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JET THRUST DISTRIBUTION AND CALCULATION 1. The principles of Jet propulsion are known to all of us.

To understand the distribution of the thrust forces within a jet engine, a more detailed study of the subject is required. These thrust forces are in effect the gas loads resulting from the pressure and momentum changes of the gas stream and their reaction on the engine structure and the rotating components. These gas loads can be forward propelling forces in some place and a rear ward opposing force at another location. The amount by which the sum of forward forces exceeds the sum of the rear ward forces is normally known as the rated thrust of the engine. This subject will be covered under the following headings :(a) Introduction (b) Principle of Jet propulsion (c) Distribution of thrust forces (d) Method of calculating Thrust Forces (e) Calculating the Thrust of Engine (i) compressor casing (ii) Diffuser Duct (iii) Combustion chamber (iv) Turbine assembly (v) Exhaust unit (vi) Propelling nozzle (f) Conclusion. 2. Principles of Jet Propulsion : Jet propulsion is a practical application of Newton's third law of motion which states that, `for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'. In other words for every force acting on a body there is an equal and opposite reaction. For aircraft propulsion, the `body' is atmospheric air that is caused to accelerate as it passes through engine. The force required to give this acceleration has an equal effect in the opposite direction acting on the apparatus, (engine), producing acceleration. The resultaut reaction or thrust exerted on the engine is proportional to the mass or weight of air expelled by the engine and to the velocity change imparted to it. 3. DISTRIBUTION OF THRUST : On this viewfoil you see a typical single spool axial flow turbo jet engine. Where the main forward and rearward forces act has also been illustrated. The origin of these forces is based on Newton's third law of motion as explained earlier. 4. At the start cycle, air is sucked into the engine and is compressed. The resultant pressure rise produces a large reactive force in a forward direction. On the next stage of its journey the air passes through the diffuser where it exerts a small reactive force, also in a forward direction. From the diffuser the air passes into the combustion chambers, where fuel energy is added for combustion, and in the consequent expansion large forward forces are exerted on the chamber walls. 5. When the expanding gases leave the combustion chambers they force their way through 1

Collected & compiled by Sqn Ldr VS Savekar

the nozzle guide vanes, where they are accelerated and deflected on to the blades of the turbine. Due to the acceleration and deflection, together with the subsequent straightening of the gas flow as it enters the jet pipe, considerable `drag' results. Thus the vanes and blades are subjected to large rearward forces, the magnitude of which can be seen on this diagram. As the gas flow passes through the exhaust system, small forward forces may act on the inner cone bullet, but generally only rear ward forces are produced and these are due to `drag' of the gas flow at the propelling nozzle. 6. It will be seen that during the passage of air through the engine, changes in its velocity and pressure occur. For instance, where a conversion from velocity (kinetic) energy to pressure energy is required the passage are divergent in shape, similar to that used in the compressor diffuser. Conversely, where it is required to convert the energy stored in the combustion gases to velocity, a convergent passage nozzle, similar to that in the turbine, is employed. Where conversion is to velocity energy, `drag' loads or rearwards forces are produced; where the conversion is to pressure energy, `thrust' forward forces are produced. This viewfoil illustrates the velocity pressure changes at two points on the engine. METHOD OF CALCULATING THE THRUST FORCES 7. The thrust forces or gas loads can be calculated for any flow section of the engine provided that the areas, pressures, velocities, mass flow and angle of flow are known. If, for example, these values for a set of hypothetical combustion chambers are as follows :Inlet Area Pressure Velocity Weight flow Outlet Area Pressure Velocity Weight flow = 200 sq in = 95 lbs per sq in = 370 ft/sec = 160 lbs per sec = 550 sq in = 90 lbs per sq in = 310 ft/sec = 160 lbs/sec and the pressure over the

Then the pressure over the inlet area = 200 x 95 = 19000 lbs. exhaust area = 550 x 90 = 49,500 lbs. Using the momementum equation = WV/G Where W = Weight flow in lbs per second V = Velocity in feet/second G = Gravitational Constant 32.2 The momementum over inlet = 160_x_370 = 1850 lbs 32 Over outlet area = 160_x_310 = 1550 lbs 32

Therefore gas load over inlet area = 19000 + 1850 = 20850 lbs = 49500 + 1550=51050 lbs. 2

and over outlet area

Collected & compiled by Sqn Ldr VS Savekar

Thus the resultant thrust is 51050 - 20850 = 30200lbs for all chambers. If the combustion chamber is inclined torwards the axis engine, then the horizontal thrust will be less than that for an axial flow chamber. This thrust can be obtained by multipling the sum of the outlet thrust by cosine of the angle. CALCULATING THE THRUST OF THE ENGINE 8. Before applying this method to calculate the individual thrust loads on various components, it will be of interest to calculate the thrust typical engine, because the sum of the individual thrust load should equal the total or rated thrust of engine. 9. The thrust produced by the engine is mainly the product of the mass of air passing through the engine and the increase in velocity imparted to it. This is obviously the difference between the inlet velocity and the velocity by the gas leaving the propelling nozzle (Vj). Therefore, the thrust at a static condition, when inlet air velocity is zero, can be expressed as WVj/g, and at a flight condition as W(Vj-V)/g. Where V represents aircraft speed. Assuming that the engine as a weight flow of 153 lbs/sec, and a jet velocity of 1917 ft per sec, at the propelling nozzle, than the thrust at a static condition would be:153_x_1917 = 9166 lbs. 32 10. Although the momentum change of the gas stream produces most of the thrust developed by the engine, an additional thrust is produced when engine operates with the propelling nozzle is a `choked' condition. This thrust result from aero dynamic forces which are created by the gas stream and exerts a pressure across the exit area of the propelling nozzle. Algebraically, this force is expressed as (P-Po)A. Where A = Area of propelling nozzle in sq inches P = Pressure in lb per sq in Po = Atmospheric pressure in lbs/sq in Assuming A = 332 sq in P = 6 lb/sq in Po = 0 per sq in The thrust = (6 - 0) 332 = 1992 lbs

