29 April ICRAET 120512 (Online) IJSAA Steganography Enhancement by Hiding Fingercode-Biometric Into Digital Image

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International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

Steganography Enhancement By Hiding Fingercode-Biometric Into Digital Image Through Wavelet Technique
Najran N. H. Aldawla, 2M. M. Kazi, 3K. V. Kale, 3 Professor and Head, 1,2,3 Department of CS & IT, Dr. B. A. M. University,Aurangabad, India e-mail: meetnajran@gmail.com, mazhar940@gmail.com

Abstract - This paper presents a novel integration of steganography in biometrics system to find a solution for enhancing security and protect the ownership by concealing a fingercode data into digital image for an authentication purpose. In this paper, we proposed an enhancement of steganography algorithm which involves the scheme of discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) by secretly embed biometric data (fingercode) in the content of a face image. The system based on converting fingerprint images to fingercode and hide into a face image. Here first generate the fingercode (stego key) from finger print, then processing deals with embedding and extracting algorithm, finally the process deals with authentication. An experimental result shows a high level of effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed system. Keywords: Steganograp:, Biometrics, FingerCode, fingerprint recognition, e-security, authentication, DWT.

ject and the extraction algorithm illustrates how to extract the message from the stego object. On the other hand, biometrics [4, 5] represents automated methods of identifying a person or verifying the identity of a person based on a physiological or behavioral Characteristic. Examples of physiological characteristics include hand or finger images, facial characteristics, and iris recognition. Behavioral characteristics are traits that are learned or acquired. Dynamic signature verification, speaker verification, and keystroke dynamics are examples of behavioral characteristics. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we discuss an introduction of generating a fingercode form fingerprint biometric and wavelet transform. Embedding and extracting strategies is proposed and describes the proposed model and authentication purpose. Experimental result and conclusion are given in section 4 and 5 respectively. II. GENERATE FINGERCODE DATA This section describe the generation of the fingercode from the fingerprint image. Fig 1 specified in step 1 shows the process of how to extract the features of fingerCode based on a filter-based algorithm uses a bank of Gabor filters to capture both local and global details in a fingerprint as a compact fixed length FingerCode. The current scheme of feature extraction tessellates the region of interest in the given fingerprint image with respect to the point of reference. The four main processes in our feature extraction algorithm are Determine a reference point and region of interest for the fingerprint image; Tessellate the region of interest around the reference point; Filter the region of interest in eight different directions using a bank of Gabor filters (eight directions are required to completely capture the local ridge characteristics in a fingerprint While only four directions are required to capture the global configuration; Compute the average absolute deviation from the mean (AAD) of gray values in individual sectors in filtered images to define the feature vector or the FingerCode. For more details refers to [7, 8, 9]. The operating in the transform domain Compared to the spatial domain is more robust to visual or statistical attacks [9]. By being embedded in the transform domain, the hidden data resides in more robust areas, especially the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). In general, is distinctive and widely used for embedding the biometric images which proving the recognition accuracy from tempering and produces images with more storage capacity. Fig 2 Shows the DWT framework in

I. INTRODUCTION In this era, the incorporate of Digital Steganography and biometrics are the fascinating scientific area which falls under the umbrella of security system. Due to the escalation use of multimedia across the Internet, multimedia distribution became an imperative way to deliver services around the world. It is commonly applied in Internet marketing campaigns and electronic commerce web sites. In particular, has explored means of new business, scientific, entertainment, and social opportunities. One of the great advantages of digital data is that it can be reproduced without losing the quality. Digital media offer several distinct advantages over analog media, such as high quality, easy editing, high fidelity copying. The ease by which digital information can be duplicated and distributed has led to the need for effective copyright protection tools. [1] For instance, identity and verify document attacks are on the rise because easy-to-use digital image tools that available at decreasing prices [2] There are many real life applications of Steganography being used as copy protection, copyright communication and e-commerce, authentication, forensic tracking, broadcast and Internet monitoring, counterfeit deterrence. Similar techniques are now undergoing trials in an electronic publishing project, with a view to hiding copyright messages and serial numbers in documents [2, 4] Digital Steganography describe techniques that are used to imperceptibly convey information by hide secrets into the cover-data such as an image, document, audio, video file, so that no other people can detect or extract the existence of the secrets. [1, 3] A steganographic method consists of an embedding algorithm and an extraction algorithm. The embedding algorithm describes how to hide a message into the cover ob-

