So you see, we didnt have passion to maintain. We had to discover itlet it develop. And it did develop; but not in the way you might expect. I remember when I had been away visiting my mother for a week. This was the first time I had been away for any length of time and I wondered what condition the house would be in when I returned. When I got home Don wasnt there. As I crossed the threshold of the front door I was astounded by what I saw. The house was clean! The carpets were vacuumed, the dishes cleaned and put away. But what nearly floored me was this: the bed was made and, the clothes hamper was empty! Where had the laundry gone? I rushed down to the basement and there hanging on clothes line were his shirts and slacks. No, they werent ironed; but I couldnt have cared less.

Most strange of all, there was this fluttering in my heart and a warmth welling up within me that was taking my breath away. I was so absorbed in this unexpected and unprecedented feeling that I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a soft and familiar sound of a throat clearing. When I turned there was Don, smiling a bit sheepishly. Honey, he said, You came home sooner than I expected. I didnt get a chance to put those clothes away.

Your readers will have to imagine what happened next. Somehow we made it out of the basement. From that moment on my husband has found the secret to igniting my passion. Its the small things, you see. Its the little things that say, I am thinking of you. I care about what matters to you. Whether it is cleaning or having a meal ready, or if he really wants to stir me up, cleaning the bathroomits these small things that keep the fires going. And young man, after fifty years, they are still going.


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Good News

Volume 22 No. 6


Church Women United celebrated May Friendship Day on Friday, May 4, 2012 with a potluck lunch at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Saturday, May 5, 2012 the Coordinating Team met at 9:30 a.m., Trudy Hutchinson, Moderator Presided.

On May 8, HUPC PW women and friends attended the tour and lunch offered by Vanguard Showhouse, led by Rae Rau.

Gade Farm Days will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 1, 2 & 3. See coupon printed in another section of this newsletter. On these days, 5% of sales by HUPC PW (with coupon) go to HUPC PW.

On June 5, Presbyterian Women and friends (men invited) will have supper with Bertie Chesebrough at Parkland Gardens (Kingsway). This is a fun evening for all of us and to have a chance to see Bertie. Money is also collected for Mission Minded Meal.

Please feel welcome to attend any of these meetings.

Message from the Finance and Administration Ministry Team:

The Finance and Administration Ministry Team is looking for a volunteer from the congregation that might be interested and willing to assume the role of church accountant. Principle responsibilities include reconciling bank accounts, closing the Church's books and running Treasurer's Report each month, reviewing and filing quarterly payroll tax returns, facilitating annual budget, producing and filing year end financial reports, and supporting the year end audit. The candidate would likely be a member of the Finance and Administration Ministry Team and attend those meetings. The time commitment is not significant. Adequate training and transition time will be provided. Anyone interested should contact Carl Hasselbarth, Moderator.
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Good News

Volume 22 No. 6

A small reminder: Since the Good News is not published in August, the next issue will be a combined July/August issue. The deadline for submissions to the July/August issue is June 14 th. Please plan accordingly. Your observance of newsletter deadlines is appreciated.


Friday, Saturday and Sunday: June 1, 2 & 3, 2012 Amount: $_________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________

Show and Tell

A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object that represented their religion to share with the class. The first student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish, and this is a Star of David." The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic, and this is a Rosary." The third student got in up front of the class and said, "My name is Tommy. I am a Presbyterian, and this is a casserole."
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Good News

Volume 22 No. 6

Bill Hasselbarth (June 11) MJ Pattison (June 27)

Terry & Mickey Nieman (June 24) Ron & Nancy Messersmith (June 28)

Get Ready...Its Time Again For

BarBrooks Bar-B-Q!
June 7, 2012 4:00 - 7;00pm
(unless we run out sooner!)

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Good News

Volume 22 No. 6

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Hamilton Union Happenings

June 2012
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3:30pm Brownie Troop 1779 (M) 7pm SCA Chorus (M) 7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M) 7pm Chess Club (L) 7:20pm Chancel Choir Practice (C)

12noon DAR Picnic Lunch (M)

8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S) 6:30pm CE Ice Cream Social (M)

6pm Session/Deacons Potluck (M) 7pm Session/Deacons Meeting (M)

3:30pm Brownie Troop 1495 (M) 7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M) 7pm Chess Club (L)





Newsletter Deadline



8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S)

7:20pm Chancel Choir Practice (C)

3:30pm Brownie Troop 1779 (M) 7pm SCA Chorus (M)

Fathers Day



7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M) 7pm Chess Club (L)

7:20pm Chancel Choir Practice (C)



8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 11:30am Outreach Team Meeting (L) 11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S)



3:30pm Brownie Troop 1495 (M)

7pm Boy Scouts (D) 7pm Webelos Scouts (D) 7pm Poking Brook Dancers (M) 7pm Chess Club (L)

7:20pm Chancel Choir Practice (C)



8:30am Early Worship Service (S) 10am Worship Service (S) 11:45am Handbell Choir Practice (S)

D = Downstairs

L = Lounge

S = Sanctuary

M = Multipurpose Room

C = Choir Corner


2291 Western Avenue Guilderland, New York 12084-9747

Change Service Requested Dated Material Please Deliver Promptly.

Church: (518) 456-5410 FAX: (518) 456-0002 Rev. Pattison (H) 456-1373 E-mail: Website:

Ministers: The People of Hamilton Union Our Staff: Rev. Stewart Pattison, Pastor Rev. Douglas Gray, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Mary Jo Pattison, Parish Associate Charlotte Palmeri, Director of Music Darlene DiTonno, Christian Education Director Cheryl Cootware, Church Secretary

Newsletter deadline for the July/August issue is

Thursday, June 14


Published monthly by the Session, except July-August, and mailed to each church family household, students away from home and others.

Mark Hutchinson, Editor Email Address:

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