Thus total thrust = 9166 + 1922 lb = 11,158 lbs On engine that operate with a non-choked nozzle, the above calculation does not apply and thrust results only from the gas stream momentum change. Now having ascertained the total thrust of the engine, it will be of interest to see how the individual thrust loads through the engine are calculated and how, when combined, they equal the total thrust value of 11,158 lbs. COMPRESSOR CASING 11. To obtain the thrust on the compressor casing it is necessary to calculate the conditions at 3

Collected & compiled by Sqn Ldr VS Savekar

the inlet to the compressor and the conditions at the outlet from the compressor. Since the pressure and the velocity at the inlet to the compressor are zero, it is only necessary to consider the forces at the outlet from the compressor. Therefore, given that the compressor :Outlet area A = 182 sq in Press P = 94 lbs per sq in Velocity V = 406 ft/sec Weight flow W = 153 lbs/sec The thrust = A x P + WV/g - 0 = 182 x 94 + 153_x_406 - 0 32 = 19,049 lbs of thrust in forward direction DIFFUSER DUCT 12. The conditions at the diffuser duct inlet are the same as the condition at the compressor outlet, i,e; 19,049 lb. Therefore, given that the diffuser Outlet Area A = 205 sq in Press P = 95 lbs per sq in Weight flow W = 153 lbs/sec The thrust


V = 368 ft per sec

= A x P + WV/g - 19,049 = 205 x 95 + 153_x_368 - 19,049 32 = 21,235 - 19,049 =2,186 lbsofthrust ina forward COMBUSTION CHAMBER


13. The conditions at the combustion chamber inlet are same as the condition at the dilfuser outlet i.e.; 21,235 lbs Therefore, given that the combustion chamber Outlet Area A = 580 sq in Press P = 93 lbs per sq in Velocity V = 309 ft per sec Weight flow W = 153 lbs/sec The thrust = A x P + WV/g - 21,235 lbs = 580 x 93 + 153_x_309 - 21,235 4

Collected & compiled by Sqn Ldr VS Savekar

32 = 55,417 - 21,235 = 34,182 lbs of thrust in a forward TURBINE ASSEMBLY


14. The conditions at the turbine inlet are same as the conditions at the combustion chamber outlet, i.e.; 55,417 lbs. Therefore, given that the turbine :Outlet Area A = 480 sq in Press P = 21 lbs per sq in Weight flow W = 153 lbs/sec The thrust


V = 888 ft per sec

= A x P + WV/g - 55,417 = 480 x 21 + 153_x_888 - 55,417 32

= 14,326 - 55,417 = - 41,091 lbs. The negative value means a force in rearward direction. ENGINE EXHAUST AND JETPIPE 15. The condition at the inlet to the exhaust unit is the same as the conditions at the turbine outlet, i,e; 14,362 lbs. Outlet Area A = 615 Sq in Preassure P = 21 lbs per Sq in Velocity V = 643 ft per sec Weight flow W = 153 lbs per sec The Thrust = A X P + WV/g -14,326 = 651 X 21 + 153_X_643 - 14,326 32 = 16,745-14,326 = 2,419 lbs of Thrust in Fwd direction PROPELLING NOZZLE 16. The condition at the inlet of the propelling nozzle are the same as the conditions at the jetpipe outlet, i,e; 16,745 lbs. Therefore; given that the propelling nozzle 5
Collected & compiled by Sqn Ldr VS Savekar

Outlet area A = 332 Sq in Pressure P = 6 lbs per Sqn in Velocity V = 1,917 ft/sec Weight flow W = 153 lbs per sec The thurst = A X P + WV/g - 16,745 = 332 x 6 + 153_x_1,917 - 16,745 32 = 11,158 - 16,745 = -5,587 lbs Acting in a rear word direction

17. Now to work out the total thrust of this engine, we will sum up the component gas loads by adding the forward or positive loads and substracting the rearwards or negitive loads . Forward loads (a) Compressor Cosing = 19,049 lbs (b) Diffuser duct = 2,186 lbs (c) Consumption chamber = 34,182 lbs (d) Jet pipe = ___2,419 lbs Total Forward Loads = __54,836 lbs Rear Ward Loads (a) Turbine Assembly (b) Propelling Nozzle Total rearward loads = 41,091 lbs = ___5,587 lbs = __46,678 lbs

Net Thrust = Forward Loads - Rearward Loads = 57,836 - 46,678 lbs = 11,158 lbs. Thus the effective (total) thrust is only 11,158 lbs, which equals the calculated thrust for complete engine as explained earlier.

Collected & compiled by Sqn Ldr VS Savekar


18. Most of the aircrafts today are powered by Jet engines and specially so in military aviation. The performance of an aircraft is greatly governed by the performance of its engines. A jet engine produces thrust based on the reaction of gas loads on its various components. The algerbraic summation of these gas loads gives the total thrust produced by the engine. The forward thrust is produced by compressor, Diffuser, Combustion chamber and Jet pipe, whereas rear ward by turbine assembly and propelling nozzle. During flight various additional factors will effect engine performance by effecting individual component effeciencies. As an military aviator you will be required to operate your engines to their max limits, for which a sound knowledge of development of thrust and its distribution is necessary.


Collected & compiled by Sqn Ldr VS Savekar

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