Volume 2, Issue ICRAET12, May 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICRAET12|April 29-30,2012|Hyderabad|India

Steganography Enhancement By Hiding FingercodeBiometric Into Digital Image Through Wavelet Technique


International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

the transform domain, Where it transforms the host image into various levels frequency sub-bands of equal sizes at each decomposition level n, Haar wavelet packet: The integer input and output is the important property of the integer wavelet. Integer Haar transform is one of the most straightforward discrete wavelet transforms (DWT), where the basic idea is to express a discrete signal in terms of its average value A and successive levels of details D1Dn. The first decomposition level of DWT catches a low-pass filter result and a high-pass filter result, then the low-pass result. The 2D Haar DWT is a separable transformation and it can be computed using a sequence of column and row 1D Haar DWT transformations.

lustrates the idea of Wavelet transformation as applied to the area of image processing. For more details refers to [6, 10, 11]

Fig. 2. Wavelet packet tree, L=low-pass filter, H=high-pass filter.

Fig.1. hiding fingerCode scheme.

The wavelet packet transform applies low-pass and high-pass filters to both low-pass and high-pass results from the previous decomposition level. Fig 3 shows the tree structure of wavelet packet transform. The root of the tree is the original input data. The first level of the tree is the result of low-pass and high-pass filters. In Fig.3, L and H represent the low-pass filter and the high-pass filter, respectively. The Key-dependent coefficient-extension that propose a keydependent coefficient-extension scheme, which is an embedding operation using the tree structure of wavelet packet. At any given ith level of wavelet decomposition, j represents the position of the filters, where j=1...2i, the filtering outcomes will be applied to the coefficient-extension operation. The structure of the key is then built by numerical concatenation. The expression of this key structure is defined as, (1) Where a represents the total levels of wavelet decomposition. [Kj]i is the binary number which indicates where the coefficient extension operation at the ith level is preformed: if position j will be used for the extension operation, the binary value in [Kj]i is assigned to 1, otherwise 0. At the 1st level, if the outcomes of two filters (L and H) are not used for extension, then two 0 are assigned to [k] 1, [k] 1 = [(00)] 1. At the 2nd level, the outcomes of filter HL are used, then [k] 2 = [(0010)] 2. At the 3rd level, outcomes of LHH, HHL and HHH are for extension, then [K] 3 = [(00010011)] 3. Finally, we have the structure of 3K = {[k] 1, [k] 2, [k] 3} = {[(00)] 1, [(0010)] 2, [(00010011)] 3}. Notably, Tian method can be viewed as a special case of aK, where a = 1, 1K = {[k] 1} = {[(01)] 1}, and the transform is 1D integer Haar. The DWT used in this paper is implemented using the functions available with MATLAB to simplify the analysis and minimize development time. The following discussion ilVolume 2, Issue ICRAET12, May 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICRAET12|April 29-30,2012|Hyderabad|India

