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SAFETY AT WORK COMPLIANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL For the safety of personnel working with or associated with

apparatus described in this manual it is recommended that the Buyer should comply with the instructions and information contained herein. The Buyer should also ensure that all personnel who will be associated with this apparatus are familiar with these instructions and information. INSTALLATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The apparatus described in this manual should be correctly installed, in a suitable location, by technically qualified and competent person experienced in the class of work involved. The completed installation should be examined and approved by a responsible person to ensure that it is correct and in a safe condition for operation. The Buyer should also ensure that safe systems of work, appropriate to the operation, maintenance and testing of LIVE APPARATUS, are adopted and are enforced upon the personnel concerned. For maintenance and testing the Buyer should ensure that either:a) The apparatus is isolated and all parts are made safe to touch before any work is carried out upon it. In this event it must not be possible for the apparatus to become LIVE whilst work is proceeding. OR b) SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS are taken to ensure safety if the apparatus is not isolated. Such work must be under the direct supervision of a responsible person.

ACCESS TO THE APPARATUS The Buyer should ensure that access to this apparatus is restricted to authorised person only. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Always observe work safety procedures. 2. Take careful notice of all warning labels and danger signs fixed to the equipment. 3. Only authorized persons are permitted to enter the electrical equipment room. 4. Special precautions must be taken when an electrician is working on live electrical equipment. 4.1 Do not touch live terminals. 4.2 Do not interfere in any way with the operation of the equipment. 5. Electrical equipment must be made DEAD before changing any component or connecting wire to a terminal. 6. When working on any piece of equipment which can MOVE, observe works safety procedures and permit to work to avoid DANGER. 7. Only the authorized operating personnel are permitted to operate this plant. Tests which cause the plant to operate must use the normal operators controls, and the authorized operating personnel must supervise such tests to ensure they are SAFE. 8. Before working on any equipment, check if it is in an area which is subject to any additional safety instructions because of the possible presence of hazardous or explosive gases. Always observe the additional safety instructions. 9. Do not touch capacitor terminals or associated cables before they are short circuited and earthed.

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