ak {[Kj]1,...,[Kj]i,...,[ Kj]a}, i 1,...,a, j 1,...2i

III. HIDING FINGERCODE DATA In this section, we use fingercode features as stego image information embedded to the face image, after image recognition is completed, we extract the embedded stego image (fingercode features) and compute the similarity between the extract fingerprint features and the enrolled one. This is not only a robust and effective authentication method, but it can make the stego image of embedded data more secure. Embedding and extracting methods description shown in figure 1. a) Embedding scheme The block diagram of our proposed method is shown in fig.1, with fingerprint file as input, and a JPEG image as input and output. First, we find embedding subchannels and capacity to be chosen to ensure good capacity and robustness to detection. Second construct the histograms of positive and negative DWT coefficient of the original image, then generating a random key which will be used to select the extract locations from wavelet domain. Finally the minimum distortion remapping policy is applied to decide the quantization value for embedding scheme, and then embed the fingerprint features to those of face images to generate the stego image b) Extracting scheme The extraction process aim is to estimate and obtain reliability of the original image from a possible distortion version of the stego image. The extraction process can be carried out by reversing the embedding procedures that is generate the similar random permutations of each embedding subchannel as the encoding by using the same user-provided key and given the correlation coefficient between the given and extracted one to get the output as the original image and the fingerCode. c) Fingerprint Biometric Authentication We use the fingerprint feature extracted. Then we calculate the correlation value between the extracted features of fingerprint and the registered features of fingerprint. Users authentication is successful when the computed correlation value is greater than predefined threshold. If the correlation value is smaller than the threshold, then the users authentication is regarded to be unsuccessful. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT AND DISSCUSION To authenticate the performance and the efficiency of the embedding methods, executive tests have taken place. We perform simulation on five well-known images each with a different variable parameter size and an embedded fingercode data which describe how the fingerprint image is converted. The resulting parameters from the proposed methods of five test images are show in the tab. 1. These parameters are varied to achieve the most suitable for different characteristics.


Steganography Enhancement By Hiding FingercodeBiometric Into Digital Image Through Wavelet Technique


International Journal of Systems , Algorithms & Applications

Table 1. Similarity measures for the FACE, CAMERAMAN, LENA, HOME images .
Image PSNR MSE AVERAGE DIF MAX DIFF Face 31.9313 41.682 0.1849 2 Cameraman 80.7933 5.42E04 0.0685 3 Lena 47.0799 1.2738 0.0539 13 Home 34.536 22.8814 0.1833 107

steganography method based on DWT shows the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed system. A new metric that measures the objective quality of the image based on the extracted stego image bit is introduced in our proposed method. The face image after extracting the embedding finger features is nearly the same with the original face image before embedding in aspect of recognition result. In future work, we are considering the use of multimodal biometrics features as reference points to recover from any various attaches and distortions. VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of UGC in Special Assistance Program (SAP) DRS Phase-I for research work on the theme Biometrics: Multimodal System Development. The authors also thank delegates of the department and various institutes, who have donated their biometrics for the Multimodal Biometric Research Lab. VII. REFERENCES

Here we have used the similarity measures for the various images such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), is adopted to estimate the dissimilarity between the original and the watermarked host images and can be defined via Mean Square Error (MSE) in the unit of logarithmic decibel (dB) as follows:

PSNR 10 log

(2n 1) 2 2552 10 log MSE MSE


(3) A higher PSNR indicates that the watermarked host image is closer to the original one from the perspective of host contents. The host fidelity is acceptable for any PSNR greater than 30 dB. We have used average difference and Maximum Difference measures for the various images to differentiate between the original image and stego image as follows:

1 M N MSE x j ,k x 'j ,k MN j 1 k 1



[4] [5]

AD x j , k x 'j , k / MN
j 1 k 1


(5) Fig.3. shows the face original image and the stego image respectively and it shows the fingercode date and we see that the original image is not distinguishable from the stego image.

MD Max x j ,k x

' j ,k






Face Original Image FingerCode (Message) Stego Image Fig.3. Result of the proposed algorithm


V. CON LUSION The emerging techniques in the field of transform domain such as DWT and adaptive Steganography are not an easy target for attaches, especially when the concealed messages are small. We have proposed a new framework for enhancing security biometrics authentication system .in which a new digital



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Volume 2, Issue ICRAET12, May 2012, ISSN Online: 2277-2677 ICRAET12|April 29-30,2012|Hyderabad|India


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